West Grey Digital Newspapers

Grey Review, 7 Dec 1882, p. 2

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$ o . this request wui meel wilh a iberai reâ€" ‘ Provtox C-‘UNCIL-â€"-Munician Council gpouse, as the cagso of Temperance h“‘hwm.hip Proton. â€" Meeting as Court of Be. saffered very much in e past for MODCY | visjon at MecDowell‘s hotel, Dandalk, on Ao earry on.its operations. Thursday the 23rd Nov., 1882.â€"Moved by Assavrr.â€"A case of ‘assault and battery | John Aguew, seconded by James Robinâ€" was tricd before Justice Proctor, on Tuesâ€"| son, that the court donow rdjonrn to meet: .hy Inst. â€" John Lewreuce of Bentinek was | at Dundalk on 1st December at 10 a‘xlock | charged with assanulti@ Edward HMutton.| a. 1. â€"Carried. ' He was fined 82 and bound over to keep| 1yr,, John Davidson, who was the fint! the peace.â€"Foxt. station agent at Chateworth after th@baid. Go to J. H. Hunter‘s for Hats, Caps,/ing of the T.. G. & B., disd in Wiovipeg Posta & Sives, cheap. wse Tresday, Nov, 14;)5, ® Sunday for speciad appeal, is a good one. The imuguitude of the evil warrants the churches in taking more active measures for its entire snppression. The work cauâ€" pot be carried on without fauds, and an apâ€" peal has been made to thé Ministers and pepple for the sollection ou that Sunday, to belpin this direction. Wa trast that this request will meet with a liberal reâ€" gpouse, as the cagso of Temperance has Truperaxce Suxpay.â€"The Execut‘v of the Qutario Branch ef the Dowminion Alliance haxe sat apart Sunday,Dee. 17th, as**Semqperance Sanday." â€" Ministers of all denomicatiogs in .Ontario have been invitâ€" ed to preach «o their scongregations on that day on somme phase of the Temperance work. The proposal of setti battle of Telâ€"elâ€"Kebir, the Highlan& rusk f lacerated. â€" Dr. Gun sas etce. The work is got up in two very fine | the wounds which aro of styles of binding at an approachable price, i tare, but it is hoped it wi Do not fail to securs one from Mr. Torry, ‘i ary to ampatate any of i1 Upper Towu, Dornam. ‘ Dratm or Dr. M:G Truperaxce Suxpay.â€"The Executiy | CHATSWORTH.â€"A |desnat key, the bambardment of Ai booak «is prail gat up, ilnstrated with sevenâ€" Ay Aiye qngravings of baitles, cities, potavle generals ate,, and gives a fall and interestâ€" ing discription @f the recont battles in Turâ€" War Ix Eovyet.â€"We were shown the prospects of "The History of Turkey and #the War in Eszypt," by Mr. Torry of Durâ€" bays and the sugrounding towsships. The Tur favorites for the four vaeant Sena torships are Messrs. James Turner, Hamâ€" ilton ; J. Ginty, Toronto ; George Jaekson exâ€"M. P., South Grey ; and John Mclenâ€" nan, exâ€"M. P. for Glengarry.â€"Globe. Tus Mount Forest Advocate has pussed aut of the hands of Mr. Hart and will atâ€" ger the 1st of January, be issued under the managoment of the Advocate Printing and Publisbing Co, She paper will still sontinue fto advocate the C onservatiye Care at J. H. Haynior‘s, Durhaos, He has Coal Oil cheap by the barrel. New Fruits eonsisting of Raisins, Carâ€" rants, Figs, Nuts, etc. just arrived at A. Davidson‘s, Durham. E poer en lllitatans ds 11 have been prohibited from buying unless at an outlay of severnl hundred dollars ex. tra expense if they comply with the byâ€"law. Who are the suicides? The byâ€"law is doâ€" ing more damave than we even anticipated and the ratepayers in the Town are comâ€" i9g to the conclasion that we predicted they would. If the suicides wish it we will pub« lish the names of some of those who are disgusted with the byâ€"law and why. Howâ€" ever the faneral is not of our seeking. Is At not & monstrous piece of iniquity for any man or set of men to deliberately go to work to prohibit men of business, men who [ have been carrying on that buciness for 20 years, and have accordingly conveniences for doing that business at their own stores, and compel them to go three quarters of a mile from their former business places to do the same. No impartial persoa bat will l acknowledge that it is the most outrageous piece of mmunicipal legisiation ever attenspt ; @ od. _ it is the prohibitory clauses in the by=| law that we have «lways opposed, and | f oppose still, and before five weeks are oyerf ? there will not be a half a dozen men either | in or ont of Darham that will dare to u,v’ f that we are pursuing a suicidal course, but c we know not‘ that the farmers as a whole 9 will sustain us in the stand we hnvoMonw and say we are right. We belieye at the I same time that bbese clayses wiur Bz rE PBaLED, and that Durkam, se 2 mnrlml will he gecond to no other Town, 0 * "‘rrred that if the Town Council persisted in passing a compnisory or proâ€" hibitory byâ€"law, that it wonld be an injory to the whole town and drive the Furmers elsowhere. That is just exactly what it is doing. _ The Markdale Standard, of last week says :=â€"*98 loads of farm produce was sold in Maurkdale on Tuesday ana 86 on Wednesday." Severa) lowds Wara Avic 7~~**078â€"â€""38 loads of farm produce was sold in Markdale on Tuesdn y and 86 on Wednesday." Severa) loads were drivâ€" en off the Market in Durham ana taken home, why ? because some of the Linvers We stated that if the persisted in passing a con hibitory byâ€"law, that it wo to the whole town and driâ€" elsowhere. Thatis jnst e â€"â€"It is proposed to hold a Liberal Conâ€" vention in Toronto on the 3rd and 4th of January next. The proposition has been received with general satisfaction by the Reform Party in Ontario, and we have no doubt the Convention will boe a decided success. There are many roasons why such a Convention will be poculiarly apâ€" propriate, and the time proposed seems to give great satisfaction. Eteps will at onee be taken in the various municipalities to select delegates to atieni the Convention. Durham, Deqe;n;;r 6, 1385 Alexander Tayier m’e.o.-’l‘, * _ A8e Witoess"â€"John Doopn' ;So:l A O:ut_ Successâ€"John 1 1. 2 ‘~C4HTe Doarâ€"Win. Smith, Glenelg. Creat Bargsinsâ€"J. H. Hunter, Durham. Dissolution of Partnuership 1 Torry & Co. Heifer Came Astray â€"John Hooper, Durham CMie UKtie cce ie Ai: $50.000 to Loan â€"F. M+cBRue. Fart for Saloâ€"D: Juckson, Jr, War in Egyptâ€"R. Torry, Durham, U“'imâ€"ln. L‘.myw" DIP... se k ww o us AOEd WHO ARE THE BUICIDES > made to crler at A. Davidâ€" ~* 4 B w4 settiung apart a Advertisements Aiexagdria, the of the Luyers buying unless ed dollars exâ€" sition has been isfaction by the and we have no 1 be a decided * reasons why : poculiarly apâ€" Pricevilie. Sap Accrtorsr ar Hopsymuir.â€"Ws reâ€" ’gut to hear that a sad gcecident ccmntred on 10th Con., Protan, to 2 vephew of Mr. Charles Jack. The boy is 13 years of age and was strauck on the Lead by a lingb of a tree. It is possitle the agcident aay terâ€" minate fitally as there is very little hope of his recovery. â€"Dundalk Heraid. \ ped *2y8 :â€"Dr. McQr»gor, of this city, and formerty of Chatsworth, Ont., died someâ€" what saddenly in the St. John‘s hotel on Sund«y night Ho was only iil fifteen hours, Congestfion of the lungs, plenrisy, and heart disease prgeipitated his desth. His wite aod fargily are in Ontario. peg says :â€"â€"Dr. McGr»gor Srertovus Acctorst.â€"On Batorday last ’)Ir, Wim. Sanderson got his hand conght in a saw in the Durham Foundry, and the httle finger l1z 4 some of sinews cut in two, aud exejoing dislaested, ‘he next finger was nearly oud in iwo, onuly just Lhanging toâ€" gether by a Hitls fMesk the boue bei 1g com pletely severed, agd ‘ye thumb was bmlly‘ lacerated. â€" Dr. Gun sas called in to dross the wounds which aro of a vecy fexious usâ€" ’ Gleuelg. Iruss..â€"Our contom. ceems to ihink it would be an insult if he natted Archbishap Lynch on the back, Well we think so too, Again hbe says he conld imet=zce a certain M.P. P. acting mevely as a swbâ€"editor, We suppose he meant on ex M. P. ‘He gives us a new yersion of the word*" whew," Perhaps he is going to got out a pew die tionary. } Fatam Acompexr s Bextixck.â€"On Tue:. day lest a man named Michnel Sullivan was chopping in the bash ou Mr. 8. Wilâ€" son‘s, farm, in Bentinek, in company with several others, when a treo fell on ham striking higa on the head. He only lived abaut twouty minutes after Lsing struck, Ho was enmarried. Axcrioy Sate.â€"There will be an Aneâ€" tiog sale of Fagin Stoes, Implements, etc., on Lo& No. 24, Con, 23, Exremont, on Thursday Dec, 12th, 1882. Terms 13 B nths eredit. Noil and Hugh Cameron, ’ Proprietors. D. MeCormick Auctioneer, .Ox Friday week Hon. C. Clark, ngv.kori of the O tario Legislature, had a nerrow eseape from the loss of kis residence in‘ Elors by fire. A lamp expladed and set fire to his library. Fho flames were obâ€" served by a man passing and quickly exâ€" tinguisised. Damage about $100. Mustctrat _ NowtxatIo®s.â€"The _ last Monday of the year being Christmas day, the Municipal Nominations will tske pince gceording to the Act, on Friday, Decemâ€" ber 222d, at the usual hour. The eleations will take pleee on New Year‘s dav. Crentt Sate.â€"James MeKechnie will have a credit anction sale on his lot, No. 26, 2ud Con. N. D. R. Rentinek, of Farm Stock, Implements, ete., on Frdazy Dec. 18th, 1882. Terme 11 moufhs eredit. Hugh MacKay, Auctioncer, _ Tnz Town Council met last Monday evâ€" enivg, and after passing oveg four handred dollars of nccounts, appointing the usual polling places and other business adjourn ed. We will give minutes next week. Crentt Sate.â€"James MeKechnie will _ It is said there will be a vigurous eonâ€" test in Glenelg for the Deputy Reeveship, Theo names of Messrs Binnie, Davis, Glenâ€" cross, and Mullarky are all mentioned in conncction therewith. _ It was a poor day to witness the Transit of Venus in this section yesterday. We orâ€" peet the transit took place all right though we did not see it. We hope they bad finer woather elsewhere. w Georgetown has voted $6,000 bonus to the Glen Woollen Mills Company. If Duorham would give $3,000 towards a woolâ€" len will they would get one. | Mx. H. W. Leesox® and Miss Leeson of Normanby left yesterdsy for England, where they intend to spend a few weeks iu‘ visiting friends. Mr. Warres: Wartack returned to hi« duties at Mr. John Cameron‘s, Durham, afâ€" tor a fow weeks visit to Owen Sound. Tuzx Mereury man seems sceptical in reâ€" gard to that egs story, but we can assure him it is the eggsâ€"act truth. Tus enow is now considerably over 18 inches in depth in this part of Ontario, and sleighing is good. Mr. W. Rundle has been enegnaged as teacher of Dundalk school for 1893 at a salâ€" ary of $450. it is hoped it will not bs Carnt at J. H. Hunter‘s, Durham, for Bargains. He bas piles of Overcoats and Furs cheap. Tak Aunual Tea Meeting of the Methoâ€" dist Charel, Darkam, will be held on New Years Day. GrEaT sale of Dry Goods at reduc#© prices for December, at A. Davidson‘s Durâ€" ham. or Dr. McGzrrcor, Larg o# A Cnmoree lot of Mautle Cloths at A. Davidson‘s, Durbam. Toâ€"par we have one of the wrost snow stors we ever saw. Just arrived, at R. Torry‘s, another lot of fine Christmas goods. Go to J. H. Hunter‘s, Durham, for cheap Axes and Crose Cut Saws. BuiLots® operations in Gnelph this year amount to one bhundred thousand doilars. | _ Tey J. H | Fruits. enc fiiydi ihad tss sc a ds ic Review Oftice. ® The Mercury seys thers are white spar rows in Guelph, Tas County Counsil of Grey met yester day at Owen Sound. Local and Other Items. ME despatch from Winni Hona. C. Clark, Spoâ€"ker islature, had a nerrow oss of kis residence in lamp expladed and set . Hunter‘s Teas and Christmas be fingers ‘iDsto2ce a certain ly as a ssebâ€"editor. wonld be acceptalle at the P. He 258 die hap | not given by the Town of Durham to the +| menufacturing indostry. â€" In the North ‘ : West it gras no uncommon thing for a farâ€" |wer to acquire a thousand neres of land, ,lnud he was on a farra of about 1800 neres | which bad ouly been taken up by two ,l.rnthcrs less than three years ago, and | that already they hbad at work &A steam ‘plnw which plowed nine ferrews at once | the total being about twelye feat wide,and | all tue latest improved implements, and 14 | teams, ‘That much progress could rearce» [1y bemade by a farmer in Ontario in forty years. The mannfactory with whick he was concected in St. Thomas had already sbipped 500 tons of Goods, and had now on hand orders for two hbundred and fifty tons more. F ' MUr. Cochrane replied in a very interest. ug addxess in which he pointed ont the !u;c-r.i. agd rapid growth uf tae North West, ard showed the beneft that that Immtuse belQ of Agriculture wonld he tothe mann. factureys of the Oider P1p vinces, and par tienlarly to Westero Ontario. Jn gravell ing over a part of the sopulty daring JJ&O“ past summer be was astpnished atthe uom. ber of different asricultural implemeu‘ts! now in use, and that more attention was not given by the Town of Durham to‘t,lqo' meoufacturing indostry. â€" In the North \\ AOT T posed | "The Mannfucuniun eoupled with tha name of Mr which was most enthusiasties Mr. McCube was called tpon and gave a briet addross. Mr, R. A. Pringle in a brief address reâ€" ferrei to the standing of the legal profesâ€" sion, and its use to the public. S Dr. Landerkin also briely replied. "The Sister Eocietigs," renlied to by Mr. J. Woodland, Sr., on belmlt'q." the Onng; Society. "The lem;ned Professionfi,” Dr. Jaimieson, who spoke o made in medical science. Mr. E. Gurney followed in a dress, and closed by giving a son style, appropriate to the occasion Mr. Muncey ;eplia(l interesting manner, "The Copmercial Interesis," eoupled with the names of Mesers. Muncey and E. Gurney was duly houored. *‘The Ontiario Legitiatare," coupled with , the name of Mr. Hunter the present memâ€" hor, was then given,and was briefly replied to by that gentleman. *‘The Town Council," was then duly proposed, and Mr. Joln Rubertson called «pon to respond. Mr. Robertson on risâ€" ing to his feet, said the Mauyor was present but had gone away, and he could not say a good word in favor of the Council, and‘ the less said about them the Letter. Mr. Robertson‘s romaurks were loudly ap. plande] l Mr. Monroe Viceâ€"President, then posed "The House of Commons,"" co withe the name of Dr. Lavderkin. Doctor in responding said thit so fr lad evjoyed the evening very much congiatulated the society upon the sn of the occasion. 20000 @+ mMOUIY Parker, A. McCabe, Jus .!Brown, Robert MceFurlane, Jolhn Rober + 4 ' son, A. D. McKenzie, Arch. McKenzie, A. . | H. N. Jenkins of the Chronicle, J. Townsâ€" | end of the REVIEW, James Burt, Pasco Suunders, and others of Durham, and Mt.‘ J. A. Shaw of Williatsford, Aiter a short intermission and the clearâ€" ing away of the disbes, the President in propesing the toast "St, Audrew‘s Day," gave a buief listory of St, Audrew, the Patron Saiut of Beotlund, and the re toru.« «ijon of St. Audrew‘s Bociety in Durham, "The Queen" was then proposed the Comâ€" pany singing "God save the Queen." The| Prince and Princess of Wales and all the |â€" Rojysal Family," "The Governorâ€"General | | of the Dominion, and the Lieutenantâ€"Gov. | ernor of Ontario." _ "The Army and Nuvy | a and Volunteers," were duly bonoured | 1 Mr. James Watson then sang "Rule Erit. | ) tannia." 1 ‘| _ We notreed sitting at table J. H. Hunter, Esq, M, P. P., President of the Society, in â€"| the chair ; on the right the Rev. S. A. Asâ€" ) | bury, Dr. Landerkin, M. P., and F. Macâ€" Rae, Esq., Reeve of Glenelg. Ou his left, | Messrs. C. Moffut and Muncey of Hanover, John A, Munro, Esq., and J. F. Mowat, Esq., occupied the vicoâ€"chairs. _ There | were sitting at the table, D. Jackson, Esq., Mayor o Durkam ; Adam Cochrane, Esq., | of St. Tuomas, Messrs. Samuel Dickson, Walter Laidlaw, Quintin Campbell, Joseph Corbett, Rubert Watson, and others of Benâ€" tinck ; Churles Wutson, James Allin, and others of Egremont ; Willinm Grant, who ’ with his bag pipes, was an important faatâ€" ure in the celebration, Mathew Barber and James Watson of Normanby ; Walter | Nichol, Mugh McFayden, Donald McFay. | den, Colin C. MeFuyden, James Lauder, | of Glenelg ; Dr. Jamiesun, R. A Pringle, | E. Gurney, Heury Parker, A. McCabe, Jus | I Agrienltaral Interests," ‘.’ House, Durham,on Thursday evening last, , | as it was generally throughoutthe Dominâ€" ion by either dinner or Concert. Forsevâ€" * | oral years past very little action was taken in a St. Andrew‘s Society in Durhawm, alâ€" * | though formerly there was a good Society i here, and the Old St. Andrew‘s hall is a . | wellâ€"known institation of the Town. Last year the popular host of the McAlister y | House, got up a dinner of the very best kind, to which a few sous ot Old Scotia and , | others did ample justice, and it will be reâ€" membered that one ef the most sociable and enjoyable evenings was spent by those pre. ‘ | sent. Steps were taken a few weeks ago and a St. Andrew‘s Society formed, the | officers duly elected, and a committee apâ€" pointed to make arrangements for getting up a dinnér. Mr. McAlister was entrusted with the task of providing fhe dinuer, and he performed his part in a most satisfacâ€" tory manuer, and on the evening in ques»| . tion about seventy gentlemen sat down to a spread that it would be hard to beat. ] After Oyster soup, "The Haggis," was i brought un the table all steaming hot, to which, Charles Moffatt, Esq., of Glenelg, 1 duly apostrophized in the words of the ( poet Burns, the Scottish bard, after which < it was cut up and served to the guests. | ; Roast beef, fowl, pies, pudding, ete, duly followed, with fruit as desert. £ wat, in the 2 St. Andrew‘s Day was duly cclcbrated 1y n first class dinverâ€" at the McAlister a furra of about 1800 reres y hbeen taken up by two than three years ago. and «in the 2n Vice Chair, proâ€" Mannfacturing Interosts," St. Andrew‘s Dinner. giving a song in good Weced seions," replied to by spoke of the advance of Mr. A. Cochrane astically responded ‘he Governorâ€"General d the Lieutenantâ€"Gov. ‘"The Army and Navy a2 on amusing and conpled en proâ€" couplea adâ€" 4A painfal accident occurred on $unday ’lut about two miles east of Linwood, by which a son of Andrew Cunningham, aged 18, lost bis life. The lad was riding on a handâ€"sleigh down an incline, when the sleigh ran against the heels of a colt. Thol animal kicked, striking the boy on the head, fracturing his skall. He never reâ€"| ;sonred consciousness, aud died in 3 few hours, t | Or Wednesday eveving a brakesnian lu.umod Jones, on the mixed train hal his thamb and foreâ€"fiugers amasbed as he was [ couphas a car at Corbetton Station. Ie | was brought on to Dundalk and Dr. Mcâ€" xl Williene sipputated the thurab and finger. â€"Herald, | _A Boxaxza. â€"Andrew Meldrum, son of Mr. Henry Meldruzi, ngent at Flesherton Station, who left tin pirz some two yunl ago has, together with threo others, disâ€" covered a rich imine in Colorado. Tie bed is rich in silver and lond, and has singe teen disposed of for $125,000. ‘There is great excitement in that yicinit owing to the valuable find.â€"Markdale ‘audard. if The cluarch has un;leréo:;'o Ao,q::o improve. ment of late and on Sunday, 17th, will be reâ€"opened with services frrs .oon and evenâ€" T Aneee e 0 C990 Ningty teachers applied for vacancies in Monnut JLazest publis goboois, A Tea Mrrz1x#.â€"A tea meeting will be held in the Codarvilie I‘râ€"«byterian church on Monday everng, Dec. 18t) , ’Wnu. Mitchell, "Keening Store3" Recitaâ€" tion, Mary MeCatmon, "Genevia ;" Music Mrs. J. Townsend and Jfr, George Warner; Recitation, Neilie Wallace; â€" Mus‘c by Messre. Jumes end Bobort Watson and Mr. Rauzage; qomie song, Mrs, Towusend; ‘ The reeeipts of the Entertainment amoan. j@d to over $14 and is to be applied to the J purchase of prizes for the @hildren, | aud which will be given out from a ,Chrisl-] n:as Free. sco’son, sr., was voted to the sh ir which he Ir, | filled very efficiently during the eveuing, and after a tew opening remurks, avd an irâ€" | address from the ‘Teachar, the following in | progrmme was well rendered :â€" ,"| _ Music by the Schoolâ€""Greeting Song ;" he R-:citstiouâ€""ldlern," Mary Smith; Music 1.«] by Misses Jolhnston and McKinnon and »,| Mr and Mrs. James Watson, "Falling a. | Leaves;" Rocitation, Sarah Picken , God‘s 1e | Bounty ;" Musie by Sehool, "The School ie | Room ;" Recitation, James Moore, "A i | Loy‘s Troubles ;" Reading, Maggie Ginnt, â€" | "Mornine Visit;" Music by School, "Mnu. y | sic Everywhere ;" Recitation, Janet Fitz d | gibbon, "Little Golden Hair;" Music, Miss â€"| McKinunon and Teacher, "Hattie Bell 5" , | Recitation, Lorne Watson, "The Little boy | ~| that Died ;" Dialogne,â€" Christiana Smith, | 1| Janet Fitzgibbon and Thomas Ryan, "The | i s | Wonderful Sebolar ;" Musical Dialogue â€"| | Robiva Watson and Wille Mitchell;| | | Music, Watsone. Johuston aud McKinnon, | |""Song of Spring;" Recitation, Earnest| * Leeson, "Half way doin‘s;" Musie by | " | School, *"*Ezercise song ;" *Recitation, | P | Helen MeNiece, "It Never Pays ;" Recita. | ‘ | tion, Thomas Gadd, "By and Bye;" Music| 1 by School, **Morning Song ; Dialogne, | © Earnest Lesson and Lorne Watson, "The| 0 Cow in the Garden ;" Recitation, Christ.| w ana Sinith, ""The Inquiry;" Music, Misses| ® Jonnstone and McKinnvon and Mr. & Mrs. | h Watson, "What are the wild waves say.| ti |ing;" Music by School. "Perrie Merrie | h: Dixie;" Recitatin, Janet Waters, "Charge | * of the Lisht Drigade ;" Dialogne, Mm-t!m'C| Fee and Teacher, "Alexander the Great ;" | k1 Music by School, "The Sawyer ; "Recitation Edith Leeson, "Little Foxes;" Music by Sehoo!, "Morning‘s Raddy Beam ;" Reci | * tation, George Watson, "ITelps to Read ;"*| * Addrees by Mr. J. C. Btrin, on the influâ€"| _ ence and importance of BSchoo! Teaching ;| 4n Dial: gue, Aunie and Alexander Smiti and | To them previons to the enlertainmment! A number of friends also contributed to the suceess of tho occasion. Mr. Robert Wat C. Ramage, acquitted themselves admir ably, and showed that Mr. Ramage must have been at considerable pains in treining A very suceessful School Entertainment was held at Gad‘s School, Normanby, on Friday evening last tne 1st inst. The at tendance was good, the School house being comfortably flled. The scholars, under the superintendance of their Teacher, Mr. _ Mr. C. Moflat took the chair, and speakâ€" ing and singing was contioued until near the dawn, when the Company separated, liighly pleased with the celebration of St. Andrew‘s Day. The President then left the Chair and there was a short intermission, and Mr. Grant gave several tunes in fine style on the bagâ€"pipes. Mr. Charles Moffat then proposed "Our Host," which was enthusiastically respondâ€" ed to. Mr. H. Parker wasthen called upon, Mr. George Russell gave another song, followed by one from Mr. Hugh McFayâ€" den. Mr. James Watson sang "Hazenâ€" dean" by request. gave a song. Messrs. Gurney, Thomas Moffat, George Russell, J. H. Hunter, and C. Mofiat each ‘‘The Ladies," was then proposed, and replied to by Mr. McCabe. Ar. A, H. N. Jenkins, of the Chronicle replied and appeared from his remarks to think that "The Press" had been slighted in not being proposed earlier in the evenâ€" ing. Mr. P. Saunders and Mr. Auguas Paterâ€" son each gave a song. *‘The Press," was then proposed. J. To rnsend, of the Revizw replied bricfiv. _ Mr. 8. Dickson saug a Scoich song. Mr. Jas. Allan said he beheved the farâ€" mers wete the most independent class in the country. Mr. Charles Watson gave a song. Mr. James Watson first recited and then savg "Seots wha hae wi‘ Wallace bled,"and ‘"When the Kye comes Hame." \ farming, aud he for one was proud to be a Mr. C. Moflatt in replying said no interâ€" est was making more rupid progress than with the names of Mesers. C. Moff«t, S. Dickson and James Allan was proposed. School Entertainment. 4 4e o Of tii= east ;xp;;qs * Portage In Prairie Boview of the 28th nit., * | ara former residents of Guelph and well "kum\u here: "A destructive prairie fire lewopt over the Beactiful Plains district lost Fhuzspay night. Mr. & Prest, Mr, ’Hark‘y and Â¥5. Woolbouse, of this town, each lost a Louse and stable by the dames, 1 %1 The fire extonded over an area of pountry | six miles wide and eight miles Joeg, and | all the farmers living in the burnt district lost more or less of their hay. The firo ‘wu so stroug thatsthe flaues rqsp cver fif. ! teen feet in the air and travelled with such )fiercenesn that six hundred men eaulfl nat have stopped it. The amount of damnge | done caunat be estimukd."â€"_Gmllg,l'; Merâ€" cury. On Thursday evening a frighttul catasâ€" / Arophe took place near Cottam, Ont. Bome | Awenty men, who have heen constructipg . â€" a drain through that section, occupi 10 | dmun‘& n:u- by for «a sl~_~:;‘i’n:l.:mtr'u‘.“' On the evening in question the sbhanty took| fire from a defectite stoveâ€"pipe, and bein x old and dry burned to asbes in cuch a uhmg . time that three of the inmates were unable to escape, and were burzed in a erisp, An elderly mau, marme and destination I" uoknown. was fFamnd desan u.00 C Ne a drain through that section old shanty uear by for « «] On the evening in question t fire from a defectite stoveâ€"pi Bursro Our.â€"The to in the following p A Coxpucton‘s Terrtsix Drark.â€"Con. ’duct ir Harry Anderson, who ran between | Toronto and Stratford, imet with a terrible 'denth at 5 o‘clock on Friday. He was comâ€" | ing into Petersburg Station from Stratford | and before the train stopped hbe jumped off | the engine, and slipping on the ice on the | platform:, fell under the whee!s of the tenâ€" |'.I( r. Deuth was instantancous, and lbo} anflrtrtnuate man was literally cut to pinces. What apnears strange, however, is thit the whole train, consisting of twentyâ€"two ears, presed over his body. The body was taken to Berlin auq a coroner notified, but he considered it unnecesrury to hold an inâ€" quect. Deceased lived at Stratford. He' leaves a wife and four children, The remains of the Archbishop of Canâ€" terbnry will be buried in the family vault at Addinaton. enr|20" In 1842 be was appointed Head °*‘ | Master of Rugby School, in succession to ‘g:' tie celebated Dr. Arnold. His bealth *| giving way under the arduous responsibilâ€" ities of this post, he was offered the Deanâ€" ery of Carlisle by Lord John (afterwards Earl) Russell, where be was distinguished ent | for his piety and zeal. During his tenure on | of the decanal office he also efficiently per ! at: | formed the duties of a imember of the Oxâ€" ing | ford University Commission. In 1856 llol ler| was nominated lishop of London in sueâ€" Ir. | cession to the Rigl:t Rev. Dr. Blomfield, ir | who resigned the Nee. As Bishop of this ist | ho initiated in 1865 the Bishop of London‘s ag | Fundâ€" an extensivye scheme for supplying A | the deficiency of church accommodatiou in ie | the Metropolis. Tn ten years this Fuzsd t | had reached the sum of £1,000,000, and is |. me | still as prosperous as ever. When the | g,| Most Rev. Dr. Longley died in 1868, Bisâ€" ‘ m | hop Tait was chosen to sneceed im as | . g | Areubishop of Canterburt , an office which 1 he fiiled with dignity, councieutiousnes, | 1 » | and efficieney annd troubles and vexations | * c | ol various sorts. Archbishop Tait presided l‘ d | over the Panâ€"Anglican Synod at Lamwetb M y | in 1857, the Charch Congress in 1877, and | J s | the Conference of Anglican Bishops at| * | | Lumbetb, attended by so many Awmerican, f , ; Colonial, and Canadian Bishops, inciuding ! j , | the present Bishop of Toronto and the j $ % IBishop of Ontario (to whou the idea of the | Conference was due) in 1878. For nathor. | *4 |ship Archbisbop Tait had no leisure. All| * | he has given to the world of literature ure’ |two volumes of sermons presched at Oxâ€" | ford ana Rugby, "The Dangers and Safeâ€" < | gnards of Modern Theology," with remurks '8,:: on the notorous volume of "Exsays and ‘ th Reviews" published in 1861; "The Word of | tic God and the Ground of Faith," in 1863 ; ,“' "Charge to the Clergy" in 1866 ; "Some ::(‘ Thoughts on ths Duties of the Cburch of vel England," a charge to his clergy in 1875;| ing berides articles to the Edinburgh and the | »ss North iBritish Reviews, Good Words, ¢tc.,, drg s a cor ete,. Archbishop Tait married a daughter thi of the late Ven. Archdeacon Spooner, the | aot r wellâ€"known eccentric M. P. for North Warâ€" | ed wickehire and uncle of the Bishop of Oxâ€" 1 fall ford. Mrs. Tait died in 1878, after being | {03 the mother of a large family, of whom one 1 half were swept off at one swoop by | jns, scarlatina at Curlisle; another son, the Rov. ger Crawford Tait, who died lately, was wel}l| f ® known in Toronto and the United States. ;‘.".',‘ Archbishop Tait of Canterbury, and Priâ€" \| mate of all England, was born in Edinâ€" |’ burgh on the 22nd of December, 1811, beâ€" ing the youngest sou of the late Sheriff | Crawford Tait, of Harviestown, Clackimanâ€" nanshire, his mother beicg a daughter of the late Sir Islay Campbell, Bart., of Sucâ€" coth, some time Lord President of the J Court of Session. After his course at the: Edinburgh Hgh School and the Academy, I he went in 1827 to the University of Glasâ€" | gow, whence he entered at Balliol College, I Oxford, in 1880, having been elected on; the Suelle foundation. HMe afterwards gaivned a Balliol scholarship, and graduatâ€" ed B. A. in first class classical honours. He wae a Fellow and Tutor of his college, and a Public Examiner of the University, ' As a collegs tutor he, in conjunetion with ‘ Dean Stanley, then tutor of Christ Church, | and two other tutors, signed a protest f against the teaching of the *‘Tracts of she â€" Times," especially thet conveyed in ‘Iract t The Archbishop of Cunterbury passed away quietly, and apparently without sufâ€" fering, in the presence of the meinbers of his family at London on Sunday. He reâ€" mained in a semiâ€"uncouscious state until 11 p. m., when he epoke his last words, "It is coming, it is coming." He was then seized with a sharp spasm, and did not spenk again, although it is believed he wul partly conscious. The Dean of Westminâ€" ster, on bebalf of the Queen, has offered ’ burial for the Archbishop‘s remains in | Westminster Abbey. Death of the Archbishop of Canterbury. EKETCH OF DECMASED‘S LIFE. C20E CAA0TORE O'l The gentlemen referred #p & peragraph from the f;" Boview of the 28th nit., | ts of Guelph and well Ge destructive prairie fire| ue mrotiful Plains district t. Mr. & Prest, Mr,| J ocluouse, of this town, | th* From the Globe. | Maureyâ€"Trorrerâ€"In O wen Sound Dow | Yoexeâ€"â€" ky 200 9 Pmd +M f .fizd alt., :?' ‘the Rov. A. H. Seott, M r. Nammel MaJtby of Dundalk to, ) J emima Trotter oflimn Bound, Watsox MecNAaLLYÂ¥â€"On the 2lst Nov, ___ the Rev.D C, MyaDowell, Mi. Jas, W at ‘of Artemesia, to Miss Mayrie MoNX. Enpenâ€" Ju a treatment of Chrome Piscase with that great system revovator and rertorat iye, Burdock Blood Bitters, there is no uncert: iaâ€" ty as to its action, its curative powers are speedily mauvifest by its murked eBeet upon the Liver, the Bowels and the Kidneys., Every «lose per forming its work in a perceptâ€" whle manner, 1247 ‘ A meteor weighing mbont 300 potunds Ifell at Mount Airy, N. C., on Friday, A Cure for Croup. There is no better Premedy fos 1‘rnui; than Magyard‘s Yelow Oil taken internally and applied according to special directions, this is the great household nacesa for Rhenmatism, stiff joints, Pain, f:fi.’umnttim-.éc. b247 1 The English Government recommend Gen. Evelyn» Wood for a command | in the vew Egyptian army. A Sure Thine. mitted, could send many names partics. b247, W. T. Bray, Pharmacist, Wingham, Ont., writes that the sale of Burdock Blood Bitters has very largely increased in that locality, and adds that he hears very favorable opinâ€" jons exprexsed regarding it, and, if time perâ€" inÂ¥ hnd " ce en id e ce t T0 x9L 1 o Lbngee io mt seccmmmanm®" { To see js to Buy. ‘nl1000Hâ€"At Dundalk, on Wednesday . R. TORRY, 2?0d ult Susanna, w ife of \Wi, ullough. | : ce Duiksw . â€".On Tucslay 26th wit the wife of Mr.| GALLERYâ€"Uppor Town, Wm». Dow, Proton. 1o gy uz3 If another warning were needed of the insensate folly of attempting feats of dunâ€" ger to life and limb for the mere puarpose of entisfying a vulgar taste for eXcitement and amasement at the expense of others it lns been furnissed by an individnal enllâ€" ed Frank Frayne at Cinemmatti. The feat in quertion, which formed the principle atâ€" traciion of a wretched sensational dramatic entertainment, consixted in shooting an apple from a young woman‘s head. By an accident the bullet was embedded in the brain of the young woman on Tharsâ€" day, cansing her death in a few minutes. Thi: erinsival carcleâ€"sness in exposing the life of n fellowâ€"creuture to danger shon}d be visited severely by the strong arin of the Inw. _ The grief f the young woman‘s slaver, thongh donbtiess deep, is no expiâ€" ation for having caused her death., of Glenelg. Imperial Parliament was prorogned on Saturdray till Febrnary 15. The Bpeech from the Throne cont«ins an expression of thanks to the vietorious Exyptian expediâ€" tion, aud declures the intention of Great Britain to uphold and consolidute the prive ileges required in that country, and pro mute the happiness of the people and deâ€" velopement of their institutions. â€" R ferrâ€" ing to Irish affuirs, horror at the Duidin assassinations is expressed, and while drawing attention to the improved social condition of the Country generally, assorts that there is a special call for the executive . authority to administer the powers entrustâ€" ed to it with firmness and fidelity. The falling off in revenue from duties on inâ€" toxiention liqnors is contemplated with satâ€" isfaction. *the fall amount of damage covered by instugnee. -' The shocking spectacle of n ehild cight i , years of age belplessly drank was present @ ed upon the streets of London, Out., the _| other duy, When before the Police Court . the depraved youth coufessed to baving , used whiskey on pravious occasions. Barglars successfelly operated at Caleâ€" _| douis on Monday evening in the stores of |¢wo merchants. A gave of ekilful and | buid burglars have Leen operating in the | western peninsuala during the past three | weeks, a dozen or so successful atteupts Laving Lbeen reported. Some steps ought to be tuken for their apprehension. Fir® at_ORraxoryituz.â€"About one o‘ clock last Wednesday a fire broke ont in 1 frame ianlding opposite the Gordon Honse | Broadway, owned by Mr. Wilkins, of that | town, and J. Stewart, of Sheluurne., Alâ€" I though the firemen were prowmptly | on the | seeve the building 14 a t tal wreek, and it | was not until lnte at night that the fire was | subdued. Messis. Brown Bros., elothiers; j Mrs. Embrey, baker;and J. W. Shaw, musi¢c desler, the occupants lnd their goods | 1 much daumaged in removal, Messrs. Brown !( Brow. loosing al ont 1,000 The. of wool. Inâ€"| c auiance :â€"Wilkins, $1,400, in the Western ’ K Assnrance Co. ; Stewart‘s, not known ;) _ Brown Bros., $1.500 on the wool, in the l'm Berlin Waterloo â€" Insurance Cuu.pmw;“m Shaw‘s insurance not known ; Mis. FEimâ€"] brey is also insured. 1t is snpposed Hmt( the full amount of damage srudt lJosses are L ud | _ William Doukin, a young man was a geverely injured at Ogilvie‘s Mills at Sen |forth, on Saturday last, that hbe died on | monday afternoon. A mon named Ea«tman was emothered in a well at Tilsonbury on Saturday, â€" Men tried to dig him out, bnt as fast a theearth was removed the sides contmued to cave in., He rem=ined in the weill twentyâ€"four hours until deuth ensued. I The appointment of Janior Judge Isaac F. Toms, of Goderich, to succeed J ndge Squiers as County Court Judge of Huron is gazetted. i â€" Thomas MceLean, a youny man of the viliage of Victorin, cuue to vis death lust week in aterrible manner, He had asked mission to feed a threshing machine Ea tew minutes and was allowed to do i so, Taxing a sheaf of wheat in bis riglht | hand be proceeded to feed it in the eylinâ€" l‘l der with Li- left, when to the horror of the: , | bystauders his left arm was caught by the | teeth und literally jerked from the body. !The bove of the arm came away at the | shoulder socket, bot the flesu was torn and | the sinews and tendoas were drawn from |awny across the back ard dowr the side before they broke, Tire Mood sported out | in a streaimm, while the arm wont through the machine and was delivered in fragâ€" ments by the «trawâ€"cartiers; . McLean stepped down from the footâ€"board and started to walk home, a distancée of about a mile,while a wessenger was déspatched l‘m; a docter. The wonnded mar rru'd;.cd on | manfully, the blood fowing in torréntsâ€" 'On the road a mmnâ€"or Lrute rathéerâ€" drove past, but refused to give McLean a 'ride because the "blood wonld dirty the lnggy." Renching the hotel the wounded man «topped for a faw moments, and then walked into ns father‘s house. Drs. Meâ€" ‘Curth_v and Oldright soon arrived, but found that the main artery bad drawn so far out before breaking that it coutd not hbe reached. _ Interval hemorrlhage was the | resnlt and the patient died mext morning. l McLean was a promising youms athlete,|‘ highly esteomed for his excellent qualities by all who know him, and hbis most terâ€" rible end is thereforeall the more regretted. MISCELLANEOUS: MARRIAGES DEATHS, CANADIAN ITEMsS. BIRTHS, wPowell, Mi. Jasn, \\'au-;u', &9 Miss Magyie MeNally , Killed by 2 Rareshor. Iaw es on i. f,, CC P00 to @ach wil b ont 1,000 The, of wool. Inâ€" ur‘s:-'.wx:: .Ln. Dadriont ' + > + R on PoUsc mul mptions ane #on ins, $1,400, in the Western one envelope the price to each will ; Stewart‘s, not known ;| rx;;r: rt:.\"u.or:.'s nul‘i'.-' o 4 Then TeX subscriptions ar sent to .500 on the wool, in the lm”d“p. Thb PHOULS nath it ie up o â€" Insurance Company ; J or €7 in ull. on es 1 1 en 2. daughter of benefited , Miss on the by Hisiory ot Turkey _ and WAR IN y ot Tur C ‘ A BGYPT,"~ fl-ltu‘mn{?b Engravings and a full and interesting description <f all the Batules im Turkey and Egypt for the past few Christmas Goods, Pictures, Mottos, _ | The Endergigned is aleo Avent for, "The PHOTOS at $1 per DOZ late hfln: The above mentrmned) hn â€"ine ried on as meosl by R. Torry t . awing to the late Srm must he Snid . Corry ansmius thae 1. Cabinet Size $3 pe-r dozen Wituess rxuay NACRAX, day of Deermber, 1882 1'1‘!‘"’ Partnembip heretofare sabssting beâ€" ‘ tween us the nadersigned cim ying on business as Photog apher« m the Town of Durham in the Connty of (irey, anjer the style of R. Torry & (Cn., we do her in certify that the said partnership was this day dis solved by mrtual consent, Withess this onr hanmi» at the sald Town of Durham in the @nrd County ot Grey this 6th dav ce m o t Es WAR IN EGYPT! Dissolution of Partn:rship _ THr Nonthurey u»essiexern. |. Afais is the best rrper £ur #t price in the Word It is fudy flustratad, It contrius the Sunday â€"School Lessons It contains nuch geneâ€"n) innforrtnuntiop It is a paper for the weekâ€"day rchoul msu bunday â€" Bchool. It is m ‘npa- for old ard youn« Every Young Person should have a Paper of his own, Try the Northern Messenger for a vour The Nortbera Messeuger, 30 couts a Vour, Al Subscriptions Payable in Advance. THE DATLY WuiryEss. ALL TME NEWs POR uNK OBKT a pay The nume und reputation of thobs pripes well and widely known to noed uuy comune, a Yenr, postaze free. QuesiGon. =a Poultry nind Pete ase answered by D. andres, Montin1. Quostions on Agricultural Bubjacts aro Auisw ored by "Rusticas." Questions on Fruit und Plunts nre answored by Mr. Jam s« Dougall of Windsor, Out. Questir ns on ’a-’l Nubjocts are npswered by am eminent Qaecn‘s Coun4] of NMontron) Q ues ti ms of Bubjects of every kind are arswered by mnu‘rtem @uhouities, The Wrrcuy WiryEss is the Newspapor of the Dominien, and the Fumily Paper of tLo Continent _Qsestions on Boo i Jones, of Beeton, cant Bee Comvention. Ee EVn The Weekly Withess is uow thuinty «w wad hus not coas d to gain on the qs d@uce. 1t lives ai) to whkthes> for alght in @vorÂ¥ mattor Gaut san coue nefome th gardloos o% pmity or faxor, Its newest festnre is i1s SPECIAL DSPARTMENTS which are mu h vidued. w;:-u‘-n.- Cn Votortinaury S oels se :{ . MetSnchiran, P.R.C.V.S., 175. ontromd Veterinaay c vllepeand the Do Epostor of Live Suock P rimese b Aba l i Li l B oo d tunity of benefitting by thotm. Â¥ have arranged every plan for th Intion so that the 83000 on ban Trway | of smy rednctions that mey be ’ shown in the CLUBBING RaTis as follows .â€"â€" The price of the weekly Withoss . postage frae, Whon Tunmue subscriptions npe se one envelope the price to eauch wili } THE |)ll|n'i.~beru of the o Soubl thant 5F ainatmovmmenct. U DISCOCIE E; I< _ TORRY lurs apply to 4. Lt No. 14, 3rd Con, W. G. R., i of Bentinck, contuiniug 100 a es about 75 ncres cleared wnd under c Bofl ie flmd, There aro ou the p stantial foune baurn 36 x 50, good . Orehurd, and never fuiling »pring moderate, 20 UE Duarsiuamre " as cR JORN DOUGALL & SQN, Montrezl, Publishers ! irst o’“l l'- Bbatin Apply at is Office in nn.-u.!:?.grppe"" A LARGE STOCK OF Mu. F. MacRAF lins $50.000 4 Funds) to Lonh at Lowase u.20 02 ’IYBB Sabscriber has a Thorough Berkshire Boar which be koerps for mey Lot No 63, ind Con. G\ uelg, just L;..g of D» TERMS 81 to be paid @t time of Rey. Until the end of the year. peases and tuÂ¥e it away _ KHeifer Cinie Astray . iAM:".'m f‘m premises of the ul (/ about the 10th of Novémrber last, 3 ling Heifer, color red and whis» inixed. owner is ‘rfln:ugfl to profe property . Durhem , Doc. 5, t $50,000 to Loan;' ‘he late firm mnst be paid and the orry assmimes the lisbilitie= of the x ROBEKT TokKRY. to remove into fow days. The on George Etroct *HE SUBSCRIBET FEW Bosrderawill findgood accen A tion at MRS. CA MPBELL‘S w),., i:..“.h' to remove into tr Methodist Parson :‘“d' fow ‘dny-. The Cottage where she 1 :« Tib m §Loamins Sthacinl 2o2 2l Cns CC LCOR ECW lives Al T.Q ‘\..t in now avaer â€" Glenolg, Doe, 1882. _ A party of engineers and Butveyic now engaged ul Port Nelsop '”"k":?::l.'l‘ iugs and determining whon the Lurl opens and closer, Préliminary ."nv-::r are being made, and it is stuied that e‘ ;.IIMB‘"lm. :li‘l.l Sinnipeg and Hld.o.,. Â¥ wa located {. of 800 milex. Or & distance ALL Berkshire Boar. Dorham, Det. 6th, 1882 The Durham, Dec. 6, 1882 BOARDER®s: 0 â€" Funds) to Loan at l.ovr-n:cr.u o New At Lowest Interest. In amid ecauan °t PDIWK T ePMs ver Lnlunpurfl::on I'orl‘-l'th-nuu‘: to WEKEBLY WITNEas Voo hoeping are anewered by D. A. i Adunt ., l"n-ulu.l of the Sational m P«;n:u) wand Pete are answered by hamed. Agricultural Bubjacts aro amsw vrod Dlass Farm for In Bentinck, z ROBERT ToRrRy, VhoMAS TURNXBULL subscriptions npe seut togother io e price to each wili be Eioniy ©rs, w Advertisement;, =â€" WOR Tilk â€" ty to whou all debts PaviD Jacksox AI)V:\NTA\GES «mesk will be ear 2. 8 Aifusipal nf th4 joauned the Domiuion in i0 + for right and truta o ool orne Uhelp sblicreâ€" F. MacRAR, e hA ult i 100 a nes inore op oo Tss db .. te mout together in ho will be msvicery Montreal W ithes uit togethor in one e BEENTT o CiNTa JOHN H90 ts se tm ored N dn the T » "‘llllv;(l(: E preimises m sub dwelling house ) the l::l‘..“h. fther last, a Â¥eur. W'-u«l. The PrOPEMTY pay ox. 18 #1 m wia ?nn old poabli xh me of ”enic; WM, SMitg *em2;7 Sur ".}'bfl Are toking soup 4 1 the lmri..,, nary aurvepg but. 4 a mi. B + (©20tate ‘IIM t Sale, To nabip B wls_ Brod OPrEkR d247, s Jl. lnl.‘ c©247 ll'-â€" 1202 io P < m two years Oue subscriptioe hvp ) mas \_ . Thase reduced ptices 162 ber au meaqs i 2)) "t Yon} rouch loge, , """AL PAip,â€" Tn order that 920 may reaq me mbers of Tar D'b;rmm_\:._ .:,'..'. NBlue, we off.y, .. [NPEPE pumdcca T CCE n,: 4D full Rev . Sassls es 2T" report full Rey Jossph C h:“.d Bosto® Monduy lmturm. whici in January. M Cook lias just returne trip round the world, and is ioc m Will ubtrset proatey attention th Our New Terms fop ‘?. yeur i 6 us on .ll'.aul--'o Monthe* _‘ .u“.“..n. u_ s Nonth America and Eagland (we furst publish« tm Tenvyson‘s last poomi, und for ot {;t mpocially forinatruction whetheri â€"«Tary, ed rcational., philo®ophical, of articles, we furgish what no other periv or . We pay large pricos to Obtaan writors Da(::: the editurials 4wo distinect dartxtmum.. ©dited z mpecialiste, which uuclude iiiireny C 2 TT ETTE Tar bDorrrcsoesr is a and wants. Wo provide v ?"‘.lf “f‘&f“"‘xl"“}i-l‘ 1 10. 34(0 C20CIPIOs wht ml?'e. requires TW Wermt bnodnaus c ut s it Et TT T c}n’u&hn joureal, its wiin is tend Evangelieat relipion ns the attacks of Materialisn , It is free to approve or orit] moininations whatever it i. advance or hinder the projpr Christ. Jn civil and politiont affnir ®ill contend for sound iden l-utt Adeinst slavery and t of the Opeida Commuuits :flnfl munmonist .. It beli CWil worsace and toriff . i and in cheaper posts 6 pori s whiou the i; ereed and field ie Tar Innerrsnnyt need to add to its miready In: ;. been publisbed for thirty @ed a world wide reputatic and literary newspape; \[‘)NEY to Loan on Far aJ and Mortgages Purchased wd cor parties in Morlgages mind oi A Gemernd Pimmmein! Fusincs &A large amonnt of Monay to ton d n wible rates. Charges Mod rate 1 Comunission. Losurances 1 ffec: m + NP A C Mn OBR m on g O®PICRâ€"One door Boath of C 1 Gauratoadon Ht . Daurdsass 4 LAND & LOAN AG YEYANCER, Land v fer & moutaie 0°®Tâ€" 400 tiue t, e offer a mouty‘, 4050 dpMMiogy , o. y mufiwum eagn 4. * / signed, Lot No 16, 5t Nimekrago, cne Lamb. ‘T). prove proport y , pay oxpans Tax Dsperr®n s anaa 1....022709094) #Ohooi 800¢, Commorce, Insurancs etions, and ‘gl'"llltun â€" 4 e will report in tul mc y‘ Furnips, per bus) Hay per ton... .. Butter, roll», per ib * Aub dniry,... ... Egge,perdoz......... zddznu. per bay. THE INDEPEND Fall Wheat, per bush Spring Wheat * Parley,, ** endlg, Nov, 20. ju8> Wool, per Butter, per .4) ... Dressod Hoys... Ergs, per doz... }_\:uod. dry, por Potatoen * ll.’, por ton.... Jinef, ** Mides, _ * f Bhooepskins, ench Fall Whent, por Spring Whent, '-"th, per b J Aamb Asâ€"cr NAME n the nremiâ€"es of i l"luur.‘,wl 100 11 Corn Meal * Bhorts, e .. )# Bran, * * Ontmeal | * * dariey Grnating and Choppi ually, and satrs( Fall Flow y Mixed Plour Bpring Plour Graham Flour Cracked Whent Course Shorts Fine Shorts Bran » % den Feed x Ontmeal . Mixed Chops Ontmeal Seods * Pum . We deliver in any p DAVID JACKSON FLOUR & tion of one @f the olde ho« and nurses is the 1 where, 25 coutsa bott DURIH A M \ P‘u NIROP. dt wil --lhu:‘y dapen wbout it Iwn‘!- m @vorused it, who wil willl regulate the io luufi., and nolue! i y bike uio. . it is & and pleasant t Lord Macdonald has promise with the disaffe Mothors ! Mothors : Are you distupbed wtmight #rext by a sick child suftering exoruciating pain of cutting ence and get a bottio of Mas N Darkeam, Nov. 23rd., 188 L e mm TV If Magyard‘s Pectoral the earher stages of Cl r "‘stitch in the side" a lungs might be avoided All parsons suffering from Asthina, Bronchitis, Loss aflection of the Throat m"fl call at l(‘"'; a PDrial »t New .Merv‘ory for ©O4 charge, which willconyince derful merits and show what eize bottle wiil do. Call + , The Duke of Ediepburgh i *#d to the rauk of viceâ€"aimi A NWise Ne , "A atitch in time eaves ni making garmont», but also is If Magyard‘s Peotoral â€" Baiss the earher stages of Colds an r "‘stitch in the side" and m ungs might be avoided, thet iAly develope into inrearabi vy ©ournt martial, Conse qm; un understuncing botween and the Egxgyptian Goven sounsel for the defence. lasted only a few minutes. puilty to the shnrge of rel seutecced to deut\;, but the after commuted the sents k’.‘ It is thought e will of Good Hope. Payme "THitan tarp. [( The tris! of Arabi touk _ IRE iE ‘“N.D.zi{.uy.p\'v N.G. & J. McX TOROXTO MA oge, per 100 lhs DURMHAM Mard TO DAYS i per m Toroxto, De Pree of Cha ashe Doosont a a Y9CLcas te, Etories 3¢ Puges it nth rt thend Prive T l 30

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