West Grey Digital Newspapers

Grey Review, 7 Dec 1882, p. 3

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iscs of the 4ub, ,.::vw h-t‘ *1** mixed ‘rote property ; enk, 8 & ‘T‘o'_w.‘ ow out et AC" evook * ho keeps fop rig, jumt L..ul,-..' lt 1 1t time of ,‘.,“'" n 1b 18 stwbe Winnipeg and e located for a ts hevg G?I“lv;h-' the premises & DJACKSON ertisements, I1» ET & &g r Pe n DekWenr sn in Ned n 98. wo in the World. howâ€"all debte anl and the hm age and a PRR Y . TRSBULL AT ks nows in #1 w e a Fapor of is will Durharm. «all Town of ey â€" this dil P TURKRRY rm for me welt fe nenth or wl t bug. couts m Interest. iss x THP: wod. dweling house, pring. . Terms very ""'WF-I“- Sh oont reg ) nrship abewered i V NC 86. win be 1 the Pm ANTAGES WH NB eb Cam ving . o be Town of un ler the erchv cortify is day disâ€" B T 4 the tss t ie i i e Boar, MacRAFR, past few Advance ® Inew sout together in will be. amveeser. in w0 al awered € Astray. " e d Py k JOHN HoorkR DOZ Pablishers. ¢ answered «ol adiventage ferod. This is hosis Mroatclnge * MOre op C roperty, t the Arat Mz al_ [ ! 0.000, (P rate of Inter answored by aro duewored im thhe Towneki" in the Townabip w M @ht and timtay : Uhielp i blix t iC thow un ons ENTT CRNT®E, uis !.-k.n“ ”.Izi: en the h.“l # rnudraagey .."." is stuted that y ow awid TR s ” HlobkY CT®, flruu.. #*o sf chrom r of the nthnent. udon Imâ€" 4 boy maw atioumek KQy Witness are old sSMITEE & 116 U‘*aty @3 OF6 arg C REE cedet that oue m u’?fihu of rnmr;;,' Te i op giter a mon % r par _ #o34% »tluuce of ., , h;:‘:..""".:fizd"!f 6 antcccl is CC CO0P] 3:‘:."&?:-’?%‘.’35’;'23 us wteeriens ns yan .vx;h:.bnh) nre m:‘d Staqdar} rellyl0(4s wankts n . o%* principles whis,, 3. "1 00e d will :saintain thoss principles whicu the highest othics aud bost intelligence requires. Tre Ispezesoest is designed to snit all tastos and wants. We provide wookly stories by the best maganue writers, poouas by the lcuu:-,," poéets of America and Eagland (we first published is Amerâ€" i:« Tenuyson‘s inst poems», aad for others, who lor k ‘specially for instruction, whetherin l\lldom, b¢ rol.rf. ed ;;;:o:flhn;l:-huo%h:u or xh-::l: articles, we sin wi no o odical or cun. | We pay large prices to obm the most thunent writors. Sesides the editurials, thore ure twentyâ€"swo distinet flgrtuu.t-. edited by twen. tyâ€"two uml‘lu’ wl wnclude isiblicad Resoarch, Banitary, Legal, Fuo Arts, Music. Science, Pobbles, Persocalities, uistorial" Rogistor, H lan Notes, School and mx-qp-.m-uu._ ud,.. lw.m. rnet Missions, s unduy school, News of the Week, inance, Commorce, In. Stories Belections, andt Agriculture, 35 Pages in ail. b'w‘; lvlll rowl’" im :uu ll}:: Joseph Cook celeâ€" sfail Boston Moudtay tures, which berin 18 January. My Cook has ust returned two mm'xvmm-‘md the wtlc‘. and in 1 a EWe in hy rimbs TiE Inpepexp=st is not denominational,. Its creed and feld are browder than auy seot. / As m Clrstian jourual, ul;;:'m is lln‘;l‘r;:nthvu and ex tend Evangelieal religion an« end it against the attacks of M.m-mr\n\dm. ..;ll nag.:‘l:: It is free to approve or criticise in any nominations whatever it belioves is designed to ._a;n‘v..« or hinder the progress of the Gospel of Tt cvit and political affsirs Tu= txowpexoest will contecd for sound idens wnd principles. . It fought aqainst slavery and the infquitous system ol“t‘. Ouesicin Commuuity. 1t is now lghfll’ agninst mormeonisca. It believes in the reform of th6 CBÂ¥H se#s iea mm sacieg s 0C oR ET t wilt u62 2200 200 F"" '&m greater and literary newspaper Tar IXDEPFSDENT needs only to be better known to #dd to its already lurge list of friends. It has been publiaied for thirty five years and has woquir ed a world wide reputation as the best religious and litecary newsnanay A Genernt Finaneint Business T; A large amount of Money to lond at L sible rates. Charges Mod ‘rate. . Farn Comuntasion, | Insurancas Â¥Aaaiel us 4 CMAMTGsion, losurances Effected at the . RATEAâ€"PINE & Lirk. wâ€"«â€"â€" FARN® POR sands. _ OrPicEâ€"One door South of C L Grant‘s Garafraxe St, Durham, Ont. M LAND & LOAN AGENi‘ VEYANCER, Lond Valuat p., _ Addres. * THE INDEpp 201 Hrans... CA and Mortgages Pur ®d 10f parties in WMortwes ‘ *AME on the premiâ€"es of the anJer ! _ signed, Lo# No. 16, 5th Cou. Glonâ€"lg, m fow weeks ago, one Lamb. ‘Theowner in ucinukd to prove proporty, pay oxpmmsos and take i awiny . THE INDEPENDENT Turmips, per bush Hay per ton...... * tab dairy,... Egg«, perdoz...... Potatoes, per basy Fall Wheat, per bush ...... 30 Spring Wheat +** sewsus k Larley , wee Onta, *# Pous, w Dressed Woge, por 100 lbs 7 Mr._ro_ll.. JC l%...«..«... Wenelg. Nov. 20. 1992 .Puulmn * Iay, per ton.... linef, l w# Mides, _ * f Shoopskins, ench Butter, per .1 ... Dressed Hogs.... Erg«, per doz.... Wood, dry, por Wool, per Ib...... bran, o ear Ontmeal * «* Fall Whent, per bush Spring Whent, ....... Oe wer bushel tharley Flour, per Corn J:ul Shorts, DAVID JACKSON, Jr QNEY to Loan on VUatmeal Seeds % % 15 ®* Nusk .. :. «_ 10 We deliver in any part of Town est notico. Ontmeal . Mixed Chops Ontmeal Seeds Lamb Astra Â¥, imating ael Chopping attended to punet ually, and satisfaction gnaranteed. Hon Full Flour _ . . Mized Flour % f Bpring Floar . Graham Flour . € Cracked V heat . + Conrse Shorts * Fine Shorts . C Darkam, Nov. 23rd,, 1882 FLOUR & FEED "TRLAL DURHAM MILLs.. Mortgage Sale promife with the aisaffected Skye Crofters. Mothers!! Mothers!! Wothers ! ! Are you Ml.zd at night and broken of your reat by a sick chi nuflâ€":f:l and crying with the proruciating patn of cutting teeth 7 l’ w04 )zu wt ence and get a bottlo of Mis. WINSLOW‘S sOOTH {NG SYRUP. 1t will relieve the poor little safferer on mm ts y â€" -l-r-nd upon it ; there is no mistake about it. ‘f‘un not a mother on earth who has @vor used it, who will not tell you at once that it will requlate the bowels, ntur give rest to the ther, and rolief sod honlth to the child. orcn& {::ln.o ic. it is perfeculy safe to use in wll Pases . and pfinum to the tuste, »nd is the prescrip Fion of one ef the oldest and beat femnale ‘rh,\ hoi. hoe and nurses is the United Stutos. Suld every whore. 25 conts a bottlo. y207 » Lord Macdonald has of. promwe with the disaffect»« woutg‘s by court martisl, consequent, 1t is suud, 01 «n nuderstancing between Lord Dofferin and the Exyptian Governiuent and Jhe sounsel for the defence. The proceediog» lusted only a few sainutes. Arabi pleaded guilty to the sharge of rebellion, and was seutezced to deut, but the Khedrve soon Mfter commnted the sentence to exile for & It is thousht he will be sent to the of Good Hope. | Pree of Charge. | All persons suffering from Cu,hn, Colds, Asthma, Bronchitis, Loss of Voice or an allection of the T:mt and Lungs, are n'r frore and get‘a Prisl" Rordly" of "tn. "Kings a . King‘s New M.'"ny for Consuraption, free ‘:J charge, which wilconyince them of its won* derful merits and show what a regular dollar | mze bottle wiil do. Call carly. 3. , The Duke of Edinbargh is to be promot] | . ad to the runk of viceâ€"adimiral. A Wise Maxine. . "A atitch in time saves nine," not onuly in making garment», but also in mendin« heatth | 4 TORONXTO MARKETS N.G.&J. McKECHNIE. e 100 lhs "AL TRip.~ "AY Paud 4 622. DURMHAM MARKETS WMuch Alieg. P‘ 29014 per bushel The trial of Arabi touk place on Sunday | TO DaY‘$ PRICES Op $Ubse Toxoxto, Dec. 6th, 1882 , Lond Valuator, &0. an on Farm Pru’nfly‘ a Purchased, Moneys Invost wtnges and other Securizies, r cord lower [ Doritix, Dee. 7th, 1832 Messsenscse«.$2 50 to §$2 5C a0d ipti + Tipe INo®PEXDEST and principles. It € infquitous system it is now lxhlln' ves in the reform o the purification of howner is requested to e and tike l‘ awiy, GEO. MacRAE, ia clubs of n any of the Mb Lowest isâ€" Farma soid on ««*« a& a0 to 3 00 on.fimp.g:m‘n»iif" 0 80 to 1 c0}| ..* «¥t of the secon (B in the first Conoessi 0 80 to 0 60 ll'm\d, il:flv-l:l -r.“;‘y.-ml'.". 2 70 to 2 75 | atres mors or less, being is excopting 74 mer t th «... 0 80 to 0 BM | .q m!!cl‘: w éyf"rml 'r':nt l .... 0 88 to 02 l :7“‘" ;;"‘ § ‘1’"";:. ”"lm:m' depth o n e " «... 0 80 to C 86 | in the mortyage lln I‘)‘m";( «... 0 68 to O 7O | 2108, about 20 acres there «...0 40 to . 0 no | nad sn the promine ntt" w«« O 85 to O 40| well watered by spring er ... 9 00 to 10 QQ| | TREMMâ€"I0 per cent. 5 00 to 7 0G 'ernt w‘thin one monti: t «++ no«:luod:? Mortgage of t ... 6 00 to 6 .‘Sl)‘wu equal anhoal instal ... 0 50 to . 0 gn | sepon pmt etat wer aion ... 0 18 to 0 20 .. 6 50 to 7 30| D. ACKSON, In, Pag, Duth l0 art o si / BBTHURER MOBS, PA «. 1 25 to 1 50) .. 0 18 to O 20| Toronto. Nov‘r10th trso 40 to 12 00 to 30 89 to 1 00 to 53 to 40 to 13 to 1 50 to 22 to Trenmnsmesed () 6 () 0 4 50 to 0 80 to 0 80 to 18 $2 25 per 1001b Consumption, | â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" To t i e e /W CALDWELL, Skye Crofters. CUNPMAYÂ¥DD T ©uuo o oi ooo o e e e eae in Guraimza St. Lower Town. All hinds of Bâ€"+r.| dresciug ow. dongup in tistâ€"cliss wt: io. yals Pricevilio, Nor, 14, 1982. on short. UTTEEE S NummMbg Parnor, Lambton st, ue doot | %u-d.-nun«l one west of McFuriane‘s Drug Store, ut 26¢ por package | Eive with bi. off loft Is the place to get your 53 * w Hairoutting and Shaving dene. , Sheep If your face is sunburnt, roqfly:rvau“-?lfll)- pimâ€"} _, TRAYED frm: ‘n;;f: ;Eup;:l;;;g:l‘oht:m‘bnfili.‘ :?.l‘l ".Tv i h undersitued. one w T SWALLOW‘S Barber Shop 1949 MRS. SWALLOW, Hairdresser i O 5 o & s 0 & ¢ o & $3 aad: q * & a 3 4 MB s T twble apd pai y qh o Rd _ to Pe n Log House, stible and barn and fences are good: IIEn 1J. Lot number l"urz one (41) and the West half f of lot Fortyâ€"two (42) both in the first(lat) Concesmon 49. North Durham Road, Township of Bentmck, conâ€" taining together by admensurement 75 acros more Or lesa, anid to be all cleared and free from stmaps and :tullol aud wallfenced and watered by spring 39, | ofeck. f : l':! On the promises nre said to be & frumo honaa, 2 50 | burn, «table and sheds, Property is well situated 8 00 | on ioml wenvel rowd, 1 60 HAL Pirt of the seeond Division of Lot No. five ,u.’vin the fir«t Concession. Fast of the Gorafta®® i OO l Kmd iss un td Weciseaatcs se pog ie NE Ein " D. JACKSON, Jr, Esq,, Dutham, or to BETEUNR, MO88, PALCOKERICE & Rovirs s S mtE 1J. Lot number For: of lot r.-ni.mu (44) botl North Durham Road, T taining together by wl DOGOC® XCROCZNer by ad £ es s e es ie 4. D. 18M2, at Twelve o‘clock noon the following propertties. 1. Lot number six (6) in the teuth (10) Coneession of Glenels contaifiing 100 actos more or less,about 70 neres clomred. On the premises ato said to e n Log House, itla:du abd barn and fences are good: _ m on omm We Cagi 1 MIDCAUGK Reuse Motel in the Town of DURKAM, Tuesd_;t_y thffnlm dyo December, HUGH MacKAY, AUCTIONEER f ~â€"AT THE â€"â€" T To sc s mt L/ Swle contaiued ‘ncertain Indentm es of mort. gage which will be produced at the time of S«le and in peyment of the moneys secnred by which default has been made, there will be offered for .__ Sale by Public Auction by â€" _ #eveci00 0C W y â€"â€"â€" IN THE â€"â€" Tow##hips of Glenelg and Bentinck FTNDER abll y YVistue of tha muwasr ni Valuable Farm Properties ME nes ol also exceilent French Kip Boots and Shoes all kinds. A first class Fit as I muke no mistite. My Fine Work is made on the Latest London and New York styles, 5‘0! Wurknmns‘hip and Cheapâ€" ness I deiy Competition. + ke WM. CALDWELL. Nushaue Â¥*20 4can Suus S‘U UTH Bud, Durbam, formerly Militery kJ Bootmaker in Her Majestys Service would enl the altentios. of the Pubiic, betore ving elsowhere, to giye him m triml in thcfiuo of Gents‘ Fine Sewed & Pegged Boo‘s, CA&IE to the premise« of Alex. MeLean, Lot 30, 5th Corr. Township of Beutinck, a Ewe and two Lambs about tue last ot June. The uwu-; is requested to prove property, pry OXpenses anc tuke them away, Ahx MCLEAN. Bentiuek, Nov 23, 1884 *di45 Durhom, Nov.1862. . +946 or #vo for 81. Netmanien uio tvc l ie uis codaene y t otties :> ,g, _ _ _ _ _ "AC=~+47#â€" An linmense Quantity of Chiris 7 rooi= whic !mmu & THRsal, En.l 20 & Hst | Carl;ned CGroocdsy of all %iud:;' éhcap. Groat,{):;,n;:s fi""filé‘ fi“hm :One PCsE ';;;";' ':"sn:" Nistlets {igudmw & is what the people ‘saa'.- The best Herrings and Figh in tic m Phat uffered for competition. arrauted" NO. l FlOfll‘ An [Y{JFOTted Oatmeel fl'('):l_l‘l the best Mlus in Canm The Sehoot wl renpoe dromtee s leitary Sil 1046 Haddies and Oysters always on band. You will save movey by buying oo M omcs ana magier: "****) / Fowls, Pork, Beef, Potatoes; Grain and everything that will sell WANTEB w: ;’ ‘,’;‘I‘P_I-IPE:ENS, dBAscAl.'e.m(::l‘.eGill) * "SMALL PROFITS AND QUICK RETURX3." YMathematice an m[ I!II * * Moderd Languages â€"â€" _‘ ' & ,____ tS GbODs DELIVERED To AXY PART OF TowX oX sHorr NOTICEF Mt Forest. yov 25th , 1882. ©246 2L 00020 00 0AE d AEIA n WE un Aevoraneanves e . Cc mc l aie » ce e eease y " P1 One Gold and two Silver Medals offered for competition. ThSehool'wnan nduy, January 6th, 1663 8 with tohswmg’ Stai : w frome Will be held in the High School on wENESDAY & TAURSDAT, IK 24 & Ast Mount Forest High School ENTRANCE Examination.! ‘t of the second Division of Lo .+ Concession. Fast of the ( d To wnehip of Glâ€"uelg, contu r 10th, Tesa AS U TR A YÂ¥ . SHOEMAKER, m ts Examioation for admission to ‘if‘l'.' awll of the‘s y Virtne of the power of titime of Swle, 15 por ereatfter, balnnce to be 6 premises payable in ents with interost at :n-'l.“;,l eont t:uu)all;.l T-'l- Â¥endors Solicitors c%!6 o P W is e "{"h }'MRS‘ E. LIMIN, T /C!‘TRAYED from t remises of the ‘lr f Q‘Tu(;nlmua&l‘o'l‘:« white l'le ::3 I:.o)umm d‘:).‘ { Dm. & ‘mu. n‘k”. s i is e , one ewe m a w p * nfhed mikk h mean on right side with tar | Augep: gaged o Mfi oo Bast of R. Py k | Any intermetiop that will lead ‘to their recovery hlu"lfl-llw . | will be thoukfally roceived Mormzawr muaes,.,., | ;. _ . #2 all orders p 1 U division Sheep Strayed. Oatmoal, Flour, Salt Dec. 6th. 1982. Great Bargains in Boots & Shues Raa,dy M:'s?le ‘Ulnthifié, E}lfluds,pSwfs, L‘ H! The Best and Chenpest Stock of 4 Bj RAISINS, Talencias and Tndon I BOTTOM PRICES, H. PARKER, Druggist, &c. DURHAM. CROS$ Children‘s Suvckingr:lilvl u;;.eu, Shaw!s, Clonds, Searfe very cheap FLANNXELS in Brown, Grey, ] Home made Flannels White Union & 9 ALL WOOL, Blflnketsj ‘otton and Linen Grain Bao priak casl: $ tlgeg t Th ies oa o te c 19â€" e .. Pm sadies ahid Gont‘s Fur Caps, _ Ladie‘s Fur Muffs, Boas, Collarettes, _ Mon‘s and | Men‘s & Boys‘ Shirts & Drawers, Moen‘s & Ifhlinesc‘o Cl entetel h uy ce 0+ One Pricé,; A full assortment of ?}RTOGFERIES Eâ€"Lats 4 Caps from, rangine i Boots & Shoes : TWEEDS and GENTS FURNISHINGS] GOODS Which are just opened out, and will be found in price quality to equal anything ever offered in Durham for CHEAPNESS and DURABILITY. NEW STOCK of GOODS a * ( s cd Â¥ o4 44 Have been so successful since opening business in the building opposite Parker‘s Drug Store, that they have had to order a A Great Success! srise RVERCO _ .. FURS, V A FURS IN GREAT E CO ATg VARiRTY ome made ivlatnels and Sheetings & lm'ge' Variety. Beautiful Winter Dross Goods, an immense Stock, Very chesup, Imported direct from England. liite Union 4 Gray Shanty ; .L wWoor Bldflkets,' Horse Rugs & Blankets, nr mnd T Anet Tevaln‘Tr." . .clzopl um jb se d C t7 â€"â€"â€"â€" AT _.__ WM LAIDL AY{ is prepared to give first cluss Bargains in every i a An Iimnmense Quantity of Christmus w o Canmnnsd Gâ€"o04s of all kinds, chceap. Great bargains in " Laidlaw‘s is what the people say: _ ‘Fhe best Herrings and Figh in ti Warranted. No. 1 Fiogr and [Improrted Natmaal" fram tha‘ k.‘ 14 CUT SAWS, several makes, CHOPP JNO. H. HUNTER & Co. Durham, Nov. 28rd But call at once and see the Large and Well assorted Stock of Goods just arrived consisting 0 Choice Patterns of TXTweeds& Mantle cloths, Dress Goods, Winceys and Shirtings. Also a No. 1 stock of Boots & Shoes all Warranted Whole Stock. We won‘t be undersold. SHIRTS & DRawErnrs3 is our motto. Produce DON‘T DELAY 1} Gray Shanty ' Bldnkets, Horse Rugs & Bla on Grain Bags, Carpet Bags, Satchels and Trunks a fine Assortment., iidintona: 2R vdcttatasilinns sssswlhs td # * & ~% cos i4 Cayoss, over one hundred Styles to Selgct of stuffed Birds & Flowers in Glass shadss. \ , ranging in price from 25 cents up. o. Ex Y C it of GROCERIES. NPWY PRBIHTPS . ma..! Quick Sales and Smail Profits & Coal Grey,' Navyâ€"blue, Smrl‘et‘ nakes, CHOPPING AXES, BEX AXES, BROAD AXRES: , 1882, « TEAS .. â€"â€"â€"A SPECIALITY. â€"â€" , JOHN CAMERON‘$ ( May Picking Japan TEA f Has no equal, B i 10 ImYy Slore. Also ’ c"--.! 1000 0 O P T WvAV AVA ALIURUY UA 11 onsisting i asket fire & NAGASIEA! Hranasoney Holed e oooicel Works Give Good Satisfaction. . | _ pooke ail, Many: o ue oooag $ ooks, Photo C radh . Try Them. ’ Desks, Wflrkgfiglels? léixfigft?xgl:gpgitl ' Telephones; &c., &o. P on tm d phones,; &e., &c. JOHN CAMERON. l Tf:,f ;S‘f: & PURSES, CHINA MoTTO CU(I"S Durbam, Nov. 15th, 1882. j » Lacies Companions, Christmas, New Year China and We nat ro At the same price. J. WOODLAND, Jr T Grate » lR dn , SHAWLS & DRESS Goops. 1 Oil kept constantly on hand. J. H. HUXNTER we are Safe i Saying that for STRENGTH _ Season. REMOYV1EE:D, m»yers AT _ . _ ""t 444011 VY , C Orner ist GOODS DELIVERED TO AXY PART OF TOWX oX gHort NOTICE FREE OoF CHARGE : is Micses & Lndics‘ do. Winces at all pric sadie‘s Fur Sets Cheap, Men‘s and Boys‘ Overcoats, s, Men‘s & Boys‘ Hats, Caps Tiewke t FulMine dn 8000 C taken in Exchange. Jxo. K. HUNTER & Co. e price. Please ask for it when in my store. Also in the Coftiity, Try Them. TOBACCO from 35 ets up, sSPECIATI, NOTICE! ues dorrd variety, i at all prices from 5¢ up, White and Fancy at all prices NEW FRUITS for the FLAVOR | Tapestry Assortment 100 0 m «AvChels;/ Valises, | CATTLE CHAINS and ROPE + * Stable Lantern CH axes, scormng| Builders‘® Hardware. everything that will gell \V-AN'J'.’EIS.' "SMALL PROFITS AND QUICK RETURXN3®." in price and {» a +2 y Valises ; 1.87 4133 . _ _ 9 PP OL goous. â€" irroat ‘Bargains in 4« hristm.as goo:ls which will be sold cheap. Call Great bargains in p* th 49 â€" e Everything you want yor ings and Figh in ts m irke:. Don‘t buy till you soe ‘th 1 from the best Mills in Canada exchanged for Oatsâ€" or You will Ssave money by buyiug from me, and don‘t vou £o Durham, Nov. 14th, 1882. TCOy s too endless to enumerate Fancy Goods suitable for Xmas & New years Presents Stationery a.nleS”chgbl Books. I * HAnNuR dIOUKk AND AT BOTTOM PRICES. GENTS‘ Fur, Cloth, Plush and Alma Caps in Great Variety Among which will be found a splendid line of Persian Lamb Caps ist Quality, Cheap. Ladies, Misses and Chi"ldrclan’sufnr. Plush & Lamb Caps, â€"â€"â€" VEZRY CHEAP, _ ‘ READYMADE SUIT S Large Range f?_fâ€" __Ofrérooats, Extra FROM 374 cents up. Several Lines of DRESS GOODS at Less ® B [""~m _ VAL VJ Give me a call before purchasing sold and am bouad to teli ; BLACKSMITHS‘ SUPPLIES Durham, Nov. 8 Fresh Arrivals yeW 10 y 0 PE CR L ALILL New Improved Champion than I have ever soi will find itstheir a Cross Cut Saws in IIAfiiAfi&DimfiND New Imnrtu.4 jay _ "mbEV id Aa _clll _ â€" o S te neomns, oV Tar, the ; Larges_t Assortment of Canadian and American Axes I have eyer offered "AF Prinne suhinl "I a s ar 20 Wl FALL STOCKis ARRIVING «4 CadoLDS, and a largo a:smmcfit\ t ~aate t fhe ay â€"[(â€"1â€"] minuts _ mteÂ¥cin ooo hA? Swhel“llf"s;s ,, . NOVELTIES, atchels, story Books, A M f Ei'bles, ALBUMS, \ The finestls.\fe'lr%c\:\ti_(.m shown yY PARTIES WOULD po STATIONERY, Toys, ine Ucods cre f Dolls, X M A S ! â€"Eâ€"virses, | CHEAP, At the School Book Depot, Upper Town » % â€"â€"â€"â€"CF ALL SQRTS OF â€"â€" supply of full siz6 five cent Sheet Music. Balance of S:ock of Wnll ?-.per Selling at Cost. e i Parlt Of the Poéetical Works of many Authors, mely bound, Bibles a speciality, Prayer & Hymn amd Many of the Christmas Annuals & Picture Photegraph and Autograph Albums, Writing , Work Boxes, Concertinas, Litzer‘s M. Organs, C Telephones; &c., &c. JOS. im MOW-A.'I"S, § Sign of the Ch@l@fijug@r_Toxvn, Durham. | 1 seli The place is P Natant Pn totyiieils iesfi ue nds uc J Hardware, Glass, Paints, Oils and Varnishes. Machine Oils at bottom prices. ITHS‘ SUPPLIES, Blosburg and Stove COAL it3 (;JOAIf__Q‘IL by the Barrel. s and Uhildren‘s Fur, Plush & Lamb Caps, â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" VERBRY CHEAP, â€"â€"_ and Drawrers a large stock, PDAAFf ami o o. * PZRBLoo GooDS at Less than Wholesale Prices. â€"â€"â€" Auother Lot of those Extra Value â€"â€" , 1882 At Prices which Gefy G0008, New o : of goods. _ Groat CARPETSs, from . LAIDLAW ____ .o~ °. L °CIa5¢ ITOM inc. the best Axe Handle in the MarEet. | M and I am now showing We axindss . 4 . 0 1 ROPE HALTERS at prices which Lanterns, Hay Iunives, Potato Forks ::I;: Chria;m‘;a. New Years, aud Birthdey CARDS, |How are you of £6Â¥ Socke! ina and Wax DOLLS. ; l n an +h ABbmnmausk« «igo _ _c__ 3.0 0 ,_ _ | A VERY imnortant question forevery Sign of the “Câ€"ii-cuTa.r Saw . THOS. JONES. t t 2y dy, . Mockler‘s. A Full Stock of &0 &7 L 0090 S TA A UA purchasing elsewhere. T Ad to Beli at clos* Prices GOoD vYaLUrE. F asadj puq C OVCp AMHObHEG on, Improved Champion &c sold them before. _ CASH i Cheap at ESCms MREVEY, BA D edvantage to purchase from MOTTO CUPS & SsAUCERS xchanged for Oatsâ€"or Cas4, Finna: n me, and don‘t you forget it ! Remember I sell and buy for cash 17. _ "_ _ [ 1 bxeos N NN PDHCOGORTéanmg 11 be sold cheap. Call and see them. os'gtbhmg.{'lon want you can get it ui a uy till you soe themâ€" 1 1 rnhan:{.‘! e o Yug io h('rn F Sltl’szCt"lu , Corner Store, Lower Town s Irwin‘s Bookstore The Gcods sre all Competition g‘"r.'":i f "' {Q/' $ ;} "": "‘-5“‘\. ts e 1p which will surprise everybody Forks & Drays. rom 30 cts. C «ce dGtEe. ," Lower Town LOWEBR TOWN, DURHAM pion &e., Cheaper CASH buyers , Lance, Lancet, CILIEAP: won‘t be underâ€" for Cash, wELL To ort rr & wWwHILE strock , VASES, '4@ 73 , Durham. 1, Durham. cosinaet® eYorsumpeditio®. . _ â€" _( S *EDCC! Give him a catland snpport nativeindustry In ai zes on the m »st i oproved m6 styies on theduortost notice and a} to feci comfortable by smiling on stonc,janr.. win has all the 18 P it Y PC T%. oneto considerus there is nothing more inâ€" juriousfor health thun cold ‘wet, however such san very easily beremediedand everybody mase. Knitting Stockings & Qot. 15th , 1561 Look out for cold weather, .___ Post Oftce, DUKHAM, bas sonstently on band aud Tornm ufm'l.,.f"nfi.':‘:’ !‘:c"!n“rfi Good Work and reasonublechurges Collars a Specialty. Darham , Dec.8, 1881, Harness Muker. Lauwbton Street, uear HARNESS, HARNESS.â€" Repairing prom ptly attended to. Remember the place, 21d door nurth of Parker‘s Lraug Store. NELBSON REABURN, HA RN ESS HE HARNXNES$ rPrSpyp : h ’1 condncted hy n..?.:’m... q-!.li_" S provionsly Durham, Ang. 22nd 1482 Who is now ready to turn ont He has also erected a New 0 prepared to snpply fir t class all parts of the town Bread always on hund ot Mrs. Melx Town, Bread, BlllLSPleb, Cakes of all kinds & (_!g_nfectionery. Changed Hands. Durham, Nov Jst. 1882 WiM, JOHNSTON, Jr., law : Lower Town, Durham, wa'tChy C}OCk, They All Say sof A 4. tablishment, ¢ Durham, for Tury Gin Ness. Apply rt one Darham, Nov .23, 18 Eust part Lot No, 1, Con wbout 50 reros cleared, situ the Town of Durhum, J «pply to e % "HB U condneted l»;‘Bcn;al;i?n Brow chased by NELSON REABURN, The West hulf Lot 17, Con. 4, N.D. R., Glonelg, 50 neres 15 neres cleared, goud Cast house and orchure on the womds=s. . The :»uu- and one acro will be mor\'h‘ during the life of the ocen» pints who wro now botweon 80 and 85 yeurs of ty6., 10th, Mecans ds Who have beeg there, IT PAYE to y twonty miles to buy a v+ & C a_ MARKDALE 18T CLASS PAIR of SPRCTACLES From the Peoples® J eweller, 2 O TmeRR 7t Lot No.22, Con, 9, Glenele, 100 aores more or lega lf iniles from the T. GL n mm,n.- Hoared, a now fruine honse and two log burns , Sth, Lot No. $3 in the Ira (‘flu.":'d T. & 8. ®R. Om 30 neres, £bout 45 ucres vlurred und good H s n@s, about '.,"A. ies from Mapkauil wl 0¢ PWE n v FNtay Ma¢RAF Dated 15th A ugust, 182. Following Farming Properties Will be 8010 on ranannaral . C °C D 4B Undersigned has remoy next door to McKentie‘®s Rant . with a good fi« . nroperides are s iroe from wil ene Lot No. 15 on the North Véll‘q,-.JxI Markdale, cloue The Eust half o} the W West 8 *~ o Countess , house an «itohen good well fouced, front fonce 1 oft water on the promi. 2 70°m0st desira\le Proverty boing Pay Nos. 2 and 3 on the north side 0f Goo st AELO® more or ) 94, w i f"n.fil,u'dll!"::‘ e nlokets, one and a half a ow t-!a,ux\sing orchard and very convenmien t to th, "Intl way woa it uiss sA d i0 OXxt door to McKenzie‘s Boot. store, 1 Tewn, whore he will keap all kinds of ® &2 _ Ast, 4 Lot No.1 on the Wast side of Garatraxe streow uind South of Muntor $10004, opmosite Mr. 3, M. Imiter‘s store house, wall tancod nad Aret class rame bulldlnui-, sood mlu*-. lm:“d. jid woft wvater M ectvetiong rasidence u; would imake w good business stand, T &. D. MeKEXZmp REMOVED, Lots 1 and 2, Preabytori DL Resen,. 241 O * *UpPETrbIE will be sold on reusonable torms of payment, w us Park Lot No "PHER + pHE wohieua In CHAS. LEAVENS That mos! dostra\te Pr 08. % and 3 on the north Or 4 _ being West ... "C‘C* f Land for S ale, being West part uf the finst division of L. 4 ;nnmbm' C0@Y ho t iy, the L.¢ concession wout «f tl-n- Gurairaxa Boad, l'-m‘l»hlp of Bentinck, The Iand wdjoing the Porpezation of the Toun of Dur «800. ind lios a) mp a --.mluml.nmmr Racilway and has all the Adviutages of boing close to the Town With low t2xe8. dtds weif cloared m.d in ap {v0d State of ©UX t ho . Will be sold in lot® 0@ in one rreaol . Py Inadon C140 un aifter Manch 18¢i PFor further p-.rucuhnnpply to VALUABLE PROPERTY Fopr Sale T%0 H. CCLL, Fob.15th, 18g9 A COCD orzening es k " OT No, 4, Chodu‘flhu. ll.hh-': * i~ur meres Cleareg Fenced. Btrects â€" "larre > ag i.‘.c'y;;f;m.. lur.:‘fiq purposes. Wi;} ze _ 2 THOS. JONEB, Book 8Store . Durhorg, NovP, 15th . rme> Nov YE®TY:TWq 9 *Pi??f"_'q for d E following valualble town propertica will be sold on rensondble torms wote w W 42 W dOK @ en uit wl 2 the TOWn 260 C4red, situte about 2 of Durhum, â€" For Furthier OTS 1. 2 and 8, N Bt. Durlran. boy ns ‘V. .Ia. D() 1. L,. OL any kind. on a teru u/ 7th, Inso . opposite the 1 Ginle to lewnn the Park Lot for sale, Land For own of Dnl‘h!un‘ County of Grey, cnly, 10 NOrth side of ale, close to the ie house thore; Id the very best ambranecs, * Aiso the â€"â€" 1882 Wiw. Huntor‘s 34h / I-‘olgu'; |- a New Oven @#s »tneet, with good @twhls n ence paiuted w) the West br) . PROSSER. 25th, i8e Or | Con, W. T. & 8. R. o vlurred und good '-xu hurkdiule -uuw‘ufi Doh ipply of Cerriag Z';i-'ll Inuterin Light or Heayy Â¥, Normunby % North »ide ol Nuddier ux full Metd-n-.qu \o U. A. PRINI-'LL‘. l‘\di«w;.l‘whn.. n murvey be., (142 " NB _ ahove best title will be yiven hns been pur jhout 2 miles frope further particulare SAle, ‘T CxChunge ROALBOUGLL I of Mill Stroet in the Tnilmiu‘ Feâ€" Revrew Office, 0 Tailoring ousiâ€" ‘en and is Bread to ,Burvey, 3 196 nnd Witite, «it hig l}mp 1 drst Oor & , Otene! hog bond: lf‘“_"l- «i -m tm dor tiâ€"205 t ug thae

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