West Grey Digital Newspapers

Grey Review, 7 Dec 1882, p. 4

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§ 0 U# Bwook or EantuqUta®c.â€"A severe shock ’ was felt at Welland avout 6:30 p. m. ou Monday. At port Colborne it was quit ] distinet, and it was supposed that auothor | mitroâ€"glycerine explosion bad occurred on | the canal works between that place and | Stonebridge. Enquiry from the telegraph office at the latter place indicated that this | was unfounded. At Thorold, about twenâ€" ’ ty miles distant from Port Colborne, the | shock was felt distincily, but no theory as | to its cause could be advanced. Interâ€" mediate towos report feeling it more or lous distinetly. It was supposed that the Sir John Macdonald says that "the Do minion Government does not intend to make any attempt to relax the present reâ€" strictions on the sale of liqnor in any Pro vinee of the Deminion." According to this if Sir John carries out his prvions aeâ€" elaration that the regulatoin of the liqnor traffic belonged to the Dominion Governâ€" ment, the liqnor dealers have, in appeal. ing from Mr. Crooks to him, only put on the yoke of new bondage. We@sink. how. ever that at least until this promise is betâ€" 1 ter gnaranteed the people of Outario had better stand by the Crooks Act, which is oue of the greatest boons which provincial selfâ€"governments has given theim.â€"Lonâ€" treal Witness. t A gravel train overtook and relescoped the Putlman car of the train from Quebec on the Intercolonial River at Beaver Brook on Friday night. The driver,brake man and stoker of the gravel train were sealled fatally and several other employees severely injured. The canse of the acciâ€" dent appears to be the slow progress of the Quebec train and the failure of the hands of the gravel t ain to obserye the tail lights of the passenger train. Reports of extensive aud hbeavy loss and damage to shipping on the lakes in the heavy gales of last week continue to urrive unhbappily accompanied by the news of loss of life. The schooner "Collingwood," a vessel previously prouounced unserworthy while on her way from St. Helea‘s to Chi cago, weut to pieces in the mid.dle of the lake, five of her unfortunats crew beimg The Montreal City and District Savings Bank lhas institated twentyâ€"eight suits to recover $165,000 from the directors of the City Passeuger Ruilway Company for los ses sustained by the bauk by way of money loaned upon security of the stock ot the railway company, alleged to have been in Bated by illegal declaration of dividenas which it had never earned. A supper at Lather village over the comâ€" pletion of the railway station at that place was a most successtul affuir, About sixty gnests were present. Mr. J. Elgie, formerâ€" ly stationâ€"master at Waldemar, bas been appointed to that position at Luther vilâ€" On the 15th ult., at noon and whilst all were absent from the premises, & fire broke out in the barn of Mr. Smelter, on lot 20, eoncession 3, Luther, destroying the build ing and all its couteats. The fire is sup â€" posed to have been the act of un incendiary. Miss Minnie Smith, a young lady of more than ordinary skill, who for the past two years has been tenching in 8. S. No. 11, Normanby, is at preseut suffering from alight aberration of mind.â€"Mt. F. Advoâ€" The by â€"law for raising $8,000 to purchase & right of way for a Y lor tue Graud Lruus Railway at Palmerston hbaus pussed two readings in the Council of that town auu new published. About $40,000 naye been expended in buildings at New Hamoury this yeur. Aâ€" mong the resulls ol uis expeuditure 1s « mauguili¢ent KHoman Catuoli¢ Cumicu, co i ing $10,000, Purt Colborue has a population of 1,420, and Stoueumdge 1,410, au«y tuey waut i amnulgamate. Fortyâ€"nive buildings have been erectes in Peterboro‘ duriug the seuson, ut a Cust of $148,000, The congregation of Holy Trinity charch Winuipeg, ars about to erect a uew cuureu costing $100,000. 180 car loads of stone were suipped la:t October from the quarries ut the Forks ut the Credit. F.Davis has sold east half, lot 21, con. 2, Prguun, to Miclunel Suaw for $1,2JJ. A uew Young Men‘s Liberal Clab hus been formed ut Owenu Souud. Bat even this,stupendous though it seems is little compared with the scene presentâ€" od when we rightly interpret what the teleâ€" seope reveals respecting the depths oi space beyond the domain of the visible star=. For each star we can see, thousand: were made visible by the telescope of Galileo, in later times teas of thousands, an? in the days of the Herschels hundreds of thon«â€" ’ ands. . With the best teleseopes in our own | time it is probable that as many as a thousâ€" | and million stars could be ssen were evâ€" ‘ ery part of the celsstial sphere examined.| A thousand millian suns, a thonsand mil-[ lion repetitions of the glories of the wonâ€" ders which modern science reveals in the central orb of our system !â€"â€"Professor| Proctor in Belgravia. ' ing more and wore carefully the stars‘ posiâ€" tions, they diminished the possible range of the as yet andetected appurent motions, men‘s conceptions of the grandenr of the mauterial universe increased. With Briarâ€" ean arms science thrust back the stars into the depths of space, until the glories of the nocturual Leavens were changed from so reany thousand points of light to so many saas, muoy as grund as our own, many far grander, some, like Sirius, Vegna, and Canâ€" opus, so much vaster than Lbe is, that vy: @omparisun with them: he seems the merâ€" ' est miniature of & son. | mategol she sunts distancs.zapnd as, observâ€" AThousand Million Suns. | Lire m‘Mexnico CANADIAN ITEMS. Hides Skins and Tallow. Particular attention paid to BELTING. | I R im ®lhie: . n frmnbentulras t vages> 3 l SADDLES, TRUXKS, VALISES, Warrs, CURRY COMBS, BRUSHES, &e. ‘ SPANISH SOLE & UPPER LEATHER, FRENCH & CANADIAN CALEFSKIN, l NATIVE & FOREIGN Kip SKILN Orders taken for WOOL CARDIXN G, Cloth Dressing and Pressing doue at Orchard Mills. Dusham, March, 14, 1882 COLORED LLNINGS, & SHOEMAKERS‘ Sn Boots & Shoes DEITE â€"w‘a..svuu, Single & Double Carriage Harnss, Plough Harness, Manu‘ THOMAS SMITH Saddler, Tanner & Shoemaker. qp .c "G, "0 â€"C20ren and others in the culture of Music. it overcomes tho drudgery of leurning the eloments of Music by pleasant atuusement. Whis nwew Method teaches you all about the Musical Staif, Derrees of the Staff, Clefs, Notes and Rosts, Seule, Intervals of the Senle, Location of Letiters on the Staff, and their relation to the Keys of the instrument. (This is very important with children) Fiats und sharps and their use. All the different Keys, how to form Chords or musical words. It tenches the syllables, Do, Re, Mi, etc., in singing. It contains & complete musical catechism. lt is MULTUM INX PAlYO. All this is learnod while the learner is amusing hunself by playing fumiliar tunes. Persons with no musical talent may play the tunes, us the guide is such that he eaunot. strike the wrong key. Full directions and four picces of musi: accompany the Method. Seut by mail for $1.00. Address, Kept in Stock and made to order Blortest Notice. we w Staif Scenule Drugzists BILM334CS8, Dizzmncss, DYSPZPEIA, DRoPsY, MOL2EZTION, FLUTTERING JAYNDIOE, OF THE HEART > £ERYSIPELAS, ACIDITY or SALT RHCUM, THE sromaci, flf‘RTBU/?N, DRYKNLS3 HEADACKE, OF THE sxiu, And every specias of diseasa arising from disoruered 1 V «4, K.ONSYS, 670”“"' BOWEâ€"S 0@ LLOOD, T. HILBURN & §Q,, Provviet MUSIC for EVERYEODY. MERRILL‘S LCY C# EC NY I C> TJ is anu‘facturer and Dealer in Team Harness, *| _ How Hz Sextexoep Hnt.â€"A good story !' is told of Judge Kent, the wellâ€"known jourâ€" *|ist. A muan was indieted for burglary, and ~ the evidence on the trial showed that his ® , burglary consisted in entting a hole through " a tent in which several persons were «leepâ€" ing, and then projecting his head and arm through the hole and abstracting varions. articles of value. It was claimed by his counsel that, ina=much as he never netually | entered into the tent with his whole boby, Jhe had not comumitted the offence chargeb, | and must, theretore, be discharge i. â€"Judge lK»ul, in reply to this plea, told the jury ' that, if they were not satisfied that the | whole man was involved in the crime, l they wight bring in a verdict of guilty ngaiust so much of him as was thus involyâ€" ‘ed. The jury, aftera brief consultation, found the right arm, the right shoulder, ,uml the head of the prisover guilty nfllm/ rfonce of burglary, The judge seutenced he right arm, the right shoulder and head to im#rionment with nard labor in the state prison for two years, remarking thrt is to the rest ofthe mau‘s body he might do with it what he pleased.â€"N. Y. Indeâ€" pendent, Lire m $Mex1co.â€"Twentyâ€"five sons of Nova Seotia farmers tired of bhumdruw agâ€" R | riculture and desirous pf adventure, made | & contract to go to Mexico to work tn a silâ€" , ver mine. They were promised good pray, _ comfortable board, and ali the known safeâ€" gourds against accidect in the mine. â€" After _ a horseback journey of 325 uies from Ei Paso, in which they were men aced all tho, {w-y by Indians, they arrived at Custhuâ€" | atehie, a mining viliage whaeh failed utterâ€" | ly to sutisfy the promises. The board conâ€" lui.sud of wreiched fare in roofless adobe | pens, and the mine was so dungerous that | the natives would uot work in it. The l‘-hm was 600 feet deep, and the descent | had to be made on a Mexican ladder, which ,iu merely & notched pole, or in the Bulâ€"|| lock skins in which the quartz was raised ’by ropes. The Nova Scotiins refused to work and were imprisoved for breaking their contract. Then they escaped and started across the plains on foot, but were | overtaken by a military company, and two were killed. At the end of a yerr and a half of hardships, they have been released and are now on their way Lome. â€" There is a warning here for those who grumble at the "old howe." l ' METHOD, [COPYRIGHT sECURED, arting Children and others in the . it overcomes tho drudgery of l uts of Music by pleasant atuusem Method teaches you all sbont + Cash Paid for CHICAGO PIANO Co A* xX v‘, e‘ DizzinEs3, DnoPoy, FLUTTERING * Supplies. ‘etors, TORONT ShOW yOUr NEighâ€"| swrewe y mmlaie bour the "Revio .» nSesestantens o view"/"=». " wa prvond a meccpn after :3&%:: and get him to Subscribe|""***°= P'l;;:r’s.m for it. $1 per year, _ | 66wR y se Teimves Glazing, Graining, and Paper Hap promptly actended to. Fresco and Banner Painting Speciality. Charges Moderate.â€"Urders left atJ. F. Mow H AVING decided to close our Banking Business in Durham , Notice is hereby given that all Notes and Drafte ‘made payable at our oftice in Durham and which come due aiter lith \rril 1882, will be pavable at the Caradian Bank of Commerce, Durbam, which is hereby authorized to uccept payment of same. J. A. HALSTED & Co. lHouse, Sign, and Ornamental Painter, ~ DURHAN. / W wamagls LOUTTT, PHIT HPZ. 1 willreceive prompt attention Durham, March 3rd,1861. WOOL, BUTTER & EGGS Flour, Oatmeal and All kinds Grain Bought and Sold. Fresh Groceries & Provis ons, Crockery and Glassware, Chinn Tea S&ets, Ston, Grnite and Glass iSets, Stine & Glass Fruit FJars April 15th, 1882 Grocary and Provision Store, Upper Town Hams Prompt attention given to all Orders None but first class hands employed, and Durkham, Aug. 8rd, 188%. F. DOWNES, Th e Is the place to get your Suits Made, Coat, Vest, Pants, Overcoat or Ulsterette. Millir‘s Mixed Paints, ready for the brush, always Durham, Nov. 8rd, 1881 French Big Bargains‘ in builders Hardâ€" ware, Paints, Cils, Varnishes, Glass, Putty, &c. Call and ses my Great Zulu Brsach Loading Shot Gun, Only E35. Leading Hardware Store Durham, Sept. 17th. 1882 Tailoring Establishment, | § NOTICHE, From the Best Manufactories have arrived and will bp Sold at Bottom Prices. English, and American Fashions Received. IIls. C D&CON, JAS. BRURNET‘S are now arriving at the Noted Cheap Store. Beâ€" fore buying an inspection of our Goods and Prices is solicited. New Goods TRHE HIGHEST MARKET PRICE FOR Paper Hangin Upper Town, is the place to get On Hand a Large Supply of Bankers, F. Mowat â€"â€"â€" A Large Stock of â€"â€" t12u4 C. L. GRANT. TESTIMONIALS: To Mr Leeson: Dec 16th, 981. Dear Sirâ€"My wife and children have all been by D(PM Medicine, I certain ::mt fi :o::od care. nnu*lcorr rthut, Nov 23, 1881 , w o W $ Lrthur, Nov 23,1881 it d cactck : .1 Is the only sure cure for this terrible disease. It Cures enses ensy and withou {dn to the patient. No washing or swilling the hroat, so t{.t the smallest :hildouln take it, !t.lc'llo cures laflun- mation of chest, lungs er bow , Asthma, Croup, bad colds, and if steadily token will brouk n';a Consumption. LEESON‘s _ _ DIPHTHERIA MEDICINE «hA TE Charges Moderate All Pictures Enlarged & Framed gnuarantee to give a perfect fit and satisfaction 11. TORRY &Co. PHOTCGRAPHERS. & L. ROBERTSON. wORK STRICTLY FiIrRST work warranted to Give Satisfact GALLERYâ€"Upper Town, Durham m T. J. ADIKE. . Durham. em191 of At CAMP sToyrE DRESS Goods a Speciality PRICES CLOgs®E, A FULL CIOICE SELECTION of Knitted Woollen GOODS MILLINERY STAPLE and Fancy GOODS New Fall Goods A. DAVIDSON . A. HARRIS‘, Durham. Subscribe for 1883 now, and GET BALANCE OF 1882 FREE Orders and remittances to be addressed Contains Seventyâ€"two Columns of Reading Matter, and is admitted to be the best z&#thorâ€" ity upon Agriculitural and Commerc.al matters in the Dominion. THE MONARCH OF THE WEEKLIES Do The Best General Newspaper 1883 | THE LARGEST â€" THE CKEAPEST WEEKLY GLOBEF STOCK of GROCTRIES always FOR MANITOBA! A. G O R IN THE DOMINION. For Every Department. Call and see ONE DOLLAR. AGENT FOR THE BOSS SPECTACLE Tomye that the above is corre«t, I would nsk of public generaily to give me a call before _ going elsewhere, \ Repairing a specialty, and all work MILLINERY GoODS ' Ladics‘ Gold and 8 Iver Warches. ; My stock of Araerican Jewellery is also Complete In SETS, | _ BROOCHES, Newest Style, LAa&CB PINS, EARRINGS, ALBERTS, # FOB CHATINS, Best Quality, GUALDS, & NECKLACES. Brooches. Silver 1 Thimbles, Necklaces, ‘ Lockets, Charms, Scarf t ins, Gent‘s Setts etc. Ladies Gem Rings & Splendid Assortment. Aiso I keep on hand the Lu.r‘gest Stock ot American altham * WATCHES,in the County. hee Ana have now in Stock the Prettiest Designs in 'uy Stock is now cunzlm and embraces the folâ€" lowing Goods of which I have one of the Largest [ Btocks in the County: Durham, Sept 13th, 1682 Clocks of all kinds and styles kept on hand ONE DOLLAE. THE GLOBE PRINTING COMPANY, A.. DAVIDSON. go without a Barr AND arranted A. GORrDonNn. 0 0 D S 0 0 D S 0 0O D S fedcs TORONTO. 11883 MIBCELLANEOYs N , [*â€" LLal on Hand. | Bu pr will ch BL -.rJ 1% oures Ttching, E mpâ€" tious and Dandruil, As a GALR DHAESSING it e wery Qn-lulolo. riving the hair ® r§ikon «oftness which all l&n!ro. It koeps the head san, eweet and toaldiy, > " o * MA '3.,{‘ fi&%% iÂ¥X REN WER&.&@ id | for over twenty y ;‘tâ€"_â€"â€"‘â€"/f Chomist It eupplios the naturat \‘of Mass. food and color to the hair and grauds without stainiug the ud.hg skim. It will incronse and , ‘;’hyn- thicken the growth of the R hair, prevont #ts Mazwching clans and islling off, und thus ‘ endoree Aavenr manmwmmus | and Poy and is the bost preparation ever invented for RESTORâ€" ING GKAY HAarRK o ITs YOUTHIFUL COLOLR AND _ LIFE, y cauch 1D, MeNICOLL, a Gon. Puss. Agent, Torouto, Nov, 16th, 1881 Owen Sound.. Fleshort on.... Peeswater..... Hurriston ...... dount Forest Drangeville.... Caledon June Poronto......... UALre Luledon June, Drangoyille... Mount Forest ‘eeswater...... Flesherton ... Owen Sound... "azedon Zunc, * ©;06 * Poronto..........wr. . 1045 * A mixed train will «lso run be )-ufloud. Bee Time Table On Toronto Pxh In the newlp elected legislature foundland,the Episcopalians are re ed by 18 members, the Roman C by 12, Methodists 4, Presbyterian Congregationahsts 1, The popul the colony comprises 80,000 Cat,,, 000 Episcopaliaus, 40,000 Methoi Presbyterians. CCCePe W 40 as . recommen invariably cure Stomach and vlainte, fluuue- of the Kidueys . difficulties, We know whercof and can readily say, give thom a at fifty cents a bottle, by McFar L* * GUr V slcmf‘N AVERT BALDNES®, Do not be Beceived In these times of quack medici ments everywhere, it is trucly . ; tind one remely that is worthy / "NCNCe everywhere, it is truely . g tind ohe reme‘ly thas is worthy of which realiy does as recommn an.\o.; The car works of the I Western Ruilwat, Wob were burned Batarday, Three bundred men ue ployment, eRitiniicn / suring the officials of the mslitution q neglecting to provide for the @scape of q immates of the hospital wards, Buckien‘s Arnicn Baive, The best Suive in the world for cuts, bruiy sores, ulcers, sait rheum, fever $0768; tery echapped hands, chillizins, goms, and , emptious, aud positively eures Piles., jp ynaranteed to give pertect BAUsfaCtion, ., money refanded. Price 25 sony, PC by For saie by MeFarinne & Co. V Toronto, Grey RATL WA Y | AiePof Reiaierad K.. â€" a cure, can be remedied by that unt:; ulator and purifying tome, Burdock Bitters, Ask your douggist for proof, The coroner‘s jury on the Halify house tragedy lhus reburned a vasl Hituers will do SeSTELO To Areut Wkthy, The best p a for m and emergencies., “'&m’ lu“-.h_n-u. Noreness, Sore Phwont 10. ""®, *h emin d Commmnnt sprve, Ausd CE for Cardinal Manuing adjoining huh:_ ense in Iou‘\lu. to cost £28,000, ...R:f‘.b'ff:' Wives, uothm. Iaok 4. _ Sit aclg 02 CCCCS, aAnd ness of all kinds, is that mary remedy, Hagyard‘s Yellow Qil n M j ESETABLr Portage ls Prairie has lmq will thing siie $40,000 on sidewnik.« se las been in constant CHAaANGE or waMe®:. and after Monday 30th X Trains will run as follow Keep it in your family uis by the public »n 1. d inz sw ty mt ~ c the beard to a BROW® t discretion, . Being 1" * n 4t 4s eatily appHed * : . NGHAM: roR TH & 16 ;gistDyE h pedunne LL PMA Au, dep ‘dgp' _A Desies 130 p.n GolNé soutn GOING x /00 y 6* Chilblains, 180 12:55 aSHOb, U Hr EDMUND WKAGGE Kguitin® color p.m _ London & 'dVCl"ull. j + 14048 ‘]m‘d throwa ouy of en t _ and Paiy pop Maryellons ) follows AreliOdists $ in meQiâ€" cine, & Bruce mend it RS &, een Toronto und The ASMh oD . siGine C Javer 0 ‘ys and Un reof we m a trial, "arlane & Co lature of are ne (.. Halifax poy @& verdiet Cen mslitution @scupe .:.'fl ral Munage ~â€"b247 g1 ulation llulu‘“' v., 1882, $42 1045 advert nlllyx.‘ Praise a during thy Cathol 425 pan t0) "= 645 ® 8:10 pan 447 Th .o M t Ts 9k xi

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