West Grey Digital Newspapers

Grey Review, 24 May 1883, p. 4

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32910-&- uatxture just before plantâ€" C.ovn.tbo roots with a wet cloth while the trees are waiting for planting. 'A‘-hofinhu'l’-uhuuunm ~O Wâ€"-ndohh, prefersnce) -hfio.ulohuh.n.nflnboa- of the hole. I'h-nnloac.u-nrm n hthoinadihiinaintnts Gnidmac ds ~ of its roots. Hold it firm while the fine carth is being padded around the roots with the hands of Uyour helper. Do fnot shake the tree or seample down the earth. Mmu-a»flwbm in a tubfilled with a puddle, of thin clay and water, or earth and water. ~~ If that is impossible, dip the root of each With apple trees, when possible, "heel g im full and plaut out in spring. Ayoid planting. Dig your holos some time before plantâ€" ing, so that the sun may warm them. Mave plenty of fine seil near each Lole. ;, Cut off bruised roots and rootlets just beâ€" tere planting. If the root> are injured or bare, cat off a proportionnie w.nouyt of the branckes of the tree to be in d tlhe o d c k. Put no fresh manurze near the roots. â€" Do not bury the tree bolow fthe ‘crc Sssc css The following suggestions by a corresâ€" pondent of the Montreal Witness may be wetud at the presont time when tree plant '_1.500 general :â€"â€" * TIn digging up treos leave as many of the emall fibrous roots (the rootlets) unbroken as possiblo, Mr. Thompsov, of Hommingford, says ene should make a chalk mark on the side of the tree which frces the north, and, in planting, seo that the chalk mark still fices the morth, the rest under barley, oats and petu ’;'h« eassern section of the Province is confident Iy expected to produce a fall crop. The only cheerful reports from the west }' ern part of the Province refoy to the morthâ€" | en half of Essox, the Inko shore townships ’ <£ Huron and Bruce, the count y of Wellingâ€" tom, the northera paits oi York and Peel, { and the southern half of Sixeoo ; and even | iw these districts the erop has been gcrious. | iy damaged by the frosts and winds of Apâ€"| til *Elsewhere the area sowa will probub | ly bo reduced by 20 per cent., 4 portion of ' wiÂ¥ .D will be pat under spring wheat and | the rest under barley, oats and peas. The |, weither rootod nor tillesed well. This cir eumstance will account in a messure for sheBad reports now received ; and it is reasonable to Lope that, where the plant bas survived the anow and ice and exposâ€" ure of winter, the outlook will brighten with warm and glowing weathor. It is unâ€" fortunately true, however, that a iarge exâ€" tent of wheatâ€"land is alremly doowed, and Keep the roots moist till the t t ig | _ Ail over the iand ‘lje- e ."“ mmnc. .0' Hw stop this | over Dr. King‘s new Visc “IM t due in some degree to | tion. Their unlooked f the condition of the ground at seedtime. In ’l timely u;s of this great 1 the east it was favorable, and the young | fAuses them to go nearly * It is gnarante k t plant mreade a good start in the fall, To i’c.,::,‘?,::‘ '4":1.1::‘ ilu'.'&l' the west the heavy rains of July and Aug chitis, Hoarseness, Loss o ust and the season of drouth that followed . fection of the T hroat and o f T tles free at MeFarlane & interfered with the proper cultivation o Large size $1, 2, fallows, llulo-pcun{h of per and stubbl | The British steamship lands, so that the soil was in Yare poss P * winter throughout the westorn section of the Provines is, that in the southern eounties the wheat has been injured the most on gravel and sandy lands ; bat up io the northern counties this condition is #eversed, the whout having had adequate protection on even the highest lands. It is remarked. however, that where high , :::: ground in the souts was sheltered from | p winds the wheat is well preserved, and I Ko: the importance of plasting the borders of | };;,, farms with trees is urged by many corresâ€" | tre: two of which wore strong on':m;,';xâ€" u: bea up a horse. A noticeable peculiarity in the effects o Hints on Tree Planting The great*rain storm that was central | over the Ohio valley in the latter part of | January extended into Ontario (either as | rain or sleet), northward as fur as Georgian ‘ Bay and eastward as far as Toronto. lnl the Lake Erie counties, and in portions of | Middleser, Orford and Brant, nearly l.lu‘ whole of the snow was‘Zcarried off at this ; time ; and a cold spell following, the felds | were left coated over with sleet and | ieo. In those counties tha general verâ€" ] diet of correspondeonts is, «thet ,the wheat ]. had been "frozen to death;" whereas in the northern counties the verdict is "smothâ€" erad to death." A correspondent in Hurâ€" | j on county observres that six successive crasts | 7 formed on the snow during the winter, ; t This marked difference seems to be due largely to conditions of weather. In the Fast the winter was unbroken from first to Inst. Consequently the suow lay on the ground as it fell; and, while it formed a werm covering for the wheat plant in the coldest westher, the air was not excladed. But in the west there were alternations of warm waves and cold waves,and occasional atorms of rain as well as of snow. ‘The reâ€" ault was, that where the smow fell heavy,as in the northern counties, it packed and 1 erasted ; and where the fall was light, “I in the sonthern counties, the ground was aometimes bare and sometimes covered | Pully 80 per cent. of the total area of fall | wheat in Ontario lies west of the mmdin! of Tatonto, and unfortunately the most | discouraging secounts of the erop are reâ€" eeived from that part of the Province. P There is indeed a singular contrast in the reports for the castern and weste:n geeâ€" tions ; for, while those for the one agree in | saying that the prospect has not often been worse, those for the other are not less unanimons in saying that it was never betâ€" 1 In the ordinary*course® of our Ontario seasons vegitation is at this date well adâ€" vanged. Not unfrequently the forest trees are ont in leaf, and*the fruit trees are in blossorn. â€"But the present is one of the exâ€" Septional years. Hard frosts, raw winds and chilling rains have prevailed and fow signs of active vegetation are npparent in forest, field or garden. Consequently it is diffienit to deal with the real conit‘ion of our staple cereal, the fall wheat. It is too early to form an acenrate opinion. Neither in there much of an encouraging character to repart on the progre«s of spring work on _‘ WHAT THE ONTARIO® BUREAU OP IXDUSTRIES Has TOSAY ABOUT 1T. ploughed up or reâ€"sown wit # 6 en e _ ially of per and stubb}. | soil was in very poo was sown late, and t] e is plantâ€" crown ~" CawT=ER®EDICISE Co., © f] New York Sity, . | LEESON‘S j | DIPHTHERIA MEDICINE vse them,* T 1y oruginte T+he bane of #n m a¢ our groub ot! ns /o not. Aaiter‘s Lile Nvr en ptatoce, 2 HW Lecson Varney. Dear Sirâ€"There is a lot of place. I saw one case whore used which proved n success m it up. 1 want you to send me For sale at Parker‘s, Durham Achs they would be almost pricel<as to those who #eviler from this distressing complaint; but fo: it« llf:tly!hcilgog‘aflon‘oflmlm.”‘fiofl W L 0 . 10â€" &EOTCCZZRUOTS Not end here, and thos o once try them will find these little pills o‘h ::’v:‘:: :»’..yny.mmqwm»c :o'i io do withont them, . But after all sick head aud regulate the bowels. Kven if they ou! To Mr Leosor llt;nd:«l:he,.yicw"ll.m;uvfl"flm cqnaily valuable in omi'uhu, enti this annoying complaint, 'm“'l':’k‘ nln com‘n ali disorders of the stomach, stimulate the }iver the only aure oure for this terrible disease. Tt cures cases mwnd without pain to the tp‘anont. No washing or Pwilling the thront, so that the smallest child can take it. It also cures inflamâ€" mation of chest, lungs or bowols, Asthma, Croup, bad colds, and if steadily token will break up Consumption. Bick TKendncho and relieve all the troubles tnck dst vu’a“b!:iunrg!m.e of Ihem”‘ch ae Diz ginc«, Nanwcay mfl' er eantin Fa‘n in the £:de, &c. te Mr-u"-;.:l' able success has beem shown in curing _ 2ARTERS | _ The editor of the Grand River Sackem says : We are usualiy sparing in our encouiums towards patent mediemes, Dut observation and enquiry has sativied us that the preparâ€" ation o} Messrs. T. Milburn & Co.,and styled ‘Burdock Blood Bitters,‘ as a blood purifying tome is worthy of the high reputation it has established among the peopic." c210 | _ France has openly proclaimed at Hong l Kong her intention to exercise a protectoâ€" ;‘ rate over Tonquin and will proceed to exâ€" fuses babcs tm 2s The British steamship "Minard Castlo" has been wrecked off Hong Kong, KEST & consosr to the 80 PE ERINI; wWgeui esc e es e Sn entl causes them to yo 1 It is gnuaranteed to Cvu‘hb, (fuhl‘, Ast chitis, Hoarsgness, T fection of the Throat tles free at MeFarlan The Duke of Argy!l 1 large house in the neigh tainobleatt, where he inte part of the summer. bug s Oy AS It leads to serious results, aud ill health is sure to follow. Burdock Blood Bitters is the most porfect regalator of the bowels, and the best biood purifier that is known. _ c270 Never allow the bowels pid condition, as it lewls aud ill health is sure to longing to the Smiths, where r was staying for a fow day: some wild geese near the Bay ing a gun with him, the two 1 the house for Smith‘s gun, wh cceded to load. After puiting young Smith let the hammer deuly and the gun went off. ‘ who happened to be standing recerived the charge in hor bre immediately. Suot tmroven t neart.â€"A sad affair [oeclu‘ed at Julin Bay, near Gore Bay, Munitoulin Island, on Saturday morning May 6, in which a young girl, Katie Turnâ€" or, some twelve years of age, lost her life. It appears that two lads ef that villege, | Thomas Porter and James Smith, of about l fourteen or fifteen, were out at a farm beâ€" ACHE Put your hen housein the middle of your orchard. â€" The hens will manure the ground and eat the rotten apples and grab off the grubs, ITTLE IVER PILLLS, Take care of your young, and in your o eare of you. ture, and yields wood hausted. CVR E T T o det ts mities if necessary. Eaxcited Thousands, S$1G6K Paste paper over any excoriorations or raw spots on the bark of a tree, or cover them with grafting waxâ€"to make an arti« ficial bark pro tem., till a new bark(epiderâ€" rais) grows nnder it. Paint tar round the bottorn of the trunk of apple trees to keep off mice and destrueâ€" tive insects. ° Put the field where your trees are growâ€" ing down to potatues, which Luave large stuike, and use the staiks every year for mulcb. . * Tie the trees to stakes if the wind shakes them too much. Put the stakes to the east of the tree to ward of the morning sun Tie your soft cord or untwisted rope to the stake tight, and then in a loop round the Mulch with chip manure and saw â€"dust, fan bark,..leaves, flat stones. "most anv. a subsoi! drain. Muke your hole wide and deep and genâ€" erous. Pour a prilfnl or two of water round each tree when planted. of the stomach, stimulate the }iver the bowels. lvp if they ouly cured kea TESTIMONIALS * f0 o nearly wild in its praise teed to positively cure Sever 1ds, Ant..hma. _H_:_.y_ Feyer, Eron Never Allow I1. 1650, "It will most surely ! Heal, as its neting power is Housohold Panaces," bum, ront Pain Reliever, and o any other Elizir or Lini« uld bein every family handy as it roally is the best rem * your treea when they are your old age they will take uiths, where Katie Turner a fow days, and seeing near the Bay, Porter, hayâ€" im, the two lads went into ith‘s gun, which they proâ€" After putting on the cap. ss of Voice, or any ew ol t ant ring in our encouiums iemes, Dut observation ied us that the preparâ€" ilhurn & Co.,and styled re," as a blood purifying wLt. L ud VÂ¥ : hammer down too sudâ€" vt off. The poor girl, standing in front of it, has jast hived a lhvorkood of Fonâ€" tends to live for a going into ecatasy very for l’,'onsumr- r recovery | by the ie Saving remedy. wild in its praise, vely cure Severe when otherwiso er to remain in a torâ€" i°e, or any af gs. Trial Bot s Drug Store. vreast,‘and died Seeder Guaranteed. No Risk, This seeder is made expressly to attach to the Tiger Sully Rake, without baving to move the teoeth, and is the best sower in Ontario for all aud every kind of grain. T4 who have my rake can have the sower complete for $25, and those about to purchas rake should provide themselves with the sower also. Farmers, you have then a Bro cast Seeder }()n- less than oneâ€"third the price of those cumbersome implements now use, will do better work, lighter on your team, is easily put away when not in use, ; not ltable to get out of order. Dee. ©1, 188% Is prepared to relieve you of the lurdens of Iabor Seeding Time is close at hand March 8, 1883, Also Agent for Reapers, Mowers, Root Cutters, Straw Cutters, Ploughs, &c. REPAIRING Promptly atternded to. Carriages, Buggies DURHAM CARRIAGE WORKS R. McFARLANE, Prop. Durham, April 2nd, 1883. Having p The publi .__ _ EXCELLENT AND CHEAP. May Pickings, Natural Leaf J apan, Nagasaki & Pekoa J apans J AS. BURNETS, â€".â€" The Best â€" â€" FIELD AND GARDEN SEEDS SEEDS, SEEDS. ing purchased very exlensively, I have decided to send out a Clerk to solicit orders. public buying from: him may rely on getting TEAS equally as good as purehased at my Store. Heis NO PEDTAR pripi __0_, "dimiyas good as p BROADCAST SEEDER Now Ready, GEXNERAL GROCERY STORE, DURHAM Remember the addross, Durkam, April 12, 1893. Any quantity of BUTTER & EGGS wanted Market price given. Is very attractive, Stylish and Cheap. A Full Line of Dress Buttons, and Trimmings, Silks, Sating, Velvets, Ribbons, Laces, Fringe, Embroidery, Beaded Trimmings, Dress and Jacket Ornaments, Parasols &c. BExtra Yalue in Airax and UThika PMablacna MAE _ THE MILLINERY Nun‘s Veiling, Crape Canada, Lustre Cords, in the NEWEST SHADES. The new PRINTS, Scotch GINGHAMS, Muslins, Cretones, &c¢., are worth calling to see. Having IMPORTED this Season‘s S i.nabdies me to give my customers ;J _ â€"THEâ€" SPECIAL BARGAINS. . NOTICE to TEAS â€" TEAS â€" TEA _ |Ofee Noth onl Carafraxs Street, Dress Goods, !‘â€" =ime® . & O C ET BEA JA 3 Of the DURHAM FOUNDRY, Value in Grey and White Cotfons, Shi}tingsj . Ducks, Denims, and Tickings. made up in First Ciass Style, ard as Cbeap as any in t FARMERS, Direct from BRITISH MARKETS Enables me to give my customers EDUAR ket Ru.llll,_,_ A2000 "5 £000 is purch is NO PEDLAR, but Represents my firm which has been established ovor 20 years in South Grey, Stock of GROCERIES. TEA a specialty. JOHN CAMERON, wo==â€"» ANJD) â€"â€"â€"â€". ‘urdens of Iabor. He has purchased the patent ot imanufacturing the Tea Emporium & General Store A FINE LOT OF â€"AND OTHERS. =â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"@Qâ€"_â€"___. IN , Workmanship Guaranteed, the Connty. and Waggons R. MeFARLANE, â€" Next the ‘Rgview' Office A. DAVIDSON. pper Town, Durham ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO â€"Highost Of All Kinds Done on Short Notice in MoST Job Work, Modern and Best Styles, The Rest of 1883 \Grey Review Best Advertising Medium ONLY $1 per For 75 cts cash. And on REASONABLE TERMES Is one of the Cheapest and Best Weekly Newspapers published in Ontario. Published by J. Townsend, The ‘Review INTHE COUNTY OF GREY, 8 DURILAM. Wh_en paid in adyance. l9 a.s wignt> the Prompt attention giventto all Orders. Charges None but first class hands employed, and The The © Is the place to get your Suits Made, ‘ Coat, Vest, Pants, Overcoat or Ulsterctte. | RIS TIEINTG and French Flour, Oatmeal Tailoring Establishment, ~verhazled. As in the past, partion Subscribe for 1883 now, anrd GZT BALANCE OF 1882 FREE Matter, and is admitted to be the best authorâ€" ity upon Agriculitural and Commerc:al matters in the Dominion. THE MONARCH OF THE WEEKLIES INE LARbGesi â€" 1BE GHEAPEST The Best Ceneral Newspaper THE LARGEST â€" THE CHFEAPES 18682 DoXE OX sHORTEST Saw Mill is now in good working WEEKLY glgge} Durham, Jan. 10th, 1883. AT LOW PRICES axp DELIVERED Inx axy p Orders and remittances to be addressed DURHAM MILLS , Nov. 3rd, 1881 15 , English, and American Fashions Received IN THE DOMINIGIN â€"â€" FOR THE NEXT 30 DAYSâ€"â€" New Goods are now arriving at the Noted Cheap Store. Beâ€" fore buying an inspection of our Goods and Prices is solicited. SA ME ILI! ONE DBOCLTLACR. TKE GLOBE PRIRTIEG CoOPP%Y, NOTICE & SATISFPACTION GUARAXNTERp C. L. GRANT T. A, HARRIG, guaranteo to give a perfoet fil und lar attention ‘paid to CUSTOX work H. G. & J. MeKECHNIE. FOR CASH. = (1063 Moderate, & ROBERTSON. TO~nONTA. order, h OCHoOoPPIXNXG Feed, sold . ART OP Prowx aving just em191 entisfaction i t B ti been bouwartaw â€" 00 k tm Â¥ #ll ( U â€" faritgs . m 30280 3 pre Mount Fomest. * ©a) * P Odelon dines o t 3 ge A mixed train will nleo yan r Owen Sound, gao phue Mn bhttap Torop:sand Gen. Pass. Agent, _ Toronto, Nov. 18th, 1581 Toronto, Grey & Bruce RALWwAY, + (.l.l;-_"- PEMmER, n and after Monday 80th Nov,, 188% Trains will run as follows : | LOH® Sreds are the | The MoralGuide will to}! | _ Viex‘s Frownn anp a ) Pages,6 Colored Plates, f cents iu]iqmrmn-m-..; @1. | German and Luglis. | For 1883 is an Elegant ; Calored Piates of Floy | and more than 1000 choicest Flowors, Plants n reetions for wowing. It is the Contro *flbh- ora Hoti your naume und Post Office | and J will sond i'cm @@opy, | pota quarter of its cost it ] lish and German , If you a \ deduect the 10 eouts Vrox‘s Iurrsnoren M Pages, a Colorod Pla+« bh w fine ongravinge. Price #1.9 for #8,00. Epecimen Numb trial copi |Vick‘s Floral Guide the O dohn HL W. M Bervice every Sabbi m. Subbath Schoo} at every Thursday evenn W . Leech , Divine Servic z:e;n-ry Smbb p. am. l:vbbnu School nt i2.-:90 evory M.\' ©vening every Thursday evening at Borvice overy Bubi Bubbath School at Forost. DURRAN LODGi: N0. 206 op a 3 Nl:!ln' of Mesting, Pucsday on or PenXIry onb Babbath sorvices at 11 a. m.and School ut 0:30 n. m. â€" Roy 5& i. As Church Wardens, F., Parker und s Niceds anve Mn es i dbatalittct 0s c A. : â€" scribed or not is responsible for 4. 2f a subscriber orders his p stopped at a cortain time, and the contmnues to send, the subsorilheg to pay for it if he takes it out 0 wflice. This proceeds upon th that a man must pay for what he nlq.u or lmthér. o; ue duly .. _i " AWIVASY 99 â€" F6 mag» tige h.\‘ I’Q:C‘.el' (uturniug the p:lpur does not auswor the law) when a suusertber does noy take his prper out of the oflice, and state the reasoue for its not tbeing tuken. Any neglect to do so maukes the postmastor rp sponsible to the publisher fop parment, 2. If any person orders hie paper disconâ€" tinued, he must pay all arreages, or the publisher muy contmas to sond it until pay. mont is made, and collect the whole amount whother it be taken from the office or not, There can be no legal discontinuange until the payment is made, no 120 C200 CEereme Serank. The greatest modical wonder of the world. Warranted to speedily care Burns, Bruises, outs, ulcers, salt rheum, feyer sores, cancers, piles, chilblains, torns, tettor, chapped hands and all skin eruptions, guaranteed to cure in every instance, . or muney iwfunded. 2# cents per box. For sale by MeFarlune & Cc 2 m cOC omm es horse, cleven cows, three 2 year old heif ""“efl'fl.MAqmn‘w of farm proâ€" duce and implements, Insurance, $600 ol Bos tw on us cb k aan‘ â€"** hy c 00003 0) en t C 00 Rev, W. E. Gifford while w# M. K, Church, Rothwell, :J.r“ fi_ a hk a burien:" 11efi of Burdock Rjees Bikters cured nim. _ +270 Annondb,u,.‘.‘ Relnaon, '. tance ““‘ seven “ h..“' oque, has been strack by “M and nomiuland. &L. C " Bee Time Tabie, ht dep. _ 730 am ,', Auy person who' W Knox PRESEYTRRIAN ¢ GoINo omm lder, W B0\ PRESBYTERQA x JAaAMES VICH, L P27 1150 am, Newspaper Laws 85 n.m mm ; @100 METHO DJ3 m BAPTIST Numbors sent f A Wondertul Change, 4 o6 0 mm on emence ce emengrmes 1y E Arg, mt l pecial ubtention of wers and Vegetables, Hilustrations of the nd Vepotables, and Piâ€" handsome enough for day Prosert, Boud on wddress with 10 conts postrge prid. This is whether Book d_l!_o Pages, 3 ening ut 5; ngat 7:0, 1 luy Prosent. Boud ¢ wddreiss w&. ;% con »0t .‘w d w L l'flnu':l'm both E. florwurds order afl th a NPRLY M ery mumalye 7 a. m.and 6:30 9Â¥ . 8. A¢. Astnuey wrkor und W . j RAN CHUKCH, Habbath at iJ u. i. and €.90 t 230 p.m.__Prayor Mooting DIRECroRY =â€"â€"()â€"â€" at 11 n.m.wdu;a p. in. Pastor Ie cHuiren elognut cloth whether be has subâ€" ousible for the pay, orders his paper to be Roomesnicn, N. y es it out of the is mpon the gr Jor what he uses whether he dn whre CHUaOH tukes a paper from m. Prayer moe p. in. | Pastor Iey CHUQ buothr y at Macazne:â€"ag berand nemy Five Copies )rI0 wouts ; 3 495 pam dim‘ ed to the diy a(% H KUROR . Bible Cluss v. Wan. Park before full n Welsome w them ol P.in.Sunday i. A ‘-nnu- . Gorgline. n a onch nth and 6:30 p publisher :wi.‘ «y In 30 p. m e. 'W. b t und post und

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