i soge reme id es Pe TS\ Tropootion Invited. and satiefy yourselves, call at m e e y was treated by physicians, all of them pronouncing her case hopeless. She had given up all hopes of ever recovering. Sevem botéles of Dr. King‘s gow Discovery for Comsumption completely eured her; Doubting ones, please drop her a postal eighth year, and states that she has l;li;;' od with CW_L'., for about ten years, Mgr. Bosse is in Ottawa endeavouring bg&l‘dbrfln starving Sshermen This exiraordinary caso‘is interesting jm‘ several aspects. The complete simuâ€" Intion of death suggests a possibility that physicians may sometimes themâ€" selves be deceived as to the fact of death especially careloss practitioners or those of comparatively limited inforâ€" mation. _ We have referred to the w desson which it teaches of the need of fast and hopeful perserverance in to restore those who have apâ€" tly lost their lives by strangulaâ€" or drowning. It woulid appear that artificial respiration is more usefal and effective when the movements are performed slowly" than when they exâ€". eeed ten a minute. This is an importâ€" . ant point for those to remember who are called upon to render first aid to the injured. _ Finally this remarkable o¢â€" eurrence may we{l lead to speculation pras to the many stories which have been | published of the restoration io life of | men who have apparently suffered | death by hanging on the gallows. | The wild Strawberry Plant possesses rare virtue as a el:::n;, covl-liuq, utlrigcnt anteseptic, and ing medicine, and when combined with uhwuv‘dublu vegetable ex= tracts, as in Dr. Fowler‘s Extract of Wild .__*huzh!!, it is an unfailing remedy in all left the repeal vote alons they could" have used all over the conntry the alleged state of dissatisfaction in Halton with the Seott Act. As it was, they wont abead and proved conclusively that the Act is more popular now in Halton than ever it was. Similarly, if Mr. Mrrzorrm had not made his "charges" be would have left open a glovious field for insinuations. But his excessive cleverness has led him into takâ€" ing a course which, had he been less "susart," he must have seen would have euded only in more firmly establishing the guilt of his friends.â€"Globe. ‘ Mr. Mersorrm hbas for once done the State some service. ‘Thanks to his desperâ€" ate folly in bringing his "charges" against the Mowat Government, each member of the Government has hud a chanee of itat ing upon oath the bistory of his connee. tion with the efforts to bring Wirktssox, Busxtse, Mz®x, and Kirxras» to justice. The country now knows that none of the Ministers have anything to conceal. Mr. Meredith‘s strategy bas turned out to be even worse than that of the Licensed Victuallers in Halton. If the latter had The Penalty of "Smartness." baek at her attormpt at suicide with Lnt. For two days from the time of hanging, however, her memory was a complete blank. Dr. White and his assistants wisely refused to act upon appearances. â€" They s::e their patient the benefit of the bt in their minds, although that doubt was very slight. Resort was had to artificial respiration according to what is known in medicine as the Bilvester method. _ The _ movements were performed slowlyâ€"only ten times a minuteâ€"but about ten ‘minutes after they were begun an exceedingly feeble attenpt at natural respiration was noâ€" ted, and very weak pulsations of the heart were perceived bythe aid of the stethoscope. ‘Ten minutes is a long ' time to wait for the first signs of returnâ€" | ing life, and it is to be feared that in | many cases of »apparent death, especialâ€" | by drownings, the measures necessary l resuscitation are not continued long | enough to rekindle the smouldering | m& life that remains in the body. | ean hardly be too much patience | or perseverance. . In this case artificial ‘ respiration was steadily maintained for l two hours before the nataral treathing | suil Â¥iently established to dispense‘ {Mtance in this way. If it had | ed carlier, the woman } y have died, notwithâ€" ind restoration of senâ€" | ; When eat lown she was apparently quite dead. _ Animation was so comâ€" pletely suspended that there was no aymptom wfxieh enabled the medical men znum to distinguish her condiâ€" tion from that of real death. This is the remarkable feature of the case. So far as the doctors could see, the woman was dead. The skin was ashy pale, the surface temperature very low, the lips were livid, and the eyes dilated and insensille to the action of light ; there was no pulse at the wrist or temples ; no defimite heart beat could be detected even by the stethoscope ; respiration had absolutely ceased, and unconsciousâ€" ness was complete. Even the applicaâ€" tion of gaulvanism failed to contract the museles. If the woman had been a. eriminal who had suffered(the extreme pevnalty of the law, the physicians ! would doubtless have been justified by the x.mptoma in pronouncing her deac; ‘ yet is alive toâ€"day, and not only | well physically, but fast recovering | from all mental derangement ! | The case is reported by Dr. Emnest W. White, semior _ assistant medical officer to the Kent Lunatie Asylum at Chartham, â€" near â€" Canterbury. The patient was a woman fiftyâ€"three years old, afflicted with that form of insanity known as melancholia. She had tried to kill herself before admission into the asylum, and made several attempts to take her life after being received into the instituation. Finally she succeeded in escaping the wnu)itulnm of the attendants who had frus*rated her preâ€" vious efforts at â€" selfâ€"destruction, and hid herself in a bath room, where she was found Langing to a ladder by a cord formed of her dress, eight minutes after she had been seen alive by another patient. | Nime Physictans Outdone. Pemedtih rem A Wonderful Resurrecticn In the I lise follow the treatment in rtiq-m b:»came imperfectâ€" about eleven hoursafter the ign‘ation, and in the course ight was in good bodily he lost her melancholy illuâ€" "became â€" cheerful, looking al€ *+@ #+ d 11 now im her sixtyâ€" lon Lan outside of pur death by har‘ging 831 Dayton MeFarlane 1 MeT resits« { notic ly ° pro Bo t t o m Prices CGEOCHERIESs, Sugars, Coffees, Tobaccos, Syrup, Fruit, Canned Goods, Spices, &c., and a General Assortment Dry Goods, Hats Caps, Boots & Shoes. CHOICE TEAS, Repairing done neatly and Special assortment of Whips the best in Durham. FIRST CLASS SINGLE and double Harness "‘np subscriber thanks the public for the SsAUNDERS‘ Harness Shop. Orange Judd Co. David Judd, Pres. Send throe 2¢. stamns for Sample Copy (English or German) of the @ldest -llJ Best A-rlur-l- tural Sournut in the World. JA liberal putrnnla; which 'l;;ll.n-; ‘l"O;eI.V('d nforms them that he is still prepared to turn 43rd YEAR. 8$1.50a YEAR. American Agriculturist. 100 Columns & 100 i.‘-.r-vllgu in ench Issue. Old Stand, Lower Town, Particular atteation paid to BELTING Durham, March 14, 1883. Cash Paid for HIDES,SKINS& TALLOW. Opposite the McAllister House, D\Ilbl: Orders taken for WOOL CARDING, Cloth Dressing and Pressing done at Orckard Mills. sSHOEMAKERS‘ SUPPLIES. | THOMAS SMITH, Saddler, Tanner and | S hemaker. Kept in Stock ard made to Order on the Shortest Notice. Manufaecturer and Degler in TEAM HARNESS, Single and Double Carriage Harness, Plow Harness, Saddles, Trunks, Valises, Whips, Curry Combs, Brushes, Spanish Sole and Upper Leather, French and Canâ€" adian Caliskin, Native and Foreign Kip Skin, Colorâ€" ed Linings, &e. . C. MacKENZIE‘S Thront, Rhenmatism, Toothache, Lambago and any kind of Puin or Ache. It will most surely quicken the Blood and Houl, as its ecting power is wouderful, "Brown‘s Household Panacen," Leing neknowledged as the great Prin Reliever, nnu of double the strength of any other Elixir or Liniwent in the world, should be in every family handy for use when wanted, "as it really is the best remedy in the world for Cramps in the Stoâ€" mauch, and Prirs and Aches of all ‘imls," and is for sale by all Drugists at 25 cents per bottle, CASH or Produce Spain has issued a decree abolishing cuties on Cuban sugars, and creating a disâ€" criminating tariff. Buchien‘s Arnica Saive. Tnx Best Sauve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheomn, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains Corn®, and all Skin Eruptions, and posiâ€" tively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box for sate by MeFarlane & Co., Durham.y BRest and Comtort to the Suffering, " Bnowny‘s HovsrnoLD PaNacKa"Las no equal for relieving pain, both internaland external. It cures Pain in the Side, Hack or Bowels, SOrn‘ 'l‘hn:u}, !llbc‘:l_)l![lli:-‘lll.A T_uu;huy:ho,'_!.umhqgo and ing unsuitable, untried nostrums for such complaints as Costiveness, Indigestion, Liver Uomplaint, Kidney Troubles, etc., who might easily regain lost strength and energy by usâ€" ing McGregor‘s Speedy Cure. To convince them that such is the case we will giye them a free trial bottle at McFarlane & Co‘s Drug Store. Price 50c. aml 81. See testimonials from persons in your own town. 3 Crucily Murdered. In the Province of Ontario every year thousands are being slowly murdered by takâ€" It is proposed to add Canndian history the subject for jurior matriculation at the University. Fluid Lightning is the only cure for Toothâ€" ache, Headache, ghmho and Neuralgia It does not take a day or an hour to cure it, but in less than a minute all pain is gone. Thonsands have tested its merits within the last year. _ Fluid Li“htnini is also a positive cure for Rheumatism. The worst possible cases have been permanently cured in one week. Price 25 cents at l{el"lrluu & Co‘s Drug Store. 3 The witness in a German trial of anarâ€" chists deposed that he was paid by the po!« ice to excite outrages. Boots & Shoes All of which will be sold at The Windsor, Hotel, Kingston, was deâ€" stroyed by fire on Monday. ~A â€" Mud Negteet. Negleeting a constipated condition of the bowels is sure to bring ill health and great suffering. Bu:.lock ï¬luod Bitters regulate the bowels in a natural manner, punfying the blood and promoto a healthy action of the stomach, liver kidneys and bowels.â€" PASCO SAUNDERS. 751 Broadway, New York. Are to be found â€"â€" OF _ DURHANM, zy, the Medical Paculty, the Press ople all enmdorse Burdock Blood he best system renovating blood amic known. Its work bears out regommend, â€" Mtrong Endersement. atly and promptly. of Whipe, positively Goods, and out Send six cents for tage and receive free a eo-umx of , goods, which will help all, of than anythirg clse in this world. Roreance awa uu{t the worm-ngbwlnhly sure. At once adâ€" dress Trux® & Co., Augusta, Maine. *Â¥315 & rrtoec cure. x homas Freeborn has been using this rvmod'! with wonderful success for fifty years, and testiâ€" monials will be supplied to any oue wishing the same. The undersigned was cured of m canceron the lip with which he was aftlicted for about a year, PATENTS ¢* ‘yremrcd to sell Thoueas Freeborn‘s celebratâ€" od Cancer Plastevs«, to any person who may be suffering from Cncer, in any part of the body wher;o‘ th‘o plaster can be ‘pnuo&, and guarantees CANCERCURE. Bentinek, Jan. 10th 1884. tiâ€"308 ohn MeAarthur, jr., near Latona, is Actual Business Departm‘t having Bank (Capital $100,000). _ Wholesale Store and everything that can be had to make it as practical as possible, Send for a Circular, PHONOGRAPHY is included in the Commercial course without extra charge. Special Features for 1882â€"3 STUDENTS may enter any School day in the year with equal advantage, Freeborn‘s Celebrated fcke! D § im R. P. BALL & C0., Nashua, N. 6. Sold by all Dealers in Medicines, Wi!l change the beard to a natural brown, or black, as desired. 1t produces a permanent eolor that will not wash away. Consisting of & single preparation, it is applied withous Ayer‘s Sarsaparilia. Sold by all Druggists ; §1, six bottlos, §5 The use for a short time of Hatu‘s Hat® RexEwer wonderfully fmproves the pere soual appenrance, 1t cleanses the scalp from all impurities, cures all humors, fever, and dryness, and thus prevents baldness. It stimuates the weakened glands, and enables them to push forward a new and vigorous growth,. The effects of this article are not transient, like those of alcoholic prepara» tions, but remain a long time, which makes its use a matter of economy, was the first preparation perfectly adapted to cure discases of the scalp, and the first sucâ€" cessful restorer of faded or gray hair to its natural color, growth, aud youthful beauty, 1t has had many imitators, but noue have to fully met all the requirements needful for the proper treatment of the bair and sealp, Haul‘s HaiR RuxEweR has steadily grown in favor, and spread its fame aud usefuiness to every quarter of the globe, Its unparal leled success can bo attributed to but ong cause: the entire fulfilment of its promises, The proprictors have often been surpriscd at the receipt of orders from remote coun» tries, where they had never made an effort for its introduction. EX A IL L‘ Vegetable Eicilian HAIR RENEWERE BUCKINGHAM‘$ DYE WHISEKERS JOHN MCARTHUR, JR. Laroxa P. O. ORTHERN Business COLLEGE OWEN SOUND. C. A. FLEMING, 4 ) Principal, Box 72, Owen Sound or Scrofulous, Mcrcurial, and Blood Disorders, the best remedy, beeruse the most searching and thorough bloo-&purmer,fl FOR ALL THE FORMS PREPARED BY COMPLETE 406 Crockery and UInsSware Nas be:ï¬duém;i.t.h great care and regard to linllity C@â€"~â€"@ore i d GATi; adVVVVAI_ A VGVVIL, dJ UZLALWEILq China Tea Sets, White Granite sets .Toilet sets A Full Stock of ‘poraty » , and Glass sets | Twee ormniteInieor css mt otcher n Proote Put Oe We Piasak Yme. m wruit_and, Veretables in‘ Seaton eleimmiieoem., Sypronenpiniihe o n f & eaches, Pears, Grapes, uality, and sold at Low Prices. They are manufactured at the " T 3 pirmaies hoz nek the m . | Armaeoaminte, srpomee, * ® » Jonel Bl u « * 4 y G or to be manufacâ€" Durham, Sept. 18, 1884, ock, Upper Tfl tnnd Mg.wfl be promptly attended to. mik The Crockery and Glassware has been selected with great care That for flavor and quality ea‘nn‘ot be suFused. Pure and unadulterated Extracts, Essences 8.1|Jd §p1ces ; Pure Gold Baking Powder, &c. mM s Pr LCE COd mWce K ui N inss 14 C is Fresh Teas, Coffees, Sugars, Currants GROCERIES, Crockery and Glassware Also Agent for the Celebrated Fleury Plow, Reavers, Mowers Gang Ploughs, &c. REPAIRING Promptly attended to. First Class Buggies, Carriages and Waggons, DURHAM CARRIAGE WORKS, R. McFARLANE, Prop. These Teas cannot be surpassed for value. They have «_ all been bought right at Rock Bottom Prices. "‘I give special value in the following ; Uncolored Negasaki Japan Tea 30¢ or 4 lbs for $1.00. Extra choice Yamashire Japan Tea 35¢ or 4 lbs for $1.20. May Picking Japan Tea 35¢ or 4 lbs for $1.20. Young Hyson Siftings 50¢ or 4 lbs for $1.80. Ryshow Congou 50¢ or 4 lbs for $1.80. Fresh An'iva.l of New Season TE As ! To select from, which he offers for sale AT BOTTOM PRICKS. At JOHN CAMERON‘S. Long Clear l1c. Shoulders 10c. _ Smoked Hams 13¢. Durham, April 17th, 1884. The Balance of Summer Stock at a Great Reduction. All Goods sold at the lowest possible price. C. L. GRAN T. A Nico Line of Gents Ties Cheap. LINEN COLLARS, very cheap. _ LADIES‘ WOOL SQUARES at wholesale prices, In Shirtings, Denims, Cottonades, Union Tweeds, All Wool Tweeds, Coatings, Trowserings, &e. NEW GOODS That for flavor and quality cannot be su: A Large and Attractive Stock of Clothing opened this Week. First Class in Quality and Style and at Lowest Cash Prices. H. W. MOCKLER. The old Stand Reâ€"opened with a well selected Stock of Readyâ€"Made Clothing. Durham, July 24th, 1884. HATS and CAPS! In Great Variety, in Navy, Gladstone and Imporial Kipâ€"Firstâ€" BUILDER‘S HARDWARE, Durham, August 28th, 1884. Stock now Complete at Bottom Prices. CRoOss CUT SAWS in Hanlan, Diamond, New Improved Champion, Lance, &c. Water Lime and Plaster of Paris. All Goods Cheap for Cash. Machine Oils, â€" Machine Oils! A Large Range opened this week, At H. W. MOCKLER‘S, Now Ready, made up in the Boest Style, Workmanship Guaranteed, and‘aspCheap as any in the County. Durham Sept. 25, = MOWAT‘S = Raisins, Rice, Tobaccos, &c., S fl?f‘ AT GRANT‘S. s NTow Arrivinge, Paints, Oils and Glass. General BUY YOUR MACHINE OILS AT «Bs 0 o0 P § JOS. F. MOWAT. A FINE :LOT OF o SIGN of CIRCULAR SAW. R. McFARLANE, Next the ‘Review‘ Office class .20. | The Highest Price paid for alil kinds of Produce at his ‘‘WOOL. WOOL. GROCERY STORE, Lower Town, CGrECZISTIEING and CEFOPFP Fresh Groceries always on hand. Crockery, Glasware, &c., &c. Has on hand and for Sale Four Tons of Good Bacon and Two Hundred Hams! WE ARE NOW PREPARED TO DO ALL KINDS OF CUSTOM woORK, LUMBER, SHINGLES & LATH always on hand. The whole of the Stock must be Great Bargains in Dry Goods Fire, Fire, Fire Watch & Jewellery Establishment, DURHAM, ONT. Durham, August 21, 1884. Presents. Spectacles from 25 cents to $6. Noseâ€"Glasses from 30¢. Upwards. Repairing of all Kinds Done on the Premises. Stopping and Troublesome Watches thoroughly Corrected. Satisfaction Guaranteed at SILVERâ€"PLATE, for M Clocks, Alarms Timepieces Watches! FINE SELECTION of GOLD and SILVER WATCHES By the Best Makers Only, from %8 to $120. The Waltham Watch is Firstâ€"class Value; it is qneidl{ adapt Farmers and Mechanies, who require a strong, reliable article, Gua teed for years. Every Watch is examimed by A. G., betore being sold Flour, Oatmeal and Feed always on hand. BACON EMPORIUM. cleared out. Call and see the G. W. WOODLAND‘S, DURHAM MILLS. Done on short Notice and Satisfacton Guarantoed. & A W M I L T. Will keep on hand at his JAMES BURNET Goods and Prices. Cures Dizziness, Loss of Appetite, Indigestion, Biliousness, Dyspepsia, Jaundice, Affections of the Liver and Kidncys, Pimples, Blotches, Boils, Humors, Salt Rheum, Serofula, Erysipelas, and all diseases arising from Impure Blood, Deranged Stomach, or irregular action of the Bowels, . GORDO N‘ S S. SCOTT DUIRILA M. Store, DURHAM. .. G. & J. McKECHNIE. Jewellery ! A Choice Our Eightâ€"Day Alarm Clock, From #%5 j upwards. OurAhrf{ Clocks have Superior souu P M ces very suitable for Presentations, &c. ts, and are Clocks ! h4 20 hoii ...‘ _ 40.â€"4l Mount Forest, east, 6:51 a. m. 8:57 p. m. ‘ west, 11:52 B:47 CREDIT VALLEY DIVISIO®N. Teque tont Loo laine dipne Mixed train loaves Parkdale 100 a.m. OXTARIO & QUEBEC DIVISION. Toronto. Depart, 900 a.m . %:85 pam. 7:55 p. an. waM, WHYTE, 1», McNILCOLL, Gen, Sup‘t, Gen, «‘ams. A 1 Owen Sound, dep. 5:20 a. m. 8:10 p. m. arr. 1:30 p. m. lm.‘. a» Mixed leaves at 6:80 a. m. arr. 7:15 p. m. Flesherton, go south, 6:45 a.m. 4:85 p. m. Thursdays, and Saturdays. _ m Mixed train leaves Toronto Junction at Toronto depart 7:20a.m. 10:45 a.m. 4:40p.m Do. arrive 10:45 * 8:35 * Commencing Tuesday Sept. 9, 1884. TOROXTO, GREY & BRUCE DIVISIOXN. Dear Sirâ€"My wife and children have all ben- cured by your l)!;lllflwth Medicino, 1 am certrin that it is a good cure. MATHAEW scoTT, Arthur,Nov 23, 1881 H W Leeson Varney. lhul- Birâ€"There is « lotof Diphthoria in th s Mo saw one ouse where wur cine was used which proved tmu&&- :M-n.m 43 it up, 1 want you to send me $1 worth at once _ fâ€"108, Yoursete.. _ GEO. WOODp, For sale at Parker‘s, Durham. the only sure cure for this terrille disease, cures cuses easy and m-mtgln to m-“uu-ut. No washing or swilling the wont, so thut tie smallest :hllld u.- tike lt..:t MA cures inflianmâ€" muation of chest, Jungs or woley Asthnm, Croup bud colds, and if steadily token will broak up Consumption, TESTIMONIALS: To Mr Leeson DIPHTHERIA MEDICINE CC P The morning train leaving Durham connect® with trains for Stratford aud wl points on Grind Trunk west, and for Gueiph, Mamilton, Poronts and all points east, and the even.ng truin connocts with trains for Kincardine, Southumpton and GRAND Trunk RAILWAY *Connects with C. P. Railway Steamsbips Owen Sound, Runs ouly Tuesdays, I mBEOHANIOS InstururE. =~ Town Hallâ€"opon every Wodnesdry from p. m. ind Pridey evening from 7 to 8 o‘clock nual fee $1. Alex, Mobortson aaad JL Mill Fubmmrebsiin GREY LODGE No, 169 1. 0.0. 1 Night of meeting every Monday at To) 0 the J!_l_d fo io oys 3P 5) oo Mondiay at Tan ol Wan, Atose. N. G Night of Meeting, Tue.day on or before foll moon of each munï¬u. Visit. ng brothren welcome 4. F. Mownt, W. M., Geo. Russe!l See, Palmerston Joavent Mt. Porest, j MHolstein, Â¥arney, Durham. arive at . | , J.C. Dunlop, pastor, Sundas Sory l ing at 11 a. m.; Sabbath School a | ï¬-dlluf at 7 p. im. Week overiing 8e | day evening, young people‘s prayer m | m.; Weduesday evening, Bible Clas | Thmunsday eveniagregular pimver moee Oflice hours trom 6 a, m ., to Keuzic, Postmasi r. * | every Tuosday evening | Luke Durham, loave at. Varncy, 5 Molstein, w Nt. Forest, * Palmerston, arrive | _ Service every Bubbuth ut | im. Babbath School at 2330 j f every Ihun_uluy evening at Thomas Landor, Rmzintmr J putyâ€"Registrar. Office hours fr. Change of Time, SBabbath services at 11 a. m.and 6:30 p; 10. Sunday Bchool at 0:30 a. m. â€" Rev 8.0t. Asbury, BB A . prator Church Wardens, M. Parker and W. . GocJ:- ~_~~~ PRESBYTEMAX CHOReX Te Divine Service every Sabbath at 11 a. m. and G:20 p. m. Sabbath School at 2:30 p. m, | Praver Meeting every Wednesday evening nt 7:30, Bible Class every Thursday evening ut 7:30, lev. Win, Park pastor, Service every Sabbath “,'i Sabbanth School at 2:30 p.o Forest. V Merantnit i PDbiiabrc hedc is it ndosscacs 1. gust, October and December, Pflnu;:r; ~Wednesday proceeding the rangeville Orangevilieâ€"The second Thursday in each month Mloshertonâ€" lluudu( before Orangeville, Dundalkâ€"Puesday before Orangevilic, Sholburneâ€"Wednesday betore Orangevifte, Marsvilleâ€"Second \\‘u{amuhy in each month Walkerton â€"Thelst Wednesday in each month Mildmayâ€"Last Woduesday is each month . 7 /\ ‘Wednnniintiosiaatnlioaiiitniatisiss Brscca c h css 1 Guelph, Berlinâ€"First Thursday in each month. Bramptonâ€"First Thursday in each month., :;I‘o'fli‘{tmhl-‘. lï¬â€˜\â€ilfl‘;:nr: m‘w‘ engusâ€"Phursdny following Mount Forest, Ihmmm-‘ :‘a_.mw of Pebruary, April, June, Auâ€" PRT e NR I Durhamâ€"Third Puesday in each month, Pricevilloâ€"Monday before Durham, Hanoverâ€"Monday before Durkam Mount Forestâ€"Third Woednesday ineach mont Guelphâ€"First Wednesday in ench mouth, Haurristonâ€"Friday before the Guelph Pair Drayronâ€"Baturday betore Guelph, Elomâ€"The day before Guelph, Douginsâ€"Monday before Elora Pair, nunlnun. lâ€":h‘n'nd Palace Grounds, the day afters anist DURHAM LODGE NO. 3( OP A. P. & A a wffice. This proceeds upon t-‘oâ€";nl that a man must pay for what he uses. e witret ui. Iutoir ‘ustaadPh aahcacc h c 45 4. If a «ubscriber orders his pgpetpt: be stopped at a certain time, and the publisher continues to send, the subscriber is bound wm!:y ï¬: it if he takes it out of the post y ie TeR L C 2. If any person orders his paper disconâ€" tinued, he must pay all armeages, or the publisher may continus to send it unt:l pay» mont is made, and collect the whole amount whether it be taken from the office or not. There can be no legal discontinuance until the payment is made, ket frem 8 Auy person who takes a paper the post office, whether «directed to his name or another, or whether he has subâ€" ncnlno'd or n:lt is responsible for the pay, 9 Cld i c o l L2 L 1. A postmaster is required to give noâ€" tice by letter (returning the paper does not answer the law) when a subscriber does not take his paper out of the office, and state the reasone for its not being taken, Any neglect to do so makes the postmaster re sponsible to the publisher for payment. # An Exâ€"Alderman Tricd 8t. ExeAlderman Taylor of Toronto Magyard‘s Yellow oil for Rheumati eured him atter all other remeduas h We call the spocial attention of Postâ€" masters and mbmmw the following ay» nopsis of the newspaper laws : any mind. Very good. But there is a l!u'd}euo.â€"-(hey don‘t want to appear lian Pacific Railway, (ONTARIO DiVISIOXN.) ENOX PrEsRYyTRidaAN cHURon TIME TABLE Newspaper Laws Monthly Fairs. METRODIST BAPTIST CmuRON PRENITPY CuvRos GolNo sotin it ......... ©:00 a. on semersess O revrvens 00 ve ...... %;10 GoING NontTi POST OFFICE ; Bubbath School t 2:30 p. m m. Week overiiug Bervicesâ€"Mor ng |m»|-lv‘vun_\fl meeting mt3 i evening, Bible Class at 8 p. an pregular pruyermecting wt® p.a. REGISTRY OFPIOR. Nery Monday at 7Q o‘clock im 11. Visiting ui sthron weloomie D, NeFurlnne Bee, DIRECTORY 1;50 p>. m §:15 t 11 a.in. andant 6:30 pp. ne p. m. Pastor Re.. W 10. Pustor Rev. €, Â¥ ?p. an. Archie Mo CHUisCH dnesdry from 2 to # Dee16th 1881 ad nï¬l‘n Illdfl:'i'v, 3 vor meet p. im. Hible Clask hn A Munro, Deâ€" in 10 a.m. tos P ©;50 p. m 615 6205 7:05 loos â€"proackh look. dn . Millas Laâ€" Con. 18, iP § defy co and do «lt For sale PA Dui atten a anld roiite every upon 13 LiS for Add d n nt