West Grey Digital Newspapers

Grey Review, 5 Jul 1894, p. 4

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Casy for woul at Sparling s, opposite Pasker‘s Drug Store, FThe cownsabip sonnci}s of Brant and Qreenogk have offered $100 reward for ghe apprehension of Diyid Skinner who is suspected of being guilty of in» gendigrism and burglary in these Porso®.â€"Georgie, the son of D, €, ltoss, Brusse}s, came nearly losing his pie last Seturday by partakiag very Jreely of worm candies, He was playâ€" Jng, with a box containing said candies with noexppctation of him investigating §ite contents, A physician and an emetic set things to rights, Dr. Hay, who has been a resident of Munover during the past five or six years, remuved to Listowel on Tuesday. ‘The doctor was successful here and had » large practice and his decision to reâ€" move was a surprise to many. We punderstand be has not decided yet where be will locate,â€"Post. (Un Sabbath last lightning struck the parn of Mr, Jas, Duff, Stheon., Sullivan. The barn together with all the outbuildâ€" jngs was burned to the ground. The bmldings were onuly partially insured.. im the same day another Sullivan farmer living near Willsmsford, met with a similar loss from the same cause, â€"Advertiser, Ixmas Reu1cs.â€"Quite a find ha been made in Brooke by the son of Inland itevenue Inspecter Grabam and some pther boys, It has been known for a Jong time that a number of Indian yraves were to be found in the vicinity pi where the G. T. R. cuts through Mr., John Parker‘s lot. Some of the boys began excavations with the result that they have found bones, skulls, gold and wilver rings, buttons, an old kettle, a regimental coat with the fringe off and womme military buttons of the 24 regiment. The excavations are not yet completed and further discoveries are being made. The collection forms quite an interesting pne, and if it increases much futher Brooke will have quite soon a very respectable museum of Indian relics.â€" Owen Sound Times. A serious accident happened at Mr Joseph Keller‘s barn raising, on the Ind con. of Holland, near the townline pf Glenelg, on Monday. When the Jrame was about completed hbalf of the purloin plate and half the rafters and several spur braces fell, and for a moment it looked as though a good many people could not escape death trom the falling timbers A young man named Ledingham was knoeked pH the building and struck by some of ue tunbers, and so seriously injured that he was carried home in an insenâ€" sible state. Mr. Alex. McClure, of Williameford, was also knocked off the building and severely hurt, and several vthers were more or less injured. We A Semoot MastEr Axr®estzn. â€"Kinâ€" gardine, Ont., Jane 27.â€"J. B. Miller, tormerly of the village of Tiverton, has been arrested here, and lodged in the police station. Miller is a married man thirtyâ€"five years of age, and was formerly head master of the Tiverton high school. He left the village sudâ€" genly some months ago. and at the time of his departure it was ramored that he had ruined one of his girl papâ€" ils aged sixtcen. â€" Ho returned on Satâ€" urday last, it is supposed for the purâ€" pose of assisting his wife to pack the household effects preparatory to movâ€" ing to where Millez is as present reâ€" siding. He was arrested as the railâ€" way station as he was boarding the train on a warrant charging him with x breach of the Chariton Act. News. Mr. Wm. Shepher@son had a terrible experierse with his coach stallion last Thursday evening, which be will reâ€" member as long as he lives While on his route to this place he drove into the creek opposite Mr. Dan. Black‘s to water his driving horse, and while the horse was drinking the stallion unexâ€" pectedly jumped upfiu Mr. Shephberdâ€" zon and struck him on the back of the head, inflicting a seveare wound and knocking him off the sulky. The vicious brute then attac/ked him on the ground and trampled him into the mud, and no doubt would have killed him had not young Quinton, who was Jeading the draft stailion, King of the Castle, come to thi& rescue and beat the brute odf. _ Mr. Shepherdson‘s hand was broken, biis bead and face cut and his body o« bruised and the salky emashed, n brought here preâ€" sented appearance. _ To ae~ s« worse he turned kis e out into the Campbelt House pas ve field for the night and some ot the ther horses in the field pretty nearly by several daripg characters who spend the day in the outlying woods and the night in foraging. At differâ€" ent times auring the past week farmâ€" pre driving from Orangeville along the town line between Garafraxa and Amaranth have been hailed by maskâ€" gd men and asked to hand over their money. One man who refused and grove off rapidly was fred at twice. Near the town cemptery gnSnndgy night ‘Toim Langtree‘s hired man was govered with a gun and asked to surâ€" ender his wealth. He had no money out him, and was allowed ro go x havipg been first searched by vor*"â€"beâ€"robbers. Several houses »ported to have been entered and farmers and citizens weil to be on their guard. News. Loox Qut ror Burcriars.â€"â€"This seeâ€" gion appears to be at present infested EXCHANXGE ECHOES, heard the extent of young â€"Chatsworth On Wednesday a man named Roderâ€" jck MeDonald, who had been working at Max well, Ont. and was going to his home at Cle : Robertson, lavy down on the railroad track, went to sleep and was cut to pieces by a train He leaves a wite and several children. London, Ont., June 27.â€"The reâ€" markable feat was accomplished yeeâ€" terday of conversing with New York city from London over the new metalâ€" lic cireuit jast comp‘eted by the Bell Telephone Company. _A voice at New York could be heard with perfect disâ€" tinctness, and it was a pleasure to be able to "hello" with the American cousin in the metropolis of the east. Jas. Padmore, of Eramosa, lost a valuable gold watch last week. He was burning brush and in casting some limbs on the blaze his watch was jerkâ€" ed from his pocket and fell into the fire. (Next -n:?-hed it from its accustomed and went out to look for it. He found it among the ashkes of the fire but it no longer wore its fine appearance. It was a solid lump. A Swrxorz. â€"On Saturday last T. N. Brown & Co., Collingwood, purchased what they supposed wasa tub of butter from a farmer. It was weighed and paid for. On investigation of the purâ€" chas a sixâ€"inch oak plank was found at the bottom of the tub, cut so as to fit nicely, and weighing between six and seven pounds. _ Between the plank and the bottom of the tub was a quantity of salt. Look out for map peddlars. If the person importuned doesn‘t subscribe for the map, the canvasser requests him to sign a certificate that the agent has visited his place, taken the statis ties of his products, etc., and the cerâ€" tificace turns out to be an order for the map at the price ftar in excess of the value. If any greenies are caught in this section it will be the men who says they are too poor to take a paper. Tus Carmoo Stace RosBEp.â€"Ashâ€" croft. BC., June 26. â€"One masked man with a rifle stopped the Cariboo stage going south, about three miles south of 150 mile house yesterday, and compelled the driver to deliver the express. The iron box was afterâ€" wards cut open with a sharp instru ment, and the contents gone. The amount taken is not yet known, but it will be small. ‘The provincial police have gone in pursuit of the robber, with good prospects of capturing him. Enisox Ixsuren.â€"Orange, N. J. June 26. â€"Mr. Thos. A. Edison, the in ventor, fell from a chair last Friday and it was feared he sustained some internal injury. At the time he said he felt no pain or inconvenience. On Sunday he became i!l and suffered a great deal of pain. His family physiâ€" cian was called in and made light of the matter, bat presbribed for him. Yesterday Mr. Edison was worse and unable to leave his bed. Charlie, the yvoun@gest son of Mr. W. 8. Greenside, met with,a painfal aceiâ€" dont on Saturday. The lad was haulâ€" ing a load of slabs from his father‘s mill at the station with a team when the horses became unmanageable on the stre«ct near the old elevator, and started to run away. Charlie jamped off the load but did not get clear of the wagon, tne wheels of which passed over his leg breaking it at the ankle and breaking a piece of the ankle bone. It is a painful injury but the pluckly little tellow is progressing favorably. â€"Mt. Forest Rep. Narrow Escare. â€"Mr. Sypher, who travels for small wares in these parts met with a narrow escape the other day. He was coming from the staâ€" tion on the Mansion House baggage waggon, sitting on the back of the rig on a box when the driver struck the horse, causing it to jump suddenly, throwing Mr. Sypher backwards, who struck the hard road on his shoulder and thé box fell on top of him. We consiaer he had a close call from sudâ€" den death, but fortunately he only reâ€" ceived a bad shaking up.â€"Clifford Express. Tus Weurse Mix® Horror. â€"Cardiff, June 27th.â€"The list of those killed by the explosion in the Albion colliery on Eaturday last continues to swell, and the number is now far above the first estivaates of the fatalities â€" Thus far 268 bodies have been brough to the surface. One hundred and twenty of the dead were buried toâ€"day. The funeral was attended by 30,000 colliers and the services were impressive and affecting. All the pits in the vicinity: were closed in order that all the emâ€" ployes might attend the funeral. The dead were carried on biers ard were followed w the cemetery by an exâ€" tremely long procession. Fer Over Fitty Â¥enre. Mus. Wissiow‘s Sooritixc SyRUr has been sued by millions of mothers for their children while t=ething. It disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a sick child suffering and orying with pain of Cutting Teeth send at once and get a bottle of ‘*Mrs. Winslow‘s Soothing Syrup" for Uhildren Teething. It will relieve the poor little sufferer iminedia tely. Depend apou it, nntho:'-, t-b:‘ro is no dE aprons N6, TCOR O o e Ne P mistake about it. 1t cures Diarrhoes, reâ€" gulates the Stomach and Bowels, cures Wind Colic, softens the Gums aud reduces Inflam» mation, and gives tons and energy to u::‘ Pn i N Et d in t whole | system. ‘"‘Mrs. Winslow‘s Soothing Syrup" for children teething it pleasant to the taste and is the prescription of one of the bast female physicians and nurses in the United States. Price twentyâ€"live -tl a the world. "B:’n: amd ask for ‘"MrRS Wixsmow‘s Soorrinc Syavr" States, Price twentyâ€"tive cents a Soll by all druggists throughout Beave® Tosacco is bright, clean and natural. | This is why it is 1 favor with Gentlemen and good taste. _ McAurpms Tob. Co., Toronto, Ont. English Spavin Liniment removes all Hard, Sott or Calloused Lumps and Blemishes from horses, Blood Spavius, Curbs, Splints, Sweeney, (tingâ€"Bon«, Suifles, Sprains, all Swollen Throate, Conghe, etc. Save $50 by use of one bottle. Warranted by McFarlane & Co. "One of my sick headaches," you will hear people frequently say, as if the complaint was hopelessly incurable. As a matter of fact, Ayer‘s Pills not only relieve sick headache but effectually reâ€" move the cause of this distressing comâ€" plaint, and so bring about a perimmanent cure, The third page of the Toronto Daily Mail is noted for "Want" advertiseâ€" ment, If you want asituation. a meâ€" chaffic, a business, machinery, lodging, if you want to find out where any one is, advertise in the Toronto Daily Mail m::d read zl;zh:dvc-niwm;;lu ‘:m thi: & t % ie charge twocens a word mmenion. or ten cents a word for six insertions. Address the Muil, Toronto, Canada. y While Mr. and Mrs, Langdon were reâ€" turning frora Owen Sound last Saturday night five men strung themselves across the road, on the hollow north of Rockâ€" ford, and commanded them to stop. Mr. Langdon vigorously applied the whip to the horse and broke through the gang. He does not know what object the men had in viewâ€"fun or moneyâ€"but he doesn‘t want it repeated.â€"Chatsworth News. NotHtxo StRaxar.â€"Intelligent peoâ€" ple, who realize the important part the blood holds in keeping the body in a normal condition, find nothing strange in the number of diseases Hood‘s Sarsaâ€" parilla is able to cure. So many troubles result from impure blood, the best way to treat them is through the blood. Hood‘s Sarsaparilla vitalizes the blood. Hoon‘s PILLS are the best afterâ€"dinâ€" ner pills, assist digestion, prevent constipation. Mr. Jas. Brodie had an extremely narâ€" row escape from instantaneous death on Friday last. While shingling on Mr. Stewart‘s barn which was erected last week he stepped upon a loose shingle and was precipitated to the ground, lighting upon his shoulder, Dr. Carter was summoned. â€" No bones were broken, but Mr. Brodie got a bad shaking up and is laid off work for a few days. Had he fallen a few feet either way the result would doubtless have been very serious, as he would have fallen upon large stones, We congratulate Mr, Brodie upon his narrow escape.â€"Flesherton Advance. FaTrar Boruer Exprostox. â€"Cayuga, Ont , June 28. â€"A fatal accident occur red here this evening. The boiler in the saw mill of Wm. Stevenson, sr., of Indinia township, exploded, killing John Commor, the engineer , fatally injuring Franks, a sawyer from Wez:ond Port, Ont. Commer was cut in and Franks skall fractured. Wm. Stevenson, jr., was badly scalded about the face. Frank Lathâ€" rum was also sealded, but not serionsâ€" Iv. The mill is a complete wreck. The boiler was thrown 200 feet. An inquest will be held. If It‘s Clocks, â€": Watches, Novelties, â€": Silverware, KENDALL‘S SPAVIN CURE BLUEPODT, L. L., N.Y., Jan. 13, 1894 n‘t‘i&l‘k:uâ€"l‘%og‘:m a nglandld bay horse somé Hma aonwith a «inawin . Teothim for®40. T usat A. GORDON KENDALL‘S SPAVIN CURE Dr. B. J only had him nine Â¥. B. J. Kewpart CO. _____ _ ; ... Sirsâ€"I have used your Kendall‘s MOoST SUCCESSFUL REMEDY Repairing Promptly and Neatly Done. FOR MAN OR BEAST. Certain in fts effects and never blisters. Read proofs below : _ 5t . Or in fact anything along our Lines, it is to our mutual adâ€" vantage that you should see our Stock. Just waiting for you to come. OLD STOCK and we have no dealings together. It‘s all New, Bright and up to Date, Smzusy, Mici., Dec. 16, 1893 trimed with leather, Brantford make., Apply to J, Woodland, Bvgay ror SALE,â€"Brand new top buggy, for sale cheap. _ ‘The iatest style, A Boox To HorarmEx â€"One bottle of English Spavin Liniment completely removed a ourb from my horse. 1 take pleasure in recommending the remedy, asit acts with mysterious promptne«s in the remora! from horses of hard, soft or calloused lamps, blood spayin, splints, curbs, aweeny, stifles and aprains, â€" GBoror Ros», Farmer, Markâ€" ham, Ont, © Sold by McFarlane & Co, A Straxoe Mertixo.â€"The Manâ€" chester (Eng.) News vouches for the truth of the following story :â€"The late Sir Harry Verney, while a young English officer, was riding across Argentina when he perceived a figure lying on the roadside, undera rude shelter of leaves and branches ‘"Pullâ€" ing up he discovered a priest, who turned out to be in a high condition of fever. â€" Verney obtained assistance, had the prostrate man carried to his own rooms, and practically nursed him into convalescence and emJ covery. After some months of friendly intercourse and companionship, the two separated and probably never thought to meet again. Many years passed, so many that the majority of men have lived their lives and died, but the two who. had met under. such striking cireumstances still lived, the one Sir Henry Verney the other no less a person than Pio Nono, Pope of Rome." Aave Vour Amonin Soap Wroappers And when you have 25 Ammonia or 10 Puritan Soap Wrappers send them to ns, and & three cent stamp for postage, and we will mail you FREE. a handsome picture suiteble for framing. A list of pictares around earch bar. _ Ammonia Soap has no equal. We recommend it, Write your name plainly and adaress : W A. Bbransnuaw & Co., 48 and 50 LombarJ8t., Toronto, Sold by all general merchants and grocers. â€" Give it a trial. N ATURE vmgg’mmgn _ â€" ooift! ~â€" MacFarlane & Co., wholesale and retail agents for Durham. It has often been contended by physiologists and men of science genâ€" erally, that nervous energy or nervâ€" ous impulses which pass along the nerve fibres, were only other names for electricity. This seemingly plausâ€" ible statement was accepted for a time, but has been completely abanâ€" doned since it has been proved that the nerves are not good conductors of electricity, and that the velocity of a nervous impulse is but 100 feet per seccodâ€"which is very much slower than thut of electriaity. It is now generally agreed that nervous energy, or what we are pleased to call nerve fuid, is a wondroug, a mysterious force, in which dwells life iteelf. A very eminent specialist, who has studied profoundly the workings of the nervous system for the last twentyâ€"five years, has laul{v demonâ€" strated thast twoâ€"thirds of all our ailments and chronic diseases are or at the base of the brain. All know that an injury to the spinal cord will cause paralysis to the body below the injured point. ‘The reason for this is, that the nerve force is prevented by the injury from reaching the paralysed portion. Anin.wlu:.box is taken into the Do / BOCeNIL CV RDNINCITIIY ROAREN LCE WV TWD > 960 e < I 2 CCC 90e â€" 0 toms, which when neglected incresse A k s general in sxtent and gradually grow saigeroug ent Kinds of Déessed Lmbezfin outside shecting. grof® * "Seron e mstesshion . .‘ *. TAKE RIPANS TABULES B |OQur Stock of DRY LUMER is very Large so that all orders | **®==masmmaty ""tver comruien, . . ". _ . TAXe RIPANS TABULES ""Serix neues wiek carme," TArt RIPANS TABULES * is 0e Yna etomacy > * Take RIPANS TABULES FEEL SICK? Disease commonly comes on with slight symptoms, which when neglected incresse CONSTIPATED, or have .. ~~ tres within If you want to buy or sell a farm, ac« vortise in the Toronto Weekly Mail. That paper reaches 100,000, farmers homes every week and your advertiseâ€" ment should meet the eye of some one who wants to purchase, . Advertiseâ€" ments of this class are in the Toronto who wants to purchase, . Advertiseâ€" ments of this class are in the Toronto Weekly Mail for Five Cents a word for each â€" insertion, _ Twenty Cents a word for five insertions. Address The Mail Toronto, Canada, Y stomach, it comes in sontact with numberless nerve fibres in the walls of this organ, which at once send a nervous impnise to the norve centres which control the stomach, notifying them of the presence of food ; whereâ€" upon the nerve centres send down a supply of nerve force or nerve fluid, to at once begin the operation of digestion. But let the nerve centres which control the stomach be deâ€" ranged and they will not be able to respond with a sufficient supply of nerve force, to properly digest the food, and, as a result, indigestion and dyspepsia make their appearance. So it is with the other organs of the body, if the narve centres which conâ€" trol them and supp‘!y them with nerve force become «eranged, they are also deranged. The wonderful success of the remedy known as the Great South American Nervine Tonic is due to the fact that it is prepared by one of the most eminent physicians and specialists of the age, and is based on the foregoing scientific discovery. It possesses marvellons powers. for the cure of Nervousness, Nervous Prostaation, Headache, Sleeplessness, Restlessness, St. Vitus‘s Dance, Menâ€" tal Despondency, Hysteria, Heart Discf@@, Werrousness of Females, Hot Flashes, Sick Headache. It is mlso an absolate specific for all stomach troubles. â€"{Lumber, Shingles and HARNESS SHOP ! New Job and News Type to FILL ALL ORDERS PROMPTLY. The best 4 We keep in Stock a large quantity of Sash, gx::" ® Doors, Mouldings, Flooring and the differâ€" |_ T his Having Completed our New Factory we are now prepared| A large assortment of F. Sash and Door Factory. To the ‘REVIEW‘ Plant has lately been added a Large Quantity of We are now better than ever prepared to turn out Neat and Tasty Work in Posters, Bill Heads, & Hand Bills, Letter Heads, Circulars, Statements, 94 Dont Forget that You can get a Good Clean Job as Cheap at home as by sending Good Money out of the Town. CHAS. LEAVENS, Jr., As an Advertising Medium the Review takes the Lead. Business Cards, Calling Cards, * P:imphlets, Note Forms, \ â€"In * _ can be filled. #4 CHARLES LEAVENS. Envelopes, Blank Forms, Receipts, Etc, guaranteed. , etc., * *"* 103 IW.& C. T sets 44 DURBAKM | ifc_t;fi'\' CBC Sunda Churel PBESBYTERIAR CBURCH. REV. A. G. JANBEN, Pastos. SBervice every Bubhath at 11 a. m. and 7 p. w. Sabbath School and Bible class at 2:80 p. m. Prayermecting on Wednesâ€" day evening at 8 p. m. \& of Meeting, on second avd last Thursâ€" duy in each month. . John $Livingstone, Chief Range, k. Burpert, Recording Sec. We cull the special mattention of Post masters and subscribersto the following ) â€" nopsis of the newspaperiawas : 1. If any person orders hi>paper disconâ€" tinued, he must pay all arreages, or the peblisher muy contmneto send it anti) payâ€" PUBLIC BCHOOL. _ Dorksm School Board meets quarterly on the let Satâ€" urday in Juouary, April, July and October. a. m. to 4 p. w. DUKBAI LODGE NO.~806 OF a. F. , & A. M. Night of Meeting, Tuesday on or before full moon of auch morth. Visiting brothern welcome. ‘Thes. Brown, COURT DURHAM,No.111,1.0.F. Night of Meeting, on second aud last Thursâ€" POST OFFICE, Office hours from 8 a. m., to 7 p.m. Arch. MacKenme, Postmaster. urday in Jnouary, 4 July and October. Dr, Gun,(:haumn.‘m Allev, Priveipal. Gun P res, C. Ramage Bec. Mirs. MacBhae, whether it be taken from the office or not. There can be no legal discontinuance unti} payment ismade. 8. Aay person who takes a paper ftrom the post office, whether directed to his name or another, or whether be has sub seribed or not is responsible for the pay. * of Meeting every loodnfiovoninc m4 8 o‘clock, n the Odd Fellows Hall. Viitâ€" ing brethern welcomed. ‘W. B. Vollet Sec. Monday night commencing July 14th, 16885. C. L. Grant Master, Arch, Mucâ€" en -vâ€"w EESCOTE P WBR * Eioraâ€"The day betore Onolpr Dongilasâ€"Monday before Elora Fair. Hamiltonâ€"Crystr] Palace Grounds, day aftter Guelph,. 6 Lmowel-';hl"int F?:"-y in o::u month; Fergasâ€"Thursda lowing Mount Fores )llrkdtloâ€"stllrily betore Orangeville Omev.ille:&u.d Thursday in sach MECBANICS' INBTITUTE. New Hailâ€"open every Tuerday evening from 7 io 9 v‘clock Aumual fee $1. Dr. Fleshertonâ€"Monday before Orangevall Dundalkâ€"Tuesday before Orangeviliele sbelbnrnoâ€"?d.m‘l:y hulm Orangeville (4 Walkerton â€"Last CROCKERY & GRACERY Crystals &c. The best placs to Crockery, Wraingers & Sabbath Bervices ,. _ JOHN CAMERON. REV. W. McGREGOR, Pastos. Sunday Serrices, morning at 11 a. m. nday Sehool an‘ & urch Wardens, W APTIST CRURCH. CRYS8TAL se (a G. REGISTRY OFFICE. Thomas e Lander, Registrar. John A. Munro, putyâ€"Registrar. @ffice hours from 10 URHAM L. 0. L. NO. 682. Night of REY LODGE NO. 169 LO.0.F. Night URHAM LODGE,XO. 198, A.0.U.W. Meeting in Orange Hali every other ‘0( -H“lip. 1 Newspaper Laws. THE DURHAM , on Thureday or before full month. Wm. A Auderson, ets 85 pieces $7. 446 lm 44 ‘ Res £, to buy rs & Wl‘ls ass. onst J 64 ean GUut 15 DEEDE, MORT ATRENDED ilY’| #ricev D ENT Â¥ In the Town « Grey, including l'llltlhlc By ill be sold 3. GitaJ Li',G}v."n Diseaso feity. Cali Reside: gence ue DX w I)H\ 8i GBRAD Lice bane «sn and Ing | vevancer. C Good Fara CORMISSIONE® 1X fioe â€"Scaie Re bhougn anba me y e ns MOonEY T JAMES USINESS B8SU tion . 4 M M J NTE ENEI NDEL NEW O 10A d t NOX ONLY llowing Pry; ind Noh ON esc Lite As=m» ICH UFLR s 2M1, 243 Road, 1 ell 16 th e. EDG HUC! very writy. , Life M M ON MILISCE OE Tables Bambc went C 4N the »th th In JAC Caug by J. SH AUC"! â€" N n DT J ent t Noru prop and T 4

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