West Grey Digital Newspapers

Grey Review, 23 Aug 1894, p. 1

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i) tll Furniture. UNDERTAKING: CY' Y. T nan-ms: III-muss Ill mm. J, SHEWELL * SON. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. " 1.251;]. . _ “Imam WW1: tinntt com 301‘ - P.mge'.q-t-r,ree, Loan and In-use Agent._ Con- vcyanoer. oiiriiiiiuiaisr to Loam ml m lulu}. Count promptly limb, haw-new enacted. “ovum To Lou-nu my..v.n.‘.,n.m-rm " FM)“ Grunt. of the It iynl Cullen "f “mm“ a of 0mm". Teeth ax- lthml mum!“ by m.- run of ninuunuxinla g... a: “missed “Hindu: atteutiott prsid tn 11m mum: vi m. Lin-uh. ”New uni l i hence: next dual 'trt', Poat “Inch. y.tu ' DENTISTRY. DIIDS. ”one“ “I, WILLS, I'f than“) xo MI, SEATLY AND "All”. LICENSED AUCTIONEEIK, for th tummy " any. Baie. “tended to pm!“ .114 m. nus-mun“. pug, -- . d. m. Lvuc - Bo “one; to annual. M1 oh tM "om" mun uno door so“ B. “on. so ttartt um» '. nerd door OM. iIllll I‘llll ---.v - Will ti sold in one, or more was part of the purchase “Puck would be In} on Homage, 0: Small at] Pm- w. L. MCKENZIE. DAV“ MON BY To LOAN -. IS THE-- Following Properties " Prices Asked: Lots 231.212. 2&3. coma. .errcr. and H. Rum], Township Melm vthon v17] urn-s timlwred. Lots 2“ 212. con. 4. SAVE. and S. llama. siiiiaethon--1ar acresa bush ot. . _ ' . ' . “W1. unis. Road, , Dov-uh, Ont. tuXluBlillll u I mm (l? ESTER There's Big Money ! JAMES LOCKIE, In the Tow Grey, includil and Elligible‘ E'tl""Fi". mom To LOAN at vt'ry torvest ratcs nu good land st't't' tr. FIRE "ii" mu] Amide-n! Insurance. 1'lai ' "(all kinds coucct.ul Old note. "Elks-viakcn ii 0101“ Apply to JAMIE. lot. In! in, mm. t. S.W.'l'. and B. Road, yu.tartcthott- 50 acres good huh. Lot 29, an). G, iiiuuitithon--m acres m-II Hunk-ml. Lot It's, mm. 5. Bentinck. 100mcres known .1»; tho Jan. Bum’nnl tarm-well im- prnvml dose to Lamlnsh. Lot l, Durham Show, Norm Priceville. Lnt J. Kinmsu Stray-t. Nn-l'lh Pticeville. With other splendu} Farms in Ontario and tho North-“1 "st, Toronto and Hanover properties fur sale or ex- change. __---- scan * A A - h lnsumm-e secured, orrtoE, w~5 Mom. Low" Tom -". T172“. V": FOR SALE The EDGE PROPERTY. ' OT ti, con. i, W G R, 30min“. 1m AU acumlnorcm Ina. good Inna. " watered. gm»! dwelling house and stable on _ ,,,____._._ an“... Apply mam-”Fag"; Hill. Darn Farm for Sale. , T‘NEIEAL Aura ' Luv hurl-cm. 'trt-', howled M. lama“ untl, rriUrte (‘mnvunlm (Baud Fumhl Inlc has“ for .9313}an hoax IARGP: and Complete STOCK. 1."mt1ieUrt Bedroom and Par. J. T. FOSTER. In! Beta, T. G. HOLT. L. D. S. has Tables, BIN. B'.amig--in oo, Bamboo Ind Elm. Nice Anetta ment of Eula. We .180 any l Large Shut of Pieturea and ano nmg. MISCELLANEOUS. Huck} McKAY. In this line we Tnko the In Well Stocked Ind Compl“. “slams, corms, igte., the was My}; NEI " and LOAN AGES" t.th" vrirn'nToiis', /i;."Vvicrixu'huts'. It var for t -UAie “a Lure I) to had at lowest run-n. Manama» [mp L Manny invvunllnr pun-Mes. rum: said umluwn.‘ _ win. no cgmmo. - I". n.- an.) award “will humu- "Enacted. , J.\('KBON, Jr., “chum H. JAnxm . nan door to Madam Bunk “an. aria bomvwi" JACKSONT§ AUCTIONEER. Human, me Nubian Town of Durham, mam vamattle 3 MEDICAL. .l Marriage DURHAM. Mar guy Block, Moc STEVENSON, Ki Tr no” ' Dun haul. Hanover l 'onve rer2cer. a , Elfin... Datum mum \Wflullx nnmav .u... V.-, " vary reasonable. Apvly ALLAN 8yrA1utAte5t .. A A i ...l. LFoRD. St., WWW" ' tho County a ‘RHI'ICHHD man - try punks t--Fire Imnrunce. Ankle-I Ila-rn-n‘ mm. a. .\nuc but 504» _ Licenses. Ann of Bruce tsud Grey at Mable noel H. H. M I LLER. Ind Cenm Exec-371;; baa.” Macon)! iClx' " at bargains hi; " Fons-I" 'it I‘ll-p 11. Durham 'itlGantttil mule at the Eli land " County o ESPY, Oak aitd mm- in In In StandardBank of Canada CAPITAL. Authorized $2,000,000 - " PM" up 1,tN0,000 RESERVE FUND W, F. Cowan, AGENTS in all prinoipal point" in onsrio,ostsbue,.uuu_ Lhsited slats-5 and Eul'lumL DURHAM AGENCY. A r.',ttuvrsrl Backing bush 1" trtrututettd Pm". an uunm‘ cullecllmw mu 31 'rt, all [NINE "im u rrtttctTttrr and mint“: anmunl In unrmm .itms. SAVIN BANK GS . more" allowed on suing: " u upwards. Prmum Aw amstturdqd But (omen mu Hundred-of vonng men und w A hunIuo-u ammo duriuu tho Pit In now mucus-lulu humu-M ll positions The blame-q course the moat “young And con-21M“ - _ . . I .. I ....rll " II much la MM juniur d the mm!" ot many ot tsouetttM. Thr Mort hum! formula“. tk ml for n a». nnuua “I'u‘ eootn)yirut nnulw um ALLAN" MGFARLANE Horsé Shceing Shop, In '--,-iir'-)), /: / rCCCir- 5Tr-- _,,fi)-c-i/tf'/" 19/ [l/ l", Yotf C.j7 Hand-made W aggons Jabhing of all kinds promptly attended to. ALLAN MvFARLANE, Proprietor. Head Office, Toronto. 1r LOT FOR SALE Vol. XVI. No. 34. Has opened out w Guelph. Xuronto, Dnrhn' Hol-uln ' Mt, ion-I. Pl) mental London Durham Holuein an. Fore", pai-ton Guehvh. Tot ortto FoR sale all I 21 on 6th con apply to London. Conmncul with morning ‘nlnilrom D "hum unmade at "iGtu/souts-tonmme"di ,7“, ”may ., / 4' {4/0/09} ('_t'ii'i7iti)'ia,v, Canadlan Pacific Railway TIME FABLE. Owen Sound (‘Intnwonm Fiew,itertou, ttr-ttto OWEN SOUND. 011'i'., iiiiiisto Tommo ' urn-mu i110 ' I-‘luhorwn. (ha-worth I own: Sound! For Impala. Weak Ind Impoverinhed Blood, prepsin, Sleepleunesa. Palptstr tion of the Heart, Liver Compluint. Neu- nlgin. Lou of Memory. Bronchitis. Con- sumption. Gull Stun”. "aodies, Kidney sud Urinary Dim. St. Vigs' Burn, - - l,,!.:-_ -." nun-In Luborut ory - TESTED REMEDIES SPECIFIC and ANTIDOTE McLEOD’S System Renovator! the old stan). All hand- made shops, Also You has!“ Grand Trunk Railway- TiMri?AyLh'. ai; "nyr mun“ WOODWORK President. Fem-k; Hummus: --TO ATT E ND-. in mum-men. A first-class lot of for sale cheap. u easy 10.31 " 9.20 B. In Tas " with mnmil'll artd u." B. u. ammo mum! 3.45 nun. a " $t 155 . noise 0mm T.M rm. "rx. FLEMING, gonna soon on a $55 mm {on acme so“! have AND OT RE?! - .0011! te Emu NHL)! tti To On A Gun lull “your." o.' it.“ quantum evurylucn g n “alumnae. K E',LLY, Agent. {Iii a lull l" Geo. P. Re'd. Mung!" . .rl irnln' and evening ad.tst ptmoeruotstor ncudinc osdorattord (I40 P m 7195 " jns " run , urn "trr -r t1Hintt Month o ..1 study is by hst m I'tuTrsdts. Then mm! Min Illa tut- , nu Tied butane» A' n- tuorrtugh mu! mo- Auulml Au- muucuhu, lt u first-class ans-n vaMrJg-n stlalf " tot ot' particulars Principu 600,000 10.00 p. m 9.3t " 6|0p.m IOITE 1.35 am 1:351 m 10: " 11:89 W.88 LIN 4315 5x55 8:1 t:00p. m tt Fancy Goods, E‘OYS and Siatiaaa‘r-y, “moms, A Little Daughter Of a Church of England minister cured of a distracting rub, by Ayer’a Sarsaparilla. Mr. RICHARD Bums, the well-known Druggitst, 20t McGill st., Montreal, P. Q., says: I have sold Ayer’l Family Medicine! for 40 years, and have heard nothing but good aid ot them. I know of may MISS GUNS. NEXT Door TO PARKE ws. performed by Ayor’l ttartsnpariua,"iri" In particular being that of a little daughter of a Church of England mink- tnr. The child was literally covered from head to foot wlth a red and ex. tordinary troublesome rash, from which she had summed for two or three years, in spite of the best medical treatment available. Her father was in great distress about the case, and, at my recommendation, " last began to M1- minister Ayer'l Barsapari11tt, two hot. tles ot which enacted a complete cure, much to her relief and her father’s delight. I am sure,were he here today. he would testify in the "rontmt um us to the merits of , Ayer s Sanaparllla Prom by Dr.J.C. Am i 00.. 10'0".“ Cunsmhou,wlllcuroyou Upper 2hvml Barium. Don't 50539,? . n) " 80830 m'ZPl‘jntS‘ Béot’s a, Shagg- PRIME Wall Papers at areatlv reduced rates SALESMEN WANTED. GOOD OPENING and pormtnem situ- ntion to the right party: salary or com- mlulon. huh-nu “was" 9 not need-nu Oattit It». Boumm ds GO'S STRICTLY FIRST CLASS CANADIAN GROWN STOCK. N Burial ot 700 wre- st Fonthill, Ont. murmurs " once. STONE B WELLINGTON. - Ion-co, Ont Wonderful Cures To call fur tlw mum'y Ladics Kid Button flerls $.25. LadivsTatt l ;xi'ovds toe Cups $1.00 Ladies (Hou- yttitt s.s. Bah. 8l.t.5, hulk-soil ramm- lvuthvx'S. H. Beds. $1.15. Lrulivs l’rmwlln Gaiters 70 ovum News ”and turn Kungm‘uu ox, tl 'vds $2.35. __ m... ' m, --_ ”A, Mr Wc hmu- not mum to givv peices. (blur and 50“ fur yum-self. hum-curtains 2). yds lung 45c. Lac" cuvtaitts 3 yds, lung ($50. Lum- curtains 3.5 vds. longs 43in. With. till)". hit curtains are ta wtl. Art M‘uslin 3G in. wit Art muslin 38 in. wi Ladies plain all Wm: hose LTw " pair. Ladies black cotton - . " 7 ..-. Er/iBPv01Di?1tHilS and SILKS, in all COLORS and ”an.” W 1:351- ;Lpuir for 250. . Hons black cashmere halt hose P..5e a pair, Mens cotton half hose lik. u pair " pair fur Ksc. hulk-s all wool walnut-1'0 glow-5 251-. Ladies vvsts loc 3 fur 2590mm. Light summer turvsets 270 a pair. Bust tol lo oil cloth 2.5" u \':Inl. Cottu' and st " what " lot of TIN- WARF'. wegive fur $1.00. wt, also lmw- a full line of toilet and lnumlau-y soups. $00 our white mshlo mu] Gtrueal snaps 7c I bar 1 bars for 2iic. Try our int-and 25c TEAB they can")! be beat. We nlso have " full lino of thumtrletts, shirts, sllirtings, Inc-us drznvm-smvl umlvrshirls, bundles ot all kinds, cumhs, photo albums. Come & gave us a call. SEE OUR HARNESS UPPER. TOWN. 'iFrur. the only Firm luminhing BIC diy iiitois, of HARNESS MAKERS. - - . l! the Bi7 lwhvn m town n-ry bust. value " your BEAN a, Go. HARNESS 01L. DURHAM, Co. Grey, Thursday, August 23rd, 1894. all kinds from Um- wide 10 vents. wide ii m “Is. wool orttiluuevo, hose IN " ? Louu'eves1itgrp with pit-mule. But be l reio'eed too Icon. A tr .. .u’l retieetioa _ bmnuf'l 114:9: All of Malele‘ncl didnul. 1 She ”may”. this mngnamm'ny and gnar- l osity nunnturnl in u man whom she con- odered InCApr‘a of . noble tsentiment, and ( at one. concluded that it must ovum-I1 some l mule Lenauh. ' "0h, chunks. men-ism. thnttko , Ike oaied, a: -(efully duping Chmerzut I hand in hers: "yuu are goodncu men! 1" "Winn. “(I've to do with Elli! mtmey t t uh: demanded. - - -m ..n............ “Baku” it to M. Pavel. made moille." "We restart it, mnnlienr. And how'. Ra- Btorrug um money in denouncing Ra ul, Ind running my aunt. Take back your money. mom-cur. We will not. touch iv." Chum-u Vin too shrew! to ind-t; ho took up t u: mum-v and pmpan-d to lane. "I c myr- hand yum raiulnl. nude- moiw4le, mri must find another way ot ac- complishing, my man. “In. bemorreiuitig. let. me my Jun. your Injunuce puns mo deal-1y. Afar Ihr, mun-um ynu made to me. I mm rumu m hope for a: butler wel. couw." . . A um... . “I will hump my prmnhe, mrmsirutrt but not uuul you have {nun-and went-Hy." “Securiy '. And for what yourself." “Sum-Mung to mun-cc my aunt "W'"'"" the [nolmuciom of Pv,soul after my -msrw ringe. Wm: n to prvveut hi- uumlng m exlurl. money from in. mother Mwr he ha. squandered my dowry? A nun who Ipemll A hundred thuuuml Inna: in four months wih Ion“ ruu tistotqtl, my lluie fortune. We are nuklng .4 hmgqm: I give ynu my hand in exchauge fur the honnr and info of my mum; and, of course, yum mum “we mu lame gunman- to leuure the }erfurmm|ce of yuur wanna-c." - q _ _ ', --A....:bi__ " u. ,..... V"""""" “Oh! I will give you nunple securities," Grind Clamerm; “sunl- an " quiet dl your luapwmus d Alhll of my goof faith. Away.“ Nil nut ln-nevu in my ulcvmion; what shall t do w cunvlnue you at as sin- cerityt tiaall I try to unvu Mamie“: lL-nmny'.’ - ... . 77.. " _-T'... I I'Tilll'l‘kl for the otter, monmrur,” repne'l Much-lame. damn. tu iy. "ll Pumper is guilty let iii-n hm punisneil by We law; if he is lmmceul, (ind mil protuct him.” Hole Manirluine non! up, Lo signify that tho imrrvww WM over. Clam. um [mm-Al nil-i left the mom. Slum- (T uniman'n oii'er no results. the notes Mme. quvd ind not doubted l'rnspasr'l guilt. Sm: said nothing, bat inwurdiy ac- cused him of lining seduced h r Ion from the path uf virtue, and antic d him into eriuus--her I rn whum the would never came to love, no matter how gret0 his funds. Madeleine had perfect iaith in l'roiqer's itttti menu-e. muuwm v. She was Io aotdident of his being restored to Lberly ch“ aha ventured to Mk her uncle, undcr plexexl uf some charuuhle ohjcm, bo gnu: her Inn llumnud fun“. which um: um to the unfnru HMO victim of eircumstariusl evi‘lunue; who, from what she had hand of In: poverty, ma-t he in need of nauuLume. . ag A _ ---.- kl..\" In tlo, [allul'-Cu1 from the prayrr-bonk to avoid (inaction by writtig-tcmnupursy' ing the monny. lino Llvised Prul'uvl’ to luau: France, because IIIQ know Limb " would be impossible for a man ot his proud nature to remain on the mono of lus disgrace; tue gran" In: immccuco the In)“: iutulexuhlo his "tturing. - " . ' . r " nu! .'b.F.Br.... . Iteaidere, Madeleine, in that time in ling tlvst she Would be obliged to many Chsttr can, was nnx.oul to have the Immune loved far, far away from her. On the d ' that this '""yly?'J'f' present . 's" A. . ,» w...t._.. "I outmgled (awfully in pecuniary dsffiealt'io. Madeleine and her uum. had dcc‘iuud All invitations dutinq the winter, to avoid grchumng awning draws; having always en remarknblu for their superb mum, widom Appearing in the . 2- lrdl drama twice. they dare nnl. give l ctmxmenn by wearing their old dresses, and kuuwing that. M. Fauvel wuuld he the, tirst to ask the cause of this smHeu change, as he liked to Br P. them nlway: the best-dusted women "-", v . On the (Ly that this anonymoul present was sent, in opposition to the WMS-s of Mme. Fauvel, the two p'or women W'ure euhngleil fmrfully in pecuniary dittiealtio. Madeleine and her aunt had dcc'iucrd all invitations duting the winter, to avoid Errclitismg evi-uing drcrseg; having always on mmarknblu for their superb (mints, in the room, "I It“: lUqu. Hm at last they ware obliged to appear in public, Mme. Emma's must innm no hit-min, the Sim-n. Jandidier, ware about to give a splendid hull, and. an {we would hue it, n uncy ball, which would require the purchasing of cesium-s. Where would the money mine from? They had been owing a Luge bill to their dresvmuker fur over A par. Wuall Ilia cement. to lurnilli them drum:- on credrtt They we" alumni to Mk her. Madoleinn'n new ttraid, Pnlmyrc Choc- "ills, extricawl them from tha d'tticultr. This girl, who “mm?! :0 haz'aser'rvred .11 the minor " of lite-which, liter ali, are the burden to bearimmed to hula divined her mistress' anxiety. She voluntarily infnnnerl Madeleine that a friend of has, a firiicisn drrss-rrusker, hm! just set up fur herself and would he ttf to furnish materials and make the t resses on credit, for the sake of obtaining the patronage ot Mme. Fuuvel and her niece, which would Bt one. bring her plenty of fashionable customers. But liter this dilemma was settled 3 "ill grater one pri sent: d itself. Mme. Fauvel and her niece could not rp- penr " l ball without jewelry ; and cur jewel they owned had been taken by Raoul: ind pawnodr _ qu mum... 1li'ii winking the mutter over Mimicking decided to ad Raoul to take some of the stolen money. and redeem the lust net of iewols he lmJ toreed bom his nmllwr. Hm infotmed her Aunt of her intention, and laid, in a tone that admitted at no conun- dictiou: ' . . , n ' ' mun... . "Aproint m interview wi.h Run}; he will um dare to refuse you; and I tedl go in your "and." ' - _ _, ._ .. _ m v... "a“. fi".' next. day the coungenu- girl took . cab, and, legurnlicu of the Inclement. weather, went. to Yesinenl. . She would have been filled with conster- nation bud Illa known that M. Verduret and Prosper were following clnu lmuiml, Ind wilncucd her interview trout the top of I ladder. ' - . 'AI 77 h,A»l III I "nu-(I. Her bold step In: fruitless. Raoul swore that he had divided With Preqcr; that his own in" of the money In upent. _ _ I ' ,I,,_ ...L-_._.L-L u... an. m... .._.. V. -"" Ind that he had not I napoleo'n whcre'witli to redeem Anything. - ., . -- ___ .L- -1-.I....- w I‘M"!!! UM; ""'"'V He even related to “in up the pledgel, and Madeleine bed to relon to three" of exposure before Ibo could induce lum to turrender the ticket. of four or five "Him; nuclei that were indilpeunble to their toilet. Clameran had ordered him it: “(use - . -T- .1-.-. ' LL.IIIGIIII ...... WP. -_i-i" - pothiuly to give up a Iingle ticket, be. cauu ha hoped Lint. in their dimes: they would all u n him for relief. The St',',", Alteration witncmdhzs Clnmenn’l new "In, Jrveptt Button, boon caused by tho auction of thin prom- he. The necrmplicu In. It that lime on very had um Chine!” nu asking a - A A. _-“:-.. -M of Rum]. And the very nul unu- -..-- "v, - uh - of getting rid of Raoul, uni the young sump.’ “in; n eretttPe'.'. of his _ _,A:___ .- "up. young mmp. mung s uncle a intention, \ul um. him. Non-Eng bat the mainly at impending danger could ”WI. them. The dungur um ran-lad to mom both " Lb. Judidler FILE .2 io for the offer, Ivmnnimur," replied " to protect my unit against. imile Gabcziau. t May Explain limo felling ---BY-- mat irrht'tred in Inch trttrwp'rert annulm- n Mm". Fauvoi'u pnvua tr- ub‘..u. and tineusrilwith threatening tlgnliczme . India I _ ll in ha was, whnre he crime from, hey anal-l no: imagine; but they eletxr'y in! tin! he "I a danger-ow enemy. and bolt with attempted to Illuminate him "P'" Lia Lmr-g ill. ball. lining bow (allowed and In‘clml by “Mr would-be victim, they Leer-mo tslictn. ml-especinlly when he suddenly diopp air- . i--snd wink decided (in! the bear lining may then rould do Wm to re'nrn quietly In New hotel. “We cannot be too gusrdel in our com duet," wlzisp rul Clatwto ' "tte mm! dw coaer who ha is before taking any furtl.ttt media in thin matter." nee more Rvral tried to induce him to give up his proj ‘cs of murrying Mavlele no. “Never I" he “chimed. fiesiely, “I will mnrry her. or nd thought the danger of when an N: g bu. dtwi.iold mu ty pursuing him, CUAl'l Ki'. NNT. THE 1tr.Mt.NATutN. Suvh are the [new that, wirln an n‘molt. inaudible 11km fur mveuigalmu, bsd been wheeled and prep-med by we atoat nun with the j-vv‘ul race, '10 had mkrn l’mspur undrr hiss pram-chum. M, Verdun-b. 1i.i,,,ts, best friend oi your hr “mulling Paris " mm: o'clock in the evt-mng, not by we Lyons mud, n In List mid. hut by the Orleans train. M Verdu- rul. hurried up to the Archangel, where he found the cullxier impaucmly ex;rccting him m.-. “You Are about to hear 1|an rich du- or!opmentm" he said tr) Prosper, "and no how for back into the pan um: Ins to b"(k tor tho prnnu‘y calm: M a or me. All things are linkml lnguzh r a "t s'kt)t *nlldul “mm (anal other in tLis world of our». Sralemtinet dc In Verberio " punithl in 1556 lur the mmdm cmnmitted for ber Swim: m IMO. 'Nuthiug is neglected or far- v. ... WNW "W s7."iiiGet onjnycd Proper" bewilder- meat. To be line, he WM nnlhvr u go ul judge nor a diningnishvd am an", hm. he I w." ll] Minnuhcd udmirur. and u sincere ndminlion in alwayl thawing, nu mum whence it comes. "Well," he replied, “I will "puin my lynem. There in nothing Ilmrvelons abnu! I II, as f"il ”in”-.. Ice We worked cogrthet I to find the lolulioll of the purview, ll 1 you know my reazous " Mum-cling I (‘Luneun us the prime mm er in the min I bers. A: 3 mm a: I h d m-qumul lhil 1 certainlv mv task “as easy. Yuu mun, to I know what I 11de I ploced trustworthy " penplu to watch the punk-- in whom I wu 1 must. intcruled. Jmuph D mm: tut-kchurge of Clamerm, and Sun: Gipsy never hut. ( light. of M nc. Fauvcl and her niece." l “I cannot comprehend how Nun our I, commuted to this aervic.:." .. ' . .. _ , -_-» Valentina dc in Verbena u pumuml m [8931} fur the murder committed for hvr s the In ly,10. Nothing is neglucied or far- g..l.\cu, when H.011: tetribari :n Ansel-La her away. Listen." As Prosper listened to the narra'ive of menu I appenmg twenly year: back n suumlc-l mum like I rnnuuce than u lute- meat of plain inch. Ail tlarus ingeniou ”plan-Hum might belugicsl, hul what {aluminum slut Hwy passes-T Mich: they n ' be the than“ ot an excited mugivsbion! M. Venlulct, dud nub finish " roport un. til four o'uduek in the manning; than he cried with I." accent. of trimnph; ".tud now they are on char guard. and ttharp, wary use-h. too: but tuey won't. vicape me, I've cornered them beautifullv. ”who a week In ovrar, Prospr-r, you wn,l he . . . _ _. puulicly exonerated tcud i h cums out of phi- "rape with flying cult r. Iitare pro- mim-d your t. ther you Ihal ." "lmpuxnihlwi" reid Pr mpcr in n dazed way; I cnn't help wondertug I ow yo; dim sun-rad a I Linn - of crunc." "Ah, that in tho point!" mid L‘w "rut mm with: I'M-n "ti,ul Ami“. "Wh n I nurlv make a tank I devote my who'e nt u... tion t , it. Now, mlk . n te ' f tha: Wh: n I man of onllnm_'y luwlngvnca courthbml- a I "In" of ordinary l-zu‘lngenca constmral- a his llmuqhzl nud otergies upon tlu. attain- ment of an object, In- ia certain to chain ultimate success. Unide- that, l have my own Inulhud ot wozkmg up A one.” "Still I don't no what groumh Yitt h-ul "Still I don't no what ground". nu 2nd to g" wow." "To be sure one needs " l'g‘ut, to guide me in I dmk Mriu. Ilke this. But. the lire m thamcnvG eye " the mention of I', mum's mm" Iguixml my lantern Fr. In Linn. moment I walutl straight to the solu- linu of the In) awry, as I wwlld walk to I beacon-light an n dark nun." The Inger. questioni I look o.' Prosper showed thud no would like to know the lecrel, of his protoeto.'t' wumlorful penetra- tion, and u. the same time lw mm. thoroughly couvineud that what he hmr-l w" all true-thut hil innocenc: would bu morn elmo ly proved. - _ .. .... .. '_,,..',-, 1 Prospor's utonished countenance made td. I Venture; hush hardly. ' "I risked nine hundrid fund," he cra- tistued, "but thread by (brand I gulhered 1, the whola history of the Clnmennl. I fouad also this: thou: I you ago Lani: returned, , told the chum: to . man Mined Fun (trout, who-o wits, Mihonno, hid I net-m inurvicw ( with Loni: the dny of who Puroaat I went. to m Mihomn. Poor 70mm! her L “will, hush-ad ind beaten Bil the um. ', out of her, plus i! almost idiotic. I told her i I can. from tho Chantal lamily. Ind uh. I n we. routed to no numbing sh. I'M“ . ..r 'wk.. ' ' ...‘....-......, :-~ _ . _ "Now con-fuss," seried M. , erdaret, “ynu wound give toything in the world to find out how I 'G"d'i'ii'iirt the truth t" vu' m... - Mun“ __ "I certainly would, for it in the darkest of tnyswritts-utmtehPt '." -- -- . A . N ' n_‘_“_v_ L “an..- Quinn-u...“ .__ ....V H. H e "Tm in my saw-V," up 'cd Verdurot. "Having the assistance oi good eyes an! quick Plua on the spot. I went to Us“ la ra to inquire Into the put. so In Ut link it with what I knew of the were)“. T 0 next day I ms: " CGttverrut; and the iirst amp I took In to find tho tFott hf St. Jam, the old vnlet. An lumen man he Ma', L00: open and ','b,a'1' as mulls herself; nnd be made n goo bargain in selling me In: m Mer." “Mulder?"nid Prosper with a puzz'ed look. "what did you wanb----" _ . ' .75 fl _ , . - xp .w... ....-. u.“ __-. _ ___ "ol cuurse I wanted to buy hi4 mud in. Ot cl urn 1 did not, appear m bun as I »l\. to you nuw. I wu a cuumryman mummy '0 buy mtv,hler,fre Ind "wider tor aha-o vu Le. fl'll to lung-m shout. the pric ". 'l‘lzedd Me and alumna all thy. during wh ch Lum- a drank a (1 men botuo of u‘w, Ahuu- 't . per time at. Jean I“ dlunk u “mug-2:” ' tsad I hud purchased aim has Md [um ts' worth of maddct which your father will bell to.ruorrow." - _ . - - --- - A. ll -.. The apparent simplicity of thU mode of inn-ligation confound-d Prolper. H. wand-rod in bud not oocunod tohim before. "From that limo," 'soutirtued M. Ver- éuret, "tho Ikcin began to diununglo: I held the principl thrwl. 1 not at About futdirttt on whn but become " Gum. Ufourtsule, who in a friend of you tsth I, informed In. that he had bought found"- - W“ . u, "lone her, or perish in the 11!"an t" haughv. that, mm they were warned, Iger at bung cmnght was ll-Isbuml t ‘II We guard few maple could clump rienc" d add IU',", a, rugu '. e up] Calm-run know that n tulrt a ni-{uhl mum Ihurp than he was clout, other In"-.. .,... I "Bat how did you - of m the con _ \‘c-ulium between tho villsilu '." said I’m- ‘per. “You mam to he urn-u of their wen-t lhnughu. ' I "Dru evidently think I have bun draw. limz up my irogitustiott. Yvu mil noun ‘Icr to the contrary," nu! Vordurd, pood- I hunmrvd-y. "While Ian: at tosk down [Nun’s my pud- dul not m with (In It hum“ Inn! wgclher. Mulually dnslrunful, (ll-menu and Rnoul preserved t" the let- l ter- received from nub other. Jon-pi i huboi- copied than, or the imponut por- l tioul of Lin-m. and forwarded them to an. l Nin- Ipun. her um listening u Mi the T tiooo under her suPerruiost, and lent me a & faithful rt-rt. Funny, I have It the I Fsuvel's mother mum u! invaligluon, ', which I wrll rave-l to you Inter." a I lul‘l- "No, but I adv-ya Its-Ah whilo the in: in hot. At (More: I not Maul. the lad! gone lheu on . little will! Minn returrtr" w Spam. From him I obuinod I couple“ Liszmv " Canon'- life. And all thrpartict' In; u; til death. Hume! Ibo told mo of Loui,' visit." uuAlUua-\; I "I who an Iuonymous letter to M Fatt- ' vol. infurnuug him that his mic I'M [I 1 love with Itvar-----" M. Vurduret hero bmught his clenched fist down upon the lime table nrnr by, with much vmlenco Hut the than punk wu ahivcrrd. Hm cheerful he: in Au mutant. ' cluudnd over. _ . . . .., _ A tA -iraiGuina it a Prosper. . “$3.1 what luv. you been doing during my uln-unce. my ywung friend?" Inked M. Verdun l "har. you heard In] new- '." A' this quack)“ Protpee mum! l rim-on. But he knew [.an n. would never do lu liver. Idem lbolll " Imprmleul slay. a mu. . ........ ...- .... e-ee-e _ V "Mn l" he “mannered, "I rend in I new-paper mu Cmmenn I'M Hm t to mun" Maddeine, and I when! like I to .L' "What dul you do?" inquired Verdun“, nnxiuuafy "Winn folly '." he cxclaimml. “now could pp go snd ruin everything t" lie “use from In: Ian. nnd Itrnle up aud down the Mom. obiivious of the luv an" below, when: windows thunk with every angry lump of In. fool. . . . IIL _ I A 3AAA1H_‘_ "it. w“ night, mousicur." he Ineuiutingly said, "and bums; I violent hesul,aclv, I took u an”: along Lbs quay, thinking there wu no rink In my snoring I “in ' there I picked up I psper. sud rend the drvtulial Gsnounedrneut." -siilivut nut promise m brunt every thing. to mu t" . . , w"... ... ._. . "You were than. mortsieur, and you yourr'li n: g); hn'o been wryrined by an isneHrevttd-r--- " _ . I . - -__'., I ; -» A»n‘-1\:. l on u. 2TiiTar indetittgou '." Incl I .9.“ "m, “d Yor t me'. “my one cf [he teem umm looked. upt l 1 [HOW U: uuuu, aun- lo. . mug -_.w9._r_. .1. ‘on poisons from Pomona“ digiulu to I Sam/rely Eunice." I "The dull: took place " opportune- lr n --._ _ . . " ., _A__;___J " "The b, at thing we can do in repair the In um you btare du and when: drd you pun this idlr “Yezwrduy evening, " tho p, dinul lmnoinc. About (an ull "Nothing could be more nluming Hun that Llucron to the cashier," and the fat man, npcning the words nher Prosper. "That nation, 'Wag it Ilsa he who no]. Mum. K',,%'l'. diamonds? u mmply learlul. What could bo more exupvuuug thin the Mannie mince, ‘In your place. I would not have any pmlic lcnmlnl, hut watch my wife '.' The l T.ect M your lawn mutt have been terr.bV,' he added lirughlfudy. M he awed with foldml um: lo vhiug :1 poor Prosper. "M. Faun! is qumk u. u (med, " he not?" "Ila hm u violent temper, Wlun r uoed." “Tho-n the mischief is not trreIruusb.'e." “Whn do you Hippo-.4" "I think that an 'n ulsive man is druid of hmmlt. and tel-lam atrial out his tint. angry iutenttouB. Thu in our clunca of nivuinn. If, upon the receipt of your bomb-shell, M. Faun-l, unable In rennin himnelf, rusher4 Into his wife‘s mum, and erred, when are your dilmnmll t' Mme. Fnuvvl will coufen all .,and than good-by to our hopes." “Why would this be 1'ditr,tttg t" “Deanna the moment Mme. Fnuvel opens her lips to her husband our bud. mil take Lght." "Kurt-11.1.10“ verbuim he repeated “but he had written. - - _ . "Then your “we: huie loner must. have rewind M. Fume] with In: oat-1v msil , prulubly he wn alone in his study when he read it." “I know he was; he never goes down to the bunk until he hen owned hm tum-n." "Can you recail the exact term' of your letter'. Stop and think. for It In wry :m- peanut “III I should know." ‘ _ I - - - A_ m-g'-. r_.._.n - "Oh, it in unnecesslry for me to reflect. I rt-mlmbnr the letter as d I Inn! just written It." - _ _ . Prosper Ind never I ovrsntuts1iry. "TI on ignin," continued "it would deeply dillrcu Ion." - “Any one whom I know t" "Yer, my friend, Anal very well, too. I should cutaiulv be chagrumd to the In" degree if Ill-u no nun!- escape, without bums vbluined complete antisfactiun trom them." “Did you not peruiyc ths (up. in my lnmtivu t" "1 did not." “Tun. in been!" you don't know how to listen. In the first place, did Lulu- de Clnmernu poison his brother or not t" "7:1; learn- to me thlt you know it _.. to take can of your-ell, and can do “4thng ,oypee." A . “Yul. ion sure of it, from what you tell me." -- . "There you Are! You no much mxro cumin, young "an, than I Bm. Your opinion in mine, Luz. win! proof hue we.' None. I gkimully questitzned Doc'or C----. Me hu Gt the Ill-dew of IquI- cion, um! Doctor c-- in no quack; he in & Cultivated, ob "ving mm of high sunding. "hat pow-u: produce tho 'sfuct. deucribcd? I know of none, And yet I have Iludmd up "hid mfoxmntion on that point new any t" - -. n . . . . I - ---_ ._2II " "Tut Anybody would be convinced of taut play. That in true; but clmuca in unmanne- a wonderful accompl ea in crime. In the lecond plate, I know noth- ing yt Raoul’u “nominee." -. . "lndi-pcnnbie, my friend ; but we will won know nonwlhiug. I have lent " one of my 'ttru-oi." me, I man one of my friendr--who in vary erpert Ind sdroil. N. Palot ;nnd he writer than he II on the truck. lulu interested in the history of thin sentiment-l, ski-Mia! young use“. I hare an ides that In mun bush.” 5 bold, hone" um ot you]: baton (Shanna min. od him." Pro. r VII no tz" listening. M. Viz-lurch wot a lad inspired him ,riakuruatid-, Aland, ho out we "N'.-"-'"" _7,, . in, an unsigned before the bu of fl'l'a ' and enjuyod. in Municipal“, thia ndu-ooun drama, where. he would be publiclyoxonentod sud rumored to pair tiom Thu ho would look “Adolphe. (or new hlldmhu' mug. widget). the TGGTaFGa GArGisdt the Ind no": oesa.d to [on him, - - _ This and”, of Mun Yet") room- od .11 who ICU-Mn tttat " deserted him the day ho found the III. robbed. Pot the bat that In VII umhhud n “I. "annuity ot. hil:itnati?n. ___-. - "Pro-puma " ' . _ i4"ar,lg,e.lti',/tt, 'ri'. it."i'LUsrut “Hugged hi: leoul‘leu. and never thought of this liG/' murmured M. Verduret, another per- to commit ‘leucr': du Csr try and "m. lull .,YF.at u 1y um on you “ml beginning. giver ”no: Ihe, n tho eye open all the tune. The d trot frel easier, whuu all uf . am h my they began to murll a rat." h“. "ua. that th" (‘IIIPO of y sr, u I "U! CUIH'II'. Nun Imam. poor ing when my "IAIL"! gut up, t "t, l. l he took it mm his head l " l p5 wr- m lai- d ask, u Inch, b Bed. _ 2'f,,"dli,"u',' lock “Inch bu Whole No. 883. [01mm "iiiiiiia of the Arthur], the pol-II, wlfe n! ' Squirrel. n-I-lemly had not been to bed. 'rnitfact "rack Preer. . Bh- Append-d. clucqmmu. GGli, I“ anger 'o pieue. "What can 1 do for you, gentlemen!" the inqu_i_red. . , . L . 'I‘You an and rour--Joueph Dubai- wd Nimyrm to no At noon " uuihle. but me know what: "my urn“. , Will rent I tenr mmmu. and you an awake, mo when they Nine." t I , ' .. - ..,_,...L_ __.. ..- "11.32.?“ Mme. Aim-undue left ch. room the in mm ut"serctttouiou.ly “new him-ell on the Led. “You have no ohjocucm, I Hippos: t" In. an to Pumper. in tire mindlel he wu feat "lectt, nml Prosper n: by “.0 bed tau-lung iam with I perpluu-d gar. wondering n by the strong. nun can“ be. . . About 9 u'clock com.- one upped “may n (in door. Slight n the naive Wu it ground M. Verdun. who sprung up sud “Hod out: "W' ho u it t" Psosper - and around the door. Joseph hubml. an um. of the Murqu'u do Chnmmn. entered. This imp xrunl its-Mum of M. 1urdurmt '1“ hr Mid-ma from {an runtnng; and bis huh: ral eye. were mom rerun: than ever. "Well, governor. I mu glud to we you once more, ' he cried. "Now you clll all me what N do; I have been prelrclly lost during your thence Ind luv. felt hko u i'".'ti'lt/tt with no 'triag. " i'usir, did you ttet fright-mod, um?" “Bio-n met I Hunk I had muse for I‘NI'II when 1 could not find you thy“ he”. Yea, uni-y Aftelnoon I um. wu throw .lup Itch" to the .dtireas you guru me. Lymu, “can. entire null (Moron. but received no nun-wan 1 wt- lllnon "r"r wnh mnivly when your mange rem'ncd mo jun now." "Things are gelling hm, then 7" "Hot '. They are burning I The phat in too warm to hold me Amy longer ; upull my no“: I oau't nun! n. E 1 M. Verdun! occupw-l himnc-H in repair inc in: lui et, vrln-is had Imam-u- manning- ii: “new Ja,. inn: "n nervomly "It. II any“! for a. bath. m unuuur. ing bu ts ed by lyi l “I hunt, I know," sud M. Vordurcl; l “goon, ‘hu. nan t" “Then, patron, we hm! a new; that I lump! He ended by sewing me by the I tltroat, Md rhnk-ug III. “kt! I plum Lrw, IIVlu he wauid awake nv- ryul 1 'vld [um vfuo flu. win” knew, when I came from. Asst I knew mytrrlf '. I In obhg- I ed to scam!“ fur every minute of my um- r the: I had been in m- ocrvica. The devil - won. thots judga of mnrucunn. m " qumuonn. Tnen he can: tor u:- 1-m- tur,sud quutionod him dandy. but In :Englinh. myth-t I could nt lulerluld. l MRI. whllo ho cooled down, and When “Huh h in In easy bail, who H”. Cal? boxinning. Ever mun-e 1hey hive Ind one eye open ill the lime. They had Ingm- to feel easier, when all uf a Buddou, yawn-thy they began In new“ a rat." "u an that tho ru-uo of your lv-I 1mm)!" "Of Count. Nu“ hutch: yesterday morn- ingwhen mymutu: gut up,ubout IO u'cluck. he took in IIILO his "Md btt grunge we pug)!" m hi- 'l wk, Much. by the 'ly, ' . haunting lock which In“ given tne.do1 of trouble. Manna-hale l pretend“ to be firing the the no an to mum in '11. mm to Inch hiat. Pstrott, the mun h" n on hko . Yankee. _A: “a first 31mm he at, "Explain yourself, my boy, uul quickly, it you plenum ; nu circuinlucutiou." "It " just. tins, pdrou. I don't know what your rims are. or “but line. you Are taking uuw. but I can Jun all you um '. that yuu WM In“! In mud up tlur “in: [Irony qu.ckly." “Thu In your opinion, Mum- Jouph t" “You. pairort,becauaoif you wait my longer, gnaw-by to our mwy ; you mil mummy lind an empty cage, Inn-l we bsrdg tIowa. You mule? Yea. I know you are cu“. And an lccompillh m-yllmlg, but they an cunning blade», mud n “my” u och. They knuw tlust they an 22ul, The devil they dol" cried M. erduret. "Who ha been committing blunders?" "Oh', nobody ho done anything tang; replied Joseph. "You know, puma. that they lunput'led "mt-Hung long Ag“. They LT you I proof of It the High! ot liu- fancy ll; that ugly out on your arm Wu the or rather divinod, that im I quer- hasd been meddle with; he turnml Md and "ro" u: ooth; Lord. what In oath!" "Never mind lin- uslh: F" an" "Well, how he discovered W Bib M. tuition} had iuwutml to ins in "a (MRI, imagine. You knuwlmw cudul tam. I had pm. evury Lian-g in [whet order. jun. u I found than:- I 1- " them; when, lo Ind behold 5 my unbie mquull picks up cum paw r, one " " mm, turns It our, um! much: it. l u- jun thinking I would on” him 5 srru:tufymg. gin". when “In! I sudden he quill]; up, and with um: kick Inn-I. in: clnur new. me room, And flew " me Will] gym: tin-Mug like two piltoil. 'Somebody ha: Imu u. my papers,' he uhriukell l ‘Lin- lam-r ha- been phumgnphed Ehnrc in proof ui " '.' Ind he pointed to I huh.- )ugluw I; " on the pup“, and fund“); out, 'Look'. Smell l, smell it, you um '. It "----' I torg" th- mme he (“Nu-l H, but some acid nod by phomgrapmu." the mu: wn gone pm and with “may frames. up“. " Im so I'll to slurp with you; you um.- um I to have been gmlly of the othtuceh' " "Ho sud that, did he t" “Ho med thou wry words to my patron." “And you think ho - when. he “Cerumly I do." The Gt an: "and, Btsd whirled u tun»e_exprwivo_o{.oon:en.pt. , u -uii JG/iii/A' ihi' he. an! In right. in bu numb of lies." "'17:...” to no that Juey'n [Iulmil It: nation-lo but " ntrvml syn-unal- for considering Inn unis, but dud not Mk. III. “I Nippon I an stupid. if you thunk no," said poor Fanterlot, humbly. "Well. utter he Ind don. bluwlin Ibout. the burn “an muquil dulled as in: om. He a not tun hi. an“... but I an: him him . out n. tho howl door. t “was? he had perk-Pa “append for-m": t I le, . . - 4,, 41-1-- 1.. _n...- Sauna. {(03 in o’clock he "turned n ST u I bastifietctt. Dunn; " dunno. I h: telegraphed to you." “Winn! did you not. follow him t" “I can on the not in out of his relu'l. but on ot our (rind. hp: tuck on him. “Id this [mud on no a upon of my flat}!!! mounting. . Firys ht you to I broker’n, an. to a. but on! damn-l. of. seq-alumna!» coll-etiqu- ”to uh . In“. Rip." "In tut MI he my" "That in In. puma. But I - tatt ”WM that-gal teUd 'e duty}. 'pf hadtiuUbd he threw himself ”main-ml Mid to Joseph Ita. muinul leapeclful‘y Handing. ad, me I suldrsr, mummy F". gong proi and me Ming.“ - raven! I.” I]? " rd to ins I". "N um't. , how an In! 1 um. I thin-g in rcrfrct Lulu-l thiugn I LIL beholu'. my noble n pap”, one at .A Lime. Inclll it. I was jun. 1 him n llaugrufynng‘ Madden he ”NINE up, Ill In. chum" £0.03. tho e will cyp- Ila-mug iomebody In: lmu M. 'ked l mm. lunar ' """'6ti7imo ARCHIVES TORONTO ugh chin: (“my Ir arm VII Ike ' luv. had an. 'l, had bogun to I Jun, yeaberds, 'our tot-gram P." yuzorduy mora- nbouL to o'clock, .n stung. the t what he was" sid, “Clmm-rll of you! bril- a"! sorry I t "P, 01.1:le led . little I rs, an; " In m wrung - any hi. I - . la",,,'.".".',",',,':,',";."'. “than. bot-[Mum ”was. - d It. C " tit" Theee to. wk.- 3”“. w "an In MI. t an oriit. had - In Yenlunc - Tet' " ret, d Inul~ Huh woitti" Wm! --F"r l'nlmyn: up. qhie* " point donut. But Jun-pk Dubai- in." tow rd- lau and my. i “Win: mad I " an, patrol." b ', ookrd. “Return to an haul; My yo. mum in: nuhood war want: bet no ml! uy novh-n; about. It. so aaa.---" - _-a l.- A. "mun u - I“. r__,, . _ new In. untied your shunt: bet tt ml! uy "orhmg about A on coca-u»- Haru M. Varduro! w. nun-pad h " elc Innue- In. W. who um “Id- um um a window. _ um.“ i. a. sum: t" in ieied. "The" i! CM." CM PM.” “out then.” nu "ox: IN "I - d M. Vader-t ad Joseph n- to It. Ill- ow. "\Vull." "id tho “lo-i“ Jon“ " un annual t" M. Verdun! ”and a“ In th. M I.- pnm-d. but quietly, and '. "The - - hunting. We“. 1:; Mt' buy, do you " dunk an wont muur wnt/dterod by you unit. - humane. r' "You tannin. u the county. [at tr-vu."nul Jon-pi. II " hon-bk my "um! your opmton u mun "mttttrattq M ull the pad- in an wot-.4." "This pram-dad etyst,o' fir Itt - . H ---. mu... an ul- .... ...- run- -"" "This pun-dd "mm a up w windiuw‘l on W put at yum ”bl. mater. Knowing that I. lo b.t'rte trncard he “tinny walla to boomer who hit “Ivan-rhu- III. You an inn-gnu how an- n-uhtnrunk In mun be M tttts nun-runny. iutttapr ho “nah hm meuon a! tune of in. old scrumphcvc. who, hem. IWM. unm- IlICI' of In: rnke. He wtll "can. (hurt mull van rmm- out, thru he will con. m t, tiud nut uh" You are." “Rm, patron, I can go Irorue Wilhuul lb owing Ill Inc-mg “I'- “Ya. I know. Yon will climb tho ma- wail septum. tho Arq-lnngul [rul- Cb. une-men-lum‘u yard and - "rtte who I‘I'l'llwr'l um until you roach the I“. do I. Humane." " I " II'IUIIEI/w. Poor Jam-oh looked u if he had in» n- con-ml a bucket uf watch! on " hull. "Emu-ll}- the w., I In (Mug. yum.” he ”spud out "l hard that yum line. "ery plm L and do": of all the hunt in PM“, ”all u unduly - bo to." The fat mm made tO "ply In Jon-uh"- nduxmu'r MI. I). ... uni-Li" in In ooud ouch Hun nu. An to th- alhln, he lull-nu! wandering- Iy, nulclning the» "r-m uh" nun-ml dolorwuml to rIlllllillI him Ill pal-he up man, and lulu-h his menus. whale he himself “and by "owcrie" aud lwmhlwnl. wut their momm- for Milieu-lung In. could Ire he vuuly tried to di.coem. Suddenly, in . Inc! totte of India-it, nhwh admitted at no omstr.dtsstiott, the [u It'nnuli um What that could In he Swidestlr, itt I which nduiiuod an and: "l have I found um h seen jaunt“. "No, puma." “I'erhnpl he Inn trim“ to him?" "i'll bet so“ my head In In! not Tu.. in( your or en to wuch Us oorr-dotson “unlined I little system which "dorm. In. every time be macho. . pen: during tho Int tawny-[our hours the pen- It." not been couched." “Cl-menu went out rrstertltr" "But the mun ‘ho loll-"Nod hun “VI in wrou- nothing on the way.' "Then we hero this we! t" and "r. dum. "Hurry! hurry! t (“a ynu Mao- nmuuu: you he! the can: l mu tuck an rand maul you - up." The deli‘hud .Imph diamond in a '.tt'l,tti' wink Pro-pot Mud M Vera-um unai- n the window observing Chun- ”, who. According to the nmvunenu at tho crown. van ”mourne- [out to II..ILI||1‘ ”mammo- just. in front of the mun-luv. bat VII "id-adv determined not to 11ml In. {out unul In had Manned ll- lllornuunu o .oughts "Why do you devote rourwit pxc'uuwo- ty to the muquu t" uan l'ruo-lm, “Decatur, my mend," npln- l M. Trrdu. m. MEI: cr-nt twist“ Hound . - colUr, And (unwound by " "mutual: dim mond pm ; ha Ion‘vullcd lulu i can but. [and uplo the alm- ', " - lnt gull IIIII boot. and 'dyg 0.112 fended tho cmpfnye of the Rue 0 Jam-Ion.- pin“, " the Hummer-null. lurk I wldnr. wJuno“: Dubai. had -hesd havoc, nod inmlm lwuy, phoemthkr Ind trum- phnntgnfno: Ibo P"'" finial-n. ou- 1GUi tbe 81mm]. Wh- Fu "tot owned tho nun Prun- rrltund . cry a! lurpnu “-1 glam“ V kt. "ha wind the - who had “can. - the cummumry of pub" lo a main. no but on the day ol the [vu- berv. M. Valium rasttt"ted to aid ant "totierd look, In! uni; "Not boi'. The”. " runng'l hf tie P' our! air about yuu w ulna. tbr u ul .. Every pinkie m in its (ruin eit luw merit, howesuw ti admit that sutch i 1'h!iedolpltia drink, U001") harm“ oflmzr every year, together with A considerable quantity of milk, soda- pop, wild cherry phosphate, and prob- ably some water, though no “gum ttrettt hand as to this. --Chieatto Tri- mt, br yo?" "Jiara Duhoio Ind been granted . quit. hr of an hour " winch to moumorphm Mullah?” “I uni-um Ind cup-.1 In "WE“L4un-‘ “A..." -m. .m- iyiiTiGiii by". mama-Hooking Ind] mind. when wry nppuruwe In ml toerrPy' rogue: _ "Tu'riiiutud madma- with and. 'hilkcl'l,rc§i yen, ud (omit-h. yuan-0n, bane minimal nu If you vertis, That p In mm. 1 IIIl-lll a! who w "It‘ll'l'i I haw Wewkly During the. rum-m ho'. wetthsw tho E 'rl of On ‘IHM had th" mural ”human- In awn-xv in tho Home of Inn]- in whin- duck totuu4ws and v, "irstcxtnt. " it the tttnit recorded imlmu-a- of such nanny-ml nudotrity in thr. til-mum"- region huh-mi!» ed hy the [v-urr». In th" (Tmmnonu. the mw of apwm-l ummqn-iuu- m the won! h. cr has fur your: Inn-n gum-tally Ito-coun- ilm man and man rumnmn. [than " Ru “on“ vim-min Kid»! ”all BUdder 'ti.earea who! m an: {mun QR. “(hut Scum- Amer-lam Kidney Cure" Thin new Well) in n and. alanine and dotift on on new“ otits eluding: pun-mm m 'rt": pair, in ttttleg [Mm-vi, ham our "mm Pere uh or 4.53.. P. ltliCW'l ',t1",,'l,8,'l, l' 'eyhyr. and pain in mg huh-mus [0* [Hal]. " you Dung-id add-l and- *Ttl'rftrriu";.' “It, 82?“. PEEL Yarn FttcN.--A teientifie it. nal connin- the Innovating. and then- my Ill-Ming In It: The skin- of hmit Mold new be can. not henna-e any me M paUtqMe or smm- ad -rotrC, In mom-dw- - m-h tt' ft tit iaaa-coo if.) immuta- nnd nut. CHAPTER XXII. PM h an” In pun‘hm. Adv-Him- yf thi" (1m are in the 'l'munlu ' Mail for Five ' 'entm a In"! fur m-njnn. Twmuly cam" a wan! inrwrtiorm. Admiral The Mail I. l ‘uluudu. y way. “a (Tumult. mm. In my pupa In“ boon “new. ms. m was» "I- - I. did not a?" tch is the 1 huh- tli uril my Hut you Inn-(Hod your “manna-m. and IAyvr'n' Mitt. "WV“! "l of thir, usual-ml ly T I’illr "lone. Ther I'm-u tin "ed wad "" u-ll a fun". Id Weekly Nuik the w punish- P are to ‘u-rim ll: id

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