West Grey Digital Newspapers

Grey Review, 23 Aug 1894, p. 2

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Susan. " 0. Sound but tick! ranch! in which J. ls the central In woman u! criminally U) trivc hi am- Mr protrrtv an thmnltsincd. mort " his own benefit dealing it over to mm in jal to fund. His wife h -ktet again»: Miss blienminz her In Mr. Manh kept running over n mum pd, thy-Ming Arch otnkrsof the meh The stake pendant -erior wall of “hummu- young In Dr. Lang's Red “out, and wbilc 00'ch was cum-m the accident. we tt mm o6 his pa - [In]. it only tt b, try! buck. - 0w hoarding Muse he regular“ vi: the pair "mow child the fruit eotwtte was horn, takes puteethin Owen Sound. I A Yuma-Inn. W. lugly painful and ' lawn-mil fast Wet! and)". J. A. M., rod MMe. Me and Were hauling " bad my“, mm a I and Harry Mn -ut'toat was stat on Kmart sum-9. An "Intuition t down-in in Eng! Inc fut that the r arm In Kent, " paid 81mm». and PM" . year " Illa" to {Lilia " an to be one of the Muml in per, " lent: " 91,501 hum-1's.“ Sm can has just been bryd at Culliugw- um new true evorvwtwre. D ”in valued ten Cont-gian- lmizub tinte-et 1'r4ivtti An-ttt Bun. NW]. and in II -oehorse Mxesi my, whieh has ”an. They win " (about Inna. In Mutual-e Manda“! The ammnonwrs on! certain brig - Mum whic ml.» to the can lay- the human n oettrimuly and that k, and have been h eoauumniration wit! an the, electric iittl Inning a! R F'. The most . - world do. “on” We». whi mafnt‘arlj Aug. 28. beth to rate Mrvmmteroti bran otettttite month's notice " Galhraith taught! " tive months. Inning this time in. clan. tGoat at out at g'r, in mm. of the new“ he: b totse "id accord the number ot u the Iota) number the war. and het *o, and 2tMtt' “61.2%. or 68. 7t - claimed hi holdirg that he t the bettetit of the o-real ttetitm as 'tia75, and Jadtt judgmont in {I and" that the i to “when! only ' into In mango Tow-p9. Mr. Cut-kn B0rtt e.G'mrtet Valley, . h a. ymhncrim huh ahertwon. -'" peroNsee " Davida: A. any Menteet hm with the " g. hm". Ian! 'trtot, Jas Until!" .12 among the 90" KIN-u Ctvt "I. etet " O.q ot Mr. Lmey ave which ttf during the sun non other can “and of nude to in urn-cit! semicircular 0 new“ by tstl of no!“ we] or our: hall I ao 8.0.30 t corners in n m ”my aHarvn ulnar. but w mm] to vsplc this cave. am imu uhich If ektua-t a he" hum-d it " It Mover. we“ chatted in the .n that at - h- a. trt-tttttt . "ts, V “to Ike u no. - I B”. b- unch - In 15th eeereerrer'r= “mum IEEE REVIEW A ---.. “In; Durban. Aug. 23rd. 1894 i “rim 1iirlet1a."ihe, 6565M will pan rotttieaftr, “‘2‘“ 2tu are well mqthy o! a t"titL--- ”not “unto his men-mum to“ William D andA Ham rill!" IIW n bod I small sl III up Wt visiu kept m int tttttM Wit Of an m- PI stat to which thc farmer is vxywwl and they are litany-nox- ious n votls arc the worst, and of these the last inertation, the Russian Thistle, is tlw worifall. This plant has only bccn dunk-Hod on this Conti. nent mule six 3mm, butsueh is its vitality and produetivvnetm that 9.1- ready it has'spn-ad owr an area of 30,tA0squnre "tiles. In the Dakotas and the North Western States where, up far it is must [rcvak-nt. about No.00) new: are devoted to wheat raising, and the loss caused by this wecd alone in Dakota is consider- ed toluwc been i'2, (11),qu 1892. These tittures are certainly alarming, so much so. that the Government of the United States has made an app» pinion Mammal)“ the purpose of mm the wood "lt& The Russian in). has been long km in Ruin m m Ina-diced mom Dakota about than year- an madly the and “in“ ”the hand. It in “L ht a.“ your! gun-chi other sided the Atlantic. Lord Ruse- her)": organ, the "London Chronicle" says that the moat instructive and the um aigrtitirant icntnre oi the doings at an", as tlischtwu try the ottieial report. isthe practical collapse of the ingenious pmpmal under the guise of which certain well-ttwaning petunia mm to itupr AV, lt new form ot protec tion upon the l'nitml Kingdom. Let no hepa- that m- hiw now heard the last of the ituperatrui s. my“) being there now. And with this largo toree on land and a well-eq- uipped flu-t on sea, the Chinese are in terror lcst a combined attack from land and son should he attempted by the Japanese on the Wei-llai-Wei toet.-a font-w considered lmpregnable by 'he Caincso. 1Usibly and it is hoped it may he so. that before any umber err “gems-"Li. the friendsof peace may be "Ne tohriux about a cessation of hostilities. ged sum pas! wool paring tt, n8tere ttt .-The system of preferential duties fanned hy Mr. Foster nndmhcrs at the recent Intereoloniat Conference in ' “an does not moot with favor on the --The Evicted Tenants Bill for Ire land has been thrown out by the House of [on]; and the Eight Moqtm Miner's Bill has been defeated in the Commons by a majority of live. Both measures will be re-introduced at the next ses- sion of the British Parliament in Janu- ary and if the l'lviewd Tenant's Bill be again defeated by the Innis, it is sup- posed that theGovermucnt will appeal at once to the Country -an important question then being, mending or end- ing the "also of Lords. treat In --The recent actiono! the United States Senate has raised the question whether it can be held to represent the willuf the people, and the Iioutsc of Representatives has pawl a resolu- tion invoring the eleetionot Senators by the popular vote. They are at present chosen hya majority of the State Legislatures. The New York Tribune says that if the people want tub change they can get it. The rendicst we y out or the 'littietuty would be to abolish the Senate altogether. -The opinion seems to be general that business pruapeclrt nre brighter than they have been. The ttnal settle. ment of the dispute over the United States Tariff will restore confidence and stimulate certain lines of trade. Although the crop; are in many places light. and straw especially short, it is "ttistnetory to know, as the crop re- ports state, that the wheat crop as well so other crops are generally good. and that a lair average yield isexpected. --lt is startling to learn that the monthly consumption dwbiakey in the United States is over 8410,01) gal- tents. When to this hadded the vast quantity of other liquors consumed one is forced to sea: u mmnectiou between the prevailing hard times and the liquor tramc. --Tho new KS. Tariff has mired the duty on whiskey from 90e to £1.10 arallon. Agreat rush u once took place totretitotttd bondbefon the rise came into eireet As more are about than!!!) gallon in bond the increased duty, on that alone would be “0411M”; 'vplied hnpp0yttnd eloquently. Bu 'TB'ee compels our report to be de ferral till next week. -Tho Bon. Mr. Lander, en route to t' P, Kurt!) West seceived a moot en- fuminnzic reception at Bmntfimi on “why LN. The Hon. gentleman n-pliwl happ0yand eloquently. Bu The Chino-J; 'ocrvcthis MMMO.‘ Hacistone has appeared once FARBIERS' PESTS. Mid 'Ill It mJapaneso war has lag. t in ink-rust during the an sides seem to be pre- grand effort. The Jap. mring men into Corea, , the Liberal Party will ith open arms, as their stay. I tto ('urm. And with iooking The meeting of the Town Council last Friday was an importont one. and the action of our city fathers or “Bail- ies" over the rate has been much dis- cus-ed. The raw decided on was 22 milk on the dollar. A motion to make it 5min: and anothntn nuts mm were voted down. Thosrmdtoeating the tttther rues are impressed with the note-duo! "mmeeqisettteiattt made This new Tariff presents one very vommemlaltle feature, a return to ad rulorem duties. Specific duties are tavoritc devices of the high protection ist. 'l'hcv enable him to discriminate against the poor man and in favor of his wealthy uvighbor and also, and which is a very important matter to the pure political adventurer to keep the consumer in ignorance ofthe large tax he pays upon what goods he buys. For as a matter of fact a sper"rtie duty ot a few cents per yard or per pound wry often is equal to an ad- Valorem duty oflth) per cent. or over. Mr. Faacr in adjusting the Canadian Taritt' began well, in the, tint place by largely abolishing speeihe duties and alwhy making reductions here and there as well. In the process of revi- sion however, Mr. Footer showed him- self unequal to the occasion. Under the pressure of the Mouopolists and Manufacturers the old N.P. tariff with its burdensome and vexations speeitie duties was practically restored and the relic! to the consumer virtually abol- ished. What President Cleveland may do with the Taritr Bill is a matter of spec- alation. It is not expected that he will veto the Bill, nor that he will allow the Bill to bc'comc law by lapse ot time bat, it is supposed that he will sanction it, on the ground that halfa loaf is bet. ter than none, but at the same time, taking the opportunity of expressing his opinion upon the situation. Potatoes. . . . . . . . Apples-,..... Apples dried. . .. Plums .._F.r..r. Hurst's. . . . . . . . .V 1'attlo _......... Coal bituminous Wool, mw...... Ltmher........, lmnnn-.....,.H Eggs......_..... Poultry. T . .. Ron-LU...” Mutton. . . .. Pork "PP-P.. Butter, _ _ . .. Preset ved m “um-y . _ . .. Smuh-(l fish Han-Ivy. . . . .‘ "cu-Icy malt Ili",;',' ... .. II ' _ ' . V . . . I',',',?,',"',,.,: . . . . . As regards Canada the new tariff presents ammo favorable features. Lumber, dressed and undressed, statics, shingles, laths, etc., are placed on the free list, so also agricultural implements, except in the case ol'coun- tries imposing a duty on such imple- ments imported from the States. This proviso of course prevents the Canad- ian farmer enjoying the benefit of free trade in farm implements, and this the Patrons of Industry will of course note particularly. Othtr articles of Canad- ian production are charged as follows, as contrasted with the McKinley Bill I-- l fostered into tuonstrrxsittU try protec- tion, and for this time they. have been again victorious. Bat their recent Tie, tory, won as it has been by the most unblushing corruption of the represen- tatives of the people is the sure preteude uracil-at. The weak-kneel Democrats who could not withstand the blandish, IttetWiy of the agents of the Combines will in due time receive their reward. The Bill "owpuswd will continue in force " three years more when there will again be an appeal to the people. It may be aid that the Run-inn Thistle weed is not I live question in Ontario. It has not indeed “yet been observe-din this Province but it has, made its appearance in Manitoba and there is no saying how soon it may appear in Ontario. and, forewarned isto be iorearmed. There are weeds however right at our doors which are very injariousto the growing crops and which are costing the country many thousands of dollars everv year. Not many miles from this Town there are some fields covered with the wild nneturd, others with the Canada Thistle, and in others the ox-eye daisy has completely rooted out all the other daisies and the gruses as well. Now, it may baa dittiettlt mat- ter to prevent the growth of these weeds. But it is areligious duty to do so in thee interests of the country, and wherever they appear no pains should be spared to eradicate them. After months of wire-pulling, and the lavish use of corrupt inMenees by thegrczlt Cmnbincs, the Free Traders and Prutectiouists at Washington have cum: to a compromise. The wordy war has erased and a new Tariff Bill has received the hast-m of both Houses of Cungrvss. The ultra protection principle of theMcKinley Bill has been thrown tpvcwhoard, but the new tariff is veryfar frumhcing arrec trade tariff, and tltchattleot tariff reform has virtually yet to be fought in the limited .h'tutes, as it will surely have to be done in Canada. The great monopolies across the line have been sharp and irritating to the toneh. At the base at each prickle there is need and as there are abut ten prickleo to every inch of the stem. it is calculated tnat each plant ml! yield from ten to Mteen thousand tseeds Lute in the fall and in early winter the root breaks off and the plant is free to be blown across the field., dmppintt its sued wherever it goes. It is"hmn this peculiarity of the plant tumbling over and over as it is blown about by the wind that it is often spoken of as the Tumble Weed. THE UNITED STATES TARIFF. ml milk TOWN COUNCIL ak fllc and P2e FE pm. & 5011.0 25c hush $30 or 'd0 lt, 3519 " gallon i'tr pound .3Ih. bush V, p.c. .3“ lull UU. poutul We bush tk McKinlt-y Law. ik pound B) p.". 15 p.c. m p.c. to p.('. 20 p.c. 3t pm. 20 pm. 3t pm. 30 pm. ll" pm. :.0 pm. 3il pm, 3) lug, 3) p.c. 10 pm. Free Free New Tariff. 20 pm. tr, v.c. 2.5 "p.c. PG .0. 2rt 34'. Mr. Jotut:McGillivray returned from the lower settlements where he m. working at the harvest. Mis. in. Cook of Owen Sound vUited friends at Zion lately. Geo. Riddlvhas roturnml home from harm-sting in the township of Vaughan and brought with him a lady friolm, a cousin this linw. Mr. A. Ir. Burnot. had a visit frnm two of his Inc-pm“ s in Durham last week. They mum- nn b 93 cl., and spent a plea- aunt time here. The Zion Gardm Party was a grand suecess. Wtten tired of amusing them- selves on the lawn. the crowd went. to the tea room. where the cravings of the inner man were maimed to the utmost. They next. gathered in the church where they were ttwated ma lengthy and intei. "sting prograunne. All then went their chosen way highly delighted with the Zion Garden Party. prnlwllet'. Now l mu in}; bad tlx as far ns Mrs. Mntfut is 1roncercal to travel to- getlier on the same stvamee and if I mm will still trv to do no if pussihle. I have written luherugnin Lo-duyudvis- ing her to "rtWUt'C', at out-e her berth and then to let me know as soon as lmssihle nnd it I run well try to get, one (III the same steamer, and if it l should prove itupo.ssiltlv, then each one has!” travel by himor herself. And should that he neeeaszlry then I would enme by New York and sail " amntlier than the Allan line. It may L an Am- erieun or Duh ll line an best would suit, and nut, brim: me home too late, IJ.V, Now, dear sir. you 1-an see that at the present, my mind does not stand alto- gether nix-em write for the press--) though I have much to so ' but if You like vuu may put, in n few lines ur [may write again. I was deep] grieved to learn of the death of Mr. linht. Eetnr. l have, of course. written a let.- ter to Mr. Jas. l‘Ietm-l-ywnynf Cote (lnlenee. I also trot a letter frotrt ml- nther friend which made mention of Mr. Henry in uue way and :umther. Now. Sir. nu sown we I know what stemuerlwill mil hr, Iwill ht you know by post enrd or letter. lain viii joyirw good health and have had splendid serview. Speukin" to large uudiemex. ! luope to .Qiiiiiir,, few days among lyutclifuritrrri Sous to knew what they do and how they live and I wovk. ()nee inure give my christian lure to all. Remaining yours truly in Him. A. U. JANHEN. D. K. McArthur. is raising a barn with rullvv and ropes. Men are vorv sum-1'9 wro now. The linrvest is coming in very fast. Mr. (”Mister has wturm-d homo after two week's visit, here among her friends. Mr. Chas. Rulxmu succeeded in pass. iug the junior at the recent exmu., while his sister, Nite May Robson, was success- ful in the primary. We extend or: hearty congratulations. Messrs. Rum. Par-slow, of Proton. Nolrle Wilson and wut. Bunlh. of Ban-- "will, have been away in Pcrrs'tnwn, township of Hope, attending the linen-ll of tlu.ir "rpm-w. the only sun of Me. Bum. (‘ampbcll formerly n councillor of Egrouumt. Home of our wmng ladies have em- pluyul /i.uld',d,'l,'," to crane to the house This looks as if something more was to follow. Since hearing of the adventure up in Pomona “hour" would no doubt have been the talk of the neighborhood had not the Junenile mind been diverted by harvest operations. Alex. Anderson is still on the sick list, his many friends wish him a speedy re- covery. Messrs. Peter Neil and J. McArthur have purchased 3icCorntiek hinders this year, while Mr. P. Neilson purvhasvd one of the Frust A: Wood manufacture. It almost gives one "that tired feeling" to see those hinders Work when one has to use the Armstrong. The Editor is no! to br ('onsidrrwl (m nu-msurily iderttif.yitttthirnaelf with 'usprwasioo or opinions empress”! by on r eotvwsporttlctshr. Mrs. ROM. vollet accompanied by her husband visited her tnothet. Mrs. E. Burnet last week. by, viz., the Sardinia". and while it is a good sun-mum for intrrnu-diute travelling it's a poor "ttair. saloon ("I m'tuutttt of the "oGroccasioned by tlte screw or prqlwlh-I-z P'my l mu in a, bad tix as far Aug. 6th 18N. DEAR sfhgt.--Prom the above date you will see that A few days haye elapsed. Various matters came in the way which prevented me from continu- ing towrite and especially, an other part of my experience of life in Holland. Among those hindrances was a trip to the Hague and Schrveninger. The Hague is the Royal City, and the latter one of the most fashionable sea water- ing places in Europe. TheuI got my hand in preachingand missionarv tueet. ings, which I could not refuse, yet which took much of my time, as I have to prepare every word of it in order to speak Dutch. Then another dimculty has come in the way, viz., the date for sailing. The intended date was the Itlth inst. But there are yet many friends whom I have not visited. Hence, I tlrcided to stay a week later and sail on the 23rd. Having promised to n-tnrn in company with Mrs. Moffat, I then wrote to her vegavdiug my intention, which she up- provpd of. I then net to work to secure a berth but just then came a letter with the pleasing information that I could stay a month longvr or any part of " month if I desired to do so. At onu- I thought one week Iongvr would suit me niH-Iy, and hence I wrote to Mrs. Mofrat again to change if possible by? plan and Ivan-on (ht-30th inst., inntoadof the Zinl. In thenwan time the ugont in Rotterdam tttado inquiries to got a saloon lreeth for me, either on the- More golian which sails on the 23rd or on the Innrvulian which takes lu-r departure on thoutth. Hut what was the reply. Too late, toolato. No room in either strann-r and as I only inquired fora saloon berth I do not know whether tlute is room in the interauediate which I would tuke for the sake of Mrs. Muffin in order that SIN‘ would not. have to travel alolw. They infornn-d mt- that if I would go on the 0th of September I had to Sr't‘tll't‘ my lwrth at mu C, which would be the sanu- strainer I had conm on. At the same time. we have eottfV denee in I majority of our council when they decide that 23milloia snack-at. Thee are hard times. The school hem-d M eeortomiaing, individuals luvs to do the sump. and the town council must follow suit. it is claimed that a mills will meet current expenses and even encroach a little on indebtedness. If this be FO no fault can be found. Meanwhile don't let us libel our town by saying that councilman vote for a low rate to catch vous, or that our ta-wnspenple are an indifferent to futurity as to he wil- ling by a low run: to run into debt. LETTER FROM MR. JANSEN. C LENELG CENTRE. ,--Two Short Horn pup tI0PEVILLE, u.-. Mr. John Hunt. of Mounti’orest, was the guest of our popular Harry, last Saturday. Rev. A. Little, of the county capital, will till the Prctoytcrian pulpit till the arrival houte of our pastor from Big Dr. John Mclnlnuh, of Bruce Co., whilvd away a duv or two at theold patwntal domicile, recently. The Dr. is a good hand and is becoming marvel- lously sm'cossful in his life profession. 'Tis with sorrow we hear that Mr. A. R. Irtines in again laid up with typhoid fever. Dr, Smith has the case on hand and everything points to a npeedv re- covery. This is send, as Archie intends manning his studies at Toronto Univgf, any. when it replicas in October, Miss Maggie McIntosh is'at present the guest of numerous Owen Sound RC- qtusitstanecs. Fun-st iitstss apt' raging. Harvesting is in full sway. School reopens Monday the 30th inst. Agent Lawson, of the County Capita', was in town lately. Runaway-hit . Harry Hunt's little team of blacks, took a five minute dash down the Eastern m‘enm-und them-e up the (izll'ufruxn for a mile :n' so. one (Wt-n- ing lately. Luckily they Were slumwd and 5mm- smull damage was the only result. A Nasty “HS“. JIIx (hm. y.cyoio,in, little 3:715, ., .“ M: "Crt "a the Dan-um-ll Belle tvtvived an ugly gush on the side, while rimming lhruugh the pasture field 1vceutly. The wound was carcfully dresscd and is prugrmsiug favorably. Mr. farm home "dian the Henvdivln about exhibition time, Back trout Massey came Ms. John Hay row-ml“ Mrs. M. Houlgrw, of Owen Sound. is visiting at the old home in Sullivan tp. oft to the county capital went Mr. LOU. Hay to spend the summer months at some pressing minimums. _ Mr. Thos. McKnight spent the greater part of last week r'usticating among old time Hanover frinnds. Since his return he has been somewhat under the wen.- thcr but we hope to hour of nis recovery. Miss Sadie McDonald returned to Tor- onto on Saturday the 11th inst. While Miss vasie Robertson also left for a few month's sojourn in the Queen City. on the 10th inst. Dame rumor has it, that our Dr. has numerous critical cases of heart fullnw on hand, but we presume nothing serimu will happen. Miss Oliver', whulms been the guest of her numvrous IJotsnoch fril-nds fox-~thc past two weeks returned to her home in me Sound to-day. Mrs. Banks was down to Lam-01 last week attending the funeral of her mum- er Mrs. Gray. Mrs. (iollwvll of Wuslriugton, D. c, has been visiting huw cousin ohs. D. Cuvctnvood. Millie Ectm- is home from Lake Char'e where she has been spending her wet tion. H. Mum: was up from Toronto " week. Mr. “purge 1Tilii tins of Buffalo paid his parents a visit last. wtrtsk. Mr. and Mrs. Jos Firth jr have Loon of the sick list for 501110 time. [on Ivehave onjuyml .Olll' vacation any way. Mrs. A. Wicr and lu-r two dunghtvrs were visiting friends in Prim-Ville on Saturday lust. Our new school tom-lung Miss Bull of Durham mature-(l upon her duties Lust. Monday morning. me art', pleased to see the genial faee of Mr. McCunm-l of Collingwood :nnung us again. Miss Maggie McCutmel left last, Mon. day for Ottawa to nth-ml the Normal School thm'v. We wish Miss McCannel every SUCCESS. Miss Charlotte “(Loud Tshume spend- ing a short tinn- with her parents. Mr. Thomas Hhortuud. nfh'ult. is visit, ing friends in this viviuity. We are having “no harm-st wontlwr and the hunnets are making good use of it. Mr. A. Rosana cluw in Belleville BIN- ness College is spvnding a few da: 5 wilh his parents. Mr. and Mts.Taylovfvmn Philadelphia. Penn., and also Mr. and Mrs. Wright of Collingwood :m- visit ing friends and t'P- lations in this vicinity. Miss M. J. Scott of Mayfield is visiting friends in and around Ppitvvillv. Brings comfort and trnprrmmattt and tend: to personal enjoyment when rightly used. The mnny, who live bab. tor than other: and enjoy lifo more, with lea expenditure. try more promptly adapting the irorld's best product! i the needs of physical being, will at?” the value to health of the pure liquid laxative principle: embraced in the remedy, Syrup of Figs. Co. only, whose name is printed on every package, also tho name, Eyn'p of Figs, and being well informed, ynu will not "tsept any substitute if ihired. "n.--“ w”, -- - .Dq It: excellence is due to N presenting in the furm moat acceptable and plou- nut to the taste, the refreshing and truly benefioial pnqwrtiel of a perk" lu- ativo l effectually cleansing the system, dispelling colds, headaches and {even and pcrnmncutly curing constipation It has given ssiisfactinn to million and met with the approval of the medical profession, been use it not: on the Kid. nap, Liver and Bowels without weak. emng them and it is perfect j {me from ovary obicytjo.uab,'e tsubatat.ee. Syrup of Figs is for title by all drug- te, in 75c. btetlty, but it in manu- -- turrd by the California Fig Syxup The Avenue is all right. The tcachcts are l,' mo but not forgot ---e- - the EDGEHILL ECHOES. KNOWLEDGE PRICEVILLE. DORNOCH. TORONTO I also Mom's! those having due-bills or mzsrlh’al mam/s with me to call and sclllc at once. T. Eli. WATCHORN. and you can depend on getting goods away down lower than ever heretofore. W()OIJ taken sun“! as CASII! I have a stock of gray and white Rolls on hand made from good wool for exchange. Bonafide Cost Price SALE The Stock consists of Tweeds and Flannels in a variety of shades and patterns in course, medium and fine. Worsted Coatin s, Suitings and Pantings. Sheeting. Grey and White ihi'11ltd1. Yarns in l large variety of sizes and colors. Hosiery, Underwear, Etc., Etc. Remember this is a Having decided to leave Durham I will offer my entire stock: to the pub- lic for the next 30 DAYS, commenc- ing on Saturday the 11th Aug., at MANUFACTURERS’ tiota PRICE. for to this paw-r, and the cumpnny prumissvx to send the hook, in tieahtl urn-(ilulw. without any marks, and PH. titvly trw. until it is wcll intrumxu-d. Durham Woollen Mills, A despairing mm), who Lad applied to us, sum: after wrote , "Well, I tell you that mst, day is one I'll never forgot. I Just bubbled with joy. I wanted to hug owl-y bully and tell them my old selflmd did yesterday and my new self was born tsr-day. Why didn't you tvll nu- wlwn I first wrote that I would tind it this way 'f" And anotlu-r thus: “If you (lumpml a mu-luad of cold Ell my icvi, it. would not bring such glad- nvss into my life us your' Inn-thud has done." Write tulhu Elma M mun“. COMPANY, Buffalo. N. Y., and ask fur a little bunk called "COMPLETE MANHOOIL" Re Age no lmrrit-r. Failun- impossilo, an) t.cferenres. The hunk is purctg surdirut and Mimi- lijio, usvless to curiosity seekers, invahr uhh- to "In: only who "red it. To Hire tovvvvy cficets ovvrwovk, wan-y. etc. To gin- full stl'mlglh. dovvlupnwnt and totw to own-y portion and organ of the body. “THE TRIUMPH or LOVE "Here at last is information from a high mediml mum-1- that must work wonders with this genera! ion of men." The book fully timerihvs a method by which to attain full vigor and manly power. _ - - ... A ,‘I ..II ..n, A method by which to end all natural drains (m the system. To cur" nervmlmcss. lack of selN (ml. despoudeut'y, etc. To uxclmngt- a jaded and worn nature for an? of brightness, buoyancy and power. Every Man Who Would Know the Grand Truths; the Plain Facts; the New Discoveries of Megical Science a tuso'---:.-;':,"';';";"?,';"';?;,"",; iv - l _ a 5.11.11“ t'0N. Semlul‘ PM ff"" ' h . v ' , “Win I m a "a'"-" J 2te MIL: . n In ted M whoa-mad - . ' . “in. .7. M . . mm mill!- [1 tt-tilr-erurt - 1 _ 1“ _Aoeaeuluta. '11.. {-.123:.m ff} Varicocele. a Stric 'd K [f. Tilt "aw P! !liflt 'rl ,_ ur-r {1 l ( F‘lfJ’msr, J. tl', up! mama an F mum: an“ Lava y, 1et,y+pey ill Logan " bet: ' VA] T w. fl. COLL'N. If, “gr“ i. . of It / :1 - L' a we- , _ - -- - "Iv. nonu- Fr" " Te" I 'r'" . N [Jinan-MIMI“ Ee: - fig ' than “Mu...“ ' q I d',W,,tgy weak-admin i"t"iiirtri'lrh1t6..1i 'll',; _ ar " pent-II]... mum 1ret,Ee g: " J v'goe.Wa." (Consumption). 'hikri ' , A.’ . Mom:or."odlhdvalI.lâ€"Imdyticgnfiuh. a an manhunt. I land thm “and ' a.“ -- f :, 'tl?tyyr.tLadrmttotptvvitiliti. ImmoNew -- . T,' . W 1ft1ef?r1te,tttit1thhtriiiir, 'erribirAG"ggG"i b , JK,'), . " r,,ttc,',tg.ui"r',",te,P,i ittititJtlEfiii , i} H.352," blmgumih-mmh Math-Ila “4M 1treff_t_f " nvrpr‘. Am.routtviattmt Hannah“ , etp,',tget','g'ltertti; ~3a22r1J-Ln! Lug”? Has 'r'm'1',Tgg,ttQ2ett'd unable“ Our .,2 my: 1.13th Twatzzontwm also?» What it I:- am. to?“ fun: do Ne you. " cUzax-gm GUAM?!» on. no - 'iiij,',_lii/i,j(itI.ii1l) ' “W"! .'ltiE1rf,l'//rEylglf if? Durham, August 7th, 1894. the i'/oiiiiiiiuTEiiiie Book waned "Complete Manhood, and How to At- taln It." as 'sp"iiirirtrrGhed Life, Who Would Atone for Past Errors and Avoid Future Pitfalls, Sllould Secure " HAPPY! . ----- Am- Kr-' . Ir, '"Js'sTey?s A ruff-wt” '"re" In", Mee. T.P. r31"! .l"A. I: . ., u, nuvurnw'h"! VARICOCELE. EMISSIONS AND SYPI‘IILIS CURED. w. n. CDLL‘NJ. w. s. Collins. of Bulnnw. Sanka. w. e. (:0le . N: “Inn-:29. rA11sAitamed9tndtt_atrit,rtiietiouits cFu nod till 19. I then Lacuna “one ot the, be " and led a Lt-d . T: my life. Expo-m t',t,1titl,s.e,e,ii' lacuna nerv- Q " -\ I], one And (lo-ponds: gap unbmon; III-nary poor: eyes i. g (3 ° 9 mm.".s.hsvtummnggw lie bone v _ Flaunt} apart It?, Years in Detroit. 160,000 Cured. No Risk. Fonsuitat'nn Free. ttttputt-hot-tm-ms-ttr “on“ y " I. r n. Clvsrrast, moraine. B P -l" Gold. “in" (ml.- trfx-U-fixivrwfwgyimen-.lylwggmfisgffiggt, - -____H - Edd-1f. Ln Linker-u vii'meui." s1tirgiTrd4pl'.i", I 3'":le NAMES USED ITH UT l V/-.T.i._ No m_e;1lclne .30! Q: O. th. Ne, Jo _ GelT psii meat. PH: 7, Lit-You can Depot" tM Iouey in Your Bank or with Your Postmaster [ to " plld In an» you an GUIED “In airman Gnu-mac! PM!) "aw, [mum and Blood Manchu. wrecked the lives of Lhonsnnda of your: mm and .::i.MIn and man. The farm. the workshop the Sunday school. the omee m- m. . r 't Mun-4 all Law, its victims. {may an. if on in" been ip4isemet', bewum a? t..e iutttrn. livid/I up-d mm. you {no 'iiriiii"ri'iFd'giii)', and old. both sexually and W' would: tuausu't u, [mum too law. no IE3 USE WIN")!!! WRIUEN CONSENT. 'cgii11hi: 'l'irrii'i'7WltmtlNrmttitaiiiamp,'. varicocete, Emissions, Nervous Deblllty. Seminal Weakness, Stricture, Syphilis, Unnatural Discharges. Self Abuse, Kidney and Bladder Di- Positively Cured by A. TOYFCJN. Seminal Weakness. lmpotmy and trg. I'.ocF:'rh'. a trsr. Er?,?.?, Vurlcocelo Cured. 7 m ie "’ \‘i‘n "rymro-1tuDr.prheeara-,tud E155” ""i' littlohope. 1mm Mug-WM ' un lr? ”J.- y mumprondm ttse in: _ huh-mound. x ' " IW?, 'torP"-y"teoetqrP1nou-tt.ttnu-in" iik. f P. S: . ttff: tecer'e, "my?“ “forum: m - / L 'r,, Tara." Hausa“ W" 2a'y'ih'lr7dfl','a,"t um w manna: . am: 1 ke '3 New Method MN". Thank God 1 It trig it. In czo manual“! ,','Jg,,'i'."mr This m3: um ago. an me: In um we IN '/flJ'l.llfoh2.n.u'rllg,f. B.9rhtesDittiiiraruua: m“: an More mung up hope." mum“ MARRIAGE." Hug: vein: 2t'ik/a.tgi.'if,it/2feiiii.riiii, lo . w . urine . tt 33°35. of 'gqt,tiG1) ND. Gil. wooing: iTiGii"daitfiiiitiii.' .trotl mu- m. m Aaio" Fiiiiii7n z; booms]: momma Du. Inn-i, & “in " nibble Spock-um The: tm.t.d In. Ml: m W." lack of self-con- of excesses, _ We are making a big run on our READY-MADE CLOTH J ING this week but intending buyers must pay Cash f l they wish to get the benefit of our heavy Discountl [ Try a lb. of our New 300. Black Tea. ' ‘ BUTTER AND EGGS WANTED. 250 ACRES belonging to the Eslnle of the has James Burnett. 125 acres muier caltisatiou, rest Imrchvm-nl bush. being Lou PB, 24. M, 20, '27,Old D. It. in tlus Tuwurhip of Arteme,ia, County of Grey, tho miles from Flenlwrlou Eln- tron, three milvs from Prieevalle. For turther particulars apply to _ ' tWM....-. rwm"A.'th'L'C'RXE'l‘. INpesnllrt, Or to MRS, BURNET, Durham. *cm ar. aats.. ClllElllr"erllytir"0llllPalliuit. , HARDWARE, CLOTHING, Dry Goons BOOTS & SHOES, HATS, CAPS,&C. ' We have leased the Durham WOOLLEN MILLS and take possession on the 15th of September. We will take W091 mLeXChange for any kind of Merchandise in our A Farm for Sale. V §omlnl Ji19tess, meet. Tremendous Stock 4mm .-. Upper Town, Durham. Varnishes. Coach Paints ready for the Brash, Aniline Bres. Pare Paris Green. Potato Bug Eil1er-81.00 for 100 lbs. Tar, Compound Mixture for Horn Fly. Machine Oils, Boiled and Raw Linseed Oil. One barrel extra quality Harness Oil. Turpentine, Benzine and Dryers. Mixed Paints, Dry Colors, Paint Brushes, Tube Paints, And Artists' Fine Colors. 32¢": ' ' V . . tb) The rmick 1liu0chinc-the Lust in Mower, ken and [hm-mu. Watcrioo P --tt a solid machine. Huclmunun's P, savers. ' Ala) Agent fur the. Singer Sowin GAB. Pine Barrel Salt, Salt in Bar, Rock Salt, Sea Salt in 260. Bo1res--the best substitute icr sea bathing, Lind Master in 200 lb. bags. Water Lime, Calcined ." Plaster and Axle Crease. A CarLoad of Spoight tira;s,goiis and Buggies Justamved We are also getting up New Rigs ofall kinds. Itnpletaents, etc And get your Buggies and Waggons "tuspaired at Lowest Rates. ti 1ytilililtllliiii,'i'i' April 3%. pot Wm just North of Standard Bank. Durham IEillhtnery, itil? in WM. SHABBE Agent 'iii-iii' ji)Ei11inety-. Spring Millinery New 'r hurt firie1a; raj Come I Come ! Painting Done in the Latest Styles. ALL “'ORK G i KHAN TI'ZEU. See them before you buy. -- - , bought for Cash and sold on wry bust terms. m. SHARPE. McKNIGHT g LENAHAN, Dcrnoch Va; ine-the best in the market. ws. F'atcrltsoh'iougps. “up - ---E'OR THE - Binders, Mowers, Plouehs, Barrows, Waggons,hggies, Rakes. Thrashers. Sewing Machines, Etc. Thug Store. Jest in the market, not 'urmick Buckeye I100 PI his. Wtttt1ocluituprttThtstier an's 1'r1usht,':d and Sim-tho great labor Sewing Maeltine--trtA mumxm-nda itself. . PARKER, AT p'l'nuAM. u avid“ . t Fol tushoest B ,eiirilrbut't. Mr. tertitur 5 w to mum h BID Cro-l I out!!!" etc. 'l to: SALE. , my cheats. W T M T form" ' " the wootht gstau'os"'i. In M on hum! l " MctGrtt' pod his ttny-pr" Inns!" Nw,', 'CeAtttie 0:4le t to Tamil!" In gtgrrrae.---r"'sl l" min“ Ttith im the woottett Mi.ll 01mm. - tre. " our New tot [bu-gavel and w. “'Aml). te-trotor ho loo-Ii! y, tttt to w. L. I Till: (Air ml T womb-d. and [my graham MU mun. tor trotl truat BAIL. - mun-rd MW. will u:- nnu' Ind mu- Tux am in been renown! qetqMar n spiel o! Emporium trood and. im, Mount Fm next “numb at Sunlund Caledonia" mom Chem "him. w, Bulk. FI from Ur In lb t this town. I long ll Ma. All-x 'r-o'". “ennui-man c nupun)" " wall know pnunim-ul l Th" "P" hu touud "roun- Mu" If ' visit/st "tctit in r Mr. II'I ttarise,. s' eeader,i wi Janna-n. " In tumult-I he a-xpn‘m the "Arvin- um Mr. " Tree pom this - s up": Mrs-e r'" mum sill. "w m dent. (In Mr. “'IIL “In-5mm no nun-mm luring its R Brawn- L4 In-KW‘ all! tyul hut-her I which None u lllflI'T t urr Rm last it Wo ha, I "I " in AI th, an» Htark' and In wat “I dam I made " our how t In art-ht tmild [Inn 1 this y 'tot CN THAT It " Tm whirl 1ath c hihil I" lam mNsder trip u was! -- ”no. i j"sd an Minna-r Mud all: ("In all A “and truth nu vided a LOCAL All w F "USU, lg In: 1|... Mr M In - Illa , it k " h MM pp

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