,ENAHAN. If Lime, Calcinod d Waggons Rates. ther fr. ery " wry but terms. In. SHARPE. cck Salt, Sea Salt " ska. bathing. El) ramts, inc, Colors. ash, Aniline Dyes. 10 lbs. me for Born Fly. ‘,s of all kinds. Cormut Pyetr-eyes Chanwiun Thresher the we†labor recommends itself. ICLOTH- ' Cash if iscount. Harness Oil. Dryers. Ole s. ON’S. 'tii.cNr, >LLEN 15th of Tarts. ES. gent change mics. Rakes. chines, Etc. More. and Raw DODS, sec. , Ploughs. s just arrived. A “fir" M W station had!" Ttty Melitta†will surprise Tannin“ “ilk.†at pm idmott R Co. - I DB-‘l “CF Di very D' nt th JACK!“ {ands orl In M oed his! tt nim- ' tc,t..rrmt the em!!!“ on t m. NN ...,n.-u mm. "ag.. Jst humâ€. nexttousk%r. privnu Hulk un lulul (or a I" “but Mit, “Home.“ 1‘0. 0m... ship- "ul hrsir.v-rrretrtrtoFrotst,Uteir. “EH~K* Nr.0 0* Ind Goo. Me Kprl hzm‘t‘m‘h whipriearot in“ ,.,1‘..r mum. well Rum; r'.'.'." eh new Winch-tar “Wm r»; "In" tttsau, Malay.“ thn- NS Mr" Mill. , l tln C We dim h attention of wu I" olcr, to th. Mme!“ of In“: a "I ar1d “'th column. WsNrFif2. In My . eomtortahle .1“.-umzhunso. "oat - mu. good Inn-1W». “101an Weâ€. Apply to w, l.. rat-Km Mr. '.4p 'r to H an" account t Fo Sum. 10- mlul hand bug- Kies run-rm! and “we 18 good " mm; will sell ata "trim. Apply at nm r' vtd tice "m marrmt. Tur: mratiott . and floors have beets rn-I-vm'd. "Ii . ing now pre- penis a quilts!!! "ot-nee. This in of "np""""' arit “n stringer b ttood mun. imprudent. Mount Fun-t is ' in big day next Thrumdar, Ann“, The 5...â€, of Mntlnnd Bre. It“ their first Br. Ctr th may the .uerxiis a that Mr. Hon Tm: patrol stroreU tttat ot barber shop, M which lit-vet . None will man I u-w to make “mu-r. Snot“ an If ln-gan. A (‘nrnrn E n ai, the Rock opened in all Ales. (iilrny. ( to will preacl On Monday N h-ginnmg at t tum-r and an d: Ttw. (a tr all is whim to huh! b therreu4vesr, and shunt] it â€my Iur Inc u‘ighletir sporis “up railway m.“ , MH. W ht. lie-M's“ known in I: tuwu, and um! Mm boys for lung Mum, and n of Clevvlnnd, “in, u... married .‘mday to Miss I’ll-I I'm-gum“ of I†Bent wishes ttext hunk, along which would run I‘ prmneludr sidewalk under!!! We? the Irvulge In the Moody ctrruer. True the :u-n-hiBw-tunl beauties of the war of tho building»: on front street are not of the tiwt (ink-r. but that would improve, " “u would geld-0d to them. Examine this l l! practical men. Our Suggestion In not cupy-ritrhtod. "I'HINE: ruycd " Tun: Toronto rusdtretrial Exhibition. " hi: I) is to be held from the ..trd to the L'n h ot' september, will no llmihi. be the priate st fair of the prement year. and front pn'st‘nt indications it promises. to} rxn-l all others, troth in point of ear-l him!» and in attendance of visitors. The, gruundn have been vastly improved since In.“ .vt'ar. "nd already must of the space in all the buildim 5. been applied for. All vulriw close on the 11th of August. A g. .ml pmgmmme of IN“! attractions hull: novel and inteeestityr. will he Pr“ vided an usual. it is only . little over a “wk to the “we of the fair. and our rmulmN cannot chm-e . but!" bud" trip than this on“ Cheap .acttrsiontr will As “6118th m, alt "um" at rah-n in keeping with allâ€. Stsis ttreat fair hub now hem - of the but lulu! must “mum odoe,quorsesl “at†taiurtrertt Putt-rpm “ thitt mum‘v and attracts virritom eaeh year. M on" from, all parts of (â€Mum ht W the Univ-d Hum-s a. up with“: who has on lion-r heâ€; tr.eie'woeH be qrerM- ml mi in: magnitude and My†Ming oil-mm “le Worhh m I!" ii.irj':,tt'" "prise P orcNo silky " "tsort & Co. Fl not“ BooU uh niamuHc-r "rate SALI- LOCAL mm; shim-aw of but- [mt‘n last week, "i'"" Dyson eoldhl- for 1-1 .-.~' at Neal sun git til game-s " 'tter a l or the luhhlvtir y I1 sri) Igua- very dimly "wt [yen low. The , ' “1|le cattle market r Mb 1‘ tn It i. Mr. Wnt. Calder has do. u old n-lic lately used as a p, and the Shoo“: g gallvry /et' “shroud" must Mango. mourn. lleintnnds. we tree "he n hnsinm block of the urn-sax to him and we and as m. Eminent. ination safe Ilia rates ribbons, THE El Ci We have Opened ga; . try,"'",'" Tm An Entlrely N General Dry Goods, Drel ThesethtodswemtBtm Patarrs- mendous 11999999 up: Selling If u want B-ins "ll your Cash or DAVIDS Sun the Boys' ten told at Davidson & Co. Mck aszxz can suit burgers. either in amounts or rates. 1 Antwan yesterday a “Dress Goods new and cheap at Daviw Co. LEATHER Fly Nets and tiiruter whips cheap at Thus. h1rnith'0anver Town. Call and see them. ut b Do you have headachepdizzine-, loss “appetite and other symptuns of biliou- um? Hood's Sarnparilla " ill cure You. A LARGE party, composed " the Wynn-inn Bible Class and others met at Dr. Gan's last Thursday night. A very plenum, time was spout. . Lotrr.--Between the 'tary School and Durham on F riday August 3rd. a green shopping-1mg bearing the initials K. Md). Finder will oblige by leaving at thc REVIEW ofrlre. The Narnia Post has issued a beautiful Souvenir of their town containing half tone illustrations of all the ntttvactive places in and near it. The descriptive loin-r press and engravings are good. Upper Town, Durham. NOTICE. All tuthrwritwrn in arrears for the REVIEW will ohlig" lm- by pay- ing thr. sum!- to Mr. Rmmlgv, the pre- 3 mt prop. " ho will give the proper re- n-ipt. C. MC). “TRUE. Ir. lrEm-ht-rn from Collingmmd and hi, 'nqtit gun! the Review a call on Tues. dar. The sun mu iuristhraty1c/el,ee tsud gnvu sumo spm-iuwn‘ dancing tuthu stuff and , that does him credit. Hr star In The marks of the canditlam failed at the recetrt Primary 03 lion have been sent to the m9†App-ah must he an", in to the _ tion Department by the L5th Hrrti ALL Candidates applying for"! to the Model Schools or for it PM" their. Cettificates must airyly t Inspectors before that date- P, renewals the um prufessimm" t l must be forwarded to he 1.uilrrr"'t Now one complaint ha hy those using A yvr's cording to dim-cl in} have yet to Irsartt has failed to mm hundn-ds at (lruggi try. Has cumvl ml vortiuig to "it't'CQ'.trlte'. ' ... -. . have yt't, to ll'ill‘ll of " vu a' Ui wych it has failed to "ttor" luau-til. b'o say humlrmls of (lruggisls all m t-t' the Coun.. try. Has cuvel otlwts, will "W“ you. To C LEAXS K Tu F. S \wr KM. lily-emul- ly ya treutly, when 1'qu WP oririlious, or when the blood is impun- or ,lurtrit't, lo vetartsuently Curr habitual ceirt1io'is unawnken the kidneys and We: to a. healthy activity, without Winning or wonlwuing them, to dbpol )nmlacbes, colds or fever, usr Syrup of Figs. 'l'nr: meeting; in Hue Motl:mli.g church Tutsdag night was a suuTi%. and de- Lght mull 1rresust..Th" Youu: l’t-oples' Nut-lot ies in comm". Inn wit h ll... churches had a union Hum-ling: and 21,1, Wrte, pre" svnt ty sln'lul‘ an] hoyy 'lt' "Ir in rcligmus rxm-rviw§ :lml NK'lill iritiurtuv,v. 'va.‘ â€mars. [CUM-gov, Pourtoy and Hean i all spoky null gnw- Imlny Purim“ words of comfort and "xhortution, lhw. Mr. Crilpin, it!" Vnrnvv rim-nit GIL“ "ddressed tht/audience. Miss Carson l-nuided at thrs orTran. and SUIUH Wt'tt' ""urg by liss Itanksand Mr. Mm‘klin. Th; ilnhil'ati‘m " nunthcrs was plain and u I†he better rim-n at, the 1'ounty H. ti. ('mm-mion to lw ht.ld how 0| titqtt. 3rd. The one- miuute mwwm's to (gm-slim. "rawer should ho heard to be apprcci;m-l], THE. "Union Standard" oi'Tbornbr1ry is out with a jcrcmind at the Iuilurc of Tltornbury candidates at [lid recent Entrance Examination. It wants a i “through investigation" and insinu- THE Count 5' Board of Exmui w-t in Owen Sound cm Sutur " th muugh investigation" ates pre/ty. broadly that Campbell has examined bi., share of the itaperstothc: detriinwctitThorn, bury ind the advantage ot' Ireaford. It ends Ill', sneeringly "that inc-Just: Mr. Camp xll is Inspector n..- Megan-d the puzzle is solvud.' INT WMâ€: agree with the "Standard" in its mnelusion. but think the hlit-suit in fuming-d is a com dimer". to r Camp w1ds's ins c- CII? and not a result of my ginger action on his part, Let's hwe an investigation. Tn r: (Bum) SAMARITAN- ’l h. wovld is 1 not yet destitute of the fvllmm-l-g of the 1 good Snumritnn, and for whim lot w be profoundly thankful. During the “a. son now passing, by our lake. and rivers there have been many m Is of M." sacrifice in the imam-sin 1:2 others and some or extraordinary hung.†in muting life nt the vi,.k of losing, who‘s own. In last Week's issue we (lira-1m the atten- tion of our remit-rs to um- instance of this kind, and now we have grout plea- aure in recording another' which occurred at our own doors. On Thursdpy‘ after- noon ns Mr. Rom. Uriel-sou of Bentim-k was driving along the iiarafraxa Ro Id, he olwrved smoke issuing trout Mrs. Leslie's house of rather grn-atrr volume than is usual from an m-dimny tire. Fearing there was something wrong he left his tram and hastened to the spot. On Opening the door he found the house in tumess. but saw no poison. There was no time to be lost in seeking help so he set to work, pumped the Water. pail after pail, and in a short time he had the satiety-Hon of seeing the fumes extin- guhhed and all danger remove]. Soput- ting things to rights and muk'ng sure that All was- safe he proceeded on his way to Durham, He had not gone far un- - - - .. , ,5 --a- annrnn‘r- course of the narrow escape of her pre- mise" fr m) being burned down, and was about driving on, butseeing Mrs. Iwslie's agitation, in the spirit of trite gallantry he drove her how and to soothe her fetus he again made a. thorougtsesatuin_- Mien of the home to assure her that all «m. um“ Mr. Grierson's heroism is all m... w _/_._.,,,7 _ . til ho met Mrs. Leslie leisurely jmu'lwy- ing homcmwdu. He informed her of course of the narrow escape of her pre- - . __, ._..._, was well. Mr. GriemOn's heroism is an the more comruendahte that?" I†only one am). But often his one arm does more good service to lune" and to others than two arms do to many. Groceries, yer's F'satsal ms. Fuvtlrt"r LI highland .m- viritora, “MUN! church [rl'Lw and de- MU." Ptopletp H..- chum-hos EH) “mm pre- u in rvligmus " 11r~<-. HOV. y and Hean ‘U‘IINI words Mum who 'V mamma- iiartlidatesa. the Educa- suptmnher. l . l' unlmuce wm-wnl of iy tit tho In dine of H" vtificate ll Mr. N. w, ms will iny, 25th m-n made will» IU'" yet he 15. b has“! Jaled at ( by Miss ~3>iration Mil: Gertie Snider is home from Walk- erton on tb viitt to her home. Miss Collier. Mr. Grant‘s able assistant. was ettrtthqt " Buy’er last week, Mr. Mrs. R. B. kindle. of the Tp. of Derbyare visiting at Mr. Thou. Lsuder's. Mr. McFadden and his daughter May, of London, are truetrta at Mr. J awe: Carson 5. Mr. W. E. MeAtliater in home from the west, looking Well after a most en- joyable trip. Misses A. and M. Gun came home from Manitoulin last week, from a most delightful trip. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis. of Walkerwn. were visiting Mr. Bnider's near the Roeky last week. Mrs. Johnston of Stmtford spent a few days last week with Mrs. Turnbull North of Durham. Miss Nettie Cameron left, for Mt. F or- est, and thence to Detroit. Her sunny face will be missed. Miss M. Crawford arrived from Owen Bound, last Saturday. where she enjoy- ed a two weeks visit. Mr. Dugald Gilchrist, of Port Elgin was visiting at his sister'u, Mrs. George Campbell, of Aberdeen. _ Mr. and Mrs. Cllristlcr and family of Brantford are visiting their uncle Mr. John Veggie, of Glenolg. Mr. R. J. Morrison, of Toronto, is at. present spending" couple of weeks with his friend T. w. Tuvrrlrull, nfGle-leg. Miss Crawford, teacher. of 1ugersoll, gave the REVIEW " tusil last wevk, in company with her cousin C. H. Lemon. Rev. M r. Boone and family are spend- ing their holidays in town. He preached inuthe Baptist church last Sunday own- ing. were the guests of their Mrs. and Mrs. James, Mark of Owen Bound and their daughters Misses [mum and Fltmsie wvn- thoguestsof tlurivvottr'e iu Mrs. w. J. Lawson jr. Saturday and Sunday ott lust wwk. Mr. Andrew Little ing at, the Rocky tor baths. Thechurrh and will lu' Whom-mu Mr. and Mrs Itutledg" and child arriv- ed fturttt far away Mexico last Thursday and Wt't'" wvlcosrted at, the Anderson home. Mrs. Rutledge has a wide circle 0f friends in and near Durham. A serious accident (recurred in this village last Friday which is likely to Le lung rememlwred by those who suffered by it. The bus, " closed one, was on the way to the station, when the. horses bolted. The Inn was overturned and went down n hunk, resulting in a shak- ing up fur all and serious injury to two Well known men. Mr. Aaron Wcnger, one of the most prominent dairy men I in the province and well known thrnughout Sunth Grey. had his ankle so crushed and luceruted that, ampu- tation was norm-wary. Dr. Ali-Loan and surgeons from neighlxu'ing villages per- formed the orvraiion, and at lull-st [ areunnts Mr. \Venger is doing well. The I other sullen-r is Mr. Alex. llemlerrnn inf I'igm-mont, whohad his leg broken and will likely take a conside.va'oh' time to mend. wr, hope both may turon be restart-‘1 to active usefulness. We hare nut learned if the othve were seriously hurt, hut strung-1y. two rhildren were scurrely tnnvhed. Mr. Mendel-sun was on his way to meet his daughtel on the train from Wiarism, but she gut to the village before him to learn mun of the terrible accident. TIIRASIHNG PA Fee's now outfit, Pixel-mu and Co her trial trip an and the result w: Pl1crsor1 and Co. of Clinton, was gin-n lu-r trial trip on Friday afternoon last and the result “as all that, the must sun. guime could look for. The rig was given two runs to oil ber upvrclimiuttry tnhcr trial. At 1215 Billy, nitrr asking if all hands wru- ready turned on stem†and the Humming Bird began to sing. It mun Immune m Mont that the onlyuuess tion in doubt, was the ability of the you to pass on the foddvr m. fast as the hun- gry nmchim- could devour it. Some idea of the vol acity of the appetite of the Humming Bird may be formed when we give the list or' feeders who tried alter- lmtrly to choke her " but still shesung top more, Boll Boll. Jim Thompson, Tom [ Watson, Bill Thompson, attet' six hours run, 25 big loads of peas, " loads of tall wheat and 5 loads of barley wentthrough the Bird. at. the hum of the Bard of Nurmanhy. who will vouch for the above as being " correct amount of the after- noon's work. Thrashers have " hard and dusty life to follow up hut notwithstand- ing this Billy Fee is always in good humor, lw has the pat inure of Job, the timeliness of Moses, the Mfaltility " t"hesttwtivld and the constitution of an elephant and throws it all in with the syn-vices of the Bird and his gang for ti e modest sum of $10.e per damew he does. HEsuEtttioN- qumsux -0tt Aug. 13th at the residence of the bvide's father by the Rev. D. McVivar, Miss Bella. Ferguson of the Tp, of Proton, to Mr. Robert, Honduran. of Cleveland, sa-vTir,i.r-Un" Durham on the 18th inst Mynh-. infant daughter of Mr. (1' Elvidgfiaged 3 months aud 1 day. . Batman“! Cuban risiArl)’ . Ls, _ - American Rhaumnllm Cure, (A? iaitgt turn up! Neurglgn, radically Cures m I to 3 dam. Its ngtuuu upon the system is remark- . e mystanoug‘ It removes at once the came And thedueue Immediately disappears. The tint dose grenly benctits. 75 cents Sold by Nahum. * Co. . rill lu, rompmu-d v Mr. Little whims. Ohio, PERSONALS. NORTH EAST NORNANBY, Bahama! Brantford, is Yair's AYTON, I'Au ExcF.cLExcE.-N1ly til. numufacturvd by Mac- MARRIAGE DEATHS, a has ' tin, ', isnow ‘WWE““ Iwn COMPOUND. k’sCottouRoot boon prvach- Last two Hale , in fine order, -n the pastor, 0 P551 no DURHAM CIDER MILL. The undersigned having leased the Cider Mill, is pre- pared to manufacture all the usual products of Apples, Cider, Apple Jelly or Apple Butter on short notice. A practical man will be in charge. , DARGAVEL & WARD. Durham, August 20th, St, Flour per 100D ............ " " to " 00 Corn Mal " ............ 2 " to 8 00 Shorts " ............ 0 80 to C ot Bran " ............ 0 80 to o 80 Ontmoal " ......... ... 2 M to 2 60 Fall What per bushel ... 0 65 to 0 60 Spring Wheat bb ... 0 M to 0 60 Oats, " ... 0 27 to 0 80 Penn, " ... 0 .50 to 0 52 Barley, " ... 0 85 to " M) Potatoes " ... O 50 to 0 " Hay per ton ...........s...... 6 00 to 0 00 Beet per Ib'0.................. 4 00 to 5 00 Pork. " .................. 5 50 to 5 50 Hides, " ......... ........ 2 00 to 2 50 Sheepskin“. each............ 0 15 to 0 io) Batter per m.................. 0 1,3 to 0 15 Eggs. per doz ............... 0 07 to 0 08 Tallow per tN................ 0 05 to 0 Oli, Lard " r................. 0 08 to ou) Wool " ..r......q..... 0 15 to n IO Wood 2lt,loiv'......-.... I 0') w 1 25 Turkey: per lb............... o 08 to 0 oo Geese be ........m...... o "r, to 0 05 Ducks. " ............ " 05 tn 0 06 Apples wt bag ..........'. 0 40 to 0 " Hood's Cured - After Others Failed Scrofula in in (aver ot 1103.123 1 have: been mum and throat. Sc: :1 1 tried did me: dot K24; (i $iih * r,r f ii'1ijj,li,.t1' V bl'i' r),,,),)))",',:"';')',))');,).:)":,';.::,':),,); "Atl!iis. t'iiit' 'i')7,li(i(e)h, f I†5;?“ M§%§6«»flmm$§ 2 J 'iirT)l)j5jh, 5232: . ' iil' ffl7$§f '33 7 â€La/*3 r.\ A . ' Vl‘hut dosimblo t'ull:1;:n- in.Upluw Town, owruul Ly ll. )lvl‘hrlzuw. HP., con- taining " mums. Also 2 mums above McFm-huw It I'o's. Dru" Him-v. Apply at 610 Drug Store. meneed lo mun Hood urge bucks on my -_v v -P'" v - - not bear tho slig'ctest touch. When I had taken one bottle of this medicine. the soreness but gone,atuilpei:rre I had {1:115th the second the brp.whes had cuHrcly disappeared." Buxcnn Arwoo'u, sarry,erville, Maine. 'lYt'iitlt-i-s will lu, rvm-iu-d hy the lllltlt'l“ sigrnul, up to the 18th lust. for the pi-ivilvgt- of arlling vvftatshtuents, out. an Exhibition grunmlsun Show days. The (‘unnnittm- have under cousidrtuv. tion the advismility of awarding the Privilvgo to two. Halt-ll to have mm {truth only. Applicants will stutt- what, tin-y are willing to give fut-tho half. Also the sole privilegg. Aflquit of 30 Also the Huh- privilugr. A Helms-u m a!) per rent will haw to he mid when ton- iles. is' :It'rl- NH], the i',i/'///1, on Show day. le- Lth'SlUr any tender isnnt N. U. It you doc: rill; Jo not. be ind l ...._, . _ vet - nuccssm-tly urn-ph-d Hood's Pilln emu constipation by renor- mg We pcris'cil' nun; we: Lin.- a'dcustaitumt. Iiood"s1iiir'i'fs Q1$§§§ In the "udicrof flu- Eululeof Joseph Simpson lute of the Towns]: ip ofBeu- Huck, in the Conn/y of (lrry, woman deceased. Nutico ism-ruby FWD pursuant to the provisiunsnt‘t now-vised Statutes of Ontario, 1887 Chapter 110, m-ctiun 36, that all (-rmlilnrs and otlivrs having claims nfuinst. the Estate of Just-p: 'tlin.".",.',',' ate of theTownship of Ben- tinr '. in the County of Grey Yeoman Dcccased who climlon or about, the 2ttth day of Non- I', " Am., Itm,at, the said Township m Heutiuck are on or lu‘foro the To dolivvrur sons] by post; [we mid to John P. Telford of tin-1mm of lillrlmm in tho (‘numy of Grev. Solicitor for “Lillian: Cvanston and George Castle the administrators Of tlw Estate and ol'fevlsof thesaid Just-p11 Simpson de- crawl. a .c,tatvtnvnt of their mum-s and tuldrvsscts, and full pnrtirulnm of their claims, together with a. statement of the annuity (if :1‘ny)Llwh| by thing). A I A. t, _--.. --.. i_:...,n . no ..rtcs.. (Eel: And ara: is further gin-n that after the said last memimu-d datcthe suitl’ administrators will n'uceod to distri- bute the assets of t'in- said dveeased among the panics rntitlcd thereto. having x-rgard only to tin-chums of which notice has lwn-n giveuaa “have rm taired, and the said administrators will not he liable- for the said assets or any part thereof tO distributed m any ersnnnf wrrosvclaim tutice shall not have been received as nfnwsaid at the tin the said distviltution is tsotuade. Dam] at Durham the 9th day of Aug- ust, A.D.. Pool. - 9 'W‘ifjgzjv' an? lp' gï¬xwÃ©ï¬ h' tr)/c,i':kicyy'i w Voryf l \\\m;:~:;:>?:§=3m< \D>F(I|Al~‘ "iiitFii."McsEsztE, F'wc'y. Durham, Aug. 13m INi, Notice to Creditors. All parties indvhtvd to the above Estate are hem-by uotifiol that their in- debtedness Hunt be cleared " before llu- Zlrd day of Aummt next. otherwise claims will be plum-d in Court for col- lection. Dated 9th August, A.D., ItBt. J. P. TELFORD. 5th day of September, lul.,1lly, Tenders Wanted. DURHAM MARKET“ House to Let- the Neck-Bunches All Cone New. J. P. T'rZLFORD. of Durham, Solicitor for Administrators. r10 NOTICE. .l v,ith 1 Li 1.25 do to take Hood'I Sarawa- , ul to Sus' any other. w.) good, and“ s th:;aap:ullla Aug. 22, 1894 Mama. IPiVlIV t scrawny}: $1. Fur Me yum: '; Tatum 1:1 my neck at nit-fickle: wlsicit 32:1. am! “hon t com- "sap:ullla than were so sum Wat, I could o 07 to 0 05 to 0 OS to 0 15 to 1 (V) to 0 05 0‘0 ft 16 Collegiate INSTITUTE The Owen Sound ('ulleginte Institute will re-open on Monday. 27th iust., for the anlmentuf studentszuul there ovgauirajtiott of the Forms. Classes formed tor all gradesyf Departmental Certificates, Hunor and Pass Matricula- tinnin Arts, Lawov Medieine,ov for entrance. to the Schools of Science, I’lnu'nnu-V or Dentistry. A stut’l’nf nine Hpet"uylists. 1All Departments repre- tinted. Writes rr1r,'.master J. C. Woonsox. Forcpt Hill, W. Va., " had then. cLia1 trouble of such a persistent “Elias: I iris a Boy," and stubborn character, that the doctor r.ronotuteed it incurable with ordinary medicines. and advised me to try Ayes-’3 Cherry Pectoral. I did so, and one bottle cured me. For the last fifteen years. I have used this preparation with good tyihagt whenever I take pl"t1.'T (Third Class) Cm Hit-Mes Junior waving (2nd Class) bb Soniur Leaving (1st Films) bb Pass Mntvivulut'um . . . . . . _ ' . V ' . . . A. Honor Matvicuratiou . _ . , . . . . . . . .. Art School Cvttificatvs. V . . . _ . .nlm and I know of numbers of people who keep it in the house all the time. not considering it safe to be with- out it." "I have been using Arer's Cherry Pectoral in my family tor 30 yeaâ€. with we most satisfactory results, and can cbcorfnlly recomtuvnd it as being espo- olully adapted to all pulmonary com- plaints. I have, for many yea-unmade pulmonary and other medicines a Ipecinl - For further information apply to w. H. JENKINS. D. H. lmBIE. Print-inn]. Fltu"y-Trentt, gtudwwv.;nd I have wmr to the conclusion that Ayer’s Cherry Puctoral occupies a position pro-eminent over other medi- cine: of the e1ass."-cliaa. Davenport, Drover, N, J. Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral Prepared by DIJ. C. Ayer & Co., Lovell. Hui. Promptto act,suretocure lie-spans Monday, August IN. To Scholars.----- RemembeR! 13LA.NCliiiil all the LATE ST BOOKS NEW fi(RBy/lllls Exeféise Books. See our THEY ARE LARGER AND Harm Property in 114! Tuu'mlu'p Glenelg and Eyremont in the County "f Greg. Trslte. and by Virtue of a Power of y 'ialecontaiued in two certain In- dentures of Mortgage, which will he 'eorluced at the time of sale, there will Le oiiered for sale by Public Auction at the BRITISH Hotel in the Town of but-hm; - UN W May the {list ilq li August, ’941 at thevhournf twoo'clock in the after; noon, the following fatan properties 'c- FIRH'I'LY Lots numlx-r IG and 16 in the third concession North of the. Dur- ham Road in the said Township ormen. elg containing by "dmeatsurrsutent 100 news more or less. . . . ' . . , mu " mm. v. .. . serrvsor.v--Lrt number 1 in the third concession East of the Garafmxa Road in the Tuwuship of Egn-nmnt, contain- ing hyadruieatsut'etncnt IN acres more or can, Tame or SALE Ten par cent, of the purchase monvy to be [mid to the Ven- dur at thy timc ot' sale and sufttcient With such deposit tn make up (me-third of the urchaae money within 11) day. manager. The balance m be secured by a firat Mortgage on the property. pcynme in tive yearlv instalments with intyyettt at six and ulna-ha}! per ek, I Further terms and conditl'ons will be made known an the day of sale. The properties will he offered for sale in twq parcels and subject to a wwwe bid a: to 'stysty parcel. For further particula- "W" - JAMES CARHON, Auction In: t. H. rugs-1n Eating - AND - School Supplies. A Bad Gold, OWEN SOUND Record For IMM: MacFARLANE tl Go. Auction Sale BETTER SCHOOL UP THAN EVER. the Tun‘mlu'ps of TORONTO about one Man’s ItiItlllillllJt, itiltst'o itiri,.itrtty Another Man’s J thh MACKLIN BROS. RjtmsiiiriilietoRL,ocK, Durham. nave Added, Ut ITdy' i "a M At L din _ _ 35 Groc e r1 6 58 t',i,i',( JE$BLL§B l, "iii) To their Stock of A 0o It , J; Dry ttoods, Boots, Shoes 0 C' â€mum“ ETC- _ SILVERWARE. The Gash System N., Gr. & J, MCKECHNIB. "Large Sales & Small Profits." PEoPuiltL.hlill.ll,,.i.le, th Butter and Eggs Wanted. Durhunl, A“ g. 911:, Butter and Eggs Wanted. Durham, Aug. 8th, '04, We beg to inform our Custom- ers and the Public generally that we have adopted the Cash System, which means Cash or its equivelant, and that our Motto will be We take this opportunity of thanking our customers for past patronage, and we are convinced that the new system will merit; a continuance of the same. Having thoroughly overhaul- ed and 1efitted these Mills, we are now prepared to do all kinds of custom work to the satisfaction of the public. (SHOPPING A SPECIALTY. HEWSON BROS, We have startedthe Ball Rolling with a Stock tyr Large and Pnces so.Low that consternatlcn Is the order of the day 1n the ranks of competi- tors. But the Public, who are always with us. are showing their appreciation by words of commendation and acts of Buying. We have been asked “Can you do a. other Merchants give Credit Y' Y willlng (there's a good deal in bring Every one likes to buy Cheap, Rich 1 position to sell Cheap, We recognise degree of permanency must be built Dealing, Good Service, Ggod Valure‘ Dry Goods, Dress Goods, Clothing, Cloths, Tweeds, Carpets, Gents' Furnishings and GROCEBIES, Large Stock of Boots & Shoes, In the EARLY FALL we purpose Adding A FIRST CLASS MILLINERY DEPARTMENT, Which will be under the management ' MILLINER We want Have Added att your Custom and Good Will and in return u Save lou Mouey. In a oord "HNF, UN A TRIAL. F. D. RAMSAY a Go., Chesley. ADOPTED BY ., G. & J. MCKECHNIE. MACKLIN BROS., Lower Town. so buy Cheap, Rich or Poor, and we are in a heap. We remgmse that business, to have any money must be built on the foundation of Fair Service, Good Irahte-r-.ar! we want THAT to be the circumference of this STORE. In Addition to Our Stock of WE ARE PUTTING IN A '5) I. you do a. Cash Business where all the it Y' Yes we can-if we are able and in bcing willing) to give Better Vdue for a Dollar. of an Artistic and Skilful in retttritve will Of (he Best Quality Cheaper TWhN mun. fhmnglhreil Chester White hu, 'Prince Leon.' WATCHES. First-Glass Hearse. Tel", Film Animal " "um the Much of it. M. lhuiliu ' Thurudnlv, lul- purh-rof British ruler Att"wica" Sun-k And in for m-rvim- this m-mam. I tri' W..t'ettt. 2. k. G. R., St'e.'iut'.'t J riatin of lot ANN. W or ' -- m awn-m Sand. 20flt 11rtntttyeeAineeT on. Flaum- “an: -twttht in...“ "tuhlt.sc, gmul mlm‘l-I-Il- thus!“ - othur "gtlruitditse. Inc†up!" M nn'lml'd: try gum! wring Vu-Iln; welt tiibkitTaiirsG Promptly attended tu, JAKE unless. iririairidi; and?! spring wudllzwwall fetuxttl mud in mqu nun:- of cultural“. Hiluuh-d Ahout mw mile from the Tm. of Durlmln and our mile. hom w. Will Ill' MUM with m- without (en-p. Fur further [unlit-"Inh- Apply to pro- prieror on premims. D. J. DA VIE. Dun-Illa] P. 0.. July ard, u, a We, the undersigned, .ii ing leased the walk of the Rock): Saugevu for, fitslyhtt lulrposh from Glenrodin Mill 11“.. 111ml: to Chuwford'e Mill at Al" Him-n. hereby give Notice, that Tn-ulmm-ru on It“. gronndu will he promâ€. mun “mums. TIRE. BROWN, JUNK ILKILII'IR. S will to be found in hit old (Immune the Durham Bum mm - *L.CND. At "DUNDEE & CNN. Upper Town, Durham. Aug. L1H. JAKE KRESS Furniture Data! at Durham, Aug. Cth, um Farm for Sale. uppu an! I NOTICE.