West Grey Digital Newspapers

Grey Review, 6 Sep 1894, p. 3

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F now by any Om Cash or Produce. Esoods. W# int tober. * Wat Linseed Oil. 1 extra quality Ha entine, Benzine and Dr aints, Dry Colors, t Brushes, Tube Pal And Artists‘ Fine ch Paints ready for the Bmh.‘ Green. ‘ o Bug Killerâ€"$1.00 for 160 Tar, Compound Mixture: rel Salt, Salt in Bags, Rocl xesâ€"the best substitute for in 200 lb. bags, Water Plaster and Axle Grease.. ind 4 e Pri vzing thoroughly overhaulâ€" ind refitted these MWs, ce now prepared to do inds of custom work to ‘alisfaction of the pulblic. QPPING A SPECIALTY. DOLLAR‘S WORTH OF cig the ; ecounts: nor Dunners ‘! No More Fancy. Long ' p CERaX Toi. be fosne a2a it that WE INTEN Dq SH SYSTEM on the tober next, re only for Cash op Sgs, Wool and Wood e Oils, Boiled and RaW WnD, C. DBDAVIDSON‘S. al PLE‘S MILL ‘inery, ARKERNS Millinery. ring Millinery ry person wl n Drug Store. HEWSON BROS. More Goods from u c endorse what we sq e as rhoy have uding for many r cash, reasong 59" .‘ eb“ Ug fll.n ever M rochs went, Ist to Jas. Sutherland, lately of Edinburgh ; 2nd to Farquhar Beator, of Toronto ; 3rd to W. Thain, Guelph, _ A man with the Irish name of O‘Neill from Ridgetown, flung the beavyhammer farthest and was first also with the light hammerâ€"distance 124 feet. â€" Scott, of Brussels, tossed the cabe: 35 ft. 11 inches. The dancing was good. Bertie Allister, under Oight years, of London, got 1st prize for best highâ€" land fling, sword dance and costume, Philadelpbhia, Montreal, London and Nwinton Park sent prize winners in the dancing. _ But score one for Irish muscle, for, on a day of Scotch sports, with blood fired by the bagpipes, the Irish team won the tug of war. A fine brocession was held to the Horticultural Grounds from the market square. Ten 0" twelve members of Ben Nevis Camp were present. C, .C. MceFayden, who Wore a most distingmishing badge and fratuer, reports thoat visicing brethren Wore weil seceived. a covered bya M elared by a jury to be tal drowniug, â€". Tik senior foot ba last Fl'id:l: on the s and evenedup for the month ago, Game st of Durham The tea Both are god stulf. match on Show Day. ball club drove out ‘Labor D ‘ to play with theirjuniors. 4 favor of Murkdale wa boys spend their for little more practice know it is in them to "ROX 2000000 CHmstrIct had a sensaâ€" tion last week, Aungus Matheson disâ€" appearced in November last after being refused a \idy‘s company home from a dance. Tir friends thought he was murdered and tried to find the murderer by employig fakir clairvoyants. Supâ€" erstition is not dead yet. The maiter has been selved by his body being rc> covered bya dredge, It has been deâ€" elared by a jury to be a case ot accidenâ€" tal drowniug, â€" Tu® senior foot ball clab met Varney last Friday on the show grounds here and evenedup for their mishap about a month ago, Game stood 1 to 0 in favor of Durham The teams are now even. Both are wod stuif,. Give us the test match on Show Day. The junior foot ball club drove out to Markdale on ‘Labor D‘ to play a friendly game with theirjuniors. A goal of 1 to 0 in favor of Murkdale was the result. _ Our boys spend their foree on Iacrosse, A littls more practice at foot ball and we know it is in them to give a better showâ€" D H at Mss McKechnie, of Haunted School House fume, has become famous. By permission of Inspector Hughes of Torâ€" onto, she iwas allowed to teach a 2nd class in a TDronto school. She took up a reading leson and got answers both inâ€" dividuallyand in concert. . She also had them repat the multiplication table in concert, and in general put them through the same exercises in the same way she adopted in Glenelg. _ She taught 4 minutes, but there were no manifestitions, The report says she harnuled the class with excellent discipâ€" linary povers controlling the youngsters with fimmness but yet with kindness. P.S. Inspector Chapman, the regular teacher, and a Globe representative were present, » Scitoor) Boar».â€"The meeting last Saturdaywwas an important one. . For the lirst par or so only four members of the boprd were present and these listened to Mr. Laidlaw and others of a deputation who were present urging the board, for the wellâ€"being of the school, to rever«» their decision not to employ an assistant during the model term. After some discussion, Holt and Patterâ€" son mow=l that an assistant be procured and this was carried. Messrs. Harris ind Johnston now came in. â€" The latter acquiescel in what was done, while T) Messrs. Carsopnd Harris thought the board was acting with undue precipitaâ€" tion. A motion to adjourn with a little of ‘closure‘ look about it was carried and the meeting, which was getth g breezy, adjourned. \t. Fomsst was en fete last Thursday. The Sons of Scotland must feel gratified at the suceess of their first entertaiment as D00 were in attendance and a large proportion of these would feel their hearts beat warmly at the martial music firnished by the ten pipers of the 28th Reriment,â€"all in costume of course, The przes for the pl.!ing of the Pibâ€" MopeL AS* ""ANIAâ€"Mr. Logan, lately ¢ Hanover, has been appointed to the marge of the 5th classes during the [odel term. He has had comiden& xperience in various schools and is wnial and CAPADIG We welcome him W T‘ux balance o# my stock at the Woolâ€" 1 Mill must be all cleared out within e next ten d@Â¥%, _ If you want a fine or irse suit of clothes, blankets, flanâ€" KixcaRDINE and district had ApJ isk the spot cash for them~:'- z1. AssI8STANT.â€"My, wore Ja=. MMemieg. and Con. p, the Jovmer winning by a score to :0. At the end of the 4th inâ€" Knapp‘s team was well ahead, but ound n.herwardg, A MOYE ONGmAM® Imisknne smm ting our StE of these t plums of his, our goods being marked â€" eash SYSECM Drice â€" Tank ant y Story next week, ave to thank Mr, Arrowsmith s. â€"T. H. WaTocsory following Durham y mrile ccling Of yarms, donotidvl to y and secure your share of the NVE ONâ€"Our trustees are when they like, Late Saturâ€" ht it was decided to get an asâ€" teacher, by Monday at noon he 1 reliable th IOC “L fincy profits nowâ€"aâ€"day. We ained _ to sell our goods at : and Mhmflts. but we ed has been a long patient I the lesson of patience has e only one learned from his There has been an example attention on the part of his ch has been good to witness. | was largely attended, d, He was in tl:e town Monâ€" ind on Tuesday morning at k at work in the Town Hall, incss. . Five teachers wore a on Monday as they learned n of the board, 48 ts Lachit Four plugs of smokingâ€"tébac 25¢. at J. A. Hunter‘s, M Tuzs Big 4 for Boots and Shoes kinds at the lowest prices, © Loogk at J. A. Hunter‘s spot prices for Boots and Shoes. TRÂ¥ some of the choice new ch tobacco at J. A. Hunter‘s. READ J. A. Hunter‘s ad. this w1 LADIES combination suits for $ the Big 4. Buv a suit of clothes at J. A. ter‘s for $3.50. £ ance and four or five more are repeating Rifle for sale, very ch the Woolien Mill, Ix a friendly game of cricket, Shelâ€" burne defeated Alliston last week by an innings and 13 runs. _ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ "The Hat" for the early Fall and the leader at present is the "Alpinc" to be had in all colors at Mrs. E. Davidson‘s, Only 15 pairs white blankets left at the woolien mill, going fast, call early, it you want a pair.â€"T. H. Watchorn. For Satg.â€"Four secoud hand bugâ€" gies covered and open, some as good as new, will sell at a bargain, Apply at once and see them, _F. NesrEz. J. A. HuSTzZR will adopt the Cash J. A. HuxTez: will adopt t! System on the 1st Octoher next, be seen by his advertisement thi This is a step in the right divect Trinity Church intend holding their annual Harvest Home, Thanksgiving services on Thursday evening, 27th Sept. _ Rev. Mr. Farthing, well known here, is expected to be present. Sysiem on the ist Ocioger next, as may be seen by his advertisement this week. This is a step in the right direction. TH® remainder of our ready made print. Blouses: to be clufid] out at 25¢ un‘l?n few léft.“!Nut.icu of ‘ opening wifi' be given later on, Mrs. E. Davidson. Miss Lizzie Young, of Hampden, is this week shipping some 600 poands of Pure Honey to Manitoba. The reputaâ€" tion, as well as the output of "Terreâ€" boune Apiary" is increasing. The services in the I‘reshylerhl'l Church on Sunday will be both éondueâ€" ted by Rev. Mr. Henry and will be of the nature of farewell talks. Mr. Hean\"’s last appearence will be at the Christian En(Lal\'ul' meeting next Tuesday which he has promised to lead. â€" He leaves on Wednsday,. ~ A GRAND entertainment will be held at the opening of the new School House, 8. 8. No, 10 Glenelg and Egremont, on the evening of Sept. 19th, _ Programme of music, song and speech. Refreshâ€" ments served, A good time expectedas the ghost has disappeared. Admission 15 ets. & 25 cts. Tesx MopERN BEaAUTY thrives on good food and sunshine, with plenty of exercise in the open air. Her form glows with health and her face blooms with its beauty, If her system needs the cleansing action of a laxative remâ€" ely, she uses the gentle and pleasant liquid laxative, Syrup of Figs. The farms belonging to the J. H. Hunter (Estate), advertised for some weeks, came under the hammer on Friday last. The Glenelg farm went to Peter Neil for $1700.00 whils Egreâ€" mont property passed to our townsman E. W. Limin and brought #1230. Mr, Carson, the auctioneer, was in his usual good form and made the most of them. An arbitration on a school question was held in the Town Hall on s@turday last. â€" The arbitration Board consiged of the Co. Judge, Insp. Campbell and Mr. Rogors Rueve 0} Proton. Mr. P. Dickson of Holstein was the .f!;‘r'.‘"ant and wished to get two lots of his into Holstein section. The board granted the appeal but saddled Mr. Dickscn with Lis own costs, amounting to over £23.00, _ He talks of appealing this. "Durham is an antiquated hamlet situâ€" ated abont half way between Rocky Saugeen P. 0. and Varney, on the Garâ€" afraxa road, and the inhabitants know nothing about fire engines, but are reâ€" ported to have worked well at the fire with pails and kitchen utensils in which they carried water from adjacent streams. How OrmErs See Us.â€" with the fire of last week, worth News gets off the f TWENTYâ€"8IX Modellites are in THE Roman Catholi¢ Picnic in Lanâ€" der‘s grove was not so well attended as usual. _A counter attraction in {Mt. Forest, bnsr times, and a threatening sky no doubt accounts for this Father Maloney seeims to be as popular among the clergy as among his parishioners, nofewer than five reverend Fathers being present. These were Crayen of Hamilton; Kelly, Walkerton; Halm, Carlsruhe; Cassin, Dundalk, and Buckâ€" ley, 0. Sound. The young people tripped the "light fantastic," to the music of the pipes, violin, organ and flute as well as it there had been a thousand present. We were glad to see some of our former pupils, Miss Minâ€" nie Ryan and her brother Tom, Mr. Davyid MeAulif‘c, Miss McGrath, and others. RIFLE,â€"First class new Wir Council Tuesday night, three memâ€" bers voted to send delegates to examâ€" ine both engines in Hespeler and Presâ€" ton, the others voted to go on with the Waterous‘ contract. . The committee appointed, as has been said, have not Ostrcary.â€" It is with feelings of regret we notice the death of Maggie Wilson, of Dromore, The deceased after a lingering illness borne with Christian fortitude, patience, and res ignation passed away Sept. Ist. She was of a winning disposition and to the last greeted her friends and many vis itors with her own oxrressi\e smile. She was a valued member of the choir and was ever willing to assist in all kinds of Christian work. Her funeral which took place to Ebenezer cemetery on Monday last was very largely atâ€" tended and ber family have the sinâ€" cere sympathy of the whole community in their loss. â€" Her comzanious of the choir will not soon forget her pleasing resence and obliging manner. The i‘lev. Messrs MeVicar and Hartely conâ€" ducted the services at the house, the latter preaching the sermon on the occasion. 4 The town is red hot. The agents of the Brussels and Waterons Fire Engine Companies haye appeared before the Council and the sparks were flying. Black was white, white was black and green was no color at all. In all seri ousness the Council has decided to get an engine. Mr. English, Watcrous‘ Agent will not consent to a trial on same day as Ronald wishes. ~The difâ€" ference in price is $500 and both grtarâ€" antee their eniines to fulfil all reâ€" quirements of the Underwriter‘s Assoâ€" ciation. â€" Ronald will show his in town sign nothing till they see it A Myeting is to be held to night (V We believe both should be seen gether if possible, if this gan n done, _ singly, and expert ad secured to assist the town and Co in their decision. At the meeti FIRE PROTECTION +4 + t dealing : Ohatsâ€" wing :â€"â€" let situâ€" on .a visit to her grandmother Mrs. E. Davidson and other friends returned to her home “Mt last Tuesday. Rev. %P‘n eame home Monday Mrbt. 8. 8. meeting was kept up a ml.#er to rz'i.n him, and we are sure if his heart gratified his hand was sore. 3 Miss J. Arrowsmith left Tucsday morning for Toronto where she will take in the and also in Mr. Godfrey MeTaggert gave us a call the other day while paying for the Rrâ€" view away ahead. He has a good barn about finished, and very well filled for this year, Master Jim and Miss Jean Ross, who have been on a visit to their uncle, Rev. Chas, Cameron and other friends, reâ€" turned to their homein Toronto this morning. â€" Miss Margarite Cameron acâ€" companied them back, Mrs. Maher, widow of the late John Maher, of Normanby, is to become a resident of your town shortly. She has had a satisfactory settlement of her late husband‘s estate. Mr. Thos,. T. Gadd enters Guelph Agricultural College as a student, Oct. Ist,. Tom‘s ambition is to be an upâ€"toâ€" date farmer, and he thinks a little science is needed. The Presbyterian church has now afâ€" ter some llt'iu.\'. been reâ€"papered and Rrosvms a very pleasing appearance. ome outside features still need atâ€" tention. Rev. R. Maitland, and wife are expectâ€" ed home from British Columbia soon, Mr. Maitland is a brother of Mrs. Jas. Watson, and is a delegate to the London Conference. His wife accompanies him to recuperace her health. Varney Cheese Factory has made its 4thâ€"sale of cheese. Price 10 1â€"16 cts. A very good figure, but it would need to be to make up milk shrinkage. < Miss Edith Leeson takes charge of the sehool at Calderwood P. 0. su« ceeding Mr, Jas. Moore, who we are informed is ifling to a â€" business College. . Miss fildred will be _now in Durham a Modelite, while Rev,. Chas. Leeson is away to his work in Indiana. Rusvaramsar Cume» I8 &A Day.â€"South American Rhenmatism Cure, for Rheums. tism and Neuraiyra, radically cures in 1 to 3 days. â€" Its actiion upon the sy stem is remarkâ€" nlzfe mysterions. _ It removes at onee the cause and the discase immedictely disappears. The tirst dose greatly benefits. 75 ceuts. Sold by McFarlane & Co. McA®rtHURâ€"In Hopeville on the 2nd inst., the wife of Mr. D, K. McArthur of a daughter, Wirsoxâ€"In Dromore, on Saturday 1st inst, Maggie, eldest daughter of Mr. John Wilson, aged 26 years. 1 â€"â€"â€"1894.â€"â€" Monday. *"**+*.â€"Opening Day Exhil.is seeepicd, l.i\'(‘tStuck Colvered and Phacod. 5 C M s ‘hi4l Special Attractions of the best. N- Grey EXhlbltlon, ;:u-u‘i::] }{‘:'lil:w‘l“ ll;unl “lix;'m-is rate eune Ti ;ur;u;g\-d frnuln ‘tlfi' points, Prize lists * etc., free, apply to oOo«wwren Souric â€"| grraw.r0RtR, â€"â€"â€" THH. A. DROWKE â€"ONâ€" President. Seeretary Sept. 17, 18, 19 and 20th, DURHAM AMARKET, _ Tuesd~â€"1L(hâ€"Â¥2. io ‘s Day Ist. Addresses by ILis tioncr the Lieut. Governor; lHon. John Drydon; Hon. A. Re Augers, Min of Agricultare: _ 2nd. Speedisg in ringâ€"(c) Farmâ€" er‘s toot, open to greon horses. (b) Three minute trot or pace. (c) Green Run. Brd. Exhibition by Zomora family, Wizards of the air, 4th. Lacrosse Tournament, Six Nation Indians and others, 5th, Indian war dance. 6th. Judging light horses, Wednesday, 19th,â€"Education Day. Thursday, 20th,â€"Civic Day Particulas of Programme for Wednesday and Thursday will be given next issue, For further information see prize list and small programmes, ON Monday night, 27th ult , at the McKechnie Mill fire a Skye terrier, name ‘Don,‘ fawn color, Any one giving information that will lead to his recovâ€" ery, or will return the d:F( to Mr. John Cameron‘s store, Upper Town, Durham, will be rewarded by the owner, . Mrs. CaTH‘N McLaaxn. so much about Hood‘s Sarsaparilla, I deterâ€" mined to try it, and got a halfâ€"lozen bottles, four of which entirely cured him." Mus. G. A. LAkE®, Oshawa, Ontario. k N. B. Be sure to get Hood‘s Rarsaparilla. A Perfect Curo by Hood‘s Sarsaâ€" pariila. "It affords me much pleasure to recommend Hood‘s Sarsaparilla. | My son was afflicted with great pain in the joints, accompanied with awelling so bad that he could not get up stairs to bed without crawling on hands and knees. T was very anxious about him, and having read Ho;di'g Pills act easily, yet promptly and efficiently, on the liver and bowels. 25c, Lost, Strayed or Picked Up! Caused Pains Hood‘s*>Cures Durham, Sept. 3rd, ‘04 A Farm for Sale. Beatrice Mclatyre returned home sday from her visitito Markdale. and Mrs. Henry Wilson, of Hamâ€" are visiting friends at Edge Hill \and their daughter Mrs. Drai of the 10th concession. w,ltbonell. who has been it to her grandmother Mrs. E. on and other friends returned to me h’Mt last Tuesday. %fibfll eame home Monday 8. 8. meeting was kept up mJuter to receive him, and we are J. H. MeCULLOUGH, M.D., Pres. A. G. MeKAY, Secretary. % PERSONALS, Franx LEAKE N. E. NORMA NEY. CBES belonging to the Estate ( the lote James: BRurnett, 125 vikl oo m Wiles ks c c in the Joints by inflammatory Sweiling Oshawa, Ont. BIRTHS. DEATHS ith â€"left Tuesday to where she will viSit friends there bard wood Rv dubk Wt her Hew L.2 Hplte c : S;,:';l Implements, etc., bought for Cash and sol ny:}:: ‘,‘V‘W just North ol:Stundard Bank, Durham. General Dry_ Goods, Dress Goods, Dress Trimmings, Groceries, Ete. These Goods were Bought at a Treâ€" mendous Reduction and are Selling Accordingly. THE z CASH We have Opened out in A. DAVIDSON‘S Store, Upper Town, with If you want Bavrgains, come along with your Casi or Produce. Exhibitors, make your entries early and choose your NPR(‘(‘. wa e N o e d mds mt oo e dn o5 _ Entries close, Live Stock and Poultry Sept. 13th. es 16 Gth Final payments and horses named in the stakes, ang. 15th. Special Attractions of the best. Special Railway and Express rates arranged from nl{ points, Prize lists, etc., free, apply to Sept. 13th to 22nd, 1894. Canada‘s Favorite Live Stock and Agricultural Exhibition. "Always in the Front." An Ertirety New Stock Flour per 1001b ........ Corn Meal " Bhorts $ Bran # Oatmeal â€"** Fall Wheat per bushel Spring Wheat * Oats, t Peas, 14 Barley, «+ Potato®s, +4 Hay PEP 600 ce een > Beet per 100....cc..c.k. POFYK, 80 currereevers Hides, | * ..clivl. i+ Sucepsking, each....... Bulter PeF Msscs > Eggs, per doz=....... TalloW Per M.isceeee> Lard C leversinervend Wool _ ** Wood 2it, long......... Turkeys per 1b.......... Geese CC vexvirsens Ducks, _ * Apples per bag . ....... govered. Beware of unprincipled druggists who offer inferior medicines in place of this. Ask for Cook‘s Cotton Root Compound, take no subst(â€" tute, or Inclose $1 and 6 cents in postage in letter and we willsend, sealed, by return mail. Fullsealed particulars in plain envelope, to ladies only, 2 stamps, Address The Cook Company, and had about deéide tosit npall niglt in my easy chair, and procure wlist sleep I could in that way, It then ocâ€" curred to me that I had a bottle iof Ayer‘s Cherry Pectoral. I tpok; a #poonful of this preparation in{a little water, and was able to lie down without coughing. In a few moments, I f.ll asleep, and awoke in the morning greatly refreshed and feeling much better, I took a teaspoonful of the Posâ€" toral every night for a week, then gradâ€" wally decreased the dose, and in two weeks my cough was cured." Ayer‘s Cherry Pectsral Prepared by Dr. J.C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mase, Promptto act, sure to cure eatarrh, soronces of the Iungs, s panied by an acgravating ecu used various remodies and prescrij White some of these medicines pa alleviated the coughing during th The McCormick Bindlochineâ€"the best in the market. McCormick Buckâ€"eye Mower, Rakes and Harrows. Waterloo Ploughs. Waterloo Champion Thresher â€"a good solid machine. Buchannan‘s Hay Forks and Slingsâ€"the great labor savers. â€" Also Agont for the Singer Sewing Machineâ€"which recommends itself. A Car Load of Speight Waggons and Buggies just arrived. Sold by all Druggists, Cure SICK HEADACMHE and Nenralgia in 20 awuTes, also Coated ‘Tongue, Dizziâ€" in 20 mmurTes, also Coated Tongue, Dizziâ€" mess, l}iliousness, Pain in the Side, Constipation, Torpid Liver, Bad Breath, . to stay cured also regulate the bowels. vaRy MICZ TO TAKE. PriCz 25 Cents at Druva Sror«s. Upper Town, Durham ntries close, other departments, Sept Western Fair. POWDERS § 1CO>IRIL. ty WM.SHARPE, Agent DAVIDSON & Co LONXDON, the | keruaP oo ook‘s CottonRoot COMPOUND. A recent discovery by an old physician, | Successfully used monthly by thousands of Ladies. Is the only perfectly safe and rellable medicine disâ€" .. See them before you buy. _ , etc., bought for Cash and sold on very best terms. & WM. SHARPE. OT Windsor, Ont., Canada, Sept. 6, 1894 0 15 to 0 13 to 0 05 to 0 08 to 0 15 to 1 00 to 0 08 to 0 05 to 0 05 to 0 40 to â€"â€"â€" FOR THE â€"â€" Binders, Mowers, Ploughs, Harrows, Waggons, Buggies, Rakes. Threshers, Sewing Machines, Etc. a 2 to to 0 0 80 0 30 0 52 0 50 5 00 8 00 0 40 0 15 0 05 0 10 0o 16 1 25 0 09 0 05 0 50 |â€"The alterations bein@ made in the inâ€" i'ernul arrangements of the Manufacâ€" \turess‘ and Liberal Arts Building will wld Inrgely tothe heretofore attiactive | displavs, andâ€" already _ several very "wealthy firms have stenified their intenâ€" \tion to exnend ccnsiderable money on | fiting un their sections and some extra fine exhibits may be Jooked for. | _ The special features, wany of which have heen already engaged, are the | best for exhibition nurnoses that can be | nrocured, _ The _ Special _ Attractions |Committee are alive to the public deâ€" | demand for this branch of the show and | have spared neither time nor money in | making their selections, . Among those already secured are the famous Grecioâ€" Roman Hipnodrome & Chariot Racing It is with pleasure that we call attenâ€" tion to the ndl:'enh-ment. which appears in this issue, of the Great Fair. for such it has grown to be, | It is now second to no Live Stock and Agricultural Exhibiâ€" tion on this continent. Ever since 1868 it has steadily increased in size and imâ€" portance, and is now looked forward to as an annval source of enjoyment as well as instruction to the people of Canâ€" ada, It is desirable that (!n-m' Fnivs should be maintained for the benefit of all, especially the farmirg community as they afford opportunities for seeing the steady advancement in agricultural machinery, the improvements in live stock, numerous new varieties in field and garden products, toreth r with the latest inventions of all kinds, Each year brings its requirements and neccesâ€" sary improvements in the grounds and bnuildings, This yerr it is slong the line of" public comfort," and the directors have Cociced to expend some of their surplus funds in this direction,. and the visitors to the Western Fair of 1894 will visitors to the Western Fair of 1894 will find themselves better nroviced for than by any other fair association in this proâ€" vince, "CANADA‘S FAVORITE"‘ The exhibition of live stock of all k‘nds promises to excel, in excellence and number, past vears, and the exhibits of Agriculturs) and HWorticultural products only depends upon the production of the country for, as in the nast, speci« mens of every description will be on exâ€" hibition. The eneeding in the rine will equal any exhibition ever given by the Assoâ€" ciation, as some of the ‘astest hoâ€"«es in the count>v are now entered and all the events will be hotly contested. l‘ Intending exhibitors should make ; entries at once, and those desiring Prize l Lists, Programmes or any information | pertaining to the Fair will receive it -,)mmptly by writing the Secretary, Mr. I Thos. A. Browne. Companyv; The Kemp Sisters:; a new . feature in Pa‘loon Racing, a lady and went going up in one balloon and racing down on separate parachutes, making a very excitine act; Professor Calverley, Niacara‘s Hero on the High Wire, who gave such a daring exhibition last year and who met with so serious an accidâ€" ent, which was notea throughout the Press of the Continent and Europe; The Celebrated European Ececentric Grotesâ€" que Pantomimist; The Albions, originâ€" ators of the Acrobatic Comedy;C. W. Jarrett, America‘s Greatest IMusionist; "Rajan‘s" Wonderful Table Pyramid ; Trained Seals, Alligators, Prairie Dogs, and the best Pyrotechnic Display ever given on their grounds. Reomember the dates, SerteaeEe 13th to 2nd. DURHAMY CIDER MILL. The undersigned having leased the Cider Mill, is preâ€" pared to manuftacture all the usual products of Apples, Cider, Apple Jelly or Apple Butter on short notice. _A practical man will be in charge. DARGAVEL & WARD. Totice is hereby given pursnant to L\ the pruvisinnsufli‘n- lh'\'ilsedfimlul(-n of Outario, 1887 Chapter 110, section 36, that all creditors and others havin claims urninsl the Estate of J(m-pfi Simpson late of the Township of Benâ€" tiu('L in the County of Grey Yeoman Deceased, who died on or about the 28th day of November, A.D., 1893, at the said Township of Bentinck are on or before the To deliver or send by post prepaid to John P. Telford of the Town of Durham in the County of Grey. Solicitor for William Cranston and George Castle the administrators of the Estate and effects of the said Joseph Simpson deâ€" ceased, a statement of their names and addresses, and full pm-livul:lmnf their claims, together with a statement of the security (if any) held by them. porter of and is for In the matter of the Estate of Joseph Simpson late of the Township of Benâ€" tinck, in the County of Grey, yeoman deceased. And notice is further given that after the said last mentioned date the said administrators ‘will proceed to distriâ€" bute the assets of t'he said _ deceased among . the |‘1:n'livs entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which notice has been given as above l'v(iuix'(‘d. and the said administrators will not be liable for the said assets or any part thereof :o distributed to any »erson of whose claim notice shall not L:l\'i‘ been received as aforesaid at the time the said distribution is so made. Durham, August 20th, 04 All parties indebted to the aboye Estate are hereby notified that their inâ€" debtedness imust be cleared off before the 23rd day of August next, otherwise claims will be placed in Court for u)fâ€" lection, Dated 9th August, A.D., 1894. J. P. TELFORD. Dated at Durham the 9th day of Augâ€" ust, A.D., 1894 Thoroughbred Chester White Poar ‘Princeo Leon.‘ 6th day of September, A.D., 1894. TERMS â€" $1.00. At BOULDEN & Co‘s Upper Town, Durham, Aug. 1, 94. Notice to Creditors. THIS F â€" of R. WESTERN FAIR, LONDON, Sept. 13th to 2nd. OPZENINGC ine Animal is from the stock H. MHarding, Thorndale, Im:â€" British :uur American Stock service this season. P. TELFORD, of Durham, Solicitor for Administratore NOTICE. OoF stock of «ll k‘nds excellence and d the exhibits of cultural products ie production of One Map‘s MISERY, 4 *# Another Man‘s JoV, N., 6. &J. McKECHNIEL, "Large Sales & Small Profits." RAMSAY & MORLOCK, Durham. The Gash System April 2ith, 18M. Durham. Aug. 09th,* Butter and Eggs Wanted. We beg to inform our Customâ€" ers and the :‘Public generally that we have adopted the Cash system, which means Cash or its equivelant, and that our Motto will be We take this opportunity of thanking our customers for past patronage, and we are convinced that the new system will meris a continuarce of the same. Gome! Come! We have started the Ball Rolling with a Stock so Large and Prices so Low that consternation is the order of the day in the ranks of competiâ€" tors. But the Public, who ere always with us, are sh?)wing their appreciation by words of commendation and acts of Buying. We have been asked "Can you do a Cash Business where all the other Merchants give Credit ?" _ Yes we canâ€"if wo are able and willing ( there‘s a good deal in being willirg ) to gixe Better Value Every one likes to buy Cheap, Rich or Poor, and we are in a position to sell Cheap,.. We recognise that business, to have any degree of permanency must be built on the foundation of Fair Dealing, Good Service, Good Valugâ€"an we want THAT to be the cireumference of this STORE. Dry Goods, Dress Goods, Clothing, Cloths, Tweeds, Carpets, Gerts‘ Furnishings and GROCERIES, Large Stock of Boots & Shoes, â€"â€" AND â€" In the EARLY FALL we purpose Adding A FIRST CLASS Which will be under the management of an Artistic and Skilful MILLINER. We want your Custom and Good WiHl and in return we will Suve you Money. In a wordâ€"GIVE US A TRIAL. ATOPTED BY F. D. RAMSAY & Co., Chesley. PureQuills To be had at all Retail Dry Goods Stores. N., G. & J. McKECHNIE. MILLINERY DEPARTMENT, Make a better filling for Corsets than any other known material. "Featherbone"" Corsets are toughâ€" er and more elastic than any other make, as they are entirely filled with quills (Featherbone). In Addition to Our Stock of WE ARE PUTTING IN A for a Dollar. g¢)to give Better Value TJthat desirable cottage in Upper Town, r owned by . N«-I"m-lnm-'.'nr.. conâ€" taining 6 rooms. Also 2 rooms above McFarlane & Co‘s, Drug Store, Apply at l(.in- Drug Store, With cathedrali gongs, in very hand cases and in many Styles. [_‘ul X X X CLOCKS & â€" â€" â€" â€" _ â€" â€" WATCHES. Cheap and Reliable. Guaranteed to eflec.uaily rouse the most inveterate lieâ€"a«bed. : WM. McFARLANE, OT 53, Con, 2, E. G, R., Glenelg, conâ€" [A sisting of 100 acres, more :flâ€",~ 80 wores cleared, 7Ofit to run machinery on. I"nunv.dliurn WWacdH w‘ith‘.ulmt stables; . gou concrete welling other uu|lmi|llinpfin; half â€" were mm orchard; two good spring wells; well fenced and in good state of cultivation, Situated about one mile from the Town of Durham and one mile from school, Will be sold with or without .«crop. For further particulars apply to proâ€" prietor on premises, D. J. DAVIS. Firstâ€"Class Hearse. Of the Best Quality Cheaper THAX EVER UNDERTAKING Promptly attended to JAKE KRESS. WATCHES, Durham P. O., July 3rd, 4 Dated at Durham, Aug Farm for Sale. JAKE KRESS SILVERWARE. Furniture still to be found in his Old opposite the Durham Dakery House to Let. Lower Town , Durham. ALARM CLOCK®S K DAY CLOCK®S cuse us Watchmaker & Jewelier, K tolling the _ ~ K collence of our K coeptionally KX quisite stock off Oth, 1894 #}

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