go te sh Cumtrtsusc, "nas. --The cost of maintaining thvGoverttor General is about ctluul to the salnrietrM all the Ministers combined; yetthe Cabinet " uvvrmnmml, and its can could be "rntrriully mlucctl by ahnlishing or- Imun-nml mill-ca The: Governor Gen. rralh salary ui'SiAull) is all that a y- an»: and over-wealthy country ought to luv. and nought who ample to s'tmttt " the dignity ofthe ofhle and to) allow " u lilvrul limpimlity and I "up†tpratttttuttt:f the gin-5:3 of the nation. A still greater saving could be "trceted by the abolition “the Son- aw. the uni-minute a which in. vulws nnulmluwly useles- expendi- umuléUOJln The q.errtims bud and rmytololy "ugh 'hatistm. “can; The example of: lesbian" Rudy amusing its power and Mn; the monk 'irattamtterasa mrromta.tttruaudoete. Theats out.» at m mr-nml radium, the ham.“ Noumea Incle- hbtheC’aNm we.“ be 'temrd __.|A._u_ L, A I Gittte, sadder-um awrtaneir, iii" duo of Sil'lk'ity and Motto "up" troanuem at Mann. A still gm has uervvrl a notice on the shcritt and jailor there demnndimr the boy's rc- lensr. The notice is to he followed by action. Against Mr. lac-it. the Jailot and the eottntablet who made the arrest. There are thw legal points involved in this also. and it will be watched with burnt when it we. before the calm ram-era to be. released Int week with-mt proper authority. As already explained inn paragraph which we plh'ishml the other day, one ot the e WWW!» released, It lad ofthe name of Swan; was marrow-d at Walkerton on a trhT':ram yont by Mr. Mamie. T "' arrest was made by the constable withouta warrant. and the Jnilor at walla-mu. also with-u: a warrant lot-kw! the buy up. It is contended that th. rennet-t killbgnl and the matter has been placed In the handsof Mr. Shaw. 9.0.. of Walkerton, who: Mr. Masha Warden u! the Central W1. is likely tugs: inwuouble over tbshtistuke, he made in allowing some prawn-rs to be. relratwd Itust Week lacunae has done more than any other aim-my to brswU discord and ill- reeling between neighboring towns Clinton down the line makes faces at Goderich, and the fortitieationsM the latter place frown down most tseowl. lngly " its inland nuighnur. Owen Sound has min-n tttt l iswric and over. worked corkscrew and has opened a bottle of vitriol fur Wiarton. Wiarton stand. 'hrmttcttinstty upon its ever- lasting rocks and imam-s its dell. 'Comeon, Molnar." Walkerton pout: like a whipped kid whenever Kincard- inc in menrioned an a lacrosse town, while Lucknow shows its truth and Mlle: its revenue. hwn-ese is ream due for all this Vendetta. Let's bury our lacunae sticks or sell them to the I‘hting 1hienuths.--tiinearuine Ron the vxhihition. It is 'litrieuit to be. New that any organizational intelli- m-nt men cnultl pumm- n policy so con. trnry to the spirit of toieration and up liglnnwnt that elsaraeterias this age and land. No sun-r method cuuld he adopted of making tlm Fair a sums and surrounding the society with an odimn that would Hunt it for all time. Such a boycott would do the welcty more harmthanthe exhibition. --Bruee 1umu. “As the County "I Slim-(n- with its “NAHUM Otk"tituett is mo Pnrto furnish anything but F a gun! tell as a n-luge for the pimp-r; it is no "or to buy him a eoftin and give him a Chris- tian burial, in over the "ones they hurried his bum away to the city's many nuns. And thiaisthe elus. Ing decade of the nirtoteenth century in a chantry tttlat with charting: and "Mammal Christianity, and claiming to he guide-cl by the grand principles enunciated on the Mount by Jesus of Nnanrvth." 8000': PH.†an: pun-Iv "momma. -4urttr banning. #wnys "IMMI- and Mid. Rummy"; 1m: Our.“ Woman. -- The (Mom Sound Crtnent Cu, are put- “I! work on the new buildings im tended to replace thine destroyed by In. Alimreuruntiryof bricks have heel: Miami»: in will“: “KER. (iii) Iethhrisl.ttc's yards in Hronkv, and the VIII!) will to crvcuil by day labor, under the l'mnpany'sf "my supervision. Mr. A. Urwn has been giwn the cun- [ the: nlew wad work. U. S. Sun. i A Slum Fla-mm: ot "01le Harm - in that Ilium it [mm-m the Hand And umh it rimming through the Totem M! of richnmet nml health, it Mm “M new life and vimrr to "very Nat-vim- of the Duly. "rm-p the u. Minn In often ha-nrd , "Hoou'n mm- p‘l'illa madam m-w [no-mm of mp." " oven-"mm that tired {rt-ling so common law. And now it papa; whim-nu, pinch servants hr " Inc-thud HttuoWmtt the young girl a Saul: Fm. Rubric. who presented him with a hum-i The “Globe" says he “primal I. kiss†on her elm-k. This was quite itemgnr and prrAs. gbmal.-tx. ' Tm: Saw Ntxcmua.--Nr. T. A. M M Fort-st, up has been appoint- ed Principal " "I: Public Schools in the mom ofthe lam; Mr. Pruner, enter- .Illlpon Miami†on Monday. The “chefs nmmar to be favorably im- pruned with Mr. Reid. and we have nodoub: he will prnn- to he the right man In the right pliuw.-4r.s Sun. l, Curl. EXCHANGE Et HOEB. m nan-union is we pom-w I it nylhiug but ' a gunl cell as a a, ' the "up"; it is M "or to in a com" and ttive him tt Chris» M int an over the stones they " rm bum-s any to the cm": pl P, t'ompany'sg own supervision rem bu been gin-n the con- w wad work. ths. San. nrric- Adana! span ks Elms ot ‘n of n puny-r in lhrrie Jail: County "I 151nm» with its tr was nun-e in the new mu, “may accounts " f thanking the young girl u the dime. economy, _ em Ch, areput . buildings in, , tlcslmyml by of bucks have le, HT“. from ironing and the by day labor, um supervision. I We hr-nr our drv-ssmakerl are shortly to Five up husirtmm and are going to lprm-tim- house-kvepime on a mom ex. ‘ tended twttlv. We wonder who the lucky one: are. Mr. Taylor returned hnmoon Friday from hin visit to Prtcrhnnnm delegate from our Court of l.O.F, and Raw " brother members a full aux-nun! of His h Court things at their regular nteeth g on Tuesday night. Then ilqniun rivalry amongst our want and eman- u to who run Produ, a the but parkaâ€. Billy bend: the list so hr. The Editor of the Chronicle “an.†( for an Airing on his "hyke" but Sunday , And in his extended rounds strm‘k our 1 town in theafternoou, Mis route was to Holstein. Dmmnrv. Prieeviue and mum: the. but stren'h from Pricevillo to Durham Ming done in the - time of Art minutes. It is "ated he required an hour or morn to cool " and rid himseitot “who.“ at dun and 99an that touching home. Was be m’hnu'l3 Mr. A. “Huh-nun. who had his leg Maker) in the mom runaway accident at Ayton in pmgming favorably. though still continent to lied. Miss Comm. of Toronto, visited her t.ounin Mrs. MrVicarat the manna Inst wevk. Top buggin are all Stu-no and Mr. Walter latent additions Mrs. Brown and familv, of Toronto, and her 'sister Minn Lizzie Gannon have horn visiting at lhoir parental home for tho past who I'm-ks. l When iilt' rhildrvn V.u'pe rt-vitingr the i mulliplii-nlion tuliii- tho noises would """"""Pituy them: when they whispered it would he low, when theyshoutnl it would shout as loud as they. and when they dropped from a shout to A whisper the sound woultl drop, too. A girl sung and the sound accompanied her. An odd tin'umstance wan that. the noise was never so loud wln‘u I‘uhlir Svhooi Irspector 1'amphell was in the room: moreover, it would seem to avoid him, and go from one corner to another as he followed it. The sound would often vary, and on the second day after mov- ing hark into the school from the try-unwary quarters it was ora whist- liuguutml'. Miss McKi-rhnio counted (I) dintiuct whintho, in one hour. I TN rr A PKRtPNTETtt. unusT? " is to ho hoped that Miss McKeclmio can he indium-1| to teach at least one lesson in the new whool house; so tar th" sound has heen "ontituNt to the old building. and it will be of the Rt'vatest _ iutvrest to ascertain whether the noises [ would orrur on her going tothe new holding; theveare not u few who would he much surprise-d if the sounds were to pro"! not confined to the om- huilding. in connection with the explamuion of the “phantom l-hotugrnph" given by Mr. Frau-r. Mr. H. F. (‘hupmnm of Mt. Forest. the proprietor of the photo. graph gallery from which the pictures mow. writes, as follows, t- -"if the image npprurml through a. hole in the camera it Would bave done so with previous groups: and then again it Remus strange this imatreappenrm at this pecul- ine time. I have taken other photos of tht. building. inside and outside. and no ilnugl- 'tppeared." On the am. uh. the wife of George Au-hiwun of a no". A'l roughing. For a long time the Hound followed these four (-Ilildn-n. and Wu "specially loud when they sent with their lurks to the wocmseotinr,when they Wrtw sent out it Irequr-mly would come. Miss Mlechnie slum! up fur the chil- dren, and thin was declared to he a rev-In for thinking _ rmpnnuihlc for the noises, though the train of reason- iug is nut wry chuar. Ono very singular cittumstance nwnlium-d by Miss Me, krelmie was that win-u the sound ecu-um] to be coming from the rhihlre-n their rho-eta would heave and their throatsrnorv. thmuh lhnir lir- nun-H [It trieve Whe mull h Home inn-resting details by Miss Mckechuit, of the n "0in which were Man). o day the barking: muml. “M "1' i nous» in Grey County. in at prevent rl i ntosrirnt in Toronto. lowing definitely re- d l, 'rittned her [Haitian 'o, teacher and her vs I mlznation having been arreptrd by the c. I trot-teed. Lost night she wax inter- tF l viewed try A (Molt "quirk-r and entirely torrid-outed the nrtiuk- upon the (I Porn-oven whieh appeared on the 27th L "(this month: en-ry detail. rhe Mill. P WM rum-rt. Miss MrKH-hnie is by no n [ menu; the In" of young lady that would r- l appear likely to he wither the anhject of e ' any hypnotic infharnce, as has heen " l alleged. or herself to he the wielder of e ttrurh a. power in no irresponslhle and . g errativ a "mono-r. She is a bright, 'Q (: hiuulmnne intelligent girl. and her clear _ wut huttttren and derided express-ton - indicate n. determined null thoroughly I . : ~nne miml. The change from the neitth- I . ) lmrhnntl of the school. where she was l ' regarded with constant suspicion and ' l was the olr.ivrt of (-onuidemhle active t I lumtility. has hud n benr4tcial effect upon t her health: but she still shows ugttrs of s' theterritie strain which has been put v I upon her nerves. That tube is ofgrvnt e , pluck and Mrengih or mind is nhon‘n by n 1 the fact that on the neighbors ctr " , coloring n story that every evening at. p _ o tr'vlock theapparitionofa ladytlmsed o In white was seen to pass from the now " eelnml house to the old one. "he waited (I at the door of the old Mlmol house " al-lily alone om- evening until fF..3n tgl o'clock. Needless to my the apparition g did not appear. l‘hore wan no one with- h in half n mile. and this spanks volumes a he the lmly’w t'ouPage. , gt l The -iiii'iiiiiiiiiiri. Minus Annie P.. McKet-hnie. the lady who, until a hav days man. was trad!" at the now {mun-us "inmntwl stchool. numm in Gn-y County, in at prawn! Ms move, wrhwtly c tet'm "wart Neem " TEACHER GOES TO TORONTOV THE PHOTOGRAPHER EXPLAINS. A RlATIUNR op THE 'd to c DROMORE. f Toro"to mote, ao . ) r clrar. Ono very singular nu-nliqu-d by Miss Me. that when the Round rrrtuitrot from the children would heave and their thuugh thvir lira would quid. The children did CP of this. and to them the Lu t'ottttr from the "rarest I, such as " dusk. When :ihlrv-n wvrv rI-vitinu the talrlv the INN-s would rm: when they whispered "w. when they shouted it ..-.. dom- in the My tes. It is "and r or more to cool " an aeetoouUtiem o! (Ir-mus were given of the nature of the the go. Hague are $018168. Mr. 1hr Bum: Tomcco is bright, elean And natural. This is why it is m favor with Gentlemen und good taste. McAum 'llob. Co., Toronto, Ont. Nun" ls Six IrycRs.-0suretttsirg Kid- ney and Bladder linemen relieved in nix hours by the "Great Sum): American KNI- ney t'urc." This new remedy is a great surprise and "slight, on account " in ex- ceeding promptnesn in relieving win in the bladder, kidney, back and every part of the nrinurv â€swat-c in male or female. It to- lievea retention oi water and pain in panning " alum". immediately. If you want nick rein-I and cure this in yum remedy. Soil by Mer'arlane .0 Co, hruggint. The third Pagr' of the Toronto Daily Jluil is noted for "Want" advertiser ment. If you want u sitlmtinn. a me. vhuniv. a luminous, mavltitwry, lodging, if put want to tind out. where nny one is, awlvevtisv in the anuntn Daily Mail and maul the "uvvrtisvnwnt,, on the third lump ot' that pa "t The rhurgi- is two writs a word e-zu'ii insertion, or ten rents a word torsix insertions. Address the Mail. Toronto. Canada. y A Boos To Howiri.s.-ou. bottle of English Spun]: Lthimeutcompletety removed acurb from my horse. ltake pleuureiu recommending the remady. aait acta with mysterious prompumu in the lemon! from bone. of hard, tsott or calloumsd lamps, blood spayin, splints, curbs. Iweeny, "iius and sprung “when 1loro,.'rarrner, Mark ham, Ont. Sold hy McFarlnne d. Co. to date, 8ta'..G'2.40, with 218 councils or- Kaaized with a mm] rtotihershipof arm and a total surplus on hand at the close of um of $52.7IKAn. The ordvr was in. orrporated lst Jum- 1987. lming an Art respecting 1%!vath Sock-tics um’ revisit-nu! under the Insuram'v Act M02. We haw inrrnasml about '.or, during thv rm! y' A.", 5:), if [hr 1'aruuliun (Ink-r otChoom Frrhuuls was faulty urn frnml. it seq-ms to Im- "5"sVrrr [‘n'l's‘nll “null! have fdiscnvrrml it 115.010 th'.,-. The unlaw- has paid about nns- {Hindu-J tlrsath and gdisuhilhy claim». shivr, 3| g you hm: [ nmny hl’III'tn‘hqulu(‘1'K‘uullh'nwlhyiiu' ( prompt puyuwnf ot' the rluim aiding and protecting those who are 1mm- hind. Napanco. Out. ' v -"-H w . r !,.tll!llt,,1,a,,h,'f.ittlii!.h.,ttigt tiii'imtiih'tiitihir, 'i'oiii'ftSir,4iit. 'ii'ith1titiffitik' 2;â€- _'iEhl.'i.tq “" "v"21tfpllg nt'.' a... Inn; !lli:h',P2lll,r,1?. “JOE. And now. Mr. Editor, in vrrnvlusion, I have Irvvu a nu-qu-l- " lln- "tdvr sunn- five Ft'at's and l lmro lm-n n Gvatul "tttcm. lmu'ly all tl':-.r tinw and I have llm'c'l' rc‘t'I-iVI-al “no {It'llill' as salary. We have two or thtve paid omvvts and their salaries “11- um largo. That is nut. nlll' object or slim but in unilv in bonds of Frntmlity Aid um] Protection, all ac- vr'ptubh' white [urn-suns, of both sn-xvs of good character henna-n tlw ngesnf 18 and av, yuan-s. and to improve, cducate and assist its uzmnlmrs socially. morally and intrllm'tuully and to provide a sure benefit for vach mmnhvr, payable at death, disability (wold mu- at 75, and further to provide a woe-Hy Nick bettetit. Trusting the nlum- will pl'th- satisfac- tory to nll. Thanking you furthis space in your valuable paper. Yours truly. And Imw Mr. Exlitnr the (‘nrr b.. spmuln-nt of the lot h saw-ms to ire a pry-mu with a snrv hvud for ho (luvs not saw-m tn havva good wotzl tor any sm-ivty. or ln-mun. If I Wt'l'tt that porwn I would lvnw- those par“: and go to mum- cornm- whrreno um- lin-s. Please allow Im- to gin- you a few facts concerning tlu. order of Chosen Friends, tuwhirh I hun- th" honor to hrlong um] occupy the of Rco of (Ernlnl I’m-Into. Our ovder iss purely I'ivttttri'tart, "mania-(l Mavch 28th, 1887. It is lent-vulvnt and bvut4hial, Head ORR-v. Hamilton. Ont. Bertvtits paid to mmnl.(‘rs and their hvm-llriarivs rl- _ "ArUon" Lit 1,. c." Now 511-. on â€war" II In! Angmtl "tvivid M Hupuvllli- trout Iâ€! Dulninik t.tu'te “My, Tl." (1313' \"ns all ' l that runld tr (1min d orly vt'ry' duuty no I and dry, I mot arm-rad of the tueutlrert' r- of the orrbw who ' I"? me " very ror.ut.al y welcome indrvd, and I might My YI? 0! here that llnpevilll- council of C. o. (u h F. in in a wry [may-mus mnditinn Vâ€? l, intelligent-hott' tadietsandtrerttlemert. I 9 was tutroduced to Mr. Morrison, a Print- t trrterien stndnnt. who is Hupp’yint‘ tbo f work of his t'hnrrh. he also trvatmI me , vary kindly, after dinner Mr. Morrison , l (who in not is member of the order,) tutd I walked down to the grnro. We were accompanied by a couple of mrmlrvrs, of the order. mrrying with them the charter of their mum-ii saying it was too dusty to haw a provecsdton, and I most t-I-rtuinly erulorscd the idea as thc dust I was smnvthinu ft-nrful. The grove was 1 all that rnnld lu-dvsirvd, both Nhndynnd i can] and if I can judgt- from nppvnmnce l tin-n- were nearly flve hundred present. A very largo platform was prepared, with in taloe mntuining water, pitvhvr, etc. The vhnrtor was hung up behind 1m- with n bountiful nmtm over it "Wvtcome". Mr. Blakestnn, was up- pointed (‘lmirmnn after Hinging mien! our odes, pmynr Wm nth-rad Tho chair- nmn made" few torly remarks mn- cv-rninu theordor, and also intrmlum-d mo to the "umtrttro. I was it pt'rftwt "ranqertothe people there, but they gnvv mun, good hvarink for nearly an hour. Thvn Mr. Mnrrixnn was intmduc- ed and gun- " vPr'y inter-"Ming and in. "tuctive addrem on Friendship. Then “'0 wru- nll invited to ten, and cortain- ly, l mu sun- there was ("tough to sntis- l t.vonethouvamt and tlmtnl the very; luwt and "very pot-Hon prvurnt was Pots I dially invitml to dineand thvcommittee did (-x'vry thing in their powrt' to sI-rvo nil. Dan Editor. I law an article in your rip?! of Aug. 10th ret'hoe n Fvipnd :pirnicsur . ly the mrrm'umdmn. wlzmu mun: duel not nnwnr has mmh- n mnnlwr of Incar- ro-ct ttssettiot.s and if Mn rvmarksall lhmugh his I-mg'hy ill-tick m h use murm- as “hunt the picvic and thu. otdvrofthr Chosen Ft 'trvois. l sly-4:53:21}! him an "Arizmm Lit l, c." Now Sir. on lhv8lh I of Angnqtl â€mi-(ml 1“ "trs;ivilli' frmn n.....1.,IL ....',.. â€pkg Tl," (My V'manllf "rated 1st Jum- 1987. being an Art wting I?retusvohrv.t Such-tin: um’ tort-d under the lnsurnm-v .10th). hav" inn-wusspd about '.On during wwt y' nr. 50. if tht. (‘unmliam Unit-r tum-n F"rivvols was faulty or" frnml. nus to 1:10 ‘vmv [vi-rm)" would have Nth-<1 it h-fuw this-. The unim- minl “bum um- lmmhrul tit-:ifh and bility plain»: rimming yum how V hmrtsinm- hum glmlrivnwl by " iw ipt payment of the claim aiding protecting those who nre 14fo ' M. J. ALLEN; Grand Ptvlate, C.O.C.F', HOPEVILLE PICNIC. rugt‘ny article are M picnic and the Ord" teds. I should on†1 “u c." Now Mir, on m-z-iw-J pt Hrrppvitl temwh’. '11." may desired ouly wry . the cluiut aiding :0 who are left br- "5lFC'ii'i'l ELAA'rg MacFarlane & Co At least two-thirds of our chronic disonsoa and ailments are due to the imperfect. action of the nerve centres It the base of the brain. and not from n derangement primarily origintting in the organ itself. Tho great mu. take of physicians in treating these, diseases isthat they treat the orzans The intent discovery in the soienti Be world is that nerve centres located in or near the base of the brain con. trol all the organs of the body, and when these nerve centres are deranged the organs which they supply with nerve fluid, or nerve force, are also deranged. When it is remembered that a serious injury to the spine] cord mil cause paralysis of the body below the injured point, because the nerve force is prevented by the injury from reaching the para- lyxed portion, it will be understood how the derangement of the nerve centres will cause the derangement of the various organs which they apply with nerve force; that is, when I I nerve centre is dammed or in any way diseased it is impossible for it to supply the same quantity of nerve force as when in a healthful condi- tion; hence the organs which depend upon it for nerve force suffer, and are unable to properly perhrm their work, and n3 a result disease makes its appearance. I For Ovrr I'll†\‘rnrl. Mas. Wr.stu.ow's Sum-mm: SYRL'I’haS been sued by millium of "kahuna for their chihlrrn while, hailing. 1t rlirrtttrlwd " night and broken at your rout by " ulck child trtrttering and cryinx with pain " ('uLting Teeth men A at mm: and get a battle at "Mrs. Wuvsluw't, Soothing Syuup"tort'luhhcn Teething. It wiil relieves the [mar little mil": ter immedia tely. [Depend upon it, in aims. there is no Iniamkc About it. It cum-u Diarrluu-n. re- qulnm the Sit-much my} Hum-In. run-es Wind Polic, mitt-nu the Gums and reduce: lufltun. mntmn, and given tour, and envrgy to the “hole system. "Mrs. Wiuslowu Southing Syrup" for chihlrm; trelhillg ll pleat-am. to [he huu'tuul in the prenuptial. Inf one (if the hunt iem,zle physlcmnu null mum-a in the United Staten. Pr'ie, tin-Inv-nve cent: a Mule. Sol] hy all drugs,rint" throuvrlmut the marl-l. lie unre- ulm Mk fur "No Wrssr."w's Son‘rmxu Svm‘r tt I I I Rum M SD; Hrir.q.- ih'ttrttritti,r Kidney and lib-Her dismay: 1cli.t in nix hmlrl the "Urn.“ Scum Atttctic"r: K vhmy Care" Thih mw runway is n um! sun-mm arrd deligh' an nu nee-mu: Mit, «you ruling momplnn; in relieving pain in the bladder. kidneys, back, And every part of the unitary pal-age. m "ml: or (allude. It relieve: raw-Minn m Humor um] pain in pal-mg it uhnmt innum- .Iintely. It you WI"! quick relief Hm! an“. thin in your remedy. sun by Mei'nrlane & _ Co.. Druggiats. l Cm SICK HEADACHE and New!!!“ In no "INUYIO. also Coated Tongue, Dun- Ieu. Billullsncs‘, Pain in the Ship, Constiimtitm, TOWN Lhu, Mad Dream. to stay cured Ilsa "lull" the bowls. vznv Incl ro nu. nu"... v- .e.__ “Weekly Mail fur Fin- cw, oach iitiertion. Tummy for ffvet irwvrtiorw. Addr, Torouto, Canada, may-made Clothing, If you want to buy or no" a farm, nd. wrfmn in the anuniu “'ockly Mail. That paper veaches [110.000 farmers homes 0qu wm-k and your advertise- ment shnnh mm-t tho mm " some one who wants to pun-chunk Advertise mum: of this class an- in tht, Toronto: Weekly Mail fm- an- (h): 1 " word furl with iIN-rlitm. Tun-my l‘u-nrx a word‘ (nu-Hm inHe'I'IEU'ES. .S-lxin-uh Th1- .‘Uuill PRIO. " all". ar metro 87012.9. and for Quality and Style (llii'ii'iciuljiiill illllllllll J ust We have some; Bargains to offer in our Dry Goods which are now to hand. '1 are not ol.4 you: opt bankrupt stock bu PRICES, of course. are as usual the Lowest Possible for Reliable Goods. Will be glad to s List received part of our Fall Stock of POWDERS nu worn on; bankrupt stoc} all New, Fresh and Tasty if1if,ygrreries of ihe defy competition. , wholesale and retail Harms how you our goods & quote prices .L.GRANT, f .. __ fl... o""‘5 ncuwu]. " is based on the result of you: of trtfrentiiie research and study. A single home will convince the no“ incrc‘lulous. South American Norvino is with. out doubt the greatest remedy ever discovered for the cure of Indigestion. Drspepsia, and all Chronic Stomach Troubles, because it not: through the nerves. Itgivcs relief in one tiny. uni absolutely effects a permanent cure in every instance. Do not allow your prhjudices. or the preiu. dices of otlurs, to keep you from using this health-giving remedy. It " L_, I .. V cure is certain This remedy has been found of infinite value for the cure of Nervous. ness, Nervous Prostrstion. Nervous Paroxysms, 8loeplesrsness, Forgetful- ness, Mental Despondenoy, Nervous. noss ot Females, Hot Flashes. Sick Headache, Heart Disease. The first bottle will convince anyone the: I ‘tnd not the nerve centres, which an the cause of the trouble. The wonderful cures wrought by the Great South American Nurvino Tonic are due alone to the tset that this remedy is based upon the fore- going principle. It cures by rebuild. ing and strengthening the no". centres. and thereby increasing the supply of nerve force or nervous energy. to hand; "TREE 1ptptyrk but are Silk] ly "il smears. Giwil I no" Your AI lull loop In" ‘Aud when you have " Ammonil or Mt Punt-n 'doapA1'rtsppons and them to M. null a three new. Mun; for pout-go, and we will mail you 'la/k". n lulndwmzo picture suitable fur "liming. A list of piclure! ntouud and] Mr. Ammonia Rural) has no equal. We rur‘ommeml It. Write your mum: pluinh "ml “dawns: W. A. “Rummy: N Co., dirk-n11! 5! L. clrtr,1.'n't., anunt-I. sum 1y :1! :1: WI -! muchn‘ls and deh'c odeG:jit' lie Gus, healih'ol,cemfortitu, Damn" Cowman! ap/ii':??", tur unco'mforfhb/e feois of "foo much richnau' from food cooked,“ lard. WE An fi?ii,i,",i)"jtltt1': mm . Physician Quinta-ft is fhe bed "irortin"ui; for al2tttiy1turpo"U. - - f'" , - fl?†(tn-Mm (as N. K. FAIRBANK & co., 'ood cooked in CQITOl-L'Ll a Per -- V . _ gfoLENE " the ttttly h.,e,.isthfst shortoaeg W mum: on em. Ann Stream, MONT REAL. Lower T6wn. like: only " 'iiierar. STORY. 1i'?risyip" tty Pall Durham. (tie New Job and News Type Something New I Lumber, Shingles and Lath always In Stock. We keep in Stock a large quantity of Sash, Doors, Mouldings, Flooring and the differ- "aaa-BO-lt- Having Completed our New Factory we are new prepared to FILL ALL ORDERS PROMPTLY. Our Stock of DRY LUMRE is very Largo so that all orders Sash and Door Factory. R We are now better than ever prepared to turn out Neat and Tasty Work in Posters, Bill Heads, To the 'milWE'W' Plant has lately been added a Large Quantity of Is still in his old stand on Lambton Street, near the Post Office, where he is ready to till all orders for Highest Price paid tor Raw Furs» HARNESS SHOP t Note Forms, Receipts, Etc. Dont Forget that You can get a Good Clean Job as Cheap at home as unending Good Money out of e Town. As an Advertising Medium the Review takes the Lead. Durham, Jan. $26111, 1892 "and Bills, ent Kinds of Dressed Lumber for outside sheeting. 1 ircularu, Business Cards, 1 HEAVY AND LIGHT I) HARNESS, , SADDLES, I BRIDLES, I. COLLARS, Etc. New Stock Horse Blankets CHA S. LEAVENS, J r., Culllug Cards, Pamphlets, N,, G. &J. MCKECHNIE. can be filled. ttt Letter Heads, Statements, Envelopes. CHARLES LEAVENS. Blank Forms, Try his tamous Japan Ten. An use general groceries, In The best place to Crockery, Wtingerat Stands. GROCKERY fi, --- It . *uqt, . The ammo-Mum. Dinner Sets 85 " " " 100 " " 103 W. & C. T sets 44 day Alter (imipl LartoeelC First Fridu; I'ynPs-Tin1rsao mm 1lttrkole--tuturhy I ortutgesillc--secroua , mouth. _Phmrterton--Mouuy I puty)to-Tueshy bett Bheiburnc--WodraG Waslkerton-_ W: mouth. mouth. 1 Guelph-First “'edendn IVrritstou-rriday bet 1?r9ton--Saturddy he! Elora-The day halo poutruur--MonuLy Le! IGusiluur--crsrirl Pu Prieori0e--Moruuy I0ttovtT--MorrOy heft Mount Forett-altiird , v.1; C. ifs-031“?†22 FOB SAL: CRYSTAL JUNE PROPER". Durham-Third Tuoadn in Htul--o-ery from 710 9 n'c'm-k. and from 2 to 4 p. In. An Gun Press, C. Ram-3e Sn Lila-trial]. I Board med; -oiGise our! munlh. Dr, am,ci/iirastus. Thou SAL'G HEN TENT, l max-ls on the first m ot every "mull. Thus. C. Hnmlllnn. It. K. PUBLIC tiCHOUL, “nan! numl- .... . SUNS " SCOTLAN CAMP No. 45, med Friday an or below ful, Minnie. Chirl. Geo. Rum-4 :ha t.'nd und “in Monday I‘m. 506.â€, offers incur 5200113: luv rate». um Fre.C. L. Grant. X.+ “wash r. 001mm» 1.31.1113?! a! 1tcuutirrr, an rutrt may in mm nmnlla. I Chi" Bungv. It. Harm " large assortment h of Durham. . Crystals &c 'srlt;t,.letAh2%t -.Z~:v',,,,\, US. EU.- C), _ 1 br lj‘t'nannmmo 8 drink, In mu “can†DU,"?,? I WWI: N atlmu. of mo Boyd College _ M. 5,3. t " Sum-.1.- of (mun-m Tom. ex' I'! " hrlnre fun "Hm £15 I x “no .u " mgr-unnum- l liking l fallen . , n . hrqunrnttuuln-n pull to w M . , rvnlzz 39mm] mun. (mu-u mm tteo, . . . (Jun. l; F, .. \I, “u: ~11-uuumw b Md a. B. an, lo Poatenartcr. S G. REGISTRY up a Leander. Registrar Deputy'Be‘i-lur. 01-141 B. m. to I p. m. REV. It. MALON Dnrhnm 8vrs "us-l day of '""'ry' mum]. lla. m. first Smut-y [0:30 I. m. min] SnuJIV l'ruycr mmruUe H My W ll 8 p. m. Berries every Said-I Ind 7 p. m. >Sul‘lmlll th JOHN CAM Sunday SH'viu-s. nu Sabbath SUM-v1 and t p. m. Pram-lung " , ll mg lierviee-, 'l'hurnday LII',',',' meetiue m U - " 'mion on Mahdi.) ennui EQHAXIFS‘ INS} Service PVery 5.0.1 7 p. m. 1't'al,lotI, Sch " 2:30 p. m. PM)â€: thy eveninu at tt u. m. (“HAM LODGE†In the Hail our (in PRESHYH:IUA.\ Cl! Itliv. A. G, GT, SAM-nth y, Scum-3 sch. Church “a. Wluunore. l " A H "otrped at 1 commune. l to PN to- t ottieel Th P" a m: n “I! pl, "Anne 0 scribed â€UREA" . l "-lllll “oomle mm] t pal-lithe: may m,†ans-mu .uulmml Niamey it be tak. TIA"! can he nu h, pn'monlmumh. REY LODGE N0 M.uerr.rrct, We mm the ma9erry and uh Il'PI‘l of the h APTIST on L' C CH Ultru 'ETlltHus'rCHcI .17.. J. C. Puma“) _\. THE ocpaEyt,i,r,n,yiet um. w. m on? mxm- Mommy A " Wm Unm- orrT'r:, om, Mall. 8 p." tu, w J N enga: . “min to "nd, it if he t mis procu- t mun m mo 'ToeUt sd “Human he mum-um v WWW"! ordm lulu! ty'., "l "Hymuunu ll1‘.llvd cull.‘ he ' fret “" .... Iran: di 85 pie Ontm M " he†" Ind I cm, W CONN» u wt and. my h N Him th, I tt tt I: fl It Jrtyr10N'iJEit. " Ion. tutu Norm-an Put llmz: vl u 'rutTo .-. I “up: u ld noon} 1. rimrgr. . to. - ut hush“!- mun-cud. III. In. AWrttt'tt " “runs n to [inward Buns M-- CKSON'S er, C vi., c,.ur.ioner (ce- " Mm . dr-Imp, (low ' mun ' IIII‘uKH'l: cladd- l.ou .4 luau-Irma“ I: Lurit, u! h, mm" lion-.9.†.UBHAH. King tit., Han HOLT, L. D.. s. Wage Llamas. Allc Counties of lirum- ou Grey "l. n myru t " Damn; -- " THE -- parties " Prices A shed . FOSTER. ,TEVENSON, ll LOAN AGENCY. VAL? \TORS, /rAANCEtts. met. tor tbr " and sunny ' IT.Tg Ins H McKAY. AGENT-tre 'n Cunt cum. 4 tcthou TELFORD. $3.37.}? if {HIM} com T0103»! TISTBY- Imock. Ont. IN 51:5 mm or m aiairs - I . _ I" g Wlnm m Big Money I to Luouals. diam. North Prim \ .‘.\.‘ mmu. Hunk In u'c\ m. plead“ Fum- in UNI-tru- "g2gl',,N't:t,'t: and 'qIqterueq do ur tth'- " DIRECTORY. (LEGAL _ Iâ€! " 'ooo-rarer., MCKENZIE. URBAN CHF'M't.r, GENT'---lnte llzxnrnwo II". Al‘rllrll Insulin-rt LHEWELL * SON. 3LW.T. 'uylrt. Road l Vi'Tio?ir..Ekt, me th and l.|lc~ ICAL. Mum Durham on is "HEM; mun. . Complete STOCK. d Bedroom and Nr. Intention and Centre ble tit.udr-in Oak. II Film. Nice Assort- "lea. We Also curry Itch of l'ieturcs Ind Ildmg. I we Tnke the M ledhmfthomplote in L. CHI-155, Le., h Danica. In attrvdrd to may k, Mo, linu- alnck nu mat I. 3. SAVE. and Mohacthoni m ti.W.T. and ti. loo an“. bush WH, 'NLM, "e., N. “at“ AID "'18 mn- wilful rom- Lmvn Toll. o?ie'lir' who. ETC. â€new: kuuwu [Half " wil nu Agent; Con- ('UBIHL'K Bale. - m w tT1?lLE Gar-mod, k n we realm M a? rm 38“ Our m ink: IV,. Irus, u-r' 1.». WOOLS. EMBROIDEBIES and SILKS. m ail COLO F. S and Fancv Goods, TOYS and Stations; Upper Town Durham: Boots a Shoes. NEXT Door TO PARKE MISS GUN S Don't Forget T _ F Ayeru Hair Virn ( on: In mm “I’m In! and may Cull mratded tl, ' on! I new! on could u ever, hum I “I bnvtt I“; .1 AW. P.a an'r‘rll sun and always ob W mulb- I Imnv n -ee, (at the In.†t' Tiii.-.'""'"- m F “Lawmax “no I Mel’s. Hair Eh? M! bud, '1 loud I shouln‘ We: urged r, “a". and. on a. Ohio. I [ml . F. low. can!" Boumm a, 00's Wall Papers ct death reduced mas l ve Wide tlt' t . Art tll',",),, Art muMiu Met M It Gee ("KING “M. perm . OI!!!- b Mt mm -d ye, Sana Cru " WM- . girl I "H. J. H. Y! STRICTLY FIRST CLASS CANADIAN GROWN STOCK. “hm teom_t "l' Arm ".retol l w "WWI-decking: on... Vol. XVI. No. 37 “I kxx-J A / u 'v- u "'- BEAN & Co. hoa- gan e; Crow, kl We m .. oi, Pimp In; BIC 4 Viai 1 31-.†f â€was mans an)â€: ' “1:11er A “RAMS ML bi: AT It "w vtsirt, " ft "Th WANTED. I i: a. ttt In Jtr " p " (li'