West Grey Digital Newspapers

Grey Review, 13 Sep 1894, p. 2

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n- In to ot hm the the the I“ us: he! tlt on. M Jud: .II To! M tt totr m Gat, [in in: go ling Ana "0' can the pn- Br" In!» uni w. unk- The I gl t an I)" I [M We" 'ttttt pain P" .330 haul Nut If" "w orig - ya. "I. ml - y en Mm an! on " t - all hf lar- ht on b: has m Mort, In the ”VINE more. (I the hard clay soils in the In" bond of Luke Unuuiu we ha, Mun: showers ull through a we". In the ttret, would and who! Anglican wr had a mi no inch and a half. In July. In wand and fourth Wrrka, - min to the (II-pm orone inch and and increased very much pain. months of June and n. unto the temperature the In..." here rune indeed occasi ”on 90 F'. in the shade, and one-don, the linh of July, it n 5' F. 1n "et'ptionally high [mil Ibo maximum tt'mrcmtutr,1,hm mattteU between an and MG. Tl: "rmtty on“ days in July it rung tween "HUM tCr and only on days (mm 85 to 'A5, when-us in " it reaeheU 'e, to "oonly on ttve on lean days (rum My to 85. l - hand taking the country at It. records or the Toronto Obuen aAnr, thttttttem ”Mitten m ’W‘V' H, II only boa-total. alliance I rah In ah ha. Mthe km mm which In been the tile Mrmrtttorrsren. Thexnln amp. I." ”end, straw being generally hm although low the grain tilfis found to be equallo lb 'tver. use ifnot ul-nu- it. Roots, usery Im- Fortant crup now getting to ht, and rightly so, an: sum-ring somewhat, but let us hope that the rains which have begun will cum: ahumlamly before they un- pnst 11'c"ver'y. In all this there has hecn n e:uuprmAtinsv, advantage. If the weather has bean dry the grain crops have rii4uctr l evenly and tst1utdily and have been We" ganlorI-ol. 'rhcuthcrv. isahWtitr' , "titstuctory outlmk. nltln ugh “acou- l MM with thr but philnmnphy, that l we, in this north, rn peninsula am not I) hullyolf as our fcllow citizen: in I other yam“! thceottutry. We have l baron light ttravclly soil "hich fur t on radiation frqu In-luw. We have l In atmmtanceot swamp land which l given will pasturn- in Mich dry (il wmlwr as this, and Wt' hum an abun. I t 'tance ofthe In: running Watcr iirthe f‘ world whirl: " itselt is ul’thc mum-st I advantage to stock in slrv weather t' specially. And tln-n with alltliou- " damages over our noiglllmm liv!,iurr I " on the hard clav mils in the ln'iulllmr- l (blended/or (at with.) 13. dry weather which in prevail. " "my week. has been excep a..-) -4 7 . _ - _ during the twclvs. munch, bringing the total debt up to $21.3, 1021,93 L This is m Hing on with n. n-x'ga 'tru",'. In 3 time ohm-aw, a tict [155:1le at.» King, and great need of rctrrlmlum-v'» 0.“ch is rolled up by the, ”Min”. and what have we to show-it it? No new c. an. i. on hand MI. but then .. tave had . amoral: We,” and - up“. p lesson the am: In II. and: out - m In addition to th added it. PC,. 948 during the twin 0. total debt up to ~1'he Dominion Government has - I summon: of its recoipls spud c "disarm for the year ”Milk 31 J's last Brielty it is as tullow4 '- Maw... _... ...... .. tlt",.',':.,"',' Eqersditttre.--....'ri,tu3p D.thit....... mr.... ....e. t.l,wor, It. There gem prisons and per “snaking. dimmed in the waning to am 'tre, Mile Pam. were than Chatha excursion cmmein -Atttrttier but maiden: Dy which three mm:--D. A. P. Northwood and F. I in. J. A. Onimct. Minister of Pat mm, Iva-the exciting Mtagtt." ', in In eonterenee tsll day with t “In; Conservatives of tho city a Diaries. Mr. Ouimet. in answnr w reporter said the demons would pm guy beheld on the 11m new und "which. An unusual announcer stir who ob .M tttConservative circlbs in Mon- In] one day Inst week. A mm; THE REVIEW "I new MOUTH. “that". Sept. "th. ttttrt North “as; mu cume abundantly mdQI'm‘Q in- past recovery. m all etuttq m mthd ms becu n ooiupprrutin,r ittlly oate.isied.. Pf If the Weather has been WW1“!!! a a...” have rii4te'd, examined. This steadily and have be” Ror.voht engine it I. Thcuthcre is ammr’ saitl so. lt was felt nlmk. nlzlnngh um 1-mi- "gnu?“ tHtgi.t.. s,ti hr heat philosophy, that H111ull':.('v(l to the" min rn wuinsula an! nut } “H: mm at', as our fellow citizen. in llnntrragrcul in: peninsula arq' not fellow eitiaetb, in qtntry. We haw y soil which Inv- helow. We Have 0n the "T'k"bm H. .wz'm lime-mom. He was "ertlred " a iompensatioi.o? $10 a month atui%nt, and in the month of I'oh'uilry 188. I found mysell in stalled u the can. or revealing In ink in all the glory of a printer’s Devil. To mo it seemed an Utopian Idea to begin the publieatax, on paper in I snow covered Munch I. it then an» paved mile, musty.- m a I! hm.g-- -- L‘ _ _ t'roprietor of the "Ckmrier" t David Leon of!“ m MI. ' --.-= __ was no! my empl Prom cl tho Such "a the mansion title sur- rounding the Royal Anna, which headed the now historical "Ptieevilte Courier", mud n the Editor of the REVIEW bu I vivid personal recollec- tion of its short existence, he intends front time 'o time to get into a remin- iscent mood and give his readers an account not only ohhe defunct papal; but of the Priccville and neighborhood of that time. Sometime in January 1868,“: John Hall 3nl Con. s. I). It, tilenehtinrormed tm. that Twas Wanted in Pricerine; Tluvvg!, Mr. llnll, thv pmim-mnnhhn FLEEEITOI. CORNAIUS. EUGENIA. IAXWELL and DUIHAI ADVOCATE. |.i"ll' my!!!“ And In matters ofthis kind in which the Prckcte, and prnpurty (f 'lu, rum-mum are so very directly and so [arm ly interested, it would be an outrage did the Council ignore the expressed wishes of the. people and follow the lead given M any other when it h not a alt-e-L, n... miscibility a: to do so. quarter. It r, not at aamtrle that the (kmncil win Ttar he. that: to rat nos. my mit Pua PM‘. The delrgatelw. _Pteatoetm4mapeter. came home with (Mir ables: only put. iully itttairied. IYttston yigin ya: ex. amined arin'afehftsited "tspter only ehntoiruul. This was 'Nrtrttivittgt the po, :nhl vllgilic juttice 9nd,} the town max mu it was Irlf torrb'arttyurev, [ru/jr" (PP-'39}. in? Cl Blight- :'nst.', I Mia "s. 'i'm- :».[,.L;.ul;‘l. (, Emu-h has a'ways : 's "lt .lvmnul allCl‘llll'lll to 1hr Work of ‘i.:|lr\' MAM”. Ly ln-r s-lulm‘ulc Us“; In who“ in this tlOl, her large 5 s un'I-I' lay prritcluus and exhortem, _ sin.- has hr“) able to extend her work into outlying and sparsely settled dis trials and to place the preaching of the Gospel within the reach of many, wha but for her elforts would be denied this lnestimable priviledge. It was in this field of work that the Premier of the Dominion, Sir John Thompson, ‘reaped his tht laurel: as a public speaker. The amount contributed for, connexional purposes salaries dpreach- l era etc. etc. during the last year was 8357188, being an increase a! :88,843 in the receipts ol that department over those ofthe past year. It thus appears that the Canadian Moth. Church is not only growing in numbers but is grow- ing also in that higher tea6 the trr8mr ot llberality. The PraGiiii; courier, M MT gulucr tor we mm, submitting t.lsetw sclice to we anotbtu"Tff 'tkd," endeav- orinz of honest intent to" much the ywc aitupkwtrectim MdUod, and Juonoscfy tryttt'g qr unndf‘g tthe old inns-2 Great unpntiou in“? given to missslun8 to" the, Noeest. A". drinshjng “pensive Foreign 3tissimt" harried At in'Japan and a new (Ephraim has ken made in this vlepiutmtrit tn open- ng " ulzsaion w the Chinese' iii Western it mad tl " m moms? comma wanted in Prioevme; Call, the pmjectoruof the mmed that a boy tyw Hand. was struggling waver tUshion. in thes mm. was struggling ‘aver memo". in the EgremmL He was mpensation " $10 I that was none ot my cats were secure, for war the Edita- And “Courier" the m 0‘-.. m ,..-numn. we $rtbh't' tell: grnwing usn dun-.- to rxprcm to you in lyttPAorar lbs warmth of our fe u-n "Come ye h givnrv. 1m and T the 'dd.',',',',,',',',', on Mr. Julian-H's and wvll nan-Wu After ‘wing w Mr. N. W. t'asnp " 'uat"1gerc4 um the session. Mr. pm- from and MI _ - "h" .. .. mr... "an r nuwrlana. We an- 'tratitird to know the tri has lawn a pleasant one, and while Jill/lr. mg ryuu unm- uzurn- among us think thu im " itting time ta Mslll't' you of our in. trt'tst in your wel'are, and our appreh- tinn of your mm: " labors in the' gospel in this fit-M. We indul e the hope that ttN hmgm we aw 1fll','li'ia' as paw! and pmplc uur Nations will erer be hm-mnninm and that we and others Will mm mm to "um " your ran-neat mini. stratum. Md tlvvoteU pumrnl khan. In rum-{union we wish ynu personally lung continued health and “length. Ind hope. when tin-Kraut 5Veleome of lien- [ml-v when the great \Velcome of Hal- \rn ., Come Te Inll'sh’d of my Father" u Luv-n. ywu and we "my be found among tiw \u-lmrnu-xi 1mm. Me. Jawu-n’a may w” appropriate mrl wvll n-u-ivvd. Aiiwr "ring weirmno-l by the deny. M r. N. W. (‘umplwlL Chairiuau' of bond or' unruly-4:4 .xml Dr. (hm representing th- --t' .,tion. Nle. H.rnry was “All“! fat . 'ro "mum yunr return from Your Fatherland. “a. ..... .._»..~L- r . . _ Respected Pastor and Dear Friend, Your Imny trig-al.- atrtrociated with pm in t'orttrrevatioruU and ,ociety Work Dunn made this 'olrpyrtttnity un- itedly to offer you wards of welcume on vnnr ”an". r....., --‘ ___- '“ -. . - thir andr old' van The visiting Ciel-[yawn present were Rev. Mus“. Ste-wan, Runaway. Con. nor and Little, who tall. after music by the ehoir and prayer by Rev. Mr. Hula. spoke Words of welcome to Mr. Jansen and good wishes and ta to Mr. Henri. Ther address to Er. Jansen. n-nd ' tho vhairuran Was as hrlltrwsv.-" REV. Mn. Luna. 1 pom! E idi"d »_ . . '--.H'b ul we 'dll,',",',",,", D var Society And a me o considerable laugh and of a $'fa'l nature wan [one throng with awfully. m- ..z 1.5," n- innrr mart. A mm- was m&1€:1[~?:|l‘l:. and the lat of the church was Cour metatrtrN . _The Hair was main! he u. " After inner THE nucm‘rh On Monday night mu; The vuxumillm- had the I tysterully decorated with ttowtam, and of mum r there was abundance. Ev tion in _town wax Mme: uu mummy “ugh! tritt a unique mun. The oriutuitter. luul the lutseti/ent, must tyy'o4ully dew-“ml”! with a prnfusum of ttowtws. and of mun- solid comforts there was abundance. E, pry sienttmina. tion in town was repre-srntedund the warm l‘hristian mrdiulity waded all. After two hours or an regaining the Inn-n- In.- _ ----- - . ,. -eee .6...“ . nu. ”nu-nu- any". 151mm“?- a knowledge with um pen td lieht." No thc “amt. fastidious may Prmt assured :lnv‘nurhing wurriluus or impure shall he lm'miltwl to dome the rolumns of Hu- ('nuril-r. or to curl-uni [Aha uni-uh "I In our short hour. but that whicGtrike., tho PP'. _ . J a _ In». upon the miud; the faithful night. l...... .e. .. 1___, ._- , '_. . Rudd-IQ In one dun" A.. The {wuprieturu of the Courier will lure neither labor nor rqpe0rie in mak- Ing the palm-:- both mseful A11] intermit- int..' P, 3'": young. for I" I. eminent mg m the '2e.'l'i; for as an}. eminent mlidn.lyr§olmt unaidz~ ‘ f'Suumls‘yhich "dam-aw car we lost 2....) - CY ,H.‘ .7"-.. .4. u...- nun nrn'ru'u. 3. The pro Halal; of the Courier aware that Till',';,',",', hes just midway between extremes, have resolvtNithdt, their Paper in its tone and bt'arings, shall 'e urietl independent, both in Politics and Kali ion, wielding the mighty inituenc. 'Ihr",',', Press in defence ot morality. virtue, social pros writy and Mvanirement, friends ‘0! all, ene- mirs of none. 4. As (ants practicable eaeh number will contain useful and interesting arti. ole: on nomadic Econum . for the special and entertainment Cf our num- erguilmly readers. - v - __ ---'-__._r- - yuuuruxnl er ..ome of the latest Forei ' ',Provin- cial and local news. which tggy possess oval-g facility for receiving. t pedal Mamie!) wi be given in each number to the advancement of Agricultural Science. radical and then- retical. by inserting lg; beat articles, on the 5:11ij both original and swim-rod. n A _ __ ,, . ' - ’ Tim Prop' ".ors of the I’ricm'ilh' (UH-rill; in pray-cling a new weekly Journal. In“; to inform an iutvllisrent Pulrlic, that in cr"trryencim,r it News- papvr in ”iii-Iguana thoy do so, both at the requvst 0 many persons of intiu, euro, and aim urulvr the firm conviction that u I-‘irnt-rale local paper is much needed, and would be cordidly sustain- ed by the community. _1. In lilo, the Cola-I'm- will MIN-J» l. -in size. "tire-tTaro,. will contain Firmly-eight column of reading matter. includmg , "S" Ielecte? any congeused Tirgwei. within the mug. Unl- yet F 'unat0iaed, and this together with the rt. resourcas of the atrrrtoetndtttCeottntry _ may in'tlic near mm termN, 'ttttttt . shrewd business make 'trpin and " scum-c the advantages“ the position. " When tint time come, there may be '/mmthcl‘ "Prieeville Courier" in a new; l'riccvillu px-mnising a steady pros-1 . {wit}; if not " brilliant future. To l mum to tlic 'Courier." The staff Was l t-x-mlns‘rrl of S. L. M. Luke, Jefferson I Wright and myself with for ashort (tiu:e lam-r on, another boy Albert {lxnvllnm In due time, onthe 28th Aluv vi' l“rhrr.n|‘y, 1868, the lst issue lama-mill, being duly christened by i the prujm-nm from the flowing bowl. 3 As uill he been by the prospectus which. we publish this Week, the f 'oupicr wasnolerate in politics, David mm inclined tolcel his way; and ifone niiv,irt'judsrr, from hints he maximally gave, had ambitious if indeed not our instalment in: tl allows the? pmapcctus. Prospectus on me Pr" gave, had ambitious if indeed not 'cm‘otous designs upon the County representation in Parliament The pros- pectus. and indeed by tap the greater part of tho cdituriul work, was from tlu. pen of Mr. Luke, who fundshcd the brains of the cum-em. This much forms any; inata'xlltu-nt for this week: here Tht "A run! it I had "pimtiomtoN paddo- MOmnty town. And. as hr at panic-sweat. madam wunpodm hm :wont the geographical centre cl tho then South any, and bode " to be due much greater Hun the lapse at time has cxhiblwd no mm Mon may to some extent be omirsg to the railway being too nearamt yet tot- far. It We excellent nu" turn to the mposcd of right and no later _ um arr. and our "ppteia- -nrut at labors in the' Kospel We indulge the have that aw asrtocitit as pastor ml" 1iNityts win eyvr I); n. O -& ___ . .. " thr. crowd's who (51va to Mr. Henry's fun-we'll st‘l'lnun. It home or to other ('hurrhos M). P, who had an oyt- hulpusi~ "!.w'ivjt'nwocrupGi the tank will of tho church and wore ly within ln-m-ing of the Yniq'v. The text, was from and tovuwd an appropriate ..., . _ .. . __ " ,7 """Fr.'". u, an c. Widen} of the Christian ctus m we Prietseitte curler. wu- feft '9 ml Friend, tpprmchod ' thrtilo tjifRiiiiai'i “f to currupt tho minds of xi read th, Ch urt-h V night our feeling 1' mlrnml tit-t close to hi gin-5112mm“! L'.Y was l'l'pr‘“ r "Hr up." mum Mow proved to m- mmo to '1'! assured pe n Rm" " Sax IInl'nr-I. -dlutrm.irtg Kid, nay ind Bladder Dunne: relieved in nix hour. by the "Great Sand: American KM. ney Cure." Thin new remedy is a great surprise and delight on Moon-(41!. ".. coodina promptneu in "Having pain in the t adder. kinlnuya, back and Tait ttte nrinuv ”usage: in male or f [Ln- lievn retention of wnqrud p“. in My it almost immediuely. If you WMWI rein! And cure this inyour My. by Manrlm d. Co., Dwain. " _ Wau- no you TAII {Email _ mint Because you are sick. and wt!“ to get. well, of course. Then remember, that Hood's Sumpm-llla Cum. All we ask is. that in taking Hood’s Sampn-illa you will do so with pvrsevernnce nqnnl- ling or approaching the tenacity with which your compiaiat, has clung to you. It rains Hum and care to eradicate old and deep-seated maladies. particulariy " hm thov have so long hidden. in tht system that they have become chronic Remember, that: Rive cum. m in I English Spun Litiimrnt removal-ll Bud. Son or allowed Lump- and Blemiohu from banal. Blood 1lpavins, Curbs, Splints. Sweeney. Minn-Bone, StitUr, Spain. I” "olun Throw. Cough-,ew- Save Mo br an at on. bottle. Warranted by "and.” & Co. Ihrrm.--First cha," -n, repeating Rifle for sale. the “'oullon Mill. Sic V tc _ __ .. """'"'"ut'ttlrr _ in rmmml in liy-lu“ “Mk. Jr,,;. Allan rrpnrlml that he oxzuninm} the Inridgt- at A. Leslie',,-, Colt. 17 k 18, and funml it, not only dangerous but unwnrlhy of rvpair, consvuuontlyi'iyn. mrdintv' ar'tion was nvcessm-y, mint- an! Ihe iol, of a new bridge. Bye- 'iiranston--'rhmt Mr. Allan'ag'nh part he adopted.- t'arritU. 4 ' Resolved that the following nee he gaidHTo Fred Hal-grave. . :el $2.1 ; J. Thompson, timber 81; as. Reid, gravel 31.18; J. Renwick, rep. Seraner Stk,. w n E..--, "_-_-__- _ Allan b'wam,ion-That tl ‘gn into Comntittve with th, the chair, for the purpose of I Collvctovr. - l 'nl'riml. Tho HI‘VPI'H] up 'licatious w:- "red and "main-1‘. that J. C. appointed Collvvtor. for the? tpict at a {w of $21; and Jas. South at a Ion-of tar, Comm and t'ouncil resumed. The {urogning names were i Ilryw In]: (is. wlten_the, Pale , J as. Dundas nddrossnd the chum-ii on behalf of improving sideline lot 25, Gun. All. _ "yr MvFiuhlun-That Ihr. Swans- tro, l.\ru...2._ _ I . . ' _ 1uen-ryctiyuen--That W: I. Mitch-5 ell he paid $25 on printing aect.--Car- rial. - Bye-ont-L-That suit]. iropurt he Mlnptul and m-dvr gr'anted, and $1.5) he paid to corutrtissioruw.-ovvieu. Council met Sept. 6th, minutes of previous met-ting sustained. Jun. Alym reported that in cottttettion with Gil-(uh; road connnissioner thvy let tour jnhton townlinv ter D. Hamilton and J. _ rd for 820. The work is done, ““3” re-mmnu-mlvd, Egremont sharp-8] “.1. I Mr. "on? who was deeply moved replied po y, yet must a mm vriatvly. r'here id no 'rainsuyiNrthe flack, lDurham has made a great nnprvssitm ouhir. Henry. and Mr. Henry has made n deep innswvssiun on Durham. Mr, C. Muffin. ndt waxed the meeting briefly. We wish we. could reproduce some ofthe excellent speeches," rich with profitahle words vet s yin-rd with may humor, but spam- tif.l,i"S.' Wishing you in the future all spiritual Meanings and temporal pmsperit we hope to "wet. you in that bright LIC' where [Innings new-r culnc~“ Together found of him in punch without spot and bhuueletuc" As the gates of the future open before you, we hope and lx-livn- you will have an increasing field of usefulness, and we bog to "saun- you that your sum-nus will ever give pleasure to your Durham friends. in nur t'onsrres,aio//dCGii" individual spiritual px-ugrvas must be reckoned your short. patstot'ute liere. 1. w'gt. ottt' "outtotis. The warmth of your' cruytsu4ling word: which urn mu ringing in our vars. have Irerm wvll fitted to slit in up: all n desire tfiurisrtwl. attain- ment in the t',ltpi,itintt life, and mummy»! .the tactors which tfmlto "rlvttttcetuvut, your nhilitv, devotidn tmhlty and sou-in! qualities mmlvun c-nduring imprvasiun on m“- Iv-inrls ._. q "Won tohe crawl 11.}... um- unulIOl‘il‘S. The warmth of your uninsvlling worrlc, which un- still ringing in nur ours. havllrswn well fitted L, .. . .. _ . - Pack}: . --"e"'i"B.V w..- “um. and psmmncntly curing constipation It baa given aa'sisfaetion to millionrtrnd mot with the nppruvul of thmodicd prurss'urrt, bvcvusa it acts on-the Kid: ncys, Liver and Bowel: withirpt wak- emng them and it is perfectly free from every ohjcct i, mus substance. Syrup ct Fics in for Lalo by all thug, giatn in 7.7-0. bottles. but it, in Infam- fautuml by the Califorrs Fir, slur-m “rcpt ax Bring! comb» ma inapmemt In! tends to per-0nd unjoymont when rightly used. The many, who lin bet. to: than others and on joy life more, with loan expenditure, by more promptly adapting the World's best pmdueta h tho need: of physical being. will an“. tho value to health of the pure liquid laxative pzinciphl embraced in the rc:ur'dy, Syrup of Figs. . Ila excellence in due to its preaonting in the form must acceptab'e and plcas. um. to tho main, the refreshing and truly bcnetieiu properties of th imricet Inn (Hive l cuTcetthuUy donning the, nystum, disiullix‘g chs, headaches and fever! ', that a}! permanent and pos- nre Imus!!! about. with rena- EGREMONT COUNCIL. , n-pm-INI that, hv umpiuyw " repair Unlawin bridgv. , _ws.a!.iyhwtor.v and m-Hmnm-mi hill for mun-rial. wotrkut, to $12.55 he paid. n-Nwanston That thorn". el lowed, and order ',wanted.- 77m. bottles, but it ia I by the Califnmin Fig I whose name is printad on alrio the name, Eyrvp of. g wcll iuhrmed. Yum wi KNOWLEDGE mu unarmed, yun w abotitato if T tiered. D. AilAS‘TCiéFi n-.. new \Vinchusier le, very cheap,“ urJ. c. Adams In 'or thvNorth Dis, rung! Jas. Baird for liar. and the. by rl the}:sllul road up; wz-rc (-onsi‘ ml I u-dL-I'Ldtl rmnlittoc r050 the Comuil the [were in If appointing g5}.i3:%35?'..£%3 WEAK NERVOUS DISEASE” " [:_-":.',-:;52,::': Wm‘fimmmm s'),.,',.),!,!,!,!,!,,!,?,,?,,!,,!, . I Alla"'yrs fiwmm 3:21??? Wfikkmfinflwmm ci,rr.i,e,kt.'iit;?:.'i 'Frii, an: nus. KENNEDY ' mum was struck 'tvd in t. ms? Eyrup «I I also rap/es! those having dug-bills me to call and settle at once. Bcrirc,:fide Cos m... cum-m. tamer oar Ttfa " “In" N2h'el, 'tht 'iie(ili't'4'll nu. " burn 'l'd " 1fl'i'; KI M. Pl I arm out ie'eyhoyj1itiiRir'iGa"G','t'. “I 23.11:: man ot rm and uttering. alt' would. Jrrtti me s .Qnutlon List and Book Free. Mulmumn I?-- “In no risk. Write than to The Stock consists of Tweed shades and path-ms in mama Coatings, Suiting: White Tr'.nirotse. ' Durham, August 7th, 1801 Having decided to leave Durham I will offer my entire stock to the pub- lip for the next 30 DAYS, commenc- 1ng on Saturday the 11th Aug., at MANUFACTURERS COST PRICE. I TT"t9trr, In!“ have a rim-k of arev and Durham Woollen 1r1as,letiotuirs MILL THEY ARE LARGE - h"iilthNlllllt Mam COPYRI G HT S. CAN I omu " A PATENT . For I “on “not and an honest omnmn. "no to 'ers & Co., who hive had harm!" _ upenencoln the Intent. Dunne-u. mamma- 'dntgtayggi,i.iitt'i/.i,rftiiio, .A?Htyd.ttet" m In- See our NEW f1'fildiBL"ia'iS md you can . ygtn','myligtt,tg " 1'8itrear.t.zaHMp. 'e' fiémmfimmmfi ' gmmm 'tt"i.'iCli'9'i JBOOiiiirfi; all the LATEST 1li1'thuu, Tumm- II-i loan-n. mm.- tha HM: "u-. ' " RemembeR! To Scholars. ' m. nun-cc new Method Treatment? ht “but. do. mum'ggfwthWm-vfi-m- - -- - P -""E "'U.C.U,' '/i,',1,CC,(," ““ CA' In trading for Cash or Produce we have ni"1hul Pay" to fear and C, BE LITE if. ( figures. Cash or Produce these hard times will buy you More Goods f THAN EVER. before. We trust that our customers and the public may endorse what ; us as liberal a share of their patronage in the future as they have gtdl/lllJillll & (h. i .----- . - 1lliil)lMtffib- -_"'". .... -, “an: .mm-annny Baotou. Thymus whip. S'1ttSeye1rtotrDii.%Giinkau' h- 1e.tr.tmmuh'--tiniiiiaarac 2etoetgeltmt Natalya-ah. Tun-IMMW* mm aunt-Jada." 'urt-uu-ormretiaF, unlu- Sch l c, 00; fhtpph'es HAVE 15 was IN xriiiisii,i'iiiii was». - AND - '2'rth.eee:,1eetettruerees-- as... 1eyto'utByeigoootmGiraiiir. Imus-d kill-dub. aevrtty-toemGiCiiorira- lure Mummhlimhwnplugummqâ€"M 'rtgh,Yaetatetyi,ii: Lidia] ttttttthee Mano ".?lir'ht,ie?ittt, (,ii"i?iiiiiiiti,r'iiih'l2'2 't"i'it"i':yi't"ii'l'ili'ir!iiiit. 'a'la"t,'l2r.r, AN I) . j ll) 'ttiii'.?, Books. i-r' 1lllllllilllllllllltmtggttigggrt "‘g '1 - E m-ss-i-Y- Mr Ko lam-or LGTii aiira wmuu chum of nae-n. "h',h2,',r.t.eftte1eo.eaye-ue,- no. Imam-Mink. ”Muhld-g I: ld no Mn Had “4 - boa-u dun. Dunn - “aluminum... [hum-mi“; Ha:- I!" 1itl,tmtrteut-aiFiisiiGria"t Thy-n- nAIi-In A 5]--) _)4 j . - i0su1ry iriis of Tweeds ttm1li'lanntWtin a Variety of greyand white Rolls on hand made from guod wool for exchange. pond on SCHOOL mud on getting goods away down lower than ever herctofore. .- 7.___.â€"°_. . 'T""".'."".""" - - -g -ieee Yarns m a largo variety of sizes and colors s in ('OHVN', medium and fine. Worsted "p and Pantings. Sheeting, Grey and 17,.__~ C, . . , " . , . . H. WATCHORN. ii t Onderwi/ar, Etc; Etc. GR AND MIC -n sunu‘ as CIN."-.' t, Price SALE l' this is a J-J Give us a trial. No trouble to Show our Goods Advertisement after the Is: of October. Look out for Bargains! 2 We will ntrtAt, 1yyietto11poyr by or 1tusetilrd amounts will: Small Profits and Quick Cash Returns! No More Book Accounts: nor No More Customers will find it to their which are wel .:i.ii./s(i,i)iil, Dawwl'rtiDH’DDLE‘A*-*<“s‘*wom 0F '02: After which we will sell only for Cash including Butter, Eggs, Wm] mm We beg to announce that WE INTEN D TO ADOPT THE CASH SYSTEM on the 1syt, of October next. amy. in L. - lm. . Mr.' illllla Q ‘7 "Jr; S. ivy . must have the CaSh oii"'mra'uti'; Upper Town, Durham CAI Fina Barrel Sal . --- in 254:. i'di'fl,tht 1tlhie,tt!.eyp,,rA. £313: 1..t.Y Machine Oils, Boiled and Raw Linseed Oil. one barrel extra quality Harness Oil. T Turpentine, Benzine and Dryers. Mixed Paints. Dry Colors, Paint Brushes, Tube Paints, F .' ' And Artists’ Fine Colors. Vanish“. Catch Paints ready for the Brash, Aniline Dru. Pure Pan's Green. F Home Bu: Itilhrr--tt.tn for 100 Ibis, I Tar, 0°le Iixtnre for Horn rlr, [Jil, PARKER’S neir advantage to adopt this sync,” “f 1, well knoyn to every person who bus fr Mrs. E. DAVllDStthps, . sun: " am mt in B s. R ck Salt, 398 ll 290- iitG'l,'hllt but mafia“ fgr sea. bathm d 'iiste, in 200 lb. lt Water Line. Cale ' , flute: and 1ifls game. Durham, Aug. 8th, l ji)/ji."i1l.inery, s?" Having thoroughly overh aul- ed and refltted these Mina, we are now prepared to do all kinds of custom work to the satisfaction of the public. CHOPPING A SPECIALTY. h W;: " ". "tit fl‘uth A. lim‘n'r . Wanna“ "me- M .Iub.L . a MD ae I”); ilCEi _ r Gift, "FUNNEL 1iorti, '" {my I “46.51.? 8 SW)'. tt s'r?tg't.e'o1; ” 1'F lg? - “formhh “my Nahum A ,-,v ' a " .arrV. Spring Millinery :43: :u umy Ior Dash or Produce , Eggs] Wool and Wood. ds. Jire intend quoting prices in our '. Ke" Watch the paper closely. Drug Store. HEW SON BROS. Millinery. ore Fancy. Long Crod't Prong! y” to fear and can soll at closest "on More Goods from In than em may endorse what we any by giving ttare as they have in the last. Ag we ue bus this month marking our googs away down. Dunner-s l of trading for 2ys for cash. pURIIAM one, but we TABS, £1}le It) a n y ream“. Methodist t I g n ry plvamnl lug of LN u M's Sulw-Hluu'. took tl {upin on my m! that in h. Admin-mu.- “-11- In.“ b Menu). Rm. Mi, H... Ailan, KIN! Ivy Mt l hm mammal llu' P.s , . The Inna-mu p. ”Mun. Mimw (In h. . d Durham um 24 ,1 I high awful tru, t'e2,t/.'c Modelites bare I in mivv llpu- “I lll- the fotmeUtion, tte'. In I have ti ‘mm d the Prices, for Fai you by J. Woodland ham: b’ml , “up: u) nl» mm I..." urine “win Lid m. tAno In SI It ll WM! to the tin In. in tiritt ul Mum ‘hlrt Mil‘ ttl nth-m tl “MK“! Wm out but In mm‘un' Isis Ituty lore. mum-d by his hride p . Must mph limo. ed. MI: gum with. ' "et. " ., Tra ”In. “um-1mm Me, “lam-n , *. Nanak-.4! ; td “New: ; . undo!) 2 ' Wurom I - - we' law tou pad tth, tU nu In. J. “lamp-nu ktmt, and“ ot th m. Pa'2tset Wired M new Japan T W dimes Ind " Old Just the thine h prim ' tin-Jon an! “I; to prev. .hlurr and . Md thom u I spending g: i; but prudv I nun-of thei I". ts'arsaparil mining. A. Ila-l the walosity u the tone." n. Eu -Kr- "tsr luv-st (Lu " T k U Tub.“ " ' CHI-h sprung knit-tad him ll hrhe'urecov “h /cliieGiay" "Nvitte white - ""I the cider mill Ind v! a blow on the and min-m - tr If r. u alum-y : Tr," ”mum CAtterutN.tt adveetaied pr It hm IndW Ilk- fur E Vanilly Our M gpioo Prime-Ulla NEWS " u PM. ie Brush. ph B--. 'thlt. "" M when " nothing od mum with» that im- . w: It!” "" To- - " utr " M mesh Ml 1't tin" ta, Iy " , '" hare out: out]; ( “on. "In Tm tl Ge ru" Goods were Bong] lam Reduction Md Aarermttneif. In" um laud-m 'eith ”are... on An Entirely Ne? ll.- Hndir c. B K. Morrison of this {WK at Ila-lulu ' Sunday. THE * C N'I‘OR A "with And “muc- I by i-Q'Hlillf vanilla! in lwoyouug tlioqv.. in! Mr. Aug!" sr boun- fnnn may: maul in uh. I and rapt-I bud-u. Alum (qr-1hr trips In lie " n 'l,',' bag ICU! In “lax Mu; A. Butter Bmatder in Ae wut In: all "P Cm Tum; , fuel-a] nr, 1 Goods lbw» Grover-l4 in the Town. At Um - but [ 'ua'tr Dun-Aw. Ihery tr Woot In. Dun-an “duly Inna-m and is und- “A ll M M " 'id Mint bl I00“ be III-Nd“ M SCOTCH TOW BAitips Moll hi4 M or We l (in N ft Tri,

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