West Grey Digital Newspapers

Grey Review, 27 Sep 1894, p. 2

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$ O pÂ¥ nc th I4 ata Lo 1 FCb s fai ®o TA de Nig O% pl tm rc M Li Ar C 1 in als 14 to Best Collection Garden Vegetables. 8, Pattersonâ€"Geo. Purviaâ€"6 Twelve Root: of Sals(‘yâ€"S, Putterson Swmith, 1;;::.&.441 tsâ€"8. P. &?r i Long Red Mangold Wurtze]â€"s terson, John Acheson, D), Eeigeâ€" ‘m(;:flmm.\ml. Fortney Mlfl'!inn; m;t h named, peck of » Patterson, John A« Swede Purnipsâ€" Smith=19 E’fiflin&.’. Woodland Two bushels Short White ( edâ€"Geo. Purvis, Jas. Hillis Smithâ€"11 Two bushels I Win Smith, Jn Iwo Mount Two named Achese Class 8 â€"Field Roots Bushel of Potatoes, any kind R. ;l'.nl"_hlwnnlx. W in. \{'ifli. Two bushe Chas, Ritehic ed â€"A. W Jno. Step Class 4â€"Coach and Carriage. Brood Mare with foal by her side hands high or overâ€"Poterp Dickson Spring Foalâ€"T. H. O‘Neill, Y Smith Two year old Geldingâ€"Wim. Law Andrew Alles â€"4 Two year old Geldingâ€"W m. Law: Ome * «e r* John ODonn Two * _ * Fillyâ€"John ODonn One * «+ ++ ue BV ,’u Caldwell Bros . One year old Geldit { Two year old Filly Ove year old Fill Theos. Lmderâ€"3 Class 9â€"Garden Vegetables, Spring Lawsonâ€" _ Two ve Brood Mare, with Caldwell Bros., Joh Lawson Jas. Watson Brood Mare with foal H. O@Neill, John Brown Deyâ€"6 e fries t Spring Foalâ€"And rew Brownâ€"4 3 'l'w_:_)_yr'u- old Geldin: Coach or old and upw Draught wardsâ€"lst R‘Ml'uh-r wardsâ€"T. ( FIRST bay One year old ( Vory likely, cor reads fuilings in "this isano made an hbonest endoa readers with correot inf "lutest news." round and when the waiting crowds on t] match applied. Stom ntes and in 7 minutes through 500 feet of judges spoke highly o :.d the opinion of should never leare Dur wo year old Fillyâ€"T. H. O‘Neill is. Grav, Geo. Dowlingâ€"6 ne year old Fillyâ€"Chas.Grav . . q """ 6 4+ tstal drew the crowds to the fine hillside, and to the credit of managers of this part of the show, there was less weary waiting than usual. It was rather cool and a trifle dusty, but the good hamored crowd looked on, cheered a good race, chaffed a proâ€" cession or two, and couldn‘t ‘get the bieyele men to "go" worth a cent. Dr.. Landerkin was moving around, but we really didn‘t see either of the Patâ€" ron leaders, Ronald kept faith. His engine came Tuosday. It is a euporb affair, weighug Hsilh Ukis n NO sohoothius Lusk.1"s _ bushels ain, N. bushels The racing as usual dre to the fine hillside, and t managers of this part of t} was less weary waiting ¢] It was rather eool and 4 but the good hamored e Class 5â€"Fall Wheat. bushels White Fall Wh W. (A. 8.) Hunter, Alex ephenson 6 bushels Red Fall Wheat 1 itchie, Jas. Millis, Fred R Class 6â€"Spring Wheat. Class 7 monopoly in the n ‘corner‘ lynorgnns bein with fine instruments, must tell its tale as to the other classes, it we were ,M"ek'e"ti; journey we would like to a jadge over the pic. tart, Je and pickle class. _ We we when this class was being jo must bear witness to the evic of fairness actuating the jad; ladies â€" work WAasâ€"wisâ€"â€" we we z‘at a lady editor we will jus.ice to the beautiful han beautiful women. Mr. Boul play got him three first prize course, with another first for | pigs he is proud. Mr. Laid ample might well be imita if some central stalls could be a very attractive ‘up stairg‘ made. â€" The Photographs, d &e. were very eredita ble, | eapturing first prize for a vyai play of work. NTZ Do mguss have been faithfull used. . In the hardier kind of fruit, J Grey takes second place to none. ‘The flower display alone was not equal to last year, though in varicties, and nnelzl display, it was not insignificant. B. Patterson‘s collection of vegetables was well worth the first place. The Judges in the grain classes had some difficulty in some eases, though in the ease of the bag with some 3 or 9 inches of splendid grain covering some of ?llerior SOrt, little time was ranntbead agricu‘tural standpoint yet held. Enâ€" imes were numerous, nearly every elass was contested and in point _ of qualty very little is inferior. _ The uecisions of the judges seem to give satisinction, though of course there are some discontents. ‘The display of roots: was truly scrrrising for the season we have had, and the watering cans we are sure imust have been faithfull used. . In the hardier kind of fruit, E{ Grey takes second place to none. The flower display alone was not equal to last year, though in varieties, and m‘elai display, it was not insignificant. B. Patterson‘s collection of vegetables was well worth the first place. The Judges in the grain classes had some difficulty in some cases, thourh in the ir old Gelding els Colorado Wheatâ€" Win, \lu Kein, ':; Pakth-;'nonâ€" 6 £ ls any other kine »perly lrew Seott, 8. \\'illl,l: Jolin r ola Fillyâ€"Chas.Gray Class 3â€"Roadsters. Foal Better still, while big showslike To ronto are rumning into: cireus lines, this is about the best show from an agricultaral standpoint yet held. _ Enâ€" That all important factor in the sueâ€" | x. q cess of out door display, the weather, Six was perfeet and some thousands of 8. Berry tLrey yeoinanry, their wives, sons and | â€" Six daughters, as we‘l as merchants and soue € professional men rejuiced. _ Bix Long White Oats nam 10. Acheson, Jas,. Hillis Class 2 Id l"l"{j 'tni(i:;o-;n.l;in. old Fillyâ€"Caldwell BHros Class 1â€"Stailions 8. GREY EXHIBITION. Durham, Nept. 27th, 1894 Stalli oss than six varletie achâ€"And, Alles, : cheson, R. l')dm. Moses Elli Other Grains tallion id. Her atte 210070 Durhan. . our readers may find some this isano though we have nest endeavor to supply our correct information zud the ldwell, M. Wilson _ larriage Stallion, 3 rdsâ€"Thos. Telford John Sumpton, Wm few sehoolboys han en the races were is on the hillside . _ Steam was up in minutes water was feet of hose, Co highly of the perfo mion of many was avre Daurkham, our readers may fn is isano though â€" w st endeavor to snm 8 d. Mr. Lai ifl‘;'r:m“"‘" be imit ntral stalls could t ttractive ‘up stairg he l'houngraphg, f very ereditable, 'l_l‘st prize for a v; m the musical rgans being quit« pW* rson, Jno, 4 «x Ax ldingâ€"R. Watse Marshallâ€"0 Idi1 h foal by her sideâ€" hn Sumpton, Wm ther kindâ€"IHy ), 3 years old and up y, 2nd R. Watson, jr. 1. J years old and upâ€" I, M. Wilson Draught kind, named illis, John R the pie, tart, jelly, h ©Eg0m TE little time was re?nlrt home wearied from And T. H. O‘Neil hn O 1 hn O‘1» 8. Hillis Jas. Rall Robt. Watson Oats namâ€" 8, William His engine came rl affair, weighug lboys bauled it aâ€" 1ces were over the > hillside saw the was up in 6} minâ€" water was pl,,’jn‘ hose, Competent the performance, many was that it by her side :(ndrrw I 70 TTE wOR when or we will try to do wutiful handwork of Mr. Boulden‘s disâ€" first prizes, and of er first for his tancy Mr. Laidlaw‘s exâ€" 1 be imitated, and ce is inferior. _ The _ judges seem to give gh of course there are . The display of roots Andrew up stairs‘ could be graphs, drawings editable, R. Torry for a varied dis 6 ortney 13 REVIEW| .Iy Scott Ache isical line, the ;c,lgitcnttntctive he 1;-riz«s list the winners in 13 Gadd Gadd Gadd Fred Patâ€" Thos, resented an .\lm«, Calder some fine maâ€" ments on digâ€" ‘Kinnon had a & JCYy, honey > were present & judged, and evident s‘;iriz Jadges. ‘The Win Fort Peneil Drawin Crayonâ€"J, J, liamsâ€"3 Fortâ€" | Todd Bet o John | Boulde e erected ‘ could be is required Painting, oilâ€"John Stev Allogâ€"7 r:lntlll:ltfg colorsâ€"J years Flower Wreathâ€"Ben, W Davis. Wax Fruitâ€"John Davie Hair Workâ€"Mrs, 8, Edg Bead workâ€"Mrs. Maurer, Mottoâ€"John Davis, _ Faney Knitting, cotto Jas. Hillisâ€"7 Braiding in Silkâ€"Rr Fanny Bereyâ€"4 Braiding in woolâ€"R Mrs. Mortonâ€"4 Braiding in Cottonâ€"R Mrs. Maurerâ€"7 Pillow Shamsâ€"John 8 Mortonâ€"8 Ornamental Leather Davis, Mrs. Morton, 1¢ Jas. Hillis _ Arrasene Work â€"J. J. R Willliamsâ€"6 Mexican or Drawn Th Cochrane, Jas Carsonâ€"â€" & Kensington Outlines i Mountain, Mrs. Mortonâ€" Keusin!zlnn Outline in Carson, Mrs, Mortonâ€"8 SofvCushionâ€"John Ste W. Mortonâ€"6 Landscapa. (qf CQICO"*â€"J. J. Keny andscape, oilâ€"Jennie Williang Telfordâ€"5 % Jr. ton _ Straw Hat Andrew Scott, Wm Her All Crochet in Woolâ€"Mrs. Morton Fanny Berry â€"Q All Crochet in Cottonâ€"Mrs, 8. Edg Robt. Cochraneâ€"15 Crochet in Cotton with Noaveltyâ€"4 McKenzie, Robt. Cochraneâ€"5 Mignardise Workâ€"R. Cochrane, A MeKenzieâ€"3 Embroidery in Cottonâ€"R. Cochrane Mrs. Morton â€"6 Appleque Embroidery +A McKenzie, Fanny Berryâ€"6 Roman _ Embroideryâ€"A, McKenzie, Wmm Mountainâ€"5 Parned Netâ€"Fanuy Berwg .. us â€" laced as Fancy Knitting M M M Eaie W Jas. Hilli Pair W l"unny B Pair Co Jas. Hilli Ben Will H Ellis W, Morto Paie W Morton, J; Single set of Bu Breast Collapâ€" J. ders. rchaw; 4 _2 Giiierâ€"â€"Hobt. Edge, Ti Orchard, Jas. Hillis, (4th) Fa nny Be â€"I12 25 Ib Crock Dairy Butterâ€"A, W.H ter, Nich. Klein, Geo, Dowlingâ€"8 4 Ibs Fresh Butterâ€"Wm, J, Ecel Jas. Murdoch, A. W, Munterâ€" 29 Factory Made Cheeseâ€"J. W. Blyth Home Made Cheeseâ€"Jas, Hillis, Willis 50 ths Dairy Butterâ€"Robt Orchard, Jas, Hillis, (4th) k Class 13 â€"Home Pair Woollen Sa~ Collection of ( x Mat in Mat Gorsline son Ork â€"Mrs. Maurer, T. H, O‘Neil â€"John Davis, Class 14â€"Fine Arts. Bollams h'])wl_Qflil( 8 Stephe lis son Te mâ€"BM _ _ \VimprP‘.m&_( Ottâ€"3 DCUAUSSâ€"Jas. Allan, Rich Crab .b{mvlma Alex. Beg, atson jr.â€"13 Collection Plumsâ€"$. Arro Fall Pearaâ€"Churbise ty vi W llection of B Collection Fall Applesâ€"Geo. P Jas. Allan, Charter Smithâ€"4 Arexandersâ€"R, B, Bull, 8. Patt # Cured Ho W ilhks... 4 * W Common Potato Onions or Shallots â€"John Archibald, Nicholas Kieinâ€"20 English Potatoes Onions in rlumi:,nf 2 or moreâ€"Fanny Berry, Miles Wi m, â€"17 Pint of Dutch Set Onionsâ€"Fanny Bert y, John Archibaldâ€"6 Pint Small Top Set Onionsâ€"Mrs, W, Morton, Geo. Purvisâ€"9 _ Onions from Dutch Sets or Topsâ€"W, J. Becles, Fanny Berryâ€"14 Winter Table Squashesâ€"John Acheâ€" son, E. Torryâ€"7 ‘ Squashes, " Bushâ€"John Acheson, 8. Pattersonâ€"4 T.-u_hln Turnipsâ€"Geo, Purvis, H. Parkâ€" erâ€"4 Sweet Cornâ€"Fanny Berry, Thos, Gaddâ€"8 Flesh Melonsâ€"H, W. Mockler, Mrs. W. Morton 7 Water Melonsâ€"J, Woodlana 1 w .. w Npitzrnhurg_(] W I1 * M. ann y atsonâ€"13 _ _ Colvertsâ€"Wm 18 St. Lawrenceâ€"Jas Six Radishes, Winterâ€"R. Torry, Andâ€" rew Fortneyâ€"7 Six Radishes, Summerâ€"R. Torry N. | Harveyâ€"7 | , Collection Peppersâ€"8. Arrowsmith, | J. W. Boulden, Twelve Red Tomatoesâ€"H, W, Mockâ€" ler, Win. Herd.â€"10 Yatsonâ€"Q _ Citronsâ€"8, P 16 f Heavy To Twelve Yellow Tomatoesâ€"Geo, vis, 8. Arrowsmith, _ * Collection of Tomatoes, 3 of eac rietyâ€"R. Torry, Geo, Purvis.â€"3 Six Long Blood Beetsâ€"S. Patti Fanny Berryâ€"12 Six Turnip Beetsâ€"Fanny Ber Edge.â€"20 T welye Onions from Seedâ€"Geo, Â¥is, Miles Wilson.â€"14 P‘int Silyer Skin Onione fo» «L. â€"al ingâ€"Jennie Williams, s &onyon. Jennie Wil â€"John Stevensom, And. ne Shirtâ€"Jas. Hillis, vry tho Three He Golden Cel Berryâ€"7 Class 11â€"Dairy Produce S!% Farsnips for table useâ€"Geo, vis, 8. Pattersonâ€"I3 Three Heads â€" Red Celeryâ€"P Berry, J Woodlandâ€"3 Wm. Ramage, N. Kleinâ€" Win Ramage, John Davis terson J. woolâ€"Robt tion Gr ohn Stephenson id Sewingâ€"Mrs Two olas K Two Heads of Caulifion E«rl.‘wurt.!:s 8. Arrowsmithâ€"10 lt all Woolâ€"Andrew Alles nsonâ€"6 ither kind ~Fanny Berry Hl)uill~14m. Carson . Mrc C CCC Hillisâ€"5 ide â€" Woollen â€" \Berryâ€"3 len Mitsâ€"Mrg lien Socksâ€"Jas Six _ Intermediate Carrotsâ€"Fanny erry, Thos, Gaddâ€"I15 Six Short Table Carrotsâ€"8S. Patterâ€" m, Geo. Purvis=â€"17 Six Pursning for takls use "Felo m Fanny Betry, Mrs John Stevenson nt Silyer Skin Onions for irshall Rombough, 8. Ar interpaneâ€"Mrs I1 O e ettter TV Two Heads of Cabbage, early as Klein 8. Patterson 8 Two Heads of Cabbage, win sA m W ‘ t tt n Glovesâ€"§ iwn Threadsâ€"Robert ! ‘ovesâ€"S. Arrowsmith 1 Stockingsâ€"Mrs, Morton, cottonâ€"F wool n Quiltâ€"Mrs Class 12 Stockingsâ€"Mrs, sâ€"5 Woollen Yarnâ€"1 ollarsâ€"J Class 10 ~Fruit Williams, John Heads of White or â€"Yellew Celeryâ€"Geo. Purvis Fanny rwy Harn ‘tg.} Bould ipesâ€"H Work â€"â€" J olhn ts and Sh bt am Harn Kinyon, Jennie in Silk Manufactures Mrs. Morton te0. Purvis, Wim vensoa, Mrs itterson Cottonâ€" Jas inny [:o"-y Herd, Cochrane Kenvon erson, Ben, Williams Fanny Berry, Wimn. Carson, Mrs urvis, John Ache ochrane, carane W of Cauliflowerâ€"R. T. W. Morton . Mrs. urnâ€"Moses Hillis, Mrs Murdoch, James Andrew Morton vis, Win, Wil Ramage, Char Morton Morton, Geo, Dowling ~Geo. Purvis, *tsâ€"â€"8. Patterson, Fannv Berry, D. Woodland Boulden tr Morâ€" teiner, Jas , 3 of each vaâ€" dge â€"Geo. Pur D. Edge,â€"â€"6 Best one 3 â€"â€"1st and 29 Best Durt calved in pre F. Reiner, â€"â€" Best two Smith. Fat Qx, S]( p and Saunâ€" Celetyâ€"Fanny Shearling Bowman . . 5 Sgd us o e CCE S â€"â€"1st and 21d. Best Durbam Grade 1;, calved in present yearâ€" J. 1 F. Reiner,â€"5 Best two year old â€" Ste Smith. Fat Ox, Steer, Cow op He age or breedâ€"â€"D. OBbA Eussm 4. Ram. two ;il:l- bam, W. R. B for pickling Arrowsmith W , winterâ€"8 itterson i Wls O UR eC Best Bull Caltâ€"W, R. Bovy Woodland . .8 Best Cowâ€"Fred Reiner, Ge ling..12 Two year old Heiforâ€"II P Reiner .. 6 Best one year old Heiferâ€"F H. Parker..5 Best Heifer Calfâ€"IL. Pa Woodland .. 9 Class 27â€"Grado Ca Best Cowâ€"PF. Reiner, R. | Best two year old heifer Te in Pn ME e enaet Bull, any ageâ€"Poeter Dickson Cow â€"Peter Dickson, Class 24+â€"Polled Angus Bull, any ageâ€"I. Brigham, Class 25â€"Holstoin. Cowâ€"J Woodland. Class 26 â€"Jerseys. .11 1 Cl Class 21â€"Hevefords. Bull, any ageâ€"D. Jackson Cowâ€"D. Jackson Class 23â€"Ayrshiros. Bull any age â€"Caldwell Bros. Cowâ€"Cald well Bros. 1 P s PA $15 Purse Speeding twice round the ring best 3 in 5â€"(Goo. Tanner, Alex, Dargavel, H. Brigham #12 Purse Speeding twice round the ring for Farmers Horses that never won money driven DIY owner, farmer or son, best 3 in 5. (Farmer means a man that makes his living exclusively bylmr!"uing) â€"C. Petty, C. Ritchie, j Rell.. UupVis Best Span heavy Farm Horses atâ€" tached to wagonâ€"Picken Bros, T. Or chard, Geo. Eby .. 6 $15 Purse Speeding twice round the wleee hss w on s ol i Class 19â€"Horses. Best Span Driving Horses attached to vehicleâ€"Eu, Murphy, Jas. Hillis, C. Ritchie. ..7 Best Buggy Horseâ€"Wm. Brown, Grierson Bros, W. H. Goodeve .. 16 Best Saddle Horse to show in walkâ€" ing and trotting, style consideredâ€"T. Lauder, J. A. Hunter..5 SECOND pay Verbenasâ€"J. H. Kilmor. Larkspurâ€"W. Gorsline. Antirehinuimâ€"W, Gorsline, S. Arrow smith. Largest and best displayâ€"J, H. Kilmer, â€"Nich« one year old heiforâ€"p P P Pur Purâ€" Class 18â€"Cut Flowers. Bouquet, Largeâ€"F, Mockler, S, Arrow smithâ€"3 Bouquet, Handâ€"PF. Mockler, A.â€" w Hunterâ€"5 Bouquet. Houd. House Firus.. m H:mgi'-l;;"‘l.i'.-mket Gorsline, Collection Coleus, g varieti Gorsline, Collection _ Scented Geraniun Gorsline, Collection Fuchias, 6 varietie Gorsline, Cockscombs, Twoâ€"Thos. Ga Arrowsmithâ€"3 Collection of Cactiâ€"â€"W. Gorslin Ivy Geranium, Plain Leatâ€"â€"W, line, J. Woodland, Ivy Geranium, Variegatedâ€"â€" Rombough, Pelargonium Geraniumâ€"Geo, B J. Woodland. Dowman Ranâ€"J, Balsamsâ€" 8 line Gorsline Collection Tricolor, 6â€"w, Gorsline, J Woodland Double Geranium, whiteâ€"A. W. Hun: ter, J, Woodland Double Getanium, any other colorâ€"J, Woodland, R. B. Bulilâ€":i Single Geranium," whiteâ€" 8. Arrowâ€" smith Single Geranium, any other colorâ€"J, Woodland, 8. A rrowsmithâ€"â€"â€"6 Collection Foliage Plants. â€"wâ€" FLeslil. . Collection House _ Hunter, Geo, Binnieâ€" Collsction Double . Woodland Collection Single ( Woodland Collection â€" House Gorsline 2 "nverry Y ineâ€"Geo. Puryvis Currant Wineâ€"Geo, Purvis Grape Wineâ€"Geo, Purvis Assortment, Canned Fruitâ€"Geo. Purâ€" vis, 8. Arrowsmith Mixed Picklesâ€"Geo, Purvis, Ben. Williamsâ€"3 Maple Sugarâ€"Jas, Murdoch Maple Syrupâ€"Geo, Binnie, 8. Willis â€"B Honey in Combâ€"John Youn Honey strainedâ€"Jas, Edge, geo. Binâ€" nieâ€"6 Fresh Hen Eggsâ€"R. T. Edwards, Chas, Langâ€"10 L Cl ow or Heifer, any D. Jackson, 1st and 21d Short Woo] Sheep, ears and oyepâ€"Jj, Brig. wman. .5 Mâ€"Jas, Hillis W, p Home Made Breadâ€"] John Davis, A, Beggsâ€"21 Home Made Bunsâ€"Cha Kinneeâ€"19 Tarts, any kindâ€"F. Moc lisâ€"5 Ornamental Strawberry Watson, i. Apple ‘Pieâ€"D, Edge, 8. â€"$ Pumpkit Pieâ€"8. | Arr Watsonâ€"4 Rusberry_j}‘ine~(ieo. Pu P.T. NPE â€"pt ;- ncn}o}, rll‘nnover. inting any su ‘tâ€"J. J. Kenyon, J.P. Tellurd-!(’i Ne« Painting on Satinâ€"J. J Kenyon, 8. Arrowsmithâ€"3 Velvet=â€"Jas. Carson, Mrs. Maurerâ€"7 Placqueâ€"J. J, Kenyon, J. P. Telford â€"4 Glassâ€"John Davisâ€" Collection _ of Photographsâ€"Robt. Porry, G. F, Chapmanâ€"3 * 1035 02â€" ol â€"It. B. Buil, H. W. Mock. I is Foar any W. Gorsline, 8. Arrowsmithâ€"4 lsthnnd_;fnd.r td pul ces Water Colorâ€"J Dowling .. 5 22°008, 0 varietiesâ€" W Scented Geraniumsâ€"w, Fuchias, 6 varietine wr â€"S. Arrowsmith, Edwards, 8. Arrowâ€" Class 17â€"Plants. Steers â€"IH. Parker, F. R. Bowman, J H(‘it'm-‘_ an y Townsend, 8. Arrow Arrowsmith, W santelte [ > . (s. 0oN S Best li{iâ€"‘%“"g Sowâ€"Caldwell B H. To , J. H. | 1st and 2nd. o sent dsR Best Spring Pigsâ€"Caldwell Bros. ‘ownsand & i.._ in. Ronald‘s rainbow caused some peo ple much surprise, a, Ronald shows this afternoon at the ‘kson, bridge, Won‘t 8, Grey Show look funny away tile. on in the 20th century, when Jim Allan Edge,â€"..9 retires 2 i â€"R. Edge, Flesherton toâ€"day and to-mofl'ow. iss The severe labors of . McKenz‘e â€"F. Reiner proved almost too ucm him. â€" He eifer (@1¢ | had to seek his muc*lut night. 4 W(ullund,' y ~â€"â€"_â€"4 e 2. otrawberry Tart Pieâ€"R. D. Edge, 8. Arrowsmith Arrowsmith, J. H. Kilmer, 3 Parker, J. 20000070 0. ATTOW. l{rx'a(*(linz Sowâ€" , | Boulden..4 Mockler, A.â€" w, Pair Spring Pigs 7 Harvy .. 4 use â€" Flowersâ€"F, A, McKenzie, W +°0. Dowl Thos, Gadd, 8 Wim H. Townsend, w Reiner, F. Mockler, Jas. Hilâ€" «_ Arrowsmith, R Plonts 20â€"Wim» ‘g!anta 6â€"A. w Geraniums, Gâ€"J, Geraniums, â€"6â€"4, + J. P.]Telford J. Kenyon, Hanover. Kiumer, W Maple)â€"Marsh varictiesâ€"Ww ieo. Binnie, Gorsline, Gorsline, 4 varieties & «y . _, c CC0" feheved in six hours by the ‘"‘Great South American Kidâ€" noyCurc:" ~This new romedy is a great aurprise and delight on Account of ‘its ex» ceeding promptness in relieving pain in the bladder, kidneys, back and every part of t}tg fnnary passages in male or fomak: It reâ€" lieves retention of water and pain â€"in pasein it almont immediately, . 1f you want nic{ reh»f and cure this is your remedy, Soll by McFarlane & Co., Druggist, ' t Plants,â€"Ww. DEZIET IN SX Hours, â€"Dutreumg bey and Bladder Uiseshas Subds l 248 ; 20 200 D Reurge y man Moffat was nearly en didn‘t mind it a bit. Where are the Me‘s? on the Prize List, and tÂ¥ < enc . .. °00 TUC> YHGS Proved ’quite inadequate to hold the rigs, Gate Receipts 2370, much better than the average. Where did A. w. Patterson leary to cater ? He did it well too, Notice D. McLean‘s auctioneer card? He is kept hustling, f Moffat was neatly eaten out, and ha . OP Norepieaied ndporic is @d, 8, | Class 30â€"Pigs, Berkshire, or other Black Breed. e. , Gorsâ€" Boar, any ageâ€"R. Barber Breeding Sowâ€"Wm Smith 1st and Marsh | 2nd . . 5 Sny®rPâ€"Robt. Oliver, B Mair, Povrreyâ€"C. Firth, |, Nester, FtGsâ€"John Brown, Q Biunt. Harxess..G. G LapiEs‘ Work . Mt. Forest; Mrs. stcin; Mrs Jno. Fir Darry ..Geo. Sparling ler. Fowl, any other kindâ€"N. Harvey, M. Wilsonâ€"?7 Turkeysâ€"Wm,. Willia, A. Seottâ€"4 Bronze Turkeysâ€"John Acheson,. Geesoâ€"Thos, Smith, John Acheson.â€"0 Bucksâ€"T. H, O‘Neil!, Chas. Langâ€"~9 Jupars. Horses .. Eugene Murphy, Mt. Forâ€" est; John Black, Kilsyth; J. P. Raven, Owen Sound. Gramx.. W. R. Hewson, _ Adam Robertson, S. Hagerman, Orchard. Roots..Geo, Hind, John Firth, Frutrr, Praxts and FuowrEnRs . .. H. Yeomans, Mt. Forest; W, Lewis, Mt. Forest; Chris. Firth, The Hotel sheds and vards Gors Pair Black Spanish â€"N. Haryey, 1st and 2nd. ) Pair Silver Laced Wyandottesâ€"H. Willlis, 8. Patterson .. 5 Pair Plymouth Rockâ€"M, Wilson, J. Sharp, . .5 Pair Leghorns, white. .T. H O‘Neil 1st and 2nd. Pair Brown Leghornsâ€"C. Lang, M. Wilson. .. 4. Pair Hamburgsâ€"John Acheson, S. Patterson .. Pair Game Fowl, any kind .. M. Harâ€" vey, M. Wiison .. 4 Pair Brahmas â€"M. Wilson, T. IH. ‘ O‘Neill..4 Class 33 â€"Spring Pigs. Pair Spring Pigs, any sex or Caldweil Brosâ€"2 Sh_qrfi Smith. _ Class 31â€" ~~â€"â€"#44._____ Class 30â€" Pair Ewe Lambsâ€"A, Magwood, W. Herd .. 4 Fat Sheep, any kindâ€"T. II. O‘Neil, A. Magwood ..3 MiPnlnt hi) 21â€"3 tcer Diseases relieved ; ‘"Great South American This new roment is . Pair Ewe Lambs, Shropshire â€"I .. Brigham .. 2 Class 20â€"Long Wool Sheep. Ram, two shears and overâ€"Wim. Scarf, R. Edge..4 Shearling Ramâ€"T. II O‘Neil, A. Mag wood .. 4 Ram Lambâ€"Wim. Martin, D. IH. ONeil..5 Pair aged Ewesâ€"A. Magwood 1st and 2nd .. 4 Pair Shearling Ewesâ€"W. Herd, A. Magwood ..3 Pair aged Ewesâ€"W. R. Bowman, H. Brigham . .4 Pair Shearling Ewesâ€"W. R, Bow. man, H. Brigham..« Pair Ewe Lambsâ€"W. . Bowman, H. Brigham..4 Pair Ewe Lambs, Shropshire â€"I. .. Brigham .. 2 air Spri | awir Spring Piggâ€" i W ME Coap i renteuae Pos d 3 JRA 1 and being well informed, you wil not ®€cept any substitute if ffered. Co, on‘y, whose name is print;d‘:mficfv;r; package, also the name, Syrup of Fica used Austccs c on 9e s 0 Cmy E T lc e on Pamal i tee.â€" ativo ; effectually cleansing the system, dispelling colds, headaches and fovers and permanently curing eonstipation, It has given satisfaction to millions and met with the &pproval of the medical profession, because it acts on the Kidâ€" neys, Liver and Bowels without weukâ€" ening them and it is perfoctly free from every objectionable substance. Class 32 â€"Tamworth Pigs, Ram Lambâ€"H. Brigham lstiand 2nd a Its excellonce is duo to its presenting in the form most acceptable and pleasâ€" ant to the taste, the refroshing and truly beneficial properties of & perfect laxâ€" 1â€"Suffolk or other White Breed , any ageâ€"J. W. Boulden, J. ® Eyrup of FA;'â€";vi.;f:':ul;i;‘i;; all drug sts in 75¢. bottles, but it is mank ctured by the California Fig Syrup Sopitm T. omonenminetend sBc Class 34â€"Poultry. NOTES, Oliver, Hy, Adamg,John Firth, John Fixh, F, 77 Dain in passing 1f you want quick t remedy, Soid by ut 100 2200960 in aix th American Kidâ€" romedy is a great Account of ‘its ex» ‘I‘ie\'ing pain in the gillies, Holstein s?_ Only one and he an T» Mrs. L H. Yeomans W. T. Petric, Holâ€" tglisvé;fain ageâ€"Caldwell Bros â€"N. Harvy, J. w « Camphell, R. , H. W. Mockâ€" ‘ one Me an Irishâ€" John Kinnee, W John Vollett, N. , and he Kid breedâ€" he offers goma we.«al. _ "0C * * Douphodine; it he offers some worthless medicine in place of this, Inclose price in letter, and we will send by return mail. Price, one package, $1; 81x, 85. One wilt please, stz gill oure. Pamphiets free to any address, » mss uy c Sold by al Dreuggists wooms PHOSPIHODINE The Great English Remedy,. ~ Siz Packages Guaranteed to n promptly, and permanently g cure all forms of Nervous 1 5 C ’ Weakness, Emissions,Spermâ€" \ 69 alurr)m;, I;:Ipulfnt‘yllml all f effects of Abuse or Excesses, 9 v ";.- io “ Mental Worry, excessive use of Tobaceo, Optum or Stimuâ€" Before and After. tants, which soon fead to In. firmity, Insanity, Consumption and an early grave. Has been preseribed over 85 years in thoneants as Fine decorated winâ€" dow Blinds for 50c., (COMPLETE.) We haye cut WALTL PAPER | away down as we want to | make room for NEW ( omm | Millinery, EXHIBITION DAYysS. LAMP GOODS, FANCY GOODS &c. INVITED YOU ARE i P \P9eFband dsc d1 oc ccdil ; 1s the only Peliable and Honest Medic n. Askdruggistfor Wood‘s Phosphodine UV Emm ind Cilhitatiik k.A To come and seoe our New Stock of MacFARLANE & (o, ucst, virayea or Ficked Up! ()N Monday night, 27th ult., at the MeKechnie Mill fire a Skye terrier, name ‘Don,‘ fawn color, Any one giving | information that will lead to his recovyâ€" ery, or will return the dog to Mr. John Cameron‘s store, Upper Town, Durham, will be rewarded by the owner, | Mrs, CaTa‘n Mclasax, _| Durham, Sept. 8rd, 4. { Lost, Strayed or Picked UE New Store; New Man; New Goop *â€"<:3 EVERYTHING NEW! _ _8 â€" DURING With full Lines of New Groceries. An examin The Dalgieish‘s old Stan d, _ Millinery. Fall Millinery E. DAVibson‘s . _ _ __° ~CCCOf 1O8pect Try them." _ == ==~ No Names Used Without Written Comsont of Patient. Eoxnd TV Wood Company, Windsor, Ont., Canadg, en 85 years in thousands of contracted a serions constitutional blood Fingw En teaas ol u2l en2n dicine | j YCP e l er 'v' boommmmiommmmedith._A ____| . .: M | ‘ | A f * fa ‘° | Geoe i "RR* 16¢ Look out for Bargaing! As we B a . Give us a trial, No trouble to fhow our Goods Advertisement after the ist of October. «> > WE DON‘T WANT 10. D0 A DOLLA® We will not be undsrsold now by must have the Cash or P In trading for Cash or Produce we have no? figures. Cash or Produce these hird times before. We trust that our customers and t us as liberal a share of theiÂ¥t vatrana~ ESDSIRe_R_. +. § P % Customers will find it to their advantage to adopt this system of trading for many reasons which are well krown to every person who buys for cash, . Emaill Profts anrd Quick Cash Returns ! No More Book Accounts: nor Dunnoers ! No More Fancy. Long Cred‘t Profts! In trading for Cash or Produce we ha\'e noZ“I_Bud Pay" to fear and can sell at closest figures. Cash or Produce these hard times wil} bu): you More Goods from us than ever before. _ We trust that our customers and thg public may endorse what we say by giving us as liberal a share of their patronage in the future as they have in the past, After which we will sell only for including Butter, Eggs, W o. We beg to announce that WEINTEND To ADOPT THE CASH SYSTEM on the lst of October next. When young I led a is. Mercury almost appeared, Throat * WE HAVE ORENED UP &â€" "_T°7" 171/] O0Us, BOOts, Shoesg a examination of our Goods is respect. fully requested. . â€" Have Uppér Town, Durham PEOPLE‘S MILL Stable Lanterns, Durham, Aug Coal Gf1t ?he New American Lantern, Lamps, Burners, Shades &c. H. PARKER, ed and refitted these Mills, we are now prepared to do all kinds of custom work to the satisfaction of the public. CHOPPING A SPECIALTY. HEWSON BROS. Having thoroughly overhaulâ€" Dry ] Goods, Boots e Car (60 bbis.) of Coal Oil American Water White l’ ’2 ¢ m p r.‘a Q"»; 4 L ‘ ; eR ‘AY Corner, Upper . 8th, ‘94. Refined Coal Oil. y fOr Cash or P;j : Wool and Wood We intend quoting prices in our 5* Watch the paper closely. â€"AND TS WORTH OF CREpmi=:: | As we are busy this month + marking our goods avay aown. Druggist, Durham. 7 any one, but Produce. Town, Produce Durhay "...a Mrs. T. H. Watcho ’wrl‘l'\h) morning for N “lhv\' intend to reside ””'mn Satin Cloth the hwn(.-mdm They are winf '. Morlock.. Compageâ€"All subscribers it 7“ home frou She was mcoun Yrs. F. Rides of 1 o CC Phey an \s ’. BBtc w flls e Cod «be went Bd ef Proton Siat mlm Ix king » ameH@A, G. Rvan. \\ heard in this country Mnr. W, E. Ramsay who is to mak tour of Canada this season in is @entertainment "A trip around world." Will appear in the Town H Durham on Friday Eve, Nov. 16th undo the auspices of the Mechanies‘ Institute. Mr. Ramsay will place before his aud lence exact counterparts of the mighty pyramids, the lofty cathedval, the aw fubeataract, or the gloom of the Black Ferest. As a result, one may sitZin com hhrlwu hours and see pass before them â€" England, Scotland, Ireland, M Germany, â€" Austria, Turkey, “0 North and South America, and &@ll the other countries in the old world and new, Carchas been exercised by Mr. h' in selecting the scenes for this ? entertainment. . Every: phase of from that found in the castles of the ‘““'Dfil' straw cottages of Mexico will be represented. Mr. Ramsay will ,h in his inimitable style, sing a nwnâ€" P‘“W!fln‘s heard during his -“u“ t thon after the 18 :‘:fi Grey Ex) d ©omplimen|a! £00 late fo" week. Also the N‘hnui u ble bÂ¥, on his sucess in t secured 1st for the best d: 1st for the best matched on and 2nd for the best can Good for Normanby. W! _w railway connection w “(lw\‘ on Thursda) uflnn-i:- The W are prepariog on 8 8 * 8, and 4. "Mr, Jas, Allan, Ist O°D! “.\‘(‘ us a call iast Way from 0. Sound. ® 0C m proc ured him t h Me reports 8 splen town, 8, Grey All @Â¥ests and classes \ up there being no fower !\ horses to judge from. \\ Rratulate Mr. Jas. Wats o o A#itis searce there. © énereasing trajo i 0\ mortos strongly unko! earesbould be cxonc> *lhnt A i ~ lished. Shakinsz ( but ©0bbest (or 0‘ WE have to thank ing in men‘s Shirts and going fast at Davidson & '“u“ styles in Tailormade p Taadies at Davidson & (Co. and Morlock‘s, headquartere the goods at Davidson & p.) M.C. Black, wb H. McFayd W ight -fl'k Henrietta for 50¢ at has cheap goods. ts in endless variety at nd Edge H o Fleshert« gleeved under vests f feature â€" sucess $1128.00 io. Wednesday, ursday about on« NEWS. s and millinery will show 1 Boot & S} ean, Miss Burnett | | W D ssday for | 1 taken up h ay M N &n { Wirk has ever bees NM Goobs at right prices at Axomie® lot, of those hats will be in toâ€"night. 3. | JADIEs you can buy a !‘hwlor‘ik-ulhm-y& Ladies visiting fail to see J. Woodland‘s and Dress Goods. Ir you like a good smoke wheel " at MacFariane‘s, Miss Fitzgerald, of Ki present the guest of Mr, W Mx. Woodland report« and 10.3 ing friends in Mt. last week. Ramsay and M ening Friday and at W M Mr Miasx‘s BJ M ful f We i { th Ry ss May AMT W W children. A p} Miss Whitmor voeal and ins was hard to making a total Messrs. John Mo( turned | man, t} in Toronto recen Messrs, Arch. Millan Deputy Re in the Fair at OW M W M e( yPeR W W Na wif

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