West Grey Digital Newspapers

Grey Review, 27 Sep 1894, p. 3

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y _ for Cash or pr 3, Wool and Wood. at WE INTEND P I SYSTEM on )beor next, _ >l’OUQtley overhaulâ€" itted these Mills, ‘ Prepared to do _custom work to tion of the public. + A SPECIALTY. _ . Upper Town L ts nor Dannors ! S MILL. ed Coal Oil.F urham. â€" i dE LVQILAL L K. EWSON BROSâ€" ) bbls.) of Cc{al( n Water White P 0<<':< s, Boots, Shoes ‘ Goods is resn, : New Lanterns, erican Lantern, rners, Shades &c. Price, We intend quoting pr <* Watch the paper cl ore by any one r Produce. S WoRTH 0f CtEDEg RKE Ry AND Druggist m If AnC we are busy th king our goods aw 7. Long Credi @ for ma , biat we r ids "4 Italy, North and South America, and all the other countries in the old world and new. Carehas been exercised by Mr. Ramsay in selecting the scenes for this great entertainment. Every phase of life from that found in the castles of the old world to the straw cottages of Mexico will be represented. Mr. Ramsay will also, in his inimitable style, sing a numâ€" ber of the latest songs heard during his travels, none of which has ever been beard in this country. ‘Mr. Jas, Allan, 1st dep.reeve of Egreâ€" mont gave us a call last week on his way from O. Sound, where his ,’tk,’“ ::; hnr:%afl“h Pmmd him the position judge, â€" Me reports a splendid show, ‘";’d flnnnrhflyl sucess $1128.00 being the KMc mo=â€"y for Wodnesday, and Tues tlay and Thursday sbout one third less, ..ll events and classes were well filled up there being no fewer than 36 carriage horses to judge from. We have to conâ€" gratulate Mr. Jas. Watson, of Normanâ€" by, on his sucess in this line. He secured 1st for the best double turn out, Ist for the best matched carriage team and 2nd for the best carriage horses. Good for Noranby. When we get better railway connection with the lake town, 8, Grey will show them a thing or twos, Mx, W. E. Ramsay who is to make & tour of Cam@da this season in his new entertainmi@nt "A trip mround the world." Will appear in the Town Hall, Durham on Friday Eve. Nov. 16th under the auspices of the Mechanies‘ Institute, Mr. Ramsay will place before his audâ€" lewce exact counterparts of the mighty pyramids, the lofty cathedral, the awâ€" ful cataract, or the gloom of the Black Forest. As a restilt, one may sitfin conâ€" fort for two hours and see pass before ed too r‘:“ for acknowledgment last week. â€" Also the Secretary of East Grey Fair for a double Ticket to their proâ€" mising show on Thursday and Friday Sept. 27 and 28. The Walkerton people are preparing for a large crowd on Oct. 2, 3, and 4. must be some wles in this country. Fruit is likely to rule high in England, as it is scaree there, and in view of an increasing traie it cannot be too often nor too strongly urged that the greatest care should be exercised in picking and packing that a reputation may be estabâ€" lished. Shaking the trees is quicker but not best for Ontario in the long ran. Wz have to thank the Secretaries of the Northern Fxir, Walkerton, and North Grey Exhibition, Owen Hou:xd * _, cheaPâ€" c(;:";h7:.~ Black Henrictta for 50¢ at L ‘s. i"“l::’h.ng sleeved under vests for * .. _~ £00. m'," are â€"yr and "Mrs. T. H. Watchorn and family left Friday morning for Merrickâ€" yille, where they intend to reside. As to see our Satin Cloth the newest thing in DressGoods. They are dasies. famsay & Morlock. -""‘“'I*g;f.’!..'.‘mou?;:‘ fo by pays the it me by =â€" :::( the mn;.b‘:p i?l';iht,h:‘e' the l;)al'z- ropâ€" w ve reâ€" "oG> > M C. McAntucs. . g.orymc Tillde welcome to our operâ€" ing displÂ¥" of Fall Millinery, Opening pr® priday amd Saturday Sept. 28th ,oj 3th Ramsay & Morlock. (Co Farm AND Wiyrer. â€"Our fall and winter suitings, trouserings and overâ€" coatings are nobbier, nicer, and better yalue than ever, Save money by seeing and buying your clothing from Woodâ€" land‘s who has the largest stock in town. Mrs. Maber, Manager of our millenery department gives a cordial invitation to the ladies of Durham_and vicinity to inâ€" spâ€"ct her display of trimmed millenery and imported novelties. Opening day Friday and Saturday Sept. 28th and "Oth. Mzs, Thomas Morton, sr. a resident of Bentinck for about 20 years died on Pnd inst. She was a native of Kirkeudâ€" brightshire. Seotland. â€" She leaves three sous and one daughter to mourn her loss, and they have the sympathy of the community. Rev. Mr. Little conducted the funcral services. The fyneral was a lnn(e One, . ho tor Ladfemat Davidson & Oo. gamse® and Morlock‘s, headquartsrs for ‘,u,h Dress goods and millinery. Taosk bargaing in men‘s Shirts and w_.wors are going fast at Davidson & I% another column will be found an open letter frop & prominent physician relating the facts of a cure of consumpâ€" tion after the patient had reached: the last stages of this hitherto unconquered discase, â€" ‘The statements made are really remarkable, and mark another wdvance in the progress of medical science, w readers will find the articles well worta a careful perusal. Mr Rainy Mr. John Turnbull is home from pritish Columbia, He looks as though the cimate‘agreed with him. His many triends are @lad to see him back. RaysaAY & Morlock have fitted up Handsome Millinery Show Rooms upâ€" um[;vul.«)n & Co. **"., £ Morlock‘s Boot & Shoe l ns is booming. M:‘:lith Blackburn, of Town is Sing friends in Lucknow. _ us very largest styles in Tailorâ€"made us 2 o c atin e Rasioas & Aa She was accompanied by her sisters, Mrs. F. Riderm of Toronto, and Mrs. J. Bryon, of Proton Station. ],ummmh looking up. Mesars E. Hartio®® G. Ryan, W. Allan, and Jno. ulrfft_ were busy on Monday reâ€" ceiving and londing seve al the woolly thibe uld:(:mch“m:knd. as well. atieatin visiting At 44L McFayden‘s and other triends sround Edge Hill, From there turned home from Toronto Mist week whe went to Flesherton Station also amo0¢ friends Miss T. Wright, of near Durham reâ€" From the number of barrels leaving McKinnon‘s coopery in town there staire TheY ate bound to make Millinâ€" erya loading feature in their business, Mrs. (Dr.) M. C. Black, of Paisley was ¢ yeAarthur has cheap goods. IAP'_“ J‘.ckeu in endless aJs : va nline Press badges, receivâ€" it complimentary Press badges, recbiy" No goubt John Davis, left on Tuesday for River,. where he has taken up LOCAL NEWS. d‘s der.of Toronto, and Mrs. J. Proton Station. ul\%_b looking up. Messrs x4 G. Ryan, W. Allan, and ert were busy on Monday reâ€" d loading several hundreds of y tribe and some porkers as the goods at Davidson & a AmeF variety at T2CCC SS IERUEREIaNO 8. c Miss Fitzgerald, of Kincardine, is at present the guest of Mr. W. B. Vollet. Mrx. Woodland reports the (‘e:;;l fall millinery opani"nh: fm: Miss May McCracken, who was visitâ€" ing friends in Mt. Forest, returned Rome last week. Ramsay and Morlock‘s Millinery ening Friday and Saturday Asopt. & and 20th, Store open each evening till 10.30. MEx‘s Black Worsted pants for $1.75 at Woodland‘s, worth ESO any other place in town. s Mr Wesley Williams had the misforâ€" tune to have a sliver run into his eye at the planiuq mill last week. Fears are entertained that he may lose the use of it. We hope not. of two years, The RKevizw extends sympathy. * Mr. and Mrs. Morice mourn the loss of their only son, a bright little fellow The Japanese are making great headâ€" wu‘{ against the Chinese both by land and sea. Japan is pressing towards Moukden, the va&itul of Manchuria, with an idea it is C uu.slhtm' even 'wgug Pekin. But during show week they must be content with this notice, CALL at Woodland‘s, and see the bigâ€" gest bargain of the season. Men‘sheavy tweed pants $1.00 per pair worth $2.00, THr <Mooers Beavry thrives on good food and suushine, wilhfilonty of exercise in the open air. Her form glows with health and her fice biooms with its beauty. If her system needs the cleansing action of a lizative remâ€" edy, she uses the gentle and pleasant liquid laxative, Syrup of Figs. StarK‘s Powders, each package of which contains two preparations, one in a round woodenâ€"box, the cover of which forms a measure for one dose, an immediate relief for Sick Headache and Stomach, also Neuralgia, ard all kinds of nervous pains, and anothe in capsules (from 4 to 4 of one in an orlinary dose) which acts on the Bowek, Liver and Stomach, forming a neverfailing perâ€" fect treatment for all Head ind Stomach complaints, They do not, :s most pills and so many other medicnes do, lose their effect or produce after onstipation, and are nice to take. 25 cers a box, at all medicine dealers. "When will I buy my ba?" Attend Ramsay and Morlock‘s openg on Sept. 28th and 20th and it may bd> you to a decision. * resigned last week the posion of clerk of the Division court here, after fortyâ€" one years of faithfut sery He was appointed by the m§m. and held the first court, and f¢ some years thereafter, in his own resience on his farm near Inistioga. â€" Thre was no Flesherton at that period It is about thirty years since he remoed to Fleshâ€" erton and took up his resience here. So near as we can learn here is only one application for the preent yvacancy that of Mr. A.‘S. Vandusq, who, for the past fifteen y rars has leld the posi tion of bailif under Mr. Armstrong. Even in the event of ther. being other applicants we believe 3, Vandusen (as the most competent ma;, will secure the position. The appintment will dou btless be known in sday or two. In the event of Mr. Vandisen getting the clerkship the bailifihip becomes vacant, and for this positon there apâ€" pears to be a host of appleants, and it is a hard matter to pickthe winning horse, but this, too, will e settled beâ€" fore many days. A cow on the track caus. a deplorâ€" able fatal accident near M4brook, on Saturday motning. A fight train was proceeding eastward &4 at a crossâ€" ing struck a cow lying in :. middle of the track. The engine vis derailed and the driver, fireman®la brakesâ€" man who werejn the cab ret a terrible death, two of tl:em instan‘y, the third lived balf an hour, but we wedged so tightly that the conductorind another brakesman failed to resc: him. He was scalded to death. The entertainment held in connection with the opening of thenew school in S. S. No. 10 Glenelg on Wednesday last was fairly successful, The evening was somewhat gloomy keeping a good many back that would have been there had it not threatened rain, however the night turned out well and before 8 o‘clock the house was pretty well filled with both sexes from the vicinity and elseâ€" where. The meeting being called to order after the good things prepared by the ladies were disposed of Mr, Donald McDonald (teacher,) was appointed chairman, A lengthy programme was placed before him, which consisted of the following:â€"The chairman in his opening address, congratulated the peoâ€". ple of No. 10 for the very commodious building they had just completed for the comfort of their children andâ€"children‘s children. Instrumental music by Angâ€" us MceDonald. Mr. D. McNichol, M. P. P. gave an address congratulating the ratepayers of the section on their new and commodious school. MrJno. Nichol gave a song entitled "Scotland yet". Chas,. Ramage Esq. Editor Review being the next in order gave an adâ€" dress on "Loyalty" which was well suited to the occasion and well received by the audience. A song was giyen by Mr. Dean of Proton Station. Mr. Wm. Allan, Patron candidate, spoke on the absolute necessity of having a good character above everything else and the time to lay the foundation of it was in youth and school days. The next was a song by Peter McKechnie. Reproduction of sounds, by the children of the old school, during the late months. Aftersinging by Mr. Dean, Arch. Mcâ€" Cuaig Esq. in his usual manner gave a solid address touching on everything that was required for the prosperity of our schools, M. K. Beaton, M. Reiley and J. Hemstock addressed the meeting briefly. After the singing of the Naâ€" tional anthem and a vote of thanks reâ€" turned to the speakers, ladies and chairâ€" man, the meeting closed. Proceeds $28. Next evening a social was held for the children. A pleasant evening was spent. was hard to surpacs. Receipts $2.5 making a total of $30.50. Messrs. John McArthur snd Dugald 22000 PE RTUINOPE, SERCHCT, vocal and instromental r PRICEVILLH, _ Editor Mitchell of the Chronicle was in our town on Saturday. _ Mr,C. C. James was a little under the weather for the last week. We hope to see him round soon again. Mre,. McIntyre, and her daughters Don and Jennet, and son, visited friends i1 Bf_l.ll!e Co. this week. Miss Maggie Mcinnes left lasi week for Calgary to visit her brothers Hugh and Malcolm. We wish her safe arrival and a pleasant visit. Mrs. (Dr.) iluâ€"tat-;n. arrived home on Baturday last, after a visit five of or six weeks to friends in Huttonville. ln‘{taur "Courier" reminiscences im the Keview of the 26th inst., you refer to ""the pet John McKay got into at some supposed slight," &c, R\'uu do not appear to be aware of the * slight," which I will ex plain to your rmv.fiers. On the morning john. wit{n his teams, were leaving for Collingwood to bring the milt machinery, I proposed to him to ery quits, continue the publication of the "Courier" on my own responsibility, if he would free me from my contract with himself and Loudon, This he flatâ€" L);rpfmmd to do. I then demanded that he _ secure yourself, Albert Dowling and myself in board and lodging: this was met by the autocratic demandâ€"* go to work !" This I did with a vengeance that brought the briny liquid to John‘s eyes the eyening he returned from Colâ€" lingwood. Being at that day fleet of foot, I was in Flesherton ahead of John and his teams, intercepted the Chatsâ€" worth stage, addressed a letter to the §her.itf‘, wlm(reviy«]_mn execution in his (ew P 0 C ATVEN TP TObUEF tC LTNC Sheriff, who revived an execution in his har.ds from Scotland, the existence of which I was privately â€" aware _ of, and in forty hours after my â€" interâ€" view with ° John on the morning referred to, I posted the Sheriff‘s bills around town, to sell John‘s interest in the leaseâ€"contract of the "Courier," which I bought in at seven ols 2e eneuc ud 20 mt MV ND SE TE dollars and fifty cents. 1t wasat Scott‘s hotel, on the east side of the bridge at Priceville on the eyening of arrival that his attention was direct(h to the Sheriff‘s rosu-m;uml you may well believe the oiler and engine were not the only heavy londs passing over the bridge that evening. To the Editor, _In your "C Mr. Jas. Leask and Mr. Robt. Legate are at present on the sick list. thoroughly." Dr. McKenzie and family, we are sorâ€" ry to say, intends taking their departure from our midst on Thursday, to reside in future in Mt. Forest, where he Enr- poses to resume his practice, est wishes are extended. Our pulpit was occupied by Mr. Macâ€" Vicar, brother of our pastor and we are certain, all fully enjoyed the sermon. Mr. Win. Dixon, who has been sufferâ€" ing from typhoid fever for the past few weeks, is sinwly improving. Mr. George Leith from Spry is visitâ€" ing at his father‘s, Mr. Jno. Leith. Miss Jean Lester left for Toronto durâ€" ing Exhibition week, we believe she intends to stay there for some time. â€" Miss 8. Coleridge has purchased a bicycle. Itiwill be a great convenience for her we are sure, in go.ng to and from her school. Miss Helen Scott intends to leave shortly for Mt. Fovest, where she will reside with Dr. McK enzie. _ _ _ Messrs Leslic and Adams have comâ€" pieted the new bridge. **For {mrs.” says Capt. C,. Mueler, "I have relied more upon Ayer‘s Pills than ;;;y;_h»};d ‘;-i.s'o_rin the luo?l‘icino ('hes.t, to regulate . Iil-y; bowels, and those of the ship‘s crew. These pills are not severe in their action, but do their work rn;aition. Any S)hysir'iun may have the ormula on application. The secret of formula on application. The secret of ite success as a medicine lies in its extraordinary power to cleanse the blood of impurities and cure the most deepâ€"seated cases of blood discase. The 28th Fall Exhibition of Bentinck Agricultural Society took place on the 10th inst, and was successfu‘, A number from Durham and vicinity were present. Entries were numerous and gate receipts amounted to $150.00. On Tuesday evenâ€" ing the ball was lit by electricity, and a pleasing effect was produced on the display, except where empty spaces showed up in all their bareness. The Knechtel‘s as might be expected from their almost worldâ€"wide fame made a displ:â€"y of "the greatest table on earth" which is patented in all civilized counâ€" tries, and is becoming a famous article Messrs. Hamel and Gretzner in musical instruments, Hillgartner in harness, Zinn in boots and shoes, the Hanover Woollen Mills, Disney in farm Machinâ€" ery, and Telford, Maurer and Hallman in the buggy and carriage line, all made displays that kept themselves in evidence. Among stock exhibitors were Robert Gowanlock of Brant in pedigree cattle and sheep. Henry Brigham, well known as a successful sheep breeder had a 400â€" 1b ram which won a prize in Toronto, T. H. Tyreman in the same line won some successes. F. Reiner, Normanby in Durham‘cattle and Geo. Inglis of Bruce in swine were heavy prizetakers, and among other prominent prizeâ€"winâ€" ners were H. Willis, A. Magwood, J. Willis, G. Purvis, H. Berry, R. Francis and Jos. Hoffarth. The races as usual were a ?romim'nt feature, the hurdle race coming in as a novelty as well, We x!xip[u-nd the result : Tur OpEX Trot.â€"Black Joe, P. Mcâ€" Devitt, Dundalk, first; Cyclone, J. D. Merryville, Palmerston, second ; Little Chi:-?; V. Kirchner, Hanover, third. Time: 2.47, 2.52, 2.40, 240. _ __ & Col..’lT Trot.â€"Gold Crown, Dr. Mearns, Hanover, first ; Molly B., J. W. Brown, Hanover, second. “fiuxxlivu RAcE.â€"G. Russell, first ; J. Sumpton, second.â€"Condensed from the The undersigned offers free the folâ€" lowing receipt for the benefit of all sufâ€" ferers from Rheumatism asa grateful acknowledgment of his own cure :â€" Nitrate of Potash 4 oz ; Alcohol 2 oz ; Glycerime 14 oz ; Oil of Wintergreen 20 drops; Liverwort leaves 1 oz : Manâ€" drake root 4 0z. --i;f;n;e the two last separately in water. strain through a cloth, then add the other ingredients; this will fill 2 black bottles. A tablespoonful 3 times a day before meals. Cost of ingredients 28 cents. R. WATSON, sr. 3m Varney. Ayer‘s Sarsaparilla is not a secret preâ€" **PRICEVILLE COURIER." â€"â€"l... ;;h'm:lwl'gl;;_duml;lwn is remarkâ€" mysterions. t removes at once the BENTINCK FALL SHOW Rheumatism Cure. Py TV k O uo DROMORE. Curen» 1x a Day.â€"South matism Cure, for Rheuma. 18, radically cures in 1 to 3 a 4+A 8. L. M. LUKE Heart Drs xasa Reureven ts 30 Mixure â€"Dr. Agnew‘s Cure for the Heart gives per feet relief in all casesof Organic or Sympathe. tic Heart Disease in 30 minutes, and #peedily eflect a cure. It is a peerless rewedy. for Palpitation, Shortness or Breadth, Smotherâ€" ing Spells, Pain in Left Side and all sympâ€" toms of a Diseased Heart. _ One dose conyinâ€" ces. Sold by MceFarlane & Co. ENTRE NOUS. > (Mary F. Nixzon, in September Donahoe‘s) Two souls there are upon this earth, Whose daily lives touch mine; The one is steady, full of worth, With thoughts almost divine. The other is a rogue, perchance, A villain, yet so bright He like a meteor seems to glance, And dazzle all in sight. The one has kind and genial ways, The other full of ire, The one gives me long, happy days, The other, moments dire. _‘ To one, I talk of many things, Birds, books and flowers and rhymes; His comrade gives illâ€"tempered flings, ‘And rasps me, oftentimes.â€" ~ These two are quite as far apart As Ghibeline or Guelph, Yetâ€"here‘s a secret, in my heart, I think they‘re both myself. Flour per 1001b ........ Corn Meal " Bhorts *4 Bran f* Oatmeal * Fall Wheat per bustel Sprmg Wheat * Onts, hi Barley, t Potatons, £ Hay per ton ...... Beet per 100....... Potk, â€" * ..« Hides, * ... Sheepâ€"kins, each Butter per Ib...... Exgs, per doz ... Tallow per Ib..... Lard * Casree Waool * Wood 2ft, long... Tarkeys per Ib... Geese o Sces Ducks, _ * Apples per bag MorIcEâ€"In Normanby, on Monday, September 24, John Milligan, only son of Robert Morice, aged 2 yrs. 5 days. THE # CASH We have Opened out in A. DAVIDSON‘S Store, Upper Town, with General Dry Goods, Dross Goods, Dress Trimmings, Groceries, Etc. These Goods were Bought at a Treâ€" mendous Reduction and are Selling An Entirely New Stock \ _ _____ Accordingly. _ C If you want Bargains, come along with your Cash or Produce. _ Caused by Inflammatory Swelling A Perfect Cure by Mood‘s Sarsaâ€" pariila. "It affords me much pleasure to recommend Hood‘s Sarsaparilla. My son was afflicted with great pain in the joints, accompanied with swelling so bad that he could not got up stairs to bed without crawling on hands and knees. I was very anxious about him, and having read so much about Hood‘s Sarsaparillia, I deterâ€" mined to try it, and got & halfâ€"dozen bottles, four of which entirely cured him." Mass. G. A. LAxz®, Oshaws, Ontario. t N. B. Be sure to get Hood‘s Sarsaparilia. Mood‘s Pills act casily, yet promptly and efficiently, on the liver and bowels, 25c, Strayed away from fhe premises of Mr. George Brown, lot 1 of 9, con. 1, W.G.R., Bentinck, on or about the 20th of August, three sheep and two eve lambs. _Any person giving information that wil lead to their discovery will be suitably rewarded. _ _ Hood‘s=>Cures Dornoch, Sep 26th, 1894. Estrayed Sheep Upper Town, Durham. Torpid Liver, Bad Breath. _ to stay curedalso regulate the bowels. vamy /O® TO TARME. ;w £5 Osute ar Drave Sromss. DURHAM MARKET ZFnanw I EAKE in the Joints DEATHS Oshava, Ont. DAVIDSON & Co. Sept. 27, 1894 Z.v. pDUW N $1 6» to $2 00 2 T5 to B% 0 80 to C 9G 0 80 to D 80 2 25 to 2 50 U 55 to 0 60 0 55 to 0 60 0 27 to O 80 0 £0 to 0 52 0 85 te 0 50 0 50 to 0 75 6 00 t 7 00 4 00 to 5 08 5 50 to 5 50 2 00 to 2 5N 0 15 to 0 ©0 0 18 to 0 16 0 11 to 0 12 0 05 to 0 05 0 08 to 0 10 0 15 to o 16 1 00 to 1 % 0 08 to 0. 09 0 05 to 0 05 0 05 to O 06 0 40 to 0 50 Saturday, 6th day of October, next, at the hour of two o‘clock in the after noon the following Farm Property :â€" ABt and SinGurar those certain premises in the Township of Egremont in the County of Grey, being composed of lot number six in &w Lhirfi conctession of said Township, containing one hunâ€". dred acres more or less, ‘The following improvements are said to be made on the premises;â€"70 acres cleared and under cultivation, also a log dwellin with addition and log outbuildings unfi also an Orchard of bearing trees. The Property is well situated as to Roads, MarT;(s, etc. Teras or SAteâ€"Ten twr cent. of the ‘g’urclmse money is to be paid to the Vendors‘ Solicitors at the time of sale, and, within thirty days thereafter, a further sum sufficient with such deposit to make up oneâ€"third of the whole purâ€" chase money. The balance of the purâ€" chase money may remain on Mortgage, to be paid in five yearly instalments, with interest at six and a half per cent., payable half yearly. Eon n i v e m l m P _23 Adslaide Street, Bastâ€"Toronto, JAS. CARSON, _ Vendors‘ Solicitors In the Surrogate Cou:t of the County of Grey, in the Estate of Joseph Simpson, Deceased, 'rllERE will be sold by Public Auction on the pn‘mines consist in;g of lot 28, concession 13, liw;lin('k. allJbléEEslutv and interest of the late ETMRPEAN in the above nu-mfifi FIPPOF in the »bove mentioned auds. Also the personal property of the snid Deceased consisting of a quantity of hay, one set of single harness, and a number of other n.rtkges t SALE TO BE HELD ON THE PREMISES â€"The proporiy will be offered for sale subject to a reserve bid. Further terms and conditions will be made known on the day of sale, or on application to the undersigned. Tuesday, 2nd October 1894, At 1 p. m. Twenty per cent on Real Estate at the time of sale; balance in thirty days thereafter without interest, Hugh McKay, Auctioneer. 250 ACRES belonging to the Estate of the late James Burnett, 125 acres nnder cultiyation, rest hardwood bush, being Lots 28, 24, 25, 26, 27, Old D. R. in the Township of Artemcsia, County of Grey, two miles from Flesherton Staâ€" ton, three wiles from Priceville. _ For turther particulars apply to A. H, BURNET, Hopeville, Or to MRS, BURNET, Datham. *cm THIS Fine Animal is from the stock of R. H. Harding, Thorndale, Imâ€" L of R. 1. Hnrdin(r. Thorndale, Imâ€" porter of British and American Stock and is for service this season, TERMS â€" $1.00. Ac BOULDEN & Co‘s. Upper Town, Durhaim, Aug. 1, 04. Thoroughbred Chester White Boar, Executor‘s Sale Personal Estate, cash at the time of Dated at Durbam, l1th September of lands and personal property in the Y ownship of Bentinck, in the County of Grey : KERR, McDONALD, DAVIDSON, & PATERSON, A Farm for Sale. Auctioneer, Durham WM. CRANSTON, dEongE Oagyp i: J Executors. ‘Prince Leon.‘ Uur Stock of Dress Goods is unrivalled. Its extent, its powers, its influence will be feltâ€"knownâ€"by our competâ€" itors, our customersâ€"by the WV ha t tawn, by the country. Double width Tweed Y i Double width Serge, black, brown, Perfect Fitting Mantles. |â€"CARPETS, CURTAINS & | GLOVES, HOSIERY, Laors, Just opened nt‘rh!}nrnninl Priotr;ln-_ We House Farnishings. DRESS TRIMMINGS ask you to mtin‘ul»nlu:‘nl[:(m,nl e same Tflble Linens, TOWClingS-, + .lu (“lnp\'"-l‘:llll.\ h‘xlllu. MANTLE CLOTHS. Sheetings, Cottons. _ | Frillings, Veilings, Ribbons. The Gash System The S We are fitting up Handsome Millinery Show Rooms up stairs and have put in a _(“,‘l‘lg_)‘l(,?l‘: ‘S'I‘(.l,‘h’ of all the { > > > > LATEST NOVELTIES in Shapes, Hats, Feathers, Tips, Ospreys, ‘ Mounts, Birds, Crescents, &¢. The Dog\nment is under the management of MRS. _ MAHER, who thoroughly understands her business. N., 6. &J. McKECHNIE. 19 c e e "Large Sales & Small Profits." We take this opportunity of Gash for Culléd Apples thanking our customers for se en past patronage, and we are ; Ayton Evaporator. convinced that the new system At present I will pay from 306. will meric a continuance of ;ffr'1:-3(.:.',”'.:}:‘13.?;3 lbs. for Apples the same. Any kind of Apples will be takâ€" N., G. & J. MeKECHNIE. _ {u; }y 8t Sould o mole®t o It is not necessary to pick the Durham, Aug. 9th, D94. Apples, as they will not be , ;‘v’je'('u-]d on account of being Avearaepenenme rrmee t o( oo oo io c P We purchased one special Line of 100 Suits of Fine Ciothing at a Discount of 25 per ct. We will give you the Benefit. That will mean Clothing at less than wholesale to you. FIRST PLACE FOR BOOTS & SHOES. There are all kinds of Boots and Leather, but a Good Article at the lowost possible selling price is what we will give you. . We made a large purchase for Spot Cash and we are safe in saying that when you see them you will buy them. RAMSAY & MORLOCK, Durham & Chesley. New Millinery Department. we have been wide awake "Bargain Hu ;tiug' and * Quality Seeking." Shipments are now coming to hand and Stock and Prices prove a brilliant example of our success. In Fine Dress Goods we are showing : 16 seasons come and go so gnickiy, and September brings us face to face with FALL WANTS. Forths past two months ers and the Public generally that we have adopted the Cash System, which means Cash or its equivelant, and that our Motto will be We beg to inform our Customâ€" = â€" Ready to Wear Clothing,. C o > > _ long standing. Therefore on the first of November next, we intend turmn% over a New Leaf and selling only for CASH or Produce â€"â€"AND WE WANTâ€"â€" ‘The support of all who are interested in the CASH SYSTEM. The first stones in the paring we are going to lay down are Men‘s heavy full.cloth pants for $1.60 Regular peice for CASH $2.00 Men‘s Heavy Reeter Coats for $4.50 Ladies‘ Dong. Button or Lace Boots for 81.25 Regular price for CASH $1.50 These are prices that should interest close buyers, and we have lots orfl Bargains to mirn._:n:i hfiw ready money gets there As we believe it is the best and we can speak from experience as far as collecting accounts are concerned, and the ill will you get of those whom you are pressing for accounts of â€" CASH â€" BUSINESS! We are paving the way for We are going to make for our Store the nams of ADOPTED BY 10c. C. L. GRANT, DOING THIS MONTH! every time. Henriettas 35c¢. Satin Cloth, New Brown, | New Cray, Black & Navy ) pool pomjmnd flnfi hi Neitngenl j tengeant ienirens Lower Town approval, we want to make you a Customer 10 keep your confidence. We don‘tclaim togive g but we do know that we SELL CHEAP, pÂ¥xamine and we are not doubtful of the result examine and we For the future as well as for the present. We want your pproval, we want to make you a customer and want to caan vour confidence. We don‘tclaim to give goods away Worth 50c Worth 7Oc. 55¢. We are doing Business $ilk finish Henris{ta 58¢. Black Barritz Cloth 86c. T Big4 | Boots & _ The undersigned having leased the Cider Mill, is preâ€" pared to manutacture all the usual products of Apples, Ci \Apple Jelly or Apple Butter short notice. _A practical !will be in charge. "f The Evaporator is in Wenger‘s Saw Mill. _ R.J. GRAHAM. orPening DURHANM CIDER MILL l' OT 53, Con, 2, E. G. R., Gles 4 sisting of 100 acres, more 80 acres cleared, 70fit to run n on. â€" Frame Barn 50x60 with stables; good concrete dwel other nutlmildi:fin; half ae orchard; two g« spring . w fenced and in good state of cr Situated about one mile from of Durham and one mߢ.= Will be sold with or For further | particulars Appl 'pHm'on premises. .. o Durham, August 20th, M This Space Durham P. O., July 3rd Farm for Tho Newest, The Best Place to get your DARGAVEL & W. IN DURHAM. BELONXGS TO BEAN & Co. Rogular 7%c. Shoes 34 wWoORTH $1.00. 1 Come «t

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