West Grey Digital Newspapers

Grey Review, 27 Sep 1894, p. 4

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$ 0 1# t pt 16 ur B #ti rC tm d fe ts rt O# Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Foster were the guests of Willinmsford friends latety. As pleasant as in times of yore, is Misy Jeaney Robertson after a three month svyourn among Klysyth friends. the pleasant countenance of Miss Jeun.e Me:»>» ald missed from amongst us, . She left for Toronto recently. ® Mr, and Mrs: Donald Smith were the Nusts of Sentinck fricudsFrecengly, Miss Surah McCormick, of Toronto. is visiting at the old home. Landlord Gladstone, of Colson House Owen Sound, was in town lately., The numerous bible cluss students of the Dornoch and Saugeen Congrega tions assembled, by special invitation, at the manse, on the 13th inst. The sociable time wiil be long remembered, Rev. Mr. Anderson, of Tiverton, delivâ€" eved a very emphatic address; Rev, Mr. Little also aroused much animation by his pointed reciting, etc, The meeting dispersed after singing in a hearty manâ€" ner, "God be with you tilk we meet Ane sactament services being in proâ€" gress last week at the Rocky Saugeen, the regular services were dispensed with at this place. _A pointed discourse by Rev. afr. Anderson at 3 p. m. on 15th inst., excited much admiration, Buker Halley, of Chesiey, spent Sat urday among Dornoch sports. The Holland Thunderers, kicked a game of foot ball with the Berkley aports recently. Both teams had ringâ€" ers, the former from Dornoch, the latter from Hollind Centre. Resultâ€"no scorâ€" town recently Green garbed lindscapes, cheer eye at present at every turn. Many of our yeoman took in County Capital Fair. Favlor Herbort of CBadlar w country is to retain its present high reâ€" patationfor being peacetal and lawabicdâ€" ing, and the Southern eustom of lynebâ€" ing kept far from us, the machinery that exists will have to be got into thorough motion. _A man that will rob a bank, plunder a private or or waylay a lone traveller for his money will not step at taking life and ‘ should be dealt with as a murderer. â€". Markdale Standard. l We Too LEXNIEXT.â€"A wave of plunder and violence is sweeping over the land causing a general feeling of insecurity both in regard to lif; and property. We claim that too much indifference exists on the part of the powers that be in the matter ot bringing lawle s characters to account, and even when they are arrested the punishment metâ€" ed out is quite to mild as a rule. If our ;___ 7 , _____ "*C0RCF of the road, askâ€" Ing him to rescind his general order which states that employees shall not hold seats at municipal council boards. ‘This reqmest is made solely as a matâ€" ter of selfâ€"protection, as they claim they are being imposed upon by the town. The railroad fraternity pay Eiaxes on more than twoâ€"thirds of the lind within the corporation limits and it is only fair that they should be repâ€" resented around the blue table. wucrs. /0 _ TC) MOdie WWERCKE Thorold, writes *~* 1 suffered very severely from sick and nervous headaches and biliougâ€" ness for over twelve years and kad tried all the advertised pills, powders, and other medicines, but obtained very litâ€" te relief, antit about two years ago, I began to use Stark‘s Powders and since then have been like a different man and ne® seldom have a headuche. If Lhave any tendency that way Stark‘s Powders give immediate relief." Price, He a box ; sold by all medicine deaters, The railroad men of Palmerston are about to petition Mr. L. J. Bargeant, the general manager of the road, askâ€" Ing him to rescind his general arda« Geo. H. Williams, the fnetwrer of frsie v The burning of McKechni Durham has had the effeet the citizens ton sense of their ted condition. At the frst m the fire the cou: @1 was rea thase an engine without exaj any kind. The strong opposi was shown to this Ccourse } them to go a little slower. TJ some donbt if they will do as wll.â€"Bruce WoenLt each insertion, for five insertions Toronto, Canada, ment sheuwld who wants ments of th If you was vertise in t That paper hemes every ments of th Weekly MHor ation, that can be Hoow‘®s PiLLS Jnandice, indigest 4 so00 Arretrre al ways fes good health, and an ah petite is «n indicration of wrong. The universal testi by those who bave use 4 FHoe arills, as to its merits in re appetite, and as a purifier o constitutes the stronge« . Serrene» ror The regulations of Brit require that every unsoun be taken out of a man‘s he ean be employed. An girl who recently was e promotion had fourteen »ut at one sitting by order dentist, who explained th: have girls laid np with toe Mr. Chapman, Monunt Forest, in visitâ€" ing London "air, and has a photo of the haunted sehool bouse near Durâ€" ham. The "spook"* turned out to get his "phiz" taken, with the seholars. le is net a bad looking spook, and il‘ is about time he came torward and told how he did it. â€"Advertiser, 1 "Al} ran down " fram werkening efâ€" fects of warm weather, you nred a good Donic and blood purifer like Houd‘s Sarâ€" «aparilia. Fry it Last venn 1 P2,00 \ettwrs inhrrut $ per sent of all posted in Canada) were frankâ€" #d, that is, went free, for the benefit of of the public officials. A lont stimate plaees the whout yield in Manitoba at frm 15 to 18 bushels. Prices there range at present from 46 to Herbort, of Chestey, was in Bruece llm:ld'. ~â€" + + + EXCHANGE E«HOES. n# tora sense of their unprotec» tion. At the first meeting after he cour ¢1 was readly to purâ€" engine without examination cf P 1 DORNOCH of _ fruit ha-;;u, int to buy PILLS cure all ill;.-'ll'-iom ndigestion, sick headache. il for Five ( o cluss students of angeen Congregaâ€" special invitation, he 13th inst. The long remembered. to CV CETT WV l'l.b"o’ap indiration of something universa} testimony given bave use4 Hood‘s 5-MP- s merits in restoring the as a purifier of the blood, 1e strongest reeommendâ€" n be used for any medicine. i a man‘s head before he oyed. _ An unfortunate ntly was examined for 1 fourteen teeth taken ng by order of the official xplained that, "we can‘t sports, TwrLyr Y Ears is Course has caused slower. There is now 7 will do anything at 3 °_ * °n Uhe Toronto Five Cents a word for Twenty Cents a word + Address The Mail 707 Of sell a form, adâ€" wonto Weekly Mail, ches 100,000 farmers c and your advertis~ t the eye of some one McKechnie‘s mills *# are in the T 1¢ opposition which unsound toth shall nvayy aceomny extensive nanu an absence of sell q f twothache in the ish Post office of rousing some one Advertise the t Aypzâ€"g" M (%-/ \“ ‘\ Ol2 Leading \ ) 0\2\ \ewzum) } o # J* P\ /s d o. 1 / “k\,/ House, ket was The Parliament buildings were openâ€" ed in June 1797 by Hon. Peter Russell and here a long succession of military governors held sway, the names being enough to recall the war of 181214 such as Russell, Hunter, Gore, Brock, and Sheaffe, but they were burnt by the Americans in 1813. A new building was erected in 1818 in the same place only to be burnt in 1824 at the serious loss then of £3000,. Again they were rebuilt but not at the old place, but at the corner of Simeoe and Front streets at a cost of about £7000 and were finished about 1833. In 1808 the first oben bublic ma». Mr o wanl uesc d 1O TO® S70E, ConsTpation Torpid Liver, R-dmnnunq . _ to stay eured also requlate the £ow-h. vamy mice To ramm Cure SIOM MEADACNHE and Neornigia in 20 nn-uvl.‘s also Coated T Disziâ€" mass, Billousness, Pain in the Sido.mnh. WATCHES, CENMTe e bowels. vamy mios 6‘;‘;- Price 26 Canre ar Dave Sromss. N e SILVERWARZE. In 1795 we find there were twelve fumâ€" ’ ilies Sat York besides two tribes of Indians, and immediately surveys beâ€" to be made stretching from the Trent River in the East to the Humber in the West, the three most westerly Townâ€" ships being called Edinburgh, Glasgow and Dublin now Pickering, Searborough and York. ‘ an Governor Simcoe then began the erecâ€" tion of a building for his Parliament and also a building for himself the site of which is just north of St. James Cemetery overlooking the valley of the Don. The soldiers cut and carefully graded a road from the Parliament building to the Governor‘s house and hence arose Parliament street. during the wars between the English and French. Several trade routes were, marked out, and it was observed that the English cut across from the state of New York to the mouth of the Humber River and from thence struck overland to get furs from Michilimacinac. To prevent this M. de la Gallissoniere in 1749, constructed a rude fort at the mouth of the Humber and refers to it as the Pass at Toronto, and the place itself he named Rouille after the French co‘â€" onial minister of that day. After the conquest the place grew very slowly. In 1798 Governor Simeoe secking a place suitable for the capital and sufficiently far away from the United States settled a battalion of soldiers at the old fort Rouille and called it in honor of the D ike of York then fighting the French in Flanders, "York." 10 000 PAJPOTePS asked for a name of this region the replies of the natives were difficult to render in French and consequently the name is spelt in difâ€" ferent ways as is seen on the early maps Not only was the region itself thus named but Lake Simeoe and Georgian Bay are sometimes marked ‘Lake Torâ€" onto‘ and the rivers leading to Lake Simeoe are marked ‘"Toronto River‘â€" ‘ meaning * the place of meeting." Toronto first obtained its importance ameestunt fige tss T metasin‘ s Innso After the time of the first exploraâ€" ton of Ontario by Champlain the region lying between lakes Ontario, Huron and Simeoe was up to the time of Goyernor Simcoe known as the Toronto Region ; so called because it was a place of renâ€" dezvous for the many tribes of Indians roaming the wilderness, When the French explorers asked for a name of this region the replies of the natives were difficult to render in French nnd‘ consequently the name is spelt in difâ€" In 1808 the first open public marâ€" ‘as proclaimed and in 1816 an act passed to build a jail and a Court Cour.e, unprovement and acquaintanceâ€" ship has departed ; and now having seen some of the outward aspects of our city anmd its inhabitants it would seem deâ€" sirable to add a knowledge of the place it«elf. Another Exhibition has come and gone. One more gathering of the people and products of Untario has now veen added to the past ; another season when the Provinee puts on a holiday garb for a couple of weeks and brings its people together for mutual interâ€" THE OPENX SEAsoN. The open season for Ontario is as folâ€" lows : â€" Gronuse, pheasant, prairie fowl, partridge, woodcock, snipe, rail, plover, black and grey squirrels and haresâ€" Sept. 15 to Dee. 15. Quailâ€"Oct. 15 to Dee. 15. Swans and geeseâ€"Sept. 15 to May 1. Ducksâ€"Sept. 1 to Dec. 15. Deerâ€"Nov. 1 to Nov. 15. Beaver, muskrat, mink, otter, sable, fisher, martinâ€"Nov. 1 to April 2 GAME THAT CAXT BE soup. It will be unlawfal to exhibit for sale or barter, partridge, woudcock, or snipe, until 1897. No moose, elk, reinâ€" deer, or cariboun can be hunted or killâ€" ed until November Ist I897. POWDERS guests n 08007 aiinntsdrdiss Lcimiis Briit last week, there were very few present, but enough to have a good time and to do a lot of quilting. We would like to know if J. H. got over his evening parade. Were you travelling or going some place Jim ? sister Mrs. E. Norrin, of Lavemder, and Miss Steward, of Maple VFalley, visited their Mr. Calanay, of Guelph, was visiting at his sister‘s Mrs. J. Jackson, last week. arownd here, every person wants to thresh the same day ; there are enough machines to accomodate them only the people are scarce. (To be continued. ‘fltmfimg is the order of the day Fhe Watson Bros. have engaged Mr. Rideb during the threshing season. ‘er, muskrat, mink, otter, sable, martinâ€"Nov. 1 to April 2. â€"â€"â€"*+#4%â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"._ LETTER FROM TORONTO. "its. W . Brige, list week. . 3. Batehelor, had a quiltingâ€"bee THE SHCOTING SEAsoN. amd Mre. W.J. MeLean were at the parental home last Sabâ€" a* O Masize. _ Mave Your Amonia Monp Wrappers l Aud when you bavo 25 Ammonia or 10 Poritan Soap Wrappers send them to n6, and & three cent stamp for postrge, ard we will mail you FREE. a bandsome picture suitable for framing. A list of pictares around each bar. _ Ammonia Soap has no equal. We recommend i. Write your name plainly and address : ‘ W. A. Brapsnaw & Co., 48 and 50 LombardSt., Toronto, Sold by all general merchants and @rocors. Give it a trial. ‘Great Scuth American Kidney Cure" This new remedy is a great surprise and delight m on accouut ofits exceeding promptness in relieving pain in the bladder, kidneys, back, and every part of the urinary passages in male or female. It relieves retention of water and pain in passing it ulmost immeâ€" diately, It you want quick relief and cure this is your remedy, Seld by McFarlane &] CUo., Druggists, maditice. .-l had a mare that Rerirg enfi tren s es 1 KEnDALU‘S Spavincune. ‘3.0. Rennabe comea; Dr. B. J. ALL COMPAXTY, Reutkr is Six Houns. â€"Distressing Kidney and Bladder discases relief in six hours the _A Boox To Honsemrx.â€"Oue bottle of English Spavin Liniment completely removed a curb from my horse. 1 take pleasure in recommending the remody, asit acts with mysterious promptnesa in the removal from horses of hard, soft or calloused lump», blood spayin, splints, curba, aweeny, stifles and spraims â€" Gzoror Rome, Farmer, Mark l ham, Ont. Sold by McFarlane & Co. most suceessruLr Acnugor ’hfi tested in many more discases and their usefulness be thus extended. Tinâ€" tend giving them an extended trial in the case of consumption, believing from their action in this case,(so well marked) that they will provea curative in all cases where a cure is at all possibleâ€"I mean before the lungs are entirely deâ€" stroyed. Yours truly, ‘ J. EVANS, M. D. The Dr. Williams‘ Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. restored. The use of pink Pills was conâ€" tinued until the end of October, when she ceased to take the medicine, being in perfect bealth. Iwatched her case with deep interest, but almost a year has now passed and no trace of her illâ€" ness remains. In fact she is as well as ever she was and no one would suspect that she had ever beeu ailing, to say nothing of having been in the clutches of such a deadly disease as consumpâ€" tion. Hor recovery through the use of ‘ Pink Pils after having reached a stage when other remedies were of no avail is so remarkable that I feel my self justâ€" ifled in giving the fact to the public, and I regret that the composition of the pills is not known to the medical profession at large in ‘order that their merit might £ou . No o c e en O 00 ooog e WIee COut save the patient‘s life. The test was a most severe one and I must also admit an unâ€" fair one, as the patient was so far gone as to make all hope of recovery seem imâ€" possible. _A yery short time, however, convinced me of the value of Pink Pills. Altogether only using an ordinary soothing cough mixture along with the pills, within a week the «ymptoms had abated so much that it was no longer necessary for me to make daily calls.. Recovery was so rapid that within a month Miss Koester was able to drive to my office, a distance of about six miles, and feeling reasonably well, except for weakness. The expectoration had ceasâ€" ed, the cough was gone and the breathâ€" ing in the diseased lung was being restored. The use of pink Pills was conâ€" tinued until the end of Octahar wha.« it was entirely destroyed. Still having hopes tmhe trouble was due to a colâ€" lection of water around the lung I asked {or a consultation, and the following day with a prominent physician of a neigh» boring town again made a eareful exâ€" amination. Every symptom and physiâ€" cal sign indicated the onset of rapid con sumption and the breaking down of the lungs. Death certainly seemed but a short time distant. A regrebful experiâ€" ence had taught me the uselessness of the ordinary remedies used for this droad and fatal disease, and no hope was to be looked for in this direction. 1 Elhnwood, Ount., Aug. 2ist, 1802 Dear Sirzg:â€"I wish to call your atter tion to a remarkable cure of consumpâ€" tion. In March, 188, I was called in my professional capacity to see Miss Christina Koester, of North Brant, who was than suffering from an attack of inâ€" flammation of the left lung. Theattack was a severe one, the use of the lung beâ€" ing entively gone from the effect of the | disease. 1 treated her for two weeks when recovery seemed assured. T afterâ€" wards heard from her at intervals that the progress of recovery was satisfacâ€" tory. The case then passed from my notice untif June, when I was again callâ€" ed to see her, her friends thinking she had gone into consumption. O# visiting her I found their suspicions too well founded. From robust health she had wasted to a mere skeleton, searcely able to walk across the room. She was sufferâ€" ing from an intense cough, and expecâ€" toration of putrid matter, in fact about a pint each night. There was a burning hectic fever with ehills daily. A careful examination of the previously diseased lung showed that its function was enâ€" tirely gone, and that in all probability FOR MAN OR BEAsT. A Remarkable Cure of Consumption In Its Last Stagesâ€"Is This unce Dread Disease Conquered ?â€" Important Facts to ali Sufforing from Disâ€" eased or Weak Lungs. AN OPEN LETTER. FROM A PROMINENT PHYSICIAN. THE Koester was able to drive to distance of about six miles, reasonably well, except for The expectoration had ceasâ€" h was gone and the breathâ€" diseased lung was being , P. 0. Box 348, h HEAVY AND LIGHT I HARNESS, SADDLES, I BRIDLES, COLLARS, Etc. New Stock Horge Blankets. A complete stock of Whips, Combs, Brushes, Hit kept on hand. Repag'mg‘ vromptly attended to. Is still in his old stand Oflice, where he Firstâ€"Class Workman Highest Price paid for Raw ) e 19 Ens g% ca & a %_ es hh £ 22 . Durham, Jan. 26th MacF At least twoâ€"thirds of our chronic diseases and ailments are due to the imperfect action of the nerve contres at the base of the brain, and not from a derangement primarily originating in the organ itself. Tho great mis-{ take of physicians in treating tbeu' diseases is that they treat the organs tion ; hence the organs which depend upon it for norve force suffer, and are unable to properly porform their work, and as a result discase makes its appearance. force, are also deranged. When it is remembered that a serious injury to the spinal cord will cause paralysis of the body below the injured point, because the nerve force is prevented by the injury from reaching the paraâ€" lysed portion, it will be understood how the derangement of the nerve centres will cause the derangement of the various organs which they supply with nerve force; that is, whon & nerve centre is demanged or in any way diseased it is impossible for it to sapply the same quantity of nerve force as when in & healthful condiâ€"| The latest discovery in the scientiâ€" Ac world is that nerve centres located in or near the base of the brain conâ€" trol all the organs of the body, and when theso nerve contres are deranged the organs which they supply with nerve fluid, or porve CHAS. LEAVENS, Jr bottle. Sold vl'py -;l"lwd;;;; the world. Be sure and a Wissziow‘s SootHixe Syatr Mrs, Wixstow‘s Soornx®s Svevr has been sued by millions of mothers for their children while teething. It disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a siek child sufferin and crying with pain of Catting Teeth oen§ at onee and get a bottle of ‘‘Mra. Winslow‘s Soothing Syrnp" for Children Tecthing. It will reliove the poor little sufferer immedia tely. Depend spon it, mothers, there is no mistake shunt it. It cares Drarrhoea, reâ€" gulates the Stomach and Bowels, cures Wind Colic, soften> the Gums and reduces Inflam~ mation, and gives tons and energy to the whole system. "Mrs. Winsfow‘s Soothing Syrup" for children teething it pleasant to the taste and is the prescription of one of the best female physicians and narses in the United Statew, Price twentyâ€"tive cents a bottle. Soll by all druggists throughout the world. Be sure and ask for ""Mars ur l _."=f% TT _ 1 ho baus af 13 . 3. 1 _ O C 10 boatresiTIUD Of others, to keep you from 1e base of the brain, and not from ‘ using this henlth‘giving remedy. If rangement primarily originating is based on the result of years of ho organ itself. The great mis-"‘-’ientifi" research and study, aA of physicians in treating tbeu'“ngle bottle will convince the most ases is that they treat the organs incredulons. "arlane & Co., wholesale and retail agents far Tm»La._. ZEeW! J1)00 want a situation, a mc -1 ehanic, a business, machinery, lodging, if you want to find out where any one is, advertise in the Toronto Daily "Mail and read the advertisements on the third page of that paper. The charge is two cents a word f'il('il in.‘('l’li"ll. or ten cents a word forsix insertions. Address ! the Mail, Toronto, Canada, y ment. â€" If you want a situation I We y U CcaN I OHT.:JN A PATENT ¢ Fors Eunr anawer an honest opinion, write to UNN kFl:';;'M h:ve had neul{flnr years‘ experience in patent business. jommunica. ons strict!y confldential. â€" A Handbook of Jn» formation concerning Pntents and bow to obs tain them sent free. Also a catalogue of mechan= mmnu books sent free. taken through Mann & Co. recetve 1.:- notice in the Mclentific American., and t are brought widely betore the public with» out cost to the inventor. This splendid })u-ef. Issued weekly, elegantly iliustrated. has br{ ar the larzest cireuiation of any scientific work in the world. $ a vear. Gammia .122 ROUE! ROMAN BRAIN! +o Kammia ZALITT TT TT MIQ Coura ®° 8 Tear. Sample copies s int free. Bmldu'g Ed{tmnh‘non'lhly, lfwn sear. Single ?0.. @2 cents. ery bumber contains beauâ€" ul plates, in colors, and ghotn«n{:ahl of new t denigne end seogre eonen Aots. » Angreys h0 ae: use P esn oerre somursens Buoabwan The third page of the Toronto Daily Deaver 1UBACUO 18 Wiige ,ca ou . d !_w:l‘ is noted for "Want" advertise | Datural. This is why it is in favor with PFor Orer Fitty Feara d stand on Lambton Street, nearâ€" where he is ready to fill all orders for Mysteries of the CHARLES LEAVENS 1892, * Workmanship guaranteed s 8 int free. ._ a sear. Single wlldh dadn sfelo ta liradicts!" knsd |ness, Montal Despondency, Nervousâ€" ness of Females, Hot Flashes, Sick Headache, Heart Disease, The first bottle will convince anyone that & cure is certain, Bouth American Nervine is withâ€" out doubt the greatest remedy ever discovered for the cure of Indigestion, Dyspepsia, and all Chronic Stomach Troubles, because it acts through the nerves. ‘It gives relief in one day, and absolutoly effects a permanent cure in every instance, Do not allow your prejudices, or the prejuâ€" dices of others, to kean van Lo. This remedy has been found of infinite value for the cure of Nervousâ€" ness, Nervous Prostration, Nervous Paroxysms, Blecpleasness, Forgetfulâ€" ul k d A and not the nerve centres, which are the canse of the trouble. The wonderfal cures wrought by the Great South American Nervine Tonic are due alone to the fact that ‘this remedy is based upon the foreâ€" going principle,. It cures by rebuildâ€" ing and strengthening the nerve centres, and thereby increasing the supply of umerve force or nervous energy. at once and waste no time in discovering like thousands of others that you have now FOR LARD. h o 5024. Poin K p in geye â€" : yA + C H e ves: s 2009 Mn inA Made only by f & N. K. FAIREANK & co., We‘lington and Ann Sts. MONTREAL,. ail agents for Durham Gentlemen and good taste. _ McArerm ‘Tob. Co., Toronto. Ont. evidenced by the rapidly Increas» % enormous sales is PROOF SITIVE not only of lts,great value as a ow article of dict but is also sufficient proof of the general desire to be rid of Indfâ€" gestlble. unwholesome, umm zing lard, and of all the lis ! lard promotes. Try , Bits, etco., the Post New Job and 1 Something Ne Do Disease commonly comes on with sm symptoms, which when neglected increase in extent and gradually grow dangerous. "‘Paron « uoreshen â€"~.** take RIPANS TABULES ""am csrde." . . **" tasc RIPANS TABULES ""serran mistones ateh parine!" TARE RIPANS TABuLEs * Sss @ me oman, . **** tasc RIPANS TABULES Ripans Tabules Regulate the System and Preserve the Heeilth. pesprosthsesssssnsesssssessesconse dn aall _ 20 _ _ can be filled' Lumber, Shingles q.fid Lath always In Stock: MEDicinE cHEST Having Completed our New Factory we are now prepared to FILL ALL ORDERS PROMPTLY. We keep in Stock a largequantity of Sash,/ Doors, Mouldings, Floox‘é and the differâ€" As an Advertising Medium the Review takes the Lead. ent Kinds of Dressed Lumber]‘0" Outside sheeting, Our Stock of DRY LUMKE is veft â€"4"86 so that all orders Note Forms, Receipts, Ete, Dont Forget that You can get s Good Clean Job as Cheap at home as by sonding Good Money out of the Town. To the ‘REVIEW‘ Plant has lately been aaded a Large Quantity of We are now better than ever out Neat and Tasty Posters, Bill He Sash and Door Factory RIPANS TABULES _tabe the place of . We are also getting up New Rigs ofall kinds ALI, WORK GUARANTEED. enfmond rksttter Hand Bills, And get your Buggies and Waggons Repaired at Lowest Ratesg April 24th, 1804 Sabe the place Tous A co Pll'l‘l’ MANY nl-lrâ€" ‘-.â€".â€"Iu“va . DOCT s AVE MANY A DOCTOR‘S BILL A Car Load of Speight Waggons and Buggies just arrived. Sce them before you buy. Implements, etc., bought for Cash and sold on very best terms. FEEL SICGK? Mower, Rakes and Harrows. \\'iwri&bvi3llfivili&â€"i’;arlm?m::;;:n â€"a good solid machine. â€" Buchannan‘s Hay Forks and Slingsâ€"the gI savers. Also Agent for the Singer Sewing Machineâ€"which recomme ‘The McCormick Bindlochineâ€"the best in the market. tirculars, Warehouse just North of Standard Bank, Darkam. Business Cards, Calling Cards, Pamphlets, WM.SHARPE, Agent _ Come! Come! L gll _0 20 CC @~"VR o DILL, i Est flg'vmmfi(n recetv of price. t / GPor Pros Semples aditrees i THE RIPANS CHEMICAL co. 10 .’.m m'"o w« # NPw wamu Painting Done in the Latest Styles. EASY TO TAKE, QUICK To ACT. CSAVR mammnp a °k02 L202 CC McKNIGHT & LENAHAN N., G &}. McKECHNIE Binders, Mowers, Ploughs, Harrows, Waggons, Buggies, Rakes, Threshers, Sewing Machines, Etc. â€"â€" FOR THE menmmemsins Eivelopes, Blank Forms, prepared to turn Work in ad , lews Type ments, Head, and the differâ€" |__._ ind Slingsâ€"the great labor â€"which recommends itself. Prokdcnnlinfraniontnentinntantdi 2 2 Dornoch. A‘.! fil._~£?k_ I..*..'ck'?ye Try his tamous Nagaziki Japan Tea. An assortment of general groceries, fresh. The best place to buy yoUr Crockery, Wringers & Wringer Thresher A large assortment of Fint) ~ Crystals &c. Dinmer Sets 85 picces $7â€" #4 _ 100 Â¥ "* 103 W.& C. T sets 44 Crockery and grocery day after Guelph. Lustowelâ€" First Friday in each month: Fergusâ€"Tburmhy following Mount Fores Markdaleâ€"Saturday beiore Orangeville Orangevilleâ€"Second Thursésy in each month. l"luberton~uondny before Orangenill Dundnlkâ€"Tlnsday before Orangevillele Shelburneâ€"Wednesdas betore Orengeville 'llk:flonâ€"uu, Wodneriay in eath Durhamâ€"Third Tuesday incach movib Pricevilieâ€"Monday _ Lefere â€" Durlkam Hanoverâ€"Monday before Dorham. Mount Forestâ€"Third Wednesday in onchb month. ' Guelphâ€"First Wedecsday in each monthb Harristonâ€"Friday before the Guelph Fain Draytonâ€"Saturday betore Guelph, Eloraâ€"The day before Goelph, Douglasâ€"Monday Lefore Elora Fair, Hamiltonâ€"Crystrl Palace Groupds, th CRYSTAL SETS MECHANICS' INSTITUTE, | New Hallâ€"open every Tuesiay evening from 7 to 9 o‘clock, nnd every Satarday from 2 10 4 p. m. Anuus) fee $1, Dr. Gun Pres. C. Rumage Sec. Mis. Machae, Librarian, eVery mouths [ _ ‘_= Dr, Gun,Cbairman. Thos Allen *# imeets on the first .uthLA;:iTuud.v‘ of every mouth. Thos. Brown, Com, F, C. Hawilton, R. K. PUBL]C SCHOOL, ; | AVCO, pivambadgid s / SO.\‘S OF SCOTLAND, B CAMP NO. 45, meets in 8. Frid»y on or befor» full moon, Biunie, Chist, Geo. Ruseel, See. gA40GEEN TENT, K OTM. No im mnmatk m Hhis BE O3 un es m I This Saatazl _ C CPOHF 6 eÂ¥ery mouth, This Society offera insurance of $1000 or $2000 at low rates, and small initintory Fee. C. L. Grant, M.W., A. McKen:ie, Recorder. L P CCC 4Bf * in the Hall over Grao; * Cld stere the 20d and 4th Monday ef every mor ThMd. w8 _ & I Â¥ of Musys . °0n exoBL,LO.€ . Nighqy hand of Meeting, on recond mt last Thirs» day in each month. dotn Livingstone, Cluef Raage, . Burnett, Hecording $u0. C o omemer . napmatie t URHAM LODGE, a oc D in tha Hai) _"K:vl;;_‘ 0.U. w td »4 B id * Meeting, op ThursGay moon in each mouth . \p See. COCRT DURBHAN.®OnILO.4 WBMHantios, ... l 64 URHAM L.O. L. x D M anpLacss ..."n ‘L NO. ( 000 VARTL 4 of Meeting every Mopd 8 s‘elock, im the Odd Pellowy g bretherp welcomed. W. REY 1 e G teUal LODGE XO.1601.0.0 ¢ on or before ln;lilwn;‘:-nl{‘, Visiting brethern weloome Ww. M. Geo, RO;I&‘“, ee, Dvmam LODGE ®o s t oA Af Nes .. 0 E0006 JOHN CAMERON. Darkham Ser day of every m P a. m. first 10:80 a. m. third METHODIST CltiRe J. C. POMEROYy, Service every Sabbath and 7 p.m. Sabbar, Sch Prayer moeting ey #ry Wed at 8 p. m. BA”‘ST cnl,'lt(‘ll. Atives REV. w. HcGIU.’GOE‘ PaStop Sunday Services, MOrDig a, H k Subbath sd:"fl" and Eib, tlusg l\l;lm’ p. m. | Preaching s1 7 /; .. Week ever, ing Sorvi'l‘,â€"T""'"‘-"." ®Veuing , h:u'l:. Drayer meeting ut 8 ), 7. Â¥ou0g Py h: bniua on Monday 4\ , ; . , . (0OK Peopl © 22 722100 ¢very Bubbath «11 7 p. m. Babbath Behoul uy at 230 p. m, |p TBYCT 1.60@buy, duy evening at & p. m, Service 7 p. m. q STos. o e présoreany CBURyg REY. A. 6. Jansmy), Service ©Y°ry Subbath 2 ,, . T m im mlaa . Babbath Servi Sunda Sehool a; C"""’g Wardens Wlu'llnou, lin _ " "Pg thkes 4 the post oflice,, Whethep -li...::" name OF Alother, or uh(â€"umh i seribed or not ;4 "exponsib}, 5* byy m HEL 4 2. Aay Person q the post oflice, y name or RDOther ,, pnuil 3 Morthly Fairs to 4 p: im C CHURex Newspaper L,.'. w terrma in PPrnn) se . master & ibere nopsis of the ::'."..'.".'._‘."h:..." p _ REV. R. MAL every month, (Gey first Bund@&y . of . m, third Sanday of Cgoel Em PETE NO. 45, meets in S. of 8. Hall o 10# wl OFFICE M. Nigiq of y SCOTLAND, BEX XEYIS3 DURHANX DP Sehool and bil w s "I Bervicesâ€"11 JOL. Durham School wn the is Saturday in «4. CONn OR, Pagroy,, Bervices at 1j tm bool and p;. .. *® angr "« 100 1,0.0.F . Night y Monday evening as Peliows En\l. Yiig. d. W.B. Yollet See, a omm ©ve0008 44 8. 9 q IURCR nacd yy" 3. ° Cltmeat 95 ONET, Pastor flce 1 Arch. " * + #48tox, nth ut 10g9 Setrool at 23( Wedbesdne .. dels ds of exch morth ~ Thos. Browp Ohsible ‘: h..: ptten Bopwan hn -.:lf:‘_&-hgh 82. Nizht of or Lefore full A Auderson, 0 Op Allsold Principal. MA Sup *R Nerrioes.. ©¥ety tmonth vg "“l-u. 408 i -\lnchu;,:l Fere,,. | CHet wng 7 i luy ";nn: 48Top 'I‘nud.’ morth, Th Munto, rom 10 30 2. m ¢u D. m and tm Nyp big 7 SS 111 I“’. eBT sulfl‘ss DIRECTORY {-_oc Ew oo 2C he filling of the n« gence mext door \\ 9 a ol 1“ yB gppitss m SU. KS __.“" Comn T1 ot poutal 8« Anasted. without \ gus, or vitulimed £\1 ° m ”"."’un“ (edwemort i pENTISTRY. : € â€"-"/ w t pri=» t 1 '.Lflch.;hx,t.-., » Loan and MEC) t oma‘on"‘""‘ am1TVr uo.nuw of drey and at reusonable 1 H % Licensod Auetionec barges modemte 0 Priceviile Arrangoments grsiew. Vol- DAhN. M * ICENSED A §SUER of M» dressed i0 Laxtta: aitended to. l4 Township of Ben ‘ONOR Gra ds JAM®ES j. T. FOSTER. T. C. LAND and 1«o‘\~ Laxn V +! n uSS N0A dtsd: NC W) 1 sHEWELL & SON Money to lead at loâ€" Chased. . Money inves h commission, m # toneer for C A general fimnc DAVID JaCKsON, J _ Office, next door to Th ol . ue door nort! Following Prope»! HUCH SoXK S C Aonxts for i;:’;.s',?.-m:”" inross St1« w:&fl(h splend wnd tike. Nopthâ€"\\ » FOR SALE The RDG3 PROPBRTY 1OENSED | uf Grev. K of Bs ; Fxiens "bll' i "‘d. Ki $ACING. pUORU!A® LEGAl guldi ture. ©onVE we V sked t D AUCTI J&ACK S© with e MENTAL ELEORD. .\ \(iitnor as t ~Baoans | LANEOT H = IN rutk "â€"-L W . Re F4 H Lz E4 i443 o LCAXNX 1. H. MH OÂ¥ [ X MNxovaiv AdLLA sR County « ILL SITE iore Lots would be () L L00p OTHERS @%‘G& S £ A & s ds YOU |*7<p" 10103 Ayor AYERS _ SARSAPARILLA Cures 0 p} K all cuUREs w Poil wool {Jut SALESY®! «ty * N0 SEE U * c\ CEP N Q

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