West Grey Digital Newspapers

Grey Review, 4 Oct 1894, p. 2

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if 8i# V ove pla) migth At tad %Â¥ w mot of F List arm Ti tare im t alor Lon bat of 4 Fil cils did not always select the best men he instanced the fact, that out of five County Treasurers tour of them deâ€" inulted and the County lost 240,000 to $50,000. _ As to Registers of Deeds he favored the present system as being fair and reasonable. because it secured that those who employed the services of the Regristrar paid for them. en tfi @ e oo IF your ehild is puny, fret/ul, troubled with glandalar swellings, inflamed â€" * O# sores on the head, face or body, .« todrse of Aye ‘--r_'_l:!- needed from the vap« &.- uy humors from the ry lnic. and there of a man:! Seotland. PA the of 3 PW D pr â€"Protection is under a cloud in the North West. Mr. Laurier has been discoursing upon the superior advanâ€" tages of freedom of trade in Manitoba and the Northâ€"West," with the result, that a great awakéening has taken plaes among the people as to the reâ€" tarding effect of a protective policy upon the development of the country. Manitoba and the Northâ€"West ‘Qerritor ies have an area of 230,000,000 acres ot land, sufficient to afford homes for millions of people. But the entiré population today, after the expendiâ€" vure of millions of dollars in building a thorough line of railway and offering bonuses to intending settlers, is less than 250, 000 and during the last decade only 42,000 persons have been added to the population. Vanrcouver island on the western limit recalls with longâ€" ing eyes its great prosperity previous to Contederation, when it enjoyed free dom of trade with the whole world. Winnipeg in the eastern limit has al= ready experienced the disastrous efâ€" feets of the N. P. the farmers of the tors to rob the country, shared the spoils with them and then aided in bribing the electors with their own mogev. ~â€"Plg Liberals of West Ontario 1 dong honor to themselves in azain pointing Mr. J. D. Edgar astheir st ard bearer at the ensuing general c tion. In acknowledging the con ment Mr. Edgar said that as the re gentative of the Riding in the Hons Commons, he had endeavored to se his country first, and then, to meet views of his constituents. He bri in the new British subj gonform to n mm t Ne M tw« . en â€"A new treaty has been concluded between Great Britain aned Japan. By the treaty of 1808 certain ports were thrown open to British trade, and Britâ€" ish residents were exempt from native Jurisdiction but could not trayel beâ€" yond the limits of the treaty districts Sink be too strong for him, e view of the unsettled state China ard Japan. foars are entertained by bis friends that death may step in any time, and the Emperor himself, has been made aware t his dungerous condition. ‘The removal otf Emperor Alexander from the thpone of Russia may lead to grave eomplications among the Enropean Powers. The Czar has been a man of peace, and although the Czarewitch is anxious to walk in the footsteps cf his tather, the war party in Russia may be too strong for him, especially in Union." The pree‘se tions of the sontest are early part of next yea P w n e # ez ~a â€"The unsettled state of public apinion us the great questions of Free Trade Â¥a Protection has induced the Rtatist (London,) a paper devotéd to economica} questions, to offer a prize of ene thogsand guineas for the best scheme of an â€" "Imperial Cistoms tations formed erriy in the season, being far in exeess ot that of last year. Â¥Ep to the XÂ¥th alt., the receipt» of grain at the railway stations was 2177, 000 bushels and is comes potring im as the rate of 160,000 bushels per day. : â€"There wnald now doubt, bat that the wh Ktobs wil} come ap to t THE REVIEW: cnsap Durkam, Oect‘r. 4th,. 18I%1. | _ 4t the time of l The Ozar is ~â€"â€" & 6 4 ‘ne Conurts by popuiar l ; 1 f Dusha § Fe id aiso aporove of the w"f,',',',,,'..r'l e€epurine:: . Schook for gistrare of the Courts | . se. thciisâ€"Norah Chadwick. Huttic | may o dsapproves ot the | ytoffat, Mary McCreary, Lena Wolfe, | year baving a direet peeunâ€" | Jessie Johnston. Cl prceuring convictions, | _ Jr. 5th classâ€"Lexie Anderson, Finlay ings vored the appointment (;l.'«llh«llll. Walter Park, Allie Grant, Etta i:t“: rown Prosecutors as in | Ainney. & side, C hat C C Sr. 4th classâ€" Mack Watt, Ruth Johnâ€" | or fil ow that County Counâ€" ston, Birdie Crawiord, Douglas Munroe, Cb vs select the best men | Charlie Flemine. _ US eriff as a Dominion wers limited to the recated the election of he Conurts by popular d also apuorove of the & + 4+ wheat er pI ie high expee. |the usefal arts im the «ason, | Dosed to be neay â€" at of last year. : torn by a perpeta; the receipts ot | the applications of stations was | toil into the backg m[lfl)’ih‘ all the diflienlfics seem ult ; time, and been made t affairs in Sr. Pt. IL.â€"Edith Grant, Teenic Nes ter, Plogsie Limin, Allie Gup, Harry durnet. Sr. 2nd classâ€"Lillic Nediger, James Lavelle, Bella Renton, Jluwpi‘ Fox eg. Mande Patersor, Jr. 2ud Class"â€"Robt. Hughes, Mabel Cameron, Ida McCre ty and Flossie Becker, eq., Jessie h« bertson, Lulu Woadtwingtats, _ _â€". CA 000. .c n n xd e Class 1, Draught â€"!‘;\Vx'r reldi Sr. oth classâ€"Norah Chadwick. Hattie | mares, â€" Jas. st.’.‘w.m' A f]‘.,;,',':‘,x,:, ': Moffat, Mary McCreary, Lena Wolfe, | yearâ€"otd gelding or filly, W. T. Ellis, Jessie Johnston. , Cluss 2, (iem:'ml l’}|‘|r|'m.‘~» â€"Pair geld Jr. 5th classâ€"Lexie Anderson, Finlay | ings or mares, Jno. Nt r: 1 uglas; : i Frick vig i s yearâ€"old gelding or filly, W. H. Purvi Graham, Walter Park, Allie Grant, Etta Ist and 2nd; brood mare with foal l»; Kinney,. side, G, Hutchinson: 1â€"yearâ€"old gelding Sr, 4th classâ€" Mack Watt, Ruth Johnâ€" | or filly, W. H. Purvis, J. L. Graham, stou, Birdie Crawjord, Douglas Munroe, | â€" Class 3, Roadsterâ€"Pair geldings of Charlie Fleming. mares, not over 154 hands fiigh. Jacot Jr. 4th class â€"Maggie Cameron, Violet | Holley, J. W, Sproule; brood mare wit] Hinds acq., Maud f)u\‘idsun. Andrew | foal by her side, W. J. Lever, 8. Irwin Park, Chas. Lavele, Birdie Parker, f:t‘ysnl;fld‘ feld}ng or 'Hily. i:'J McGee, lassâ€"â€"Loene McAnulty, Jos, | R.J/MceAfee: â€"yearâ€"old gelding or filly, Mg:'n:.’r;'la:ny Phw-m.‘lwl;in{\lla(:. W. W. Trimble: spring 7""" G. H"“'i' Cecil Gun aeq., Lizzie Lauder, inson, A. Johuston. Jr. Srd classâ€"Annie Neal, Lottie Leâ€" velle, Willie Hunter, ll-y Park, Paul Vair aeg., Ella Laidlaw, Jassig, Munroc, meuge! 2/ x o alee : syals € bDe mo £.Manâ€" ston, Birdie Crawiord, lk'llglini;--)i'lxvl;i Charlie Fleming. Jr. 4th classâ€"Maggie Cameron, Vic Hinds acq., Maud f&!\'iglmn. Andr n frontier of Corea. eity of 250,000 int mimeoe, which lies at a height of 470 feet above the level of Toronto. ‘The builder of the Ferris wheel said that the growth of cities in the future will depend upon the intelligence with which they make use of their water power. The. production 6t electricity by the barning of coalor wood inâ€" CTeASES the COSt tab mnelifur man_...1 t , At the time of the @rmatior | Royal Society, something over !«lred years ago, greas expe } were formed of the rania ... the eitizens of Toror tricity, zo cheap tha industrial wheel, he brilding, workshop Lalf the cost of coal. me the useful f e that it was es HONOR Â¥ 20 C OCeP 2000 Tt WiP curn every vial wheel, heat and light every "g, workshop and home, st one ie cost of coal. All this is to be by atilizing the waters of Lake in many ways CHEAP ELECTRECITY "C*>, sSometaing over a hunâ€" Ts ago, great expectitions ed of the rapid progress of ) arts. The time was sapâ€" & near when engines wouid perpetaal motion, and that y ways, has not yet beâ€" ful factor in every day is expected to be. The ty is its dearness. But seems now to be in a fair m at all events so far as mcerned. _ A company, reduet Company has been e purpose of providing Toronto with cheap cleeâ€" ip that it will turn every ROLL P seience would drive Ormatiom of the Ns loia s CD@RC 22 "EPeira‘ c Cam b ~Ilf J.KB. Thibodo; farme D. ';honpaim. 8. Sheardown horse under saddle, W. Thomp Buchanan; tw @yearâ€"old driving .eldir:lg,“l'_‘_ Tavlor, W. Beathan Be 20008 4â€"â€" PP Catriige horses, geldings or mares, not less than 154 hands high, T. Eliiott, D. Thompson, single driving horses, judf(ed by s‘pe(-d._l(: A. Park, J, W. Sproule; single driving mare o ‘ruins.“ju:l&gi_!_r,_'_ appeara co, Roa Class 4â€"Pair carringe horses, or mares, not less than 134 ha T. Eliiott, D. Thompson, single *yearâ€"old gelding or R. J )MeAfee; â€"year W. W. Trimble; spr insonm, A. Johuston. in â€" «company . with had an elegant turn o most everything â€" or hearse to a eart, all a elegant in design. A platform, with er performance was surr or admiring crowds gave the usual exhibit and the first place was captured by an old Normanby boy, Dan McTavish, who in . «company . with _ Mr. Whitten, had an elegant turn out comprising alâ€" most everything on wheels from a hearse to a cart, all wellâ€"finnished and out, There were two entries a double rig and a single one, and the old plugs with chains and strawâ€"tied harness, etc., etc., drew forth peals of laughter, We have seen rigs not 100imiles from Durâ€" ham that could in such an event make a creditable display without much prepâ€" aration, The most prominent display on the grounds was one of wheeled yehicles, sleighs etc, There were two exhibitors _ To one familiar with Durham‘s splenâ€" id showâ€"ground where nature has proâ€" vided a grand "Grand Stand" there is felt a lack where one can see the flying horses only at one point of the track and have to crane one‘s neek and crush even to get that glimpse. We saw them however and can beartestimony to the interest taken in this sport in East Grey as the large namber of events and heats testified. . Durham had some slightly better horses we believe but in number they were eclipsed. An amusing featâ€" ure of the ring was the effort to win the prize offered for the worst looking turn out. â€" There were two entries n Annlia as the l testified better 1 thev we The directorate o° this Society must have felt deeply gratified last Friday night when they closed their gates and opened their purces, The day was an ideal one, the attendâ€" ance was very large, and the exhibits aud performances of no mean order. The Concert too wasr success and the President must have been pleased to be able to announce that the receipts of the Society woull be $110 over last year. rs 800 cusual \the ( we in EAST GREY EXHIBITION ‘ith erections for trapeze s surrounded by amused owdsâ€"as the performers xhibits and an amusing hinese Laundrv. â€" This ist nese Laundry, This stand cost the manrâ€" °C Un Hutchâ€" | ferers f1 acknowle vses, RI'I'I{IE%S Nitrate ) hands high, Glycerme ingle drn‘mg f . A. Paurk, J, | drops ; 1 ing mare or | drake roo ;ra cs, ‘R. A. ’ Infuse armers‘ race, | _ k lown; single | MaLe®: S ompson, Jos, | the other Ivmg ma~e op | black bott nthuun:hur».ile ‘ a day befc S trot, Jas, 28 cents, est | walk ngl geldings opr high, Jacob d mare with . 8. Irwin: Of The unds lowing rece ferers from m'knnwledg Nitrate of Glycerme 1 drops ; Liv drake root } Infuse th Mecl Threshing is about 1 section. â€" The yield of ; Mr. Angus Morrison it Owen Sound. His recompanied him back Mr. and Mrs. John P PoQatitin®y cahane 5 owledgment of his own cure :â€" rate of Potash 4 oz ; Alcohol 2 az ; rme lkoz; Oil of Wintergreen 29 i: Liverwort leaves 1 0z: Manâ€" root 4 oz, ise the two last separately â€" in ~ strain through a cloth, then add ther ingredients; this will fill 2 bottles, A tablespoonful 3 times before meals. Cost of ingredients s R. WATSON, sr. Sm Varney. The A gricultural8o the banner Tp. ot Exhibition _ in Neus and Friday of last we was superb, The vlis liberal display of red Rheoumatis Its excellence is due to fts presenting in the form most acceptab‘s and pleasâ€" ant to the taste, the refreshing and truly beneficial properties of & porfect laxâ€" ative ; eSFectually cleansing the system, dirpelling colds, hceadaches and fevors and permanently euring constipation, It bas given satisfaction to millions and met with the @pproval of the medical profession, because it acts on the Kidâ€" neys, Liver and Bowe‘s withont weakâ€" eving them and it is perfectly free from every ohjectionable substrinee. Eyrup of Fiys is for mlo by all drug. g‘sts in Y5c. bottles, but it is maruâ€" faetured by the California Fig $yrup Co. only, whose name is printed on every packaso, slso tho name, Syrup of Figs, and boing well informed, you will not Frings comfort and imprevement and tends to personal enjoyment when rightly clad!n The many, who live betâ€" ter than others and enjoy lifomore, with less exponditure, by more promptly adapting the world‘s best products to the needs of physical being, will attess the value to health of the pure liquid laxative principles embraced in the remedy, Syrup of Figs. 18 ,_J:. é@ 4 (n. ,‘v" f « % D y3 3°y . t \ ffl' £3ei ,./,% lÂ¥ * Aress e ud P T se e P ts C signed offers free the folâ€" ipt for the benefit of all suf. : Rheumatism as a grateful ment of his own cure : eEA ; ck *4 fec se Â¥/. NS 4B SCOTCH TOwn tely. If y:u‘ is your remedy usns cultural Society of Normanby, r Tp. of 8. Grey held its in Neustadt on Thursday ‘ of last week. The weather . The vllage hung out a very play of red, white and blue, genuine holiday appearance, e pretentions towns would do KNOWLEDGE sm Cure. ®s. â€"Distressing Kil. eases relieved in six jouth American Kij. w remedy is a groat n hecount of its ex» relieving pain in the and every part of the ale or female. It re. r and pain in passin If you want quicf bur remedy. â€" Sold by wick HMis sister wourd up grain is g n took in j home: n the fair Miss EDie in this @rvis x Wall Paper "« Must be % â€" Millinery. Fall Mivlinery Mrs. E. DAVIDSOQN®S. WINCOW SHADES A recent discovery by an old pbysician. Successfully used monthly by thousands of Ladics, Is the only perfectly safe and relfable medicine disâ€" covered. Beware of unprincipled druggists who offer inferior medicines in place of this. Ask for Cook‘s Cotton Root Compound, take no substiâ€" tute, or nclose 81 and 6 cents in postage in letter and we willsend, sealed, by return mail. PFullsealed particulars in plain envelope, to ladies only, 2 stamps, Address The Cook Company. ‘ Bring size of Room &'\ Get Quotations. | QOur Stock Down! Id by all l')ruggist‘s‘ Millinery, LiUGy; N iL J NS L B RWIRUNE M BC N Monday night, 27th ult, at the| () MeKechnie Mill fire a Skye terrier, ’ . . NOe name ‘Dou,‘ fawn color. Any one giving | information that will lead to his recovâ€" ery, or will return the dog to Mr,. John 9::. Cameron‘s store, Upper Town, Durham, « will be rewarded by the owner, Mars. Carm‘n MclLrax. _| Durham, Sept. 8rd, ‘M. | y . wr | “D j‘ A Cth : h ho 43 ! {. ‘ @ } (} \ i 4 ())\' Monday night, 27th ult., at the MeKechnie Mill fire a Skye terrier, name ‘Don,‘ fawn color. Any one giving information that will lead to his recovâ€" ery, or will return the dog to Mr,. John Cameron‘s store, Upper Town, Durham, will be rewarded by the owner, Mars. Carm‘n MclLxax. Lost, Sirayed or Picked Up! New Store: New Man: Als Relued _ | Butter, Eggs, Driecd Apples, Lard, Tallow, MaQFARLANE & (,, Wool, Wood, Etc.all taken at Cash Price in Reduced, ” Even at A Sacridcs. | q Snâ€"ssions, Nervous DWMI‘ 4 ."\llil“" Syphilis, Unnatural D{. rges buse, hiin.y and Bladder Diseases P?:Iltlvoly' Csuell"edA:;' § mer y 1at®, S o4 Troatmant MUMIandarfn! Niaa â€"=» WE HAVE OPENED UP %â€" With full Lines of New Dry Goods, Boots, Shoes Groceries. An examination of our Goods is respe fully requested. DECORATED + . T 2208 Diteaserhave wroeks the lives of thonsands of young men l incr. | the farm, the w})‘rk-hop, thzdsnuda\' school, the ufllru* the pro.es« is dletiims, You‘g man, if you have been indiscreet, beware a tho.fuufiu. 0n ars rrowing ln'umuuuFl);‘ werk and old, both sexually and pbysical !r w+~â€"s. NC NAMES USED WiTHOUT WRiTTEN CONSERT Confidencial, Smss mm \RDUELLT 4 EMisSIONS AND SYPHILIS CURED. 5 va _ W.S. Coiling, of Saginaw, Speaks. W. 8. COLLINE "iam?. AtISI lenrned a bad habit which I contin« _ &ee, _ © \ tod L 19. I then became ‘"oue of the boys" and led a . $Z% €£\ ; i: Â¥ life, Exposure produced Ayphiits, lz:euno nery» S / ou8 and dnfl]mndunt; no ambition; memory poor; eyes e~ " ) {od, sunken and blur; pimples on face; hair éoou. bone +/] V ons wonk back; varicoccle; dreams losses nt hights m-ukfmrh; deposit in urine, ete. I spent hunâ€" 3 trsds of doliars -u&"uz help, -ndvueonwnnhtlng swcide when a friend reeommended Dra. Konnz? ‘ \, Kormun‘s New Method Treatment. _ Thank G 1 u4 a "y tried it, In two months 1 was cured.. This was mix €7 4 ) Z Fours ngo, and never hn*;mnrn. Was married two | £5 | "> years ago and all happy, 78, try Dre. Kennoedy & Kor. es 6 t > 4‘ gaa bofore giving up hope," PC Dalgieish‘s old Stand, ¢ pald us after es and Bbod D ook‘s CottonRoot ‘(od Treaimentâ€"A Wonderful Biscovery COMPOoUND. Cook Company, . Windsor, Ont., Canada, O h0 Money in Your Bank or with Your Postmaster er you are CURED under a written Guarantee! Store; New Man; New Goody â€"â€"<«<3 EVERYTHING NEW!=©:â€" â€" *" > . . Pick up a suit of TWEED at 25¢ per yard, regular price 50c. SCOTCH TWEED SUIT made to order and trimnmed for $16.00, This is a snap, We Want 10,000 lbs. of Wool right away. and wili give sixteen cents per lb. for it. Rushitinnow. Itis as good to us as Cash. CS . McART:E;IETR TO CASH AND ONE PRice. bit which I contin the boys" und led a Hs, 1 z:euns nery» memory poor; eyes Trv 6lbs. of onr JAPAN TEA for $1.00 regular price $1.50, ) bars ELECTRIC SOAP for 25¢. )DA 4¢ a pound. is CURRANTS for 25¢ or 25 ths for £1.00, ) ib CHEST of NEW JAPAN TEA for £5.00, reeular price £6.00, Pry Goods and Clothing. The Cash System is the only way to do busine vantage and purpgse quoting a few of our pl‘icsess%%vcvfia ;ivae};,k Customers just what we are si!qxp_‘g_, ana how much they can a; s YELLOW SUGAR for $1.00, TAPIOCA for 25¢. ular price £6.00 Grocaries. AFzoR neaara‘y , Cileet, exchange for GOODS. Upper PEOPLE‘S MILL The New American Lantern, Lamps, Burners, Shades &c. C Oné Car (6O bbis.) of Coal Oil, American Water White Durbham, Aug. 8th, ‘94 Stable Lanterns, DOWN WE ARE [ Markin®‘, g a few of our nyiâ€"c. 10W,2 CAY. We find it a %:'eat ad. g a few of our prices each week in order to show our doing, and how much they can save by Paying for theip Goods when they pot them, Having thoroughly overhaulâ€" ed and refitted these Mills, we are now prepared to do all kinds of custom work to the satisfaction of the public. CHOPPING A SPECIALTY. j HEWSON BROS. H. PARKER, al Oil! Town, Durham. Corner, Upper Refined Coal Oil. EVERY â€"AND Druggist, Durkam. Men‘s LACED BOOTs price $1.50, Men‘s LONG BOOTs ORA LEATHER s3 LADIES RURBBERS 3 d5¢ | BLACK worstEp Saits | MEX‘"S sUTTs readyâ€"ma Eue sn 0 o n we would just lik ranre of READYy ; OovER COaATsS, We have just mark, MADE SUITS of C tend to sell them a fore seen in Darha; See our £9.00 ULST; $12.00 Town Boots and Shres BOOTS mad reSspect. 1 Durhan; Arade m N at pri€s », M uts at & o made at 3 ; to shoy you ADE&UTT§ . n (Gular pricg gular price f KAXG regular READY Â¥) up In *Glemx, had t ament this weel || «ied and he cme t« «i.d on his reton is wife was also oad Wire bears in «corporation, Parts erchards and a grow ".L y at J. A. H "“’w beautifal y shat es and 5* Un yoay: ""‘;Nda\ in theaftemo0nâ€" \\ platestaking in â€" A Lanex BoG. â€"\\ ter‘s. U”'l"u. 1 Durham Wosen N your Roll Caring, | Dyeing etc. am w as if Durham « pioneer days. mnd a tremendors took the other das entleman "At" Lve had someth | Toouen Caaor. â€" \ or, Maine, with a 1;"‘&?“\ \Akw @1 rook farm Protin As most of the gon "ide, it m.lg“- m chased to h oa h‘zhly of Canadi «n ".-u,..(, A. R who uld"""‘ ibiti .hdb\' day “.w wh no prizg. lm”l’"- N 5 hw;n- 0 P fot u“""‘: & Insurance OCoups n e ancers &¢ along the Atiartic 4oss of life and por «conclude *‘there=; ahat this step 1801« m\.wfl“ Novick.â€"All for the REViet ing the same © at the Brittish I went prop, whow ill ; B REC CC egy on Monday Inic! o" 43 of Nester Eo â€" 8 and mensured 72x4¢ ) A Gomurs #ew taking a fit, buti‘i the "artificial" it “â€""Nnh.u'nl.u. M. ‘}'.d one in A «lays, _ _ _ M Pélief for ~:ck ‘_*‘0*) Nenralgia Rev, Nr, Heny now at Knox Gol}« «lay season among Wiarton and »th places named his in the Pfllfl He Review readers a COll, â€" SubMan ... That Jovem. Olh“ll‘“ ."’.; and strengty an, *n No follows the use 0f S :_%h the few M P _ snt 6 pfl"‘v"“ l W1 Church. After r A first clasy prog The populge 33 ,, )'o'm uB& Nool j. A. Hoxre | Nr r_:n\ be at D " CC Sorminy a ‘ breatment for «l 1 h They do Monday, M "»dil) h it pst cl: . A. M KEWs. sinl with: Mr other la tv Ad. and t goods 1 Bah H after cc 25 cent II be ie Came ne t was 54 artette Club nccasion: and tu addresses is inevitable. church purâ€" insell kage of ms, one cover of W Mclh Ars kind M M M M V M d Miss Kat the Metrop Sawâ€"mill« M PERSONX ALs Me A M s My M M R M H R nad left M M

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