West Grey Digital Newspapers

Grey Review, 4 Oct 1894, p. 3

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day ‘ew Goods ON BROS. overhaulâ€" ese Mills, red to do i work to he public. CIALTY. Produce n Lantern, . Shades &c. LL. &A ) of Coal 011, er White aterns, CECR, I Oil, Jist, Durbham. ard, Tallow, 2s" Price in S 18 111 CiVve siXteen 6 to us as Cash. ShOeS a reSspect a, Dul’han: 1GE. 18 & great od. t0o Show amn» Shoes, 123 regular lade of Kaxg. "¢ for theip regular pricg "C@uiar pricg 105 H\(,m °s never bo. at $ on * at 8. 39 (OW "o.w SUITS and Ow M 1,00\ I Powders, each package of tiins two preparations, one I woodenâ€"box, the cover of is a measure for one dose, an relief for Sick Headache and lso Nenuralgia, and all kinds pains, and another in capsules | of one in an ordinary dose) s on the Bowels, Liver and forming a never failing perâ€" ‘ent for all Head and Stomach ~\ They do not, as mostâ€"pills ‘"y other medicines do, lose 0r produce after constipation, '{- take. 25 cents a box, at n Tuesday evening next, re will be a Harvest Home he Allan Park Methodist tor refreshments are served program . will be rendered. Hanover Quartette Clab music for the occasion: and ind impromptu addresses n by talented ladies and A good time is inevitable. 1+ devoted to church purâ€" ss at Neustadt as to the ast selected by the judges ms came | nearest, thus REVIEW for one year. \llan and Reinselles came ing judges they were ruled Watson, jr., came next to The weight was 540 Ibs. uess w’ .M- defeated Durham. in itch, last Sul.urday by Hard money at J. A. Cash Store. ~odâ€"Nasal Balm gives «peedily cures, Never © buy, sell, or rent a ns‘ next door to bank. «P‘r. or\spmdence on 4th vet \that two budgets 1« cheap goods. Big 4 Ad. and then hurch in Town has reâ€" inted and fitted up in uP‘s : 8 tore l be at Dromore day from 1 to 3 wadized in town Tuesâ€" ir place of meeting is inmmg wild tridges roos ;roulidhng & lote! fromt d nry,. Jate student here, is dloge, after a brief holiâ€" m« friends at Harriston, other places. In both is services were utilized Me has promised to give 1x sketch of the Knox ‘wxorsises in progress this ney at J. A. Hunter‘s se beautifal pictures , NEWS. â€"We were shown an widby a hen, the properâ€" #44, which weighed 4 oz. XQ@ inches in circumferâ€" 1 FEELING with the se of rénewed health id internal cleanliness, ie use of Syrup of Figs, he few who have not nd the old time mediâ€" hoap substitutes someâ€" 9. â€"Money invested for ons‘ of Durham. Also best Stock and Mutual >. bought their Boots, rgaut a sacrifice. Now : Burgains, ie marked down to a which is the same to and one price. J. A. irst class Hardwood J, A. Hunter. Upper «h and Wells intends »WWee at Dromore which ist its medical man in \Dr, McKenzie to Mt. ~ll be there for consulâ€" asing three days in the Wednesday and Friâ€" We hear the D ht a partner, ut in the N.W. and . cyclones in Kansas, * downpour and flood astic Coast, with great nopertty, it makes one "wl was done hy‘ the ns, Of d aud d His tw A. Robson of W tion of collars 7 day, that they 4 and hence re lodge of P ;:‘lijun??n hove s oo place like home." ws item tells of a dog f che reporter had seen i an up town hound iv, and the way an old that dog he might ing worth writing up. +Mr. B. Lewis, of Banâ€" n gang of 16 men is at ut ship thuber on the houn wiose courtesy M m.’lllll.\h'd on getâ€" f #il'v\' Fair in full C Fp«rfl all went i ‘or this we are wlim. McKenzie, of ver accepted by the getting f t Also Priceville. i the other ears being atrons of n horn, that we i on getâ€" sir in full o‘clock t 1 nvey wer wrton con Rev,. L. C. McLean, of Alpena, Mich., is at present visiting bis uncle, Mr. C. MceDougall of this town. Mrs, E. McAlister, of Stratford, is at present visiting friends in town. Rev, Mr. Gardiner, of Flesherton, was in town on Monday. Miss Frankie Hughes, was home from Chatsworth, for a few days last week. Mr. Jno. MeArthur left last Monday to pursue his studies. Miss Maggie MceDonald, left Monday morning for Toronto,. Mre. Neil McLeod, of Priceville, was in town last Tuesday. Messrs. L. J. Frook, of Proton, and J. W. Watson, of Buffalo, were in town vesterday. Miss Violet [eDuff, of Markdale, was the guest of Miss Beatrice Meintyre for a few days. rate payers to lay water pipes on sever~ al streets for private use. A petition signed by "Mr. John M¢â€" Kechnie and 140 others" was prescnted praying the council to take steps toâ€" wards fire protection and vreing the claims of the Ronald engine. °~%>> firmness of Messrs. Calder and Kilmer in opposing this engine was entirely out of sympathy with the people they l represent, and obstinacy would seem a bettter word for it. The council aloptâ€" | ed a resolution by 6 to 3, to appoint comâ€" mittees of citizens and council to confer with Romald as to purchase and report at a special meeting of council. ‘This was moved by Reeve Brown, secorded by J. A. Hunter, ard opposed by Coun cillors Kilmer, Calder and Williams, Mr. Jas Gum, Jr. is h« for a short time to re brief but severe illness. Mr. John A. MeLolian, who has been on a visit to his parents in Glenelg, reâ€" turned to Cleveland this mording. Mr. C. E. Noble and wi paid Mrs. J Burnett and in town a visit last week NMr. Chas. Mel Petosky, Mich., ar on a visit to the Mr. and Mrs. C. M Mr. John ‘Darling, of Parker‘s Drug store, rented MeFarlane‘s cottage up town and moved his family up last week, Many old friends will welcome Mrs, Darling back to Durhnam, Messrs. Arthur Gun, Ed. Lauder and Robt. Smith, all left for Montreal Monâ€" day morning, to resume their studies in McGill Medical College. Christian Enâ€" deavor, Social and other circles will miss them. We wish them all good health Mr. Thos. Gadd morning last for a ricultural â€" College Tommy. meeting. ‘The roor and the erowd waite Glad are we to notice that Miss O‘Mara, our popular educationist is again able to resume teaching after her late illness f ind su Mrs. Harry Hunt spent last week among her thavy Streetsyille friends. Master Carol accompanied her. Mr. Harry Hunt visited the County Town last Saturday. was moved by Reeve Brown, secouded by J. A. Hunter, ard opposed by Coun cillors Kilmer, Calder and Williams, The speech of Mr. G. McKechnie, was atelling one, and Mr. Gorsine‘s aneedote to illustrate the positin of councilmen who hold to office an( yet want the people to tell them :o go brought down the house. ¢ Messrs. D. Jackson and TL Piker at considerable trouble drove to Shelâ€" burne on Monday to investigate her waterworks. â€" These cost over 212,000, They give satisfrction. They have also a chemical engine costing over $2,000, We are likely to hear more of this. Free Kickers.â€"Dornoch vs Berkley on Monday 1st inst., at Berkley, Dorâ€" noch‘s Invincibles Oct. 6th. Return match of former about 13th inst. All ave bound to make these games interestâ€" ing and no doubt many will make it a point to be present. Mrs, J. Robertson, Miss Minnie and Master Robbie intend leaving by the C.P.R. for Youngstown, Ohio on Thursâ€" day 4th. Miss Katie Stewart left recently for the Metropolis of Ontario. Sawâ€"miller R. M. Dargavell has again disposed of a large amount of his No. 1 lumber. R. M. does a rughing trade and guarantees satisfaction every time. On Thursday last another exhibition of the Ronald engine took place, and to the satisfaction of all in town. With the engine on the brink of the river near the foundry, water was sent through 500 feet of hose easily over the ball of the MidJaugh House and surrounding buildings. A lateral stream through 1} inch hozzle was thrown nearly 200 feet. 1000 feet of hose was then run up the hill reaching to Kress‘ corner, and through this length of pipe and up the hill, its force was littie diminished. The engine was then placed on the bridge, suction hose dropped into the river and through 500 feet of hose streams were thrown 40 or 50 feet higher than the Presbyterian steeple. _ This was the best of all and compelied admiration from unwilling beholders. Mr. Ronald never had such a splendid opportunity to test the power of his engine as in this hill town, and the result must convince every‘citizen that his engine is capable of giving the most efficient protection possible for an engine to give. Artistic October again rules with an attractive hand. Holland Centre tied Strathaven team at Walters Falls Exhibition, leaving Dornoch boys head in northera league. Up from the Queen City is Mrs. J. Pollock in order to while away a short time at the old parental fireâ€"side, Mr. and Mrs. A. Robertson, of Molesâ€" worth, were the guests of Mrs. McIntosh this week., â€" Many of our Mennonite Stars, visited their evangelistic friends at Aberdeen lately. Durham‘s Industrial drew, as usuul, an im mense crowd from our village and its vicinity, On COUNCIL MEETING PERSONALS. RONALD FIRE TESTS MceDougall and , artived heve y DORNOCH night was a citizens room . was well filled, vaited paitiently for an while the council dis« business, part of which permission to several y water pipes on sever~ McD d, jr., left on Monday i course in Guelph Ag> e. Buccess to you mgine was entirely with the people they bstinacy would seen it. The council adopt 6 to 3, to appoint com wile of Dundalk, ad other friends me from Toronto cuperate after a Ed, Lauder and Montreal Monâ€" their studies in Christian Enâ€" at McArthor‘s and Sistep to conter ad report l il. «This secoided | wi of 94 On Saturday last as some children were roaming near the bush to the South East of the town a surprise awaitâ€" ed them. Something like two black dogs were seen prowling around, and Willie Buchan w believe was the first to ery bear, Marshall Rombough and some others who were working in a potâ€" ato field near by were soon on the alert. The town was notified, and in a few minutes a number of the sports with trusty rifles were looking for Bruin‘s gore. However Bruin unfortunately was not the first to bleed, as in.the preâ€" liminary firing, abullet struck Mr. Chas. Rombough on the leg going through the calf from front to rear, and making a painful and serious wound. The bulâ€" let it is supposed had glanced from a tree, Messrs J. A. Hunter, Con Knapp. Jas. Brown and others were around, and in a few minutes more Bruin apâ€" peared. The ground is very uneven and there was shooting up hill and down. After some ineffectual firing a shot struck Bruin‘s paw and carried off two claws, this fired him up and he started up the hill for J. A. Hunter. The letter taking in the situation and watching his chance fired as Bruin turned his right side towards him, and the bullet passed clean through his body. He never moved. It was now getting dark and the other one, a cub, got seot free and has not yet been capâ€" tured, though next morning, (before church) a number were eagerly on the hunt. Mammy Muiff has a fine, black, glossy coat, weighs 135 ihs, and is not in good condition. Mr. Hunter did more bear than business on Saturday night as ecrowds flocked to his store to see the prowler of an hour before. The setilement of York by permanent inhabitants arose out of the prepâ€" arations necessary to meet the requireâ€" ments of a seat of government, and the settlement of the surrounding country led to further growth. The Town Plot of York was originally a mile square and stretched from the Don River westâ€" ward and from the Bay northward to 2Znd concession. The front half of the square was intended for government ‘ buildings ard the Courts of Law. The other part was intended for the residences of the members of the government. This Town plot extended wesiward to about George street and now forms an insigâ€" nificant portion of the City. Front street was then called King street and afterwards became Palace street in exâ€" pectation of palatial residences from its proximity to the government buildings. Owen streot was then simply calied ‘street‘ and aftorwards was named Lot street fromthe fact that the Park lots abutted upon it. Soon Jarvis street was opened, and in six or seven years Postâ€" master General Heriot visiting, it said, persons who have travelled in this part "York was b than for hu was then hoy tionâ€"the first Canada reach Two main r creased to 10,000. The Rebellion of 1837 gave it a set back, but at the union of the provinces in 1841 it again began to inâ€" increase. â€" Now it has two hundred and forty two miles of pavement paved witn asphalt, rmacadam and cedarblocks, a population estimated at about 180,000, and a system of municipal government, which though frequently and deservedly criticized is vet the envy of all American cities. 8. Rosecarns, register; E. H. Nebester, treasurer; portrait of Grant; small round carmine seal. Heart Diskass Reusye®o is 30 Mixores â€"Dr. Agnew‘s Cure for the Aeart gives perâ€" feet reliefin all cases Organic or Sympathetic Heart Disease in 30 minutes and speedily effects a cure. Itis a peerless remedy for Palpitation, Shortness of Breath,, Smother~ ing Spells, Pain in Left Side and all syirpe toms of a Diseased Heart. â€"One dose convinâ€" â€" Mr. Alex. McNeil, who has been spending some time with friends in Proton, has returned to the old homeâ€" stead accompanied by his grandâ€"daughâ€" ters Lizzie and Jessie Martin whom all are pleased to see. _ Sandy MeBDonald has built a neat little a streets To the officers and Membership of Ben Nevis Camp, Sons of Scotland. GENTLENEN, The weather has been changeable for the past week. . t s a Quite a number of the people are s little under the weather with colds ow ing to the changeableness of the tem perature. MR oemmaetr s asual k M. McLean bas been making great improvements around home of late, is there anything in it H.? D. Muir who had his arm broken some time ago is improving slowly. It becomes me to thank you warmly for the prompt and satisfactory manner in which your Camp and Grand Camp haye settled the Beneficiary claim of $1,000 of my late husband Samuel Stewart. _ It is but right that all should know that immediately on the presenâ€" tation of the necessary papers, the check was at once issned. I hearby wish your camp and order ali prosperity in that noble work of providing for the widow and the orphan. BrAMPTON won the intermediate la lacrosse championship Tuesday at Rose dale, beating Orilla 4 to 0. There is in cireulation a new counterâ€" feit $5 U. 8. silver certificate, series 18901, check letter B, platg n _u.m‘hos' 6; W. Normanby Sept, 25th 1894 BAGGED A BEAR. CLRD OF THANKS. LETT=®R FROM TORONTO resident Excm xc SPrort PRICEVILLE Yonrs very sincerely HauEx StEwART mald has built a neat on one of our back & Co A CaBrs â€" Council has been suammonâ€" ed in Lonaon on account of developâ€" ments in British and French relations. Mx. Ed. Wilson is now busy working on an elaborate three chair case for Swallow‘s barber shop. It will be ar elegant piece of furniture when finished. J. W. Hamilton, proprietor, and all the employees of the Hamilton printing and engraving firm in New York, were arrested Tuesday while turning out lotâ€" tery tickets um{) civeulars for three difâ€" event companies, Count Mercer, exâ€"Premier of Quebec, by latest reports is just about dying. CasHi SToRE.â€"J. A. Hunter is selling for Cash and Produce,. Read his ad. Ruevsmamsx Cureo I~ a Day.â€"South American Rheumatisin Cure, ‘for Rheuma. tism and Neuralyia, radicaily cures in 1 to 3 d:fs. Its actiion upon the systeim is remarkâ€" able mysterious. _ It removes at once the cause and the disease immedietcly disappears. The first dose greatly bencfits. 70 ceuts. Sold by McFarlane & Co. TneEyx have a genuine Jack the Hugger in Stratford, who in broad day light the other day attempted to kiss every woman he met. He was brought before the police magistrate and gave his name Louis Dell. He hadn‘t seen a woman for oyer a year, and when he reached Stratford the beauy of the Classic City females and the strength of the Classic City whiskey were too much for him. The magistrate tmposâ€" ed a fine of £10 to help him to get back to his proper frame of mind. English Spavin Liniment removes all Hard, Sott or Cailoused Lumps and Blemishes from horses, Blood Spaving, Curbs, â€" Splints, Sweevey, â€" itingâ€"Boue, Stifles, Sprains, all Swollen Throats Conghs, ete. Save $50 by use of one bottle. Warranted by MeFarlane & Honor Roll for U.S.8., No. 3, Ben tinck and Glenelg. Sr. IV Classâ€"Tena Cameron 4C0, Chas. McKechnie 346, John Little Jr. IVâ€"Mary Cameron 282, Mary J. MceKechnie 224, Maud Dargavel 194. II Classâ€"Janet Little 175, Mark Meâ€" Clyment 144, Lizzie Smith 130. II Classâ€"Mary A. Twamly 210, John MeGillivray 186, Willie Young 173. Sr. pt. IIâ€"Chas. McKechnie 360 Marion Young 348, Neil Stewart 138. Jr. pt. IIâ€"Thos. Bell 284, Martha Laughlin 196, May Smith 150. 1 Classâ€"Hazel Dargavel 181, Lauchâ€" lin MeKechnie 166, Mary Little 146. Average attendahce 35. C. Poraersovort, Teacher. We have Opened out in A. DAVIDSON‘S Store, Upper Town, with General Dry Goods, Dress Goods, Dress Trimmings, Groceries, Ete. These Goods were Bought at a Treâ€" mendous Reduction and are Selling Accordingly. If you want BRargains, come along with your Cash or Produce. THE = CASH Strayed away from fhe premises of Mr. George Brown, lot 1 of 9, con, 1, W.G.R., Bentinck, on or about the 20th of August, three sheep and two ewe lambs. Any person giving information that wil lead to their discovery will be suitably rewarded. An Entirely New Stock se ns DAWU VY Dornoch, Sep. 26th, 1894. only litile rest an< had no at BNHLAE DE Eistrayed Sheep. hat Hood‘s> Cures Upper Town, Durham Cure SICK HEADACHE and Neuralgia sroion Price 25 Cents ar DRuG SroRks. da POWDERS * T T°OTRIC. 1t HONOR ROLL DAVIDSON & Co tao OF h Restored by anpartita. RQ nstipation I was that e hulf the ASK YOUR DRY GCODS DEALER FOR THEM. alth FEATHERBONE of Canada. Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. Corsets are now recognized to be the Standard Corset Flour per 100M ........ Corn Meal * Bhorts & Bran 84 ssrverns Oatmeal * Fall Wheat per bushel Spring Wheat * Oats, hi Peas, 9* Barley, hid Potatoea, 4* Hay per 600 .cc amees Beet PeF 100. ce ee+ POMK; . 8 nnmssreriers Hide®y * livisesss ies Sheepskins, each....... Butter per D............. Eggs, per doz ... Tallow por B.....l.... Wool 94 + Wood 2ft, long. Turkeys por Ib. Geese h 9y Ducks, _ * Apples por bag THE BIG 4. 250 ACRES belonging to the Estate of the late James Burnett, 125 neres nnder cultivation, rest hardwood bush, being Lots 28, 24, 25, 26, 27, Old D. R. in the Township of Artemesia, County of Grey, two miles from Flesherton Etaâ€" tion, three miles from Priceville. _ For further particulars apply to 5 e \;‘ll}[)fi, lu'*().;;nn, hl‘l’lflh("s. combs, etc. Come and see what a lot of Tinware we have for $1.00, + A. H, BURNET, Hopeville, Or to MRS, BURNET, Darham. *cm MEN‘S BOOTS, SHOES, and RUBBERS, all kinds and prices from B0cts for a good solid allâ€"leather plow shoe, and up. A Full line of Infant‘s shoes of all kinds: All Wool Serges, double width, in Black, Cardinal, Green, Slate & Brown, at 25cts a yd. Heavy All Wool FLANNEL, Light & Dark Shades, 20cts a yd. Union Grey Flannel, 124ets a yd. Heavy, Reversible, Allâ€"wool Shawls, 82. Ladies‘ Combination Suits, $1. Ladies‘ Allâ€"wool Cashmere Gloves, in Black, fine quality 25¢c, Ladies‘ Fleccedined _ cashmere gloves 80c. Ladies‘ Wool Finished Undervests Long Sleeves 25¢, Men‘s. Knit Cardigan Jackets 05c extra hoavy double breasted $1.40. Men‘s Uunderware all kinds at Big 4 pri('t-s. Men‘s Smocks and Overhauls. Best Table Oil Cloth in white and colors 25¢ a yard. Good Plush Albums from 90c up to $3 for our best. Flanneletts from 5e up, Laumps, lamp glasses, lantern glasses, is fine Dongola Kid Button Boot, patent tip, $1.2% ++ Heavy Glove Glove Grain Staiâ€" dard Screw Lace Boots, $1.15. is Handâ€"made Pegged Lace Boots, $1.25 at the Big 4. $s Prunclla gaiters 70cts. A good solid all leather Lace Boot, 9Octs râ€"" «»â€"HERE ARE SOME Of the Fall and Winter BARGAINS at the BIG 4. Ladies India Kid Button Boot, patent tip, $1.25. Ayer‘s Cherry Pectoral " Over thirty yvears aco, I remember honting my father describe the wonderâ€" ful eursiive eGects of Ayer‘s Cherry Peotoral. During a recent attack of La Grippe, which gasumed the form of a catarrh, soreness of the Inngs, accom« panied by an aggravating cough, I used various remedica and proscriptions. While some of these modicines partially alleviated the coughing during the day, wone of thein afforded me any relief from ihat spasmodic action of the lungs which world seize me the mement I attempted to lic down at night. After ten ortwelve such nights, I was and had about docided to sit up all night in my easy chair, and procure what aleep I could in that way. It then ocâ€" eufte@ to me that I had a bottle of Ay,or’l Cherry Pectoral. I took a spoonful of this preparation in a little Fater, and was able to lie down without coughing. In a few moments, I fell asleep, and awoke in the morning greatly refreshed and fecling much better, I took a teaspoonful of the Pecâ€" toral every night for a week, then gradâ€" wally decreased the dose, and in two weeks my cough was cured." Prepared by Dr. J.C. Ayer & Co., Lowel!, Masg, Promptto act, sure to cure Thoroughtred Chestor White Boar, ‘Prince Leon.‘ THIS Fine Animal is from the stock of R. H. Marding, Thorndale, Imâ€" porter of British amf American Stock ind is for service this season. TERMS â€" $1.00. Ac BOULDEN & Co‘s, Upper Town, Durham, Aug. 1, 04. Nearly in Despair, A Rac A Farm for Sale. Upper Town Darham. Come and see us. DURMAM MARKET kCatsesk i1364 4. 1., SAYS kina Geuch Bean & Uo. Chorry Pectorcl. 217 Genessee St., Oct.. 8, 1894 $1 65 to 2 75 to 0 80 to 0 0 0 0 0 80 to 2 25 to 0 50 to 0 50 to 0 26 to 0 £0 to 0 85 to 0 30 to 6 00 to 4 00 to 2 00 to 0 15 to 0 18 to 0 10 to 0 05 to 0 08 to 0 15 to 1 00 to 0 08 to 0 05 to N N5 to 5 50 to 0 40 to 0 52 0 85 0 85 7 00 5 00 5 50 2 50 0 40 0 15 0 05 0 10 o 16 1 2 0 09 0 05 0 50 MV hhae t Ammnbermd brmjened Intnigecss fmmjerâ€"fimjenm= Armnjen=l fmmjneel mnjens= fnje> frovjem: bmrâ€"! fnifemed Wrâ€"*â€".flâ€"wib,â€"vâ€"fitâ€")uâ€"wjâ€"wâ€"d The Gash System Uur Stock of Dress Goods is unrivalled. Its extent, its powers, its influence will be feltâ€"knownâ€"by our competâ€" itors, our customersâ€"by the town, by the country. Double width Tweed racs Double width Serge, black, brown, We beg to inform our Customâ€" _ ers and the Public generally : that we have adopted the Cash / system, which means Cash or / its equivelant, and that our | Motto will be "Large Sales & Small Profits.‘ S fu;n llLf 38 in. Serge, black, fancy 38 to 40 (:fi’nt Suitings ....> ... 38 to 40 Amazon finish (Â¥uake A line we cleared of Bengalines 8oc. jor N., G. & J. McKRECHNIE Just opened at Bargain Prices, . We ask you to see them and at the same time look at We are fitting up Handsome Millinery Show Roome up stairs and have put in a CHOICE STOCK of all the LATEST NOVELTIES in Shapes, Hats, Feathers, Tips, Osproys, | Mounts, Birds, Crescents, &c. The Department is under the management of MRS, _ MAHR, who thoroughly understands her business. The Seasons come and go so quickly, and Sceptember brings us face to face with FALL WANTS. Forths past two months We purchased one special Line of 100 Suits of Fine Ciothing at a Discount of 25 per ct. We will give you the Benefit. That will mean Clothing at less than wholesale to you. Perfect Fitting Mantles. | CARPETS, CURTAINS & FIRST PLACE FOR BOOTS & SHOES. There are all kinds of Boots and Leather, but a Good Article at the lowost possible selling price is what we will give you. _ We made a large purchase for Spot Cash and we are sate in saying that when you see thein you will buy them, RAMSAY & MORLOCK. Durhanm & Chesley. Durham,. Aug. 9th, °0O 4. A â€" CASH â€" BUSINESS New Millinery Department. we have been wide awake "Bargain Hunting‘ and ‘"Quality Secking." Shipments are now coming to hand and Stock and Pric es prove a brillisnt example of our success. In Fine Dress Goods we are showing : We take this opportunity of thanking our customers for past patronage, and we are convinced that the new system will meris a continuarce of the same. MANTLE CLOTHS long standing,.. â€" ,> â€" Therefore on the first of November next, we intend turnin% over a New Leaf and selling only for CASH or Produce â€"â€"AND WE WANTâ€"â€" The support of all who are interested in the CASH SYSTEM. The first stones in As we believe it is the best and we can speak from experience as far as collecting accoants are concerned, and the ill will you get of those whom you are pressing for accounts of = _ Ready to Wear Clothing. We are paving the way for We are going to make for our Store the name of ADCPTED BY N., G. & J. McKECHNIE. C. L. GRANT, 12} 20, 10c DOING THIS MONTH! Henriecttas 35c¢. House Furnishings. Table Linens, Towelings, Sheetings, Cottons. Satin Cloth, New Brown, New Gray, Black & Navy Lower Town. but w examinC ipproval Worth Worth 7Oc. the future as well a vour confidenc 55¢. 50c We are doing Business and we kn its ay of fe »d at id le AT Silk finish Henvictta 55¢. | Will be ol | For further !priemr on p Black Barsi(z Cloth86¢. Frillings, Veiiings. Ribbons. DURHAM CIDDER MILL. The undersigned having leased the Cider Mill, is preâ€" pared to manutacture all the usua) products of Apples, Cider, Apple Jelly or Apple Butter on short notice. _A practical man will be in charge. "Â¥that ]’ OT 53, Con, 2, E. G. Ry, Glenel 4 sisting of 100 acres, more or 80 acres cleared. 70 fit to ran mac on. _ Frame Barn 50x80 with bas stables; good concrete dwellin u(.hlm. .]-ul,lmildiusu; half a orehard; two go« q‘fin' fenced and in guud anfrad e JP sun uin GLOVES, HOBIERY, Lacrs, DRESS TRIMMINGS Any kind of en; but they than two u It is not ne Apples, as rejected on bruised. TI orchard; two gii'fl"w":"..' : fenced and in good state of e Situated about one mile from u‘f l)ui'luuumd one mile frc sarng a We 4o Cash for Culled Apples At present to 40e. pc for evapor Durham, August 20¢h, M, +1 M Handâ€"made Waggons for sale cheap. Jobbing of all kinds promptly attended to. ALLAN McFARLAKXE, Durham P apply LOT FOR SALE Ayton Evaporator. In the W Has opc lorse Farm for Sale Hou se to Lei. In Gimps, Braids, Silks DARGAVEL & WARD, The Newest, WwoORTI $1.00. WOODWORLKL QPENINQ t maAdc R.J. GRAHAM. Ayton Ont. in conne( A firstâ€"clas il pi Skoeing Shon, will pay from 30e, 00 lhs. for Apples ‘ssary to pick the they will not be iccount of being t DJ (GJ 1 i. HUNTER, Estate les will be takâ€" uld be not less i in diameter, ry to pick the Al ral W Wer West] alf r 10 Proprietor. want your xls a way want to partioulam hand and lotb

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