West Grey Digital Newspapers

Grey Review, 20 Dec 1894, p. 1

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Lots 341.28. Si.3. con.3. B.W.T. and ti. Road. Township Melancthort--174 acre-s “mineral. Inn. 211 PAP., con. 4. S.\V.T. and S. fe." Meusncthon-100 stems. bush ot. Lot 248. can. l, S.\V.T. and S. Road, MeIancthon--9' acres good bush. Lot 29, con. G, Meituiithon--* acres well timberod. last 16. con. G, Bentinck. 1Wacres known as the Just. Bamford tarm-well im- proved close to Lunlash. lot. l, Durham Street, North Prieeville. Lat 3, Kinross Six-egg. 2iorth .Pthryli.t: “mud Auction Mu modern" Amngomaut- be Buvmw roman. Ir [Maw/uh. Au of Grey. All communications ad- dressed to LAxLAsH P. o. will be promptly Handed to. P.esideneo Lot l9,Cou. 8. Township of Bentiuek. " _ - IN THP.-. Following Properties at Prices Asked DAN. MCLEAN. There's Big Money! at very lowest rates on good land securitv. FIRE. Life and Accident Insurance. Claims of all kinds collected-Old notes FOR SALE The? EDGE PROPERTY. HONOR Graduate of the Royal College . of Doutat Surgeons ot Ontuio. Tooth ex- wad without pun by the use ot aitroooxidr III. or “Mind air. ruuculnr attention paid a mum: ot mo anon] tooth. one. Ind Rut We next door w." of Poor. Once. r614 In the Town of Durham, County of Grey. including valuable Water Power Brick Dwelling. and many eligible building lots. will he sold in one or more lots. Also " No. 60. con. 2. W. G. R., Township of Beutinck. lat acres adjoin. ing Town plot Durham. DENTISTRY. Ill!rir\| n...“ Fmr um"... -'e lin 1. Durham Street. North Priveville. Lnt3, Kinross Street. North Pxicoville. With other sph-ndid Farms in Ontario Mn! the Nath-Were, Toronto and Manon-r ppoireeties for sale or ex- change. Mom To LOAN , mom-y once a Residence. 250 ACRES belonging to the End. ot the lone Jun” Burnett. 125 germ under eultiration, rest hardwood bush. being Lott 28, 24. ttG, 26, 27,?” D. “County of any. Sasha "touded to p In! " "Mounds Pte. - ___.,--, A Una“, IN.” _ 'dnrP..'. w. --. .-. -'P -'. V ___ - R. in the 'Fowusbip of Arum-in, County of Grey, two miles from Manhattan 8tn. tton, three pugs from. Prioovxllo. Por Eric: Mauls-s ”IDS. HORTOAGES, LEASEBK, WILLS, EXC., ATTENDED TO PROMPTLY. SEATLY AND CHFAPLY. cians it Loan and Insurance Agent, Con- veyancer. Commissioner ac. Lon. “tuned without delay. Collection. promptly and». Insurance .tteetod. HICKS? " LOAN " 1owont rules of tumult Intel on. door norm of ti. Soon. Sun-o barium N01" 8" Pl'BIJG‘. ('0umlu}oner.elc.. J. P. TELFORD, Bumsm. summon B swam: com. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 11lt ONLY FIRST-CLASS HEARSE ill TOWN. GUGGG bxhntiejn of Bruce and Grey 1tesidertee--Kiu,q St., Hanover. bougut, UN DERTAKING. JAMES LOCKIE, Mortgage 'SSUER of Marriage Licensee. _ _Auo W. L. MCKENZIE, Furniture. MONEY TO LOAN, Fire Insurance secured OFFICE. ovu- GnAu-r's awn:- Low“ Town. ICEXSED AUCTIOSEER for c? HYSk‘IANnnd Sn eon. GuldMed- “list and Fellow 'l,'rYi'litr' Medical l. Toronto l Member of Col. of Ph vai- ns and Surgeons of Ontario: Late sident Physician, and Surgeon to [ I'orotsto General Hos ital and Acs lcheur to the Burnside living in Hos. - .- Rim]. Toronty. A ICENSED ACCTIONEEK. tor th A Farm tor Sale. T. G. BOLT, L. D. S. DR- G. H- BIRD, HUGH McKAY. J. T. FOSTER. Dornoch. Ont. MISCELLANEOUS. MRS. Biiitir Tat Duh-Ink - Mi Apply to JAMES EDGE. Edge Hill, Ont AUCTION EER. In this line we Take the Lead. Well Stocked and Complete in GASKETS. COFINS, Ete., in the Latest Designs LARGE and Complete STOCK, Consisting of Bedroom und Par- lor Sets. Extension and Centre Tables. Bible Stundr-in Oak. Bamboo and Elm. Nice Assort- ment of Eagles. We ulso carry a Large Stock of Pictures and Fume Moulding. J, SHEWELL d; SON. COWAXCER. ETC. MEDICAL. DURHAM. The Hanover C'onvttyeucer, DURHAM taken for part purchase 1'httg'lithr. new» LEGAL “In In hm Waco Durban for the C ', “tint-ct DAN. 5leLEAN H. H. MILLER, D. MCCORMICK Dromore. Ont, many " Guy. It gumuzeod. nude u the hi. residence 'e secured On I Cheap and Reliable. Guaranteed to eirectuaty rouse the most inveterate lie-a-bed. WM. McFARLANE. Of the Best Quality Cheaper THAN men. With cathedraL gangs. in very hand- cases and 111 many Styles. ALLAN Mlhllulifl Horse Shoeing Shop, In the old stand. All hand- made shoes. Also Band-made Waggons Fancv Goods, TOYS and Stationary, WOOLS, EMBROIDERIES’ and SILKS, in ail COLORS and NEXT MISS GUN’S. CLOCKS&' - - - - - - WATCHES. xxxi-c---t First-Class Hearse. UNDERTAKING Promptly attended to, Has opened out a first-class s still to be found in his Old Stand r opposite the Durham Bakery. to try Ayer’s sarsaparilla. I took three Mules. the son-5 healed, and I hare not been tgmatrud nines. Only the scum remdn, and the memory of the past, to remind me of the Booo 'at9d'tgtttAlt has gone E?1u, re onty pounds, and am in tho best of health. I have been on the road be the pas: twelve years, have noticed Ayer’s Sur- tsaparilla advertised in all parts of tho Cnited States, and always take pleas- ure In telling what prod it did tor me." Prepared by Dr. J. c. Ayer a. Co., Lowell.Mnn. Cures others, will cure you '" Whit'hh;okv1uld bocumv run- . ning sun's. " [L I " “Wm (Tut family phy- ' sin-m!) Could do mu no good, and it was fared that tho bum-s would be aura-(ml. At last, my gum! (th Wall Papers at greatlv reduced rates Says HENRY HUN»); of th" James Mum. Woolen M;ilimttyi'tr., I l‘lulzlxlu-lphiu. ""l'li Ta.. SN ho ("TIL i), , m; as I'uilnws: "Only the Scars Remain," Jobbing of all kinds promptly Furniture Ayer's Sarsaparillé ALLAN McFAIngE, Mother Urged Me WOODWORK Watchmaker & Jeweller, Lower Town, Durham. ALARM CLOCKS 8 DA Y ' LDC KS in connection. 1 A first-elass lot of Door for sale cheap. VOL. XV1,--NO. 51. TO PARKER/S. KRESS JAKE KRESS $.35? (iiiht i!itt st lr 11y " Ah, 3/1de of Milan," laid Von Brunt, with A mocking Inner, " you don't we the head of the gull-m. knight in the plume when you expected tannin. But never mind; itisrmuhbsttartrs kin-mitt you will listenJ wilttall youhowit hump- pened. We ahtt"4 ot Sunny, with there noble knight- Wlnembqugncj of Be 's.o , God have mercy 1" the princess grown! resting her head upon Hippolita's bosom, "0 3 my poor, poor life I This is worse than death I" "What-wut, lady'. No, mh--you must not fail now. Come-come with us :nnd all may yet be well. They are friends who wish 'siftrrttacr-triteytttetterrrt't “N3. no," murmured Rommel. in [ones of deepest anguish ', "for me there is help no more on curth. The hour for help is passed. Had you come just one hour ttt)0ner--oue poor, short hour-there might have been hope for the power of friendship. But," the princess added, looking up, and trying to stand without assistance, "what is. this “range thing which has happened v.", " dou't understand it myself," replied 1iyg,1,il,tir,'2e, perhaps Cinthiu can tell you some sing about. it. , “I can tell you thus mach," said the wife of the armorcr: "A little past the hour of noon. ‘whilc the people were waiting for the announcement of your "numb w. ...- w...u....--...e... ___ F"-- mania re with the prince, u large cavaicade of knights eniered the city bv the eastern gate. They were led by Frederic Von Brunt, who seemed to be seconded by the Count of Modena. Whence came their wondrous power I know not t but this I do know, no sooner had they presented them. selves to the guards and soldiers than the latter bowed before them, and acknowledg- ed their author“; ', and thus the very arms upon which the ttke might depend for help were turned agaimt him. My husband was called upon, and ordered to take commend of the duke'l urehcrs, subjectto the order of Von Brunt ', and Hi palms and myself were ordered to come but?" to attend upon the Lady Roaabel. There is something very strange, my dear lady-something which I cannot explain. But como-d think the are waiting for you. Will you not go wit}: As he spoke, the princess looked up and saw, advancing from an open door, Orlando Vendorme. But the did not move to meet him. She turned to Higpolim, and bowed hat-head upon her shoal or. "O l" she grinned, " this ir. dreaflful. "‘36?" iirriGaiGi,"iity is dreadful. fatnfgotomychmbor. Itun1otstt.1ostr. on r _ "T, but]: and eondemmstion '." gasped the duke, when he aw the youthful champion. " .89. thit deg eet.1.eirkl,", ., " n " The hour of help is past for me; but I will go with you. I am ready." And, sup- ported by a dim, ahapeless possibility of succor, the princess accompanied the mea- scugfrs from per cfuunber.. _ . When the females reached the apartment where the ducal party haul been left, they found the knights anxiously waiting for them. Alfonso of Modems stepped quickly forward. and took the princess hy the " Fair coma," he said, '. we have come to help you, and I trust that we are not too late. b'ee--1 think here comet one whom you can trust." - _ _ _ hand "He is safe, lady. But-what ails you S'pesk---what in it I Are you faint '." "0 '. God have mercy 1" the princess gunned resting her head 'Wo.'.',, Ptelitt' time. bs I would not oppose them yet. If they seek the princetur-which I imagine is some of Alfunatfa doing-they will be thwarted at the very moment when they deem their success most sure. Let them do their will." The grime atood back. tga h;set,P,e n In nan s were no match for the stout knights of Saxony and Modena. In a. little with him cam "Michael," spoke Von Brunt, moving back a pace. and waving his hum! towards the duke and his companions, .. secure these gentlemen. They are all your prisoners. awe him who wears the vestmcnts of the " Go and call the erorcr. and bid him follow you with a score of his men." As Gaspard went out. the Saxon knight turned " min to the duke. bs My hard Duke of Milan, you shall soon be umwered to your satisfaction. If you think it best to try the virtue of your sword, 3m: can have ample accommodation, but I would advise you to remain quiet." Like it man who moved from some deadly dunger unseen, did the duke stagger back, and rest the point of his sword upon the OUTCAST (lf MIL. ga'm tlo an: bad Ludovico started to move for- , beth times had de Castro caught be Michael Totilln, followe It men-at-arms. whiler Geprr1rety1rped CHAPTER ?ivm.-C'osTmmu1 'j'i's'i'g'i"'giiif'g DURHAM, co. GREY, TH‘DAY, DECEMBER 20, 1894. and l by days “gm, where I cunt the conspiring Con. sul into lyrisnn, and deposed you from the pontitica throne." When the trumbling mun hall been led! from 'lr/viii/rc;?,"?)', turned toRoaabol. bt Now, sweet. cousin," he said, “you shall Wear smiles on your {new no _ Yarn." 1Jrei'LQAiu"'A'li'ltatlik marry you was without authority. Still, I think there is one present to whom you would willingly give your hand. Am I not riL'ht I"' As he spoke the Emperor, had advanced and extended his hand. and as the princess grasped, it she bowed her head, murmuring, M she did so: bb Yes, sire. To one who is noble and true have I given my heart and pledged my hulking love. ' bb It is to Orlando 1rendorme '." Fb Yes." "Then the work shall be finished where it has begun, and Manfred and his son aha.“ behold the consummation. Come, Sir 0r- hutdo, and let me thus make full payment. of the debt. I owe thee." He took the hand of the knight, uni when he had placed within it the hand of Realm] of Ber mo, he turn. ed to Gerburt l "Holy {angry we await your benediction." _ , The new-made Pope moved forward, and when he had spoken those magic words which made Orlando Vandonuc and Rosabcl man and wife, the happy couple knelt be. bo_r_q him_n.ud teceited. his pleasing. " . Then, by order of the Emperor: Manfred and Ludovico, and Hugh de Castro, with their immediate attendants, were removed from the apartment. and preparations were made for such a. celebration an was fitting to the occasion. When news was carried to the people that Manfred and Ludovico were in prison, and that Orlando Vcndorme had been made ruler in Milan, and that Rosabel of Bergumo had been made his wife. such about: 0 joy went up from the old city as had not been heard within Pr.waly for' long. 10:33 years. Otho m., crowned Emperor at the age of three years. and crowned St of Home at the age of fifteen, was one of t Mt wisest and most honorable monarch: of his time. The warm friendship which prompted him to elevate his old tutor, Gerbert, to the pa.- t,al chair, of Gregory v., WM extended to urther acts , an durinéthe letter part of hi: reign, he no extend the W'lf om. Pope, that, in after times. the of Rome was able to dispute for temponl Iovereignty with-lain imeeritl men-on.“ , ' ' Our story of the Outcast iriad," und we have onl to add a few words touching the fates of time with whom we have hecorno acquainted durjryt the genital. Manfred and Ludovico were removed to Germany, where they both died in prison. Hugh de Castro w" liberated on condition that he would leave Milan forever. Michael Totilla was made captain of the turd, and right well did he till the oMoe. fl,' time he won a. golden spur, Ind few were the knights who cared to tttttet with him in the list. oaFs.kfriGt.F Kai Fiitth S5331 p 7 'ty such " Ini My known ita5Aritiot m- In ig All the lion". tor" in Lommfor the happy prune. when am y bed quit, ghoul out of nonp- of home In: the shade of to much para; ior, 'flWl'tllJillt whan I!" m B little EM. know what to Indium 'orhi"uriio6s and which“! in is bite of Uncle Char " example; was f knieltts “The Empem Lumies r.s.ale "uJiuiiuGd it- -onriqr have. upon Vendorme t" 6k It "my be Bo, my lord duke." " Ha, ha, hs-you are late this time I You my." have been in season bounce}: Ven. dormc from the hands of those who would have executed a righteous neutcnce upcn him, but you are not. in 1464580“ to take Ross. hul of Bergumo. She has been married, sir I She is the wife oi Ludovico!" Ib Hut she mu married against her Earth m id, lr “She was married by his holiness the Pope, whose edict is sacred above all other earthly things So now, air knight of Saxony, you have it." " I Gh n Von Brunt, who mav ap4 Guarani, on T u: csqui. "it Manon hometit me at. all," replio Von Brunt. " We have come for the bent tit of another. We have come to reload Rosnbcl of Bergamo from your base guard' unship." _ - _ _ _ Pr mg at . b TI the duke, making n. powerful effort to man up like u ruler. " N on have come in force and. by some strange means gained acce- to my palace in numbers aufticient to halt Hrtt under restraint for a season, but wha in it going to benefit, ryou t" tb It may not benefit me at all," replio his rigic noble knights, have had basin in this radian of Lombardy. This mo ing, led by a mountain hunter, we can: upon a unzip of robbers, und were just . unison to saw the life oi Sir Orlando. 0 guide had gunc on in advance. and when arrived we found him bound to a tree, whi the villains were making ready to eat the head of our noble knight. We were 50-130”. thank God 3 and Vendonne i safe df in}; GriCiiirikG/ jug“; may: tho JI th wl Mull Well rim} perlmp_a_." sai.d Manfred: f Moudr, ”THE sir, and what of all this t" “In said all I have to say," returned t " and I will now introduee one walk to you with mnrc authority. " muster is wanted." ly re went out, a med, followed I we have knov and with him ' whose garb is death, Lid the 'll, ' the Emperor!" said at the same time rcmov bowing his head, wh [lowed by all the no echoed J olut tt, tuut in a tow: red by a. fair.hai Known as Theodon him came a. man Mb bespoke him .1 )Inan jit')i.'iiti'tl trembl XVII., NY mo haired Jig an Hair big grow black eyes and gray eye- nnd blue eye- et nlrrntion of some blood. ourdling event, until fiuslly lame of the mulls-t held: are caught drooping. Some of the weirdeet ales hi! to keep little eye- lids propped up, which, however. open wide enough " mention of hanging up the stocking; And After the long row in com- tlgth from cnndpe'l down to the tiny lite-tipped look of the baby, what Ionnd deep com. in spite of heroic determina- tion: telie nuke all night to nee Sent: ou-htel' in the old-Iuhioned high tour. peeter bedstead, on the huge father bed in ‘wheee downy amt!" tired bodiee nestle " {uquie the e lair of the treaty night', f.fr, tee mgr-9M m .,..... for. “t Emmi”, whet hie-es, inevlu: Mew were '. What unwnppinq, whet unbund. ling of children and sJutu1ltstioas of sur- priee It the yeer’a growth of each one. How the ' new baby is cerefuily un- wound from ita wre pings, gazed at, " belted " Md Admire: and comparison: initituted u to which parent it most re. sembles '. Then at evening all gather round the hearth, where For the winter tiresidd meet Between the endirou'e atrnddling'feet, The mug of cider simmer: slow, The lpplel nputter in a row, while clone “hand tstsuds, the huket filled with nut- from brown October's wood. After enjoying this store of good things. the younger lietenerl gaze into the fire with up: ntteution while heurkening to the tales of pioneer life when penthem end wolves rowed across the very tieio that now go tomeke up the (Arm. and when Indians end been vied in plying their respects to the only Iettlert; of the time when the old log cabin, now used for a granary. wu built, end what I grend dwelling it wu eonlidered in than deya because Grund- hther‘hld hewn out ell the logs instead of leaving them in the rough, end became there were windows ot glue in it intend of [reeled peper! Thole windows were con- sidered I muk of maiptif1trens,rmut tliougl they did eon-int only of single pene- 6x8 inehel, which were dipped into groovee cut in the logs. Who: I wurce of delight it in to Grend- trotherto meall the weddings, quilting. deacon and ruin been of which the old cabin knewl Win a. {nonunion he: the dewription of the first echool-boule no“ the form for the young-ter- u Grandfather all: of in punchoon tioor, its lane mode of logs aplis with tho bark side down, end four about nicks tltruat into them for lup- pom: where the pupil: went. to school uni “eyed till dork ; where they studied " out. loud" and wrote with quill pen. mode and inced by the teacher, and med ink made mm loft maple bark of oak balls, or by mi_x_ing ledigo wigh 'P"'" . The mammoth turkey,wich wings [aided triumphantly on in breuc. walla pstiently in pl-co in to.morrowU oven for it; tinL browning. The cranberry jelly sparkle- u it never does at any other louon of the year. while the crisp, frizzled head: of the celery seem to be expeesntly on the look. out for Chri-Lmn company. And tho drive to the rsilwny station for the visitors '. The wagon-box mi sled runners is filled with (rush, elem “raw, than the big builnlo robe, many comfort- er: and shawls tusd 5 low hot bricks or iron: no added, the bells jingle gayly, and the Father is " far the gueau. How long the time mom. until the return '. How the t1rog no poked And replenished for fear the house will not. seem warn, And. speculu- tions Ara rife in to whether the tum will be In. or on time. Noun Ire tightened lgtlnn the vindoW-pmos u the road is union-1y leaned by the wuchera, wd MM! tht. Netpet trl..Ale2e The day before Chrinmu is usually such I bury day. Such planing Anticipnions crowd ita every moment 1 Such concoction of hmoul dishes l. Such a bustling, my+ terioul nir pervades every nook nod cranny of the lam-house. Such frugnnv. odors nre “had irons tho region of the old No. S oookittratove in tho big kitchen '. Such rows 01pm ndorn the pantry shelves-- creamy ones of pumpkin with poculiur fiatod edge: that, no ono but Mother, with that detxteroua twirl of the chumh,con nuke. and dozen: of mince pies ior the muuuftcture of which Grandmother is held in (when for mile. around. Though many hove Attempted to make mineermmstlike Gnndmn'u. yet no one luccoeda in giving it the one: flavor, and the ingredients seem to hove on eapccinlly happy afh'uiry for one “other when blended by her dear lands. The dear home (new whereupon Thar. tlttul ilre-liKht, [mind and moxie, is: under reminiscence to mlny 2. heart, for I family authoring never seems quite so joyonn u when Hound an open tire. A {Gainer in the floor, or am tsirtight More In? serve more effectually for coliveuience nu let, but the glow of the fire-light in wagting wut llplty it " where wood in so cheap And plenti ul, that open fires us no noldom foundin country houses, for of ull ornament: to 9. room none can be compared to & cheer. ful, emekling, genial fire, and the light it givu bestowing a new plume of comfort and jollity to even the plumes! npuzment. n " no humsu, lo comforting, unsympathetic. Old and young are Alike annexed by it, And fortunate indeed in the homo that. hug nu old.huhioued fireplace, or lacking this, I Imlll grate. ' " ' a ' _ HE isrrn.housetrnt" Ir, CT' be put into tip . of; C" ting holidny Attire. Q I”? We may not he . ' ' J' J. able to hive the " r ft' <" holly with ita _ bglill 5:" tUoply4obed green r. ~ Met luves and bright " $.53?" 1" berries. nor the ““5171" mistletoe under 2 rt'HU I. which kisser Ire ' bun, but herring these, if smell branche- ' ebeen eat from October's true, when ' gorgeous tinting of the lure: we. most ' out, the luv» themselves pressed with um iron, And there hunches tanked rl &ttt the wall, they brighten end vivify ' durk nook, and if by chance A ny of Ihine strikes them, they glorify the" _ -le room. . ntumn leaner Are much prettier Ind ' convention“ in this Arrangement thnn ' V other. Sometimes the wnrm iron in 'bed with beelwnx before praising the -. ea; thin makes them glossy and pro- v a the colors, but tends to stiffen them e ell, And I like them best unwnxed. At convenient time before the rush of I fey work begins, beautiful decorations " be made of the gnu-es found on every ' Loo-e Iprnya of wheat, sapecmlly of tua th, rded "riety--ouu, rye and millet r. ‘ " I . ‘ded for . roinioiiriTiCi"itiriaAG'8 Iohitivn of Cum-thart is, " much alum u the voter will dioolvts-orill be covered with n conning of brilliant crystals, the size of the crystal proportionate to the length of time of immersion. The long heads of the grain druop gracefully, sparkling and scintillating in their new 'lustnotsd-ircumturd dress, and if arranged lightly and loosely in tall vuel, behind small pictures, or grouped on the walls, they will be found extremely trifeetive. Garlands (if evergreen may he twined nnywhcro. and everywhere. wreath- ing my hare place on wall or panel. No! feel-inf hnving too mnhy. _ _ CHRISTMAS ON THE OLD FARM Trot your babies. Chrhumu cheer. Chrlumu comes but once A year. " ILL/i CONNOR PERKIS. G. Eliot: uh m B "aiet I in it bite of Uncle Char " ha won (on, - no. Okla mulade, ifibtoiittt), fiii,yiraiitt g'f,itg,'t, 1"t,fdt e, o . n 'AG,' “an G'iriu yarn-ad an. and}; lathcmyu'r Mn. hym- tmm,artBedmA,df.d"th. “not!“ GGG' him. "tt' other was; no and: of blue funk which n. tirat cmud the graves: {ears for his capacity to govern but been completely conquered. q , "Ah, my dear mother, it. in you '." she ex. claimed. u a woman of commmding pro- Iencc entered the room. "lt in I," wu the aunt. "Why do I tirsd you weeping 2" "l hue been cruelly Hound by the ma whom I hid truated--the mu: whom w. lesd.-who led me to the nlur.” “Eu he lunch you y' “Worn y' "Deaerted you'. Left you to (we pover- ty we r' N . ' ' , Frsuk--Why doo Miu Morton wen Inch onormoua sleeves , Lugs llGQVOI Are fuhiomblo, I knownbut ttera no simply huge'. - _ . . Min! Spite-Ott, nothing: only they my Ah. ha u habit of hashing in her sleeve. w... --... “m, --“.,_____. More than one of than who witnessed Lhe imperial wedding uy that. in their opinion, the Em was and not the War, will rule Runain. 1'll credit. her not only with high nobility of chlrncwr, bet glue with intelleeuuU endowmenu of no ordinary kind,juat u I" who nw her in her bridal robes ucrlbe to her that regal bonny which befits I queen. [um-1e Cue Where Both Ik- n-d no Each Wore 'Em. There wu narrow in tnnt little home. “I shell never forgive him! Never'. Nev. er'." she cried. Then the threw heneif upon e divan And yum bitterly. There wu I ring " the door Mug Elizabeth Mott, died Tuudny " New when-uh, N. Y., and 106 yen ad IO month.. She vu- tllo In: of I to- man-lame trio of Ion dived women Vlad - an 2.ete of tier] day- ish Dad}.- It is learned that for eevernl deys After I the denth of Alexander III. the members I ol the Russian court were reduced to des- pair end distraction by the behnvior of the young Cur. He wu completely unnerved not In much by grief ll. his fother’s death u by his sudden encounter with the vest responsibilities ot the position. Be become for come days a shrinking. cowering week- I ling. It we: Almost impo- ihle to one: or spur him into the exercise of my of his imperitrl functions. Those who“ duty it we: to prompt him regnrdmg the proper new sud other formalities were " their wtts’ end, And the situstion culled the greatest alum in the court. When some simple course we: urged upon him the young Emperor shrunk buck en begged than he be let alone. He even whimpered when the necessity of sction wu preued upon him " imperative. He more then once burst into been. snd acted more like A territied child then the ruler of on empire. This continued for several days otter the nrrivsl oi the Prince of Webs, and it we: to him that the oiIic'mls of the Ramon I court fintslly nppenled. The Prince wee equnl to the occuion, end in the [at three weeks he hen done more for Englend then the whole British foreign otfiee would be able to accomplish in s. aenerntion. He re. l msined consuntly by the young Emperor's ‘ side. He put hurt and coursge into him. [ Before the Cur reached St. Peter-burg he use trsnsformed. He not only became e men, but begsn to sequin some of the dig: nity of his rook. He noon utonished his advisers by displaying I genuinely intelli- gent oomprehmttuon of public “him, with sound if not brilliant payers of judgment.- -iiiG, In}; JeUsing' dny Arriéed jte hid developed an originnlity 3nd independence of opinion Whisk further tee! that: "in" Spito-Bivo you over notioed her mouth , bell " ..._..v . "Wane. He-he Mind me to mend his tron-en." “And on '." “I 'M'l'di. And now -oh, horrors -l ammo: tell it. “gunk my child, spank." " a ha- worn my bicycle bloomers down to his office. “Wrench!” Frank-Why of acute; but what bu her mouth to do with it t wicneues oi the Raisin: psgeems of grief Ind joy is one of the strangest. in the per- son-l histories of great rulers. The mem- bers of the British court And the English correspondents who followed the funernl party from Liv-din toSt. Palembang on! and bend some interesting things which it In: not possible to describe in the des. patches which were sent. home. For Some In!» Me Wu Wholly own-cone " line Thong!“ or the “richly Tut Boron- "Inn-7hr (our! "utraeted Fenr. In: Ill- llnrden Too Great. A despatch from London guys: The not; of I1.1M luddcn evolution oi In Emperor which was brought. buck to London by the When the dinner is over I Illigh ride in the next. “auction. and after the ride comes the visit to the barn to m the ui-h colt, who p-uualn his on rica Iongonom to neigh n welcome and mske " mother, good h,",',: ding soul. turn her bad in porplexe nu- eumeu at his friaky wnyu. Then the Jenny cow, with grub, soft eyes um tawny can, tttands waiting to be admired, u gentle and fond of petting u it her on". which, pretty u n (Ava, stands belidel her. , When the glad Christmas morning comes " lest, sud eyes yet dimmed with sleepiness open in the grey ot enrly dnwn to the sound of Merry Christmas greetings which echo and res-echo throughout, every room, whtst I. raid is made by the children on the stock- ings.' When exclsmszionl of surprise and delight meet the oer u gifts sre hurriedly excsvsued from their depths. How esgerly esch compares his own to those which the good slim, has bestowed upon another, end how sweet the expressed utisfsction the: his own is nicest. and best suited to him. self. To the older ones the fond reelin- tion that love end good wishes “campus, esch memento of the season lends to every more tride A deep interest which its intrin. sic ulue would never merit. A DOMESTIC TRAGEDY, Cruel. %, /i-'ifis',ris/ars,,. t,' 'f2'is%Uisrs%" It-kms-b-u. hold-n in mrs wood.“- couple “Mun-duo! Wmohpmpm seeth"itiattsttsie.. So let us all stand ready thin Chrinmu- tide to give 3 kindly and unbound thought to the poor-work " well " clarity-rend with e been full of cheer for the tsorrowful, and nhelping head to all who need It, our Chriumu min-ion will lave eluted on its fulfilment. Of the sketches mule by our “Lin, prob. ably the bronze tiaure " men mhezic The cut is Ibom. two thirds the Danni Iiu end in of a deep bronze. The ,mble figure "tsted in the chi: with A bird on the arm of it in Another utiuic design. beautiful both in pone and execuuon. These little mural ornament; m m evi- dence in all our scores ghoul. town and they will likely be . prominent feature of the Christina tiovelties. This in n it would be; for nothing given 1? borne I more mutual nppeumoe thaw" fsw lumen" plsgod on breuta.Ar "eon lingual» or aichu prepared upobh One of the iairirGiiuaa.. ht iron and for I swinging hes-koala. 1gll in oxquidbudotnn main Ind work- man». J? gin-gouty two. to tion. One work of m of thin Kim! is worth a can load of - dnpotiu and knick- keuer-ot.tt. __.-, L content. 0 poor emu. Ole to a: tsa1lod the "Que-t of the Christmu Angel." whom the Gran Ruhr called to him and aid : "Ge forttrnad Bee win). in the gift, thnt will meet thq univerul need of the of the world, rich and poor,old and young." don!- Antlurue "our: nnd Hutu-rm AI-0 menu-rind [fliinlln slnncl- and n no wualnzly - ”VI-Aging Tune-mo VIII Wrought-jun Inn-r. TBA XML! STAND " WROCGKT IRON WHOLE NO. 849. SUITABLE'EOR CHRISTMAS CHILE“ HOLDER. MARBLE “EC“ At "me-work.' The "did". ..h, and the misery of the m lack oi some work unit.- BIN K of I home without a Christmu present I but there no Inch Ind may of them in this Can. ada of ours, "r the Toroutoudiea'Jour In}. I remember madmg I lemon or two Ago in I loading mums I sketch m "tor their My we: Prop. and Mimi-cum. Sold by ILf'MuiE.R: . y Laboratory Toronto. have Gang“ mo, .. Mailman. .. CWonh ' Owl]: Sounds Arrive tau-m For Impure, Weak and I impoverished Blood, Dyspepsia, SureplesstMms, Palpua. tion of the Heart, Liver Complaint, Neu- nlgin. Loss of Memory, Bronchitis. Con- sumptiou, Gall Stones, Jmudice. Kidney wd Urinary Diseases. S " "'us‘ Dana, Female '?e'iiliis2 "at Debilit Owen 50mm ct-rits, Hangman. OnngM‘illo Terence. PRIME Dublin Bobcat n Mt. Forut. Puzzler-ton Guelph ' Tm onto When n Amado-n meet: In “gush“- woe after dark. no mutter whu the hour, he nya t "Good evening,” uni when they ups-rue he up: "Good night." But in Cumin one often haul the lstter pang. '. cultivation " we}! " in good-by. lo In America it new: odd when, on using. friend. the has adv-nee- with t " a“ night, lit. Mow It. you t" Hard on Drunkard; To upto- drunkenness the Go-rat SI. Pout-thug In: in“. ordered M th. mad “chm-of att Wk. maximudin the mu. m, "at-_-diner-tnan" " tittrteirsthoieauttreetqq ' , Old-l Gum. Fifty yuan a”. t '“Wh an“: TESTED RE MEDIE S SPECIFIC and ANTIDOTE Durban Bot-um . an. Forest. Puma: n Guelph . Toronto . London Win10 u .34 Canadian Paeifie Railway TIMETABLE. _ Bouwm a. co's System Renovator! apply b Hlndmd- of Venus; men tad women Invent“ I bulincu coum during the put can run 1h: at now unwound in luminous or tumut lucid“ within. The human mum of study is b “I the mouthwash mdcompleoe In Can-6:. 'ax V. In much in 'tse inning dqummengujq the - are (:on 6(1),”th 2.59 V I 001102.. Tho :hon hum! coun com-21m. 824d torteopt g! LOT FOR SALE mam: “lowed on urinal but: duper.“ of "a' tyd amt-nix. Prompt nmnuon we! eventua- snnuorded cuztomun living " mum. g1 ontruno,Qucwe.srtitisrorus" Un/ted sum and Erwin“! DURHAM AGENCY. Annex-l Baking h ”undue collocnonu a who! Ind int m“. RESERVE FUND CAPITAL. Authorized $2,000,000 StandardBauk of Canada SEE OUR HARNESS. UPPER. TOWN. TERMS: $1 per year, IN ADVANCE. CHAS. RAMAGE Editor& Proprietor. THE GREY atww/‘IIM ' "rt-sl-jj-i-__/Ctrl','?]--),'-?;).!',,), --AT THE- REVIEW OFFICE. GARAFRAXA, tiT., DURHAM. ot into my “and: don " You DesreE. To GET A Gcqb ./7; / = A c'_C,-rr-C.-. ’“L/M’y’ééviflj Grand Trunk Railway. TiyuTiiiunc. Thursday Morning. Jj"i't"cr21(f1f/-t-" OWEN SOUND. ONT., GENTS -itt _n.ll -- pritteiptl pain? in Head Office. Toronto. MCLEOD’S They Think lt Funny. SAVINGS BANK HARNESS MAKERS. Dix-hum no mad. u. uuuuupton.Wntmrat Draggist, Durham ‘owan ' President Busmnss Ebucxnox IS PUBLISHED EVERY --TO ATTE tiD-- Jocuouu nude on 31115;? iii7di". nnd mares: Lilo-ed It canon n my terms W HARNESS 01L. .,' lt, his up IO. INO troarsst " 1316 BOW. .I' H. HUNT! k ' A. FLEMING maxim-u “gamma Drum J' KELLY, Agent, -nUU, 'reo. P. Reid. Managua} pm Ind evening {Mirna-utopia: ne‘nd Stmttoed NOST- 1.000.000 600,600 u.igg-t Igh And I] An- ultra It): B', go

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