West Grey Digital Newspapers

Grey Review, 20 Dec 1894, p. 3

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INGSTONE, verhaul- e Mills, d to do work to e public. IALTY. N BROS. ttters of all utters. Plano tunity of mars for I we are 3W system luance of (IMI, aeed the ',to buy le deter. generally L the Cash Eaves. e for fear 1, or that [ what we ll Profits." KECHNIE. tails, M echnie. Custom- hat our ast1 or @111 Innings lot All as Lin-re Wm the premises y REIT gro‘ all have the the leading j outa. Eat r beautiful col flower, and t , planting. pr '6praStntt. In: by as practice answered in unused. Ba "prtliettion t H. H. Miller. the H,vn6vee Convey- nncer. was in town Friday last. " C hope to be .. in " when next, he gives the REVIEW a. call. Sorry this time. A Patron nwvtingwmt held in Ititchie's School house. east of the town but Fridav night. Messrs Nphichot, Wab. wn and Alhm were speakers. We regret. to learn that" Mr. Wm. Park has been laid up for afewdays with a severe attack or rheumatism tif are glad to hear he is on the msnd. We understand tttat Mr. Hugh Mae Kay has been appointed County Con. stable for the Co. of Grey. Tramps and terrors will now shun these parts. Varney Methodists have their annual entertainment on Xmas night This is niwaw good no innum- what the weath- er. an we can speak from experience. We wish them a good time. Puppy-s speak highly of Mr. Jansen's recent lecturing mur in Fergus. Elora and mm cnuntry places. The fandsof the Leper Mission are 8tn the richer for Mr. Jausen's disinterested eitorts. Mr. and Mrs. w. B. vollett and mini” "ntertained a f/"'ll'.'iyL'," of twenty three Modellites hut riduy evening. All Min-3k highly of the good time they had wA:rrEo.---An apprentice to, the C'nrpenter Trade. Apply at Legatc‘s steam Saw and Pinning Mills, Flesh- erton Station. T Still another shipment. of Lulies' Manny-s to hand this week. Cheap dar. ing Runsav & Morlork's clearing sale. George Tucker. son of Wniter Tucker. of this town. is backdrom Manitoba on " visit. He intends returning in the. spring. AIM)“ Sucks! Call tsnd not: Me. Arthur's Alaska Socks and Rubbers before you lmvany where else. They we vxrm good W'aluo. Misc Prentice. of Hurrismn. has rharg" of the belt-graph department at McF'arlane's during the buxy season. experianer, and the wwnship will have a tween two good men. Ftme.--5ir. Marti Travetston, Glenehr, misfortune to lose hi by fire. It appears tt a above pi in the h the i,'i,e2'l,lh'li and u mum-nu: of ham and Just for fun. 3 m Best Mixed Candy for :50. at Rummy & Mariners. V Call and see MrArthuns ft furtttelvttes and 1','l'it,e7g. “$23; can't be beaten. . Messrs R. Smith and Ed. Lander came home front “old McGitl"for the holi- days last Saturday. J. D. Firming. the populnr mnmufernt. tho Middaulgh House. paid Strat 0:11 a Visit, frnlu Saturday to Monday last. P"yyyt tow-ardu'Mr. Robert Austin. Kr. mul his famil in the serious accident hy which his fit,', is threatened. The old gentleman was borin a. waste-water hole iu thi; cylinder of {is Rum ' stand- ing meanwhile on a board agent. two al feet below the induce. One of the cleats supporting this hoardz§3ve way. and he dro ped to the rock feet. One wonders taut he escaped alive. As it WM one of his legs is shattered in sev- eral places. and internally he has rm roivod a severe shaking up. By good fortune Mrs. Hopkins. observing the well unrovercd went and looked in. and Monm- gave the alarm. Mr. Geo. Moore was won on hand and succeeded with fjie,'Y, error: in bringing the old man up. trs. Jamieson. Wells. and Park were so m in attendance. and Dr. Gan was ctlled in consultation. Everything was done that skill could prompt, but his lit'e hangs by n thread. His son Robert fr-nn Holland Centre. and his daughter, Mrs. Jamieson. of Gnlt. are in atten- dance. James is expected to-morrow. F am? grown-s and gardeners should all have the Canadian ffortieulturiat, the leading journal of its kind in Can- "da. Each g'r',',',h',ttT3ti',' contains a beautiful colored p te of some fruit or flower. and the latest information about planting, pruning, budding, grafting. spraying. marketing, etc. It 18 edited by a. practical fruit. grower. Questions answered in it free of chargo; and fraud exposed. Suing” will be sent free on application to J,,'?,'rolg',rtg','t Grimsby. mm, the secretary of t e Ontario Fruit. 0 ruwvrs' Association. fur a vlmirmsm. The ucclamntinn of hi, pvt-rs placed Led. there, the right up”: in tire right place. He is a man of luiuinm‘. ptuteicul and expeditious with unnugll Wood cmnnmn sens? to be a Sum-hm in. In missionary life he was an "ttthi/tara-turic-, President of the (ML-g.» Missionary Society. Well-de- sevved honor.' He is nuts. man of many words: but he could nu. enough. He was unv of the lor, xvilga hoy's loyalty to the. 24th of May, not because Vicwria was born that day, hut it isa holiday. and picnics are there. Alex. was fond of p'rmvs in some such wnyas people are fond of presentations, not so much far thraie intrinsic value as for their ten- der. "sr.oci.atiotcq. He has gone west wher" picnics gave him less of the cost- genial kindred spirit. " he had a. good vnicelam sure you might hear him ring. as he no.dmlht tries to sing. "O for " 'ti0itV-N mano-tot-ion" in tho mm. I’dingnnm in; coming man. "is i-xmu'ive ability will tttt him foremost, in the councils of t a church; Hie kindlv heart and ”Ingram mum-t- will endear him tothb people. Heels one of the mt. sons of the church in his Allegiance tothe Cm dim Nonhm Watch his cm. boys! Ledinghnmisaml _ _ LreorxoaA3e.--In a recent. issue of the .lluuituba can, eJourrnalare some mcv sketches of 'fai'2',", of lau. We have ph-wuu-e in 5min; and quoting one. The .4 “foot of it is the son of Mr. Geo. 'cr//C)d',',,, of Domoch. and Well known in that neighborhood. Smmucs AccrDEsr.-0ur sympathy ml the x.vrttrettCor_thr whale Awwn Alex. P. Ledingham. B. ka-flu"',.",-, sn-nt hlshnpm Moosejaw graduat in the spvinit of this yeurin Arts. and in Um autumn in Theology. His has been a. prominent figure in College life. He was unobtrusive. yet outstanding. The maytmeetinc.ras neyerie.want Mr. D, I'. McKenzie came home Init " from Toronto. te.-Wr. 3butin Sweeney. of etston. Glenelg. last week had the wmm- to lose his home and burn re. lt appears the tire started from n- pi in the house and most of J,'i/2rill' stud was dtstrpyed. The mun! barn and out buildings was J, hut the loss will be considerable tere was very little insurance on we, mud the D will have LOCAL NEWS. Th h h cand; s. both tireq us an "Cettl I affairs which tre as: for the "d, ill he sure " data-c are VI having mm ratepayers diiBcuit eho med at J. "Kress' Bit-Arthur‘s cur- " D. Jackson's wn. Otherte will stations erected Rania. tsa'eco r',"hriil; -32 " ihe ice be him, muse stvd ‘i pal mu full he " i The gnaw-x: papersin Gt. Britain and the United Stairs frvvly avlcnowledure i the wvolept'trl merit, of the ("anti/u Hcrs ‘y all] um! Wet'lcly Slur. of Montreal: The l Family flertttrl is u. grunt ill-\upupvr 1 and a great family papcr, but it is inure i than that, it in um: of tho Ktt'ates1 nulli- l nrilivs in the world on choose. butter, 3 min-ml dun-ying. and 'reneralthtuuiug. I limv a progressive. mr-trr-slut" funner l, can do without the Fat/lily IIrrrald and i 1Vtwlily Shir, of Montreal is hard, in- l tlet-tl, to umltustaud. i A 1.1mm] Xmas "nteptaitutter.t will he ' _ lll'lll ttt the old Brick School at Dovnoeh I l 0112511.}: ulL. A maxim-hula betwcen the ( f Ihnuuvch foot lmll boys and \Villiams-i I fool will Ire one of the chief uttx'utth n. i 1 " levuight. The subject ducxdcil uton j i is~~llcsulvul that Art is more lx'autiful ) l than nature. P. Malone, D. McLurc i and L. Privat will who the affirmative. 1 while F. Leuahan, J. McKinnon and C. ! R. McIntosh will uphold the negative. I A good nuadrillc band wi l be in attend- I mum. DGorsopenedat 6 p. ui.-Coneett l starts 7 o'clock. 1 Nothing more delightful than a sharp l (Eu-ring and Bread 'nifc to carve your ('hristums turkey and cakes with. Take 1 than to Tui'lur'u workshop on wheels. 'gg,',sitg A iddauiih Home. and have " em ground am made equal to new. f Also Scissors and Razors, SAWS filed and set; Umbrellas and Paraaols neatly re- gain-d tutd old ones purelnased l Skates ollow ground by latest improved "In,“ chinery no better work done" in Canada... Razors ground honed and set ready for shavin ; new blades put into old handles. Don't lie",," your work spoilt by in- competent workmen, if T.' want Brst class work done come to V. Taylor, the sheffield Cutler, Durham. A meeting under the auspices of the _ P. I. was held on Monday (warn? at the old Church on the 18th con., gro- i mont, known as the Synago§nu Mr. l Wm. Allan was the principax speaker y and dealt with the various issues in con- l uection with the Dominion Parliament [ I especially the Senate . superannuation of civil servants, revising of the lists ' etc. Wm. Hastie also made a few ap- propriate. remarks. finishing with a ‘ song. Wm. Ramage also contributed ' vocally. Instrumental wumndered by A. Hollifieid on the comet. and by the . Messrs Long, J. Swanston and B. Ren- ton on the violin. A.rending each by [ w. Hunter and J. Adams brought the ‘ meeiing ton. close. Mr. Wm. unter ' fflled the chair satisfactorily. A resohr. . tion of confidenoe in Mr. Allan was , t passed at the close of the meeting. Tho Dec. number Mthe ('mmdian. Dr, Grinds Recieve. IfuMixhc-d by the J. é. McLean Coy. contains afine on- gravimt and cum olimentary nocicrof um- neighbor. 's"l,?.Y/,l,"n' C.tustevosy Mr. tin-m are thuliugout also that it pays to adve rtisc in the REVIEW. Ringing noises in the ears, sometimes smarizzg. buzzing wund. are caused by eatarrh, that exceedingly disagreeable and very common disease. Loss of smell or hearing also result from camrrh. Hood's tiarstparilla, the great blood utrifior, isa peculiar! . sncceGful remedy lor this disease. whirl) it cures by purify in the blood. M/lr,',' Pills are the betstatterdinner The backward winter weather is seri- ously miorfvring with skating and curlirtgoperationsat thorink which is a (“appointment to the lovers of those healthy sports. and a source of dis- couragement. and loss to the xxmxmgem. Messrs. Boran.& Wilson. Singers. puhlh. speakers. Rvtors, nuc- tiom-ers. teachers, preachers. and all who arcliaNe to or r-mx and irritate the vocal organs, find, in Aver's ("hvrry Pectoral, a safe. certain, and speedy re- lief. A timer? done.ot this prozmmtiun has prevented many a. throat trouble. Cameron trets mun-e active m older. truvclnnd lmsituss pursu ing to agree well with hism Trinity Church S. s. Entert will be hum in the Town Hull " evening. Doc. 2.ts'th. Dam-a will remedy than hy any otiui, and that it in more ncrvpmbiv to them. Children enjuy it and it lwnehts them. The true remedy. Syrup of Figs, is "tantthureured by the California Fig syrup Co. only. We beg to thank the many friends of the REVIEW m-w and old who have dur- ing the past. week paid in subscriptions and Jn other: ways“ showed tly:ir up pills. anion Money lost and found in MoArthur‘s stow last. Thursday. Call and prove ownorship. u. McArthur. ('atarrh is a eonstitutiounl (Hat-use. Hand's sursaparills is "constitutional remedy. .it cures catarrh. Give it, n trial. . Another young Calder has come to town. This makes, three. counting in the couneillov. Congratulations from theREvmw. Mr. James Fax tho well known vomit? singoris wuttterinx tron, an Attack of small-pox. He has burn isolated and all who came in Contact with him have heen vaccinated. Rev. Mr. Glover ftlled the Methodist ulpit morning and evening of Sunday Em to large congregations. M r. Glover was stationed here nhnuL 20 Ire-am am) but in now retired from actual service in the miniury. . J. L. McKenzie. and Mr. Wudde-il. Town Clerk of Dundalk, spent Sunday in town. Miss Lizzie Glazier. of 1Viarton, was visiting friends in town fur a few days last week. ptveiation of the. REVIEW. Ive are mud: pleases! to have have been so often congratulated on the REVIEW Christ» was Number. Thanks friends. Your paper shall be made more and more interesting. Such is our aim. Adver- MeArthurhas the best value in factory cotton in Town. Miss Millie Hind. Is the guest of her sister-in-lnw. Mrs. A. Fl. Hind. Extra good homeruade Mitts for mcn and boys at Ramsay & Morlock's. Coldin the hetul-N.vutt Balm Fives instant relief; speedily cures. Never fails. Do you like the Mail ? Join the RE VIEW club and get both for $1.23. The "Juliet" the latest in Duties' Overs-hoes at Rummy & Morlock’s. Call and sot! McArthur's boots and shoes. Thev are extra good and cheap. Mr. Wm. Swallow arrived home last week. Rubbers and socks! Bu: Four Alaska Socks and Rubbers front I IcArthur. l ber made a brief address acknowledging many kindnesses from Durham raga. t The lady pianists were Miss Be e c' [Kc-M29 and Miss 2epea,avfs'i, {to happy company sang " ve o l Queen " as It closing. piece. The social committee and -iiu.'r Mm Con- ",koy and W. Lauder dent-r" think: for |gg work in connection. Proceeds, THE PARLOL‘R SOCIAL At the resi- de ce of Mrs. Gun on Thursday eve- ning last was largely attended and was a decided HUL‘CCSS. The well known hospitality and public spirit of Dr. and Mrs. Gun and fannily made every one feel at home, and it is probable that the success of this first social got up on short notice after an unavoidable postpone- ment will be tollowod by others. This J nimston family as usual. rendered ex- eellent instrumental music, as did Messrs. Parker& Co. in the vocal line. The new combination of Donkey & Co. bids fair to be polpulnr as their per: formances were we 1 rendered and well received. Mr. Jones, of the Bank. and Mr. Caste". of Ramsay & Moriock in violin and giano so 05 respectively proved themse ves a, valuable acquisition to the musical talent of Durham. M ins Louie Davidson recited an 'ttgate,' iece in a.” pleasing manner " " arch Baby." meaning the C; E. Societ which is now past bahyhood. Mr. C. Rum-39 was in the chnir and opened with con- gmtuhtory remarks. Dr. Gun made. short speech of welcome and encourage» mermaid Mr. Jansen also added words of cheer. Nineteen Modelitex werepre- sent am} Mt. Wattle}: one et theirpgm- Florida Oranges at J. A. Hunter's. i, are the betstatterdinner digestion. prevent, constip- ursuiry scum 'E? and more mm. Adver- that It pays Don'tnxnko promises. llcsrl-vo your final decision on all questions made pro- minent, fur eleetion purposes until you are plowed and have cunsultcd with your brother councillors. Dont descend to personalities dur. ing the nomination meeting or election oriupais,m. Preserve "our self respect. The OIL-rams probably know yot.tr uppe- ttettt, ' Don't, make politics the lmsis of your candidature. Axon-min the reforms HP- Cessary to conduct the affairs of your municipality with omnmnymul on husi- nuss pFinviples. Prownt thr facts to the pvuplv plainly and often. The elect, ttPN may disagrm: with' yumet your linu- wtll (Univ. l' I’Rmnr'rrmv or SAvoEEN.-At the meeting of this Presbvtcry in Palm- orston.. on Wednesday last delegations from tour Presbyteries address-red the home (me. Mr. Goforth from the fur away Pres. of Hmmn. China l Mr. Mc- Dunnoll, Toronto: Dr. Middletniss. Guvlph: and Messrs. McLeod and Croztep from 0raugevillo Presbytery. There was it full attrutdat)ce ofutetse hors, even Mr. Morrison, of Cedarville, though infirm and blind still takes a deep interest. in the I’roshytrrv of which he must now be one of the oldrst mem- lzers. The Women's For. Miss, Society was xvldrvssud hy Mr. Goforth. Messrs. McLeod and Crozier, were present. to ur- rcunrefor some change in the hounds and Mr. McDunnel was present in the interest. of Church schemes. The Ladies' of Mr. Aull's unngrvgutinn entvrt,aincd the Prosbytory and t'rirnds in the Town Hall. The sessions were held in the Me- thodist church the fine new Presbyterian chum-h nut, being yet ready. Mr. Geo. Turnbull. ve resentative elder, had the weight. of Yhuhnm district on his shoulders. Renders interested in the fore-wing will learn with pleasure that the Rev. Patrick Groig. for many yours of Ovtuswdvillv rum Nornnuiby is still in prod lmulih in Perth. Scotland. win-re li') preaches once a Sunday though nonr- ing fonr-smrr. Mrs. Gregg is not well. Their daughter livcsm-m' thtun, and the old couple now onjoy the company of the third generation. We 1mm this from a lvltvr n-rt-ivod by Dr. gun. k.ci'f%unicirrapity, is the inculcation of the doctrine that they must be ruled on sunnd husinvsspririciples, and that the question-s nf policy that divide the best men in politics have no plan- iuthe choice of iuunicipal officers. vax: DONT'S an: MUXXCH'AL CAS- mnxms: -- Don't, tuuwiilce principle for the sake of election to n. municipal office. suirgeste4 t.otlt.he -----i- o o v-------- itiuwstaTs'st Chum IN A Dar.--Anreh American Il'ueutrtattsm Cure, for Hluumo. tiam and Scurslgm, radically cured in l to 3 days. Its ncuinn upon the system in remark- nl'le mywutinus. It Iemovcs at once the can": and the disk" u imrnedsetelysliwapprorr. The first (law greatly benefits. 75 cent», S,hl by M:Farlau e & Co. A genuinc ghost-story has yet to be sttqsted; hm. not so a genuine Moods miner. Over and over ugh it hm n proved that Ayer's mparilh stands alone among medicihes as the most. reliable toniesilterathe in phar- macy. it stood alone at. the Wirrld's Fair. A good part of Non-mnnhy and especi- ally Ayum. is in, present, exercised over the exemption iron taxes of the pro‘ plated new ttour and grist mill to he erected by Me. N. 1veriger. Two years ugh tiw"w mill. one of the best tttrt in the Pvovinee, was destroyed T. re, and astlteh. enterprise has built, up Aymn and benefitted Nor-numliy large. ly. it is likolv Hil- council will grant the ekeruption. Tlu-ir business cxtcnds Irc- yuud provincial "omulavies own. as some lo days ago they shipped " air load of bulb-r to tho West 'ilifiii. 0 no Berkshire. & ont- improved York shin- trom Caldwcll's Heed. .-will bekept for tievviee on lot 43and 44 cor. 3. S. D. it. lenolg. for the season of“ tuadiD. Terms 81.00nt time of scrvive. P. Sullivan. Glenelg, Nov. 2%h 1894 n F I e t? t'U'AU , '.'dS, Thorougbred Roars. ilfis"-'- , rap,, EuSlSkiiailkiiStiiil% sth all remedies that may lw better govrrmmmc of is the inculcation of 3m WANTED Local and Traveling Salosmen tolmndle on Hardy Canadian Grown Nursery Stock We guarantee satisfaction to rerun-sen- ratives and cmtmuers. Our nurseries are the largert in the Dorni"ion----over 700 acres. No substitution in orders. Exclusive territory and liberal terms to whole or tywt time agents. 1Vrite. us. STONE & WELLINGTON. (Head omee) Toronto, Ont. (The only nursery in Canada having testing orchards.) We don't claim to be the largest Show in Durham, bat We. do know it is the cheapest place to buy yuur Every amide is sold on its own merit We don't cut prices tomake a. sale, bat we give goud value in every line for A quantity of Dried Apples to till an order. DAVID WE'illll . in. ARTHUR ll JAGKSGN. Clark Div. Cout Notary Public. LAND VALUATORS, INSURANCE AGENTS, COMMISSIONERS. Money to lend, Money invested for Parties. Farms bought and sold. A geraa%areidi business transacted. OfTtee next door to Standard Bank, Durham. As our expenses afford to sell cheap. W1 1460 Ragina. mt., Harrisburg, Pa. “I have used Ayor’s Hair Vigor for several years and always obtained unis. factory rosuits. t know it is the has: preparation for the hair that is undo." --c. T. Amen. Mammoth Spring, Ark. t.ttr,'gj.l,tlt,.,lal,'.igg. Upper Town, Durham DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, BOOTS & SHOES 3nd now my hair is over a yard long and very full and heavy. I have rot-021‘.- mended this preparation to others with like good c'.hoct."--Mrs. Siam-y Carr, 1460 Beglaa mt., Harrisburg, Pa. and I now ham as fimt ahead ot hair as one eom'd wish for, being changed, how- ever. from Manda to dark brown." " Arm- B flt ot sickness, my hair cama out in combtuus. I used two bottles at Ayer's Hair Vigor " When a girl at school, in Reading. Chic, I had a severe mum: of brain Ever. On my recovery, I found mysolt perfectly bald, and, toe a. long than, I toured I should be pcmanontiy Bo. Friends urged me to use Aycr’s Hal: Vigor. and, on doing so, my 1121: Began to Grow, Mrs. J. tr. Housman. IGP. Paeil1e Ave., Santa Cruz, Cal., writes: WU) TGHES, FC" TEAS A SPECIALTY, Sria17ii'iRWA1uil. CON VEYAN CERS. - REL! E2183 JACKSONS. Cash or Produce. Is valugfer their maney. EY DAVIDSON d; Co ER TUE PLU?E, are small N wanted we can Fancy Border Ilandkcrcl White Lawn $6 j Fine Hemstitehed 'r' Garter. Elastic...... w... Black Cashmere Iluse. . . " . " Gloves. But it is at , (ri course every We are be It; Men's All Wool Socks, 3 lbs. to the dozen. . . .. 43pairBrownKidGloves...... ...... .... ... Fine Silk Finished Henrietta. . . . .. . . . . .. .... Fine BlaekSoleil Cord...... ...... .... ..... Black Double Warp Baritz Cloth. . . . .. .. .. ..', Colored Bengalinc Dress Goods 40 inches wide Heavy Serge dress Goods 40 inches wide . . . . 100 yds. Double Width dress Goods . .... .... ladies' Black Muffs .. .. .. worth £1.50 for Wool Seal 3raffs .. .. .. .. 2.50 for Arctic Sable Muffs .. .. .. .. 6.00 for Grey Oppossum Sens .. .. .. 11.00 for Black " qt .. .. .. 11.00 for Children's Astraean Sens . . . . . . 4.00 for Goat Robes fine plush finish, 62x70 worth 7.50 for Wool Seal Capes at Wholesale Prices to clear. Children's White Wool Boas . ' .. . ' "i'i'i'iirij.es! and Mantle Cloths at clearing out Prices,7 11%; It's "t,hst We Em; To Re: T - +>%%€%DURSTDCK tFk'5:-'4axxa<"to- 'ii' DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, BOOTS AND SHOES? ',,.lw" O . . _ is complete; . NEW, GOODS AT RIGHT PRICES. (llF Ii," -- - "' _____.a.Vs; --4.a4-,Gr,eGvtTes an“ V Bargains! Bargains” "â€"'E ‘Ivv-wv --- v,, 3: "Faii' Dealing with living prpfits must ht our guiding principle. Call a examine outadods. We do not sacrifice any line but we sell at the low pOSSIbie prices; _ _ U,. . _" ' j. HIGHEST, -PRICE PAID FOR BpTTER AND EGGS. - 50 pair Odd Pants .... .... “Big Drives in Boys' Suits. 123 Suits to choose from. 7 Men's Suits that were 88 and $10, .-.. . .. .... 15 Heavy Good All Wool Tweed, well lined, worth $10.00 , Fine Worsted Suits, made for City Trade regular er, , nn = VJ r, '. ,' . “-4 I 3.1.”. "m rt', \ 5.; _ CL' T a . a , A i REDUCTIONS IN if»; “V “’1 'r,Cii2ii', ' {:4 .'Vr a? cr.,'/i'iirF,' 353* ii,ij':,i,ijir'aii'-/ "id) . , A” u _ M _ 'tCr-eff, .1 'ock", = 1'sy. tp i 11m; may Bat to 2 RAMSEY k lllllElluMlllit, Won Mr. Editor the people mum! here rounidar your ptsper.U impmvuw and I" seemed to think I you: dad of tho abort sketch you gave an "bout tbs Model (um and would like to he“ mom con, coming tho doings ot it. Wedding Mill were claiming how In: In " but we will give partiortiars next vat. Mr. J. Bunk laud " poHoditml viait to Hope villa on Sundny nat. mm P. Bryce wu whiting trietrih, in Hum-villa Int. week. Mr.2. Em- tmn been taid up for name mn- 'Ile the cold but In Manhunt: move "and Mr. Maxwell had s ”an" In: use]: at which all who wore them enjoy thorn-o)": human-lg. Ind more so on mount or n beta; the am this Mr. G. Wooster upon: u lav run in Toronto Int week with In 0370 to business. Mr. A. Roger In: undo I. great improvement 0n MI toluene. by whaling it all over. Mr. J. In. bu purchased I Mam of ttoraem from Mr. J. sputum. Trauma: in the on!" ot the day Imam! here. Mn. J. Just-on hon the mu mum DOV. Mr. A. Wuhan took n trip ninth In: weak but we dan't think boom-0d the lung. R.C- Comv'rt.--Ttto contort on the HID imst. Wm: an nil-round mama. Thu unulv decor-Md mm wheel Ioukod hard-on". And tho program was An excellent one. At 830 um cunnmn were dropped and the colored she club charmed tho smut-nae. The itmtrutrvrntat mum was choice. Every Meter excelled Ind truly mm were ”mum 1:1,"? havo Staph-s o‘ruphrl thr chur um an it well. Prat-coda of the eve- ningubont .25. obirmtry.-Tlso 'spirit n! "ttother old Inna-mark bu taken m ttt'stht," Mr..rohn Bumw.b‘r. venom mm of n nth-up: phyulcnl tmture. and. Men In his, am: you pow! mmnrklble intellectual qunl' ilk-u. Tho tuners! on the 10th inst. to the nuns. tive It. C.Comeu-r'v. mun well anemic-l. and test:- nod to the much: In which lhndmmd was bald. Our annually In axlondod to ma mournrra. MID-F. Lanna-.1: [pent n tow days at. tho old Durham homo. reconUv. visiting her nub", Mr. Shun tl, who il in I. with L] condition. Como to tho brick whoa! tttatoruiutuent on has Mve,ttse Nur, and while away "W'" ot iouity, Dorm-lie McKinuonmur old-time elmvmapont . Friday evening in town. Ha took in tho c. ucart. laminar Mr. P. Lie/Allan. ot Peri ivGiin, in home for Chnntmu. We are glad to note the blight. Improvemont of Mina Flor: Helm-n, who I.” been JIM up for mum time. The Sister! ot Charity mud though Grove enroute to Eugen-h. MLA. Canon in building an Addition to his bonus. The work is m the hum: of contractor A. c.. Mchln. Ml" Minnie Mohughlnn mtumni home am: N a: dintt a law any. with het sinler. Mn. 11. l'urk. ' t Eugenia. Mr. Somme] Canon [In just returned homo: In" tl,'ir".d"* I Iowdnyn "Joan with {Hand- " Vlad» cur. Mr John M66101... tt vu tbe gliJuftj;Ni_chuel Hourv on. any hut took. Luna Friday waning a "Gnu., of the young 1 mph, of chm thorbood upon: I. vmy enjoy" 'tlriey mm a the homo or Mr. John lunachlvul. Mn. E. D. Mulroouey of Omar): was viii. in: her jun-nu. Mr. In . In. J. Henry. One. man: the can] hand of drmth hm- cum into out with: and has than Iron) amongst II mm or tim 0|nd ”turn of Magi}. 6mm in the " non of John Stow-kt. Tho o continuum bad 'uttered fot gummy-o. butt-u Thumky Iurrn- In‘ his illueu tooe I. more parimumqnt. On Friday In pulled "my to enjoy the lawman! or denial Inn. The fun-rid which took Manon Monday mu larstrtV attended show ing we raps-t in which (beau-carnal 'rt" hold. A merry Chrhstlmm to all Review , frurhetn C, Supplement tt,ijp, Grey Review. 'ci-i'-,"))')',--, . .500 fer 35e . .75c for 500 ..75e for 50e $1.00 for te, ECHOES FROM DORN OCH [ 250 for 1 35cfor 25c .25cfor150 PROTON CENTRE, an: anion no $1 1700 for $12.00 from $1.00 up. d, worth $10.00 for $7.50 Worth of T111115 HALF PRICE 'rsiiirtifir,'ii', 1hilirtlollu'og -AND-- PRICES BELOW To be cleared oat at about See Them. Luau: MENS & BOYS During this Sale. now 80 in great variety the Lowest. Maple Mr. Brat Sharp bu numb...) all his rautncu tor chm but. to be but". on tite “on“ nut lam. Mn Bur-lay o' Tram-dun brat hia houu and burn by are one night remuuy. In. B. Emm- bu, Pvt-mud Amman Mm npouding A month with her Mama in (in-mock. Mr. And In. John Motutt. rrr.,ot Gmhock. Brae. Co, were the gun-It.- a: (il‘t'. Ritchie has: vat. We win: you All t merry Chi-mum. The emu-nu number or the uxvnzwnlh- l long an mt Tho numb-lynx elections come in tor . sum of public “mum: 11m. not. M r. tends House Qua I number from than: gun» in urns) Chunk In“. Weducndny u the manning]: by Mr. Htsrutsby. futy'oett " unyw'. mgr-9H; h Namath "luluw'u I'llnnm'n Mauro-us." . lecture VII "oo-ui" by limo-hem us w-l in: on In. “Most which nude it more Interest: They pronounced lt good. Min-John Brown in mm rclrivmg the " m then- "oak. On Monday be " tor 'l'oruutl, two c-r-loldl at cattle um Dual. Mr. Jun. Ink ttart the milmnunn In: work to low on. ot III-Mun white, drswittg I [and of you. to Mr. J Edam-m. liming Eden and his as»: of boys In this week mun: out the amber to rebuild Mr. ti. T. WM'I burn. . Mr. Magnum h Ii [In-um. visiting bin trirmls mum! “unlock. mm I men-hen and neighbor. We glue mm I hearty volcano in Macon Purl. A my.“ on!“ In Inn-lung nhi timbor in Mr. Mind'- mmp thin in the thin? would thesy In" an. the “an timber om. hr, nu! In! lunar-had they have nu order tor the (mum. The limbo: in landed on em hero and snipped VII. C.P. It." an "atet "f Hunt A In» 11: It" unal- uul another dry mum: r mm In: and Ptoton Sworttm wu' Mullah]: n' tho rut. MrJou‘ph Ferric. if. has ervc'od I: new treune suble on hiss Lew {um and n mm: little In: hnmul and the indication: In. that Joe "mum luluwml, it the old buggy did hmk clown when Frivm; hm but am. A Mary Inn And a. very tuwpr New Yervr to ye Educ! Iud titatr. DURHAM & CHESLEY. J; aware. wanna rem, to Mitchell In: weak. burlap mud I mgr-nu that hor tumor. wlto mid-I than, in dingunlulh m. Mr. notion ttom non- Oten Sound. who bought Lot it, Con. 19. Proton bu " .nvod " hum» very much tbmtin movlnziu. Bowman he will mm . madam-n uni neighbor. We gm um: I. hourly welcome ho Milton Para. IrmGto. Wat-ma rent to Mitchell Invlnu lamina I about»! the bar 1 mid-I can... in 'urttrecouslr Ill. mutua- h nth-r quiet out“ to ttte " they an not nod. M Column Mood nu! Mung pug. u a. oedqrof tho any. Mum. Wm. mallow: Knox qrtto kept u; ttoem m "ed Moo, In sundown. Man. tor never.) your. '/,'gh'l"'d 'lt2t.1 WI tset hmne. Their may a “4m n - Ivar: glad to at. them. They co to Mao VII“ rmm- manual. work. hm. expect In Mun will! In". In. sud rennin most of the when. Mr. 8. Pavlov Min-nod ham: from Toronto on sum-um In: when he tma been working some two )0!!!- Men's Frieze Ulsters, ... .... 1 Men's Beaver Overcoats, Men's Frieze Pea J ackets, ' Boss' Pea Jackets, Boys' Cape Ohiecats; Boys'. Tweed Overcoats from 82 up, AGood Heavy Tweed nggcoat, regular 86.00 for Corner, Upper Town, EDGE HILL ECH0Es. [W for Ioat mark. tmmmiiiiTiiE IURDUCH‘ " W Cvtton Bags, seamless.. .. Heavy Canadian Shining Scotch Firgcring Yam.. . 57 pair of Corsets regular. White Marseilles Towels 24x42 for Pins & Needles 3 papers for TI Very Choice Curr-unis .... . . . . .. l ' Fine " stalk Raisins .. .. .. .. ' Redputh's Syrup . . . . .. .. . Silver Gloss Starch . . . . . . . . .. . Cum. Smmh .. .. .. F .... 8 Rolled Oatmeal, .. .. . . 101m it 5 301bs. Dcunerara Sugar .. .. " m 22 " Granulated Sugar .. .. - 11m 5 " Best Mixed Candies . . . . .. M5 Fine Japan Tea, May picked, choice, worth SK Mb Fine Japan Tea .. .. .. . . 71b5, forum Fine China, Black Tea, worth ait .. .. 25 12 Bars Electric Soap ...... .. ..... 's' Canned Salmon Btta.r n: Km. CARPETS LACE CURTAINS, BOOTS & SHOES, MILLINEBY. many tug 5941.. Pain in Left tiide "id all um» Lomn of a Dina-well Heart. One done confin- Ces. Sol-l bv McFarhne & c.,. Hmnr Duns: 11:11:11!) " 30 Mutual - Dr. Agnew'n Cure for the Hem gin! pa- fret reliefin all an“ Organic or Sympuludc Heart Duncan in 30 minute. and malig- etrcctts acure. It is I park. remedy for Paltatatiou, Shortne-u of Ban-h... Smother- put y Heeve. of Arielut-sia. Two of their gd-lltlmlseu have passed the four Item-r "Nth. and am- quite smart yet. Thee lived at um- time. at side and 40. South Lice. Glam-lg. Duncan Morrison. now D, Tea, suf Age and aesideettofToeorto This nun: carried two bushels of Rood wheat from Luann to his place bore. . (“sinner of 18 miles and saved it the mum evening. This is a positive betas we. mr. prove ir. k) tiueaceount of the rise of Prime vi le itself is on hand hut as wehave not ~pm1- for it "ll we take the liberty of Rapping it entireforone isnueJ aul-Id mill dam. Further war aoother " the mum- of Bunk atttmptrd WW a grist mill (In the then Mr. mut- Knmuu'» farm nun little are]; about six font in widt h. but he iikethe mo! old. 'hd lull mit, down and count the mm of ctrtupletion. After getting the fnum- upaml purl of the dam thtirhedhe hogan In will"! the Post, ind (mandala In ttis _%0tt0w that his admlnmug; (Haul .d " "mans. He 'stopped furulln-r parts leaving the skeleton of what was "ttended fork mill to he gained and nu rulizm’ upun by the l't"l','C, by. h stood fur about aquiuNero net-mar? mm! tite present proprietor Mr. Rodger Mn-Haclmru lmnsfumu'd it, into 1M stulrle " few yeah ago. Among the old residenters of the South Line an- yet found Mr. Jamal Mdhnmld. (Elder) Jatnes Fisher and Colin McMillan fatherof the worthy De- Continual. We now leave the D. Bond and We! arm»; m the South Line. A: have can ascertain this part was.“ M forty two yuan; ago. The inhabitant. innuvdintrly south of the village In chietty Highlanders and them will be- found some of the ail','h',',' lama-rs of Artemesix. The Way hewe Wm at um- Lime very Whom with mum name roads were hilly": the olden days. but, now by mo! (levied inns theme tsilltsatreleito the m of tite air in ttv "ver. 0n the SW ttt Mr. Chas. McKinnon', there want unv tittse " mint and saw mill known“ Md'ulluugh's Mills. These mill: (‘2- isted for a ymrur two. bulls the pl!» [win-[Hr " an nut gmtnvnized very enm- .~l\1-.)‘ he Ke'""!' the bushels aodto. day there l3 duly up he Keen the "shunt - _ , W" --e_ - Marv. air. Cannot hold kn - M " mm M a. "not ot up“: rMrl'."ae.Sih1P. “mug" 1tl,Ll2' In]! 21:: '4rah1h" elm-m mm ion- ' nwlu :1 the community. “ml-t.”- mm are wry pond-r on the Av“. Mr. Jos. P'Anh.1t., Ian - "4" m of upon-suing was I. uni-m1. T, mum:- ton-Inh I. - {Inning 0mm flaring WM”. - no»... Mindanao-nu than. no - (mm-n who but. W ll t?ii'.l.re't"irg, Hat hummer In" God who. . tho Mr nu m lug-I1 "MM an. pmcsvxuz. (W) regular $10.00 for 'on ' $8.00 for 35.00:”: worth 12ke for IN Vol. it:

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