West Grey Digital Newspapers

Grey Review, 20 Dec 1894, p. 4

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EN BROS. iM, 1hi1iii:iul, verbaul- se Mills, :d to do work to .e public. iIALTY. I Custom- generally 1. the Cash l Cash or , we are wsystem ll Profits." sanity of need the {to bay re deter. KE CHNIE e for fear 1, or that what we echnie. i tel if; n E Eil '& r: " _. " ails, our SLOVGS N an Cara L, Y’riday. _ Buy your Xmas Candim and On at J. A. Hunter's hm Mr. D. C. McKenzie mule home last week from Toronto. Just for fun. c, m Bust Mixed C for 25c. at, Rummy & Jiorlock's. andy Call and He tunnttlettem can't be beat hi,, poms placed Led. there. the right man in the right place. .We, is a man of huninow, mutation! and ekpeditioun, with Mmugh good common sense to be a Scotchxnan. In missionary life he mu an enthusiatrt--twice President of the (Tom-gm )liswionary Society. Weill-de- served honor 2 He is nota man of many words: bu} ly, _could gay enough. lbs Messrs R. tgmitt home front .. old dun last Saturday J. D. Fleming. tl tho Middaugh H unfingham. of Domoch. known in that neighborhood Alex. P. Ledingham. B. A. sent bishop of yoorreiar gr the spring of this yon-Ir in Ar theautumn in Theology. Hi the my. lu-ilinghmn " " cumin: man. “if; kiudumses from Durham Kr le. His x-xm'u‘iw- ability will planer him l, 31w 'hnly pianists were Miss Beg; E:. iorn.roost in thecounciUottrie church! Kenzic- knd Miss Florence Vain The Hi; kindly. hmu‘t and 1vy,ypetrttfriiia"iirs' company sang "God Save the Hr.titiu. will eutle:st. him to the people. leccxl"us a. closing piece, The social He is mm "r the trawl. 10ml of the i committee and especially Mmrs. Con- tinua-h in his allegiance to the Cuna. ' law and w. Lastder deserve thanks for than N'orthwetst. Watth his t'tbI'eeP, I may work in connection. Proceeds, boys! Ledinghum is a. man', £37.55, " Ir, minent figure in College life. He unohtrusive, yet outstanding. mass-lm-eting was neverin want b chairuusn. The aeelamation of was placed Led. there. the right in the right pue. Illa? is a martof H LOCAL NEWS. M IV ‘rIock's. _ .s grey thutne1, alludes. They D, o 1:i-2h,,rie,-, gradual in Arts, and in His has Men lnmlor came fun the holi. " Q Miss Millie Hind, is the guest of her 'ister-in-btw, Mrs. A. E. Hind. Extra good hmucmudu Mitts tor men and boys at Ramsay & Morlock's. Rubbers and socks.' Buy your Alaska Socks and Rubbers from McArthur. Do you like the my? Join the RE. vtv.w club and get both for $1.25. The "Juliet " the latest in Ladies" ()vorshnvs at Ramsay & Morlnck's. Call and we McArthur', boots and show. Thev arc extra gum] and cheap. J. L. MHGmzie, and Mr. Waddell, Town Clvek of Dumlulk. spent. Sunday in town. Miss Lizzin Glazier, ot Wiarton. was visiting friends in town for a few days last week. Coldirt the heal-Nasal Balm gives instant relive; Hpoodily cures. Never fails. Florida Oranges ntJ. A. Hunter's. Mr. Wm. Swallow arrived home last week. MeArthur has the best value in factory Cotton in Town. y THE. Panmcn Sncm. At the resi- de or of Mrs. Gun on Thursday eve- ning last was largely iy.r.temdtll,ary1 was hy (t6iik a; calla S y f: f “fig 140% " and Mllwir entvtwise has hunt, up Aymu and benefitted Normanby 1111;9- ly. it is likclv Lin-cunm-il will grant. the exemption. Thu-ir busim-ss extends be- youd pro"mciul lummlm'ics cum. as 51mm In days ago Hwy ship ed :1 car load of lmlln-r lo (ho \\'vst 1113598. I'ttE.um.YTmtY m: HAcaucEN.-At; tho mot-ting of this Preshvtm'y in Palne vmmn.' on Wvdrwtsdav )ast delegations fmm four. Ptwslt.vteths addressed the hmm- nnv. Me. Unforth from the fur away Ptvs, of Houan. Chitur ', Mr. Mc- Ihmnvll, Tovontot Dr. Middlvtuiss. (iuvlph; um! Messrs. Nah-Ml and ('l‘uzurr irons ()mngmillv I'vesbytetv. Theta, way it full ultrndamw- ohm-m- hcrs, (won Mr. Murrisun. of Cedarville, though intirrn and blind still take " (IL-“p interest in tht. Ptvslryteofwhivlt he numb now he (nu-(1f the oldest. llll'ln- low. The “'mucn's For. Miss, Society was a Lin-mud by Mr. Goforth. Messrs. Mela-ml and Urn/Arr, wvrv present; to M'- mngt- fur Mlxnv change in the bounds and Mr. Mohnnm‘l was prvsenl, in the intoroslvnf ('hlu-ch svluums. The I.adics' of Mr. Aull'x congregatinn vntvrrained the I’rt-shytory and frivnda in tLe Town “all. The sessions were held in thv Me, A genuine ghost-story has yet to be attested; but not. so a. genuine Moods Lee",','; Over and over again it has men proved that Ayer's F :Lrsupurilla. stands admin among medicines as the tnost relmMe txutiealteeatise in phar- "Hwy. It, stood aloire at the \Vorlli's Fair. A gum! part of Nurmnnhy mu] (mm-ci- ally Ayn)”. is at prvsc-nl, "seivised over tlu, vxomptiun tt'rttt taxcsor theproc trosed new Hump and grist mill to In! evecttyl by Mr. N. \angvr. Two ymuu-z """r.".'u' "r.'.' ,, ""Crm ugh lhmr mill, one of the hos-4!, :'/u'.qpt in thvPvovinve, was givsLmyvd 'r.. re, 7333 NirA TCHES, A gt-xwml lirc1ncial h Oirume nrxt dam? Durham. WANTWD Loco n SHIV Money to lend, Money invested for Parties. Farms bought and sold. llfMh'll) Local and Tran-ling ll Sub-smell tohandle on Hardy Canadian Grown Nursery Stock We gnaramlvc “Misha-Lion lo turpru"ien" natives and cusitotttprrs. Our nursrrtOs arr the largest in the Doutieviori-----over 700 acres. No o1rstitutiott in orders. Exclusive territory and liberal terms to wholeor'eart time agents. 1Vrite us. STONE & WELLINGTON. (Head omee) Toronto. Ont. (The only nursery in Canada having testing orchards.) DAVID WEylll. Jr.. ARTHUR ii JACKSON. Clerk b. Court. Notary Public. LAN D TA I tATOTtS, INSURANCE AGENTS, CoM3Ht'ss10NE1tS. A quantity 0 to till nu order, We don't claim to be the largest Store in Durham, but we do know it is the cheapest place to buy your livery article is sold on its own merit. We dunk cut prices tomake a sale, but we give p," ml value in every line for What Psoale Want n ff hop'ued by Dr. J.C. Aye: & Co., 1.0chth "I have used Ayor’s Hair Vigor for several your: and always obtalaed mus. lottery results. I know it in the best preparation for tho hair that is made." -c. T. Amen, Mammoth Spring, Ark. RYB.T’_S__HaiIi Vigor DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, BOOTS (S: SHOES and now my hair is over a yard long and Tory full and heavy. I have reruns: mnndod this preparation to others with him good c.'hsct."--2trs Shim-y Carr, 1460 Regina tst., Harrisburg, Pa. Began to Grow, and I now ham as fmo a bond of hair as one could wish (or. bring changed, how- own from blonds to dark brown." " Attvr tt m. ot tsickness, my hair came out in combtulls. 1 Med two bottles of " When a girl at school, in Bonding, Chm. I had a. 30mm attack ot brain fever. On my recovery, I found myself pertcctly bald, and, tor a. long time, I tcared I shank! bo permanently Bo. Friends urged mo to use Aycr's Bale Vigor, and, on doing so, my hair Mrs.,,'. II. l'.orssvDEtt, 152 PaeiM Ave., Santa Cruz, Cal., writes: Pt sriTiririRT'ilARrl. Uer's Hair Vigor CON VEYAN CERS. " JACKSDNS. ash 0r Prcduce. If chomp. AS A SPECIALTY. "612, Ly of Dried Apples wanted Is value for theim money. DAVIDSON d; Co D al business transacted mr to Standard Bank " ”APE. small we e 'atl i 'j b,i4, C}; 'gi-tiii-iii)):',:",,:?)):';' ti)."g1 a hwi vi!iiii'i'c'i'irj 'l:qtisura Fancy Border Handkerchiefs White Lawn " .. Fine Hemstitel1ed " .. Garter. Elastic...... .... .... Black Cashmere liose. ' .. .. . " " Gloves.... .. Men's All Woul Socks, 3 lbs. to the dozen. . . .. 43pairBrown KidGloves...... ....._ .... ... Pine Silk Finished Henrietta. . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . Fine Black Soleil Cord...... ...... .... ..... Black Double Warp Baritz Cloth. . . . .. . . .. ..S, Colored Bengalinc Dress Goods 40 inches wide Heavy Serge dress Goods 40 inches wide ... . 100 yds. Double Width dress Goods . .... .... ladies' Black 3iaff's .. .. .. worm in» tor Wool Seal bluffs .. .. A. .. 2.50 for Arctic Sable Mums . . . . . . .. 6.00 for Grey Oppossum Betts .. .. .. 11.00 for Black " at .. .. .. 11.00 for Children's Astracan Sens . . . . . . 4.00 for Goat Robes, fine plush finish, 62x70 worth 7.50 for Wool Seal Capes at Wholesale Prices to clear. Children's White Wool Boas . . . ' . . 0f ceurse (wary one knows our Tenir,----t3ASl4 and ONE PRICE. We are bound to MAKE A RECORD for BARGAIN GIV- ING. that will not soon be forgotten. Mantles and Mantle Cloths at clearing out Prices, We 1ts,iiat a, lime Staaemt m Make But it is not an Easy thing to meet the Prices at which we intend selling goods for the Next 60 Days To Read some of the SIP-read Eagle Advertising Now-a-days. "ss-z-z-c-ss":'--:), OUR STUCK 0F 'lj)?sr3-r==--z-sz-'i-t- % DRY GOODS, a:rtot39TrIilti,_AooTs AND SHOES § -jl3 I * - I . - v v w v - _ - . Fair Dealing with living profits must he our guiding princi 1e. Call and., as. examine our Goods. We do not sacrifice any line bat we sell alft the lowest; possrble prices. ,9; ' Irrat-IFST PI{ICE I’AID FOR BUTTER AND EGGS. 3 c,,.ii.it' e NEW GOODS AT RIGHT PNllftllii1ir, 50 pair Odd Pants .... .... ‘Big Drives in Boys' Suits. 123 Suits to choose from. 7 Men's Suits that were $8 and $10, .".. . .. .... 15 Heavy Good All Wool Tweed, well lined, worth $10.00 ' Fine Worsted Suits, made for City Trade regular :91 7 nn = is a. 1itEIyUCn?EOtiilS IN ', a: _ V .. " a: _ . »- ,‘v -;..‘-><-,_ 'tis. (r _ yts "e'r-" r: _ “I . ..' m' "-ttacat, T qt", V‘ 'r. iv TCsA. A"; I " _ it", 'r-L-z‘ _ "mr".,'. if 5’: - . _ F -‘ l ' a, IC" _. ' V q 75.1-- p' "n."- 4 Fyr" _ I." er; v'ci', --, _ . ;-‘ "hs' 1; e, ~., "5:3. "" _ ft") '."""-"- ttc';.' '1}: "if 'r'u’ , -:L' Ctr' i" - J, ?t XE“: a, /ijau.1 a .: I; I, . C: p", 'rift' N; Tid f.r.: 1e?id, - , pre: “:35"; 'je? .1 ttse, an "tv", ' " 1 in I': : fs.: af' A. as; 7341' C"?r. LT ur?; a i5El:, $37 ._ . T if" {if T. 't'iehi 3’ i, F . 1}: '.9ti'Jt' 'sic,' _ Y:' .g" 3,. Pr . T .mzc' .32" v g c"--- 7;.x i; a“; ctr. 9,. Fr., v: 17.T. "i. r, : e" Je;' g .. . ', . T"" , :3.” _ w", . = Rut-{.1 __ .‘ ' " .- . . F- _ " _ sa" _ "m, - Dalglish’s old Stand, ht%b:" “w 111E411 EST P l ' IO 1,23r, to advertise cheap goods It's an'easy thing to pick out a few lines and sell them cheap. It's an easy thing for credit sellers to make considerable reductions, still not give it away. It is my tr: bluw a Thistle. 'srte "j'i'iiras:,iest; Thing in the World Backed up with Figures which should be of Interest to all Buyers of Winter Goods. (iildillllinll' k iilllMil1ttliit, worth $1 worth1arfor5e .......Scfor5c .500 fcr .75c for 75e for 1.00 for Mfurl y -ietttrexs,,atiteaitr0llEilllllltrtlrrallt_. (, 35e for 25e 25c for 15e IU', 500 $17.00 for 812.00 from 81.00 up. J, worth $10.00 for $7.50 $250.00 Worthof TIES HALF PRICE is complete: (foili)l'tli)llliog PRICES BELOW the Lowest. To be cleared out at about See Them. MEN'S & BOYS During this Sale. n O W in great variety -AN,0--- DURHAM & CHESLEY. Men's Frieze Ulsters, ... .... Men's Beaver Overcoats, Men’s Frieze Pea J ackets, Boys' Pea Jackets, Boys' Cape Overcoats; Boys' Tweed Overcoats from w. up A Good Heavy Tweed Overcoat, regular $5.00 for $3.00 tt " ‘6 " " 88.00 for $5.m Corner, Upper Town, Durham. (curi' F1anneiette-0ood Pattern Cotton Bags, seamless 57 pair of Corsets regular Heavy Canadian Shining White Marseilles Towels 24x42 for Pins & Needles 3 papers for Canned Salmon Very Choice Cummis . . . . . . . . . . , Fine " stalk Raisins .. .. .. .. s Redpntlfs Syrup . . . . . . . . S' Silver Gloss Starch .... . . . . .. 8 Con-Starch .. .. .. .... tt Rolled Oatmeal, .. .. .. 101115. the 25 30 lbs. Demcrara Sugar .. .. .. $1.01) e. " Granulated Sugar . . .. - A00 5 " Best Mixed Candies .. . . . . 2S Fine Japan Tea, May picked, choice, worth 35:. 25 Fine Japan Tea .... .. .. Tlhs. {cram Fine China, Black Tea. worth Sit .. .. 25 12 BarxEleetrie%ap ...... .. m.... " 36 icotch Firgering Yarn inch White Cow CARPETS LACE CURTAINS, BOOTS & SHOES, MILLINEBY. Heavy nearly 'leer"'"? moon yd. wide regular $10.00 for $7.00 worth 12y: for ttht 35e {are Gchox-47 ......10c L0

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