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Grey Review, 20 Dec 1894, p. 5

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Wu..."- ....., iifaia iriiiiiiirofiG trgh'r'fl, JUt 'i'i'itr,'t'i'sSrir,i'iF'E worth. m “a CO m at“ Home 50.. 'A'h%'lll'. an 3mm: CAN I OBTA IN A PATENT P For A KN.', - and an honour. opinion. wrtto to If. N I co.. who have had maze!” your mm the patent humane. unha- llllu‘nclly eonttttettttst. ArHnttdtroots at Its. 'tmttaBMtqt manna l’nlrnln and bow to ob- - m an: iron. Also a minimum a! may humane rmxs "an tree. uni: throutttt Mann ' Ca. - 'ttPl both-In the surname Antone-I. And in mm manly Dermot!” public-mac H m to an mvonmr. Tttin mam run. “will “an!!! mounted.“ a "In. anon or my ”lemme n we we. . our. BBrntrltt cyan-amen... 't"ire.h'i,i,IS? monthly. wan-r. m m} cam; be” up?” conga-p...- Ctr. Btettt HEADAOI-Iz and Nearalgia It .0 plyurlg, also Coated Tongue, Dur... In, Immune". Pain in the Side, Consupuion, 1m mm. Had Breath. .to stay cured also ‘W the bowels. VIII NICE TO VIII. Dr. B. J. 21mm; Co. t3esmemew-1 bought I. Iglendld bay hone mma than with a 'ttr,,'.'". 302mm (mm. I um! [-3133]! Symviu um. The let?,,',',' " unm- now And I have net-u otteret .154) arctic nun-y home. I only had mm Mm; weeks m I trot .120 tor mung 'twortts of KIWI-H’s Spavln Caro. You may. W. B. my. Sum. In. Doc. t6, I“ Dr. B. J. 3mm. Co. - I have mu your Kendux‘u Sp-vln Cur with good aura-n» tor Curb- on two human can “I. m test Urumqi” l huve 'let may. IElDlLl’S SPAIN» WEE KENDALL’S SPA!!! 603E L“. " can. " Dana s-rokta. To New Subscribers 81.00 to and 1895. Revtsw and CANADA to end 021895 for Mr. Higher--" Where u that 'Book of Bti none and Complete Utter Writer t" 'Ill". H.-" Winn do you Inn: of it ?" , Mr. H.-"l van: to write to the grocer to tarll him I cun’n ptv him. , REVIEW to end of 189: Gnome tor one ye at these rates we expect cash in advance, and already our three club are growing. We supply a live local paper, renew " once and ask your friends to toi1dir. capital, and the brilliant coupe became the marvel of military men second only to the {All of Sebuupol. It made Oyamn the beer oi tslt luring communion and added his nnme to the guluy of the really great [emu]; There he: not been I fortreu Itrong enough to meet hie uctics. No will bu stood the canonsdmg of his regime md no szrnugem han tngpcd his cohort: Be bu faced thounn . with hmdtuln, end from the snowbound trip of the homelud to the region of rpeuul bloom and ttagraneo the grant tpl': in lung in poems tit for the memory of I Shinto amt. ”Jan-em- anoleo- and In Van-tar Wife. Count Oynma. the Nupoleouic generals} who In muting the “reducing Chine-e dynuty tremble, in wedded to 3 Vans" girl. The trountmur,wltoits the mistress of the "up aura-HALL urn“, FROM A 'CNAt' sum drmhnd palaces " Tokio, "tidied sight yen-u u the women's college And then nil- ed to her native land for the curious nupbid ceremonial. which united two of the olden tuning. in all the kingdom. The greet “that was quick to npprecine the dainty girl's "teotaplishrnottu and progrmiveneu nod with the can-l orientel milieu. exert ciled in such emergencies. told the mother ol his children thin. he was about to take I new bride. This mother quietly abdieated her household, remembering the good Woman aha. had succeeded, and than wu Introduced into the Japanese war counsel. the idea of I woman, ail American uvc her birth. The people formulae enough to know til-count hue expected victotiea no lea brilliant than he hast won. m, is . giant. 3mm of Mature high nbove hit count . men, A knight m homing And front. T, look. : fighter, comes from a nee of cum- igners sud his bravery knows no limit. E', mm into the tUld to take Port Arthur, an! in the taking he leized the key to the MOST SUCCESSFUL REMEDY r;vn-:w to end of 1895 and Weekly MAIL for one year for 31.25. .mbimtions of any two or all three of these papers with the REVIEW at rates than will surprise you. Apply, or write at once. Send stampsfor small change, & secure the world's news for and: iataetrmt% and mum-n. Baal proofs balow: THE HERO 0F PORT ARTHUR Priee "it - mule. For 3510 by m Drusilla». or mum... ' B. t KISVIL‘ILI; COMPANY, Enos-uncut nu... VT. subscribe tor the REVIEW POWDERS YiiuTiihiif, FOR MAN OR BEAST. WNW OYAXA, A batmAB GIRL. Environ-E L i., 3.1.3111. m'm ('l.l'HBlNG. Right in Style. ".\ 'friPii'u' P" 0/ "p," b' THE COUI'SC .en. Otf A1503: Iinmcx. 3 and mem ur tor 81.25. FARMERS Stix The young laird came clamoring down toward the inoortide, and Waslter Keith wdkud npuily "my. Jeanette stood in the uningmuul, her hum. iiutteriuglike I bird. "Wilt! 0h, Walt, come back '." ‘Ibn cried. But her voice I'll tumuloun otd the mug In": did not. hear. In uotherucond {Nada v“ “Int-MO. IT ith my gal. In" words he put. his tuwerrir. her hand. . The yqnng man roturnod the broad gold ring to hm vest pocket: tad turned on his heel. “Yul no meat, Jeanette; I nm wavered. Yonder com the Laird o' Dun. dee. l'll not and in his way. Hood-by Janene t" , TGL/us stood meat-.1 a A'Giiiu.vou, glam in he: “mile eyes. Jeanette laughed strain--' lint! , '- luégh, 1eht2"t,11t of A 2le,ttti,,'tt',eit1 uppooe " use to wit” uh . . trifle, iriedlr. . . I e Ind, Juan * ii 371' shut “in it for gamed that you like hiry beat and pot‘tragblg you Nr.tsiry_" (Janene laughed Ind toned her silken, wind-blown curls, averting her {nee than he might nob lee the Iperkle in her eyes and blush on her cheek; She loved Walt u Ihe loved her We ; but she wan a woman. nod n Iiitle coquesry " unuul to her sex. She was vexed, too, Must Writer had not. lately spoken of love. She had begun to think he had changed hie mind, until the young kird of Dundee, had made him jetleye. . .. . .... . ._ "Tiny should [tn-wen" she ma light. ly and evuively. "What manna this sudden but: '." 77 “Bonnie I was to know ;'beca.uae I will know," cried Walter, hotly. L'iii;n't sing," almost gupgd the impes. tieut lover, catching night of his titled rivnl, cantering down the castle road. " Liam: to Vhlt I htve to any. Jeanette, you know I love you ; theres's no need to tell you that. Hume loved 3ou all my life. Long ago you promised to be my wile. But maybe you think that wu only an childish 'W; I 11min dead earnest, however. . ow," And he turneu ulmost tUrmrly upon her, " which do you cure for most, mhu proud young Uird o' the castle up_yon, or lme’_" . . _ " Come with me, Jeanette ', leb'n walk down to the mooraide," he said. Jeanette want readily enough, culling to Hero and singing little, 31131th of song. She was " the can.” door, the gamer. lhining on her dllk held, just as it had done for years before, and the scene wu the "me-s-the mountains, the boat, the melan- choly g1oamirsg--wlten he returned. And the young Tan, furious with jal- only. took the hint. He went " to Aber- deen unborn delay, Ind laid out all his surplus money for n broad Und of gold that weld fit Jemqtte’l plump,_brown tiager. i to hnpyy lives. A true and loyal lover 1 was W the: Keith, but, alas I he wu- of th ‘jealoua tampersmettt. He did not fully realize the torture to which he could be subjected [All the young lsird cum! home to the old Highland cable and fell desper- ntely in love with her. A hundaome, all»: follow wt: this young lair-d of Dua. ill'.," a. fine much. to be nuts, for u. girl like Janene if he fully (new: marriuge; And he seemed thoroughly in uncut. Every morn- ing “whim " the tlha,f"e,'l", mounted on his black need. with hm cg It his heels, and 3 bunch of red tom or white mountain “he: in his land for Jammy. “He’s in dead qtvntmt. u the, tiue young hird. Jemms’l 3 rue 1m t if ye can ior her, ye’d better speak on: mud hs' done wi' it, wut," aid Wnlnfa mother. The girl gave one quick, half ehy glance up into his face, blushing to the very tips of her pretty ears. A yen ago she would hue gone to meet him frankly. And a yen ago she would not hive blushed. He drew her to him, and kiue‘l her. " Well, I forgive you for this once," he aid geily,quite "tutied by that sluice " but when we are older, when we ere married u, you know, we are to be, you maatn't say here, in the door, but must come down to the water, dcarie " The year: panel on. Almoet before either knew it Jen-latte wu eighteen end Walter twenty-two. But now clouds begun to derken the horizon of their hither. Directly the regula- dip of the oars was heard, the boat glided to the “and, and l 'ssd of eighteen or thereubouta, sprung on shore. The dog Grted to welcome the newcomer. but the girl with something of the ahynou of menu“ yearn, hang back. She we: but “when us yet, but nlrudy in her virgin been had begun to stir, gluon unknown to herself, that mystery of mylteriu, human love. She md Wsltor Keith hm known etch other from unlit-t. childhood. They hnd grown up panther in his mother's cottage. sud long Ago he had told her, in hi: funk, boyish wny. that she WA: to be his "little wife" by-md-by. She had looked on him " q brother, however, Ind only laughed in reply. He - in now, fiushed with exercise. " hnndsome u a young Apollo, the dog jumping ubout him Am! barking for joy. " Aren't. you glad to no me. too, Jesu. came t" he laid. " Surely. old Hero here is not to be the only on to welcome me. Don't you think you might have come down to the shore to meet me t" She stood in the door ot the little High- laad eottage, her ark heir tossed by the evening breeze, her bare brown feet, shape- lyu ' seulptorhs model, showing beneath her sonny kink, I look of hnppineu in her large luminou eyes, as she Watched a distant boat coming across the lake. A sbeeirdog crouching on the grass in few yard! off, watched the light nkiii' with equal interest. The shadow: at the in " mountain dukened the water, And the coming twilight throw th half melancholy hue over all. the eye ' ' The childish faith in fumes and Aladin'a msgic ring, The nimple, Ion! repealing. glad belief in everything. When life Ina like unitary. holding neither lob not nigh. in the olden, golden glory of the days gone Days Gone By. Oh, "t ar. [one by '. Oh, ths dnja gone y 1 The “P910 in ytt orchnd Ind the pathway Urou h the rye: . The chirrupgofutho robin and the whistle of the Quail, 1" he Pip“ Hire' Q10 madman tweet. on oi bun 1e l When 't'ld bison it,' on the clover, and tho blue w in the sky, And ttmar htppy hearts brimmed over in the doyl gone by. the dlyl gone by, when my naked feet were tripped By the honeyenckle‘l tunglel, when the water-lilie- dipped Ard the rippled the river lipped the moss slang the brink, Where the plum-eyed and lazy-footed cutie come to drink, And the “hing wipe stood fearless of the trtmnt'tt woyword cry. And the upluhing of the swimmer in the dnyl gone by. Oh, the days gone by! Oh, the days gone by I The mumc oi the laughing lip, the lustre of HOW WALT EAME HUME. -iume. Whiteomb Rile $100,000 home with elevator and alt hotel conveniences. Mad chug" her very "tall pumps the grim of the Waldorf. Table napkins, wit ono'l own iniml- upon them, um linen, also and: oxeluivo on. are among the luxuries And the bean that young men take their dinner: at her home when they " get tired of Deltnortieo'a." There in n conch: young widow in New York who, within B few short yam, bu made tsfortttnts It that usullly the moat un- anccaufnl of 9.11 occupationx.-tho keepin of poggdgrg. _ She he. rgcently pnfclgugg , He had no words to answer, and silence fell between them. The next instant Hero's bark rung above the din of the storm. There were men following him, and may brought blwket- and mum drinks And no the two were saved. And- thin was Walter', second And final coming home. Berlithe Irma encircled his neck, he HY: touched his check. "It means that I ova you, Wnlc; that I've loved you always, dear, from tirtrt to Int.” _ She Answered him with a kiss that thrilled him into inatanusneous conscious- ness. He half ruined himself, duping her close. “Janene Y” "Yes, Wult I" "Am I in I dream t" "No: you’re nuke. You were coming home t" "Yes l Jeanette, Janene, what does this mean l"' Sitting under the ntorrn-toued fir, Jeauerte clasped her lover closer and closer to her heart. The warmth of her tender bosom, the cue-ling touch of her loving lips, tswoke him from his death-drum in, hut. "Where 11ml?" he asked in feeble accents "t's_yely this hed YP" b.e_0msrats.t?s'ts.". "0h, W-lter, Wtutor? Hermgo to old Jean’s outage and fetch help. Your master, your muster," with a great sob "has come back '." Not the lumbs '. Bat I human creature. I. mm, his garments likes iron, hrs face like death. Jeanette peered down Into the still thee, took the icy hands in hers, and uttered I. cry that. filled the stormy night with Answering echoes. She could not see, but some subtle instinct in her bosom told her who it was. She clamped the frozen form close to her tender breast. "What is it, Hero? Are the lambs here'." The dog uuaednc the root of I gran. Muck fir, it'r"l'i"/,1,,' more furiously than ever. Janene hurried to the spot. foggld the poor. lambs '." sh_e cried, "Come back Hero," she called, “the lamb. must go. We can't. face a storm like this." But the dog ran on, his nose, to the ground, breaking out ever and “on into ahnrp, frantic barks. The girl follow. ed him, brenhleu and half frozen. But Jenna?!» and Hero went. Across the wild moor, beyond the harbor count, down the bleak, frozen tshore-line, toward tht, hills. With the close of day, the snow cums down heavily, and a keen railing wind whirled it hither And thither in blinding drifu. Janene begun to grow bewildered. "fon'd better come under shelter, and lat_the lyttbs go," ui‘dihe dame. - "We trlusll hum: a bitter night, and therts's a. ewe and two lamb: missing," said Janette, one blenk “bemoan, when she was folding thalamus. "Come, Hero, let}- go um} hunt them." “'1'an came down amid the Highlands, wild 3nd cold. The winds rosre", and tho snow drifted, And the mountain [who lay like beds of cry-tn]. And the desolate mother heH oat her hands. "Come home,"she and, looking at thend, chnngcd, young (me. We'll bear our trouble. togethef." 77:967.)“an 'a"ad Hero remained a: the oldeomse- . .. q TW. A week hm. tsnd Jewectc stood in the door oi the Highland cot. Her {outer- mother set. within. "Lat me come home and help you to bear your sorrow," she annealed. "l win not fella to Walt; I was only silly and shy; and hie jealous doubt vexed me. I loved him. I will go to my grave uumrdd. ed for his sake." "Come," he continued. br I'll not. let you clcnpe me Agnin. I've tried to forget you, but it was vain. Ibclieve you've be. wicched me. I esa't give you up. Come, I'll make you, my wife." " Never'. Ut me pass." " What? You refuse to be my wife The Lady of Dundee Guile '." .. You ' I refuse." She turned away from him sud went. Along the wild cont. "Stop one minute," he cued pursuing her. “but me tell you ot your old home, Keith cause “and: yet, und the dame spin. her " and herds her ilock" but Wilt bu never returned; he never will return. hia vessel was lost months ago. Will you come now, Jeattettt'f' "“Jesnene l” he cried out: " Janene, hue I found you n lull, t" The girl stood still and looked at him, with her solemu, shining eyel. " "har mule you run away, Jeanette: l" he went on eagerly. " I've hunted for you every' here, and tind you here. Come, what does it men t" " I live here, that's all." " In this wretched old town? You look wary and overworked. too; your cheeks Ire losing their fresh bloom. Silly little one, you might hue been my pet sll these yam. I would have clothed you in silk: and jewels, Ind shielded you from every care. I'll do in yet. Come home with me, J eaneuc." He caught. her hund but Elle wrenchod in from his grup. Jeanette lei: the room like one stunned. That night, when the midnight moon hung above me goraeweovered hills, Janene stole our, from the cottage. She could not any and hear be: ioater.%other's reproach- eu. She went any in silence. " Here t" she culled, crossing the lawn. "Hero, I'm going swsy." And the dog left his kennel and followed hen Time drifted on. Summer: came and went I the Verdun bloomed And Uded on the Highland polka. One wild, wintry day, the young Lord of Dundee found him. self in Aberdeen. Strolling dong the can: without tho town, he met. a solitary figure, with th gum: sheep-dog M. in aide. Ljsiryrirnd the Jertt on, Hero following a her "fe. " _ T . . Ind hung I rose, full blown And crimson banned, in her duh hnir. Janene were it when aha went Mel: to the cow.” in thc “loaning, a little feeling o resentful coquetry tn her hurt ; but, ulndorlying all. her true And tender love, which made her ready and willing to accept. her hasty, punionnto lover if only he would spesk Yv'll: But when she matched the cottage anter wu not there. Night did not bring him home, nor the marrow I o"r“‘ - -e"e-e-""ie “Gone I Gone over new to foreign lands ne'er to return. And 'tis all your work; it nu come: o' your fair. {use (we. I wish from my until 1 hnd left yo to dis that wild night when I fetched ye home to my tire- aide'.' Go '. I ne'er want to see your hoe ngnin. Ger. ya up to the castle you, bo your tine, titled lover l" Janette drove her kids out to brown on the moonide with I pain in her girl's heart that piarcod it like a thorn. Surely he would come to fetch her noon meal M wu his custom'. _ _ " “Cnnuye uh?" cried out the mother, ahrilly. "Cm yo and there nud mock me in my sorrow. and nuke believe ya diam know? Ye’ve deceived the Ind Ml these yours. And now, in the end, ye throw him o'er wi'out word or wnrning and send him " over the gen, and break his poor mither's hurt. I'll ne'er forgive ye till my dying day." ".'uiia' in: Oh, where is Walt." gazed Jgngette. I Bat noon passed, And the red um hung low Above the much hills, and he did not. nppe-r. Janene drove her flocks homo. ward at an "rly hour. "Fiii,EGidiit7, cottage in confulion, the good wife Iobbmg in the oltimaey.eorner. The girl's wry Igul died yi-ghiq her. . "AWE TL', -upperuedy' she asked in faltefing tones: _.. . ' , L The Only One Known. ou'vc 1ixti'i"t _'i'iii'i, 'i'hihi'lt'jiiiiiis; f ki'; mam. 2.. i.jtiii'itf,t'tiiii' [ I “I wonder 'whlt does make Jack " Into? 1syd there wat) I lhnde of anxietyzo'n Mo. 8towe's face. Her husband at; by tligflzove thinking tl? of the limo: when shia‘night wu almost, i not. quite,' the ”WP.“ ull the you. Wine . merry vole. tip that one of list you. " 1u-rirsftrsd?ttru ttttr Hacking would hold ot putty thing- for her. And then "ite-tSoir preaedifi', Ind been in talking of the glories of tho {an ot " Whntdou pup: call you t" "ss Why, IU popt'l I‘d-mu Boole: l tum Triamu, you lee. Ho tuft. cel'brite me now, tan he t" And this. baby tsobbml"agUn in Jnck’aneck. T v, l Poor baby, tired, Ind may front home I Out of breath with his burden, Jsck cased to tallt And baby soon Ilepmon hu shoulder. j . ‘15" J I51: mnde one m‘Bre tsears to find out her name. 'l‘ll’npn hurries me when I'm: tired," was the brief remark ;nnd Jack silently book her up in his arms. just at he. hud‘Bnby May no mnny, many times, and enmeway the echo: in hi. heart seemed to crow less and he leerned the lesson then older peo- ple hnve taken yet" to learn, that. to help ourselves we mun. help others. " What’s your heme l " Iuafiftesen and forty clans." " Winn. do" mamme cull you 3” " She tells me Pet Iometimea. and samu- Limee Kitten, and mything else 30“ can fisnr of." Silence for th moment, and then I very thoughtful little voice aid, 'H like it beat when she tulle: me up And huge me and tall: mo dood." A sob, end alien. HShe won't nu me dead now, lame she told me to Pt in thy tarriage “(is and kdi.dite'.' “CORN, now, or we won’t get home to uuppgr." tired." “You run away, duin't yer. now v." "No, I didn't; I den walked lle, and Pst, he not no so “night and never looked In nee and I do: he'll wonder when he finds, dot home tirat i" It began to be plain to Jack now. The ihnby had been left in the curinge while the mother went shopping, and tired of waiting. fiuding the door unlutched. the had climed out And while Pat, the conch- mnn, looked etreight sheet] in a. wey that conchmen hove. she started toward home, thinking to be there to welcome momma when Ihe returned. What should he do with her? He could imagine the wild grief of the mother at thought of her baby lost in the city etreeie on a winter night like this. The wind hed gone down with the, nun, but with the stillness cnme the snow falling in big “Ike! that soon turned the brown figure into I white one. Not a. policeman on sight, and headquarters far away. He could not leave her there while he ran to notify my one of her Appearance. While he stood wondering what he tshould do she solved the question for him, " In 'ou doin' home now 't" He would taktt her home and she might eleep in bis h, cradle. She did look a. little like hilly, and the voice reminded him of the one no lately etilled forever. Ah l. we can elweye find reminders of lost one: Ill Around Ill. 7 bt Yes, I'm goin' home now, and I'll take you home with mefnr a little visit. Pups my mother 'll nuke your dolly a new dress. Don't she need one l'" " No, she don't need "tyang 'eept A may twilt like drumms's. Herluce spread is ulgogever too fine for much waver." " You’ll freeze if you sit, here long. Don't you mutt to go home y' N don’t tink I tould thad it now, I'se so Junk let out. hi- blseking box for her And I ko she “I. down on ita not over-clan surface 'lor settling henulf with a contented sigh u if " all her wen-inc" were now over 3nd she IT had. no further cue excerpt to take the rent ty'tt cit-red. "tl " Pent. to At down." Jack jumped in his surprise, Ind turned to bee who Ipoke. There stood a link: tot, dreued in I brown velvet cloth, Abou- uet to match, with a wee brown mutf hung by a ailk cord around her neck. The voice. very tired, came from a uweet mouth, but the lip: were blue with cold, and the See looked chilled in the sham wind. As he stared At her she repeated her tirat remark. " I‘Lnt to sit down." 't Wtsl, I vunuy. Where you goin' '." " I isn't doin' ; I'Ie den tum." " Just come '. Yea, I see that; but where's yer mother t" " Mammn “ya she tan't talk till she aim down, And I don’t fittkl can eiver. " crndle. Cow could he look " it end then speak comfortitutly to his mother? How we wind blew'. Pedestrians went. hurriedly by, wrapped in their thickest. clothing end warm furs, and yet they ehivered and almost run in their hula. They never gave a. look at Jack, dancing back and forth and rubbing his heads and lwinging hie Arms in the effort to keep the blood moving fur. enough to " lent prevent freezing. Then he thought hie dny’e work must, be done. It had not been a very paying day's work, but it was the beat he could do and he begun to put his brushes in the box, wondering if his fsther bed been any more nucceufnl to-dey then yesterday, Ind trying to hope he abould tiad them happy over some good new: of regular work at. heme. T . Close at his elbow sounded the baby voice. 'U'tuot to alt. down." The night, before Christmas, but it Wu very dithsrent from hurt year. Then snow had freshly fallen, and the earth Wu all in white to celebrate the waiver-my of the coming of the King. Now the wind had been high all day, aad the "not. WM bare And hard. The skies seemed to come no nelr the etrrth " to wnp everything on ita surface in I gray pull. Then in Jack's heart this your there was a grave which had not been there u year Ago. m didn't want, (.050 home hm} gee that empty was almost Christmas time, and never be fore had they been in such straits thatsome little celebration could not be had. Now when their meals were made of soup bones and stale bread, it was not to be supposed they could have a goose for tho holidays. Misfortune had kept close to them all the your, First, Mr. Smith did not need so large it number of men. nud,of course, those who came last were the first to he notified oftheir dismissal. Then came illness and Baby May was kissed and laid away in tho grave, with only the comforting thought of the muny, many times they hnd kissed her, and with n. feeling of joy that they had loved her so well while she stayed. Detox. ion in the heart, and an empty cradle in the corner, shut out the feet, for n time, that the doctor's bill was unpaid and the daily income was smaller than ever. Jack was ten, and his earnings kept them I in bread and a small, carefully economized 1fire. But the winter was here, and these cold, blustering duys, men did not cure to stand long enough to have a firat.chuu: polish put upon their boots. The pennies came in l so slowly that he was often nearly discour- l aged. rind wondered what was the trouble. wo the diftieulty in the people, in him, or the weather? It seemed to him he oould have borne anything if only Baby would‘ Come back to greet him when he turned the corner. She nlways stood " the window her yellow head just above the sill. eagerly watching for the tirst indication of his comv ing. She threw a kiss lit sight of him and then ran to :the door as he came up the stairs and with her tiny hands flung it wide open, letting out a flood of light to guide him up the last flight of stairs. He didn'tlike to tt home now till dark, for he knew the window would be empty and his path up the stairs would no longer be the shining one it had formerly been. But then his father, was not his grief greater? Did not he have worries of his own l Jack tried to keep cheerful, and tried to think they were gettingslong finely. and tried to tell momma how much worse offthey might be, but it wns hard work, though momma llld more than once she didn't know what they would do without Jsck, he was " ways so cheerful. l UHRISTMAS ADVENTURE. new " Ill-ought Good the". out ofwork, bat it wss'nt his fault. I und Inhi- wife tried to comfort. him And lpenk cheering words of hope for the future even though her heart In: full of dot-knelt andfou- for the coming duys. " ARTIN STOWE wu Judge to witttetm--'+ow, mndnm, I want. you to under-bud ulna hesruy in not evidence. How old are you v." " I doniknoqr, judge. " " Don't know t" " I hnvo no evidence ot my age." " What do you man t" " I um told thttt I man may yum old, judge, but it’s heuruy,lnd you know “In im't evidence. " Plum Pndding.-0rte pint of chopped auet, one and one-half pint' of nieinl and cutmnte,one and one-h-lf cups of moleuel, one and one-half cups of milk, one lu- epoontul of soda, one wumnful of sale. two nutmege, three eggs, one-bu]! pound of eitron and Boar enough to nuke it nit!- er then ceke. Tie up in A c!ol.h in gun in I buttered mould mt! boil tive on". Serve with a hard sauce. Pumpkin Pu.-For two small pies use two cups of stemmed and strained pump- kin, one pint of boiled milk. one gunner cup of moluaer. one-half tmopoonful of cinnnmon, one-fourth Leupoonful of ttttV meg. one tetusptmniul of salt, threedottrutts cup of brown Buipr and two eggl. Fill the pica and bake vlowly, Raving the oven hot " tirat. Boiled Turkey.-A small hen turkey in best for boiling can the carcass should be well prepared. The legs are to be cut. " " the first joint, drawn against. the body and there secured. while the lmnll ends ot the wings are peeled under the buck and tied. The fowl in then generously sprinkled with salt. pepper And lemon juice and in immersed in boiling water. This preclu- tion of having the water " the boiling point should be taken in cooking all mnnner of fowl, and in fact, it equally importaavtor other menu. The turkey will require to boil slowly fer two hour: or more until quite tender. Whatever uuce is used I. portion should be poured over the turkey when served. The fowl may he untied u for routing or not, us preferred. [ _ The Turkey. There in not the slightest doubt but the tstuffing of poultry ruins the Mvor end makee I good dinner hard to digest. The "uftiag does not in the lent hold the cor- eals: in ehupe. True: the turkey and rout it” you would ordinarily And behold th, diifereuee in flavor. You will never stuff poultry ngnin. After he is in good dupe, duet with pepper end put I good quentity cf wuhed butter over his brunt. Put it into u hot oven snd after thirty minute" let the tire cool. Rout without water, Iimply basting with the melted butter end the {at in the pan for twenty minutes to each pound of turkey. Do not count the tin" half hour. Salt when nearly done. They will never forget that Christians, and they will never forget thin Chriltmu Goon, for Jack any: that. wu the luckiest. goose they ever had. Jack coiled it good luck, but Martin Stowe “ya it in God'. care. "God lent. the little wanderer our way, and through her hnve come tho blew inga meant. for us. Who count. God his friend will never ' humsn friends and helpers.” Winn aday that was '. Jack held the Christmas Home in his hp. while she cud. dled down to him " if aha hnd nlwuya known him, feeling instinctively thlb he loved and cured for little falkn. The grant dmncr. the beautiful house, the promised work for M r. Stowe, the hosppy face for Mr. stoweePll hqlped to make its day to be remembered hi' all who partook of G good cheer. " If you have not nude my arrangement for Lo-morrow, I wish you would come with us and help us celebrate the return of our Christmas Scone." There wu n htlf Imothared " no" on the lips of Mrs Beds ; but the stifled it u the thought of the lost baby of this houuhold, and, perhspa, of tho comfort. her truby might. bring to this bereaved mother's heart. and then she decided that she would Iran her baby with those who bud found And cued for her so well. It would be better Bo. She had taken in the poverty of the room at tglancc, and noted the Git. eaten dish of mush And milk which had probably been mud to feed the little strun- ger ', and just. before she went uwny she laid: "Yes, it in. Jack nidit was his little sister’s cradle. I am so sorry for you; how do you bear in! I hsvo known the anguish of losing mine fora tshort time, but forever-l could not bear it." " We might have her here co-nighn She will be pertnetly safe, And I'm 3 raid Ibo will take cold if we take her oat into this norm." ed tusd cried over the dainty (tee with the soft curls surrounding it. Plpl'l Goon. sleeping just as pevrefully in I 'strange cradle um her own little crib at. home. " It}: Loo bud to diuurb her, said Mrs. Stowe, I will Lalophbne m'y wiils, And the}: you will go up home with me, and we'll come riglpfjowz} wd_get her." _ __ n _ '1“)an hour liter 3 pretty, frail little wymaq keelt by btby'y 9nd]? And Jyqile " But she’s orll right, air; she’s tsll right," Jnck kept repeating, hardly knowing what he w“ saying in his efforts to reassure Mr. Bull. MnBeall wu- uhnking Jacki bud u it he could hardly believe what he was ny- ing .. his face was twitching, ad a luv, he dropped all semblance of control And any ped into the chair name one let for hum-ad buried his lace in his handkerchief. The big policamm suddenly had An ernnd for the otiiceboy todo, Ind went. out zomnbom. it; when he came back a few moment.- utor he looked as ii he, too, had been using a Gud. kerchiel. " Yes, yes, my boy, I know, but I hue been so anxious, and my wife is not strong. So you have . baby " your home y " Our buby ditrd"-s lob cnme to Jack's voige, and he turned awry. . . Thin-e Wu intense Iy'mpntby in the vo_ico ybayauigi, " My bot, 1'rnerry. “She’s All right down In my little sister's cradle, and mumm‘n and to her ', she's All right, only p'rlpa tsiat your baby ; aha'u got on u brown con And bonnet And & "tttif, And nyn aho it papu'a Goose, his Trilmu Dome : And we coulda't find oat my other mune." “Hue yon found my baby? Where is ll:9?_ ly e. has: Irsves you brgughc hart' Just then A mu: cumin. followed by the offieo boy, all out. of breath with his hum, tundra-hing up to Jack he grasped his hnn . Jnck waited only to unnlch K slice of bread, And then hurried back to Main “not bad down to police nencqunrwn, And n he uopged In he inquiud if my one had [on sin y , Instantly the mun lprung to the office door. " Mr. Baal: was here I minute ago. half distracted because his buby had climbed out of the curing.) and wandered may. Bis wife wu almost. only. tad he Ga been to every place he can think of and hu offered a large rewsrd to my one who will bring her back." " Here. John, chase that. man who wu here g migubp use 5nd brittithittt huh. _ A " I'll put her right Itt the cradle, soon u I take " her thingn. How nice they are 1 She is Iomebody'l darling. How I pity her mother." The baby waked when they pulled off the cloth. sud they plied her. with quea- Lionl: but me only knew that she wn pup-’I Goose And marnma's Pet, and com.- tinge: tho nursg called her naughty. "Pretty buby : the loch like;ion't she Martin "." lenving out the loved name lent she Ihould hurt his heartnfreuh. 'ttsh, our Chriumn Goon. Mturtrns She cums up behind me just as I was putting away my brushes, and when I uked her where she WM going Ihe "id she wun't goin',ahe'd just come, and her pup: calls her his Goose and her mammn culls Ur Pet, and I can't. find out who the in ; but she belongs nomewherc and I guess some. Will be troyad After her pretty soon." “Whit. in the world in the astter with Jnck ?" and Mrs. Stowe sprung to open the door In: heavy. staggering iooutepa camn up the stairs, sud u moment later Jack almost fell into the room 3nd dropped the bundle he was carrying into his mother', hp. "'Whul. in the world I" was Mrs. titowe's Imp-rind ejgsulpuon. . H n Mrs. Stowe wiped her eyes with her lpron as she said, "I got in little man With the bone to day and I lhlll at A few vegetnbleaif Jack bu hilt] 1'MI'dl of: day. It's snowing. true'nyou live," Ihe ex- claimed us she looked out " the whirling flakes between herself and the gas-light. "Why 2 you cu: hive shoveling to.morrow." Chi-mm“ div itself. N ow he hnd hsrdly mentioned it. And he knew there could be no lent. “We cu: hive no {out to. morrow. Mary, I am lorry for "ck, he has tried no hard to help In l mad, indoed, Idon't know what we would have done without him." According to Law, 39131 For Orrr Irltty Venn. Mus. Wcisr.ow's Snunnxu Morn-hm been sued by millions of mothers for their children while teethiug. It disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a tuck child narrating and crying with pain of Cutting Teeth Bend at once and get a bottle of "Mrs. Winslow‘s Soothing Syrup" for Children Teething. It wiil relieve the poor little tsufferer immedia tely. Depend upon it, moths", there is no mistake about it. It cures Diarrhea. rem gulntes the Stomach and Bowela, cures Wind _ Colic, softens the Gum: and reduce: Inihurs mation, and glvea tons and energy to the whole system. "Mrs. Winslow": Soothing Syrup" for children teething it pleasant to the taste and in the prescription of one of the but female phyuoiann nod unne- in the United Stout. Price twentrtivrs cant- I bottle. Sold by all dmdggi-tu throughout the world. Be lure on Ask for "Ntttg Wmstow's Soouuxa SYBUL" tlo., Pariey, Burn IN " 1rorrms.-rDutrertsing Kidney, and Bladder diseases relief in nix hour» tho "Great Scuth America Kidney Cures" This new remedy u I. Brest nurpriu and delight on on Account of in tTitihhr,ett.ti in reigning pain in tttINT,' dawn, luck“ an - rt 0 ourinuy "eein) male or LU',,. It relieves "funnel: of: "to: rf pain in parsing it ulna-t iuune' Sgtdy. t you rungnick relief and euro’ " it your ready. old by McFuhno l Chenp woolen stocking- are sdulternted by the addition of tho iibor of wood pulb. Curbs, Splints, Sweeney. Rina-Bony stuu, Sprain. tll Swollcn Thanh. Coughs. no. 82." MO by an of cm, bottle. Warranted by McFuluo a. Eng“? Spnvin Linlmnnt roman! Bit Hard. oit or Onllonned Lung»: Ind: Blamishon £32m 1391168, Blood, nginli. Co. Rice piper in not made from note, but trom the membrlnu of the beead.frait tree A Boon To Hottsr.sr.s.-.0ne bottle of English Spavin Linimcut completely removed lamb {rum my horse. [take pleaaurcin recommending tho remedy, asit new with mysterious, promptncu it. the removal from harm! of bard, soft or “Housed lamps, Mood spayin, splints, carbs, urccuy, tstmcnr gm! sprains 020120; 12055, Farmer, Mark hNhNttt. Sold by LicFu'lllle ' Co. ty, Aoomplete stock of Whips, Combs, Brushes, Bits, eta, kept on had. a a“; V ”a; ' - ngairing oriiiirptly attended to. First-Class Workmanship guaranteed. Is still in his old stand on Lambton Street, near the Post Oifiius, where he is ready to till all orders for HARNESS (tgit? I Lumber, Shingles and Lath always Having Completed our New Factory we are now prepared to FILL ALL ORDERS PROMPTLY. We keep in Stock a large quantity of Sash, Doors, Mouldings, Flooring and the differ- ent Kinds of Dressed Lumber for outside sheeting. Our Stock of DRY LLTMRI'] is very Large so that all ordens can be filled. She-v” In whu reaped, pray t" m-" She thinks before Ibo lpuku." Sash and Door Factory. An Exceptional Woman. He-." Sh: in a womm of throng menu“ We are also getting up New Rigs of all kinds. ALL WORK GUARANTEED. And get your Buggies and Waggons Repaired at Lowest Rates. New». Ppisttt mid for Raw I"?! was“; goth", 189tt, Mrs. E. DAVIDSON’S. April 2ith, 1991 Wri11inery, ' 3? 1di11inery. Life is val, life is (amen. And the Inomenu speed any, In l manner hr too lipid When we have I. note to pay. CHAS. LEAVENS, if r., New Come I Come , Life Painting Done in the Latest Styles. Fall Millinerv --AT--- HEAVY AND :LIGHT HARNESS, SADDLES, BRIDLES, COLLARS, Etc. Stock Horse Blankets.' McKNIGHT d; LENAHAN, “a- In SUM-k. N., G. &J. MCKECHNIE. STAKES Powders. each package of which contains two preparations. on in a round wooden-tfox, the cover 'll which forms a rue-sure for one dose, an xumediate relief for Sick Headache and Stomach. also Neurlugia, and ail kind.: of nervous pains, and another in capsule (from t to 5 of one in an ordinary' am; ghich get: on .the Bowen. Liver an; comm ' Owning a. never {and tr feet treatment for-ll Bend and mum I complaints. It? do not. is mat elf and no my or medicine. do, Manuel-Walter ' undue nice to like. 8 can a away“ - “In .7th I poet r' "Not jut. In: time: ' couldn't. nine enough money to by hi- hair out." And when you have 25 Ammonia or Mt Puritan Soap Wrappers send turn to m. and a. three can: sum for pomp. Ind we will mail you FEEE. I bud-om picture nimble for fuming. A In: a: pictures around each bar. Ammonia Soap has no egos]. We rmmmond u. _ Write you “no phinly ad a“: W. A. Bmsmw t 00.. 48 Ind Mt Lowlands... Toronto. 8013 by alt [cm mama and, crown. _tHreitts, - m, -- Amateur pop--" I've got a now Inlay " my house." Veteran pop--" " than!" Ann-(cur pop--" You bet it in." Veteros pop-" Well, you'll wiah " w m old one before the winter in over." Lady Sept-i: Cecil. sum of the Din-qui- of Enter, who in now 94, (I the In: nur- vivor of the {uncut ball n Bun-ll on lb. night. before 10tarloo. Sh. in I dautthtor of the Dachau of Richmond, who gave the ball, and dnncod that night with the Duke oianlwick, who was killed an: (by " Qua. Bru. The third page ot the Toronto Daily Muil u noted for."' Want" "rertiaemmtt'i. If you wsnc A nitration, I mochuaic, l business, l machinery, lodging, if you wan to find out where my one I" advertise, in the, Toronto Duly Mail and read the ad. verliumenu on the third page 'iof tint paper. The charge, in um can" I word etch imsertion, or ten cant.- I word for Ii: immonn. Addreu the Mn], Toronto. Canada. ler." M - " In whit uny t" " Sh. wouldn't let me lock th' Entry in th' foldin' bod w'en I had company." Employment, Agonk" Win: In the mt'rtar with you_r_hut_plwe t" _ .. H-u- I'o-r Ann-l- ”, Wrapper- D/yrnestie-r" Tho uni-u um too penicu only}; Lanna, ..: YT, 'Ca 'tPa? 1?E. “up: 31 = 'Ph,"', I“ _ 7s'ah'dta 'dag:-?) " 4,1,1»; ',tir?iyt? Too Particular. A Novelty, :rDaa:za.ac2:is Try his tamons NM Japan Tea. An aatsortanen" general groceries. {Elk "h The best place to buy you Crockery, Wxingers& Wringer Stands. A lame assortment of Fancy Crystals 5:0. Dinner Sets 65 pieces $7.00 '. u 100 " “.0" u td 103 a Fm: W. (t C. T sets 44 " , M Crockery and grocery Dououi--Momuo before Elan Felt. Huwittoc--crystrl Palace Grounds. th day alter Guelph. Lirtowel- First Friday in each month: Fergus-Thursday following Mount Fore. 3latrkdale--Ssurday betore o-ilu oraugeville-Seeond Thursday in an F Le','),',','?,, d bet o wil letsLerton-- on " " are Dundulk--Tuet,Gy before 0mm- b'ltelbrtrue-Wednesdtg beiore Owning Walkerton-Latit7 Wednesday in each month. month. Gaerlplv-Firtrt “'06.wa in out month ilautGtou--Frihy before the Guelph Psi: Dr9tou-titsturday below fetlt'." Elom~The day hetero G_uelp "-. _ Durham-Third Tuesday in and! m Prieoviue--MonGy before Damn 1Lsuover--M sud-y before Durham uouutForest-Third Wednuély in“ CRYSTAL SETS MECHANICS INSTITUTE. New. Edi-open every Tuesday owning from 7 to9 o'clock. :33 - Sunday trom 2 tot . tn. Ann! tee " Dr; Gun Pros. C. gluing. Sec. En. snort-.) Libnn'sn. ' AT Boudmeeu on the “Sunday in ovary month. Dr. (hm,Cltaimttus Them. Alun, PritmipU. SA‘CGEEN TENT, K0.T.M.. So. Md. meets on the tirut Ind third Toad. I ot every month. Thu. Brown. Com. ' c. Harman. B. K. PUBLIC SCHOOL. Durham School Bond mean on tho lat 812.11ng in SONS OF SCOTLAND. BEN NEWS CAMP NO. M, mean in S. of S. lull, Fndry on or beta" fall moon. Georg. Binnie. cum, Goo. Baud. Sec. DURHAM LODGE. A.0.C.W.. - in the Hall over Grant's old “are. on the 2nd 1nd 4th Mona-y ct every month. This Society 05m instance of $1000 at 82000 " low nun. sud null imam Fee. C. L. Grant. ACW., A. McKenzie. Recorder. COURT DUBHAM.N0.111,I.O.F. Night _ of Meeting. on mud “a last Than. day in each month. John Livingstone. Chief Range, K Barnett. Recording Sec. GREY LODGE NO. 169 LO.O.F. Night of Meeting every Monday evening " 8 u'cL ck, In the Odd Fellows Hall. Ttait. mg brewern welcomed. W. B. Valle: Sec. U a A. M. NigutotMeotute. Toad” on or before full moon of etch monk. Visiting brewery welcome. Thu. Brown, W. M. Geo. Russell, Sec. Dratltam 8erviems-it Ln.“ Stttt. Gyof every month. Gienelg s-it-- ‘JI. In. Brut tiaoday of - month. 10:30 I. m.tluud Sunny of every month. CP. Lautier.Resgiatrar. John A. Munro. Doputy.ltearisuar. Odice hours from " a. m. to 4 p. m. DURHAM L. O. L. NO. 682. Night of Meetirttt, on Thunduy or before full moon in each month. Wm. A name. J. c. POMEROY. Yuma. Service every Sabbath n: 10:30 I. In. and 7 p. m. Subbub School " 2:30 p. n. Pnyor meeting every Wednesday evening " a p. In. POST OFFICE. Ofiiee hours from 8 " m.. to 7 mm. Arch. MneKnnm. I a. m., to? p.m. Arch. Michal». Postmaster. Sunday Services, morning " 11 till. Snbbnlh School Ind Bible clu- at 2ao p. m. Preaching n 7 p. In. Week oven- iun Serviee--Thutsuy evening. - “raver meeting " 8 p. In. Yuung People- Cuion on Moudly evening " B. p. m. w. J. 00313.08. PASTOR. Sabbath Seruees at 11 tr. rt Ind 7p. In Sunday School sud Babie class " 9:80 m Church Wurdens..“'. B. Toilet and T. I. Whitman. Service every Subbath " 11 I. m. Ind 7 p. an. sabbath School sud Bibhch- at 2:30 p. m. Prayer meeting on Wednes- day evening at 8 p. m. 2. Aay panel: who “has n pup" iron the post other. whether directed to hit nun. or number. or whether he has sub- ocrxbed or not is responsible for the pry. 8. If: subscnber orders In: p592: to be stopped It a coruintime. uni thognbliabed common to send. the subscribe“: bound to my for it if he takes it oatmttho pod Mies. This proceeds upon be ground hat a nun must my forth" he nun. TRINITY CH CECE DURH AM DIRECTORY 1. “any person ordon hi. pop" (Ii-con than“. he molt 93, tell mug... or the paw-hot any comma. to send it anal pa,- ment" made, and collecnbe wholemounl whethor it be taken from the 06cc on“. There on be no leg-l dueoatut-tastil p2vmerstismade. We all the special “and“ of POI mutu- nnd Inbocri berato the following I, nopsia of the newzpnpuluvl I JOHN CAMERON. nESBYTERIAN CHURCH AI’TIST CHURCH CREAM LODGE NO. 806 OF A ET HODIST CHURCH C. CHURCH REV. w. MCGREGOB. Pviton, G. REGISTRY OFFICE. Thom-l REV. A. G. JANSEN, Patrol. REV STDRE. THE DURHAM Monthly Fairs Newspaper Lawn. R. MALONEY. PM. g0 (I)

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