West Grey Digital Newspapers

Grey Review, 27 Dec 1894, p. 1

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dressed t attended Townshi - IN TRE.- Following Properties at Prices Asked Lots 241.212. “MS. con.3, S.W.T. and S. Road. Township Melancthorv--t74 :u'rr-n' timhered. Claims FOR SALE The‘ EDGE PROPERTY. DAN. MOLEAN. Full There's Big Money! t)ffice & bigger "1l"ijiomore, Ont. WOOL S, D E N T I S T lit Y. 1iMBB01DERIEfy T. G. HIE, L. D. s. I and 531““! HI 'XHI: Ur‘nlugu of the Iinyal Cu‘1102e} ”Ida“. COLORS .-.. .. _'C,1"f1ti,1e..r.c.T/y rc,':'.,',',',?.:',":,,,?,??,',':)':?,,- an wan In the Town of Durham, County of any. including valuable Water Power Brick Dwelling. and many eligible building lots. will he sold in one or more lots. Alsn lot No. w. con. 2, W. G. R., 'I'mvzcship of Bentlnck, IN acres adjoin- ing Town plot Durham. Mortgage taken for part purchase couchcur to the Burnside Lviug in Hos. pital. Toronto. came & Residence, - Dromore. Ont. douc- noil d, tl FEE; ion-mots, was. mus. ETC., mums» To new“, NEATLY AND earn“. "Hm 250 ACRES belonging to the Estate of the Ute James Barnett, 126 arms under cultivation). rest hardwood mull. twin: Lots 23. 24, 25, 26, 27, Old D. B. In the Township of Alwmenia, County of Grey, two miles from Fluhorton Su- hon. three miles from: Priconllo. For will" path ohm s y to A. H. SPURNET. Emilio. MRS. BURNET. Durham *cm OFF Loan and Insurance Agent, Con- veyancer. Commissioner acc- Loan» grumbled without delay. Colloctionl promptly made, Inlunncu qthtgtrrd. MONK" To LOAN " Iowan; “In of Intel-alt onus: one door north ot 5. Sears Store Durbm 135mm, 'il0ll%l Ill swam com. NOT't I!" PCBLH‘. C'or-urdomrr.rtr,. Pl), UN DERTAKIN G. _ ICESSED AUCTIONEEIL for th 'JCauucy ot Grey. Salon stamina to promp J. T. FOSTER. Dornoch, Ont. COMMISSIONER Ill iilllll COURT OF JUSTICE " JAMES LOCKIE at Furniture. MONEY T0 LOAN, Fire Insurance secured OFFICE. on: Gum's 870m. Lawn Town. J. P. TELFORDJ ICEXSED AUCTIONEER for Co. of Grey. All communications ad. ted to LAxLAsn P. o. 1yll be prgmptly tt A Farm tor Sale. ‘Il DR- G. H- BIRD, HUGH McKAY. Ag MISCELLANEOUS. MONEY To LOAN ' you. G. Bentinck. Imam-es known w Jas. Bamford tarm-well im- vd elose to Lmnlauh. Durham Street, North Priceville. Kinross Htrert, Eon!) .Ptitvill.e. 2H 2A2. con. 4, S.\V.T. and S. J. MeLruscthon--1N acre-an. bush k con. 5 timhered . L. MCKENZIE, ‘nt Lai.' splendid. Farms in Ontario the sGrth-Wettt. Toronto and 1.et' properties for sale or ex- SIPIAN and re/lr,',',',: Gold Med- " and Fellow of rinity Medical ”1mm: Member of Col. of thsi- nhzod dir, In this line we Take the Lead. Well Stocked and Complete in GASKETS. COFINS, Ete., in the Latest Designs Life and Accident Insurance. f all kinds couected-Old notes LARGE and Complete STOCK, Consisting of Bedroom and Par. lor Sets. Extension and Centre Tables, Bible Stands-in Oak. Bamboo and Elm. Nice Assort- ment of Eagles. We also curry :iél-éé gideg of Pictures ma Yuma Moulding. AUCTION BER. con. 4.S.\V.T. and S. Road. thon-CO acres good bush. tton. G. Meladcthon-W acres Apply to Iain/ma P. o. to. Residence of Bentinck. Sur Phy ELI-E rigs Uni good land MEDICAL. DURHAM. .f Marr DURHAM The Hanover Conveyeneer, at. run-ti: anon] " we" ot P LEGAL qeons wician Mace Durham Ottt eons of Ontario; Lam than and Surgeon tt xernl Hos ital and Ae Burnside t's'.'llsl in Hay I Toronto. _ rriage Liesnses. Auc uties of Bruce and Grey J A MES EDGE. Edge Hill, Ont, tit., Hanover H. H. MILLER, aGauaiiu paid a nth. mac. And Bus- '0". once. y.tug D. MCCORMICK. N. 3leLEAN Lot 19," Con It iri:':,i;,,_.) Fancv Goods, §;E:;3TLEE}T0YS and Stationary, TIMP. (.13! " NEXT Door TO PARKER’S. With cathedral gouge. in very hand cases and m many Styles. Of the Best Quality Cheaper THAN EVER. MISS GUNS, x x Xcrisc. u" ALARM CLOCKS Cheap and Reliable. Guaranteed to efNct1uuy rouse the most inveterate lie-a-bed. WM. McFARLANE. IUM MlhfllAllll CLOCKS& - - - - - - WATCHES. First-Class Hearse- Horse Shoeing Shop, In the old stand. All hand- made shoes. Also Hand-made Waggons gt) UNDERTAKIXG Promptly attended to, JAKE KRESS. Has opened out a first-class Pay-red by Dr. J.C. Ayer & Co., 1401011.)!“ Foxes every rear, which make 210 boxes up totNstime,artd I would no more be with. out them than without bread."-R. B. Insulin. Boektand, Me. 'S still to be found in his Old Stand , opposite the Durham Bakery. mended me to try Arer'n Pills. I had little mm In these or any other medicine, but concluded. at last, to take his advice and try I box. Before I had used them all, I was very much better, and two boxes cured me. I an: new so years old; but I believe that "2htrtrilve years ago this Spring. has run down by hard work and a succession of colds. which made me so techie that it was in effort tor me to walk. I consulted the doctors. but kept sinking lower until I had given up all hope ot ever being better. Happening to be in a More, one day, where medicines were sold, the proprietor noticed my weak and sickly appearance. and, alter a few questions as to my health. recom. Eirery Dose Effective "cr/i/Sui/tku, rms cured me ot sick headache and my husband ot neuralgia. We think there is tad have Induced may to use It. which is Ayer’s Pills. Purely vege- table, sugar-coated, easy to take and quick to assimilate. this is the ideal family medicine-the most popular, “to, and metal aperient in phar- macy. Mrs. M. A. Bnocxwun, Burris. Tenn.. says: at sreatlv reduced rates Wall Papers JAKE KRESS Furniture Jobbing of all kinds promptly ALLAN 1ic1i'ARLAN1il, Proprietor. No Better Medicine, WOODWORK AYER’S PILLS Attention Watchmaker & Jeweller, Lower Town, Durham. S DA Y A"LOCris in connection. A first-elass lot of VOL. XVI,MNO. 52. for sale cheap. AT '.iifgg (iii11t i!itt rlling the Hence of 'ptionally Ate stock of )Ill' ‘--»'(a- tk'i.reydrrci,r'lie, “Ln "A ‘ 'itii5t'iiHi7ii?s5 awv‘gg‘ - Fm». ttt .; r'aMiNEig%8 These Ire times of falling prices, and the farmer: have tuurored more than Luv other all», pnrtly because they have no control over'the mukets of the world. When bu gone down to nearly fifty cents: bat cheese hu adeced. Hero are tho prices received n! the factories of 0aurrio for the entire output of the different years I 1888..... IS." centaPt91..... 0.35 cent: 1889. . . .. 9.35 " 1592. . . .. 9.55 .. 1890. .. . 9.06 " 1593. . ... 9.65 " The 48,000 patrons of cheese factories in Ontario are one-quarter oi all tho inrmm. The returns avenge $160 per patron, while in one county. Oxford, the average is $230. Such cuh retuml help over the bud times. And " the sum time the tum: Ire increm- ing in fertility. The dairymen of Ontario Ire wdny better " thnn my other clan: of farmers. Out of the 1,565 cheese factories in Cumdn in Iti9l, 802 were in Ontario, “cording to the Canaan return. It will than be seen thnt cheese-making has grown to Inge dimension: in Canada ; tint Ontario does more thnn half the work, that the farmers of this Province get large returns from the industry, and bust, as tb business, it bu been subject to but little t1a_iott. _ . Another point must be emphasized here, munely, that whereas some you: Ago there wu n groan variation in 'he quality of ghe cheeoe produced and the price received, there is now much more uniformity. Thus, asking the output, of 1893 county by county, we tind a vuiniou only from 9.33 cents to 10. 15eentts. Ibwu found, ulsa. on exnmining the lista of nwurdn at Chicago, the: they Were distributed with grant. gen- erosity over all part: or the Province. How this high quality bu been attained and uniformity obtained may be worth putting on record. In my nrticlo in The Independ- ent. on October 18th, "Fsrat'atg in Ontario," "dieient reference was made to the natural tmpoilitief of thin portion, of North Amerion in All the varied phones ol agriculture} work. . a ' . k "iiHra co-operative duiryiug hemsn in tAutads Htrvey Fsrringun1, of Herkimer County, N. Y., is generally recognized as the originator. After starting the first fue. tory in his naive country he came to On- urio and erected a factory in Oxford County, in 1864. In the‘same year “other factory wan started in the sums county by . mm named Smith. In Quebec, shortly After this, n {notary wu curbed near Dan. bun. In will than be non tut.orngtAkAt 6m. sun. from New York State jun chir- Leen your: liner the commencement of the work by Jane Williams in. Rome. The idea won Iprend, sud fsetories sprang up rapidly can. and west, until at. the prurient lime we have 897 in operution. -ii iaiUriiatiire {unrecognized by the Legislature by the creation of a special De. pnrtmenc and the upPoimment of n Minis. a . ,,~“_h.._- 'l L- h..:..... 1Innnltmnnv Iveer of Agriculture. The Dairy Department wn enubliahed at the Agricultural College, Guelph, for purpouea of instruction and experimentirg. The present minister, the Hon. John Dryden, is I thoroughly practi- cal former, who hug made a great sumo}: of his lifework, and, who is in perfect sym- pnthy with the dairy interests. Under his direction the school at Guelph and the trav- sling dairies have done much towsrd help- ing the industry. la 1591 ho sent out one trsveling dairy.in 1892 three were required, in 1893 two. During the present your one dairy ha been engngnd. Six hundred and sixty-nine Elana: were visited in three years, and - elp given in may '"yl'. While the principtl object in to ahow have to make firat.clao butter, yet ehmuse.rntrkiog also benefits through talks on handling and cure of milk sud proctice with the Babcock tagger in outlying mi.lk. . it The special dairy school held its tirtst eel- eion in January. 1893 ; sixty young men and young women attended. lt was then found necessary to increase the accommoda- Lion, and a. new building was added. Again the “nimble space WM all filled. The clones for 1895 will not. assemble for two morning“, and 120 Applications hove been aeeepte ' and 40 refused or placed on the reserve lint. Cheese-makers of mony ymsrs' experience, young men just. going into the work, grndunten of the college who are going to mnke a specialty of dairying. and young women who hove faith in the farm, no filling the Ichool, and are mosh enthusi. utic in its pull“. The beer. instructors obteinnble hove charge of the vurious bunches, Ind everythin is thoroughly practical. No less then nix iinde M leper».- core are in daily use, and tho uudenle are taught how to bundle properlynll the neces- ery_delry upperetng. ' n . ' . T pope“. The American dairymen have remind I lesson that has started them into new life; they are ready Mt receive light from my Honrce, and I thart, matemenc of the progress of thin industry in the Province of Onmio msy be opportune. Side h side let r il ' h" u . . M" , Fe ' 'Pr, KI 'rr, . we neg "d mg countries: From Cumin. From U. S. lb n. l860,.., ....... 124,320 15.31.3590 1370. . . .. . . . . .. . 5,827,732 57,296,327 1830. ...... . . . . .. 40,368,678 127,553,907 1890. . . .. . . . . . . ' . 94,260,187 95,376,053 1393. _ _ _ _ . _ .. . . . . 133,946,365 81,350,93 1860..., ....... 124,320 15,15l.5,7W 1370. . . .. . . . . .. ' 5,827,782 57,296,327 1880. . . . . .. . . . . .. 40,368,678 127,553,907 1890. . . .. . . . . . . ' . 94,260,187 95,376,053 1893. . . . . . . .. . . . . 133,946,365 81,350,923 It will thus be seen thst Csnsds caught up to the United States in this friendly rscc tour years NP, Ind is now leading by over G0,000,i0) pounds. Great Britain purchases every year about '240,0tO,000 pounds. We sre after a still larger share of her trade, snd because of the falling " in the United States production and exports and the in- creasing city growth, we believe an: a demand for Csnsdisn cheese by the Eastern manufacturing centers is among the possi- bilities. ... -. - "WW. how lot, glee who the Ontario Legisla- ture in doing for this industry. Here no the gums for 1894: Tune dairy nuaciuious. . . . . . . . . . 87,500 Dairy School.Gue1 h...... ........ 5,300 Dairy t,fe,it"it guolph. . . . . . . . . 5,600 Dtiry School, inglwn. . . . . . . . . . . 2,000 Wanna: Dairy School”... . ...... 7,500 Tnvelling Dsiry.... .'. . ... ... . .. . 2,800 Ddrypunphleu.................. 3,000 ing in this country, which the Independent copied from the Springfield Republican. The people of Canada were as much sur- prisedu warn the people of the United States when the rnsnlts of the dairy compe- tions n Chicngo were mode known last you. Cnnnds entered tho lists in June nnd duo in October, and the following were the results ..-Its June Cnnads took 129 awards, the United States. 9; in October Canada took 490 wards, the United States, 45: the result. then stood 619 to 54 in favor of Uganda. Out of the 619, Oatarioheld 388; Quebec, 199; Prince Edward Island 12; Nora Scotin. 10 ', New Brunswmk. 7: Msn. ilobn, 3. The results gave rise to much discnuion, and the kindest of congrunls- Lions came from the grant Americnn dairy The Export or “new from 1hr Ibomllllun In Surly Ila-able That or thr l'nllrd '--NtMttr or ”In" Now Fir" In "no Lrqt of Cannon-n Farm Produrts The Deputy Minister of Agriculture for Onmio, Mr. C.C. James, in contributing a remarkably interesting and valuable arrive of articles to the New York Independent. correcting in a. mm" convincing mmnor some arroncoun statements regarding hsrm. From time to time very skin 'ttt non In" bunpuud 'a both the gradual! and tho Domimon "li-nt. The impor- tation, Wuhan" and uh of cleaning;- ONTARIO FAST BECOMING A GREAT ClIEESEMAKING COUNTRY. Cfllil]ilfllil IS KING. 1otal >f falling prices, and the 77; $33,700 DURHAM, CO. GREY, THUR-QDAY, DECEMBER 27, 1894. [new be amended only by the be” renal“, so far In physicnl condition in concerned. it in m excellnnt flash reducer, and I recornmeadit to all we f_houy-wo' ' ,rMrtrtt-tFets.'eBtiti) b4 ., P plny in 'tses.,'." . ' . "." l" but the balls are delivered and returned with the hand only. Both hands mny be used in playing. When a player standing between the end line and the we line de. livers. the ball to his opponent And his oppo- ueat'hula to return it or drives it over the and or side line, he scores a point. Twenty poinm decide the gnme. A . . . . It a. player in lemming the ball touches the net with any purLof In: body it in a. foul. The opposing side can then claim one point. The ball may be struck before reaching the Mor and afwr only one bound. Man at the New York Athletic Club plny in their gymnnségm _nuiu, wearing rpbber lhoga. _ He then "ho a" tho ball against the floor behind the toe fine and him it with his hlnd over the net to the opposite player. Should he fail to send it over the not or drive it over his opponent! end line his band would be "out" and the ball would be given to the opponing side. The gums is played 1ttr. E. J. Umunmi.vwho introduced hand mania, is phyuical instructor of the club. When asked as to the origin of the game he and I .. Well, I suppose I am in A menu:- responsible for u. Ten yen: Ago, while Iwas u Wood's Gymmusium, I found I good deg of enjpymegb in yhrowigg a btll “I hardly think they know there in Inch a game." was the reply. "Oh, ye: I I had forgotten. Last summer Miss Lucille Ball, teacher of physicnl culture a: Welleilay College, cutie lo mo to learn how it wu played, saying she had heard of it. and wished to introduce it to her pupils. But! don’t. think the ladies in New York know anything oi it as yer. In my opiuiou,they could not find a more delightful indoor exercise nor one better niapwd to the pro. motion of health." 'ssl should "y," was the reply,”tha short shin and high gainers would be the moat. sistidtu:rory drums, as freedom of motion in eersoatial." to the floor and ntriking it again“ the wall with the palm of my hand. Some of my companion: would j: in me in trying to hit the lull. and I conceived the ideas of making a game of it. " l remitted that, great, phylicel benefits, could rwuln from an indulgence in this sport, and the first step towarde developing the game was to stretch a. rope sci-one the floor. Then ammo the ides of using A not mad establishing rates. The exercise, while violent, Baud tennis should becomc a fad among the New York girl» this winter, since it in plmusurabhs and health-giving and afford- an opportunity of dopnmg pietureaqus u- ture . An Amusing Mistake. An English paper tell: the following story about Dr. Holman. When he was in England, in 1836, he found himself on one occasion at a. "crush" in London nmong I great mass of people, including several royal pereonngea. He Bat quietly in a corner, but presently, feeling a little faint, and observing refreshment! in the distance, be turned to an elderly personage "snding near, whom he tsupposed to be a butler or something of that kind, sad naked for I. harmless beverage. The Inppoeed urvent brought this with alacrity and remarked t “I am very glad to meet you.Dr. Holmen." The Autocrnt of the Breakfast Tnb'e we: 3 little token aback, and the hunger added; “I 3m Prince Christian." "Dew me."uid Holman, alive " once to the joke, “I have not had much ouxpysirttastms with princes. sn!.'., lo P."? lam-l tyt P."' for uyr leit- to cold or danger. The game is played " the club on A Mor thirty-eight feet long by fourteen feet wide. The Mor " rained end is divided into halves by a net, which is two (can six inches high. 'ihe door is mnrked by chalk lines. Three feet from the end line, which in cullei the toe line, a hue is drawn ncrou the tlour. Ten feet from the net. is Another line, called the short line. The contentme- Lons for choice of sides before beginning the game. Play commenceu by one pleyer taking the ball and standing between the, too line and the end line. ( rdAre the Indie: interested in Gad tennis t" “What. costume would you recommend in thes event. of the adoption of this sport. by women t" err." At this Prince Christian want of into n hum of monument. “Where in my wife?" he Ilid. "I must. tell her this She ndmim you immensely.“ oe won: Prince Chrilbinn to fetch the Priaeeo,sud the genial Ameri- on philosopher wan noon the centre of I circle of toy-1w. granny delighted by the incident. . It " "nun-I "Ill-out lulu: Rough. Exqr. the: All Paulo-u orthr Body. In "all Null-‘4 (or ham. um Prank" " be Popular. Members ofthe New York Athletic Club are enthusiastic over a new ball guns, called mud Dennis. Every durum thanml'ium“ it -fftlid 'with mem- bers cf the club, both young and old, who go there to play this game. Boxing Ind wrestling have been practically nbnndoned and may; of the gymnutic panphcrnnlin but been removed to make room for this lawn sport. Hand tennis promises to become even more popular than lawn tennis or golf. lt is an excellent. and Absolutely hamlet: grime, bringing all the muscles into notion nndquickening md strengthening the eye. It is admirnbly suited to the mates of the gentler sex and it Alford! tn opportunity for boys and girls to obtrin W- got our sun“. And our tirat lesson- in c ~se-mnking from New York; we have 'requtrntly mlled her lending dairymm to our assistance, and we think we have msdu faxrly good we of our Instruction mad our opportunities. We desire to acknowledge our indebmdnels to our neighbors to the south; tsnd if there in nnythiug in our thirty yesrs' history that in worthy of imitation, it would be ttiutstural tseltishaess on our pm to withhold it. HeALTIWC'L EXERCISE WITHOUT EXPOSURE Little Dos-"; bu I “up “a buckle behind, you know, And t ’xpocu the woman- wrun- to [we ”lamina up like the men do." ' Little Dith--"Why il women wearing volt.- like men t" A_ _ - HAND TENNIS THE INDOOR RAGE IN NEW YORK. Figures have iG/i, given to show how the exports of Cheese comp-me with the name from the United States. The follow- ing abatement. shows how the chemo export- compared with other Canndinn "porter in 18AT-- Lumitee expined. . . . . . . ..319.T7l,10¢5 Cheese " .. . . . . . . . . . . 13,407,470 Animals " .... . . . .. . . .10,661,312 Wheat ti ...... . F . . .. 7,060,033 With the. great dovolopmuat now taking place in Quebec and G Muribime Prov. mean we may expect, to ace cheese noon move up close to or ahead of lumber, the tirst on our list of exports. rim, and such products are abnoluwly prohibited. No mum: is allowed to keep back any portion of the cow's milk without timt giving noiice. Filled cheese is unknown. Skin choose does not compete with the whole-milk cheese, which is nll Cheddar, uniform in size, shape and quality. l NEW INDOOR GAME. ALMOST I’RECXSELY Lt KE 'trt'a'atitiei'fg "ijiefk1'r1et8'he' 18 NEVER 3006 H, Dot's Theory LAWN IENSIB. $19,771,106 . 13,407,470 . 10,661,312 T 7.060.033 '."g7jtirg it: 'Ci B' Wit}. 'Eciyr-, ‘ "F '& W EMF-ta. P, a 224 ShSiriiriifs'i'ti'; BttlMt In“. a = r a“... ‘ 'iak'i'da' lit D" And did you let him say all those things to you without making my reply '." queried her Irfeny), iqdigngntly. . _ "ids/Foil the inning mural). a faint gleam of “mini-cum: struggling through her to“: ; " I thtult I manuged to hold my own." " Oh, we got into a dispute, and at. Irsat-- (with A fresh tsob)--lte told me than he only married me out of charity! As though there were no other man on earth for me I" W‘V‘vBiurt.“ [Seamed Mrs. Dovoy’e friend, " you have not told me what it wu tsll shout?" " Oh, dear l oh, dear t" subbed Mallow " on her friend's shoulder. "I have boon through A dreadful scene. We have had an awful quarrel, tsud-sud-sus, I thmit I am the unhappieu woman in the whole world." "V‘i‘v'fhere, now, don't ery," and Marr G'te,t.e,t,ic"uy; "bat tell me whatit Ll u out." " Oh, he was no eold-tusd so cruel-snd so tsbmsive-tusd so violent. And he and Inch perfectly terrible thingis-trud called me such fenrful names." Mrs. Davey mungcd to get. out between her 301)., &6 tlust I don't think I ever cure mace him Lgsin." _ "Why yen I hue. We got into 3 (human. and then we raved and stormed " each who: in & teryibU..way." . __ . . T Charla Connolly. orthe cull-ri- Ptttret At-st Rebuttal " Owen sound. A dupotch from Owen Sound stsyic--On Wednesday a shocking Accident occurred hora in the Csnodian Pvsitie railway yard, by which Chsrleo Co nnelly, tiretmut on the Dominion steamship Petrol, met. his death. The {new on told by Yardmuu-r David erdcll are in folio wa.. The yard engine 2l6 was shunting with one car ahead, Wax-dell lining on elm foot board of thas angina. When just. shrew: of the suction tool hon-e Wnrdoll says he noticed the fhptr' of I man close to Lho muck. He called to the engineer, Jrnes Price, who slowed up. Both man went back with their lantern. Ind discovered Connolly's body lying on the road bed with his had Limo-b completely out. off. Coroner Dr. Allyn Cameron and the ohiei of " Now, what. on eurth is the matter t" asked Mrs. Dovey'a bosom friend. Marie, 'un then entering the room. .. I met Mr. bony in the hull and when I smiled a: him he Icowled like a dianppoinwd otfieeoeek. "But, my dew," repented 3urie,despsir- ingly, " '1th wu the Argument. about , W but did you dispute than? You hwen’t. told me tut." ovGiTiruesitioa from. W‘IVBut what win it All about?" naked Mario. " anen'b It" Asked the little mutton, wrinkling her brow. " Why, no ; I don’t. believe I hassgNiu'gktI1kaess1ftset "Bruce!" came the reply in a scream. And Mrs. Davey sank down into a lounge, bursting into I torrent of been. Mr. Davey picked up the chair he had upset, and then threw it some: the room. Then 11: chxxn THE we, who bud emerged from his plnceof conceal- ment. in favor of the umbrella, into the coal wattle; shut the door with a bang that knocked down reveal pictures, and left the house. police were :elephonsd On exsmimstioa nothing was diecovared on deeeassed's per- ao'n by which he could be properly ideatitied A number of the Pelrel'l crew, however, roved the remain: to be those of Charles gonnolly. A short time afterwards (helmet: was discovered near the track, leaving no doubt among Connolly's friend: " to the identity of the body. Connolly lane: a. wife And family of six small children. Be Wu allorplabu by trade, and cum to and: wile!) tho fhP.R. atemmhip "No," returned the husband, as he tum ed Lego, “gob tdioer.. Cltrity. l" Manitoba. G, being built, Left-Handed Praise. An exchmge report' another of chose Hubble criticism. that one heart sometimo between friends. ' _ - ' A - tr, __ -- A new“. ............ J one: bu come into Brownhs studio, Ind in looking About. an walla. Suddenly he 9mm before I Ikcmh. -- - ,'V_-. " I., -. - " .wrFo...m AM unn . " lay. 1brry,"he “ya, " where did you get. chm" " Why, I got it oat of my head.” " Well, ib’n' ucky tor you held that you ttot it out. A utungerminuking John Boyle O’Reilly for . friend untouched him from behind, Ihppod him on the Ihouldor. sud greeted bun " Jnck with " tho warmth of . life- kng friend-hip. O'Nilly “and to {we I manhunt-ad mm. ind aid. holding on hi: hand: "‘ I'm no: Junk, but I'm g1M to how and ho the kind of any hawks-gm!» mkinhhnduyw in. to In." “I didn't," wu the quick rejoinder. “I could not hue had any mmd. I must. hum dorm it in; moment of omotiuml inguity." _ A _ _ . The band ctune otf Mr. Dovey's umbrella in In. land And he threw the uvnbrellt under the trtrfts much so the terror of the pug dog, who had sought. rehvge there u the paginuing of me "ormr. "I don't think," he said through his teeth, uhe buttoued each button of his con into a wrong button-hole, “that I can plend insanity, in hn'iug married you. It wu gqmebhing else.” .. "s". Idiocy, f suppose." luguelud Mrs. Davey in I. hint vows. evidently preparing for mother outburst of turn. "Oh, indeod." moored Mr. Davey, " he put on his overcoat; "if I disgor you I wonder you ever made up your mind to may me." si) That is tdl. QUESTION OF HEREDITY THAT RECIPITATED FAMILY QUARREL. I Claimed (‘murm- GI")! Bah! "I In": and Lovable lrlnnonlllon and " Dell: tio nude n More Doubtful “an 'ver. here was plainly trouble in the Davey In. Er. Dovey’n morning chops lay idtebed upon his putt, as he {bully skimmed over the headlines hia newapaper. while Mrs. Davey k gulping sips of Coffee and star- iedly. with red, swollen eyes, at the unbowl. The silence that momentarily ted wulike that electric oppressive- in the air just before I thunderstorm. Pehnw l" " length exclaimed Mr. Dov- lhrowing his journal on the floor I "the In never print anything in the wey of i_now." And he looked across the not Mrs. Dovey in "ntiaiputiors of some bf contradiction. "tut lady vouchanfed no reply be, Polling Another gulp of coilce and his her gun from the sugar to the grand. Mr. Davey got up, upsetting . sir " he did no. Eluppoue." be said, "rtuotietslly, " V “rely bit " the end of n vigor and it, "I suppose, now that you hove at! in spoiling my whole dny, you i, moly homey."- ppy!" echoed the young wife, with hhugh. "No, I om [RY HARD N SETTLE. A Man Worth Knowing. A HORRIBLE DEATH. jiiiiyT"iGir, "where did you IUJ'H-IMILY DIN 05130» 8r,t T_. ’ " (git?ts?,sc'ilFsrt "Page? fitoittt) .7 'riiesiiiiti'iif't'i Benudone. anulcon'a 5UraUl, who ug. rwarda became King of Sweden,liked goo-e and onions. Cowley Inked fried ma. He laid tut when properly cooked they were . dish to no; baton I hung. Walter Scott liked uni-on better Hun any other me“, sad porno“ better thm my other vogeuble. Demosthenes, when prepuing for I grant ortstorioal effort. lived for several days on dried " Ind wine. Addison um “little " he ulked. He said that good fellowship wu to be found not in eating but in drinking. Hazlitt. ruined hie dizenion with to. And cruisers. He once and the sight of a dinner table gu’c him . dyspeptic pain Leigh Hunt wu so dyspeptic at time- ttmt he uid he wished Providence bud tis tod him out with l cub-iron abomnch. Rue Ben Josuon Inked no better crest than 1 pork pie, with In nbundnnce of Caa. ary wine: Locke said than. the proper bra-hint for n studious mun mm a bit of fish and A piece of bread. Michnel Angelo. during the gruwr part of his life, lived on the pllin food of In Italian peasant. Weber, while young wu simple in mi- nutes, and lived phinly. In more sdnncod years he became I grant enter. r Berlioz wu dyspeptic. bat couldnot eon- trol hi! Appetite, Ind often no me much of food this: did not agree with him. A traveller who wu goxng in leisure}, lumen Lb0u5_1n}md._my yam "et Swift said " No bread in so bitter u that of n dependent." Ho npoke from per-om! experience. 5 ',iirc.%Wi'Wirty."'WaPW%WP'1" dialogue took pine between . guest and l Wliler : "What an we have for dinner t" “Anything you please, nu'm Anything you p‘.euo '." “Well, bat “may whu can we In" t" "You an have a pair of dash I” N am sorry Mt any my futher cannot on ducks. What clue t" "They Are very tiae ducks rncam." "1 due uy. But Whll one t" "You might hnve _ the duck. boiled, ms'nm!” "No, no l, Can we luvs mutton t" "Well, not mutton to-dsy, ms'tsat." “Some beef 2” "No, ms'tsm." “Some val t" "Not my val, I'm afraid." "Wall, then, I fowl." “We hnven'b gov. a fowl." "What. on ouch have you, than t" "Well, then, mlm, I'm “and it you won't hnvo the fine pair of duekr, there'- nothing for it but bmon and egg- '." Meycrbeer uid thut no mm could work well who did not live well. He wu I hearty Muscular Bettettt from Sugar. The experiment: mode by Dr. Vnughen, and communicated by him to the Boyd Society of England, eortoluaively show that nhberel consumption of anger inlnree the Ability to do more work with lone htigue. The iinst step we: to necertein the velue of auger when token done in the production of mneculer work. During . tirentrfour hours' fast on one day weter done we. drunk-on mother. 500 gums of auger vol taken in on equel quantity of water ' it wu found thut the Inger not my prolonged, the time before fatigue occur ' bat conned on increuo of 61 to 16 per cent. in the muscular work done. In the next place, the effect of auger added to mael- wu in. vetstigtsted, end the mnecle energy produc- ing enact of anger we: found to be BO from. that 200 gram added to e em.“ men in. creued the total unount of work done from 6 to 3230:0011}. 8agarr2S0 grunt ~wu new ded to I large niixed med. and it we: found not only to increase the amount of work done from 8 to 16 per out. but increased the mintonee against “up. break my sor gonad. Sterne liked eel p10 better than my otUr [and of food. "You an get In much for your money." wge it Defoe thought mukerel the beat sort of iish 1m] mutton the most enable variety ot iismls." M-cnulny and Lint. no man med uk far better food ' plum rant beef and Mind potatoes. Nero wu psuionateiy fond of Icon-Io, nreuy pie mnda of pork And “not" kinda greuy pie of “Ame. At ' revivnl meeting of the Methodist Church at Nuhvilln, nd., Brown County the other night John Gavin.- march-no.9! up in church, and. t tale, tttt from ni- pookot tb bonds of whisky, d it do“ in m {we of “it t.rsmtotcurs.d and it as. Culvin. Jamel Thompson uncu “id he would walk hull term Euglmd for I phosunt. dinner. _ .'s h mm - thdn no bmd und chemo sad coffee for brmskfaat sad the “me with beer for upper. Hume slid that www- wu the be It dish thin Scotland could give to the world. Bach never took anythmg for brukhlb but a hit of brand and * cup of coffee. Cluck Wu n hearty 'rater, preferring the pantry to my other part of the dinner. - suLinge/enjoyed veal chops. bradod- with plenty of butter, and n glu- of Ale. Dunne, the poet, laid there was nothing more delicious than A bunch of union. atgrttrtt6rThiy- (1&de an tir't"tt1t can puign, ate the rntiom of . common mldier Fielding nii that um nude with curnnt jelly shuya reminded him of haven. Henry VI II. could always on him” Itupxd on a. humch of venaion. Rembrandt Mo herring: 5nd rye brad. Th in wu his ordmuy duel. T Peter the Great filled himself with baked goose, stuffed mm apples. Allm Rum-1y: (“trim dim In: anneal porridge, and bin drink w“ Inner. Sir Wnlter Raleigh wu no gnu one: l but met, pudding suited him exmbly. Thlnzs in” And Ito-c All for The" Sun lfh'! IIKQ. John the l’mptill ate 10¢qu and wild. honey. Quentin Many: w“ extremely fond of any kind of nuts. Bulfc and there was nothing better thin firth and porno “Ind. Hogarth liked good Ennlinh beef Lad mat ton. His common drink wan peer. Moore hnted onions. Re and thnt l nun who would an! onion would "cal. Linc was " limplo in bi: suing u he wt: Ibltrula in his muniC. Schubert. loved earned beef uni cnbbnge boner tluut any other dish. ml.“ liar TijG,isGritta, that“ my may" spoon] pannin- nah“ tor Kalil ngner , IX Took " Devil with Him. THE FOOD 0F GENIUS. Anything in Reason, wu Mt opicure. He wu tond ot 'iood provided it wu highly nu- n enjoyed krauc sud pork. Ir hat “cubbngo nnd Germm m uring moat of bin pontificatar, egg 1nd & bit of bread for Useful Recipes. Orange Mnrmelade Padding.--' in I (boiled pudding. Shred 6 oz of beef Iuel 'crery finely Ind thert mix with 8 oz of bread crumbs. titsoly Knead, lt or. ot ounce murmIlIdc. 4 oz of granulated engu- Ind one euudied orange peel, chopped fine. Add three cage, Well beaten, Ind hell I cup of , milk. Pat Ill Lesotho: into I floured cloth, i hue the inter boiling. put the pudding in Ind let it boil four hour-I; then turn it oat . Ind Ierve with wine emu. Roast Pig'e mad.-Firat boil the head until it in sufficiently under to snow the bones to be taken oat. After removing these ehIpe the bed manly Ind Ikever it Ilwgether tirmlr. mix some powdered IIge- l lenie- with pepper and “I: Ind sprinkle the minute over it. Then hang it on .1 spin Ind rout it before I cleu fire, tmating l it well while routing. When done, vhich will be in about he“ In hour it the fire ir in roper condition, nerve It. once on I hot dish. pouring over it I good gravy. Apple nuce in the but mpImmen: for thin Ducks, Brisiaed.-Cat the duckl into qnnrwrl, lay them in A new-pm and upr'mklc them over with flour, pepper md "lt. Fry the piece! in butter until they at: . light brown. Then pour the In. out of the pm, and m In place put . lull-pint. of gravy. Sprinkle alittle flour our the iecen, and add I gnu of port wine, n Bunch of Iwoet. herbs, n mull minced onion and . little cayenne pepper. Cover the closely and diet the cement.- to new i,'r"l,'l'l,1Q minutes, which will be .udieetst to cook mam. Then uh out the herb‘ skim olhll the in, put the duck. in n dish. pour the uuoe over them nnd serve. dilh 'ilBFtiFTvi'ttW%ytTrri.iiri'a,,1, . mm “It. over it And dredge it with I little flour. When nicely browned, duh 'll' and larva with brown gnvy "punch. I the turkey u of I moderate line the Limo for routing will be shout. two hours. Pounded glam, mixed with dry co ms! and placed within the roach ot n it in aid. will banish them from 1 premises: or Ipnnkle cayenne pepper their holes. For valuing windows. Iookinrguaaes ud like things . little nmmonin In the water an. much lsbor. aide from giving A better huh than anything one: uni for 'ithu1'l,1'ld cleaning it remove: dirt, smoke And - molt elfectxully. By rubbing I fresh lemon thoroughly into I toured uponge and timing it lent-Ll time- in Inks-wan: tater, the Iponge will bacon: u "not. u when new. louv Banned In Terrible use In lute-u- or ler OIIIDPII‘. " Usually A cow does not Aland much chAnoe when Abe engezol in A hAnd-m-hAnd conflict with A grizzly bear," “id Michal Ayers, A British ColumbiA ntockmAn, " but Ievernl ' on: Ago one of my can killed one of them, Animus And cAIne out of the wrangle without A much. The cow had recently given birth to A “It. It being her nut-born. the mother wu exceedingly vicious, and " Wu unsafe for A "ranger to ApproAch her, AI her horn: were long and pirintod. The tattle Iliad kind " clutched roof. And we: ocooped out of the hillside A Alum. distuee from the home. One night A bear, hsving melt the presence of A cow And all, mounted the roof of the Ahed and proceeded to {one An entrAnoe by Act-Awh- Ing through the dutch. The cow At the ‘Me time detected the pro-once of the bar And heldhenelfin manual" the intruder. The mile of A terrible Awhmmed me. and within; A In- tent ahodtrotniettoi-tdoe?t.g I The wnll pnpir Gould hue no Itrongly defined pattern. And uhould be of one uni- form color, such " red inclining!» crimson or tea green. The centre of the picture, a s rule. should ttob be much nbovo the level of the eye. Picture cord: Ibonld be " our the color of the vull upon which they an put u poe- sible. no thst they my be but little seen. When one picture u hung bane-lb another, the bottom one ehould be hung from tho one above, and not from the top; chug we IVOId multiplying the Gerda, which in shay: obirwruonable. .. A good hue for "no where printa or photographs In to be hung in A rich yellow brown, or A lather color. Laure m the black of the print or the tone of the rhous graph in thus imwwd._ _ q the Ihed door found the cow In A frantic “In. butting and mine to and fro some large I','?,": which evidently had lost all power-o nuisance. " turned out. to be a good-aw grizzly. which had been run wrench And tr.raib,.,9r,t.e,dy by, an Colored picture- hulk/Ayn or on " plemy of light for. “tong photographs ings in black And I A. PM? ME! have I very aboard-m. etect. Two nails nnd two union eorde, or, what. in far more ufe, pieces of wu-e cordqe, should be used instead of the_ gingle cord. _ i'i;ii"iGG new? The mu; talf n. 'se.taain-mer,+ephtg Manhunt) 'd'TlS'l'l'l'l '2?hh"'t,t hazy“); saloon-I LGTtiLutteetturxtt8t"etriPte1i wmgmduymmmum ix. wantoiouyquo.” To shorten a tollajor s window with in. side blinds, menu. from the up on the upring side sud allow Ulf An inch for the roller end ' it will in rail freely to the bucket». Alwnyl mum the roller is on: Gli,Uui that a. must end in free from imperfection "imhtr from outing. To properly wind A um roller for ordiaury length linden, 15 le 16 revolutions "a "ffieient. In men“ 1 nude on Nprmg roller, place; pus teerd to the My "mrutt9rtures By busing pic 'i '_,re yoaxncreuo the nppnrem. height. ot "ir, . Mi; fit . dude to . window with "Hide lb amen. manure We the moldmg next. to the shaman. i. - A [age-co ot bread, “no huh. will re move A" dirt from ihadr l never use mm Facts ANmtr.Window Shades. In replacing A tt)ndow dude that Ind been torn from the ‘roller, me nothing but one-ounce ucks ;.l$nger one: injure the springn. Always “so me roller m the bracket with the dude rolled up. To strengthen the wring. drew the thud. down A few revolving remove the roller from the bmkeu, foil up the dude and replnca. lf the tying u too strong, remove the rolls from the hacker: with the lhldc ro.jrAupeyol. - time: Ind rtplrce. _.. - 71f the-ibude in "ityd on properlir " will heir Pmsr.d gheyh‘icy. _ WHOLE NO. 850. GRIZZLY WHIPPED BY A COW. THE "rionE. T: corn the Owen Sound Cash-worth . Flasher!!! 11 . Oman!“- Toronto . Tommo. " onus“ me ' “cannon. cttntamrorth, Owen Sound! w London tmittstrom Dart Wunon South. Durham lid-um I Mt. Form Yunnan Guelph. Toronto . m. For: Pdmem Guelph ' Tot onto London, Connecu Canadian Pacifie Railwa; BOULDIN a," PRIME apply b unwind“)! wanna men tad women haw“... . bulbou- coune dun’ up the, put an Tea" It. In nuances-ml in Human ortuliug lacuna muons. The busing-sq mum of umdyn = the moat through And complete m was. u ll much in tbejunior deptsrtsnent nix: tho..- tire comm of may of the no-callod bulls-I colleges. The abort bud couno is thorough“ conch“. sad tor a copy rd the Annual An- nounc was“ ttoutavigrir1p. full puniculnn. It ll um nto any mum”- TESTED REMEDIES SPECIFIC and ANTIDOTE For Impure, Weak and 1!!)va Blood, Dyapepsia, Sieeplessuese. Pugh, tion of the Heart, Liver Complaint, A - ralgin. Loss of Memory. Bronchitis. Coo- sumption, Gall Stones. Jaundice, Kid”. and Urinary Diseases. tit. Hwy Du...‘ Female Irrepalttrities and Gena-d chxlily. . Prop. and 313% Sold by 11.33.3353: ' . FOR TWENTY-FIVE YEA" Laboratory - Goderieh,onfy J. M. McLEOD, LOT FOR SALE Annex-l Badman unodun' collect"): tn mine and _ m. ntmnulowoa on unit: tyr1 Lap-u“. Prompt . magma curtomen m AGENTS in all rriueipa1 poi: A onttwio.QtaetrMor.rtvrs Uaited Ind Enviand. DURHAM AGENCY. a},¢¢gr¢€gy,/ ff (J14¢1/14¢’1é//1;/fl RESERVE FUND CAPITAL. Auth System Renovator! TERMS: $1 per year. m ADVANCE. CHAS. RAMAGE Editor&Pmprtotor. StandardBaak of Canada REVIEW OFFICE, GARAFRAXA. ST. DURHAM. THE GREY Tiqpry1tsLit.iiit'"t1iiiiiireri; It DUNN'S BAKING. Pt1llr9jllut "j':),';,"; " You Dump:- To GET A Gear, 'i-sri"-:-)?, .;’/.' £5.91", CD-- ,e\//,./: '('/i. 24g l (gr/0v“ 11C7 SEE OUR HARNESS. UPPER TOWN. Thursday; Morning. 'oe Bale Grand Trunk Railway- OWEN SOUND, ONT., Liiiakbr%iiua -eaiiiirid "f"! Head Office . Toronto. Win“! “a..." fF ~24 'iiiiiiiiiiiii'iil' TWO-I'm“: W Tower-bot. .- SAVINGS BANK MOLEOD’S my”: Emma!“ lowan HARNESS MAKERS. IS PUBLISHED EVERY O won-dc in. wutt "8f."fN President Drnggist. Durban NORTtfERH, The will». In my TIME TABLE TIME TABLE HARNESS OIL. o ATTE bro-- --AT-- J. H. HUNTER, Estate. t - A. FLEMING. Principal AT THE “P rize KELLY. Aggy; x "animated I)“ m allpointn. Dom. allowed at can... 'reo. P. Reid. Manages} a! into in up mm: m dot-ou- ot on» and eventual- an! event“ Huntsman)! And 52w 52.000900 alf of lot partxcnhn 1 .000.000 000.000 N' 311'- Gianni: a.“ 6.10 m p. In u36 " go

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