West Grey Digital Newspapers

Grey Review, 27 Dec 1894, p. 3

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;cess supâ€" und give what tore ECHNIE. ustomâ€" nerally ie Cash ‘ash or at our ~G 2 1LCTnh rhaulâ€" Mills, to do ork to public. Trial J BROS. system nce of Paclor Stoves, &z.. #go to chnie. Profits." . ~YNM at yâ€"Tâ€"% . of all of for JEnite) say & M Cl H mt C Mr M Mr ardary stnitS work was self or any mistake 4i Yrinu‘d or 7th whicl th mistake did occur in a Yrinn‘d on June 18t! 7th which was Sund was a purely clerical explained at the Ye several times since. easily be supposed heen mozality loose the Lord‘s Day, it w cute enough to cha week day. hest price p MeArthur‘s An accident, which m kerious results, befell t! and Durbam stage ab north of the town on Fri It was in charge of Mr. . é‘his occasion and the 0 rere Joseph Burnet and In coming down the Iull ald MeArthur‘s, where cxwrnw and in bad cont f t narrow and 11 came too neatr night toppled twice in the d bad bruises, esus AOPRBRin lC 20 oi o) herme o d <afely but the little girl went to the bottom, receiving a wound on the head und some bruises on the body, but nothing very serious. That she escaped with her life scems A miracle, since the ol C wreck: and one of the horses it is A MR UR CCC rigis a wreck, and one of the horses 14 18 thought is useless. . They got free and dashed off into MeArthar‘s place, . Mr. J is. Burgess drove the little girl home, and the thankfnlness of the parents can well be im gined. â€" Te county will 1 kely have to imnake gcm(l YVr. Cadwell‘s los«, a« the road is not only wor il ~1, as it should have been, but is in bus «cp4u as wel. ind Mre. Vollet, Stratford, are o spend Christmas, for fun, 3 tb Best Mixed Candy at Ramsay & Morlock‘s. ffield C LOCAL NEWS. ‘nder rlock la Pa hn las H ing more delightful than a sharp z and Bread Knife to carve your nas turkey and cakes with. Take » Taylor‘s workshop .onâ€" wheels, e Middaugh House, and have round and made equal to new. issors and Razors, Saws filed and nbreflas and Parasols neatly reâ€" and old ones purchased ; Skates ground by latest improved maâ€" ; no better work done in Canada. ground honed and set ready for 5: new blades put into old handles. have vour work spoilt bynin- M h vear in all sizes at Ram over Post has a full account ' ng held in Corinth lately, in st of the P. of Industry at . MeNicol, M. P. P. was one ikers. He refers to some Sunâ€" ng which was done in a certain /« interest of his opponent. If :w office is meant we have the of Mr. McArthur, the late â€" to state that no Sunday. sver done in his time, by him, v of his staff, _ An unfortunate id occur in a bill, not a dodger, n June 18th but dated June h was Sunday. â€" The mistake ely clerical one, and was fually at the Yeovil meeting and mes since. â€" Any way, it may â€" supposed that had there »ality loose enough to violate s Day, it would also have been wh to change the date to a »rson, of Hanover spent me. paid for lard and tallow itler, Durham. « wer Post has a full ameron arrived home cks! Buy your Alaska rs from MceArthur. B. H. Townsend and istmas in Garafraxa. <«Mail? Join the REâ€" Ibut, is spending his s in Wiarton. emade Mitts for men av & Morlock‘s. rkmen e latest in Ladies ay & Morlock‘s. . which might have had s, befell the Chatsworth . stage about two miles own on Friday night last. rge of Mr. Tom Noble on and the other occupants Jurnet and Dora Davidson. wn the bull in front of Donâ€" w‘s, where the road . is i bad condition. The rig r the edge, and in the dark over the bank turning descent. Noble got some Burnet â€" scrambled â€" out Toronto, visited in of this town. ied and ‘set ready for | : iost. D9 S oo oo nliee WASOT s put into old handles. |\ _ Rutherford, of Galt, to Miss Wilson, work spoilt by in-t of Glenelg. m, if you want first | MUmâ€"Mirtsâ€"In Bentinck, on Wedâ€" ““'l 'f'“ . Taylor, th}’ \ _ nesday, 19th inst., at the residence of ts bâ€" A. Livingston. Esq., by. Rev. E. L. st has a full acmux_ntt Flagg, Henry Muir to Christina Mills, in Corinth lately. in | _ at} of Bentinck. friends in M () McArthur has the best value in factory cotton in Town. Pure White Blankets $1 a pair, at J. A. Hunter‘s. CATARRITâ€"Use Nasal Balm. Quick, positive cure. Soothing, cleaning, healâ€" ing. Have you read the sketch of Norâ€" manby politics on 2nd page? Call and see McArthur,s grey flannel, Mannelettes _ and _ cottonades,. _ They can‘t be beaten WAXTED.â€"An apprentice to the Carpenter Trade. Apply at Legate‘s Steam Saw and Planing Mills, Fleshâ€" erton Station. Alaska Socks! Call and see Mcâ€" Arthur‘s Alaska Socks and Rubbers before you buy any where else. They are extra good yalue. Purify i‘m"‘ blood,. tone up the system, and regulate the digestive orâ€" gans by taking Hood‘s Sarsaparilla. Sold by all druggists. Big Bargains in mitts and gloves at J A. Hinter‘s. Derpyâ€"Hconrsâ€"At the residence «of Mr. Jno. Hughes, Normanby, on Dec. 19th, by Rev. Mr. Craigie, Mr. Anâ€" drew Derby to Miss Bellin Hughes, both of Normanby. RutuErprorpâ€"WILSONâ€"At the residâ€" ence of the bride‘s parents, on the 26th inst., by the Rev, Mr. Jansen, Mr. Rntherford. of Galt, to Miss Wilson, HARNESS! â€" _ HARNESS! . Farmers and others attenâ€" tion. yM For a Set of Team, Single, Double Driving or Plough Harness in all kinds of mounting and style, or for Sweat Pads, Whips, Blankets, Bells, Curry Combs, and anything in the way of horse furnishing call and insvect my complete stock. Single Harness from $10.00 up. A Happo Peto Vear. Common sease should be used in atâ€" tempting to cure that very disagrecable disease, catarrh. â€" Ascatarch originates in impurities in the blood, local a Eli(-ntions can do no permanent goog: "he common sense method of treatment is to purify the blood, and for this purâ€" hose there is no preparation superior to hood’s Saursaparilia. Casnxt ror Hmes axp Tarmow. THOMAS SMITH. MARRIAGES BiRTHS 6 ces Th | ,“ _)-_tg ~ C | CL Oz 202 O N M C COT CC COm ces | fea tad D 6 3 | Moner tend, Money i t ; nday. the| PUees ap p IMoney to lend, Money invested for Houry of| @ $ =i BB 7 Bs |\ ~Parties. Farms bought and sold. | B 9 5 S conmnvEyANCERS. dav 2290 | â€" Te w is p g | A general financial business transacted. â€" â€" T Un io esd io. Writes Postmaster J. C. Woopsox, Forest Hill, W. Va., "I had a bronâ€" chinl trouble of such a persistent ard stubborn character, that tho Coctor pronounced it incurable with ordinary medicines, and advised me to try &Ayer‘s Cherry Pectoral. I did so, and one bottle cured me. For the last fifteen years, I hava vsod this preparation with good eZect whenever I take THE Fmizet TeA In Te Worko FROM T sold in bulk. ALL GOOD GROCERS KEEP IT. If your grocer does not keep it, tell him to write to e ns IN ITS NATIVE PURITY 11 and 13 Front Street East, STEEL, HAYTER & CO. THE TEA PLANT TO THE TEA CuP TEA Toronto. Come Barly Our store Our Prices ; WANTT‘D Local and â€" Traveling li El Salesmen tohandle ou | Hardy Canadian Grown Nursery Stock | We guarantee sat isfaction to represenâ€" |tatives and customers. Our nurseries | are the largest in the Domivionâ€"â€"over | 700 aeves. No «ubstitution in orders. | Exclusive . territory and liberal terms | to whole or part timeagents. Write us. j STONE & WELLINGTON. (Head uf[‘lot‘) Toronto, Ont. (The only nursery in Canada having testing orchards.) Offic Durhaimn Ead Avoid the Rush. Is Full of Pretty G@oods. ho # s » yE in flg‘g@w@% ‘ Are Right. ie doarnines aalt fij‘.% @1%@,_ ‘M to Standard Bank BQ. frmiamiiicen onl Mueoe y “’ M e Hanetion Hipemandien asie J‘ 0 fi (Grey Oppossum Setts «> Black #5 ts > Children‘s Astracan Setts _ Goat Robes, fine plush finis \ Wool Seal Capes at Wholes Children‘s White Wool Boa Hantles and Mantle Cloths at clearing out Prices. Bargains‘ W&rgains!!! é DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, BOOTS A. is complete. ¢ NEW GOODS AT RICHT PRECEES. onl S j ot reccc s s se arling nr Fine Wors 50 pair Odd Pants _ ... Big Drives in Boys‘ Suits Men‘s Suits that were $8 and $10, ; :....>;.. 5 Heavy Good All Wool Tweed, well lined, CX REDUCTIONS IN palglish‘s old Stand, lfi:irSTxits to choose from 1IIGHEST PINIC ted Suits, made for City RAMSAY & MORLOGLK, sh, € sale Prices to clear. jeas j x70 â€" worth 7.50 for C. McAREPEX 1 M Trade regular $1i.00 for $12.00 O 1, worth $10.00 for Worthof TIBS :s3 OUR STOCK OF &# HALF PRICE from $1.00 up ? i MEX‘S & BOXS 5| Underclothin )i To be clearcd out at about PRICES BELOW the Lowest. The scho< anu the teat held â€"his holidays 18th. . +WO weeks 1 ied the youllX < u apâ€" _ Last Wed quige Miss Mills v e4 up vouple leftI en sns During this Sale. See Them. in great variety â€"â€"ANDâ€"â€" W now $5 â€" anno t irud {* plea PRecit c inu the teacher has gon his holidays. He will b (wo weeks to resume bi the youns of this sectio {aist Wednesday Mr. Miss Milis were made o coople left the sume eV yrae s d e y to the GREY REVIEW. Coum hop» Mr () tr le left Lie sims aigst friends. me on ~Allan pe that f{lrs. al e excuse us na DURHAM & CHESLEY. Thursdoy. Dec. 271h 1894 at A Good Heary Men‘s Frieze Ulsters, .. _ .+ ] Men‘s Beaver Overcoats, Mon‘s Frieze Pea Jackets, Boys‘ Pea Jackets, Boys‘ Cape Orercoats, Boys®" Tweed Overcoats from $2 up. 1 M M t wl E m Corner, Upper Town, Durham. h Kas closed for th PRICEVI ha t M M Nn NOll Aelocie . § ~"~27 00 000 1 AReth Cl CC 0 5 on L ‘ ' any line but we sell at the loweg! lr>rftuv71TCIT"M AND ECGGS. 3 H CRAWFORD MoeXMill tm LLL 36 inch White Cotton.. .. . Cotton Bags, seamless.. .. Heavy Canadian Shirting Seotch Firgering Yarn.. pair of Corsets regalar «2 ** ts T n t nin ain amie w i White Marseilles Towels 24x42 for Pins & Needies 3 papers for....... Canned Salmon Very Choice Carranis Fine of stalk Raisins Redpath‘s Syrup Silver Gloss Starch Corp Starch 3 Rolled Oatmeal, 30 lbs. Demerara Sug Fine Japan Tea Fine China, Black Te: 12 Bars Electric Soap to .~‘|u'ml in about Tweed Overcoat, regular $5.00 for $3.00 CARPETS LACE CUREAINS, BOOTS & SHOES, MILLINERY. s Demerara Sugar * Granulated Sugar * Best Mixed Candies Japan Tea, May picke Japan Tea «+ China, Black Tea, worth 35c. vh t Ti Ries itis said willoppose MT.+! his chances are slim in this Mr. Jonn Brown will op‘x)se son and the day will tell th It is rumored that Mr. San bough will stand for council show is good as he is well kn< We also heard that Mr. Joh will stand for nomination. T of 95 will be a keen contest. We hope if at a V time. al officials get into a squa ble offer to pay ©085t" out of pockets then turn round and town=hip a bill for law sceral to the wise is sufficent. mac xancert" Hek‘‘n th nearly vd. wide M M Neil Eld Brd cl Hemsto Hooper. iams. Sara Mc Pt 2nd. clas H AND SHOES ith clas ad clas FLESHERTON STATION }, Meeod is ill at PC i for the last three week « she was a little better Mary McLeod return J from New Ma rlboron va LE i8 ho a stt been spending the pA fohnston returned to vater to spend the ho Ray Cleave of Owen this week with Mrs. R ave some new addit 1 the persons of M: â€"â€" Mr. Mapletuft. hb own, harness maker beginning to flourish. class Roll for S. anth of Dec ked, choice, worth 85e. 25 . ... Tibs. for ¢€1.00 Maggie HooPt Heoper. Archi â€"Walter Hen Jno. A. McD« _ __ $8.00 for $5.00 regular $10.00 for $7.00 HONOR ROLL Rot ppose Mr. J acklin, but Jim in this localiti. vill op‘)mw Mr. Dic vill tell the victory. at Mr. Saim Putherâ€" for councilman. His is well known here. at. Mr. John Stewart w tion. Theelection obt. Hewitt, Pred Cuaig, Finlay MeCu s â€"Henry Harrisoa Archie McKinnon. TWE me any of these im‘sble and they t of their OWn d and charge the NT Cema word H ; we hear to try COU® e Binnie. He lacks ace, though he may ithful courage. and. unie has both youth his side as well as Vol. XVI worth 123¢ for 100 .. .. ... 33¢ for 23e .~ .. ~,.> .. 00e for 43. lay nPavanasega 906 10lbs. for 25 barber nald a formai mewhat 10 M her: and The Staâ€" an ce Wil K inuon H s some~ id steps o. Lamb ib had 2 in his it by reâ€" and he Anme Minnic vrison her will Clara opet 10cents lable hanâ€"

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