West Grey Digital Newspapers

Grey Review, 3 Jan 1895, p. 1

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250 ACRES belonging to the Elm. of the Inc James Barnett, IM men under ettltirntion, rest hardwood bull). bring Lots 23, 24, M, 26, 27, Old D. R. in the Township of Artemesia, County of Grey, tho mile: from Floalnrton Sta- tion. um:- Matron Pricenlle. For mu: . a y to WA. B. %RNET. Homxllo, m BURN“. Dorm *0- In the Town of Durham. County of Grey. including valuable Water Power Brick Dwelling. and many eligible building lots, will be sold in one or more lots. Also lot No. 60. con. s, w. G. R. Township of Bentinck, 100 acres adjoin ing Town plot Durham. Mortgage taken for part purchase mum-y. _ FOR SALE The” EDGE PROPERTY. FIRE. Life and Accident Insurance. China: of all kind: "olleeted--0ld notes bought. u ___ “h - - well tiutbered. Lot 16. run. G, Bentinck, “Darn-s known as the Jas. Bamford farm-well im- proved vlose to Lamlash. Lot]. Durham Street. North Prieeville. last 3. Kinrosu Street. North Priceville. With other splendid Farms in Ontario and the North-West. Toronto and Hanover properties for sale or ex. change. Lou 2At PAP., con. 4, .B.W.T. and S. 30ml. Meltsncthou--im across bush t. Lot 248.com. 4.S.W’.T. and S. Road, Meiancthon-m acres good bush. Lot al. can. G, Metancthon-W acres Lot-4 - IN THE-. Following Properties " Prices Asked There's Big Money I drum utter» Town at very lowest rate on good land necuritv. DAN. MCLEAN. burg” Arr-nun Hiram A Farm tor Sale. Ind: ”a? E 'itsouturtur/u" he. an: d, DENTISTRY. PHYSICIAN and Surgeon. Gold Med- alist and Fellow of Trinity Medical Col. Toronto: Member of ('01. of Phy’si- cinns and Surgeons of Ontario: Late Resident Physician and Surgeon to the rorontoCieneraI Hospital and Ac- coucheur to the Burnside Lving in Hos- pital. Toronto. Dulce & Residence. - Dromore. Ont. - tioneer tor Cl Residents-E JAMES LOCKIE, ’SSUEI! of Marr DHDS. MORTGAGES. “ASKS. WILLS. ETC ATTENDED TO PROMPTLY, NEATLY AND (ZIFAPLY. MONEY TO LOAN Lanna urrmxmnl mum": deny. Couqtttion. pmuuxtlv undo. lulursnco nth-cud. HONEY To LOAN " Iowan mursot 113th ”um: and door north of s. Scot:- Store Durham Lanna Loan and veyan c ICENSED AUCTIthNEEtt, for th Count,- of Grey. Sala- Attendul to prom] " reasonable rum. Benin-nu Durban Ont J. P. TELFORD, BARRISTHB, SULIGITUH JI SUERHMK COURT. NOTARY PI '"."'.E'-u.'.ooer.ete,. MONEY TO LOAN. 'ONOR Graduate of the It Ittf Hryttu Sun-39911: of Ont-r 41 BUSINESS DIRECTORY. HUGH McKAY. um um MNlUSt HEARSE Ill TOWN. J, SHEWELL d; SON. Apply to JAM ES EDGE. Edge Hill. Ont T. G. HOLT, L D. S. ESSED AUCTIONEER tor Co of Grey. All eommauieattotu, " I to Lamas" P. o. M” be promptly ad to. Bandeau Lot19, Can. 8, hip of Beutinek. MISCELLANEOUS. Fire Insurance secured OFFICE. on» Gum's 370m. Low" Town. DR- c. H- BIRD, UN DERTAKIN G. 3L3. LN3, con.3. SAVE. and I. Tosrmship Melancthorv-, 174 mbered. J. T. FOSTER. Furniture. AUCTIONEER. of Marriage Licenses. Aue for Counties of Bruce and Grey II. H. MILLER, The Hanover Converertcer, DURHAM. pornoch, opt, J in macaw: VGiiariUai " natural mm. 0111c. and Rani If Wen of Pol: Once. you In this line we Take the Lead. Welt Stocked and Complete in GASKETS, COFINS, Ete., in the Latest Designs coxmAxcn, no MEDICAL. LARGE and Complete STOCK, Cansisuug of Bedroom and Par- lor Secs, Extension and Centre Tables. Bible Stands-in Oak. Bamboo and Elm. N ice Assort- ment of Basics. We also carry‘ a. Largo Stock of Pictures and Frame Moulding. I . MCKENZIE, Insuranqe Agent, Con- er, CotamiaBioiter ae. DURHAM LEGAL St., Hanover DAN. McLEAN tt D. macaw“ T. DUNNS li' , BAKING "e', EOWDER loge about 826,000, all. for the building at some t_rotattr-live windmill. in diluent paucithodty, Intake. Paddle - in the m Ind quicken the can.» to on m mr-e. I 0n the udvice of their executive north of .Eng'l-nd miners be." decided to withdrew their nppliontion to the coal ovum for " Idvuaco of 15 per cent. in was". Tipplors found drunk in the atmqtq of St. Pour-burg we shunned into nuns. of decency by aging their when dink,“ on polar. in tho lending thoroughhun. A I)" pumice: for the "aitation of the gnu-3! [kinky ty' Myxicp, at: , _out ot, " After thus she put, on a. white spron Ind aw tht we all hnd cake And ion-crum- Then when in was time for her to go may she abused her dress Iglin Ind we all walked to the rulw-y union bone her stated. When the tmin came up lhe turned to me. ' Stay With mother mill to. marrow. I’ll get. n letter to her by that time. She‘ll be lonely this evening. " "Then brand-by the animator “rd, ‘Aro you ready '.' Ana the aid. 'Yea.' And then the Lwo Btood before the minister, and she put on land behind her And into the hand oi her mother, who at. on the note. And when the minute: begun Wtil _ she uid 'l will' before he 30', half through: _ <___V_ "av"-.. u... ..w.m:..uo, um, um 1. "Then she went to dress and came down. nmiru nqnm in but an hour in a. limple hula white gown. In waa Lwo o’clock when the neighbors begun to arrive. She went to the door to meet them herself, had she took the minilcer'u In; and showed me minister“: wife where to put her things. u MI... I... -_at, .I . . __ "He cum by the noon train, And the vent to tho (no In her print dress and her broad hat to meet him. We had a little dity.s..tr together. her momma. she, and I. “We went oat into the pasture had be, yond the village. and we filled our um with golden-rod and carxtinul ilowera. Then wa walked back to the house, And her mother {etched jars and big bowls, and we put our fiowe" about the rooms. “Ida just a year ago to-dny," aid she who told the awry. "Wo had been school- mates, and she asked me to come on In only thin and help her and her mother through the day. It was nine in the morn" ing when I stepped under the thick wood. bine that grew about. the door of tut Mr gulnr little house on the edge of n Cnntdjnn “Huge. She had a broad hat, on and she; I'll FOR TWENTY-FIVE YEARS Jobbing of all kinds pathlr attended to. ALLAN McFARLANB, A Pretty um: Wedding Wuhan! in“ or Folly. Hand-made Waggons Horse Shoeing Shop, In the old stand. All hand.. made shoes. Also ThrEpiltyfgritiTrriaiis ALLAN gtlljiflfJilill Has opened out a. first-class First-Class Hearse. LartastiieaaGik this; UNDERTAKING Pr NEXT Door TO PAREERS. MISS GONS. I Fancv Goods, TOYS and Stationary, WOOLS, EMBROIDERIES and SILKS, in all COLORS and S still to be found in bid Old Stand opposite the Durham Bakery. lame. WOODWORK SWEET SIEPLICITY. at greatly reduced rates JAKE KRESS Furniture Wall Papers in connection. A first-class lot of for sale cheap VOL. XTm,---NO. 1. I myth. attended to, JAKE KRESS. Pr up: M ior (iiiht i!ittt that” -. ' _ --. ', "Chat 'utr-tttoi'-. hem: " I wonder what. hu become of that old man t" laid William, during the sur. " I tsalled . few dayn after I took him homo to inquire how he I” getting on, but he had mum that rat'.'..... . .. "in; you as... William to that old ttey'vrtireritw you no Mind for your During the In". one cloud} had gathered "rift. end dark over Wilarn Henley And he loved one: not! so on Christina morn. ing, nix In" the: she one when the .nge ol mm we: helped by Florence. theyyere fbwlgtel; dogma“. _ _ _ _ Florence's father's disappointment wu u keenu his wife's for he felt his foun- dation trembling, And knew before long it nan-L (All. And so it wu I before Another year had Med the manly mansion was no longer his. m WIS Almost pennileu. Bat he wu I true, loving fuller, And would not - his ghild’l hart. fot gold. And no, when William kinky won Florence, he took her not. from a home of luxury, but one " humble n his own. Yur- rollad by. bringing with them joy And narrow. until nix Ind fund. Darin: the Int one clan I had mthnrnd " Foolish qirl l Do you know thst, be. tide. his own fortune, Mr. Gminger in the oply he]: pf an 011 uncle. who is fubuluusly rid} '." aid Mrs. Camel-oh. Thu night Curl Cninger, determined to know his fate. naked Florence to be his wife, And to her pnrenu' grew disappoint- ment. also kindly but tirmly uid she " could non love him 1" But when An hour hnd passed, And Wil. him Hartley returns 1, than to his grub chngrin, he saw 3 softer glow in her duk eyes, And her lips wreathed with smiles that he bud failed to draw oat. Carl Gruiuger nw he had been indiscreet to any the lean, sud endeavored by putting forth his most {twinning powers, to cast “my the cloud may. had gathered on the face usually so bright. Wri'a attempts were fruitless. " Quite a dignitied acquisition o Mia: Cameron's list of tu:quuintanem, 2" A deep ilmrh mumbled her fair brow, but e designed no wotd of reply. The sumo eontetiiptuoo expression was Iglin on Carl's face, And he said sneer- itnrlyi. _ _ __ _ " God blew you .' You are a. good child. I Sh!” never forget this day. Perhaps I'll come to see you again some time," the old mm aid on leaving. Aaapprovinilode trom Florence and he jumped In, cloud tho door Bod ordered the the driver to the street. and number direct- ed. The old mun oigtsifittd his desire to go and when Brown returned with a cum 0 William Hurtley, with almost. wnmugy gentlenemr, assisted him in And urged that he might uccompimy him hgme. _ Bunb was not, just then, for Florence htd thought more of the handsome Curl than my of the other young men who visit. ed the house. She was dreadfully disap- poiated to know him no diitorent from her thoughts: - A - Brietly Florence told of his full, and the look of tuimirntion, nay, adorAlion, which beamed in William Hartley’s eyes us they sought hen ought to have been the bulrn to entirely healthe wound mused by Carl Gminger’a look. _ - Turning to meat. Mr. (hunger, the young man saw the null'erer on the lounge. " Who have you here? Are you hurt, air t" he slid. going up to the side of the old mtg and “Ling his hand. " Excuse me, but I have permission.” he ma. " Mrs. Cameron told me you were 1tntertaiauut your queue here." "m, was not strikingly handsome, hke the other, but his was the {ace of one that. children love to linger near, women eonfide in Ind men trust. Sauce bud Mr. Grainger paused the com. plimenu oi the day, when spin the door optyed, and wonhq yoqngmu; entered. A few moments more and Curl Gninger came into the room. Floreneer's "not, bright face that had been mused to greet him. was suddenly clouded. She law that Ihe had mistaken her lover-Mor with an expression of contempt. which he could not or cured not to hide, he looked on the sulfer. ing mun.‘ _ _7 - "A carnage! li you plane. Florence, lend Brown to procure one," Mo. Cameron Mid. As she turned to leave the room lane eorttinued: "Mr. Grainger will feel flat. tered by your conduct." "Send him here, mamma, I know he will thinly I am doing right." "He will go home he says. Well mun. want 8 little longer and} wlll the carriage."-- __ The old mm said lomethinj; in I feeble Voice. and Florence’s eu- was close to catch the words. “But; tummy we are the proper ones to Attend him. Eugene And his companions Are tsccountable for. hit, sutrerIng." - _ "One of the servant: could hue “tended to him. If he is nble to be moved now you had better send word to the proper author. ities and have him untied to his home or the hoapiul." _ The g laid: "Florence .'-whtt'.-wUt in the meaning of All this e." she uked. ' room, bearing on I lilver will" th end. She looked It it Bad mid C “Toll Mr. Grainger I will be up very soon. Ask mammn to entertain him." A rustle of silken robeu,snd Mrs. Camer- on glided into ths room and wood looking with,pem'eet ”imminent on the scene before her. Kneeling beside the lounge, tsltermste. ly bathing the {an and placing wine to the lips of the miserable old man, was her l daughter. I The old mu: opened his eyes sad looked enquiringly into her hurts. She explsined the Accident znd Wu holding I glut of Raatornives were applied. Tonderly he Wu cared for. And after 3 short time the kind girl's eiforta were Incwufnl. "Gently, gently, Brown '. Place him on the lounge," she uid. A moment or two later Eugene returned, followed by n Inge, strong-looking men. who, in obedience to the girl's commend. ruined And born to the house the inmimate orm of the poor old utrnnger. "For Ihune, boys I Come, Eugene, and help me raise him. Nay, he must be carried. Go bring Brown here." I A young girl stood in the by window of the msnlicn before which the old man had Fi':: ttutothee imam. and she cnme run- Ating down the marble shops unmindful of her costly Attire, the rich silk that fell in hesvy folds than her form, the unk down aside the old man, excluiming : I Another aye besides theirs wimeuud the accident. 3nd in cause. i%m ff[[8ilnllll(1f One decrepit. old man wu thrown down by their tricks. And lay so still they feared they Ind killed him. l It was Christmas morning. The Inn was shining brightly on the new-fallen snow. It Wu Jun cold enough to freeze. The sleigh belle were ringing merrily. The children were having A guy time, during and cunning and playing tricks on page" by. rule girl explained and her mother _ MW C q ,1 a as [ r'j?,itijilir2'ift,ii'i *4 _ J a v V £33513 Guaiia- perniaimuly are]: All who paras, of it, r. "(band _ to the touch. Ut it tin still mania: y dngeroul to we a up“: and] MI double in bulk. Win the want mutation. nnd " chain poplar dough I. light “out it Ihould “not!” 1estittrtit-, u in thou-u of tulip“. tron MM] grith6ttt Minn. Maid " , you have A despatch from Albany N. Y., Be-- lukewarm Mid tht, , The State Board of Health hu inlued its flour fsttout thr" “d report of the first year’s work under the luv I butter, which will ' routing to examinations for tuberculous, W' but until the And the result; Ara rubber "tottitrrtirttr. Tho ii d f ll f h 1 bond wu compelled to atop work bee-um Imoo nu u . o u of lack of fundl. The upon nyl in t: he don. " night, Bttd There can no longer be I "non-bk 2,1gl and in . room of I50 that tuberculous tattle no oxunlively dia. morning ' it Ibonld tha tribubod through the duh-ion of the In“, and with bubble- on forming contra-o! infection in their fhtur to who A loft. 1 tin herduthnt the milk from Inch mm in iii In tittlo iiottr " hudhnnd in may "'.'."h. thoughyoo urging do; do; not: nick go ben The NewY ark Mute Board of lie-n- up." That There Aret Many. The last thing I can recollect mu heu- mg an elephent crash through the under. wood within a few feet of me. I must then have fainted. When I came to myself I was loose from the creepers, and Abdullah was by my side. There was not an elephant to be seen or heard. They had swerved aide jun. before reaching me, and fled trumpeting into the jungle. The remn was not hr to seek. They had scented the tiger I had tshot that morning, end had turned fmuttieally aide from their dead enemy." 3 I A cold sweat burst out all over me, Ind I could feel that l was ghutly pale. My lips were packed: my heart, named to stand still. To be bound and helplcsunrith a cruel death before one, is very different from meeting death face to face, and fight. ing for dear life. My doublehsrreriled title was on my left Gnd,but I could not Inc it. Haul I been bound with rope: to the stake, I could not. have been more etlecmnlly hinder. ed from htlr.si.ng x9y:elf. - i ' For some minutes I lay, or rather mit, there, txpetWngevery instant. to be crushed to death, and unable to move hand or foot. Nearer and nearer the elephant. came, until M hot I could feel the wind caused b the moving of their great. bodies througz the air. The earth seemed to shnko under their tread. I bud got my right leg over A prom“: tree, but I could not move further without hulp. and Abdnllnh, thinking me close behind him, had gone round the tree, and wan out of night. To cry out would hue brought the elephants on us the more quickly. There was not a moment to lose. He was a few paces in front of me, and had already begun to climb. when my left foot and right arm wen entangled at. the ume moment, in om, of than cable-like creeper! to be found in Indlnnj angles. The only thing for " to do, Abd-llsh "ui, was to turn back and climb A tall bnnian-Lreo we had leit behind us. DURHAM, co. GREY, THURSllr, JANUARY 3, 1895 [low n Travollrr In India ‘VIII Nearly Run "awn by n "on! or Illuminate. A traveller in India, who had in one day shot A tiger and an elephant, was much excited, shortly liter his last “kill,"n being told by his guide that a large herd of alsphuntu was awaeping that. wny, nd‘ would ineviubly run them down. and the ground been open, the men could euily have got " m time. As it was they were fairly pounded. In front of them ley I mum of thick brushwood, mingled With creepers and twisting plants at. their right the ground seemed null more lmpnctieehle. and At their left. the Approaching ele phants. . “Au long“ you like. We are powwow er- poor, but tf you wan: A home mth " we .ng will not send you forth. Sit. down," nul- 're wered William. te. "The same I Unchanged l" murmured he the stranger. a {WW _ I or/r: 1C And then from n lawyer of high landing came the startling information that Wilhiit Hull” and Florence were the only heirs to all the immense wealth of old Mark (hunger. are mine'. All I have is tor you '. Yetiy won it six years ago. both of you I And that dny you had another friend with you. I knew him by name before . Ihusrmid his mum than. I heard his remark when I WAS go- ing out. Hes l ha '. He lost something [than didn't he?" Eh ". "Go make your children hoppyl” he urged. "And,my child,take this," handin I her more money, " and make the poor 015 folks you meet, and the little children who are looking longingly in at the gay windovu, nuke them happy. too." Oh, what A joyous Christmas it was '. For tive years the old man dwelt with them, and then he uni: calmly to sleep, loving hearts And gentle hand: nothing hi... him, l "Christmas gift for mnmma, And pap: too '. Kris, Kringle sent them to van !" It was only u. little roll of paper. Open. ing which, they found told in words never pinincr: " No more money. No more toil. ing '." Many thousands of dolls” they held in their hands. ( They could not speak at tiret. But after awhile, when they poured forth their thanks, Kriss Kringle slid ' " Your home in mine I You and van" 'The father’s amusement. wu soon changed to the greatest. astmvzernent,when soon tsitar, " Florence came back, Willie ran up, ex- cluiming I T -r-e, H...“ William wu wsrchiug, very much tmund, when the old mum’s words were whiapered, and little Willie, seeming to understand. lowered his toms, and the hands of the old and young were clone together, " some mysterious glazing. When Florence went. out to prepare the frugal dinner, tho old mnn callod the chil- dren, and banned to their Inping voices. "rgtt: ,7 ___ A .. _ I on nay.” Answered the old mm, ml] "which TUBERCULOUS CATTLE. "Come I sit down here," said William, getting up nud oireriug his own comfortable chair. " Wtsit tb Lit. If I " down! don't want to get. up soon. Better know first how long "I Gu, i very easily what I Ind never lost. I've thought of you often, but chose to come to-dny. lt is Agood time Income,” Answered the old mun. “Come in I I am glad to no you. tt here hieve you been this long time? And how dvi you find us t" Florence asked taking b. " hand anddrnwing h_im in: Florence arose to look out when A knock aoundad on the door ', opening which Ibo beheld sanding before her the old mart of whom she had just been speaking. liked ti, have forgotten us, 1 gum l" cried little Willie, shouting And cupping his handn. “Ma‘mmn! Mauna., Kris, Kriligle'l coming! Soc l, See'. Harrsht Old rill CI I fied from worse. Como, cheer nil All will yet be well. I did not tell youv. tt Int, Lime I was ouc I saw Carl Grainger very much intoxicated. He is living now entirely on his 1xpeetatiotey" .. . . . "You fled to poverty, toil, "lreriuir. Oh I my dnrling, I hoped whnve Ihelterad you frynptysh." A _ you and Carl Grainger. His hunk-um” frightened me, and I Md Loyou. Ind grow calm and happy," and Florence, while I beautiful flushspread over her lace, aha-ling away the cureworn look of a few momenta before. EXCITING SITUATION, Y on {mg you" l‘l' Broi-ticald one cup of rmlk, turn it into 3 bowl, and one tenspoonful of nun-r, uh. and aliorterting , ltir until the an and lug» ore diuolved and the buster melted, then add one cup of Vicar. Diuolve tshalt - coke in I half A cup of lukewarm, out", And when the milk in the bowl is lukewarm Add the you: And "itieient flour (About. three Lad lull cup) to make I bum, which will pour thickly from o 1pm; but until the batter illighc and smooth tad full of bubbles. Thin should be don. " night, and the butter mould stand in . room of "ttottt 85 dogma until morning ' it should than in light And cov- ad with bubble. on top. Add enough Ber :0ka , to“ dough_._lnd teta, Kuehoa.-mke a bowl and went: into it one egg, .1. cup oi lard, b cup sour cream Ind 3 tabltmpoortfuh, augu- t mix. Now take a lump of your bread dough-when it in ready for making into loaves-the size 0 one loaf, pour the mixture upon it and mix thoroughly with your hand ,' mix until it is perfectly smooth, than let it rise. When l light,rollont to nbouttwice the thickness of I. pie cruet And line your pie-platen with it. When you have as many plate: as you want. roll tho rent into sheets about an inch thick And putiuto an: l let it line while you prep-re the {Hing u follows: Fill the pies with fruit ; gre-one' layer, not too eloms--tsre nice, or npples. tmred, icored and diced and laid upon it in one layer, are good, but peaches diced upon it Are belt. Now pour over the contents of the pie! kturhett..-oms egg for ouch two kuchen mixed with About one cup of lwcet cream. Thus - to taste and Hover the npplee to suit yourself. Bike until fig ore a nice brown over the top The thio kuchen are to be covered with . little butter end lprinkle well with - and A little cinne- moo. The" will be the German txrffee kuchen. Get lame German to pronounce 1 kuchen for you. 1 Keep Children Busy. Children should be farniahed with em. ployment, which it sometime: diffiuult to provide. Whot we cell . natural love of milchief is often nothing more than Ictivi- ty. Children Are faith“ for employment. They mint hum wmothing to do, and if they Ire not so furnished they mll do mis- ‘chief. Do not blame them ; it " their n:ture,und would bteneoursged ruther than checked. In furnishing little employmcnu you con form the habit: end cultivate the tutu. What is begun should be tinished. Cure should be taken with whatever is: done, and neatneu abould be encouraged. l Artistic Dams. Nothing keep. Gsusela end "orrkirw and other underwear looking no well " darn- ing and mending and preparing muerini thnt matches perfectly. A hole seems Almost preferable to n gray stocking domed with blue, or block under-kin bound with red, or . brown patch where there should be A bleak one. Buttons, :11 kinds of mending threads, in cotton, linen, silk end _ wool, binding. in taffeta, ribbon and even i l webbing by the yard no to be bought at molt reuombie prices for making old things no good on new, and for keeping the new in perfect condition. It also seems to be An economy in the some direction to buy the same nuke: end colon in fhuutou end hone from uuon to lesson, no that one may hue motel-in] to reinforce week place: without buying it. All. I the future-that ever-Alluring “acme tirms"-isa weeding quality. It is - reached. Like the pot of gold an the end of the ninbow it, nllurea. recedes, "Misha. and in infinito but hopeless regret the Allured And diuppointed soul wnkes up to find that opportunity, too, is gone. l in oiir Americnn Ities-tlie ever-present. 'struggle for lame future, perchmce inde, finite, good , And how euy for this lmliit of life to crystallize into a deplorable and ulmoot irremedinblo balm, of mind. M be. comes " lat, well nigh impossible to make one’a plans with aimple reference to today, its own peculiar beauties sud privileges. "Some time," we say, “I mean to check thin busy, hurried life, and take time to read and ltudy, an n. little pleuure trip every yen. perhaps olwnor, and begin rally to liver." i _ Said mother womnn to me t "For many _ year-I kept IT moot beautiful things laid away, to be ta on out and mad only when companv was expected., But one day there CNTMt I fire which dumycd in nu hour all my cherished dtsiutiuetiaets. Oh 1 how 1 regretted then that they Gd not been used and enjoyed while they were in my pone:- nion: And perished through usc inland of bci'ngdeatroyed dy dinner." Dir not. than hrtliiiiideau, homely phough they age. suggest tprevailing fault. om 5500:501- Ihoro. Yonrlife is tlroaiiy lived. The future in too brief And uncertain to be counted upon, or to afford opportunity for muah clause. The memorlu of homo Ind home life which your children no to rpuin forever are al- ready Bxed nnd unchnngenble. And yet, own now, you no so sbaorbed in the contemplation of lame indeiitsite future or ‘ the pursuit of some desired acquisition, that the bounty And the duty of 20-July are half forgotten or ovetloolred tsltogether.' And then and there [resolved to endeavor to redeem the remaining time. Heneeforth I am determined to mnko ench day In it pm" just as beautiful in every way as J possibly can.” nun] ed to indeth stance cioul i linen. unhw could 1 I mm. 1 them ', hnvol so der hnve g There plans I iaeid, little living hlvo it in _ for I toilet your tlo Bour a will“. until thi go; "ith go the jugs]; 9nd ii Th hie?! Useful Recipes. is, subject, been!“ I huvo been nay-elf. I on use now that I , lived too much in the future. law-ya been in my thought: and 'tformulated, Ind for the moat Fa. unconsciou- reference to an Pometirntr' when our circum- itid justify the me of my pro- Ecuc glua, choice chins, tineri we comer-Mica Wu repeated to mother herself, who med the I I an on which to found n in on the duty And beauty of n present. tuito competent," she Mid, " to l m. why do you not use the lovely that Mrs. Eaton game you to: sing gun " Cttristnma I" In my dear, it in no delightful to thing with in first lreahneau on we, to use when making ready Thom we delight to honor." alumna, tf you will consent. to wary dsy 1nd . “he the good of u “y, I will promise to replace a they have become noxled, or hair first duintineu." th gowns, eto., every day, by the common-nea- thu. they replwed if broken or defnced. [ dlu hler’l upped unused a. at. Tll1Qu? A yoice seem- ne, Were no you, has nur- lin your Ma when you may Elisha tpr the loft. dxp_of the he Good of Things. ousehold. [ml Mindofu-od that tstr is not. “Waco um bola...‘ m "t “WWW“... ' filttito, circum- I My father puyed a queer Brill-h Blue Jada-l- on Duty In loud-Pu With Sultan-y Elect. Latent siviam from British Honduran Into an: the riots there no a mend. The blue-jacket. guard the town, and the lhow of force " “yin the rude-- laborers to meetin3*t. Fourteen rioterm ue in prise " “than Bithop Di Poitro. io., hat-coded for on. the Gov. - Mined to interfere. In the menu- tlme the Govarnment Council bu ruined antic-on food produou and tobacco. Bad that will probably ammo the My man tor-lac hbor nu. sad “the dil- curbod imam. The-Inmum of Muscat. pone-see a purl weighing 125 curate, through which you can ace dtryltitht. It is worth ebouc$l65,- 000. The one owned by Prince» Youeou- poifis unique for beauty. It we: Iold by Georgibue of Celeie in l620 to Philip IV. of Spain for SO, 000 dawn. In preeent velue in about 3180.000. The present Pope an hi. wee-aim). became the owner for the time being of e pearl, left by one of his predeeeuore upon the throne of the Veticeu, which cennot be of lean velue than $100,000. The Em reel Frederick ha I necklace compo-ed of 32 pen-ll, the total value of which he- been "tittUtod n, 8175, NO. Ber mo ' Victorie, bu e necklace of pin " worth $80,000. We May yot be Able to use Then. But the Next Best Thus: Is " Raul " Them. We are often regsled with stories of fabu. lous prices paid for gerrts-pearU or dis. monds. A necklscc owned by lfsroness Gustave ds Rothschild, made of rows, ia, valued " $200,000. Another, owned by Baroness Adolphe de Rothschild. is even valued an. higher tigure. The Empress of liussis has I necklsce slso vslued It 50,000 rubles. Ono belonging to the Grand Duchess Man-is hss six rows of pearls, and is ssid to hues, cost $180,000. Mlle. Done, A sister of M. Theirs, hss . necklsoe of seversl rows, which lass taken her 30 yous o collect, and hu out, her upwards of $75,000. The Empress of Austris possesses some of the most besucilul blsck pen-ls it is possible to find; her casket, sud that of the Czsrins of Russia- no. in not, the most famous in the world for pssrls of this color. Mme. Leonide Leblane sold her necklsce of pearls I you or two sgo for surly ' $200,000, but in consequence of certsirt f mutter: which were whispered shouts: the time she bought it bsck. The stones grad. t ulna in sin, sud sro exceedingly beautiful g in shape sad lust”. - Nowrin going Lou“ again. u l hu'e been doing quite regularly for the In! week. Ienjoy their company. ad I in- tend to cultivue their mquninunce. _ W m, _.. -.. ...e ”um, no said. when I spokerofoit. I thought it strange that he should Gee mule the up- pointment for the Leno: Reuuurnnt under tho-c rrireutntstauoeo, but I and nothing. Well, we went in, undl Wu introduced with due form-lily to my mother and my listen The aim-Lion wu ludicrous, and I begun to longh, bat the laugh died uny. None of the three even smiled. My mother and my miter shank hand: with me. And my mother laid the remembered me u A boy, but nldn‘t seen much of me lutcly. Then the invited me to he Dolled. it want t bit funny then, although l cnn lough overit now. I OIL down, And the‘ told me one or two meadow: of my boy. l hood, at which we. all laughed a little. Then we four ployed whilt for n while. When I titmlly retired I was trourtoously invited to call Again. I went upsuinl feeling pretty small and doing I good doll of thinking. Then I mode up my mind that my moth- er WM 3 most etttfrtaining lady, and my singer- in good nnd brillinnt girl. Tou see he leaves the office about tbtt hour before I can get my work tiatihesd. He suggested the Lenox Reatsumutt " 7.30, And I was there, prepared for the that" and a quiet lecture on law hours. He had combined the two on levarul prevwm ocu- Iions. Bat when he appeared he “id he wanted me to call on u lady mm him. “One I knew quite well when I was a young man," he explained. _ We went, out uni numbed amniglw tor; bolus. 't She'll "?pping a the house," he] with m naked noon and naked 1 for tlusb night, " Yes," I Hid the lhulre." Iget dinner in the city, And go to the pr somewhere else. I had been doi 'about nix months, and, when I lot About. the only time that, I new my end liner during the: period Wu day dinner. Nothing unusual in course. The sumo thing is true of h of young men in town. Bat they {when like mine. He came to me or [sitting down to breakfast. In consequence I get my braking: And leave the home be. fore they get up. But I cun’c complnin of that. I'm doing exactly who: the mu: who had my place before me dui, and between you and me I'm drawing more salary. But, lhll'l neither here nor there. his the l, evenings. I uard to titulrh work nbou’. six. I morning, just a the THE RIOTING IS OVER. Well, you also know how 1 mm aim-led um business. I work for my “than and WWW no the theatre about tive or " night: a week. It wun'r. nlwnys the thenre, but if it wasn’t chm, it was th music Ull, or per- hape a Pate of card: or billlrdl with some of the boys. my mum- phyed a queer trick on me the glividcndu f, other night. You know I med to feel that The Unix: I had done myself an injustice if I did not go "rad. 88.N to the theatre about tive or nix night- th o 8l00,0oo, . the tiny on week. It wun'r. alwnvg thrs thuALn n... " - 'Tow n Yoror,g Inn Wan Cared n In: Anny from llomr. n, "__-_. ........u .wvun “In“ cu of Boar or enough to nuke t so“. donut: Kneld well And be careful not to add too much flour in the kneading. White flour cu: be and for the kneading. it de- sired. Ut the dough rim until it doubles its bulk. Shnpe it inboloavel, put it into I greased breLi tin, let rim spin And lake forty.tive minute: in I moderate oven. Nothing on " present," I m Well, rd like vou to no How trbou GEMS OF GREAT VALUE Whole Whom. Brmsd.-tieoi one cup of milk ', turn into a bowl .,add one teaspoon- ful of butter, one Mupoonful chug", one of mslt and one cup of Inter ; when luke- wum, add one-1m” of In yum. cake, (which bu been dissolved in a half cup of lukewarm Inter. Shir in three cup: of whole wheat flour, And beut until light And smooth. Let rise over night. In the Tter. whenlitht: ndd Ewe or tyne cup- kilo-ding again. into Iowan. Put in ground brand tins. individual on" preten- ed, and let rim nglin until light. ltlhould le than: thirty minutes this luv. time: A -_- _t_, . . then bake minu we. The nine thing is true of hundred] , men in town. Bat they hnven': ike mine. He came to me one utter. , naked me if I had tut engagement. CALLING ON A LADY. in I moderate oven for torty.tivi, ty, and go to the that" I had been doing it for Lad. when I look buck, I've promined to go w h. not of the {Amily un- an: my mother fur-rd or llrmlll somewherl TT at. Sun " ' Mls'?,, vir?riiji, Denilh pepere My that the Prinoeee Weldemu of Denmark, born Prince- Mu-ie of Orleana. will not. return to Den. mark and that she intends and I dxvowe from her his-bend. In (not, the panac- hubeen mnmiorthe Inataixrnonttta and we. not present. a the eilver wedding of her beottikin.Uw, the econ prince“ Although ehe we: the may Flue. in‘ 2trht; "tt'plt,1rN,',,",'r,et a not. at. - old and in he nether e! be eAtihui. I And he feel: no embmd n, makes hi- face Ache, And his mucnlino whilken they tremble Bad shake . the feminine crowd flows Around fur and new. .. wut business," they uy. " bu that horrid mu: hero t Whn right hu n mm to come into this plus who can't tell the diiremsms. 'twixt ginghsm sad lane t" And then-look- pierce his poor tremblin soul to the can -tite “er-go nun in tile big dry-good- store. I And the any Chrilunu ahoppers crowd round in I whirl while ho look- for . pm- out to give to his girl and he hnnu halt I day, then he buyi-H-en defend no l . nice rumor hone and I pair of Impenden. And than he goes out in the cold, wintry lull, and he {all like nun who In. burn out of "il-tho tuuttttnfortattUst mortal the world ever bore in th. “we no in . big drrgooo store. I How frightened he look, how retiring And meek, with feu- on him {we end I flaah on his cheek, the wild, hunted look of the fun: in his eyel, which uyl. " I m remiy and willing to die," which any: to all men, " I'm prepmd for my doom, I'm randy , plane let. me slide into my bomb." You ell know who I ""an-rotl has neon him before-ttre avenge m in A big dry. goods were. A recent taut. Schenecudy. N. Y.. "cording to The Electrical Age, shoved Linn on electric hteomotivemsr. pull a noun lrromotive--tuivouatagtr of condition bein Ill m tin-or of the huter--with one Aug without nppu-ent. effort, The improve- menu since the World's Fair Luz. hug done this. Next in imporsnorr to the Bal. timore and Ohio maul electric-motor work. which in being pnahd ropidly to, completion, in the use of theme, electric mown on the Metropolitan Rolland of Chic-go, which will Boon be in opention. May nilwny manger: no watching thin to“ witha View to adoption. It is now expected tint. electric motor' will be mold to locomotive builders u bendlighu on sold. which would cubic my of the - builders to con-truce moor-ding to their own déoigiu. Eleetrie motor: as being rapidly 'iatPliiud to him and. he per. 000 in gold by witisdra - it some , which ha.- pmbnbly bee lpt , At C,t',l,'.iTtr"t.ts, I Ty mod I (Rep.), New ork, in _ I lull authorizing rho," A“ “a buds: new. T- r, 1 . O r trodaeed for the lune purpose I a I ing certain objectionnble .eltu 'l"" l Both ruv And refined sugar , ;errivnl of n “comer here with mello, which , mey not be for n few dnyl. So for 'ul in. . formation received he: been through tele. inphie deep-when. The Commercinl and ',nion hunk: of Newfoundland hue nu- , pended. but it in lupposed that in the one of the letter u lent the Itoppege will be but temporary and that Amusement. will l be made to continue ita buniueu. A contest for the control of the Imell tigtble supply of petroleum between the Standard Oil Company end the Independent miinera, uem- to be A pertinl solution of the rise int week. The nativity, however, wu entirely nt Oil City, " only I nominu quotation existed here. Refined oil bu ndvnnceci from 5.la to sbout 5.45 in nym- pethy with the boom in crude Imitates. Ihere in a netunl renon for none ndvnnce I in price " this nemaJor while the demand ( increuu. the wean-r interrupt- the open- ing of new wells. Report. from the tUld int-Le thnt Imekl continue to decreue. l Tho "ruggle to obtain on advance in price: Itt boou and thou does not. at result. ubiaftcmnly in the United Saul While nearly all makers uk 25 to " cent: more rl,' pair, and show good reuon in the igtter price a: lather. jobber: Ire diaper ed to give very limited orders It the ad. "nee, holding that consumer: no mn randy to pay more. In consequence. while Inge orders for next. aeuon hue been when. there in Ill“ unceralnry what of them will be exeeutod or malleftz‘ Account of the ndvuzco desired. Neverthe. _ lean, the onion received Am on the whole better than B week Ago. and the shipment: from Boston, According to the Shoe a Leather Reporter, have boon 135.899 cues in December Hpinat 93.595. In: , an. I The lather msrket in the United State. ! in quite active with mere-Md demand, in f put to autteitrste future requiremeata. ‘ Sula: of hemlock mic exceed "coma. and the noel" of Union crop we roduood. The zone is goucully stronger for I" grades, thoughlowet goods Are in meet demand aod get. relatively higher price. Linn the boner _ gndec. but bktllue of their sanity thei, Min of the beater grain lava somewhnl increuod. “W l Ludmg. Glues, weak. In the United Suns aud CAM. the lboekuin nonin- [amused over 2,000,600 bushel-lat. week, (and the amount, 160:: to Europe hex-cued ‘ 1.256.000 bunhein Mmiwb. but: wheat, however, In in good dcmnd, Idling " 75c. went, for No. t turd. By mu’l received from Yokohama, infor. mnuon come» that all the an hon-o- m Juan have istgtted a canal” living that in consequence oi enhmood can of hbor And Len-puking mum-.1, they will find it necaury to menu: firing chug“ 50¢. per pew], And uhould the wit continue . on“ further increase msy become neces- Wheat marketa Are do gliding. Glues, weak. 9 The United Sate: Tug-hr;- gold react" laund- $5,5(xmxn belch ", reserve limit Gi 81W,0w.000. ts'iftot November 24, Mb: dny on which bids to; we new bond. ( were. opened, the TM“: loot $2.500.- A 000 in gold by wibisdra two-thud: of (which bu pmblbly bee tported. ' l, At CttiTtr"tf/,', I tMr. Dunk. I (Hep). New ark, in _ in the Home [I brll authorizing the _ [Motion of n I Pruigo yteeA' 'it Grand u. WU m gold by within ’ (two-third: of {which In: probably - ' sported. i At C,t,biTt'toii,t, Tr rr lerJMioh. I(P.ep.).New ark, 'rr - 'V I r tutttteRmte. I hull authorizing “It 'r ', ims of I bridge " - - " Grind!» "' a. V . [ u l w. I ', "6tte'treTons in. troducod for the lune narrate by elimina- l ine certain objectionnble .e-tuzea. _ _ l Both nw and refined sugar declined luv week in the United States with“, m‘ change in the Inner being moat important. 1 At. the lower price: mAny dehyed orders“ were CD, And 3 fair bulincu ermwd. I RAW sugar " not in lnrgr tupply, 3nd} holders are noL Anxmus to sell " the lower] llat price. Spoeultstion in very quiet, Ind no lath is expected until the!» I!" holid- Auuruace stocks u: hand» rta good enrmnga, sud Conchita]: firm on report that chewy bu u plus ot over $300,000 aa." pin/men: The lumber Ludo in that“. indications of increucd activity " ali, beginning of the xenon have not ugh} mum Many of nur Inge time we“ lo- with: going on m the wood.“ hat you: owing to the Inge smelt. of lumba- on: hand. " ' q Cundiun recur-nio- m Cumin " per cent. Ire quoted dem It 106. Montreal .'H's It 93, ad Waxy. It 94. Htmillon " at. 105. 3 ‘ lucrcucu .:,wu,uuu munch put, Week. The price of silver in hiring. having Cot down to 27 “63. petitions: in London and .50ie. in New York. :5 ' The world'. viliole a] incrcued 3,600,000 buhch Some Items or Interest tr? the [an of Business '. THE FIELD -iiit iiiiiiiiiii'iieiiii, [StandardBank of Canada WHOLE N o. 851. The Male Shopper. 'or the your. i from Yokohama, infor. _ all the ton homes": a cucum- skiing that enhuzood can. ot labor gi, mmy delsyed onion blame" bran-cud. n my amply. and " to to}! n the lower ,ith. "T, hulls I, And no "tivitr" he holidnyi, on feporu o [nyment 3:127 '"/fi7j(jydf"an, oi wheat mm norm: amp and Reliable. await... mommy rouse the most in lie-wheel. "99 With t3athedral gangs, in ve 'ee, 9191mm, 3‘37le XXX CLOCKS&: - - - - - - WATCHES. Bold by B. gunman: For Impure, Weak and Ittsistyvcruhed Blood, Dytpepsin. Sieeplessuess. P.dpata. tion of the Heart, Liver Complaint. Keno nigh. Loss of Memory, Brunelnris, Con- sumption. Gall Stones, quudxce. Kidney and Urinary Diseases. St. Titus' Dun... Female Irregularities And General Debtlity. Laboratory - Goderich,0nt. TESTED REMEDIES SPECIFIC and ANTIDOTE MOLE OD , S System Renovator! PRIME BOULDIN a. co": Toronto . In" Urine“ in. . .. Hotbox-ton. .. (Worth . Own: Sound! min Owen Sound Cu-uvorth. Flasher-ton, Gauguin. Toronto. Canadlan Pacific Railway ruiiTiTius. Conuoeumn with morning nun-(tom Datum no mum at Il Fiartort.troattt-ton.trimnrdit, Durham . Holstein Mt. Fen-c. Pdmonton Guolph . Tot one London Durban Route, tt ' Mt, Fond. Panama Guelph . Toronto ' London SEE OUR HARNESS UPPER TOWN. apply to HIndndlo! Vonncmcu And wow: . humu- 00qu during the put a In now-Wain business oral: muons. The bodaci- course of M tho monthronah and complete In c, " " much in thnonior department tire new may of the ma}: ‘colleacu. nun-9. but! Course in common. bltad torncopy ot the noun: 110m containing full 1mm "at pto May Address- LOT FOR SALE “New Lower Town, not; Fort 3:10 on my terms “‘catl ou6th com, Gland; For ALARM enacts -- - n‘ mm diam on sawing! bane downs "4 awards. Prompt aunt-Ion and even Mord“ cationic“ living " a dance. Grand Trunk Railway. TIM F:EE LE . ‘mnl ---_. nun-nu: banana Inn-acted Dam and“! colt-chan- made on I.“ poian _ " "can“ ""riutorGi snowed at can... at... _ - 8 DAY TLOCKS fh Gama. data..' su"tit,V"i'a/t'G" lll,r,1,rr.ripir AGENCY. " You Dunn To-Gr.r A Gun W. P. Cowen, President " Paid up _ 1,000,000 RESERVE FUND 600,090 Head oenoeHoronto. CAPITAL. Authorized $2,000,000 J. M. McLEOD, mans; 81 per rear. m ADVANCE. taM. BAIAGE Editor& Proprietor. OWEN SOUND, ONT., TERMS : 81 Damian, Durham ' --ar THE ""_ REVIEW’ OFFICE. GARAFRAXA ST.. DURHAM. --- AND OTHER - HARNESS MAKERS. 01158 US (gas-rs in ali Thursday; Morning. sutures mum T Is pususm may Buszxzzss Enucu'xox fljrlllESS OIL. Prop. and Matauaeause, uni" 10:55 $bor2to NOITI Mutt ”2:519! bum; 11.15 an). come your! 5.45 p.m. ,us " 109's 5569 p In Colic DOC" ---ro ATTEND- ot8'rfgd,'4tfuy 10.5 COTS“ 30m 7:40 ICC" x tuning the x cellenee of our x Coptimmlly x quisite stock ot " v . crotr" x. " a. HUNTER, l GREY REVIEW t ' A. FLEMING. Principal J. KELLY, A WWW} will“ in uud evening ‘ulmcrstonfor Teo. P. Reid. Manage; N on?! Cer'." S. mutua- vlnnm barman ' lit by": uh. Thu. wp.‘ m " ot OX“ "fry he“. 40 p.31 5200! “I! A..- '5. It ll wk and (ot sum go CD

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