West Grey Digital Newspapers

Grey Review, 3 Jan 1895, p. 3

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BC Mills, to do ICHNIE. T' ublic chnie. 'r'ePF'ereerN a. 'wrw,r),'6i mar-.z , tStl or BROS. izofits." SS ssoves, h It hm cotton 0v a) IVAN M M Mrs, nu Prim»: hr McArthur M l T-s M LUCA L N E Wr1. ll' " of Chatsworth, is visiting Mrs. Melina. 1m e be n P, rm 11trs, Il M in {w why men i JAMES AUSTIN. A Durham, Dev. 29,1894. / J. "nd heurifolt mums tvull the friends and twighlmm who so freely, willingly and 'rev.eeoussly gave- assistattce, syrtv. Pushy. and voudort toout.latelametited Inthvrjn the uvcidvnt and illness which nulvd his days. These kind wtsren- "e."r.d before his etuldren could reach i's'c, bedside and even after their arrival, are mun-h 'e,'i"igii,rifg1' and are hereby thankfily no s1owledged. Beryl I'ndorw my x Movhrck's, Just. for fun. Git, Best Mixed Cam y for :50. at Ramsay & 3iovlovk's. Highest prim- paid for lard and tallow at C. McArtlmr's. NY Rt' in all sizes at Ram Join the RE ll minim-n 52"” M SI It l V 'ifil'iihrll) (ll Western Peopie say of Stares Powders, Pot. Sick Headache. Biliousncss. New. ralgis and Lver: Mr. Wm. Gn-y. foreman G. T. R., Humihun: "I MHTvrml for (on or' twelve yours frmn xun-re- luuuluvltea, Nothing QM Y"' prod until 1 gntStm-k‘s Pow- PRICE PRESENTATION AND ADDREbS‘ 'tDK HEADACHE and Nonalzil 'INUTI's. al-o Cong! Tgmuv, Diggi- POWDERS SCSI-1713.115 {n a, Sm. cdimipuion iv, a 1:411 “truth. In Mar cum] also Ln: bun-Is. VERY [not re YAKE. 26 CENTS " DRUG STORES. 5.3m. rah-"w. N3 'Arie. 17it. mam-raw H 1viles. t.hh4 of poll Slurk's I'nwdors m1- li' mm} numb"? ofi "= w A ee ' ran . w; Na Far . " VP, A " \‘waul tnu:-h I'v-L 'r.. Ti] . , E”; ", E '. 551d s,e,rrultiwwois."l - 514 f1? - , 'E% , “ 2.,- lh = '" .. z " 1 tte,' ','riy tlv. _',-iviticstr:" ., Bl ”: " ' 2 Al' y m~_1:'.:'~' wumlz-r-i " ' E? l, M ‘ El..." "f. J.ir:, .;:1 :mliuizw‘ THT. ' i rmzt: Tn . l IN TNEW'tynut' Main SUI-0t 1' your": frm! l numlwz' It T1101: 353:5 PARK & Co, LAND VALUATORS, INS'CRANCE AGENTS, COMMISSIOEERS. Money to lend, Money iiwested fer Parties. Farms bought and sold. cor2v?iqrANcERS. _ Transact a gvueml Banking lnxsinm. Money loaned to fawn-m and others on vrru,io_letctnrrc. lntvrcst, nilnwod on syn-in] dqmaih an cum-rut rules. Also TV- ' an}: S; my}: 7 _ til ome Wham THE '4'I'ONLD U -- a FP’HA THT. TEA PQAET TO THE Tttlt CUP THEE/3&5 m 173 NATWE way); mntity of Dricd Apples wanted 1111 order. -1h'0IEM BER THE PLACE.-- BAJV IKTCRS. tl A 'PEHFECT TEE It' "anvial 1nwiness [mnauctud xxx: door to Standard Bank O h or Produce. u-::~('s are small Atisuvit nro Policies issued, AVIDSGN 6: Co (SO N S. ARTHUR ll JAGKSCN. I. Mary Ti/it, JAf .311 Spain? mm H ALL kt D as 1 mo ale, line TYC' can AY AN' INS 43 pair Brown Kid Gloves. . . . .. ...... .... .. Fine Silk Finished Henrietta... . . . . . . . .. ... Fine Black Soleil Cord...... ...... .... .r.. Black Double Warp BuriLz Cloth. . . . . . .... .. Colored Bengaline Dress Goods 40 inches wid Heavy Serge dress Goods 40 inches wide . . . 1(1) yds. Double Width dress Goods . . . . . . .. Men's All Wor,1 ii, 43 pair Brown Ki Fine Silk Finishe Black " b Oildren's Astraea Goat Robes, tine 1- Fancy Horde White Lawn Fine Hausa: Garter Elas Black Cash“ 1roolt-k'a1 Muffs Arctic Sable Mufl's I 'Be" - L -- v v -7, - Fair Dealing with living pi?ofits . . . . . must he our guiding pr1n91 1e Cal] examme our Goods We do not sacrifice . p . . . . V an line b T . possible pmces. y Lt we sell at the ltr; _ TEEmga3Eym1CE? PR ICE I’AID FOR BUTTER AND ECeré; 7A - Ltltii Ladies' Black Muff Children's White Wool Boas t'-ics--z-=-----a:io-i'u.-i-fio,l, OUR STOCK tIF ifta":-cri's:-=azir--zi'-'e" ' DRY ,GOODS, GROqiilRiniyi-i, /Boo'i"r"s AND. SRO. ()'ig NEW GGOBS AT RIGHT PRIQEJS: tJI W11! Bargains! Bargains” ili, E PF. lil! cr. g} Mea "1-7 'ililfail key Opposwm Se 'i?il" e 'al" 'EK-ir,, j,'ii:ti' ‘ool Seal Capes at WI 50 pair Odd Pants .... .... Big Drives in Boys' Suits. 123 Suits to choose from. 7 Men's Suits that were SS and $10, . .. . ' .... now 85 15 Heavy Good All Wool Tweed, well lined, worth $10.00 for $7.50 Fine Worsted Suits, made for City Trade, regular n Dalt1ish's old Stand. Etgii11r,yUCy'jii?EOjiy'iffi!) EN TINA We: St 't CE ' i “6.. h' 3.4", [ ' .3121 41:5? 3‘? CY II was.“ t; WI}; "w: 5", iiri. 5: z 3 ' 3:2 .'s. -.'o-m I, an B, I: ‘ gg Mi , t' . if "iBitiii ig . E : a : P, E B. r " IR i ia . '. , , It g EB ' f M - , , il kr, . " Tr , V N a ti _ _ , " I A _. M , . li? r, Ee '..% " _ an: - as, " G" u: a Ft; " in? is and Mantle Cieths aid clearing out Prices [I ‘Icsulc Prices to L' lsh grhnn» mu considerate varied. r“; wc feel sun- that, different tastes would lar T'twrioiree. which We» held in Aruos Churrh mi the 19m. considering Lin- nt- tc-nding cirvuttrstatuis, Iti'ttvx'it M sun-cuss. The s x-ukv-rs of thveveuiug wpr'e Rev. Mr. 'fri'lli'i'i2. and Ram. Watson. Mr. Watson, having done eonrsidetvehle vh-rLimu-vring and ulaurtp speaking in his Hun kept-the audience in gum] spivits for" half-hour and pvoved him- mlft-npuhipof givingan extrmpm'o nd- xltvss. The music was furnish-d Irv the choirunderthe leadershipof Mr. Wen. Rmnngv. Prom-His $46. Mr. Williru" Cot-Iridgo is hmm- frnm Flesh-Nun Station. min visit. IV" ape pleased to mm Archie and Alex. Calder. in our midst again. We wouder whoelse will he pleased m Nee _vuu Archie? Mimic: V. c. R..~T. Alrhvstm: It. S. V Cr. A. Burrs: F. s'.-W. Findlay: Trams. MN w. Hav: Chap.--Wm. Hustle; S. HC-C'. Ilerewickt J. W.-daa. Wil. wn: S. B.-UC Lemar: J. B.-J. Scott. After. the busilwss wn,woveit our wovrhv c, I). gnu-u sutTrtGe mm in the form of Salmon mu] Ctrtree and a hum: was thutups and n-spumlvd to. "ttee which tlu- nun-ring mum to a Plus? by singing .. Fur Hv's u Jolly Good Fellow." The Add- delivered by Mev. Mr. (iul'urth. the :issinmu'y horn Hanan. Cltiua, in Axum Church an the 13th of “no. porved quin- intunwting and umnv things m-x'z-saud that, nu doubt made an “mph-ssh") upon the li,itetuws. Al- though in full sympathy with the Kreat work. we do not fro! like mrrrotroeating all sLrttt.ttiettts mmlv. Why not. adopt the Qut-lwc system at once and pay tithes i‘ . The L oy F'., of Drotuore, held their n-gulur mm- ing on the Nth of Dee. and the following oft1cers were "lectod for Lin- ensuing year: u. D. --A. Taylor: P. c. H.--ltolrt, Ro-Invivk: C. R.~\anh-r Mr. F. ('ulundge. 'who has been at lending the School of Pvdngugv return milling") {\ngle uytawedtteutiey.. . . . On W admiral”: Ute 19th Mr. Thus. Legate was united in matrinmny to Mina Jtwsie Jevrett, onedf the' fair daughters of Pine Grove. The happy couple-urn h ed in our midut, on Thurraduy (WI-Hing and purpose "pending their. hum-vmmm at G reenside. Cottitvovrulat ions Tom. Miss Mary Scull in home for. the holi- days. ha vine spent the last three nmmhs at, the Model School. Dun-1mm. Miss Annie Cushnie teturned hump lion, Owen Sound last. Friday, to spend the (Thriatnuw holidays. worth $1 ara, Eliza Wilson is botne fmm Vick- ery mud is now enjoying a few days Inst from schtml work. . Miss McIntyre. from Prit'vvillr. was ht guest of Mrs. Lnthiom for u few Ayn. IT No. I tsdiip1isment; to the GREY REVIEW It.(y" 11.00f( 4.0012 6.J. . :Nat:exs,altalUtlllltNlllltiilllll: 3012 0ft DROIORE. $1500 for $12.00 F,Rg s',!,".":'"":" from $1.03 won previous- 'ing it held in in no mm.“ Although (In 1."IAL?i'ii' PRES}? is complete. Duikau, Thursday, f/an. 3rd, 1896 be cleared on at aboat in g this Miss Maud Chatauu, of Markham. is M. homo for her Xmas and Now Year vacation. She still sounds the gmpol mugs for her siennonitelrrethen with Christmas eve saw the R. C. Church filled to oveMowing. Father Buckley ofmittvd. Mike Corlett. spent Xmas at homo. Miss John Show. of Chatsworth spent Xmas under the parental roof. Miss Maggie McIntosh. of Durham. is home on an estvnded visit, Dr. Smith spout a day or so inter in Owen Sound. - - _ - _ MisVKHO’Mm-a. the popular School teacher left, for her London, on Ch tGt.tn.vc - January's blasts are here again. M ondny's nominu! in m mu lively. Municipal contests rtt't. causing many a wager. Bark from the lower wt Helm-ms can". the Hay stalwarts. halv- nnd Ill-arty as of yore. this }:ccasion anu-rmmlh' "xptuassiits; unrgmtitude an thankntlne,o/totho,',, outside the school who vAr kindly and»! id in the pmmmnu- null hvlpmi U make the enuermimnvm " sum-mu. w, urn indeed sorry for. tho,". " ho n-fuw I: JNSinL because of .. " hut pawl" haw said and Gav." Thos" gum; h- that “haw said and say" urt- rlmmrtn-m mum-what resembling a certain Bil-lira] ladv. wit) the vxcepciou that, all of the evil unr- hav. not departed. "I wanna male 3 wrssiIr's"tousrue. loan: on whether uni-l or '" "mg : In rat or hu'. They just pdUr out lln-ir trash lik Winter. If its mttrde it disua math-r. It gives the mpgnn l mum-v to clutto zlwir etror'ti, were not ignm funds amounting to Mn” neighborhood of bot. l doubt all went away fer.lr, went, tn many an mum-mi with a double prim. and ' o-njnynwnyas "t this. w 'ttutated. Theehomsos for the scholars 1tro4trepared with tne assist uu-euer. Wuhmmd Mire, King..l'|um Itt. Foeeat.ittueattte putTorelv In holy. aatdheidties taking pun helm-If. min-r- wiuamiawd. Themualv for the mm- aiou was Nmiahed hy the Yeovil Suing Meanings! of Messrs Jun. SWum- Uitf..hs. Trier, and w. Sims on the violin and Mr. Geo. Cu hnio 1,'tl tlu, guitar and they did yvumunlike survim-u 'htxmRttout therentire "vettiug. respond- ing heartily to (mun-m. Nests Hun}.- ernnd HAW favored ILI- audience with "ttelection on the violin Mud Huh- and were well appmaciateu. Mum-r Alfrrnl. Hollyfield Tvt',"';",') Ilium-If in Ilihlls- ual good My 0 on the t'ux‘nvt. Tip- mugs "The can omm- hark .. and .. Lun- nigan's pup" reudervel in My. “Mn-r Hattie were heartily "ppl.tudr.d and \n- um- fully ittstifled in mum: that Ir.. Rustic ranks as " t'lrrit'rr singv-r "fur, monnordor. Miss Jmm Runwirk :nlw sang “I don't “mu lo [Luv in your' yard " and did ruedit In i.:-r~u>lf in th,. manic-ring of it. Thu otijutio.sir, (av. n-mh-rd by the] upila rum-m1] t! t'.l' {.151- share of tsppuarse N! ".'" would ”In ‘Ix.’:l DURHAM & CHESLEY. ii ECHOES FROM DORNOCH Corner, Upper Town, Nor heed awn Men's Frieze Uisfers, ... .... Men's Beaver Ovevcoats, Men's Frieze Tea Jackets, Boys' Pee Jackets, Boys' Cape Overeoais, .r Boys' Tweed Overcoats- frcm $2 up l Good Hmvy Tweed Overcoat, regular $5.00 for .2“ bt . . L. V tr gk u (38.00 f " A4715" tlfeu.'s Iihicze Elders, ... .... regular $10.00 Ill - " .9..qu we»? rm- :Ind Helped to mm a sum-09s. We :hnsu- who refuse to what pooplt- have pmnlrll- that .. have nmrH-m smut-what, Bildicul ladv. with "of the I-vil (mos m l l tt We We Imyu nu ling that they Gutueut, lit-fort- only half the " mnut (aka My expressing Pins & Needles 3 papers for White Mameilles Towels 2lx42 , fr 1Pine Japan Tea, May picked, choil Fine Japan Tea _ .... .. Fine China, Black Tea, worth Me 12 Bars Electric Soap . . .... oiled Oatmeal, . . )lbs. Dcmerara Sugar 2 " Granulated Sugar " Bess Mixed Candies l vs CARPETS LACE CURTAINS, it? BOOTS & SHOES, a MILLINERY. S- Separzm home ir Cstalk Raisins his Syrup Jkrss Starch uteri: Corsets it Tea, May picked, choice, worth 3Ge. ss Ty . - .m.. _ A_.. .. TIbaJorSLN Th" Mnmmnl siuhser.rptiom' W thv'l‘hunumm uu-nmriaJ fund received by thv Bunk of Montreal foot up to about $1.01!". Mr. Hugh McPhersmaod his SM; Anniu from Artemesia were. visit?“ Ben; ind. Cettttu. last. week. M r. .llxu. McKn-vhniv. of Cmrinth. who hu.. hee" in 'l‘urnmu duringthe summer (-mm- home last week. ' . Mr. \Vm. Fulton and Miss mk- Gillivmy \n-ru united in mama.“ “my “bdrm-Mia): We extend 01W- lations. n Shir manis Mr. J. Ban 'O' m form: U 1rn W. t f the u m of mmx'imnnv. by the 't bun. ut' Dundalk, at the ride un Xmas Eve. y itlertasar!t1vettirtlr, was 5; m, bf Dr. Min-l tir ttt, ill ph-zmum m whim: was spent at 'ttt'r. of Mr. L Vert, when. :umlwr enjoyed [Wm ll lunmd day-light. -- ' PROTON CENTRE, CRAWFORD, hi, Xmas lmiidayu visit, "uul hem.. nee. the. lts'th. Mr. S. Mc- tdalk, and Mi.“ E. Lutgh- (‘o-mrf'. were united in _.---------. h and tamil Swim ll his year on ac worth 12ke for 10tt Vol. XVII. ‘irl Inna been "tut"mation t the ukiltul hois waiver- t Park, has iidasrs visit» 101 bs. for the home 1vtvehifer, ' for ttie Bursa: 35c for”: in nu y': a, N -._~ 5% go

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