West Grey Digital Newspapers

Grey Review, 10 Jan 1895, p. 3

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portunity of stomers for and we are k Stoves, ie Heaters "rr n f Cutters of all d Cutters. Plano SWIGS. Prices Wards. 'NINasz6iE M Seedsman, “I. “d I“, ads. J. MCKECHNIE. N a) 1-21 :09; ER, 1 our Custom- blic generally 'pted the Cash eans Cash or md that our jll be rirciple. Call and sell at the lowest DBY Stoves. and Garden ritain by Berlin. ,, mall Profits." rgains I !! ckcchnie. , Durham. ystem w Parlor Stoves, my ten go to DURHAM. we are system nee of SHOES Of mm“. We ar sttrantiv prices!. Most " complaining that look 1 will I more did. 'Ci' quote prices. it is no trouble for us to do so as we like pleasure in it. The Goods are Push, Gum]. and all at one Price- CASH. The Cash is the ulw tlung which makes Price-- is the buune Clothing! Ms, Dr} Boots dz 3 and last Hardware good people. of vicinity such " .11 of out tlepart it may be in (naming. Dree “I, Dry Goo Boots * Shoes, and just but I Hardware 1Jepa, vicm In have " J, A, Hunter Dry Goods. Terms JAE-EHNILER, Groceries. M' Hardware. Men's Storm Overcoat») 8811) MM Credit Prim, tt2.00 Men's Light ()vurcoat-s for $3.50 Old Credit Price. “Km we pair of Ready-Made Pam: Jr' arrived and we are clearing them oat at prices 20V?" It. up. 21) Vests just in. See them. Men's Suits Ready-Made from $5.50 up. They are all good sum. Hem; Upper W Tr a) ttdir/ 1ffaii? tits-iii/ici-Iii-i-ii) Ih75 Ft if CASH STORE, 'nner Town, Durham. Clothing. ALL THE TIME the history of this St” we been able to offer the peopie. of this town and 'Y and: values in any and our departments, whether my be in Ready-Made ing, Dru“ Goods, Suit- lhy Goods, Groceries, " Shoes, Hats & Caper, last but nut least in the ware 1)epa.rtrnent. Gash Oi'. Produce. Shite Blanket: ttld Credit Pri ll HARD TIME ANY TIME more n Saw The h . Dish Ill) TIME wo It tl A "heiird' or from $1.00 pair p, Blankets SUI) a pair. I‘rulic Price. $1.50 tton, extra heavy 5c nyd. Credit Price, So at Velvets at 25e a yd. c of mom manna): a yd. oi Human which we are ring nut at 2 aa. for tie vy Flanlwletws g were 1% I Hundkvrchiefs initialed Ac, 1tstular Credit Price, n of in we shall be w you on: Goods ”E but when you ,t of prices you r at us doing than we ever re i for $1. 25 ‘r “in In: new and at unheard of mrchants are thirisis: '. 'ke “be Axes " " -ur tor 250 kt a lb. ady tor s at 30c a th it; Hia- ldn Plum _ n. of Hanover, ls visiting M. Mr. L midget McArthur bu an best value in factory cotton In Town. A few Indien' mantles on hand at Grant‘s to be mid at I big reduction. Arlha. Gramuntrd Sugar, tpure white) for $1.11) at, J. A. Hunter. (En-h no“... guest - ,7 N i-. “a". u. III-Ville. In visiting at their sight-'9. Mrs. How-on. McKenzie‘s ' '01th Syrup is guaran- teed. Arch. McKenzie proprietiir, Dur. All our nvorcmta to be cleared out. thin month it pussihle now in your chance. C. L Giant. (all and see McArthur,, grey flannel, funneiettes and cottonadei. They can't. be beaten Have you tried our 25: world beater. A Rood Jat Ramsay & Morlock‘a. A lean puma takes on a new life when it mums in contact l bargains at Grant's. The balance of our stock of mhhers etc. to he sold at deal at Ramsay & Mariners. Now is you? chance for cheap mods; Davidson & Co. are whiting Mt their Heavy Boots and Shoes, call and price them. Alaska Sock!!! Call and see Me. Arthur's Alaska Socks and Rubber-n before you hur any where else. They no extn good value. Pure blood is Almlutoly noressary In order to enjoy perfect health- Hood’s Sampnriil» purifiers the blood and strengthens the system. To those who have not Been our stock of dress can“ 0e invite you all to in. spect. It's a. pleasure and no trouble» whatever to show mu- troodir"natnsa, & Xurluck's. _ _ _. _ Tho municipal nrcunnls pf the. vulgar of Arthur have Irecome my muddled chic a eoruttaitusion from the Ontario Govern- ment. Mr. J. B. hing has been sent, to investigate. . , We an clearing out the balnnoe of Ladies jaded-la. knitted shaws. clouds. underwear, children's eomhination units. at. prices that will MumiNh. Davidsop Boots and shoes ire somethmg you Always want. Wo can show you , Iplendid awwtment and guarantee prices lower than the lowest " Ramsay & Morlock's. Mr. Wm. Firth. near Rot, Roy Hotel. placed in positiun and is ready to oper- ate a Shingle Mill and grain "usher. There wtll bean acquisition to the neigh- borhood and no doubt Mr. Firth will do A good business. \Ve nngloclnd but week to mention A vol-v enjoyable visit which we had from Mr. John Blyth, of Nunuanhv. Mr. Blvth. who was nan-iously ill a year or so ago and almost deslmired ot by his friends, has fully lecovered and look; robust and hearty. During a half houtht pleasant chat we learned that Mr. Blyth has not been carried away by any of the new political move-moms. hut. re- mains as true as steel to the Uonsrrvn- tive caume.-cidtru "to. Q of new ruining to; " Grant's. Hum up the Big 4 ad. and then re A LOCAL TscIDEST or: Sm JOHN Tosusos.-Whe" Sir John Thompson was in Durham in If“! he was this guest of Dr. Jasmin-son. the Uouscttative num- inet, for South Grey. Ho noticed a. rather pror purlmit of himself hanging in the house and told Mrs. .launiewnI that he did nut, like it, and if she would nlluw him lu: would send her a better one Noi, hearing from him for smut! months. she thnught he haul. like sunny turliiictirus, forgotten all about it. Much to Irvvsutwiere one day she received» ‘ Very iim- plmtugraph, bearing his auto- graph, as " (‘hrislmus reminder. to. gather with the following letter, which shows whata thorouttttly sincere and kindly man the hm: Sir John was: Ottawa Doc. 18, 18% .All o"r/pvtteoatrr to 1,. Ottawa Der. 18, 1893. DEAR MRS. Jh3tntsos.--You see I have not, iorgottett my promise to 5911.1 you a hellur photograph than the one you had of me at the time of my Visit to Durham, when yuu and the Doctor slinwml me, surli very great kimlneas. lam afraid yun thought me verv dull company, furl was quite unwell add vary fatigued, but your sympathy and hospitality were so much the more precious. My wife hid: me send her kindest. regards to you. and to ask whether you could not spare a few da I for a little visit to usduring the 12iii; We fill maske. you as comfortable in We meeting of the old board was held last Saturday night and after some routine business the annual report of Principal Allan was read. From this we learn the average for the year in each mum mn,und send 'yvu safely back to the Doctor. l romain. . ' to defer the reopening of the school for _ I week owing to a. few cm of contag- I ions disease in our midst. Mr. Patterson was moved to the chair and the follow- _ ing motion was earned unamiouslfp- Moved by Wm. Johnston w. by Thos. Harris and unsolved that wheres" Jas. Gun M. D. has decided to retire from the Board of the Durham Model and ( Public School that the members of the Board desire to express their regret at Inch action on his part. and further they with to give expreuion to the value they pltre on the. opt-vices rendered by him to the came of education in the Town l of Durham. Dr. Gun replied. thanking ithe Bond for its kindly awe-liar“, I assured than that though not otBeiatir ! connected with them. hu deIIro " the ‘WWOWPB of education would not!» l leached. _ .u. .......,,- .7 - _ beginning with the highest Was 43. 42, 47, " 51 and 46, respectively. The highest attendance was in Juno with an average of an. The average tor the Fear was 2% 1-5. $84.55 was received in fees from outsiders. which with $140 model school he makes the snug total $234.55. We append the closing par- .graph of the report ..--"Traaney, I think. is almost eradicated from the school. This. shows that teachers and pupils are working harmoniously to- gether. We have to regret. however, that in some cases pupils are kept or allowed to stay at home for apparently vary trifBing causes. this causing irregu- lar attendance, which is one of the great drawbacks to succeuful work in school." The board decided after some discussion - " m. r -l _‘I l..- SCHOOL Baum Msrrrrtso.--'rhe Inst, no " our stock of overshoes to he sold at clearing prim Dear Mrs. J nmieson. Yours sincerely. JOHN D. THOMPSON A Food Japan tea il iii NEWS. _ot.otevitie, u-e Zire tea? It's then read , lease of with the Chen; It ls within the possibilities that Mr. James Allan is elected for 2nd deputy New of Egremnnt. We learn that the majoritv has, almost vanished. Mrs. McComh an. of this town luv” for Palmerston and Harriston on a visit “in week. She has lately returned from W'illiamnford where she was viqit. ing her son and other friends. Hood's Pills cure All liver ills. hilions- ms. jaundlcr. indigestion, aich bend- ache. 26e. Big 4 for men’s and boys’ Rubber: And Bach. Min Kinneo in " present visitinF her sinter. Mrs. A. W. Patterson of th " town. Rubbers and inch! Bu your Ahab Socks and Rubber: from Maur". Mr. and Mm. Rom, Voltet and In.. J. Vollec left last Mundnv for Stanford. Highest price paid for Ian! and (allow " U. MeArthur'i. Mt-Kenzie's Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil only Me per bottle eheapeat and Flanneletteu. eottonadea, shit-ting. cotton and towellimr. The ptnee to get them cheap is M. Ramsay & MoHock's. Mr. Wm. Park and Mr. Thos. Whelan left this week for aunnv Bermuda. A telegram has been received from New York, announcing their arrival there. Mr. Whelan will not start anknting rink there. The contract for the Pricevillc Manse his been let. Messrs. Mi-Kechnie of Durham, have the carpenter work, and Mr. Horh Watson, and Hector McLean. the mason work. The contract we he- lieve is $130). leuunlsx Fun!) In A Dar.-1tuuth American Rheumntnm Cure, for Rheum; 'iam and Neurnlglt. mdieslly cumin t to , days. Its achinn upon the nystem is rcmlrk- Able mrsterioas. lt removrl ft once the cmle and the disease immediately Jimmie-n. The first dose. greatly benefits. " can. Sold by McFarlnne & Co, SHOOTING AetuDtgyT.-Mr. John Lit- tle, residing nom- Hanover, A brother-in law of Mrs. B. Williams, of this town. wnakilled on Tuesday hy the accidental discharge nfhis gun while out. fox hunt- ing in Osprey. He leaves a widow and large family. _ The Annual Meeting of the South Grev Electoral District Agricultural Sociolv. will be held in the Town Hall, DurlUm, on Wednesday, the 16th of Jan. 1805, " 1 o'clock p. m.. for the Elec- tion of Othrvi.q and General Business. A full attendance is respectfully ro- quested.--Arwm MACKENZIE, Src'y. Accmrs’rs Dray! have droidod to wait until the 10th of January before mailing the halanre of my hook M'- eounta. Those having any accounts with us will favor us by calling for some before that date. J. A. Hunter. Upper Town, Durham. Beyond comparison are the good qualities possessed by Hood's Sarga- parilla. Above all it purMes the blood, thus strengthening the nerves', it regu- lates digestivu- organs. invigorates the kidneys and liver, tones and builds up the entire Hysth. cures Svmfuh. Dy- spepsia. t'atarwh and Rheumatism. Get "ootl's and only Hood's Jun. B. Jacques, D. D. R., son of Jus- eplt Jm-qucs. of Smith (ilelwlg. hm! been home for a two wrok's visit to the old house. He left for Ionia, Mich. on Wednesday morning. Hes pertR'vr'rntttt'e and ability haveheen amply rewarded as he has now two places of hit-dines“ anttconteutpluttsoiwning a third. He tiuds the REVIEW a welcoute visitoy and has it paid ahead of course. Sum-ass Jun. Rev. Mr. McRnlrhio, Ph. B., of Shel. hurn, will omnpy the Presbyterian pul- pit "ext Sunday morning and owning. He will also remain tor the annivevsavy services, on Monday and will give an address in thcvvening. we, have heard the reverend gentleman and can testify that as a mpeakcr lw is both AIM and elo- queue. All me Welcome to the literary entertainmcut in the evening. No eol- lection. Mswrrs-Mctosur--1n Owen "o Ind on Christmas day by the Her. Mr. Wait, Mr. Jan. Martin to Miss Lilian Mc- Comb, both of Holland. Horuirss--hTre-0tt J.hyt, Jap,., 4,l,h The Patrons of Industry are to hold their annual supper an the Wh inst. at Greenside school. A good programme lain prepenariott and a good time in ex: pected. All melnlx-m are allowed to bring his or her best mend who are not Patrons With them. Mr. Angus McDonald came home very ill his life being in danger. Dr. Hutton, of Pvicoville, is attending him. We hope soon to hear " his recovery. Miss Sarah \Viluon is home from Tor- onto. Miss Vic Lawrence is the guest of M iss Wilson this week. Misses Mary Scott. Annie Cushnie and Mr. Geo. cushnieledt for o. S. U. I this week. We wish them success. M Jdd, Vic Whitmore and Alice Lew- renco, of mm Roy Corners. were visit- ing friends here but week. Miss E. Calder, of Durham, was a guest at the South East corner lately. Messrs J. H. and F. K. Coleridge left last week n .r their schools. The former to Toronto and the latter to Pt. Edward. Mr. Wm. McLeod is home. Also Messrs Archie and Alex. Calder. In a recent issue of the REVIEW I see where you contradicted n stnwment made by Mr. McNichol, M. P. P. at a Patron meeting, at Corinth. and report- ed in full by the Hanover Post "Sunday printing of political dodgers. or cam- paign literature. Asa disgusted listener to this story, allow me to express my opinion as to the ‘smallnm and mean- neos’ of this report, showing plainly that could they get a mountain they would not use a mole hill. Now Mr. Editor I have heard this song lung ivy thot' worthies, Messrs. McNicol and Allan, so often that they should have it copy lighted and try and make me money out of it. It in really amusingto hear Mr. Alun tell it in hia ”mi-tragic man ner. After be has told 1t. he finishes up l with laying. "I don't think Mr. Me- I Arthur would do it, I hardly think he i would. hut," lthe MI‘IUI' of I Jury} mu. who woild any “not guilty, but -iroelaoiteiitorrwilttry Mme my poor don-womb!) brethren boll". Mr. E d itor, G" tfu, ivsidemw T. Hopkins, to Helium-k. un-n..~n~nm.i\,.. ' .._-_.v -eeire - 1805. by tho Rev. E. L Max:111)" at the l'l-sidvm-v of the bride. hiwatd T. Hopkins, to Mary M. Kev, both of FAIRWELL CORNERS MARRIAOES, Tor. what I dou't believe myself.‘ Now Mr, Editor, what in the object of singing this song all over the riding? Mr. Wuhan give it in a fine voice in Phoe- vitulast3une, I think they should try and sing a. new song as this in getting to be I 'Chesnut' and loses its melody. Hoping Mr. Editor, that l have not taken up too much valuable space. Yours.&c.. Eamon No. 2. [To dintintruish from "Elector" of last wot-ls we have added No. 2.743114 DEAR Me SKENE. _ Your many friends and pupils in B. S. No, la, Vaughan. on the eve of your departure from the ttchcol, take this opportunity of expressing to you the high esteem in which you are held by us. and of showing our appreciation of the successful efforts you have made, during the seven years you taught here, to instruct and morally elevate the pupils entrusted to your care. We now ask you to avcvpt this marble clock as a Might token of our esteem. and as something to keep fresh in your memory the friends from whom vnu are now parting. Signed on behalf or your many friends, M. REAMAN. Peter McNaughton, Jno, E. Elliott. Mrs. Jno. E. Elliott. It is our earnest wish that your future life may he even more pleasant than that during your stay with us. The mow has made lutaiuess a little more brink during the pad week. Mr. Jno. Me Itillan had the misfortune to cut, his foot, with an axe. the other day, which will lay him up tor same time. Mr John Huw had tt runaway on New Year‘s Day and was thrcwn from the sleigh, lighting on a large stone lie was pretty hndly shaken up but is recovering. Mina J. Hardy has been very low with phrurUy. At one time fears were entertained for her Pet'trvPr'h', but, under the skilful treatment of Dr. Brande-r we hope man to hem- of her recovery. On Friday night. last, Mr. Duncnnl McMillan. rx-Rervo of Proton, had A: crowded house.. The nova-don beings presentat ion to Me. McMillan by the [run- icipalities of Proton and Dundalk, "ta i black ebony gold handed walking vane as a token of vespect fur servires render- ed inthe past in runnwtiuu withthe Grammar School Land Gvant fur which those municipalities received $331100 in July last, all the u.mnlx=rs of both ('num'lls wrre present txsides Mr. C. (lmlmm. J. L. Meruziv, of Dun- Glk, and othvvs. Mr. S. Rogers, Rrovoul' Proton, read the address an] MRS. Bell, Reeve of Dundalk, present- edt.heeane after which Mr. McMillan made" very appropriate reply. Short ‘ and pointed speeches followed for some time after, wlwn all trtlived to the din- ingruom whepe thetahlen fairly groan- edundvy their heavy load 0f eatahlrs such as arcseldmu equalled and never surpassed the H-ry bust that ladies' .hzmds could provide. For some time hands ruuhl provide. For sumo time vocal and instrumental music Was in.. dulged in, thtwe cheers were given for miuoHust, and Hostess. The meeting hroke up by singing " Auld Lang Sync," when all disycrscd ui'lvr many good wislws feuding that, it was“ night never to he furgntlt-n. Miss McRae, our farmer tvavhev, hem- nud Miss Nettie McMillan, have gan to Dunn Sound to attend the Collcgiatts [nan mau- tluwe. Messrs Wm. and John Knox, who have been ou at visit to Quebec have re- lurnml hume. Vaughan, Doc. mm lmi, Marvied in Ptivevillv, by {ht-Rev. Mr. MclA-ml. on “W. 20th. Mr. Joseph Philips to Miss Se-phin Frmrk. both of S. P They have the he)“. Wish-s of all. More urv- rah-hing the tuaivimouial fen-r, M which we will lull you latter. BILLY TUE KID. THE EXPERIENCE OF A LONDESBORO YOUNG LADY. A Victim of Severe Pains, Dizziness and Watery Blood- At Times Could Not Go Up a step-How She Regain- ed Health and Strength. From the Clinton New Era. Miss Kate Longnmn is a young lady I of about 22 years of agr. who lived with hermuther 1n the pretty little village of Londeslrovo, six miles from the town of Clinton. Both are well-known and highly esteemed by their many friends. The New Era having le-arnd that Miss Longman had burn a great sum-rm and had recently ltvrm vcstoved to health by the timely use of a well-known popular remedy, dispatched a vcprvseutarive to get the particulars of the case. In reply to the r?p0rter's inquiries Miss Longnuin said that if her expewiencm might be the means of ht-lping some other. sufferer, she was quite willing that it, should be made public. '* For a long time," she said, "lwas very poorly. Imus weak. and run down, and at times sullen-d pains in my back that were simply aw- ful. My blnml was in a watery condi- tion, and I was subject to spells of weakness to such an extent that I could (nor step up a door step to save my life. I (tortured a great deal tor my I sickness. but without, avail. At last, after having freqlwntly mud in the New Era of cures elteeted by the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, I determined to give them a trust. The result was that my health Boon began to return and the pains and weakness leftand l wnsagain restored to tin-cult.” At this moment Mrs. Longman entered. and being in- formed who the visitor was and what was his mission. said; " Dr. W.lliatus' Pink Pills are the greatest medicine known. My daughter was so sick that I feared she would die, and she continu- ally grew weaker until she began the use of Pink Pills, and they have cured her, as she has not had a recurrence of her trouble since." Miss Longman is now the picture of health. and declares that Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are entit- led to the credit. The New Era knows of many others who have been beaitit- ed by this remarkable remedy. ADDRESS AND PRESENTATION, Dr, Williams' Pink Piils are a specific for all diseases arising from an impover- ished condition of the nervous toms, l such as St. Vitus dance, loconmtor, ‘ auxin, rheumatitan, paralysis. sciatica. the after eftecta of In grippe, loss of tumetite, headache. dizziness, chronic eryaipelus, mum». etc. They are also a specific tor the trouble peculiar to the female system. correcting irregularities, gupprouions and all forms of female wattle-sci, building new the blood {and restoring the glow of health to the pole and allow (been in the can of RELIEF AT LAST. SWINTON PARK __‘.,. ------ Dr. Willi'una' Pills Ire mnnufnctured by the Dr. Williams' Mmiieiue Oomptny Brockville. Ont., and Brhr-umtuiy. N. Y., and are sold only in how-n hem-ins: their trulr mark and wrapper printed in red inkaat 50 cents a box or Ax boxes tot. 82. a), and may he had or all drug- gists. or'direct Ivy mail {mm Dr, Willi. ums' Medicine Cmnpnuy from either uddrmes. " men they enact; radical cure in ali cue ariéing from mental worry, over work on cyan”: of guy nature. The Globe OtBce, Toronto. was totally destroyed by fire on Sunday morning. Thefire originated in the. boiler room and was discovered by the night watch- than about three o'clock, while mak- ing his ordinary rounds. The. slut-m WM given at once, but, before even the tire brigades had reached the building the fiatnets had shot up through the elevator to the third flat, and in an in- credible short time the whole building may wrapped in flames. The tttNs spread rapidly to the adjoining buildingi with such rapidity and volume, that the en- tire block covering two were: and in the centre " the business portion of the! city wassoon innusof fume . Fortunate- ly the snow Wits falling heavily, and little wind was blowing in the earlier stages of the tronilagratiou. Mad it not been for time circumstances the tire. would no douht have attained the most gigantic propoptions A: it. was. the loss is very great. not only to the ‘Glolw' but to the other business houses in the neighborhoodmll of which were of large, and expensive character. But the (Hobo' is the greatlosev. Its boots utrl accounts l i and mailing sheets have been forunnte- ( ly saved. However. the lasso! library, ipnpers. referent-e3, public and private d wunients etc. the tuwutnulation of fitry year ' and the countless mmu' er of odds and ends so essential to the tun-ry- ing on of such a wurk as the (Holre' was doing. is timid) iucalvulalrle, mud, “'one. cannot be. replueed. We svnumthize most (“My with the proprietors and employees of the 'Globe' in this great culmnity. As the same time we have no doubt but it will arise with renewed and increased vigor an l usefulness out of the main-s of this present day. No Bonner did the extent, of the loss‘ hetumut known than the Empire. Mail, World'; Telegram. News and other pttperrroiterod such accommodation as they had for the use of their great, con- tempogiry. Tho '0lohe' finally arm-pied the nucl- of the 'Etupite' so that now, and until new quarters can be secured for the 'Glolro' like the famous foun- tain of Midas, sweet waters and bitter will issue at one and the same time from the, Oltice of the Empire. While ounpatlsixiug with those who have sustained material loss by this tire, we do not, overlook the ivvepanUrle low sustained by the family of Mr. Buwoly, one at the Fire Brigade, who lost Itis' life while eudeavot'ing to discharge thr, duties of his office. To no class of lm-n are the dwellern inmwi s more indebted than to a well ovdered ttre brigade. Int this occasion theFire Brignm Toronto were pmmptly on the spot put fort h "veryeitort to quell the tire demon. In the struggle um‘, F. Bowery. lost his life and four others were luullv injured. Mn. Finn-on PM is a long time nine? you hub heard from us nwing to hard timrs., We were out, of ink till we Joined the P. of I., am that we mu get things cheap, and now you will hear from un- oftetret. We have had a mild winter so far hut Jack Frost has viiited a number. of rout houses and used up a lot of turnips. There is a rrem deal of sickness in the td.'il1'livi'dllil. Mr. and Mrs. Kennel are wry poorly. Mr. Kentwl ii w-v'y low and. unless he takes a change for the bunt-r. he is not esprctod to live long. Ily is under the cure of Dr. Bird "ml wr' still hope for his recovvry. Mr. w. Bomb is keeping unwvll. ll Western People say of Surk's Powders. For Sick Headache, Biliousness, Neu- ralg'm and Lrver: Mr. Wtu. Uri-v. foreman G. T. R., Humillnn: "I sum-rod for ten ot' twelve years from seven- headaches Nothing did‘une good until I got Slark's Pow- Mr. Horace Wilcs. chief of police, 1f'/si/dbntr.-ost.avk'r, Powders are a must-un- every tirue." Mi. "ii,i,da, woodstotk-"They m ' Woudo-rful." Mrs. Mavy Keats. MI Main Sum-l. Haumlmn ..-'sufretcd far years from dreadful headache: tried number of l‘enwdivs and (Int-tors without uuwh ro- suit, hut, Stnrk's Powders didthe work." Hhe says: " They have been the greatest rlclmuing to me, in fact they are wonders n ." Price 251 dealers. Valium!!! Farm Property in the Town. , ship of Giant/g, in the County of Grey. Tre';,!,', and by Virtue of the Power of Sale contained in " certain in- denture of Mortgage which has been as- signed to the vendur and which will he Ite/git,',', at tho time of Bale, there will it: offered toe "ltr Pnlolic Auction at t u THE GLOBE OFFICE BURNED‘ The anuwing farm land twenty four. in the hr - I I .I Ft.-."..... [ Friday, the Mt day of hh. IN AT 0212 O‘SLOCK. P. M., um ...........,, -eee-' twenty four. in the tttst concession South of the Durhnm Road. in the Township of Glenalg. in the County of may The property will he wld whirl, ma rior Mortgage thereon to the ammo general Trust Complny. of which a statement of the amount due in respect, thereof will be furnished at the time of Ten per cent of .ulu'll'J,ut'lr, mum-y at the time of Bale, an the lutlum-e in thirty darts thertutyrr; without ioteresL For further particuUm app! y to HUGH MACKAY. J .RTELFORD, - s,.,---- v-..a....'. Holinitnr nuun mun-nn.. ...,,,,7 ' . Auctioneer. Vendor's Boliciubr. Dated 5th JanuarnA, D, I“. Mortgage Sale ! Mists: Hausa. in tin ho d Ethan. -----.i---- BROWNSVILLE. Terms of Butt'. a box: sold by all medicine cent of thefnrrhm money _ of Sale. an the, lmhuwe in Lot numb”- Hood's Cured - After Others Failed Scrotum In tho leek-lunch” " can. Hot.. " C. I. 11001 tsco., Love“. Maas. THIS Fine Animal is from the stock or R. H. Hardin , Titorndalv, lut- portm-of British mull American Stock and is for service thin season. "Gentlemen r-l teettttBt I cannot uyw ta {Mot ot Bood'l MMIIL " In you: I have been troubled Trlttt BertttttU in my neck and tltroat. Several kind! cl ttteu'ieitteg 1mm: I tried am not do no any good, And when I com- menced to lake nood'l Bax-awn]: men In largo bunches on my neck no not. that I could not bar the Inghm! men. When I had tat- one bottle ot this medicinal» menu m gone. and bolero l had hum an ascend In. bunches had entirely “amused." amen Atwoon. Snngervllk. lune. Thuraughbred Chester White har, 'Prince Leon.' s. B. if ym? deem tome Hood'l W ri'M do not, be Induced to but my other. ' Hood'. Pitt. cure mun-non try mm. In: Ute mrlsulun aetttm of the mammary cunt Ii00d'stsrs Cures Till nut-T TIA ll W... WORLD THe TINIIY TIA " TN! Wan“ mom YHKIEA PLANT To Tu: Tu cur RARE (ii) GHANGE. WOOD‘S PIIOSPHODINE The Great Bull-II Remedy. _ - Jtrmltv, Inn-mum WINE» m4 an early gram. nu been ssretser"restVtt 35 ”In In mound: at trams - $1.00. At BOULDEN & i‘o‘a Upper Town, Durham, Aug. 1, IN. "Mon-con" Tull put up by the Indian Ton RT', n A umpk of the but quliau ot Indmu can. Therefore they no. the _ are in the Ielocdon of the Tea and in blend. that is why they put it up tin-“elven nnd all it only in In: c-rigmai etsr, . than!“ t,Tgd"r, 1y'a1rat'd, 'i',',ct",t'.g utupm "' .ln 1 3,“ - told in but was; " the only Ttettatm and new Idle-(u hams. Mk drunk! for Woof- Phonpllolllex If he one" lame Vanni-I modicum In ptamr ot this, hteltmet prteo In lemma“! we will and by mun mail. Price, one palm. " Ma, M. an " plane. “Mann. Pmpbleufm 50-1]me The Wood Col-puny, Wind”. Ont... Candl- , , V St: Mao“ Guaranlud to fr r pmplly 5nd manly - _ a em all tom of New ‘ rl':t7 . [i weakneas.Emuaios.b'pert_ It, . otorrhea, III-potency and " \“ 'KS' arm. stf Mam or Emu. ' ' i Td " , ' - L' Mental Worry. sacrum: no of Tobamn, Opium." 5'!le Beforeand After. hull. which won had to In- Our Store Wednesday, Jan. 30111. ALL 0000 WERE KEEP IT. If Four grow does not keep it. all him to For the purpose ot fitting Spectacles. The following testimonial speak for itself : liAauL'ros. ONT., May 2nd, 1m Mr. E. R. Carpenter. Collingwmui: DEAR 'eim,---In rrply to your enquiry in vererence to L. G. t'haiulrevlain, Eye Specialist, I can any that, l have are" u good deal of Prof. C'hruuberlaitt through Manitoha and the West, and I llewdrug- gists with whom he has lmmduinglmsi- new speak very highly of him. both to hin' mnnnvr o dialling with customers and his ability in hits line. Yours truly, A. MCI). “'ILSON. DON‘T FORGET THE DATE, Flour per 100m ............ S Oatmeal " ......... ... Shana " ............ Bran " ............ Full Wham, per bushel ... Sprung When " ... oauv " ... Peas. " ... lhtrley, " ... P. Lulu“. " ... Hay per mu F ......... ...... Beet, {are quartere, per 100 Beef, luud " ., Pork. " o............"... Hid», " ......... ........ Snoop Kim. etch............ Bntter yer m.................. Egan. 1w: duz ............". anl '3It, lnne............... [ Turkey- per it............... i Home " ............... Duokl. " ............ Chiekenc. per pair ....... Appleu par In: ............ was MacFARLANE & Co. Sold by all Dz-uggisu 'x'thephilailelphia Optical Co of Toronto, will visit ' Lulu-r of rPcmmnondul ion from (um f the ('mnpxmy of Archdale Wilson & 'o., I'cuuiltLu's reliable wholesale drug- Fall when!" . Spring when. Burlay. Outs. Bauer mils. " tubs” E412“. ... Potatoes per but. Hump-HM. .., Hide, per ttt .., Oretsstd In!!!" .., Bret, farm, per lb. - " hind: Wool, but IN ITS NATIVE PUmTY, tt ”Id 13 Front Street East, Taro TOY. Chamberlain, STEEL. MATTER ' GO. “ A, Pears" TEA DURHAM MARKET EudNTo MARKETS. H 22510 080to 030m 0Wto 068to 026to 050to Gama 02510 80010 300w 400to 476to '200to 02.110 OP3to 013m 100to 001m 004% 0050.0 Mto 000to G8to bil m 40 to " to 28 to I) to It to 80 to " to T5 In " to 17to " o 55 o 27 o 50 " M " 30 9 00 4 00 490 040 Oi8 Old 005 006 0 70 RAMSAY & MURLUGK, We shall never stop building reputation, we are going to .keep right on increasing our trade. But we're going to do it with st,11,1,i)li,1 with price, with satis action, and the' poop e are sure to support us. when we stayted here six months ago many persons told us that we could not do a cash business in this town. We have proved that it can by the adoption of two very simple rules. ibttttatt @eqclg tttttte, Bair/tnt; si'; m-ttttati tttit mum. M IK During the pad month has been arewlatiun to us. We now know that when we otter'specinl inducmnonts to our patrons, they on then, part are not slow to grasp the c Hunt unity. We carry out everything that we advertise, hence one grout secret of our success. Another great secret is that we pay “ash and take big discounts on all our goods It stands lo l'cnsull that a. merchant who pays cash can certainly outsell a competitor who buy: goods on time. We wont take time to quote many this week, but here are u few snaps. M 61 Double Width Dress Goods from l'..'ie. up. Stylish Mamlcs " 25"/ " wgulnr prices. Corsets. (gloves. “we " clearing out prices. Flanite0ettes from 4e. up. Charon Hurts & S' can in town as cvvrbdv knows. The alickest Stock of I en's Ties, Braces, White Shins and Suiting in lawn " 81 IT 24 M " 41 If you haven't been in to see us it wont cost you anything to look around. We are always pleased to see you and quote our prices which we are sure will bring you be ck to 1 see us again. ii (The only lint-HT " I testing Mic) RAMSAY & MQRLQCK couher C) nu Berkshire, & one imp] . tshire from t'aMwAl'y I bake A, for ervim- nu lot c, 3. M. '1). R., (ilunvlg. fo the, wd95. Tum- 51.01; at ml... ' Notice to Creditors. Glynn-lg. Nov htgaBgilll Iiri'Giilililll lull, for lie-Mia- during mw'stered in tlt" Swine Reeoml" "'i l Nov. 21% um, and l Kmauth. Out. --. till). To he paid Servir OT 53.00". 2, KG. tt., lulu " listingof "I! m'l'l'a. mnru Acres i.leaumui. '70 fit ta, run n "" Flatm- Barn 50.11; WM) stables; gum] rum-run- dwo-I other outhuildings: lmlt’ m orchard; um “and spring M/ fem-49d and in [mud smu- of m. Bituatad shunt one Iuilv frum , of Durham And um- Iuih- {rm Will he said with or with: For further particulars "ppl prkmr on pretuitws D. J. I Dm-Ium P. o., Julv thd, ‘M, Tiorcugbred Bears. WANTED Hardy (‘unudiun Grown Nursery Rim-k We guarantee satisfaction to reprise"- tativets and l‘ustmna-na. Our Mina-rim an- the lurgmn in NW Dumb-inn --arvt't' TW acres. No Flllulitutinn in unit-n. Exoluuive tevritory and liberal Irv-ms w wholeorplrt time agents. Write m. STONE t WELLINGTON. (Hull arm-e) Tin-onto. Ont. Mumlrm in “and: hiring MT M, CON. l?,, This fine 1min: premium , Aherheon, Nov Farm for Our Clearing Sale DURHAM AND UHESLEY. Upper Town, Durham. l'lL..n.\.|sII 28th 1801 TERMS In: 50mm of HEN-W5. he "('anndu Hrrkuhin- 1 No. BWi. Farrnwml sl bred " Jun. Meyer," lascal and Traveling Bah-amen tohundIe nur 12, m4 ll ”fut Dmnivinn --atvet' 'rtutirrrt in orders. and littered Irv-ma menu. “VI-imam " bo lit-pt on the ('iurk in. KBEWHNCK. Sale. ,Gh-m-lu. Cote Inun- or “WAN run lulu-hinvry wirds ham-mom. dwelling And If acre troof. J. mvm. w. tt " time of “His; well rull ivuljun. n the Tow. um school bout crop. “y lo [my 3m ggMEN’s t Ben’s ‘ Bubbers 81 Socks E} eyilig','e,,t Shoes BEAN 80 Co. um JACKSON . Jr, am Cir. Court New, mu: LAND FAI muons. INtitutANCE AGENTS. cmmussumnus. Money to lend, Money invested for Parties. Ftumts bouym and sold. Durlmln Norttuoth: Yarn-him Team. TS mum”; will A gn-Iu-rul fin, l895 Ea Nave-mm Mttth WA TCHE Boar for Service. srvniiiiWAmil. 01116 W CON VEYAR GEES. liad JACKSONS. BIG ' comparable prices. e with the crowds. hour mu K "Til i,TtriJ.iTrduuarted, l bor u, h‘lumlurd Hank I; Er "win a " , ‘III’ Vurnuy chat-new Lhunmghluvd I!“ r, from input“! u. W ar'a'ains. H. LESSON. M trl MI I mm 1)“.qu 'cr Co, uminnl. " was In inland d 12tr. 21k Mir me " "

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