West Grey Digital Newspapers

Grey Review, 17 Jan 1895, p. 2

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O 0o Ander ons a eentrsl Do# with matters order t torm port Medicines, Avei. 8 Thovough Bred Sic "Pg?mtugrnphi. Cha; ed xene TA eaze had the risk to which 1 in toOwns ‘bhere want, d E d:inury sanits (vail, where pe Fonl emanation: vs. accumu NEW ADVERTISEMENTS ND ’Rverc cp Preland 220 1 that in tie ce more intense situations and rather t! it. Mi w ails, the T la~be pai not C and in qnestion, that Den wernor in Connci the appe‘.l of the ter of the Manito ie first Manitoba S ythe British Court m was, whether Jature had the rig te Sebools. The erc H ck -.'\m'i';\_\'lnr Dr M Ten weeks after returned to their a [.p('.'! lut a on 1 sines the ‘ searlatina in | ", _ was observed the « "e and poptâ€" W arrangements | war ty chicfiy preâ€" | ship as higher than | We ie time it has | infor observers that wils wh L I € Ma the | home, and in fourteen days thechild was | attacked by scarlatina. Here the stuf"s I Ing of the chairs was the focus of intecâ€" \ jon, for the child could not have carriâ€" | ed it with it, as the period of imcubation . \ o" the virus ot searlatina is short, being ! only from two days to seven, sometimes | being only twenty four hours, and "\",-r_v rarely over seven days. Howâ€" ever should the discase come, and l} come it will at times, in spite of every , | precaution, there is this redeeming t | feature about it,that the rate of mortalâ€" | | ity nowâ€"aâ€"days is low, and that children , | who have teen attacked by scarlatina $ CuSL bank» nratected [ menerklly, come it wiil at l precaution, | the feature about it ity nowâ€"aâ€"days who have teen are mot onlÂ¥ UTC was relerred 0 LORM MUSELELE Lord Salisbury, and these gentde have appointed Lord Playfair and Marcuis of Lorne, respectively. arrange meanwh Jada indemnity anrd to give the Japanese andistarhed possession of Formosg.and a protectorate over Corea or, walk out n pi { de progress. It is said that a meeting delegatcs from both the Chinese and panese Governments will be beld Hiroshima, Japan on the 26th inst. to range about the terms of peace, but ranwhile, the war procceds. The panese are marchitg northwards th all possible speed, and meeting th little opposition, the objective int being Pekin. â€" Onee in the capital China they expect to be able to ctate the terms of peace, and compel e Chinese Emperor to agree the payment of a darge war demnity ard to give the Japanese mdistnrhbed possession of Formosa.and Wz give below the full returns by wards of the polling in Bentinck town ship at the recent municipal elections. We are indebted to the Post for the information : orn in Barrkead, Renfrewshire, Seotâ€" and, visited Darkam about 1857; and as resided here continuously since 8c8. _ Their families, whom they erved so well, have the sympathy of he entire community. The Chinaâ€"Japanese war is still LOST,â€" Between Varney ham, on Wednvesday, 9th i Book containing mone{ papers, The finder will : Above reward hg"r‘etnmmfl t al <U A Ts $6 REWARD. <>> 0ob 1 hgturmmz Loo ofcabibls ROBT. \VAT_SQP.{., Sn.., everal ay, Oth inst.. a noie mone{ and © other r will receive the returning the same offered a the best between menbers same w sc nds uds s doing the work and a consicera amount would be spent in stla: and the change would have to be gra al. The law allows munincipalities commute statute labor yet almost n have done so, showing that the pec are not ready for the change. thought it best to go on yet with present system and introduce as m road making machinery as possible. Mr. Jas. Allian gave an address on Mr. D. W. Beadle on success in "Fruit Culture." â€"A successful orchardist muast love his business, for if he makes more of something else, then his trees will be neglected, which means failure. â€" He must study his trees, become acquainted with their different natures, and be able to apply the proper treatment to their modes of growth, he must know his inâ€" seet and parasitic enemies, and how to overcome them and ke must siudy the markets, find out what they nood and endeavour to supply it. Sm Mn FARMERS® INSTITUTE «on Dagberian on eothne At the evening meeting the Hall was filied by the people of Ayton and vicin: ity. The chair was taken by Dr. Mcâ€" Lean, but he was alniost immediately neeting was opened by Irvine takicg the chair z the business in a few marks. â€" The financial cead and adopted which â€"e on hand of about $200. Aiietua i iinineatrs Cute o in ie erals the Iarg n ront e ie erenetanain ind ies -,.?*U‘él\flhw';’» w3 g{aȎf% e rearine fee oo on dhn relocnns n se e en ind how to st study the ex neod and ed il W The anmual meeting of the Dromore Branch Bible Society, was held in Amos Church on Tuesday evening, 8th. â€" Rev. §.C. Edmonds agent, lectured in bebalf e to the ll M ’I he undersigned ( A. tioned Stock 1 recommend his bro the same,as the don Lean Meat and not of the Borkshire. . sows would be very issued by the W Packing Establishn mend tge large Yor worth as the best K TEQRCIECEERED STC(X F0R HIEE. FROM CANADIAN Tamworth Swins Record. BRIERY BAXKS DUDE, (NO. 170.) Farrowed March 16th, 18904. Ered by Caldwell Pros., Orchaw dville, Out. 2nd owner, Alex. Tayâ€" lor, Dromore, Ont., Sire Roland 23, dam Amber S.umh 44, by Ingersoll Dude, imp., 12. Middleton Mimalds, imp.. J2, $28, by Middleton Monaroh Trm« NidAteton Mab 2084 by The Squire 649; Mide BRIERY BAXKS DpUDE, ( Farrowed March 16th, 1694. _ Bro Brow., Orch m dville, Ont. 2nd ow lor, Dromort, Ont., Sire Roland 2 S.umh 44, by Tngersol Dude, iimp., Mimalds, imp.. J2, 328, by Midd We t We e Un RocEvcuanitls n 1;611 Mid{leton Mab 2008 8y AMB LW EDE C h cccul dieton May 1526. : e FROM CANADIAN IMPROVED Yorkshire _ Swine Record. NoR en med Lss ces amioany ns etiane 7 wnniry BANES SULTAN, (x0« 1391.) Farrowed March 20th, 1894 Rred by Caldwall Bros.. Orchardville, Ont. 2nd owner, Alex. Tayâ€" lor, Dromore, Ont. 8ire, Briery Banks Dandy, 828, darp Miss Emma, 505, by Kmf Tom, 247 BnnutÂ¥, 99, by Snowflake, 255 Ln.dy Bird, 45, by Holy well Wonder 2ud, img).. 8 gn Hilda 8, by Holywell Vietor, imp.. 1. ( 17); Holywell Victoress, imp., X. or, MBp L. L PSX t tomâ€"Rlaminh Ard. ?MO‘) (720,) ) Cure SICK HE in 20 mINUTES, ure STQAR O AIRA NC UA Tanens Diz? n 20 minuUTes, also Coated Tongue, Dizziâ€" ioss, Biiiousness, Pain in the Side, Constipation, [erpid Liver, Bad Breath, . to stay cured also egu‘iate the bowels. ViRY NCE To Taka. Fmice 256 Crnrs ar Drua SroRres. U SidlsdbabdvendakininalipeiPelerten ® CECHOR POWDERS dersigned offers the undermen? ed Stock for hire, and would nd his brother Farmers to use .as the demand now is for Long it and not the beavy fat ment irkshire. â€" A cross on Berkshire ild be very suitable, Circulars y the Win. Davis & Co. Pork Tstablishment, Toronto, reconâ€" e large Yorkshire and the Tamâ€" the best kinds of swine for the ersigned offers the 1 d Stock for hire, : d his brother Farm is the demand now t and not the heavy ‘kshire. â€" A cross on d be very suitable, the Win. Davis & HEADACHE and Neqtalgia wers to breed 4 free the foiâ€" fit of all sufâ€" is a evateful tely . in Bargains! Bargains! Bargains!! [T tm 9 ©._ . ul oo‘ uo. pes sxl .0 dn Ct 00. 0 oo lenes (eruleterit oo + TFair Dealing with living profits must be our guiding principle. examine our Goods. We do not sacrifice any line but we sell at t] possible prices. HIfGIHHE=TP PlICE PAID FOR BULTEL AND ECt 2000000 L lczngmee emmemnmed eopmmenny erencors mand as NEY CS0ODS AT RICGHT PRICES. PECGPLE‘S MILL. McKENZIES Emutl‘a of Cod Liver Oil [CLOTHING, ® \sHoES, GROC. : be had in Towr. |\ We can give you Durhsm, Aug. 8th, 1\ O h a Mi1CHE We can give you 2 Good JAPANX TEA 5 We can give you an Extra JAPAN TE We can give you an Extra BLACK T. Our Stock of Ladies‘ underelothingare good seller dren‘s. We can give you all sizes. Men‘s undercl Artemus Ward are ‘‘Eakled by few and excelled by : There is one other line to which we would like tc imazandonati« our Men‘s Tweed Caps at 250. Call a: There is one other line to wh time, and that is our Men‘s Tweed to show our Stock, it is a pleasure What Poopls Wanl We don‘t claim to be the largest Store in Durham, but we do know it is the cheapest place to buy your Every article is sold on its own merit. We don‘t cut prices to make a sale, but we give good value in every line for As our expenses ArC 5170° afford to sell cheap. poâ€" TEAS A SPECIALTY A quantity of Pried Apples to All an order. 000 LORpMEMBER THE PLACE pRY GOODS, GROCERIES, BOOTS & SHOES. Dalglish‘s old Stand, _ _ 4>â€"â€"4+3 QUR STOCK OF +2 7 GOO0DS, GROCERIES, BOOTS 4 Having thoroughly overhaulâ€" ced and refitted these Mills, we are now prepared to do all kinds of custom work to the satisfaction of the public. CHOPPING A SPECIALTY. rgeoge yyoar ®~ nEWSCoN BROS. N UP FO UMALIMH iD A CLBAN UP POV UAl iL AING. MANTLES, HAT3. C;.sh or Producg. Is value for thai don‘t pretend to be avle to seil gooas awa ; 1 o else. i2 8. % BRimD, COC THE PLACE.â€" !.l.i}l.\ a AdAAI TY T Emm d LF 5 PRIRS, &o. that are as good value as are small we can 11 you what we can do,. UP TO DI‘_{I‘L:_ fh:(:k Apples wanted it AP NBAE e 1 . Sron eribcmcent t n rennicarrsicmeinntinett NeeA ic t +. 1 MIns HOY. HARNESS! HAERNESS! t1On. For a Set of Team, Single, Doublei Driving or Plough Harness in all kinds of mounting and style, or for Sweat‘ Pads, Whigs, Blankets, Belis, Curry Combs, and anything in the way of horse furnishing call and inspect my complete stock. Single Harness from $10.00 up. Hizh 4) 8 Bs bemer PBreyeayean es L, GRANT, Lower Town. xX TEA 5 los. for $1.00 ?AN TEA 4 ibs. for $1.00 LACK TSA 4 Ibs. for $1.00 good sellers, also our Stock of Chilâ€" ‘s underclothing in the words of xcelled by none." Farmers and others attenâ€" Casx ror H»rs axp Tarrow. THOMAS SMITH. k of LRY GCODS, CAPS, BO0TS & :o call your attention this ind sed them. No trouble is complete. can show you is to The Gash System *n .cs in gsgainonga n "Large saics c Corner, U pper Import of Field and Garden Seeds from Britain by Steamer "Beorlin." meramegug wo meogeorrmm anone uppazmemenncrnncrccmy H. PAREKER, Cutters & Stoves. For the finest line of Cutters of all descriptions, Portland Cutters, Piano Box Cutters, Latest Styles. Prices For the finest line of Stoves, Cook Stoves, Parlor Stoves, Box Stoves, Furnaces, Deuble Heaters, &c., go to D urhamn. 4A i CALDER & LIVINGSTONE, Lowwer Town. Also Insurance Agents, Money to Loan and Issuer of Marriage s Licenses. We bez to inform our C ers and the that we have system, w hic its equivelal thanking past patronag convinced that will merib 2 avuivelant, vors o from $25 upwards. iding principle. Call and but we sell at the lowest ADOPTED BY o inform our Customâ€" the: Public generally iave adopted the Cash which means Cash or i lantk . ania â€"tLnhab our Viobtt ctto will b Druggist and Seedsman, DUREAM. r Towan, Durham. AI % . McKechnie. AND SHOES p customers fIlor ige, anrd we are at the new system , continuarce cof 3 opporiuniv}y nâ€" Aamnatrmnmera Jri & I. HMoKECHNIE. M e oi rantat SSmaii PFOLLS. it yncrt‘ e e mbiries No im 2C G. 7 Profits." oe mnlu y Gf A :R take vert NFW us sha PA 1186 n W Dried Apple PPBE J.A.Hunter into W OwCL ASH STORE allow, Lard & U Tsm W

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