West Grey Digital Newspapers

Grey Review, 17 Jan 1895, p. 3

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erlin.” \"ll. ESEOVGS. e. Call and the lowest Cutters of all Cutters.P1a.no Styles. Prices wards. Stoves, Parlor Stoves, Beaters, &c.. goto urham but- SHOES Seedsman, DURHAM INGS’I'ONE, ec‘hme. and Issuer of Marks. 'ai.-:'-;,';,:;!'-' s; 253111 3032MB. Garden H! V " A )I NEW IN Dried Apples, t'l'lij M are ext: J,A,,Hurrteiiir:/iiii' CASH STORE, {171333; M's r,iriitt U pper Town. See our. m Blankets tal t to buy ' Hand Hade Axe They ard (landm- We ha Soap. Th d value. a} L." il uh? E. .: L." 1d we te lard lr, Th' ool P, can buy- c Try our ty W tl Durham. Eta. Fivc Brand tem. They H Han- 250 I] 1ts 1'il LU '.. ire/telif: its tiiGk Fi'i,d yrua's 'lii'iciiil,si,12'., » .- t 2 J“ new 26* St, "ire, 31¢; . m ' _ " _ 1, V ' I "F.WEM ll D Sum Wnt M Tar, DI'X‘JIA Chapman hm Forest. where business. doin business. doing Crayon work and co; ing in etmneetion with the gallery. I wants sonwgnod agents to apply at on Ram-mm mm be had of the Durh: Reprints can he [mu m I negatives at; any Lime. Ple parties wanting ihst class kind return fare will ho pa ham to Mt. Forest Studio. and all for the liberal [mm past six year", meet them at ona pusbmrd. to the Dr. Williams l Medicine Co. Brnckville. Ont. l A Dmvg OvT.--On Friday evening last. " qcore ormorc of the youth and hvauty of Durham engaged a rig and started for the "Glen." Everything went well until rt typical Glettelg hill was tavkled who the wttiifletrees broke, and the party had to wait till a friendly farmer could be found to re. place it. However, the iournes's end was reached and a. glorious long evening spent in playing the usual little games, in vogue at Fb kissing parties," and some say they would have daneed--it they could. The party got back to.towrt early next morning, and. even if the livery mart did demand extra pay it was " most enjoyable time. and if Mr. Mc- Arthur's head clerk doesn‘t deserve [ credit forjt we don’t. know whodoea. I, Mcl M tt The pamphlet is well and a copy of it will he my of our readevs who address (plainly written) to the Dr. william's rockville, Ozit. at Ivo: M G7t' ll 4 boxes Matches for 25c land's. Hooo's PILLS are purely vegetable. and do not pun-go, pain or gripe. 25c. Miss S-uuh H. Woodland, of Toronto, is home fur " few days visit. Fresh Oychrs. 40nt. at, J. A. Hunt 23 ths. Crunuhu Cash at Woodlattd's, Frosh Fhman ll: J. A. Hurttcrs's 0 " M W Il an‘ncrinf: is the arm-r or me my} . Elections are very quiet; around here this vear. Mrs. K. D'.ee is on the sick list. Mr. M chd. of Hopenrjlle, passed through this place last week. Mr. and Mrs. J. Fraser, of Fort, Will- imn are visiting: ryt _the parrntsd hmm!L imn are visiting: at the part-mm Human. A stranger made its appearance at “N home of Mr. A. Rodgers. on Dec. 29th We think she intends staying. -- .. "Lu- ...:..I tum hat-n We mum; sur mun...v N“, ..V,.._ Mr. yicTagrrat't's little girl has boen very ill for some. time past. We hope soon to hear of her rm‘nverv. Mr. J. Kilgour. of Mt. Forest, called on Mr. J. Batchelor last week. Mr. G. H. McHolson. of Hamilton, paid his uncle, Mr. A.. Bryce a. flying visit on Sabbath last. risjft'i,ki'i,iiji,ejst/sii' a r. 'i"'iiii'ii'ii"i'i': mmm. man x (,i,5h'i't ll _ a _ "i" l a. Ti i',i',i?s,t.ir,?tsl! Ir,, :qu _l'i'i',lfft"ri?ii' Hi ft is the order of the day. are very quiet around here "itthtm CENTRE ly lt o, new th o, oft %/,ii'g'.gidfch,; "MW . "I m KPsQreyG ” m. rear: 3». igirrat B. ll, presenr time recovery. The " mm: Thte suntan! v.wvtinit of Cur- Presbyter- ian church mum off very quietly. Miss Kate Helm ype left foe Toronto last week her. many friends wish her all the compliments of the season. Miss Flora McMillan, Messrs. J. Me- Leod and W. Nichol have gone to Owen Sound C, T. Miss Gvrtic McLeod has got a school onee mm P. . The A413eddler was around a few days ago an on his rounds he found a. man in the ash-box. Mr. Peter McLeod of Sunnidule was visiting his friends in this part. ll wi.. Isoye for her speedy "'ili'iJji'if,l" i)'lt'ii'tii'g ll 'ut Ir? 2ytt%'3r M I " COMPOUND. L . w". Are-ant discovery by “on , phyMetasu 5““va Br. monthly by (Manual: of ttlt mm. u we only perfectly ' - ~ "tetutarrs1iatatt"tMsdieirur du- - Mao or tuspetWpeod drugtru" who otttsrtnttrriortnmuoiuel .nphoeotthn. um: Cool’l Cotton Boot compo-ml. who new mor museum“! cent-in pounce in law GiVarttutma-tvtrt"ttte!1: humid pm! tn - cum to M1. aunt “was Add". The Cook Coup-y. www.mouuu. - "god's Plus are not purse. Pala or grip W Sold by all Druggists. It, ------------f-_.; I Plus are purely vegetable. and do who: gripe. Sold by an draw-m- 'si'lt5A"ii] sesiep Ind: ,,l,irlru;,-,t:1-.ys':iiu'u..Mts. tj./r.'n/rT,,'"'cl.,,1,'.,),':'1rr,vv, Ji/Lf you Iraven'l; been in to see us it /,i,',.)i,,'j,,ti,iriryit't:r:,"scrcl ar',:",':,')"":',.,,', trout cost you anything to look .h""'s'?' T ' __ _ larouud. We are always pleased to tUj'siLFE,E.r-..T-5..e. isee you and quote, our prices, which , Mllll i759 are sure will bring you back to , tlllthili$Wllll i see, us again. - , IF -1irBlg1 a ar", Tn: run" Tu In Tn: Noun " Mon-con" Tui- put up by an Indian Tu was an: nmph of the best qualities of Indian an. Thatch»: they use on grants! are in thc sensation ofthe Team its iiiGd.thariswhrer. put it up them-elven and all it only in the original Wha,,',?,',',' thmby uncaring in purity Ind audience. utupin Klb..xlb.and sits My»! new you in bulk. If your grocer do. Ortt me: Shorts Full W Barley. Pumxwa Beef, [and " Pork. " ....'. Wuley, " ...... tiueepoire. web Butter per m...... Wood 2iL.10w-....... a . ‘urliays par m......, Geese '. ......, Bur-ks. " ...t Chicken'. nnr pair Apples per ha: .... Mortg: Outs. ' Butter rw’a " tals,, Pn:,,.m-ns "or bag, Shiy-p'bkiuu. .., Hides per l ... tyrir,cvd hugu mel Beef. rm... w nib. " hiuns Wnol, FROM TE m rrsrm'nv: PURITY STEEL, HAYTER a oo. " ll and 13 Front Street East, Toronto. 5101:1315 ll in: wls ALL GOOD GROCERS KEEP IT. noon does not keep it, all him to Gre twirtcr A! Emu par l,uslsel Wheat " 3612mm MAitRET, T. TEA PLANT TO THE TEA CUP day. DU", ' tty TEA N 'i'O MARK?) 'iitiiii'd'itiiit 'ii" 'itiiiti, b....... r,1 CO to $1 75: preutrr""i"l ........ 2 2:, m 2 so! Ltyt32,coN.a1 ........ t) i) to 1 0'c 3 for servin- mm.” ....r..q I? tio to " vo; Begin-rod in 1le iel ... Ct " Io 0 (it; ( Swine Round“ .15 ... 0 " lt? 0 IT I Nu". 21st. ltf.G. and ... C it; to 0 27 ', KOSSULII,Ouh ... o .7019 o iid TE ... 0 35 u 0 40 $1.00. To be r ... 0 a; to n 301 s” . ...... 7 .30 to 9 oo I Ahephecn, Nov. in no I', on to 3 mi ----- .V-.,-.__ .. 3 an to 4 MI , d _........ 4 "in to 4 SCI Fall-ml ........ 2 00 to 2 00: f OT 53.00:).11 r........ 0 so to o 50 1 A sisciugof 109 a r........ 0 12 to o " ‘ so acres clean-dd s........ o 12 my 0 13”“ Frame Baru _..... .. 1 m to 1 2.5 lstatp.cs; srpof, f'" . 0 07 , 0 tl, ' other (mammal-n; ,........ 0 h' 'i', 0 or on" L. two Coo' r........ , o f ') fenced and in goo: r........ 0 0.5 to 0 06 ,tiituuted about ont ....... 25 to so I of Durham and m ,........ 0 40 to 0 GO Wall he sold wit --- -rr= ---_ --m-.--. For further parti , It AtVdETs. L printer on premix ..... S 58 to 8 60 ' ...... 51' to " l Petee P. 9:3 ...... 40 to 45 L ...... 5.5 to M WANTED ...... 28 lo 8t l, S ...... 20 to 22 , Hardy Cauad'an ...... It to 17 ', We gnaruxtee at ...... 20 to 24 _ wives and met" ....... " to " ' unwell-Wm ...... " to Ti "V Manges. No/m ...... " to 4k I Exduave tel-rm! ...... 5 20 M 5 SX I ”WWW" ... 4 to ‘51 I l "wk-El W ' Wthi U I' {MES gear, Jul- 1919 160 to i) 07 0 " 0 05 2810 20 to 11 to 20to " to 75 m lil to 20 M 17 to w. I w 'r, aha." / . , ”a if 131:: (uiiitrtl)iir.:itpt.,. "fja1,)i:tiisit,t:.t-it, 1ctira1t)i,f:tts SI EMMA? (i) MQRLUQK, j",",", We shall never stop 1rm1'ra'vt reputation, Wat are. going to keep right on increasing our tradii. But we’re going to do it with quality. with mice, with satisfaction, and the' people are sure to supgcszt us. when we started hero- six months ago many 'persons told us that we 653.12% net {is a cash business in this town. We hare proved that it can by the adoption oft‘m very simple rules. 00s 005 " 19 'ii1itgiiuM&h'tAr t riaai'tLoat o ' , ' . ; fo,tytt, 1 (rg)tsTei,yrii,ti'iis,sii:: 'fiii,t, ,,i,iriti'ttiitN,si:.r .922: tttti RARE 'iii-i) tull ,tt,t,,si'rgVhllfs',?t,E o ',e'ts"ii"iiifL.8chliRrtoh%a my! Tgi.ae17t.1vLiSNa'?a & Co. 0 no 901%:an shin,- {Nil bvkept for tietn 3. S, D. It.. (He and 95. Terms firtriithjtftitirili2urifl 3533. G lendg, Nov, , T mus: 81.ar. To be paid for at. Lime of Service. Ahcr'oeem Nov. 12, 1894. for service during rim. Regina-real in the "Cu §wine Becord" as No. ', Nov. 21sc 151:2, and bred I OT 53. Con. P., E. G. R.. (Hem-lg. con- a sistim; of 101) acres. more or less,- 80 acres cleared. 70 lit tortm Inaphinoz'y 'Nt Flume Barn 4305(7) with Insemont staHoe, good turrutete dwl'liing and other outbuildings: half acre good orthamb. two good spring: wells: well fenced and in good 5mm of cultivation. Situated about one "tile from the Town of Durham and one mile from school Wall he sold with or without crop. For further partivubrts apply to pro- prietor on premiums. D. J. DA WS. Durham P. 0.. J ulv 3rd. W. tf WANTED Local and Traveling Seth-5mm: tolmndlo our Hardy Canad'an mep Nursery Stock We gasratttee suv:isfact,ion to represen- tativns and cuyry.t""R. Our tstirtuties are the largest m the Domi"hm----over Loo was. No .tultstitet,io,n. in orders. Exelosive ummry and liberal :rrum m “am!“ m- nut, time agents. Write us. Exclusive territory and Inner»- i"l‘ll:s to whole or part time agents. Write us. _ STONE & WELLINGTON. (Head omce) Toronto. Ont. (Tycoan nursery in C'anada having teem); orchards.) Thorougbred Boars Qua“ frame séneséay, Jan. 39:12 This fine aninm! will he kept an the premises of Jun. Clark jr.. LOT 32. CON. 3. w.. G. R. BENTINCK. ne VI E1531. 'ti'a,FiEtor Sale. (hir Clearing Sale 3 Ph iladelplsia Op', ice of Toronto, will visit s past mam}: has boon a rove'iaticr, to us. We 110' when We CHM syecinl induccnzents to our pan-out. en' part are not slow to grasp the tTportunity. Wo verythiusr, that we advertise, hence one great seeret ass. Another great secret is that we pay cash and scnunts on all our goods. It stands to mason Hut; t who pays cash can certainly outsell KI couxpetim goods on time. We wont take time to quote my; this week, but, here are a few snaps. ' DTjWFiirir'i' t?cfi, = "i.9diif 'wmsox FORGET THE DATE. rpmdcr. Collingwood: --I" reply to your enqu'ry o L. G. taainlreruitt. Eye run say that. l have seen a Aut t'hausheruitt Ihmugh i the West . and the 40ng- now he has been doing busi- rrv highly of him. both to of dealing with customers P1137051} tire. & one improved York m C.lewell's " etd,--will nice- on lot 43 and 44 can. [mu-lg. fur tl:e season of 91 m 81.0132. time of service. P. Suilh'an. A'ycr Town, Durham. Yours, {ugly 3.11304 1clc my lull whol, 'tson of ISM-95. wrveda Berkshire SWS. Farrowai l bvJao. sieyor," testim mm le. up. hots & ' om in town as everbody knows Ties, Braces, White Shirts and Suiting in town. rm: ETC. up. a rcgufar pricm. . V? ttt clearing out prices. F2'.r,F2 sale drs w il Bi.', T”. . ""riT.' TT = Axel) 'c/ii-fix/trig. Sm 10m. Cotremadeirpetitxaluelu-ve Film All Wool Dress Saga. DouMe Fold..........-....-..---- '.'" in. Hmu'y Grey 1Citrrrcy . . . . . . . . . " I’m-fury (Julian at the lowest price-- Man‘s Hear y Kip Lung Boon M madc‘.................‘......... Men's than L ..!1'i.'l('c Boots in and BEAN & Go. Transact a Money loan reamumhle- special day Lil-(Htg‘g C-ij, c/w..wo-.ss Boots} wide tOCS...........-....--. a?!“ l' ' ' [i'a'Eli' S & BOYS PARK & BEE] MESH. Ir, LAND V INST A genoml fir, Chickens rril E L mu.::.(nea.rv Nornmnhy. . dun Torkahire hour. ti Terms 75 mag - othe )nrbmu. i'iyir:r--Eargainso IRS & LIFE P: £3183 November at. SILVEBW. " A N If Ens. Pd inccmgudzle win one with the crowds. mm: Towx, DEW. J ACKSONS. BIG l; ar tot ‘1 \-|‘-\'\“". E‘LI'vrz. D tt S HUUVI will he for . (neat-yarn sr,cnestrd Banking “- "l It; {slum-rs at m t'tHtts. Inn-Mt atnoamd min it', currency-ans. A ,2; -- -re “0390.14: i?- {but fluvial bus"m- m M Jooy MSW 219:3 {.L'ATGRS, ANCE AG! f' ‘5".7 ENSIC my ixsell Grey Shoes nee Politic: ‘E AGENTS, _ 51255103338; m-l (super he! (mper go

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