West Grey Digital Newspapers

Grey Review, 17 Jan 1895, p. 4

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When A horse noquim the habit of cribbing its msrket "lue And mxdttr- are lolnewhnb reduced. Thou no. how- over, a few exception. to thin. tom of the most persistent. cribben being noted Hanger And Feed Box For Critttters " undue". The habit of cribbing in ckuly attributable to dome.tiostiott, " it in mid to be unknown unions the wild hone: on the plum. The clue in anally attributed to indigo-lion sad the impure air of lumen. While this my " the Ming can» In may MI, it in not in dl.ucolu at puma often com into . Ark“ __~LL-... t'oygttwA.NCE FOB I'BIVIN‘HNG cannusu. for their free driving and “tying pow” w. - w..- -wr r--- winter qua-ten mutants cribbers. I While men. veterinarian. hue given the lubject con-idenble study, no -itio has yet. been discovered for ttsin trouble. Many nuggenmone u to mod, time of leedmg, wearing, vmttilatioo, wetting cert-in kinds of tata md ‘ocher npplincee ere oiUred, bat they madly prove of but hula value. W hen cribbing, the mind grape the top of post. nil. fence. meager or My object wumn reach the: our be adrnittod between the Jaw. ' hence. it them. object-he removed tt in plain then the Act. of cribbing ouusot! Luke pl-ce. and an n partial preventive whnle m the tstable 1 slightly eonceve mew geri- erected. beutg for e 14 head hone three feet from the tiooe. In general poul- mu is Ihown in the Ikewh by L D. Snuok. lt m u long " the Hunger in wide and nut. lore than 3 1-2 be: wide. The cenLru- w dupreued nix inchel. At A, on both salve ot the stall, inecured sch-in or pump with A amp in one end which in emp- pod mm each side of the lunar. While the have has tree use of his jew- and an on! freely my food pluced wtthm e certain radius, he " no eoiUiued tut he cennor. fetch the from side of the meager and if the top ot" the mngerbe covered with sheer. r .. c, -_- - .A ---. "..u Etrect. of Roots on sou. It is well known that when a crop in re- moved from the soil than is left in the "ground . cert-in proportion of root-mated“ which add: so much (utilizing umber to ttto soil, according to the kind of crop re- movaéimd muck: of this mum-id in “ken (tom the soil itaelt,far down below the tomb of the planking "0:0de the plum“: well “in the roots. Agriculturinu have never hilly determined the ulna of the root: to the-oil except in I few can. with certain kinds of plume. each u clover end name of the green“. The Utah Experiment Station be... however, made A notice of experiments in this direction which throw oonlideteble light on the subject. Trill! with root! It vuioue depth. hue been quite limited, and the effect of tillage on cutting root. will be very much maiiud. There Are those who (no: deep plowing. en a to give the root- better opportunitin for exmding downward. bat otben object bean-e deep plowing can the room. " ., ,A_.: .g.. a- caught. at the ma “K w, .. ...- "m-.." h __ iron, no “temp: wtll be made to Yhl'l this tUt lurilce. The continue: my lunged to the front of the null sud folded up out of the wty " night or when not. in use. If and be u can be 1:15ch directly above on of the common amazon. Ot cont-e the horse should have more freedom“ night. The hone breeder who narrowed hia pur- poeel to speed schieved meet wonderful re- nnin: he went for speed and got it. We ere liter milk and butter. end dull get it when we keep to rational lines. On the inlaid there are may gredee of merit in breeding. Some "lent the best, and hove the best to show for it; othere hove nought cheeper methods. and, coneequentiy. hue interior stud... Kevenion in euier than the acquisition of good qualities; hence, the breeding of poor qnnlity in .assiet.t. The greeter the cron- the wider the divergence. We found the Gnemeeye we first received from the inland to enperior we desired more; then the demand wee-o greet we were tempted to part with my, end Iometimee with our beet. Moder-numbed herd: of Guerseeye ere. therelore, numerou- but Inge herde rue. Many of the old reed: at our breedingere full of deep pheel, end when we mint rebuild let it be upon the alibi. ilun of good, 10'"! vuw V..- ___-'- P ft Ci',' found that the weight of the roots of potato" was but 120 ponndl per new. ad the grants“ weight. w“ loam! in the seventh inch oi depth. Barley gave 376 pounds per new. the grates: weight. being in the u. M inch of depth. Corn gave 462 ttgh' per :cru, out-third of thin Wei ht ing at the fourth mob of depth. The 68m inch contain! but uixuen ponndl. Whoa: gnu shout. 493 pounds, the gmmt weight being in the fourth inch. Timothy 3" shout L303 pounds. one-lull ot which " u. the tirst. inch. The on. crop gun 1,888 pound- of roots, the gram: mxght hing no two Ind three beheldqnh. tho manho- in " three inches. Tho he: ' the gre"e" weight, of tool:- in found " from one who: make-doo- not mum-um ttt plowing is Ingenuity. Md it. in Fro" hb y a snrpriu term, that tho night. - -'""'o '-'-~ - -".r 1 “ii-damn. That '0 Mn no long lines in the Guam-0y Club in due to mugge- m: m breeding. A reservoir cannot cone-in pure 'PPr if fed kg. thousand l"""" -- "" --" _ _ Docs-ions! good my come from poor quality, but. reunion in up: to tot. low became of prepomey. The labia of displacing ball. - you or 'ht in due . _ m,.__ "--- -__ -_- u--. iiTiriii,iai of them foul. Whoa not." In nomad the 051ng will be nomad): with In imperfecckmwledgo of the mnerid ch. result, mun rennin uncertain. Those who have thoughcouu thou- methods hue varied out the bet rennin. . M. The old clover at" ita re", Win in the. zocnnd inch of null (1.248 M). Ind the first high t,ttd"d £058 -'Ibdl. After pain '0' am home in weights!“ very 'att' , “out 125 pound: tor thorixth 'astt,and . t aid new pound! for an _ Juli. In!” {manhunt-cu the d clover u . nah-oil“ but“ great hbly "a warlike to an: at the roota of on: 'tser III “I. rous- m I." - - "-'qF" Clover thrown .11 other plan- in the - in pro man to night of root. foe . 's'er,,ly.ffrS',' being 5,680 pmed., Ind t'oynr-ol-l clover root- weight! 1,481 Midi. Tho old about (In It: puts: . . L " “I ll AGRICULTURAL aid madman ible, u we: luppoeed. its ben.tit to the mil .being due to the irtfht- of the tubercle: P the roots. The prepondennce of roou u Ihown for the mejnriny of Lol.' to be in the upper soil, where they fee ' Ind tho experiment in not favorable to deep plow- Ing. u Insuv of the mapped theories nem tohe ovor.throwtt. It is, however, A strong point. in favor of the rotation of crop!» in the result of the experiment will be to [and to “dice! change. in cultivetiou. low In ronul . Titled - "all“ to - Ilia. Reports from Munich in the English pew" give further P" icnlnn of the extra- ordinsry ch-rge tanner. I mm mined Glyn-Bi of hypnotizing I rich end titled womsn Ind making her merry him. Czynlki I left his reel wife in 1890, md he been rendering About Gerunnv with mother women giving lectures on hypnotilm mud professing to cure dine-e by it. Expelled from l’ruuin. he went in April of Int year to Dresden. And here the hypnotic novel begin; Annivering his Advertisement, Baroness Hedwig von Zedlitz Nenkirch, I l rich and very religions Indy of 3tt, went to consult him never-l times About puns in her heed. Ono dry the Runnels was surprised by Czynekx'n conleuion that he In“ dying at love for her. The Bnroneu, though utoninhed. uid that she Ilse felt something like love for him. Ctynski, who prerende to be I lcion of ldllcll hmily of Lithuanis. obtained her promise to marry trim, and " once took steps to obtein a divorce irom his wile, living in Cracow. A mock ceremony of marriage we performed It An haul in Munich y I friend of Czynnki. A few deyr Inter the brother of the krone". liv. mg in Berlin, learned what had hnppened. hurried to Munich. and called szmki to “count. The letter showed him the mar. riage cortisone. bat Baron Zedlitz had him "rested. A - I Czyneki, who brought into court A henp _ of pamphlet? And books for hi! defence, unort- that the prmseeutiou in the result of A plan on the part of the {ether and brother of the Beronen to sequin: poeaeuion of her property. He denies hnvmg hypnotized the lady, said he had never run liter her fortune, and hid even signed . documentin which he renounced any clsirn to it. Then Bsroaes. Zedhtz tun culled. sad the defendnnt wu led out. The Indy lays lhe met mt Czynuki'a . certain Mrs. Horr- mnnn. n tsotnmunbuliat, who hed been sent to Heep. She Wu told to question the wow about her illneu. She gu‘e uten- ithaly correct Ito-were. end named meme And methods for in core. Czynlki told her fortune from her Und. On the second vieit Czyneki may hove laid his bond on her forehead, but ehe did not become Ibepy. And he did not you fixedly " her. ‘Czynlki took a lock of her heir end mid 'tttat with thin he was nbie to be lf" her box of roses and a melmcholy note tttbPng thstsbuitaetm englgemen: that he could not thirk would Prevent him from coming up that evening. , " You were In luck.” "So I thought. Well, I just throw myself on Mym’u mercy. She wun't n bit planed. - . . ' A I ,,,L,,:.A_J ....:.L ' when the we! ntt6qttt. She soon Afar left for Thuringis After this journey Czynaki trusted her Icvernl time: " her hotel. Aftemrds she Ina shay: sleepy, but her mind romeined perfectly clear. Once he sent. her into A deep sleep to cure her of headache. Sever-l limes Czynakl told her he would lend her no sleep when she wen an n dlaunce ' end at, a tized hour the hed In in an Arm chair, and really fellen Aileen. They often wilted about religious things, end he hld told her that only she could “we his soul. Then she really loved him. Glyn-k1 had given her an nmnleb Ind A locket with hi1 hair. And an Egypunn ring, which he said she was to we“ every dsy And she would be happy. Later on the laid undo these things and he: pity and love numbed. She scorned him now. God had than”: her that it was not her task to ave Czynuki. The Butane-s "irm. ed tltst Czynakl had reeetved only very trifrutg sum: from her. - - _ - . A - A, ,I ou, v-...,...-...-_.,. _"'" __ . _ u I could Bee, but she aubmittesd with the beat - she could. She aid she would keep everybody oat of the library, no we could have a long quiet evening, Ind not to worry nbout her, " the would probably have comptny.” "That WI! nice of her." "Oh, very nice. Dan GattMt oarl , and we had n perfectly lovely time. He gagged me to dope the day before the wedding, rocked two poem- nboun his despair, md hinted " suicide. Oh, it was splen- did I I cried myself slim". to A jelly. A; About, 10.30 I really couldn't stand it. my longer, no I told um that we mun go in mil upon]: to Myres, for the front tet, wu no quiet. the her collar had evi only inled to come. Iio, After “other oternsl fuewellme went in." "nulit" _ 'w. .. To conclude from the lawn-tents of the Buoneu, she moms to be rubber eccentric. It .110 nppeu's Um. her (“her had nude her nequnmbcd for yours with hypnotilm tnd qriritwslitrm. "Very well, do. Wtsll, I didn't send her word that l wu coming, for I didn't, In“ Anything down on paper. Ar lack would hue it, just u I wu "arrirtg Jim sent up I In lad No Ills!" In Be The". Eli M for Dun, - Dilere-l. "The world is hollow," rermsrked the girl in red. ,’ "ir accident. dour. It heppened the day After the curd: were lent out. , I Gd u note tram Dun uying he must. use me once more before I w Jim'a wife. Oi course I didn'; really cue for Dun, but it in [coming to one'n unity cc know an: the beat mm in dying of envy oi the bridegroom, who haa no ides of it." "So you aid you would see him t" "I did. I felt that it would do Jim no hum if Dun did cell me once more that life wu tb blank without me; and it wu renuy‘my hot chance, too. Still, I didu't dare to let him come to the house." “Hut. when elm could you on him t" "At Myth. She is to be maid of honor, you know, and Jim need to be quite devot. ed to her, 301 knew the'd never due to tell on me in“ Peop.us.thiyk. htr.ieorut" "ii'"iiumtwa.. it van in: Myrs's 1saller wu there: he wu Jim;he Wu holding her lund, aad bidding he: goodby - - A' _ A--- - _--.- ..;-l .. " "It its," gloomily named the girl when new gown does not tit; "but I don't see how you ever found it out." "CuFt/ii," Gall urdvice I skull Gow where mcome toriu", ___ ,_ - --. A .. 'iiri7il' 1.7)}: GL over I ioor girl G cxneliy deceived " l t" A Deplornblc Accident ll Mugn-onnun I like In: Even-lug. A daupawh trom NiNysr-the-Lake, Out., nya ..--a tad drowning twoideat oc- curred new here shout. 8 o’clock on Thaw thy evening, three American mldiers from Fort Nusgsrs being Ute victims. The an. fortunate men left the fort intending to cross the river to thin town Ind when with. in nbout200 ynrdu of the shore the hon: boo-ma In." in the moving ice. Am: drift. mg for some time s tremendous wave and; uh. b',rit'T,,1'ili,','lr it. The poor fellows mo- ended inc imbing on the bottom of the boat, odling piuouly for help 't IP,. throng- ct I I' n , A - -_A ..‘-LI.. .- “I t""""C--r -_- . Ipecunon who lined the beach unnbfa to do anything to uni" them. After clinging to the be» for an hour the poor Ioldiere one by one dropped off. Their - ere un. known " this writing. Little Dot-.." I couldn’t make out whn the preocher m talkin' About." Little Dick-" I: w n queer up: of . awry, about- mun whsb mowed a big dinner for I lot of company. but nobody came, and so he an on: into the hi hwuy. and byvgya, and trot “my": and genus to Ga.t' Le" At the dinner-tibia in 3 country hotel . [an nyl to the wtiucu T "Ming-re you sure an! mil in Vim duck to comm Little Dot tthourutuurl-:'.'1 I'polo they had no ice in than Ftar,Usd thing: wouldn't “Dwain given me '." " iid'. “Well, I should think it. v“ If you could u - In ohuin’ tint. duekn more’n forty time: round the bullde 'tore no kolchad it, I gun-u you’d behave wild t" THREE SOLDIERS DROWNED, A WICKED HYPNOTIST. Dot Thinks it Out, MYRA'S CALLER, "Game” " of tho INTERESTING NEWS FOR OUR LADY READERS. Intel-I Wile. It. In" no: lily Perm vm- Plan-re “a “manual: AMI‘ - and lIdIvIdII-In " [lone and ADM lt in comoling to tind one woman " feast who ts" come to the conclu- nion that than in no such form of tominity u " The new womnn she up on the lubjoct in: ., I sin sick end tired to duth of baring shout women l Cannot women he taken tor grated! Why should she mart her. self, or permit herself to be trestod " n leper-to clue! Why this clsmor every time she does snything, u if it were ex. traordinu'y that s humnn being should hsve genius or exhibit eapaoity'. Why make such is caching. like I hers every time she lay- en egg! A msn does not Mk consid- eration or immunity from criticism for any- thing he does bee-use he is a man. Why should I View? The whole attitude is uudignified, and s conleuion of inferiority 1 [ thet conge- me. If I were to take a l ' double-first,' or write I ncvel, I should be humiiisted if I were praised for it like 1 freak. I mm tired M resding About women in ell the poriodieUs and newspapers as i' she were a newly discovered species. Every journal must have in ' Womsn‘s Column,' its ' Woman’s Doings,' in ' Chat About Woman,' its ' Womsn’s World,' its I Wo. mun in Society,' ' Womsn in the Occurs, ' Women in the Pulpit,' ' Women in Liter. stare,' women riding down the newspsper columns on . bicycle. And it is announced thst this is the women‘s ege. that womsn is in the saddle, thnt women hu come to stay. She seems to wmt to draw the line. " she did rather otuctively at Chicago in 3 Women‘s building. end to force an un- ugoniem in every department oi life. Even ugoniem in every department of life. Even in her own periodicda I do nut see any column devoted to mm. Thar might be refreshing reoding. Women! Why, she hu borne the whole rue for 6,000 yam, end the has got to beer it Along in tsll the egos: she in the gran. eonservative and rally controlling force. I with they would let her elone. 1 em 3le of All this petty talk about her." Then nomewhnt. violent expressions Ire not. quoted here to be defended. And do not need "t'ft',"tr."2, explnnltion; they merely indium: e cumulative weuineu of long-tried potienoe, and must not be token to expreu too .much. Though women m often tired of themselves end of not: other, end do not hesitate to Any so, this u only . bemponry weverineu, and does not " ell express the feelings of n misogniu toward women genernlly. In. deed, this womun who in quoted would 'probably burn with withering rebuke upon my mm who thould any that the modern world he: hid About. enough of women and would iike a mu. And the man would meekly Admit, that real. the world will not have, and rest. it does not deserve, this side the grave. No, it in progress and not rest. bhat we need, end that must, go on, even to the extent. of women forming themselves into n syndicate, a woman‘s trust, for carrying on huslnesa independent "an, n» -'"g"'6 _... 9PWFFVVr_-Ne-eP ._‘Vr"_-v to the other sex, and dlcubing berm: of pumonhip. The speaker wu not tired of women, but of 'hearing' about. woman. A MMHER‘S THOCHHT, My Ion l my mu '. G, blasted thought'. He cannot go when God in not; And where He in, there goodness reigns, And Love fulfiu what Love ordnins .' "“"eI -â€"- __-e-" v 1';eg women, n commonplace looking girl, is the exception; where tive or Blk are gathered together’ three at. least will be bunnies and the oghers will be comely. Surely, if then people new Greek or they like to think, the zculpton of ancient Greece needed their irnagitttsrion less than we ere “contained to think. Scores of Lime. Icried to myulf. ‘Thil one is the moat beautiful of ali.' But banal all I new remembers girlwho. with the true Ade-inn hoe, had unbelievable riches of red hair. She won more beautiful then, in our unequol world, my women has any right babe. It we. tenable to look " ......- -- Vi. _-' her only bee-use one felt then. very likely, every men and crown: in Arlen, including her splendid self, thought the redness ol her hair diatrmsiusgly unfortunate. " my IT. . The uddicion of reinin water in making cocoa is another iden which will be new to may. This in prepnred beforehand, by letting a pound of when: rnisins, carefully picked over sud waited, stand covered, with I quart of boiling enter, on the buck oi the range, where they wall not boil, for An hour. Then into the coco; pitcher put three hanging teapoonfull of cocoa, "ruin over it ' e hot rel-in wnter, add hull a. cuplul of lug-r and one quart of boiling water. In is IT,2 for use almost at. once. wut tube will o or " her drnwing room to: able in much considered by the noswu of the present. Lime; the quality of her to; end its method of brewing are questions of thought 3nd careful study. A REVOL'HSG DAUGHTER. she-is cennov. be-l Am not. worthy of wa- Ors Northern hills, on tiouthern plains. In winwr'o chills, in (summer's rams, In deadly coniiics.-blemrd thought-- m cunnot be where God is not I _ LOVELY WOMEN or Axum. Mrs. Schuyler TUn Reuucluer observes in her nccount of travel in Provence:“But therein one thing in Arlee that you will need no guide: of my kind to uhow you. I mean the beauty ofits women, who no atill nnive or Wile enough to wear the little Arleim up And voluminous fichu. Of mum they lave olwnys been famous for loveliness all over the world, yet. no. thing in other port- of the world will have helped you w imagine them. The type in peculnr to Proven- much more delicate than Italian typel, the very dark eyes and hair eontmatittg with the whitest of lkina: n spirited And yet An extremely poetic type, _ .. . H A-;-.____..-_ .1... __., In; so refined. no Aristocncic, chm: hi charm in not lost in old age. Neverthekaa, not the type inc", but the frequency of in perfect pmnucion. in the moat Bur. pri-ing. the moat Itlyhtf,tl .?,'ih, Here an . ,A__-_- A-.. a- .'-., _.'_l " Be-e-tatm l She-It. is true, too true. Hes-Im-ith". You are an angel. She-tio, no, you are wrong. ion an idle, only girl, utterly ttrttit to become your compuion through life. -- ..... . ' - an“ _,___ A - -iicur%" mane". wut sort oi a wife do you think I ought to have 'l -. - . g I , _' ___-t__, "iii/iuCUGTa'," Gliouuting, practical womun, who on live on your amll! “my. NONS lt in the nudity of the live wire that Innke- it shocking. The Aver-go Europe» woman’s life in shorter than the law's, but over two-third of the canton-rim Ihre women. The epidemic of burglurios Isteiy has had some stunning rtmults. One uervoun wo- mm. who live! in rather lonely state in Pukdlla, bu an Alum clock that awak- en: her once Mt hour during the mght. no that tho can keep her ears open for house- brake". we shell live in . world belutiful. It de. pends little on extornnl lcenery, little on than circumntwcu outside our personal control. Like the kingdom of lie-van, it ll not: locnlity, but a condition. Like the kingdom of haven, the world bountiful in within,nnd it in not only . privilege but on Absolute duty " to live that we no nl. Iuyl in in ntmoephere. Hop inane. like henlth. in the normnl etnte. {in in the sweet, nanny ntmolphere of serenity and light nnd isxultation, in that love Bud lovelinen that crate. the world bunti- ful Lillim Whitney Jays of life t "After All it run with unruly” u to. _w_heth3r l"' Visiting tuutim--" You don’t wulk qund the qiyxmuchnflo you t" A. '"iiiGiir-'r6CG.) " long disunce around the city, But I wulk about the street. . good dell." as Blue, but it in by no men in the tropic. it (I sometimes blue, " other! a deep green. ri hey Arr rueJtor I day or two put them in . cup sud cover with cold ulcer, whin‘l my I). poured " when the out an 'ttha The color of the m is ulunlly delgfibed 'ieit1ru, ' V _ WOMEN'S WAYS. Not a Pedestrian. aus uniform. inns an indigo w but Bloomer mm- Now In Invol- Ame-l French lover: or the Wheel. , There Are lame women who hove no pee- eible objection to weering the mo". Abbre- vinmd bathing suite during the manner monthe, yet who-e idea of propriety Irene Wm. 'i'rre,.W, tine that they would not be new in bicycle bloomenauch n are reproduced on this p130 from Life, which hm thig to My ubout Chem '. " These sketch“ are dawn from “in in the Rois dts Boulogne, Ind may be of inter. an L0 some of our own girls, who um: um numunns WITH LACE mm: m: CLOTH JACKET. debuting u to just what they ought to wear. Women who have uppeared on the beach in the null bathing dress. and who tind this columns immodeut, will hnve to wrestle with con-inuncy " boar. u they an. C'erusinly, oven in those scenes where the wine] hstt come in contact with I stubborn feet Mince on the fin do siecic need " it speeds nlong the highway there cm be no fault found with the new sad sensible out. fit. It the dsiaty Pnriuienne. whose cult. is the very essence of femininity, lpprovu of this nun there mm be something very chic about it. The Paoitie Uceun covers 67,000,000 of the 158,000,090 Iquure miles which compose the euth'l Induce, And the Atlantic cover- 31,000,G)0 more. Thus these twe 0cm- compriu: more tbln hulf the are: of the globe. pebble, any: the Philadelphia Times, there is . sum of outline in the costume loan on the ying tigurs thut is much more planing than the ditrarrangermmt of skirts sud lin. gerie incident to I fnll when a womm is Muted in the regulation dress npproved by those opposed to bloomers, while in pm mending and in the even motion of I per- mim.i,iijrllifhinryRit,E ..-.'- - ‘_ -- - V“ " - mm. L. L, N.Y., Jun. 15, um. Dr. B. J. mm Co. Gentlemen-1 bought I uglendld bay home mmo w)! mum I Hgvlu. ttothun form. I mud rndall‘l Spavln re. The symvln In Ron" now And I luv. been cloud .150 or um um» born. I only Bad mm ulna was“. no 1 ttot 3130 tor :1an u worth ot. Xena-11'. Spun: Cure. Yottm truly. W. s. Munoz". Kinni‘fi'?"1§aAinT€fi§é -.- v v- -- - --- - -- 81111.“. Mum" Dec. In}. 1590. Dr. B. J. kRttpata. Co. iittd have and your Kandm‘l Sylvia cun- wt Rood lumen tor Curl:- on two horns and " h the but lement 1 have "ver um}. Yours truly. [mama Immune“. Price " no! lion Iv. For Sale by tut Druggmn, or addrers or. B. t KENDA LL CttMPulNY, PARISIAN BICYCLE COSTUMES. THE MOST SUCCESSFUL REMEDY son MAN 0373:1151, fir,,', W “was 't',uts1st .0 "I I " T ‘ has. 'mfdh'l,'M%1'l in the Side, 8S'A'dltT, Torpid Liver Bud 3mm. t0star cur-d aka resume the {town was? we. 1'0 an. will I airs A urn-n m n mung-91!! “9,9392?! sgymzmzs ELM JACKET AND DlVlhED “in?!" Func- u can u can swan. Curtain“ iGiiGta%fuever hunters. Bead prooN below: WHIN WEAR? OF THE wmutL. ACCIDENTS WILL HAPPEN. POWDERS $317M INOIIUIGH YALLQ. VT, rt%ifihit4 An Outside Milk Closet. Where I person must. depend upon I muklnln tor his milk, the ouulde clout. than represented in the sketch may be durum: MILK moan-l" taken sdvnnugc of, paniculnrly if one is building a new house, or remodeling An old one. Where the milk is left early in the morning upon the door atop or plums. it il " the mercy of wind and Weather, Ind of prowling on: and dogs, even when A closed vessel is used for the milk. Where such a milk closet. cannoz be made, in might be found of ndvnnuge to make use of n nmnll box halide the door, hlwing n hinged cover. One could enjoy his tttilk-ttve" if it were nomewhnc blue !---much better if there were no suspicious accompanying it con- cerning visit of can and dogs. To make coco-nut. tWy, take two pounds of any”. one-third tenapoonful crew oi tartar, two.t,hirds cupful of Inter; cook to the hard crack; add our: fresh grated coconut: stir until the butch niche: the soft crack: pour out into n grandpm. and when nearly cold pull white on hook. Moluws tatfy may be made _by_ be.ril. Mel-nos hairy may be mg one pound of "pr. on' coIe. osfe.third quark New es; “it all th. Mme and cot not. " the tire and stir in upoonful gala-stun; pour i , ' - _..~_].. a» it will befound advantageous to ptsco them before I slow fire but at considerable distance, sod vigorously shake them from time to time, Here is it recipe obtained direct from a Russian iady for restoring luster to furs. Dwellers in cold climates wear " much fur that their experience in preserving its beauty can not isil to be useful. Heat a quantity of rye fiour as hot n the hand can bear. Spread a sheet upon the floor, ley the fur to be dressed upon it, cover the gsnnent with the heated gour, let it remain for heli an hour, then shake, and finnlly go over it with s 1oughsired brush. lt will {eke some time to remove til the rye, but this trouble will be repaid by the improved appeusnce of the fur. Coarsely ground menl probably would newer if rye flour is not obuinuble. Bran is more ensilv dealt with, but its "ieaey its is reutnrcr would probably be inferior to that of ttour. my...” -. W, _ mg one pound of sugar. one pound of glu- cose, onis.third qusrt New Orleans molas- ea; stir all th. Lime and cook to soft crack: at " the tire and stir in one-third ten- npoonful “lemma; pour into a buttered pm, And when nearly cold pull on the hook And (1-er with peppermint. Ara. other good recipe for molusen truly in tho following: (Inc quan of shiexe Orleans moluacn, one and onedourth pound» of sugar; so: on tire cud stir and cook until, when droplped in water, it will form ruher thud ball if gathered up between the tiugerr; thiaia culled hard ball; then add one-gunner pound of butter Ind cook to can crack: pour into I greased pan, let it rennin until nearly cold, and then pull on hook. __ _ . , To make French nougnt, boil one pound, ot gtnnulnwd augu sud one mcuplnl of who: over A slurp fire until it begins to turn yellow. Do not stir while boilin . Elva randy one-half pound of Jl','dl'lt; blmchod sud dried. Put them in the oven and lenve the door open; when they begin to look yellow. udd to the cundy as it reaches the turning point described above, nnd quickly pour into n well-oxled tin or iron pan about. one-half an ineh thick; muk with n slurp knife into bars before it cools. By bending the tin between the hand. slightly the candy will come out. easily. A comb with teeth «I. wide spur. may be used cnrefully to fluff up long-ttsired fun, but violent tugging mum. be Avoided, or the fur wilt be torn. Fare should not be put too near a. urge fire, bat, uhonld puking them away have macaw them, it will befound advamageoua to pine The dainty little gown pictured here, is developed in white Indus silk, who“ soft folds lend themselves admirably to the purpose intended, which is thi fashioning of . gown qmunt, distinctive, and Itylilh. The yoke in formed from a simply tshirred trill, to which the full akin. ranching Almost. to tho floor in suspended. Fill bladed sleeves, a girdle and a. picture hli. complete the twcetstsoriea. The whole is a unique little garb and one that will form n nimble foilioiho costume of the bride. --Ioronto Ladies' Journal. Apple Shortcake. Take one cup of sour cream (if not too thick.) bat if very thick "the oneJourth "ilk, one even teaspoon each oi mm, and. and cream tartar, and tiocr enough to mix quite htrd. Divide the dough and roll 3 little thicker than pie crust. Butter a pia plate and lay on one-half the dough. then put on a few bits of batter and a mull Ipoon of dry flour, BO the upper crust will " " euier when done. Add the upper crust. and bake in I quick oven. W hen done, Ilka off the ‘upper crush and on on more bits of butter and apple previouly gtowerd and sweetened to Lane. Floor Coverings. The old-fuhinuud blue and brown dun- im- make very new and rally pretty tuor coverings or carpets for a bedroom, study, "wing or my room where mm is not. too much wear on the msrpet. Denim: also nuke "rvieeable nig- fur bathroom; They nuke good cushion-cow" in room! where the Appointments are no: two rich. At Letttttrtdae, N. w. T.-" lmnkrr m.“- lnz-‘I‘he w'lnnlpe'; 'Tayorat"y. A deepacch from Winnipeg. any: ..--TI"s Min“. of a feud between two Bangui“: Alexander Mcuickeu, who was doubled elected Msyor of \Viruiprg by two of n _mBiority md then deposed on the recount, In. now taken action to can his sarll.',',t,', Thoma Gilroy, from the office. Me icken h- gono through the poll book and found ‘Unnl reputa- for Gilroy, bad on this ylvldouce he will prawn the election. familial living at Lssvftbrvirre was A pitched battle with knives Thursday night. There were half a dozen on each Ade, and two He now if: the hospital in u. critical condi- tion, while all the others are cat in differ. alpine". ' . -. I I _ -t, - or - --- - The missing Nccpawn banker, who dis. Ippeued so mysteriously n few City: ago. Munoz be traced. Foul play I: suspected. Bis panner. ex-I’remin V He rrinon, has employed a. detective, believing he has been murdered. Pretty Costume for Bridgsmald. THE rion E. Some Good Candles A PITCHED BATTLE Restoring Furs flaws; And get your Buggies and Waggons Repaired at Lowest Bates. We are also getting up New Rigs of all kinds. Sash and Door Factory. Two yam no required for the gulf Water to travel from Floridu to the can! of Nor- my. . I}. " animated that the Inca: of the whole ocean conuinl in solution over 2,000- 000 wan of pure silver. A complete stock of Whips. Combs, Brushes, Bits, etc; kept on hand. - Repairing promptly attended to. i - .. - I 1 The Red ge, takes its nune from the pretence of great, numbers of "aim-[cube ot that color in the wuer. "r-oat-- Having Completed our New Factory we are now prepared to FILL ALL ORDERS PROMPTLY. We keep in Stock a large quantity of Sash, Doors, Mouldings, Flooring and the differ- ent Kinds of Dressed Lumber for outside sheeting. Our Stock of DRY LUMRE is Very Large so that all orders Can be failed. Is still Lumber, Shingles and Lath always The Yellow Sets of Chins in so ealled from the presence ot Yellow mad wuhod down by the: great rivers that empty into its WILUK‘I. iiiiliiiijggn (tgit?!, The tongue of a hub is an rough lint n clone Link in ii will almost like the skin " the loolow. Ir " not gain to Illow I lion to lick your hum], for if he licked the skin " and got a tune oi Lhe underlying blood, supposing it to be there, he would want. Lhe hand and evcrythog Mjoining thereto. Naming more perfect in modern machinery extstty than che mechnnism by which & hon works his clnwu. He has tivo men on each of his forefeet mud four on etch of his hind Jest. Each we hm ll claw. Nothing About. a lion in without reuan, and the xenon be bu more toes and claws on hia fore than on hie hind feet in (but he has more use for them. It this were not no the nnjoncy would be the other way. The lion in noc- cunl ty choice. He has no puticnlu objection to dtsylight, but likes to spend it in the bosom of his “mm or " lent. ad. jacent, to it. It Ihoui-l not. be tttrid the: because he mum: About " " the neglccu hi: (Amity. He mm: in order to fitlthe iamily larder. m kin: to out, not for amusement. Be never bother- and! game no "m " than in big gum with. in reach. l 'hcn ieet'ng fit he an aka an ox in his mouth and jump lei-cu and witches like a proteoioms1 tsteeploeUaer. Me's. E. DAVtDSONl'S. April 2Ath, 19:18 The unini- tswtdlow an shell: and their inhuman“. and when inconvenienced by the pro-once of the hard nub-tunnel, limply turn thcmwlvu inside oat like I .toekittg aud get rid of the intruding than. in tlun way. First-Class Workmanship guaranteed. Wheat Price 951d for Raw Fm - TI 13mm, Jan. 26th, 1892, s"it1Eit11i:ne:ry, ' Xi. 1gr:i.11i.nery. Fatt The Seas of the World ts About the Forest King. CHAS. LEAVENS, J r., '/ HEAVY AND arilm! i,, HARNESS, L SADDLES, j BRIDLES, il COLLARS, Etc. New Stock Horse Blankets.' in his old stand on Lambton Street, near the Post Office, where he is ready to till all orders for Game , Come! Painting Done in the Latest Styles. Fall Millinerv ALI. WORK GUARAN TEE D. McKNIGI-IT d; LENAHAN, In 5:0th N., G. &J. MCKECHNIE. A T mun " Srx Boi-Dirt-i" Kidney and Blsdder dilcuel relief in six hour- the "Great South America: Kidmy Can" This new remedy is I pest nurpriu And Night on on account of in exceedin pronpm in g,higt,2tt/et,', 'ii'Y,'a'i'iti, but, In av " t I I: Pere In Ind» 30:110. It Idiom tot-nuc- at water n . in My it ulna“ in” tttlr f, gt: r,tuar, rd.” and an e in is your ready. by Month-o . C 0., Drgmn. The third no ot the Toronto Duily Mu! in noted for.'" Want." Advertincmont'l. If you In: . situation. . “but, . hummus. a mmhinery. lodging, if you In“. w find out when my one a, ulna-tut in the Toronto Duly Mnilmd read the " vermemenu on the third we Cot tttat paper. The chase in two out . word and: insertion, or ten canu I word Ne " innruons. Addrou the Mail. Tamra. Canada. If the surtsee of the o.rttt were perfectly level. the wuer- of tho om would - in toa depih of 600 feet. Port Severn in necking An immense [nanny of logs. lp is 'sims) um mom gold Md nil"! hue been sunk in the m that we no: in circulnu'on on the earth. wu‘u', Hw- - V- , bottle. Warmnted English Spam: Liana")! mull Bud, Son or Odlouod may. ad Blamishes from harm. Mood pm 9951*. .5th Sprig. lbs-3m. Among the Homean when . wide . wish" to mun-y “an ab: man. an: cl t he joint of a fimrer uni proton; is to he: a or hmbmd 01 the wedding any. L|-:'>£c:;m; , iumupuwu , UN rev-nun um. haous of hard, soft or oallouwd lump: Mood Spay-in, splints, carbs, sweetly. "ilk: and syn-am: (Irena: “on. Fame, Marl: hagLOaL Sold by 11cFad- t CO. A ”on: In (Quail-h Spavin acurb trout tr, rccotttmcndirt 't'iG'lhGGhaiFGG9Fr%% a tit/t -.iitt' wdmnieomuke. 2Seeettaattom ( an medicige dulou. I Srsnrc's Powders. each pack... of which contains two preparations. on in a, round wooden-box, the cover a: which foytus a measure for one dose. an mmn! nh- vNief fr r Sick Headache and Stomach. also Neuralgil. and all kinds of Iii-E’anh nu ins and another in capsul (from i to 501' one in am ordinary dos? which acts on the Bowels, Liver an Stomach, forming a never {ailing pen feet t,egrg','J, j'll,Yof, and complaints. e not. a most " nod gammy Odin 1e9rilet,dgy2 [ CHARLES “AYERS. Darnoch. Homam,s.-0nc bottle of Lin imcut cum plctcly removed y Lune. I take plenum in the remedy. asit no“ with ”rue" 2 the removal from I, "ft or 93110ou lumps. diam, tuba, sweetly. .titie. "ttiiEit" We all the Spatial “union of Poe masters and tsulmcril,etsto the {allowing " nopsis of tho newqmmrlawo: I. Itoty person orders Home: discos: tinned. he must pay nll smug“. or the publisher may conunue to send it until per mantle made.|nd eolleettbe whole mum! whether it be "ken from the mice or not. There can: be no lega? diseontituusnee until pssmentssamde. 2. my penal: who “hes I 91p” from the post once. whether directed to bin nun. or number. at whether he bu lub- scribed or not in :espomlble for the pas. 8. "ntruUeriber orders 'use page: to In stopped " a certain time, and the published continues to "nd,tlse sufosersirer is bound to my for it if be Lakes it outV,t the pod otheo. This proceeds upon he ground hat I can must pay tun-vim: he um. DURB. AM DIRECTORY W. J. CON SIM-nth Serums Sunday School in) I Church Warden», y Whitman. Set-ice every T p. m. add/mi; n 2:30 p. m. F day evening at 8 Sunday Sen sabbatu Scboo p.m. Preachiz mg tiersiee--T pave: meeting Union on Maud I For "wrr I‘Llly beggrm. MRS. “15mm k Smrmu. .ssrnrlias been and by milliouts of xiv-them inr tin-1r Children while teething. lt siinturbed at night and broken of your rest by " sick child r"otretirtg and crying with pain of tuning Teeth semi " one. and get I bottle of "Mrs. Wuvdow'. Soothing Syrup" for Children Teething. It will relieve the poor little miner immedia toly. Depend upon it, mothers, there in no mistake shout it. It cure. Diarrhoea. we. muste- the Stomach and Burch. cures Wind Colic. soften: the Gum: and reduce. Inn... union, and given ton: and euagy to tho Ihole system. “Mn. Winslow's Soothing Symp" for children minimum: tothq Mud in the -otrtatrt of one dt the but (all. pity-winn- and am in a. Unit-d was”? "metre. a . th. vorld. B. an a at in “In Wanner-Somme Snot." Service cvary sud 7 p. m. Sub] Payer meeting e " tt p. m. And when you but L'5 A:Lu,ci.ru or ttt Puritan Soup Wrappers send thers: to as. and . than can: sump for pushgr. gm! we will uni! Foo FREE. at Laudsome picture nimbl- for framing. A in: of picture. Hound each tar. Ammonin Soap ttnano equal. We recommend n. Writ. you we plninly and address: W. A. Bmsmw & Co., 48 sod 60 Lombardst., Toronto. Sold by ptl ttetpernl merchants And; "qteMieB. Give it B. triak It in believed by mlcroempmls that tire high“: power: of {hear instrument: have not. '" rave-Jed the most minute tom. of mind life. When territied. the (I: crave} u. the rate of {we hour And than twelve z. " stride REV. R. MALOXEY. Yum. Dull-um Bervievs- It I. m. am Sun» day of nary mouth. G'euelg Segeieqq- It I. m. bat Sunday of every month, 10:80 I. m. third Souav of ex cry mouth. thtputy-B on or before ful visititwbrelet F, Dunduik- _. I Shelblu ue-- Walkerton- mouth. W. 31.7300. Bum POST OFFICE I. m, lo 7 p Postnatal. Dartcun-Third Tuesday in end. Pricoviye--hlomuy before tGmna,r--Nomlay baron. Dalian: uouotForw.-Tuird Wednesday SAUGEEN TEST, JLO.T.M.. No. LU. meet. on the first cud third Tuesdays od every month. Thou. Brown, Com. F C. mum. B. K. COURT DUBBAM.NO.1 of Meeting. on second day in 93ch month. Jul; Chief Bugs, It. Burma. 1 u in the Ibdl owe me 2nd and 41!: MM TIsis Society offers I 92000 a low "tee. Fee. C. L. Grant. Boarder. PUBLIC SCHOOL. Dudmm School Board meets on the Ist Sunnis; in on month. 'll,%toll'/li-a. Thea. Alien. Friucipsl. MECHANICS INSTITUTE. New Bail-open every Tuesday evening M7109 o'clock. and every Saturday born 2 to4p. m. Annual fee SI. Dr. (3qu C. Bamag' Sec. Mrs. Mums, SONS OF SCOTLAND CAMP NO. M, much rum-y on or before fail Binnie, Chief, Goo. Bus“! HINITY CH L "ESPA' I.” _ Antonin may " rapper. hPTIST CH ETHODI REV. W. M C.CEU1:CH UREA)! L REY LODGE N of Meeting em CREAM LODGE REV Newspaper Laws. REGIS‘ CPO Monthly Fair E I w o, trm rid, ‘Yesluoainy in eau, ly If ty H 215% aw ts La A. Mann A Andaman h menu Du 10m " M a or ut George Minn cull Sec 316.“ 14am in w fio

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