West Grey Digital Newspapers

Grey Review, 24 Jan 1895, p. 1

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FOR SALE TIt EDGE PROPERTY. In the Town of Durham. C. Grey, including valuable Wate Grey, including valuable Water Power' Brick Dwelling, and many eligible building lots, will be sold in one or more lots. Also lot No. 60, con. 2. w. G. R.. Township of Bentinek, 100 acres adjoin- ing Town plot Durham. Mortgage taken for part purchase money. Apply to JAMES EDGE, Edge Hill, Onto _iirirTiiiiYoGaii, '0} irtdaGia, County " Grey. two miles Iron: Fleshorton i?ta. $sogt,thre. mug: from, Pricoulle. For Liens“ Auctioneer. tor 3h. County " Grey. bug» moan-Ma and 5-me- gun-Alma. Aux-nutrient- for pale: :cnn be mush a nu 1|:an 081cc. Durham. ur It his A's-menu Priccvmc. _ =- _______m_ Mint particulars apply to A. H. BURNET. Hopevnlla. 1 n5. BURNET, Durham. 'ttttt at vgry lowest rates on good land munh’. FIRE. Life and Accident Insurance. Claims of nll kinds collected-Old notes hmxgm. - -- ‘... _ . . 250 ACRES belonging to the Estate of the late James Barnett, 12.5 was under tatltiration, rest hardwood ,guqh, being Lot! 28, 'y, M, 26,.27, pu D. I"): LICENSED AUCTIONEER for Co. of Grey. All communications adv ironed to LAMLASII P. o. mil be promptly attended to. Residence Lot 19, Con. 8, Township of Bentinck. - - IN THE-- Following Properties at Prices Asked Int: P.it, 2i2, 28, mm. B, Fs'.W.T. S.Rond. Township Melancthon acres timbered. Lots PAI PAe, can. 4, S.\V.T. um lRoad. Melancthon--1to acwsu at. There's Big Money! DAN. MCLEAN. no) " ”awash He,) cut Graduate of th . ot Daub-l Hana-um ot tl lull-ml without pun: by tur- ll Itt or untamed lair. l’hr tical" ttuit": cf ttu, nuturvl new We next door We". ot Post DENTISTRY. PHYSH‘IAN ulist and F. Col. Toronto l , cians and Sum: Resident Phys the I‘orontn (it-1 cuuchc-ur In the Omce & Residence Dubs. MORTGAGES. Lasts. WILLS. ETC ATTENDED TO PR0MPTLY, NF.ATLY AND ('HFAPLY. omen on. door I Loan and Insurance Agent. Com. veyancer. Commissioner ace. Lan- nrnngod without dnluy. Collection). promptly mrule. [usuruuce etiecttrti, MONEY To LOAN " 10mm: run-so! “new“. , JCENSED A CCTION J. P. TELFORD, BARBISTHB. SULICITUH jli SUPREME COURT NOTARY Po0."'.Cooomi-1.oorr,etc . . Home: for CoaatiG of Bruce and Gray Residence-king St., Hanover. JAMES LOCKIE, m cm nan-Ems HEARS!) lll TOWN J, SHEWELL d; SON. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 'SSUER of Marriage Licenses. Aug. UNDERTAKING. Furniture. W. L. MCKENZIE, A Farm tor Sale. MON BY TO LOAN, Fire Insurance secured, OFFICE. our: aunt's tgrotto Lowoe TOWN, HUGH McKAY. T. C. HOLT. DR.. C MISCELLANEOUS. J. T. FOSTER. Dornoch. Ont. Town of Durham. County ot AUCTION EER. In this line we Take the Lead. Well Stocked and Complete in GASKETS. COFINS, Ete., in the Latest Designs LARGE and Complete STOCK. Consisting of Bedroom and Par. lor Sets. Extension and Centre Tabla. Bible Stands-in Oak, Bamboo sud Elm N ice Assort- ment of Rules. We also carry a Large Stock of Pictures and Emma Moulding. DURHAM. MEDICAL. The Hanover Conveyencer DURHAM LEGAL run. We. Darin: . H. BIRD, DAN. )IcLEAN H. H. MILLER. D. 30001131ch COURT ll? JUSTICE: 'tit mm; mm " Store Dur 2h Pricevillc. 2t Pticeviilc. Is in Ontario Toronto and and H. a bush tU4 sud Jobbing of all kinds promptly attended to. ALLAN McFARLANE, FOP. Hand-made Waggons tuotttrr Battle In Which "It Jan: Were “cu-Hal". Au otiiaUl (lcnpatca any: club Major. General Nodzu'n division commenced an muck upon thu Chinese position at. 5.30 u. __r_n_ - -"'e Des aches received from Kin-Chow any: that Jipunelc scouts report than a Urge force of (‘hincw in moving down to support the Kai-Ping torce. which bu retired to. wurds New Chwung. At Kin-Ping the Chinese numbared 3,000 men And they had 12 guns. About 200 Chinese were iiilod. The number of wounded Chinese in not known. About 1.10 prisogcra were taken. The .hpancse cuunluieu are not. stated. Me Wm . runuclun. Joan-nu and aqttsor--nt Fur Three Months. A detstch from Montreal nuyl ..-.Setts. tor Tune diet Thuradxy morning " 5 30 o'clock, after three mount illneu. Ha ha been unconscious for nearly a. fortnight. He win " yam of up; Ind lam n wile snd two daughters. Fe " yen: be nu [won odiwr of La mange. Ind wan: un- compromising Conurvplvo. E. formerly "pro-0mm! Dunn cilgéin the Common. uni lune-dot! ystyateltt.1tt Pelt! in l m. on Thursday. By 9.30 mm. Kti-Ping was taken. The Chinese fled toward: Hai- Shnk-Sei, with. the Japeueee in pursuit. The numbers killed end wounded on either aide Are not. known. The tirat' army wu wel. armed by the inhabitants. whole moving in headquarters to Shea-Yen. with man- iferustiuua of strong desires to rennin un. do: Japanese rule. P V the wee. Mr. fee, . unsuccessful in ' election”. _ pe one of the Canadian Commit-ion ' Chicago at the World’s Wir, uni mu Author of never- albookl. 1 . Horse Shoeing Shop, In the old stand. All hand. made shoes. Also "The value of A sharp psir of shun has long been commonly reeoguized," "id the moi moderate means, "but I don't think the ink bottle has ever begun wreceive the recognition to which its usefulness entities“. Indeed, it I were called upon to c’louau benwecn them I uhould unhcaimungly prefer the ink bottle. "Vain-bk: an the shears uudoubusdly are their we in Uter all but, huntod. while x'ne ink home in useful in many ways. You can trim of. frtsyedtthirt from or a psir of oath, or A collar with A pair of sharp, but. what more cu. you do with them '. Nothing. -- . . T a, .__.i,_ ..v......n. " A'tsea the covering is worn " n button of what. use are the shears? You get out. the ink homo and ink the button mould. HM " buttonvholc grown while with wear? Ink. Suppose you find when you gel. your blnck dugoml out in the {all that the patient moth, which never taken n vacation, him bored a hole in H. in some coupicuoul place under which the white lining shows. Are Lhe sheitrrs useful herc.ur do yln get out she ink bobble ignin and Inlm'n that white upon with ink 2 It whim than}: show in a frayeri edge, the ink, how useful I And whnt but ink, can renal-e cclur to the pale new“ or main: 2. binding turned white black ngnm , - "Gir,TrTii 17.06513 rhnve buy one, shun give me the ink bottle." Sonn- 'tetss on the llrlnllvr l'~rfulnmu of I Fuh- or "ear, and a lintllr of Ink. ALLAN 5,it,llhf0lifl THECOOK'S BEST FRIEND PRIME BOULDIN do CO'2 BAlKr'ii.hl.rt3 POWDER THE MAN or' MODERATE MEANS Of the Best Quality Cheaper THAN EVER. Has opened out a tirst-elass UNDERTAKIXG Promptly amended to, JAKE KRESS. LARGEST SALE IN CANADA. SEE OUR HARNESS UPPER TOWN. irst-Class Hearse. Tfi' JAKE KRESS WOODWORK SENATOR TASSE DEAD, Furniture THE WAR IN THE EAST, will to be found in bid Old Stand opposite the Durham Bakery. in connection. A first-class lot of for sale cheap. VOL. XV 1T,--WO. 4. HARNESS MAKERS. Aiik N"rY-Fr.VE HARNESS 01L. spot. with ink? It in a imp} edge, the And whst but ink, the pale new“ or make AT (iiht i!iiti 'roprietor. 1 (ttri, YEARS I A; I'LUMmIc, rm: rmxcus or wAruts' CHOW CHOW. crew: color to foxy red. These lively little cremures, of whom about twenty are to be seen running nbouL the rnyul domains, are extremely rare, and correspondingly valu. Able. Jack, the bison " Sundringhnm, a. magnificent animal of mammoth propor- tion, in: to bu kepl, in ooutitsetmsat, as it requires almost. u. Saumm's strength to control him. To get u Sitting the artist _ obliged to erect. a temporary plnsform behind hi: stable wall and take him under than ditriealtitsts as best he: could. Doubt- leu “1009” crowned his eiUrto, us his picture Pty,"',', . men: perfect head. , . I --, --- --- ...... ....:....... "riii "Gir'Roagh is two curiously unmed long-haired pots of the felino {we belonging to Her Roy-l Highnul tho The names of the Queen's pet dog: are Marco, a rad Spitz; Roy, tb come, mad Spot, a white fox terrier. Marco, who considers himself chief favorite, is an im. pudenn liule fellow bred in Floruucc, and relemhhng a Pomeranian in shupo, though aomowhnn smaller, and with n quanmy oi tsoft hair. His coal. shades from u dark I m, 'h, ' 'i"r"iu'el'ii8 kept at Wimluor. It is a good deal larger an. n our English donkeys, also much more the: and enduring, and bu a, beautiful white cont. Urge brown eyes, and abnorm- ally long oars, even for a donkey. The royal mimics, especially those of the Queen, abound with all kindsof donkeys, and each of them lives in company wnh a horse. Though they are wally disproportionate in size, the affection they bear for one an- other in quite astonishing. over, cut-yin Connnu ge qm beam ems is hm: "At the Prince Conson’u S1 represents a loose lax in whiu tmsgnitieent charger and Ninctr ful tiny white donkoy. Tl: stands uuvcnbccu hands high, h arf Elm [Jam's-E m3 Fompleto his interesting work, of which we reproduce some specimens. JFSSHZ, Tn: QK‘EEN'S MARE. grttert tilef. T will ha sure to take ndvuntnge of the op- 1'efg,"i on bl portunhy siforded by the clever artist, who at.- e u more: Huffy, Beau. I bu BO dexteroualy portrayed the pet nn- pony its " trify, imtla of the roynl mmily. Mr. Jeasop's .beiu.tlyie.i 1n toque“ for pormisaioa to sketch the pets I " , light bay! _ h Home raciouanes- and thirteen hum In: met. mt ex F g ' "bltusa.cart," ever] fucihty ieeLiLit wu ranted. to en. . rr /iiittss, ' t "CC, 'N-er-v-ra' , 'i,,,),,),);,),, )" 173333: iii/Mazawéy The 'tr not“ and "no Ibo-key» or thr Que": Incl llle Prtncr and l'rlm‘rn or "llfl‘ llrr Mnjuly Nevrr Forge" " Name or An om I‘rt-A annlnnent mgrrato- Thi- I'rlnrc-u or Wnln 'uve. the urban! I‘hlmren n Drive. The recent exhibition in silver point by Mr. E. Jessop In. the Burlington Gallery cumin Mil to meet, With the appreciation itdeserves. my! a writer in Myra's JournsL The subjects m titemselvos are so interest. ing in their relations to the private life or, our beloved Queen tun-l the Prince and} Princess of Wtdes that every one who can i The ' THEY ARE CAREFULLY LOOKED AFTER IN THE ROYAL STABLES. THE PETS (l? ROYALTY. ly ",2ari-dt1tt: .. EI rfilg Jtrt,;c,ip)s1/i u g [rf/b! y an V ‘ T/f/ F tit'isi'j/jj1lti' il/r/i/lj, f ', "se-rip-ti',', Bg, U: " iiiiiiilt,? _ c-'i-'iiiii3il8iR "Hi. iCi-'i-ri;r2itir7, Canaan’s Shaw Farm" lox in which Itandl I n beau ti DURHAM, CO. GREY, THURSDAY, JANUARY 24, 1895. The Mongoose. Sumo time ago the mongoose w" intro- duced into the island of Jamaica to destroy the rats, which were doing much dams, to the sugar cane. But the Kingston pun," say its activity did not amp there. It deUroyod snakes, toads, insecbivorou. birds und other enemies of the imeot. neg, sad as u result there has been B great lacrosse in the number oi John, gm: lice, ballot, flies, and other tsmall pests. Horus "irer "vireiy,aryieyirnesditr,fromu.ie “can. of the tielo,whielt not. into their ethra, nostrils and throtua. Al the menace“ finds the run, and snakes. Loud: sud omb- diuppeuing. it much letting fowl: add curia- off uzeir eggs, and kills young Am kidl. lambs. when. pupa, kitten, reg. and gum bieder,destroy, fruit In "1* ables. and in Impacted of lacking up: cue, on. me”. End “It provident ind ortoh" fish.--" quk Trim l mi .Ixsxnt, THF'. ul‘EEN's DOSKIY. ' m ' huge sayinh ruO, with a touch of t d worm-ms mils. Their parents were t " th bazaar. r Plumpio Mt a handsome Chinese dog. a l constant companion of Her Royssl _ h. ue“, accompanying her in All her tail: She " a red chow-chow. and bu three H . cendnnm, culled Fux, Buz, and F"'-.. - They have ull can” of n. rich light red, Ind lure of A rare upeclel, their striking i6r I isrity being thin they have red lag-n Husband of the usual black. t I The Princeu'a own four-stall pony ltllble 1 in twenty feet square, with dark showm- |cnlor iron work, the pilhsra bonnet: a 'aLnlls Gviug silver-plated cups, and s, walls being covured with glued white d 1 groan tiles. The parties' lumen are in d " letters on blue-Ind-whlw table". ll sable is sacred be its four inrtssas-BetfAa, 2 Huffy, Beau: and Belle. The pet (hits Cami-n in the i;'L'urc or. it nurprioc: but should such an experiment prove successful thvro is no doubt that it will result in the opening up, its is prscucal possibility, of n nuwticld Mr Agricultural operations, the value of which annual at once be, tee-Limited. Thu avowed object of the Department of Agriculturu in the cstubhshmcnt of the new farm is to demonstrate the upmbilitiu of Nort'rvWeetern (Jzitsrio u n dairying country, in order that [rospectivo settlers may be induced to take up land in that district instead of pulling it by for the Prairies at the Went. My little hu here-, Loforo been known of the territory to the north und want of Lake Superior that a proposal which recognizes its right to be included amongV the most fertile regions of the province will be received by many almost With incrcdulity; but those who have had the opportunity of studying the district and examining into the rcsouicoa which it undoubtedly contsins have long been surprised thut so little attention wu paid to it, and so few ctl’orts made to take advantage of the few opportunities which it nifnrds the settler. The outcome of the experiment will be watched with interest by the "r.ricuituriats of the province. Mr. Dryden lust summer instituted ANOTHER. 1NN0VATt0.N. which has already been fraught with good results. He secured Is small sppropristion at the last session of the Legislature for the establishment of n. number of experimenul fruit stations in different portions of the province for the nurpose oi testing the adaptability of the sail in various districts to the growing of the different varieties of our native fruits. of these ho established iourm different sections, and tho'rssults have been most satisfactory, u. grant deal of vulnuble information having been gather. ed togethcr. which is now being put in the form of a. report. In this cue, Also, the method adopted was an economicul one. the stations being established in etch in. stance under the care of in: export fruit- grower at a cost which was almost nominol; in fact, the expenses of the four stations for the senson are little over _ thouund dollars. The piun has met with the cordinl upprovul of the fruit-growers of the pro- vzncc. and it is to be hoped that the system Will be more widely extended next lesson. enterprme of the that the proposi comes in the I TIH' I in a light bay, eighteen yang old, nan thirteen hands. When bummed to ., "bhuss.cusrt," and driven by his ' _ 3mm Twhero con-gen “mud to cheer the royal carrie. The Princess often atop: when l the children Lre coming out of Ichool, and l picks up as many of these little one: u the {can puck in the carriage, drives them to their homes, and parts from them With A lsmiie, laying. "Now you cm any you l have mu! IA drive with the Princess." ( The exhibition, including iiimy more Equally interesting pictures which space um mhlhh " AN INTEREST] Princes: of Wales, which live " the Sued- ringhum stablel. They have bllck bodies, Vllnl~l M anyt, NEST AND wr or turlvullurr I’rnlmwn " " llulr) Farm In trest Alzolun. ir.'ti'i who has the four oighfesn of Lho provmce contains oi acres oi fertile land trd. 20 the purposes ofa cattle- . We m the. East are no gun! an: region " one of Agriculc ure JIM aim the. honor 5:6 four-iu-haud with. V It teen yen: old, Luna: When harnessed to, Minn, and valuable, y as a. field for the r or the Inmbetmm, mole by Mr. Dryden of a surprite; ly1t ExP'iR.riiIE?lT, upproprinsion tor lg a pioneer dairy e of the Canadian Algoma, problbly . is based upon ie by the Minister, n um the north. Legislature in 3 speech unced that A Brigadier. Mrs, Citrtaip1--" II he I majorugenernl t' f,eava"No, my dear; I minor-gen- onl. - Experimeno tut. Sr.oeburyutssn inn-c Mrown that an Armstrong shell can he Hun“ n 9,176 vrsrds-alpout tive and one.third rude --"yt' nwrilcr in Temple ' It in tin-re fore absolutely clear that if all [his iii-ct were temporarily absent, either an 'itHtlL' special mission or dispersed by a Morin, hostile ironclad: inking up a z-osition vs .xh- in four miles of the eastward of Europa Point might with impunity mend shut and I hell “to the outlying part»; of the fortress and can“ much destruction of hie and pro pertyr On the other hand, the goi'cruor oi the fortress would not he idle, and the ex. periences of the late civil Wat' in America have abundantly proved that the cannon ',in fortresses. if thry alrike a tdrip of war with their projectile even at long range, may do counidoruhlc mischief; while, on the who: bud, many shot and shell may strike in fort and only do trtliiug damage. it in practicnlly impossible to throw shot or shed over the high part of the ruck, nenr Spain, and tho cannon ensconced in the unique rock gullerieu. with their royal artillery gun detaehrneno, would he " aoluloly Mic. Even if the neutral ground between Gibraltar and Spain were cuciipimi by a hostile foe, comparatively little damage would be the result. During the wriusrh, any It Gibraltar it was considered desir. eble to try the experiment of f1ring upward from the plein on the Spanish side in to the galleria, dummies being phured to represent the necessary gun detachments. A regiment aeVernl hundred Itrong wu Accordingly ‘pleoed in position and supplied with ball Urtridges. The rouge, however. wu un- known, and the fire being directed npwud. it WM fully on hour before any of the dam. mieo were hit, nfierthe expenditure of much mansion. In actual varies-o, of course, ‘ the British rim, shorpahoouro mun have} picked out their fool by tiriag downward from the gelloriel. Bomb-proof bunch. and hoopiul- m potent futon .guiut the horror! of bombardment. nod there is little doubtthnt Lhore in ample room " Gibraltar formanendment on this head. 97,016.84, 5;: tla, mending year. The receipt: u all interior Cities during the ulndu‘ you 1894 amounted to 164.3“.- 884 bushels, against 190,1l0.117 m 1593. while the total wheat and tlour export» were 14i,333,600 bushels, against. 181,333,- 346 in 1893. lalono, against 73,642,125" bllslu‘lg during the first six monthe of 1593. Tin, unllmil; I for higher prices was further encoumgcd lny the government crop report for July. win m eatirmsted u crop of only 389,750,000 bul. ell At that Linu- Av. P. Elevator will at ' the Produce Exchange: fur 61 rents. Soon it became evident that the ngures or the Agricultural Depsrtment were far [no mnull. ityl heavy rnceipta. With continued reports oi good condition from the various Sum», tuned n collapse in prices. By the end oi July the former low record was broken, sud from thu. time until the culmination oi the l decline the low-waver mark w reduced a frncLion every weak. The tiutsl hmmm price was reached the“ noon on October min. at .541. Lunar in the day there was lame recovery. and m quotation hm ud- vmced tosbout ea in” of henvy arrivals for the first nix months of the crop year- 120,852,400 bushels. exclusive of tlour, Again". 116,467,889 bushels for Lha corres- ponding part. of 1893. During the mums. time the 18352“ of when And wheat. flour amounted 'g $539,647 buishera ugninui Pmllblllllel In 'he law-n! of Allnrl- In I "onttte for"; 'mrQ5iR_itTtiTBritr' "tWit" Wim" as fol It mrwd. M: a! U can." been some enquiries IV for mailer! .21”, uéoome other heavy linen. ki showing was manufacturer. Ire looking at M little thud, bat, on the whole, trade as de _ yet shows little recovery from Lino holidAy l It 1 dulneas. I hi te.. lower, which is tn indux times. Payments are uid to some inaunou while many wh an say that, there has been an the number “kink "mew-ls. trade in without specinl fo movementia limited mud pri, about the "me. The imports twenty an: of Minneapolis Gu hard spring wheat it, nu tho have I depressing (shot on pr toba when. but M yet M who] and perhaps an: a shade hi week ago. _ The only apparent annulus to Lra iToranLo bu been the cold weathnr. f orders from tnvelleru uhow Home imp meat, plrliculnrly in he“) dry gnmh this fact, oi course, has created t better feeling. An important factor i lituuiou is Hm stocks of general mer- diao Lhroughoub the coumry Are pro lower chm for mmy yew. Au future that will tend to bring about a utiufncwry auto of things is the economy thst bu forced itself upon masses of the people the port two l The hide market continues very a: with leather a trifle stiller in syrup Onthe other hand the prteo of augm: lower owing to competition with Ge unporuuons. There sugars are infer; Cunndun granulated, but they null M. l guy has there hue been some good In of be” Lo jobber» at firm przceu, and lilo “Food runny enquiries from Toronto. and , eaten: American points, but in Lie canon} run of coda, unner- inve ruled In Montrenl trade circles there is naming teGlly new to note. There has been a meal undying of helmet: sheets lately. Ind from all we cm Klein there are few wholeade houses who cut lay claim to hav- ing made any Mibltnntiul addition to sub plan, while many consider they have done well, if they can honestly any they have held their own. There is no notable revival in bulineu nativity " yet. Boot and shoc- fictoriel Are a nin vetting under can way. . ft g y but there is no free buying of leathrr being done. In dry good. name fair orders for lpl'ing goods are reported, but traveler» he“ barely got f-irly to work ye.. in in: country. Puymenu due on the 4th iwrt. for dome-tic goods sold three months, October ut,28N, were pretty well met, but f',','ti,ri, ”minima- ere net 'meoyrngiue. n the GIBRALTAR AND ITS DEFENSE, Some Items “Interest to the Susi . ness Man. THE FIELD (ll? COMMERCE. Tl M of things in the rigid n: forced incl! upon the cople the put. two yew. .er. continue: very strong, triiie atiifer in sympathy. md the price: of sugar» um competition with German Them, pugs" In: ixxferxor to lasted, but they sell“: about Pn is In iudueement than :u are aid co be bean- in M Miriam. _, London fire engine- often he." to atop on their 27 to I the to take up A tux-newt. s liveri functionery, who helm: showed to hue the key to a hoping. 751%.“. just who I mm to gel. tt. 1 want to tind out. wut vou think, not what you know." iNury--"s1 r. Slimmerly in lllel mnking love to me or Turing me compliment, and I dan‘v. liken." Jtsne--"Olt, tutu only hi. way." _ _ Mush-"Yen, bat it doesafr weigh ans-l thing. r, " What do you think oi this couulry naked tho iutervUwer. - - _ . "il To all middle-sgml sufferers trom sag. nuiouI would my: Try pining your hur in the middle." Sufferers from stagnation Adria-l to Try Pun-g Their "ate In the Indie. " I hue ttsken a. new qtart in life," uyl Mr. Hutch”, .' And I have found it much ca-ier Lhnn might have been imnginod. My oldest Gughutwlto in I very bright,n very sprightly, ami I might add I very nuns- Live young woman, had ior a long time cold me thst I Wu olddaahionod And slow. She said um. if I would wen pointed ahoea nnd high coll-rs and fnhionnbla “as had pub my Gir in Lhe middle I wouldn't. be a bad-lookin mun. " How §looked " I result of then changes it might not. be modest for me " any; but u to smother 3nd. very rcmrhble eiftsco.rrtedin,g,i,r,tu",sttt I my unfit}. bb Mid the old blunt shoc- und eomfort. nbla low collars and "riug neelrtser, and With the old Why of canine the limit. low down on one side, I named to put " “I incrmstation of old hubiu. and to map up out. of I deep rut, up to l level when: men Were hauling About. in great nlnpe; And with my pointed shoe- Mid high collun and hair parked in the middle I VII one of them, once more infused with the idel of keeping up With the proccuion; oi keeping map to ”in my:? of Active life. JALi ldon'b hesitate may that it In parting the hair in the middle that did u. t could hum worn unmoved the pointed was, the high collm, sad the new-funicu- od ties; but, not no the hm parted in the middle; that I lelb l mun. live up to, " would never do for me 10 pm my bulk in the middle And then not. nuke good my right to won it so. m _ -sviiy-ieiis" -iufow," replied the eminent foreigner, " I lave only been here 10 min. mm." TAKING A NEW START IN LIFE, dosh, de spring gun Johnson, of Tcnneuee. I hev do (all perricklers of his dean in “cue: from . mm who knowed him. De pretmhle in his one lnyl (in he was an honest. Ind upright man Att' widow. reproach. De renaluuhun um slightly " in hinges. BrudderJohnson luved bacon. When tho rcmlmhu posed of, "death Ga boon bu " smong our members nines de hut. meetin'. Wo her lost no lens dun five honorary memben. tn he I My fren'a," Mid Brother dudner u romiue Engine" of the regulu moat- of the Limskhn an!) hnd been dil- mercury poems to he Unmeanlng Spaech. [it What He Wanted, BROTHER GARDNER W dout repronch. De from the"? house, fir, i, n, to a Ion My " tut hinges may . veiwpro " the bottoml ,d bnoon. 'A hets. the iog m: ‘ B.d. A INS-Ac of mr wot Jed upou de tttaut of concavity , f a " a and men the WM wrnphis togs "round would _ Fa T " compelling me ttt usc k fur bucou. li dar Pkg?!“ ., PJ,', puutpst b it? Jer1'."r',v,1t ‘. ir , . on 0, r, t c wstaar woun run un "A oi tie humble but mother. . . oollectcd. To waned v ll rund Ib. [dug 4-1?“ " hour: and of tin.- p:; I owner of a and» Ice fig " . myrkn {Argo tale draw m can to anew-it. ”he" MI , .. g m the '.ower " 12' de 1|de brad. the pr -'.' ' Pt. w titrotrtr level N ' _ mnkuag; V, - ntecugm. A. w oktrhouse to rob P. Milly I l Jo air on now enuer ' c milwok n. fur t pipe, 'fE a“ aiomoeo Rouble with it. l de duh to u do a B, --en-' Whoa he opened dull ", L5. . jay on the Farm. vent oe. An' " h-iu't Af ‘ = _ arelhrunyn with mm Da H B, 1 he opened dat I Stay on the Farm of, ot' " hnin'c Af T arethrouga with sch ohnlo-n kilo-WIN? or if a" i 'give them ' huh: pm lder De {um name premrm pluck in full lbleu an aruclc of diet, and 4 {av may be given With MiVaniAgu tr, 3 horse in a healthy condition. Oatmeal H extremely "arritious, and as a food for the nun-ales- ccn'. hars- iu most mlnabic: the bruuriag proceu tbs grain has undergone break.- the bulk Ind reuderr it more “my acted upon by the digestive organs, " is usutu given in the form of : grael,, and in that l, tarm it it one of the moat “anti-I article- ‘of diet for the iatirrmtv. Linaeed is decidedly to be included in the sick diet roll. lt in nutrition. And from in oleagis om nature soothing to the (mummy irrit. tble mnoonu membnaz of the dimenmy an], and hence it in punicnlu'ly to be recommended in the argument. of Bore tin-om. Nor is in bland ed'ocv. local: only , in - men] inGettsett in wciculurly abut-nun in mention of an “days. Beaa "and: /ecid food mat gonenily ' horse; it not: as u ta cow In wtnte is of great w temoting no the uppeuue Lion. There is no part G mm more ustiversal tl" “.th u change oi food. show alight uympnom: o warn bun mun in s l the bowel: mare unmet cibie of my when. and . amuHer drug " therefore required to produces the desired when. Bran mains: mty b: given hot or eold-. cold are perhaps quite a: gramful to tire horse; but the nib- bling of hot mash m camrrnul sinuous is particularly bearticGl from the nemry nah-slum: oi the steam. Oi .11 the room with which home. an kmpw‘Jne carrot,ws A rule, in the fuvonte, and perhaps the most beueticial. lt in uid w beuomewhu. dturts in in edict. ad to exercise n ulubrious other. on the skin. Cemin it in nu: . pick home any be coaxed into suing cutou- when disinclined to partake of other nour- i-hmom. with the gram-t. benetieitl mum. For the ailing hone can-run m most valu- uken u Whenvn Live medic I had omrLHeeumr trouble and tnnnymce with s “we, In nhown'in the Accom- pnnying “It. eluted by I bubble off-it, when . Madam. _ The water futrxtd WHOLE NO. 85% Prevenm Air Bubbles in Water '," Pipes. Little drop. of water, Freezing on the walk, Me . nun who neg» there, Indulge in nlughty talk. Treatment or PL‘ACHCAL FARMING The Slippery Season i. 0:50le s hunting is frequently Sick Horses My foremost as tho the undid Ciiiiilii' LOT FOR SAT I lower gets iri,i,_ TOYS an 7.”: __ WOOLS ALAR DI CLOCKS Cheap and Reliable. Gum etreetuaw rouse the most in“ lie-a-bed. ' With cathedral gangs. in very 3’“ _?' cases and 111 many Styles. Lgtyig CLOCKSSc - - - - WATC Sold by ll XXX: sumpuou. um. and Urinary 1 Female It Laboratory - Godericit,0n' TESTED REMEDIES SPECIFIC and ANTIDOTE MISS', GUNS. NI MCLEOD’S .. System Renovator! Fancv Ag Me BESERVE F1531) W. P. C CAPI TAT Hamlin Wall Papers TERMS: St per year, m uh, ems, sumo: Editor& Prom StandardBank of Canada' REVIEW OFFICE. a! 'AT.. “my”: THE GREY Grand Trunk Railway. ST Dot- Thursday; M 1/ ,’- fa/f "d? ef "c/tous-cc-i/trt?.)"' OWEN SOUND“! nf,?" -eA'r87f'4't?gy " DURHAM AGENCY Lower Town. EMBROIDERIES Head Office. Toronti. SAVINGS BANK 8 DAY ECLOCKS reatlv redr, J. M. McLEOD, PAl Dru; ts Pususaem and SZLKS. 1) "tCl t' TO PAllKER'S. i Goods, 1 Stationary; in, D an AT in all COLORS AT THE Slim“ n h nmlly o/ie Muck“ BL. annfnctnm rates 'i,Ntmtt. P. Reid. Mange Kid's: Dam zen! rumba Pup!“ t, Neu. “00.01” 600.000 {emu ,onlor word " nts in Sen- _ boa :23“ nu“ "rm. uln- 3mm rm! Ut E? E2 go (lt N

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