West Grey Digital Newspapers

Grey Review, 24 Jan 1895, p. 2

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95 _ such a time as this, when France is tn such an ansct"led eonditiou as sh? bat the present time. Ho. justifics his 1mm: on the ground that; he was 1m:- e ' zed by all panics. Thu immediate J We ohm: present. crisis is said to be con-up: arran,'.p".t1ents made with . 'tways by the 1'scpabliean major- PY in the Assembly. $140.01) issv.U -i"" have been distributed Among the . Jyem'tem in order to secure their votes ‘I .%ibroar ofthe railway policy. M. Wu" Pure has been ducted President AMI-runway. a resolution to establish the monarchy. Meanwhile the Duke of Orleans has 23!: London and has taken up his garters at Dover to be near his below ot Fiance. as he said lx'msclf, and to ad [be ready to take advantage of any hammer. Surely the French have , . T yet learned the art of Government. 7'erier is much condemned by the iii,?,: . has forthrowing up if: ottiee - in N. Brunswick. and one each In Nova Scotia and P. Ii. Island. Why 'hthis thinly? as Artcmus Ward would .3 True, nobody complains because nobodyis "eeted. When tt Sonata air his constituencv (himself) (lies with him. Can it, be that thew posi- tions are kept vacnnz until after the “actions, when, cVull it the govern- mentis detcatcd, them will still be lime totulthetn with defeated aspir- ntsfor the Ccmmvns? There are just about vacancies enough now to receive the members of the governmcnt who have seats in the Commons The dc- lay, therefore, may bcdue to pruden- tial motives, or is there a plan to let the Bemtte, die a natural death by the dual of its igtdividaal members? A g'esettttittrt would accomplish this, the apat.t would get gradually less, legions”! would not suffer, and the --The den he elever.tl Two being it three in N. y, the p11 wheat. Uanad and ta or tuanuthetnre, or importation hwxicntin: liqnnrs. These tpics" Hons. being those of trade and com- merce, come, in the opinion of the Court, under the Jaridietion of the Federal Government. This fiuding tttret', the opinieuotirtr Oliver at on this question. Howeveras the Supreme Court was not unanimous it! any of the points submitted to iv. It ts probable that an appeal will be taken to the Privy Council mnhcqncs- tion is an important mm. and it, isucces. ry that the question of jurisdiction as F,,'...':':' sale and manufacture of intoxi- ,r.'vg liquors should be detiuitciy " h. Ts The Cottrty ( ttelf by this am Very great. N"? Warden “innit- " .6jttil. WE learn today Reeve. Binnie, of appointed an thc hi Mon in tho gift I! and will occupy " 1S.G. B DURHAM. JA N VARY NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. thasnt-Cash St: w. Hunter-Hand Over Fret, ery-Art. ------i ------ BINNIE IS WARDEN mal Meeting ofthe North Refonn Association was was the 15th imt Res- yrexno Court has decided x of three to'two, that the 'eptisiatares have not the robibit either the sale, .cture, or importation Ly not rank highest a. ririynlities of the county n-alzh, but she has far. Wardens to the square , municipality we know aneil, South Grey, Glen- meratulations again all .0. 1ncil has honored it. ntment and we have rein c ms of the senator- t be wrenched by for their own dis. ki cat die." pr Wardcu's chair "ti 'i' manning ion. Mr lav) thot rim " " been pol por 'ii'i'iiiiG iii.'" - A. -tLutisiGttsfttl 3 times; a. day before meals. Cost. of ingredients 28 cents. B. WATSON, sr. this - . Tamer. Nitrate of Potash , 07.: Alcohol 2 07.: Glycenne " oz: Oil of Wintergreen A) dro 5; Livevwort leaves 1 oz: Man- de9 root h oz. - " Six Roctt,c--Dtatretmtttg Kid my and [Mulder Unease! relieved in six hours by the "Great South American kl ney Curr." This new remedy is ngreat inn-prise and delight on account. of its 1-K- cneding prumptunss in relieving pain in the “Ming prnmptmrss in relieving pain in the bladder. kidneys, Luck and every part nf the ttrinarv wungmin male or tcntale. It re- lieved releutiun of water and pain in pas ing " .lhnusr. immediately. Ttyou want quick relief and cure this is your remedy. sum by Mclurlaae I cu, Draggist. The nudrrsigm-d offers free the fol- lowing rcctript for the Lwncfit. otall sat- ferers from Rheumatism as a grateful acknowledgement of his own cure I-- Infuse ' two last separately in water. strum through a. cloth, then add the ottutirwrefieyP.t this will fill 2 i foundlnnd would be n goul thing from jsevcrnl points of view and would 1 round on" the Dominion. Her fisheries are the best in the world, and the in- terior of the island abounds in valuable minerals. But the population 'only numbers a tew hundred thou- sands and the public debt reaches several million dollars. Moreover the French claim exclusive rights over 800 miles ot thc coast lying on the Gulf of St. Lawrence the most important p.x rt of the coast line as to fishing, and be sides offering readies: access to the interior. This is the realerax ofthe whole matter. The islanders de- mand the entire withdrawal of the French settlers and fishermen, bag and baggage, and France claims certain rights on the southern shore of the island which she holds Great Britain is compelled to enforce. This state of things has been a bone of contention between Great Britain and France for many veers, nor is the trouble at all likely to be removed bv placing the responsibilities ot Great Britain on Canadian shoulders. Possibly, with a stable Government in France, and an economical and enlightened Govern. ment at Ottawa, some way might be lonnd out of the diftietllw. But, as the Globe advises, this is It question in which Canada should hasten slowly. nfacturers for certain purposes. and hedged around with crrtain clavcces, that it was so manipulated and mangl- ed very few could understand it. He thought the other day that he would try and study the thing out if possible and he would advise all. especially farmers. to gec a copy of it and he was 511w any of them who studied it would become citations of eontidumee in Lauder. MOW at and McMth-n were passed with en hasias,m. Mr. Me3tullen and others made speeches. and we give the follow- ing from the speech made by Dr. hlmh-rkin. the only speech given at Imam in the "Mercury " I)r. Landvekin was requested to ad. dross tho mooring. which he did inn speech lasting over billion hour. dealing principally with the tariff questiou. The first part of his speech wasofa. humorous chatmeter-the doctor has verrfew equal: in that line. He said lit-only receiveda telegram rastvrdaV from Mr.J. 3ic?dulhm asking hint if he would mum to Arthur and address the i-mn‘ention. He couldnt retusv. as he wrognizml Mr. McMullen as his lender. both here and at Ottawa. IN was“ leads-r h" was perfeetly willing to follow and all those who would follow his friend would in led in the right diree- tion. Ho ssov.ld like to saya few words al out :lw tariff. All who read the pair ms Mind. of router. all Reformers do) " ill wun-mln-r the latPSirJohn Thomp- wn. at the imnquc-t given in his honor m Toronto. promised to "lopott the mmddo-ring branches of the tariff." Wrll, how did they lop them of? They sent a ormruittve around the country enquiring about trade and see what was wanted. They vondueted their enquiries privately. and hover published anyre port. 'l‘ln-t-muniitti-e was afnrce. Tho Finance Minister, in introducing the new tariff. dwelt twnhours on its beauty and heneticettre, and before the bill got through the House was so changed and misedupwith specific and nilvnlori-m duties, and special rates to certain nun:- Rheumatism Cure. ';ifstil'iitl:dtiii'k'ialii l Elli/m- 1'oy fi'evirvs. ] Having rum! lln- :u-LEt'lc “(an the pen ’1)? tT “yummy." Fniurwyi.') u'v paused a [ “mun-u! to oruddvi. it,.aml.tttrvisid at tlu. tumcluriiott, that it wirioneol' the l mmL knitting and (-untvumli'. lo prim-i I Wt' Iruve maul fur .'Gr'.'.le' Linux rollurling ‘ us it, Juas (m the Patrons lu-n- null MM" 1 wlwrv and Llu-h' worthy cmnlidutv. lie. l Allan, whom we rlaim to lu, a gmmine 1 Farmer "ml will make an tsffiricr.it Fur- Ium-‘s vvpvtrmesuttiye. In th" mill-loin (gm-shim]. they roll-r to the strungrh of the Ludgmuom uysrem of sun-(1'. We (um only refor [In-In to the mnjuri’n’ tor )loXEvlmlaL the last elm-(inn. At,the mun- Limo. we aw. tlil turrt'e sum-m, than l the parties in tluriecottuuitreeutoetittqs. Who ovm' hersrd ofa Grit, csrrn.ruiitce waetinghoing uponto the punlira urn Tory admixed to thy number? No "ne. Onlv a, fl-w chosen "ues are admitted. l Then that ptwciral selectirm .' Perish all that. tears the light.” out. his Use mrty caucus hard they shrink from the, light. which the Ftunner's part, have been Hire-Adina throughout. the Ld". 1 And then again. there. "Big Pmh" , Fart-v me_n have (no: hams content with serurtirehiptr the good record ot Mr. Imam and the Pumas) turned their dark and ignorant minds to the Patron Imp. wl_:ere.thcy any “youngmd bring; against any individual and is not manly mmugh to tell him it. to his face, ot. on the platform, and had to put it in print he should invariably Sign his own name to it and perhaps tave some in nocent [Pt‘X‘Snn ITO”! CHFT'VIIIE IAIN all his days. In this. I think I backed by all tair minded people Tlmnking you M r. Editor for , space. I rcnmin, person a behind tl isave sum is not an with um My ol that if n tiiirs: "A. the Putnam in he left, out in the cold without 10mins bo do similarly fur them ? The old parties wish the ranks and file to follow lilimllv and not think. nu. M soon as they liz-gin to do so they start mm journm’ the end of which is the Patron Order. and all such. who are not extreme partizuns enough w follow their loath-rs blindly through thick and thin--wlit her. Conservatives or Li heralx Grits (Ir Tories-will reach that goal exumtuall.v. Munv will still stick to the uid parties. for no bvttee reason than that ttsy Were born in one or the Edilnr Grey Rovicm V -.r __ _ Flown accord. to a Patron. space suf- ttcivut to reply to t,hcstricGesaf"" furuwr who upposos Allan." Unless my lrttsiriouciiy. is greatly at fault, your col'wsyumu-m is not, engaged in "griculrutv, and judging hy [no In- tertud "sudeiicts, contained in his pro- duvtiou. inn” not, Le l.m~u>asury togo as far u-lilel us Drunmrc. to tind him. Fulcnmml is u very siuiul offence cum- pnn-(l to writing vhumvntously. n letter ot' ll." cluzrul'N-r of said tioductioty. IW a man mul giu- vuur nzum- c-vuu ir Noll Lavy Imu'w thc 1:”:ka- oi' “nursing Allan nml :u'vnslmun-tl of it, m4 mm‘y tyhwot'tlwso':l should Ire. Upon um- and Fr curved {In-Inst 't mm rd uul PM LETTERS TO THE EDITOR. ALLAN VS. LANDERKXN. opposed to gerr.vtuandeving, {ml thu. “minimum Gown-muonb his ”(minus do not. r'lgVi'e with awn)“. argue; this unknown Both Govcusuttientt', Dominion mini. and both parties. have the coumt Itm‘ncit-s so KN to suit 'N, and each guts a mnjovitDus et'.t'P. from the wovitoce. lint, diil'cvvnve: Lt.lC',)'i'2i1, and lull thut whvu this is dum- m 'Y (Innsorvutn'os. it inn wick- unndvx‘: but they also hold. I done hv Ito-funnels. at Torrttt- Mir. and hnnurul-lv Itedistvihtt- Why um not hovls parties be ul call the snnw thing by a me. lot it he dotu? by {mend or nd perhaps tave, sumo in Cl from carrying the blame Respectfully where fifll.nd and opp" " things. to apply the curl: "aiittiuvuYly. and .m: wi.at they condctun All iuielhgettt pm'snns l pal-mas lu.vv done wrung “hing to benefit, their e thaw opposed tnthom. cdue rhis is to get on pa. nl mil-unit to having "(Tux-- y" um»; fur thtun, sm‘a .rmer. Ile llms admits lenders think for him. sluts of the old parties “a! enough ty act sensi- always has n n uccuszu 'tc. a mnnnl‘mly of mm y: nlso Lowe”. to do the sumo fur ma m be left. out in ms bo do similarly p. 11‘ il.L10AN, Bentincl: for so much li’rirlni at rueof the [10 peices mag-arm}: 11m to heer JI he While respecting the motives which prompted your resignation, we deeply (lcplnrc the loss we sustain by yourdc- parturc We shall miss not only your familiar voice, bat yor 1' Christian fcllowslrip as well. We hope that if we do not again have the pleasure of join- ing with you in the Service of Praise as Congregation and Leader here be- low. we muv all unite in the joyful anthems of the Blcst in the heavenly choir above. __ Wishing you and your esteemed family all temporel and spiritual bless- ings, we are, Yams in Christian Brotherhood, -- -- _ Ht requires a good den] more than an ordinary storm to lay up Dan Camp- bell, the Durham and Walkcrton stage driver. He made his mp yesterday, as usual though some others failed, his being the only stage to reach Walker- the ellieioncy of wlrich has been large- ly duo to your painttakiug cure and unscl tish ell'urts. Not only have ' on been prompt and regular in your attendance on all the Sabbath services, but you have always been ready to sacrifice your own per- sonal convenience in order to mss%t in all special services ll hcn the choir was needed at home and afbrond. Your personal eharaetey has won for you the respect and esteem of all our people. Possceyeed of tt good voice, a good knowledge of music, a genial disposition and patient forbearance. you are in our opinion pcealiarly fitted for the position which you have filled so acceptably. Our choir has been, un- dem your able leuuicrsl1ipeflieient; liar- monious and united. valves our seiaration as cloy leader and people. For the past seven years we have joined with pleasure and satisfnciion m the service of Praise in this church. the ei1icictwy of which has burn large- 1v due to your painstaking cure and “Sigurd. much to the o'giet. of tho congregation who value ms services xvi-y highly. as theaddvcss in mmLher plucc wril thow. The ladies of taccttp.- grcgntiun prepared a. sumptuous rcpzusl. In the basement the disposing of which occupied the timv nicely hmww-n the buri.css tueethtg and the intvllcctual We my this is nu insult that should Mir up "vcry pure minded rauvpnyer of ti. Urvy to mun-d action, and an endeav- uur to m:m:L;un pun.- uurl honest prin- 51mm- allowed. The leocuLn’e of Freedom Ass.,P.ot I memlmls were pruvvuu-d from fuming. Howctwr a large number were more, and having mud or h-uu'al the various ropux-ls, cruirizod. vlit,cavisvd, questioned um! paved than in a lmrmumous man- ner. The cungrmcnlinn is making innocent, girls were thrown into the) lumpuuy m men of all grades of mor- muy,_ usually lound in country places. Meg-mugs wmch hm e ail we uciutortutio. mg ttiueucieN, wttl: mun: of the pleas- ures of the dance." In town held their annual business moving un Monday lust The day was it disugrcouhlv one and many country Thanking I}??? THE PRESBYrEP.ikN3 you Mr. Editor for tho N. W. CAMPBELL. CHARLES Emma. THos. Mchn. 'itit"ik5 Com. nmERY BANKS Dunc. (so. 170.) Ful‘rnwrd Much 16(1). I‘M. End by Culdn'nl] Bron..0rchurdxilllc. (tub. 2nd owner. Alex. Tay- lor, Drmnm-u, Ont. SimRuluud 23, dam Ambu- Sarah 44. by Inga-gull Dudu, imp" 12. Middlumn Mhnuldn. hum. 12, 3833, by Middh-mn Mum-rah no}; rigidly-Ion Mat, 2034 by l he Squire 019; Mio. mm May FROM CASADIAN IMPROVED Yorlishiro Swine Record. mum” BALI!» tiULThN, (NO-1392) Pnn-nwml March 20th. 1804 Brod by Grimm-H Bros., Ornhnrdvmc, Out. 2m1 owuor. Max. Tsy- tar.itrotnorr, our s'trmBriery Hunk! Duudr,828, dam w" Bunnvn,5M. by mum Tout. 24:15anuzy, w. m woman. an; Lmv mm. 46, by Kuhn-on Wttader and. mm. 3,011) Hilda a. by Holywvn View. Imp, t,iat5)t HDhWeu Vlowrcmt. Imp..1. nmguy Hulvwon "Mm. Mm: Blank}: 3m. (um bv nub. {um 'mr-mh'u 2nd, (ftil by Hulywcl] Jimmy. 1329]: Eva. by Summon fth, [121.] TH?.?,),? will he for sevvice at Int, 7, can. 2, (man- Vm‘m-ychcvw fm-mry) Numnunhy. a t,horour,rltbtvd Inn-(Hum Yorkshire hour. from imparted stock. Tennis, 75 cents. - __ --- -- The, undersigned nfhws thcs undevuwv.. - tioned Spud; fur hive, and would recommend his brother Fm-nu-rs Co mu the smumus the dmmmd mm' is fur Lung Lean Meat, and nut the hmu'y fat meat of the Berkshire. A ('rnsx‘ on Berkshire sows would he very snituhlo. Cirrnlnrs issued by the Wm. Davis & C'o. Pork Packing Estnhlissluueut, Toronto, rpm)“:- mnnd the huge Yurkshirn and the Tmnv worth as the best kinds of swim: for tlu. Fnrmurs to breed. FROM CANADIAN Tamworth Swine Record Drone“. Jim. 1N5. THEFJEEEEEE’EB SIDE-K M HIRE. A qunmitv of Drk to till an order. Every article is Wc don't cut prim we give god \‘u We don't claim to he the Store in Durham, but, We do In the cheapest placc to buy your Money to lend, Money Invested for Parties. Farms bought and sold. CONVEYANCERS. tm JACKSON. Jr, [Ila-k Liv. ( LA N D YA I 1551734 What P831916 Wan mm Durham "-"e'"' .__ -ii'. H. LEESON, Prop Novcunlm 15th, 15:11. VCs-s-c-z-rt-ri-i-oo] OUR STUCK 0F 'rf,ii-cr3'-r=' DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, ‘BOOTS ty. Bargains! Bargains” Bargains A gm FiEitNs'shi,la...sli.ila,1"'tt, Mllll.cji:,, bh NEiii'i'(s7 gamma AT mam" mamas. DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, BOOTS & SHOES Boar for Service. -iiii-%re. Cash or $1 Insured. SrL.WilRWARE. Durham, Au B.i'v,h), "é,r.'iji,i?ii'itf': ll' TEAS A JACKSUNS. 2550. we are now prepared to do all kinds of custom work to the satisfaction of the public. CHOPPENG A SPECIALTY. 'iEiCriyWfi!,C)N BROS. A] ftnar.vial 1m Dalgrlicsh's old Star, d, Having thoroughly overhaul- ed and 1tfitted these Mills, ash or Eroducc. Is value far th:i=: mans ALUATC-RS, T gums AGENTS, C'031hHrihis'OyEilb'. ALE E. TAYLOR. DAVIDSON d; Cc Court val ARTHUR H JtGM, Rainy Public Sth very 74 rd lt, f) oo.) Farmers and others atten- Transact a gent-ml Bankin husinm. Money loaned to farmers, am§othem on reasonable bonus. Intnrest allowed on special deposits at current rates. Also FIRE & LIFE "Wgai'M; Ki BEAN d; GO. 30in. Heavy Urn-y Wituvy Factory Goth.” at, the lowe Men's Heavy Kip Lung 15x made.................., Men's Casco Calf Lace Boo Ladies d; Sh Childrens OBS At incomparable prices. Cmnc with the (crowds. PARK & CO. 23 in. A l Wool (in-y Flannel fine).............-... Flnmwllelu-H frum .31: up. 10 nz (JnLtAnmdu (groan value) Fine:_A_l! Wool Dress Surges. “HKarl's-13.1.35? f.".'.".':".".:'." fre/tiss,,,.: MEN’S tl BOYS’ Rubbers £1 Socks. tion 5 in. All-“R Fiamm-l. Sin. All Wo Ei.AEt.1'?C'ii's,SfSs! iitih' tWe. t.fhfg!ighti, "2'iiiriii I) tl I iMyi5----Ektrgains. old ile pl THOMAS 552??“ AN ~' *5 I 2R “My , i F 'i, "ii'i; 'i'iiiiiifs'i' II EiiAfiitcC"iCf',fiis ! W l Assurance Policies issued. Pl I( H Gbitf Iiib' Mrs truly. A. MCI). WiLSON T THE DATE. F Jan Ut Dc f h “I is complete. {15% w?) '3. Double If H ‘1( ‘11 prices. ti hand " cork supe G my uper Wil ll) ltsU rtlt , outer Tld "T wn y ','CiiC,hatt, Te. . - ters & fii?,h'ycste " wr, 10c lik 1M lk h It Duxham, Jan. 14th, '05. Mr. Arch. Mek, "do. Durham. DEAR Sm trr lxaye tt.sed vour Emul- tr.Ott ot tad LA}rr(‘Hl and feel n my duty Ut fut tl V puhllc sgsow that, it has more than giveq tut' m1 isfueviou. 1 can re- cumlm'nd it to .ali luv friends as um- of the has! remedies 1 ever used and also wish to t,yT,e,'i",,ttg, to the Ih let-JIM. per bottle. am reap y yours. A. D. BBowsaso. These Preparations are sold only at ARC“. MeKENFUES Drug: Store, DRUGS, PATENT JIEDIL'n' ES STATIONERY, Etc" 1 McKElN2ylltyS; fhm1l'n of Cod Liver Oil. For the fiaest line of Stoves, Cook gave; Parlor Stoves Box Stoves, Furnaces, Double heaters, tiec., go to descriptions, BOX Gutters, Also Insurance Agents, ll CALDEib'S BLOCK DCBHA M. Gallder a Livirtgsytorie, TONIC COUGH SYRUP. 'fi'i"iiit thgh fi'1pir'iiiss)titi 'Dul'huzn. Corner, Upper Town, Durham Large Sales & Small Profits, For ordinary cases of Coughs and Colds we guaratee this to give satisfaction or money refunded. Price 256. per bottle. The letter of recommendation from Mr. J as. A. Clarke, one of Durham's business men, speaks for itsejf. This Remedy is highly recommended by the Medical Profession for Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Bronchitis, Boarseness and all Throat and Lung troubles and is most valuable in cases of Consumption, General De- bility, Serofula, night sweats and all wasting diseases of young and old. Large Bottles 25C.--5 for $1. Express paid to any part ot Canada. The letter be- low from Mr. A. D. Browning, an employee of the well known firm of N. G. & J. Mekeehnie. Ihrrhcrs We take this opportunity cd thanking our customers f: r past patronage, and we 8.10 convinced that the new system a, Ci. dk J. McKechnie. th merits a continual the same. inest line of Cutters of all ens, Portland Ct1tterys.Prarso sers, Latest Styles. Prices from $25 upwards. Lo “'0 " "rtoss MCKENZIE’S ADOPTED BY ttu. explains oney to 1 Licenscs tit a W U. LISULLJ'JsS-o AND SHOES DEAR SIR t--it gives me great pimp- un- to give you a testimonial for your Tonic (hush Sax-mp. I haw used " RI eat, many cough Mixtures but tind your Topic Cough Syrup the best for an or- dinary cold I are: used. Durham. Jan. “a: Mr. A rch. mkrtteie, Durham. ARC-H. MCKENZIE md Lung troubles and is )usumption, General De- 3 and all wasting diseases Bottles 25th--5 for tn. Canada. The letter be- ug, an employee of the J. Mekeeltnie, Durham, iiscl "Oil JULLLLAKLL’QC LL ll. JAB. A. Cranks; net ot “I I}. 1LCliClrv,,,c, . OVER GLOVES. MITTS, COLL-ABS a was a 2lii'i..irsli-ijdri: TN we Q wit W Thes V/A 1i4lill",f:,li, WW}:

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