West Grey Digital Newspapers

Grey Review, 31 Jan 1895, p. 3

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iding principle ut we sell a+ ; nf Liorm our Custom. e Public generally e adopted the Cagh ch means Cash or NZIES od Liver Oil. ARCH. McKEN 21IB. GH SYRUP. OPTED By S AND â€"~I!Vingstons, Bottles 25¢ Z1IE2‘S x Stoves. sh System Bargaing | EXÂ¥CJrER a MCKechnie > of Cutters of all ancd Cutters, P1ano st Styles. Prices r llIOWn ind Colds we guaratee mey refunded. Price recommendation from rham‘s business men, E8. I. MeXENZTES Drug Store. STATIONELY, Ete., 1 Small Profits." J. McKECHNIE, > VÂ¥ 41. Kechnte U :â€"It gives me great pleasâ€" you a testimonial for your i Syrup. 1 have usedagreat h Mixtures but Aad your i Syrup the best for an or~ ed b)' the Medical hma, Bronckitisy g troubles and it ion, General Deâ€" | wasting diseases 25¢c.â€"5 for $1. The letterp beâ€" employee of the echnie, Durham, can a,/C: Call sell at the d Durham, Jan. 1 enzie, Durham id wWQ nd Issuar of Marringe ves, Paclor Stoves, iters, &c.. go to 6A Jis. A. CrarK®E, » Durham" unity of iers â€"for we are EC G®, €9 14th, "06. SHOEg J.A.HUNTER, Is cheap but who knows how long it may continue so _ 30 lbs. Yellow or 25 lbs White for $1.00. $3.75 Kip Boots for $2.25. These are made of the finest leatherâ€" W hole Stock. ?‘:’_I‘l\\i{ BRANDS. From 2¢. Bar, upto 20¢. Bar. STUTUGAR BOOTS & SHOES. Every Suit is a fitter. Men‘s Pants from a $1.00 pair up. The Salt Manufacturers are formlnf a "Ring." Buay your Summer Salt now at the same old price, 90¢â€" bbl. SSoa p. Will sell them out at very low prices. A few sets of LADIES FUR COLâ€" LARS and MUFFS. They must go. see their tremendous Stock of Men‘s Worth 10e woOrd And if by chance we lound any Cioods which had been in the Store since laist STONK TAKINCG Readyâ€"Made CLOTHING. uy one at $3.00. _ Worth $10.50. Small balance of Dry Goods. New Stock is arriving daily CGESNERAL GOODS. <0% A few sizes left in Bleached Shecting 1. Old Price, 250. This week of snow has made business dull, but we fave not been idle. We â€" menced 30 pairs White Blankets $1.00 pair > more in the market. Flannelette Embroidery, 10e yd. Fancy Elasties, 5¢. yd. Extra Wide Flannelettes, 8e. yd. Big Stock <f Plush Ribbons at 10c 1. Old Price, 25¢. yd. Fancy Skirting, 18c. yd. Taking Stock ~d C A few pieees af Allâ€"Wool Dress Goods . (Md Price, 25¢. i pieces of Fancy Dress Goods, Cc AMIMG we took them down, marked the ticket at Moen‘s Overcoats. Boys‘ Overcoats. (lipping Prices, CASH STORE, Tppz Tom. WE ARE Allâ€"Wool Serge for 25¢. vd ases of Selling Old Pr uT 10 W yds. wide 10c STOCK iCce irs Prints Mount Forest needs a new lockâ€"up, or a new constable, or both. A week ago Saturday Luke Madigan‘s grocery on Main St. was burglarized. In December last the premises of Mr. Robert Little, butcher, had also been broken into and some furs stolen. Mr. Little had been eautiously and with much shrewdness working on a clue for the discovery of the burglar, and at the time of the secâ€" ond burglary had his chain of evidence about complete. The Mayor and a gearch warrant were soon secured and the suspicious house pounced upon with the result of capturing a comparative stranger named Phillips, whose record is believed to be a shady one. The goods were also recovered and the owner of the house was also placed under arrest. Bo far so good. The trial was at once brought on and lasted till midnight, Saturday, and as the Sunday observance Act prevented the necessary papers beâ€" ing drawn out, and the time Monday morning being too limited before the train left, they had to be locked up till Tuesday. The Chief of Police and a Constable were detailed to watch the prisoners continuously, but on Monday morning the Constable left the prisonâ€" ers alone to get his breakfast and on his return found one of his birds flown. Hence it is that a special meeting of Council was called at once and a reward of $50.00 offered for the capture of a 5 ft, 7 inch man about 35 years old, stoutly built, sharp featured, dark moustache, grey hair and top of head bald, a slight wound above left eye, nervous black eyes, wore a brown overcoat, dark clothes and a Christie stiff hat. The other prisoner was taken to Guelph to await his trial. _ , A Proxcen Goxz.â€"The remains of one of Proton‘s oldest and most respectâ€" ed pioneers Mr. Robert Kennell was inâ€" terred last Sunday in the Swinton Park cemetery. The deceased although in his 81st year was up to a few weeks ago a remarkably smart, yigorous and healthy man, For many years he has been a consistent member of the Presbyâ€" terian Church, an elder for years in the Swinton Park congregation. Mr. Kenâ€" nell was always respected and esteemed by his neighbors and acquaintances for his sterling integrity, his kind hearted hospitality and his generous, lively disâ€" position. He was a man of strong convictions with sufficient manliness to express them, His physicaland nmentâ€" al vitality were wonderfully well preâ€" served, **His eyes were not dimmed nor his natural strength abated," but in the full enjoyment of men{al and pbysiâ€" cal vigor he passed away to his reward. His aged partner now lying at the point of death may have followed him before this reaches our readers. She too has retained her physical and mental activiâ€" ties to the last. 'l‘rul{ both were ripe for the sickle. They leavea family of one son and five danugners with a large number of grand children to mourn their departure, â€"ARep. The Liberal party stands for the uniflication of all in the folds of the Union Jack that has floated over Great Britain and that has wrought Great Britain such suceess. The Liberal party stands for a fairer distribution of the burdens of the people, :o that it will be easier for the poor man to reap the fruit of his labor and harder for l{:n rich man to hide behind the walls of monopoly while his neighbor is starving in the next street.â€"[(lieo. W. Stephens, chairman at the Liberal mass meeting in Montreâ€" al. (G. MceAuley F. Bowman Jno. Logie with S a vietor P see sampl ART. _ Sttum To tam Froxt Photo Galiery, Durham, is n equipped than ever to turn out Superior quality. Miss Frase a first class retoucher and has d man‘s work until recently, is will be glad to meet her friends vyouug. â€" Before going elsewher hi ~bane on d d ic t £00 Arch. McKenzie, Durham. DEAR SIR,â€"I have used your Tonic Cough Syrup and must say it has given me satisfwtion. Two bottles relieved me of a very bad cold with severe hoarseâ€" ness. I can recommend it to all who suffer from coughs and colds. x JAS. J. SMITH For sale at Arch. McKenzie‘s, Dur ham. â€" Price 25¢.. Ix OLDEN TisEs.â€"People overlooked the img)runce of permanently beneâ€" ficial effects and were satisfied with transient action ; but now that it is genâ€" erally known that Syrup of Figs will permanently cure huhmmfi congpipation, wellâ€"informed people will not !ly other laxatives, which act for â€"a: ie, but fAnally injure the system, The Farmer‘s Sun figures that the maintenance of the Senate represents an annual cash outlay equivalent to the produce of 11,000 acras of wheat, yieldâ€" ing twenty bushels to the acre and sellâ€" ing at sixty cents a bushel. This is a striking way of calling attention to a great waste, Vriore montreal. The McLean Pub, Coy. have in him an active and reliable salesman. The sighth annual meeting of the Central Farmer‘s Institute, of Ontario, is called for Fob, 5th 6th and 7th inâ€" An interesting programme has been provided on all subjects of interest or of use to the farmer. One forefioon is set apart for the discussion of " Good ty .3 M Majority for Durhamâ€"6. Total majority for Darhamâ€"11 D °_ 2 CPCAnDy Council at its first meeting refused to grant exemption to the Wengers, of Agton, on the "proposâ€" ed new mills. Mr. John Cameron left Gorrie, and thence his Montreal. The McLean | in him an active and reli Have you seen Jno. Cameron‘s ad ? or better, have you tried that Kurma Tea? In 1 and 4 Ib packages. Light Yellc & gorlock. The Normanby Council meeting refused to grant e £L _ ane Werbever take a back Granulated Sugar for a na q.2 24 ~ * CCeFP of ou cost price for the next 3) days, & Morlock, Mrs. Bean, who has been vi her home in the Township of was detained by the storm, The manufacturin establis Armstrong Bros., of &ukdale running full blast, Weatheray + A2+ nunmâ€"cli;‘)sin'rg Prices J. Cameronâ€"Tea eas, Arthur A. Ju:klonâ€"Au(-tion f Milli P m We offer the remainder of our st nrica fus ag _ _2 CCCE C t Hunur:crp] roft ith LOCAL NEws. Skip 13 )21 Durha ADVERTISEMENTs 1 get pric sl‘umn’ Dx.l_rha.m, Jan. 22, 1806. Thos Thos, A. K. _has been visiting at Enwnship of Howick, Th J. Hont W, Calder _ _ T. Moffatâ€"skip 26 H. W left last week for d has done Chapâ€" itly, is here, aod friends, old and sewhere call and s Gaucury, Durbam establishment of arkdale, is again Holt. G. Lauder A. Marris, Wilkes, route lies to seat. 25 lbs lockler ~â€"Torry‘s w better work of a r, who is Ski ip 10 Furs at Ramsay Hreart Disgase Retsven is 30 MreuTs â€"Dr. Agnew‘s Cure for the Beart gives perâ€" fect relief in all cases Organic or Sympathctic Heart Disease in 30 minutes and speedily effects a cure. . It is nrflou remedy for Palpitation, Shortness of Breath,, Smotherâ€" ing Spells, Pain in Left Side and all sympe tome of a Diseased Heart. One dose convinâ€" ges, Sold by MeFariane & Co, PaTroX MsrtixG.â€"The following has been handed to us as the official account of the recent district meeting:â€"The Dutham District Association °P. of I. met in the Durham Association Hall on January 22nd, 1805, President R. Watâ€" sou, Jr., in the Chair. Owing to the severe snow storm raging, the attendâ€" ance was small, but we would make special mention of Edwin Hunt, Traverâ€" son, and Wm. Ramage, Egremont, facâ€" ing the storm to be present. President Watson opened the meeting with a few remarks. The minutes of last meeting were read and adopted. The Auditors, Patterson and Ramage examined the Treasurer‘s books and reported correct which was also adopted. It being the annual meeting they proceeded to elecâ€" tion of officers with the following reâ€" sult :â€"President, R. Watson; Viceâ€"Pres., Wm. Lawson; Secretary Treasurer, T. Milligan ; Sentinels, R. Torry and J. C. Dunsmoor. An executive committee was appointed to work with District ofâ€" ficers composed of T. Wallace and T. McNiece, Normanby ; J. C,. Adams and Wim. Ramage, Egremont ; T. McFaddenp and J. Williains, Glenelg; J. Morice and T. Milligan, Bentinck ; A. Patterson and Wim. Gorsline, Durham. Those preâ€" sent expressed their determination to use all lawful means to secure the elecâ€" tion of Mr. Allan. The Secretary read a communication received from Arch. Mcâ€" Kenzie, of the Durham Pharmacy, soliciting the patronage of the Patron body. A Committee of four members were appointed to confer with him, It was agreed to enter into a three months contract with the view of extending it to one year if satisfactory, The Sec.‘ was instructed to write to Joseph Stratâ€" ford, President of the Farmers Binder Twine Co. inviting him tc address a meeting in Durham to discuss the binder twine question. The Secretary was also instructed to give our Local Editors a brief report of meeting, after which they adjourned to meet at call of President and Secretary. T. MirL1GaS, "Our Journey around the world" is the title of a new and fascinating book by Rev. Francis E. Clark, Pres. of the Society of Christian Endeavor. This gentlemanand hi« w fo at the solic tation and invitation of many friends was inâ€" duced to undertake the trip in his offiâ€" cil capacity and his journey and numerâ€" ous incidents in far off lands as seen through a man‘s and woman‘s eyes are most graphically told and fully ilustraâ€" ted* Egypt, Palestine, India, China, Japan, etc, take on a new interest as seen through the pages of this book. The name of the author is a guarantee of its excellence and genuineness, A fine map in colors accompanies the work which has 16 full page engravings and 220 fine text illustrations from photoâ€" graphs taken from life. Our street and sidewalks for a week back have had a picturesque appearance. Banks of snow piled up in the morning by gangs of amateur shovellers, with nice approaches to the street cut through thein have reminded us of an Esquimaux encampment. To carry out this idea Rev. Mr. Connor was out with a one horse sled for all the world like a Lapâ€" lander iff his horse had been a reindeer. He made a good oneâ€"man path however, in a hurry, C. MceKinnon, J. A. Hunter, A. Gordon and others were out with a Vâ€"shaped snow plough and leveli« ed off things temptingly, and while merchants and professional men have had a slack time owing to the blockade, the poor printer has got to keep at it to get the news out as usual, Catarnu Rxonsvx®p 1x 10 10 60x txures.â€" One short paff of the breath through the Blower, supplied with each bottle of Dr. Agnew‘s Catarrhal Powder, diffuses this Powder over the surface of the nasal passager, Painless and delightful to use, it relieves in stantly, and permanently cures Catarrh, Hay Fever, Colds, Headache, Sore Throat, ‘Ton ailitie and Deafess. 60 cents. At MoFartax® We have had a few complaints of irregularities in receiving the (Globe from those who subscribed with the Revirw. The fire caused them much confusion, but we have again, at their request, sent the name and address of all who subscribed with us, If there is still any omission we shall try to put the Globe people right. Coxtatox SExsr should be used in atâ€" tempting to cure that very disagreeable disease, catarrh. Ascatarrh originates in impurities in the blood, local applicâ€" ations can do no permanent good, The common sense method of treatment is to purify the blood, and for this purpose there is no preparation superior to Hood‘s Sarsaparilla. The Sacrament of the Lord‘s Supper will be dispensed in the Methoist church next Sabbath morning. The evening service will be a service of song with a sermonette by the Pastor, on the subject of "Music in its relation to Christian Worship." Rugomatsm Curen» ie a Day.â€"South American Rhenmatism Cure, for Rheums. tism and Neuralgia, radically cures in 1 to 3 days. Its actiion upon the system is remarkâ€" :bro mysterious. * It removes at once the cause and the disease immedictely disappears. The first dose greatly benefite. 75 cents, Sold by McFarlaue & Co. A SAMPLE.â€"Mr. D. J. Simpson, of Grierson, Alberta, in renewing his subâ€" scription for the REviEw for another year, says "I can‘t get along without the RevieEw," Success to him in his far west home. There are a good many like him and the number is growing. Perha ou may yet want something in the hl}i.ll?nery Iiry;ey. and if so we offer the balance of our stock of trimmed and untrimmed hats at greatly reduced prices. Ramsay & Morlock. The Revival meetings which are beâ€" ing held this week in the Baptist church are conducted by its pastor, Rev. Mr. McGregor, and Rev. Mr, Webb, of Palmerston. office The only way to cure catarrh is to purify the blood. Hood‘s Sarsaparilia purifies the blood and tones up the whole system. Hood‘s Pills cure constipation by reâ€" storing peristaltic action to the alimenâ€" tary canal, FoR SatE.â€"Safe with Combination Lock. For particulars apply at Review Cw s 0 a Miss Esther McCosk Toronto. The A. 0. U. W. hay into Calder‘s New Hall L anid zo McCoskery, is home from have decided to move U atan early date constipa!.ion by r The Property will be offered for Sale subject to a reserse bid, and also subject to a Mortgage held by the Canada Perâ€" manent Loun & Savings Company; Ten per cent of the purchase money is to be paid to the Vendor at the time of Sate, and balance of the purchase money_l within ten days, with eight per cent interest . | The following improvements are on the premises: a fine brick hotel, brick .(ahfe and a frame atable. ‘This properâ€" ty is well sitnated and very desirable for hotel purposes. at the hour of twelve o‘clock, noon, the following property, viz.:â€"All and singâ€" ular that certain parcel and trace of land and premises situate, lying, and being in the Township of Artemesia, m the County of Grey, and Province of Ontario, and being hnn}\nsed of part of lot one hundred and fifty in the third range or concession southâ€"west of the Poronto and Sydenham Road of the said Township of Artemesia ;containing by admeasurement half an acre more or less, which may be better known and described, as follow*: being bounded on the southâ€"east by the allowance for road known as the one hundred and fifty side road on the Durham and Collingâ€" wood gravel road, and on the northâ€" west by a line parallel to said allowance for road at a uniform distance of two chains and fifty links therefrom, on the southâ€"west by the northâ€"casterly limit of the block of land sold, conveyed, or assigned l()! James R. Trimble ‘to the Toronto, Grey and Bruce Railway Comâ€" pany for their track and station grounds, and on the northâ€"east by a line paralle! to the said last named limit and ata unâ€" iform distance of two chains and fifty links therefrom, being formerty the property known as the " Narrow Guage ilou-l.“ and the premisos attached thereâ€" to. ‘[’m‘.l-r and by virtue of a Power of ) Sale contained in a certain indenâ€" ture of mortgage made by Alex. Hanâ€" nah, which will be produced at thne of sale, there will be offered for sale by Public Auction on the premises in the village of FLESHERTON STATION, Friday, 22nd day of February 1995, Frasorâ€"Rwaustonâ€"That we now adjourn to moet en Feb. #th, to receive the Auditor‘s report, applications for A ssessor, tenders for printing and appoint Pathiasters and other business, Resotved that the following accounts bo paid:â€" To each Dep. Returning officer $5.50 excepting 2 and 5 us aforesaid , Clerk distributing bullot boxes @3, W.J. Mitchell, bal. of printing neâ€"ourt 28, do. @dv‘t tenders for bridge #1, W. J. Sharpe, use of Hall, nemivation $2 Jos, Rickaby printing Finanâ€" clal statemext $10, J. Mutherford printing station« ery, 12,82, Ciork‘s registration fees for recording 78 births, 11 marriages 16 deaths as certified by Rogistrar General, Puronto, $19.50 Reeye telephonâ€" ing 20 couts, Hunterâ€"Byeâ€"That this Council build a bridge at Lot 25, con. 8 und that Mossrs. Bye and Frasor measure the spau, and report at noxt moeting.â€"â€" Carriod. port at next mesting of Council. Carried. Ewanstonâ€"Byoâ€"That the deputy lReturning offlcers for polling swbâ€"divisions Nos. 4 and 5 be paid 87 ench, they hayiug had no poil clerk.â€" Carried, have it ; Carriod Fraserâ€"Swanston â€" ted to exnmine the port at next mesting Byoâ€"Hnnterâ€"That the prayor of the petition of M. A. Gadd, and 13 others, @lso from H. Lewis aud 13 others, be granted, and that Jumes Allan be arbitrator on question of Uniea School. Car. Hunterâ€"Frazerâ€"That Mr. Bys be eppointed to remove the timber off the old Rusnell bridge, and have it viled io a convenient place for future use, Byâ€"law No. 66 to appoint auditors was Alled in accordingly, and passed the usual readings, &o. By Jaws No, 67 and 68 for mppinting Townrhip nm.‘:er-, wore read, ind the blanks flled in as folâ€" lows : Thos. Brown, Treas», Salnry §100, D« Allam, Clork, snlery, $140. Win. Kingston, Solicitor. Isâ€" mae Treynor, Engineer. "r. Brown, Medical health officer, The reeve, clerk, Swanston, Fra~ ser and Hunter compose the Eoard of Health, Said byeâ€"laws were read as filled, and signed, sealod, and ordered to be entered in the bysâ€"law book, The municipulity was divided as follows for ench member of the board to supervise: Cons, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 and 14, inclusive, New Survey, asâ€" Byoâ€"â€"Swaustonâ€"That the roovo take the meeâ€" essary steps to have Ann McFadden, an indigent placed in the Wollington Houso of Kofuge. Car. #ignod to the rceve. From Holstein, inclusive, north to Townline, old suryey, for the clork. Cons 15, 16, 17,18, 19, 20, 21 and 22, inclusiye, New Surâ€" vey, for dap.â€"reove Swansion. Cons. 4, 5, 6, T. 8, inclusive, New Survoy, for dop.â€"reeve Fruser, From Holstein routh, old ruryey, to coun. Hunter Valuable Hotel Property in the Township of Artemesia. The Reeve nominated Chas. MeTunis as auditor aud, upon resolation of Council, Jobn Ross was appointed #s the other, Comneil met Jan. 2ist, Members elect sub scribed to thae required declarations and took their seaia as follows:â€"Jas Murdoch, Reeve ; Jas. Bwanston, lst Deputy Reeve; W. A. Fraser, ind Dop. reeve, Robert Hye and Duncan Auuter, Councillors, Minutes of previous mecting read and confirmod. reached â€" Palmerston â€" last Saturday, In the country, roads go dodging through fields and bush in a bewilderâ€" ing maun or, and as we write a 2nd and improved edition of the 1st storm is making its appearance, Our readers in Ontario will know all about the snow blockads, Engines and snow plougis bunting into snow banks, trains stuck between stations, and passengers sent on in sleighs or boardea at hotels. The Grand Trunk authorities industriously feeding pigs at a certain glm-o. trains cancelled, etc. Engineer lackburn and Couductor Lavyelle alone Campbell House, and seem to enjoy the situation very much. Mi. Staples has been examining the snowbanks to the south for the greater part of two days, and will no doubt be ready next session with some valuable hints on road makâ€" ing. Mr. Gorsline is much interested in educational matters, and in company with Mr, Binnie spent a portion of a day in the School.â€"O. 8. 1d., Chatsworth Warden Binnie and Reeves Staples wnd Gorsline are putting up at the General Booth of the Salvation army is making a good many foreed marches, brief halts, and short addresses throughâ€" out our Northern Counties, The physiâ€" cal vigor of the old general is only equalled by his zeal in his chosen work. The enthusiasm of such men is catching and Gen. Booth furnishes an example of the truth that great movements have great men behind them, or rather in front of them. AUCTION SALE As Master A. W. Hunter was exercisâ€" ing on horseback last Friday he had the misfortune to be thrown off and his colâ€" lir bone put out of joint. He is doing well, but this furnishes a lesson to be careful with colts of 23 years or so. Minutes of Glenelg Council and Corâ€" raspondence from Fairwell Corners r>â€" ceived too late for this issue. Have ye ambitious skaters got yorr eye on these Carnival bills, the gold watch and other prizes? Next meeting of Ben Nevis Camp will be on Feb. 8th. Continuation of County Council notes next week. Terms of Sale : EGREMONT COUNCIL Thai the reeve be instruc ensurer‘s securitios and ro ON D. AutLAX Price 25¢ a box ; sold by all medicine dealers. Mrs. Mary Keats, 88 Main Street, Hanulton :â€"*Suffered for years from dreadful headache; tried number of remedies and doctors without much reâ€" sult, but Stark‘s Powders did the work." She says: " They have been the greatest :)lessing to mo, in fact they are wonderâ€" ul." Mr, Maynard, Woodstock.â€"* are wonderful." For Sick Headache, Biliousness, Neuâ€" ralgia and Liver: Mr. Wim. Grey, foreman G. T. .. Hamilton : "I uufl’erml for ten or twelve years from severe headaches. Nothing gid me good until I got Stark‘s Powâ€" ers.‘ Mr. Horace Wiles, chief of police Woodland:â€"* Stark‘s Powders are a sure cure every time." ‘ Not even Eden‘s flowers in hloom _ Could sweeter blossoms reckon. «When flows our quegh within the glens, Within the hall our glasses, We‘ll toast "Auld Scotland‘s honest men," Thrice o‘er "Her bonnie lassies ;" An‘ deep we‘ll drink "The Queen and Kirk," " Our country an‘ our freedom ;" Wi‘ broud claymore an‘ Highland dirk, We‘re ready when they need them. * [The above spisited nationalsong isfrom the pen of Mr. Jno. Imlah. It is taken from the "The Scotsman" of a recent date. The paper was handed to us by a Bentinck Scotsman whose "patriot flame" never ceases to burn. We are sure many besides Scotsman will read it with pleasure.â€"Ep. Revrew.] Wgstern Peoplesay of Stark‘sPowders. !‘au.. M'&ymhr‘-uuminth selection of the Tea and its blend, that is why they put it up themeeives and sell it only in the original wmmiuwflyudm Put up in §§ ib., 1 Ib. and 5 lb. packages, and neverâ€" ThE FiNCST Tea inmcwouo _ 0 EoA FROM THE TEA PLANT TO TME Tta cur uy WMuL Be scorn‘d the Scot within whose heart Nae patriot flame is burning ; Wha kent nae pain frae hame to part, Naejoy when back returning. Nae love for him in life shall yearn, Nae tears in death deplore him; He hath nae coronach nor cairn Wha shames the land that bore him. Fair flow‘r the gowans in our glens, Ths heather on our mountains ; The bluebells deck our wizard dens, An‘ kiss our sparkling fountains. On knock an‘ knowe, the whin an‘ broom, An‘ on the braes the breckan ; The land o‘ cakes, the land o‘ cakes, O, mony a blessing on it ; Fair fa‘ the land o‘ hills and lakes, The bagpipe andthe bonnet. The country 0‘ the kilted clans That cowed the Dane and Roman, Whose ons ha‘estill the heartsan‘ han‘s To welcome friends or foeman, (Choruws.) Then swell the sang, both loud and lang, Till the hills like aspens quiver ; An‘ fill ye up, an‘ toast the cup, " The land 0‘ cakes for ever," Messrs, Allan, Eden and Sharpe atâ€" tended the township of Egremont Assoâ€" ciation P. of J. held in Yeovil on the 8th inst. All associations were represented. Mr. Jas, Swanston was elected President and Mr. Jas, Allan, Secretary for 95. Messre. Baird and McMeeken has taken the contract of cutting 100 cords of wood for Mr. J. Mack. Owing to the bad state of the rcads Monday evening Rev. NMr. Goldberg, of Markdale, did not preach the missionary »ormon in the school house as expected. A cleigh load of youth and In-:(uty. of South Bend dropy d in on Friday evenâ€" ing. Mr. Erastus Perrin made negotiations with a man for a month‘s work lately, 1t appears the bargain was that he be paid in accordance with his work. To this the man agreed, When bis payâ€" day came a certain sum was given him, which he averred was sufficient recomâ€" s)eusc for his seryices, but jud%e of Mr. ‘s amazement when a day subsequent to iss departure he was preveated with a stuninchns to appear in court on a charge preferred against him by his employee. wi.o viaimed his pay was insufticient, The case was decided in Mr. Perrin‘s favor. Vioust. Dr. Brown, of Holstein, had the misâ€" fortune of getting a badly sprained knee while putting the collar on his horse. A couple of sleigh loads _( the mem bors of Murdoch asssociation £,. Of L intend visiting the Bunesean associa tion Wed nes«&y evening. (Intended for last week. ) Miss Mary Sharp is spending a few weeks in Dundalk., Mrs. D. Coleridge jr. of Greenside and Miss Cleave, of Owen Sound, visited the formers mother last week. vuring the past week an enormous amount of suow has fallen which has rendered the road« alinost impassable, Just fancy, our euergetic and obliging matil carrier, Mr, Donald Black, wfxom it takes more than an ordinary storm to deter from attending to his duties, was unable to reach this oftice until Friday, closed against them a a great inconvenience A number of the farmers who made a praciice of conveying an immense quanâ€" tity of wood and logs to the Markdale stition every winter turned out on 'l‘hursclu)' and broke a new road through Thibado‘s fields, the old route beil‘:g closed against them and the main ro: Mr, Phil Cummins, having comprvted his terim with Mr. S. Kelly has gone to Glascott, where he wili reside for a time with Mr. 8. Martin. Mr. Jas. Ryan is a we‘come acquisitâ€" ion to the family fireside, having {n!ely returned from an eight year sojourn in Montana He exceedingly dislikes our cold climate and periers Montin«by a }ung odds to Gleneig. â€" He returcs shorâ€"â€" y. / Mr. Thos. Sullivan spent a day at Lauriston lately, Rev. Father Maloney, of Dursham, was on the line Sunday and Monday, Monscon " ‘l‘-bg up by the Indian Tem re as a sample of the best qualitics of Indian IN ITG NATIVE PURITY. Take the open air, The mo:s;on take the better, Follow Nature‘s laws To the very letter, Freely exorciss, Keep rour spirits choerful; Let no dread of sickness, Make you ever featful. Eat the simplest food; Drink the pure cold water; Then you wi\l be well, Or, at least, you ought to. A PERFECT TEA THEX;LAND 0‘ CAKES A HEALTH RHYME. INISH LAKE, MURDOCH â€"**They Fall whert, , Spring wheat, Barlev, Flour per 1001b ............ $1 60 to Oatmeal _ * sserrerm: +« 2 26 to Bhorts 1€ ssssserrsere O 80 to Bran vid sessssrsises 0 SU%0 Fall Wheat per bushel ... 0 58 to Spring Wheat * «.. O 57 to Oate, * ... 0 26 to Peas, #4 ... O 50 to Barley, *4 ... O 85 to Potatoss, ** «.. O 25 to Hay per ton .................. 7 50 to Beet, fore quarters, per 100 3 00 to Beef, hind _ * w 8 50 to POrKk,.>: 4\ smmsstrrssermers, â€" 4 F0 $o Hide#y . * sssivisss »essav»+ 2 §0 to Sheepâ€"kine. each............ 0 85 to Butter per Ib.................. 0 12 to Eggs, per doz ............... 0 12 to Wood 2ft, long............... 1 00 to Turkeys per Ib............... 0 07 to Geese 5C eenteccessivees . AF NE 9 Dueks, _ * stermmmsriss 0 05 to Chicken®, per pair ,...... 25 to Apples per bag ............ 0 40 to Glenelg, Nov, 28th 1894. THIS Fine Animal is from the stock of R. H. Hnrdil:f, Thorndale, Imâ€" porter of British and American Stock and is for service this season. (‘ ne Berkshire, & one improved York J shire from Caldwell‘s Herd, â€"will be kept for Service on lot 43 and 44 con. 3. 8. b ., Glenelg, for the season of 94 and 95. ‘Terms $1.00 at time of service. f TERMS : $1,00. To be paid for at time of Service. Aberbeen, Nov. 12, 1804. Nov, 21st 1803, and bred by Jno. Meyer, Kossuth, Ont. for service during season of 1894â€"05. Registered in the "Canada Berkshire Swine Record" as No. 2050, Farrowed Thoroughbred Chester White Boar, THROUGEBRED BERKSEIRE BOAR. Thorougbred Boars. TERMS â€" t$1.00. At BOULDEN & Oo‘s Upper Town, Durhaim, Aug. 1, ‘04, Hood‘s Pills are prompt and efficient, yes easy of action. Bold by alldruggists. 25¢." welief before I had finished taking half of a botâ€" tle. Igotso much help from taking the first mmxwuvm,mm hkhf.mwm feel as_well as ever I did in my life." Gzo. MxmrETT, Toronto, Ont. LOT 32, CON. 8, W. G. R. BENTINCK, up. 1 was in bedfor three weeks; during that time I had lecehes applied and derived no beneâ€" fit. Becing Hood‘s Sarsaparilia advertised in the papers I decided to try a bottle. I found Cook‘s Cotton Root Compound, take no substiâ€" tute, or Inclose $1 and 6 contsin postage in letter and we willsend, sealed, by return mail. Fullsealed particulars in plain envelope, to ladies only, $ stamps, Addres The Cook Company, This fine anima! will be kept on the preimises of Jno. Clark jr.. After Taking Hood‘s Sarsapariilia Cured of a Sorious Disease. "I was suffering from what is known as Bright‘s disease for five years, and for days at a glm _I luvg lgee{:_mblo to straighten myself As Well as Ever HOOD‘S Windsor, Ont., Canado, Sold by all Druggists, Cure SICK HEADACHI in 20 mmures, Aeaa e n O NR CeRet in 20 mimure®e, also Coated Tongue, Dirriâ€" ness, Biliousness, Pain in the Side, Constipation, Torpid Liver, Bad Breath. to stay cured also regulate the bowels. vary mroe ro raxs. Price 25 Canrte ar Drue Srorsa. ‘*Prince Leon.‘ TORONTO MARKETS DURHAM MARKET, Sarsaparilla POWDERS FE 4 DANA ND CURES ARIO ARCcHives TORONTO Toronto, Ontario, £$1 60 to $1 75 2 25 to 2 50 0 B0 to 1 OC 0 80 to 0 90 0 58 to 0 60 0 57 to 0 6C 0 26 to O 27 0 50 to O 50 0 85 to 0 40 P. Sullivan 0 05 0 18 0 18 0 40 0 30 61 45 Still a few Ladies Jackets on hand. Don‘t deluy too long or you wont get one. Our Blankets are all wool, and pure wool at that, no shoddy or cotâ€" ton, 1lf you want a pair of that kina grve us a call. Remember *# ® \â€"â€"â€" Ladies‘ Cardigans at $1.25 a pair. Misses‘ h€ $1.10 4 Children‘s " $1.00 â€" " We have a few pairs left, and at these prices you can buy nothing cheaper or better for yourself or children. WE HAVE =#â€" ® CASH STORE H. PARKER, Import of Field and Garden Seeds from Britain by Steamer "Berlin.‘" Double Width Dress Goods from 12ge. up. Stylish Mantles at 'efnzl off regular prices. Corsets, Gloves, Hose at clearing out prices. Flannellettes from 4¢. up. Chea‘reot Boots & Shoes in town as everbody knowg. The slickest Steck of Men‘s Ties, Braces, White Shirts and Suiting in townd, If you haven‘t been in to see us it wont cost_you anything to look around. We are always pleased to see you and quote our prices which we are sure will bring you back to see us again. During the past month has been a revelation to us. We now know that when we offer special inducements to our patrons, they on their part are not slow to grasp the opportunity. We carry out everything that we advertise, hence one great seoret of our success. _ Another great secret is that we pay cash and take big discounts on all our goods. It stands to reason that a merehant who pays cash can certainly outseli a competitor who buys goods on time. We wont take time to quote many this week, but here are a few snups. RAMSAY 4 MORLOCK We shall never stop building reputation, wa are going to keep right on increasing our trade. But we‘re going to do it with qua.h:f. with price, with satisfaction, and the e are sure to support us. when we started here Solling Geods close, &5 io Buying &eelling fercach, six months ago many persons told us that we could not do a cash business in this town. We have proved that it can by the adoption of two very simple rules. RAMSAY & MORLOGCK, & t hb D S | We are still in the lead in Ready to Wear Clothâ€" ing, and have the best Clothing room in Town. No trouble to show our goods. Come and see us, we will be glad to see you. Our Clearing Sale DURHAM AND CHESLEY WE ARE SELLING THE BALANCE OF OUR Upper Town, Durham. Druggist and Seedsman, DURHAM. RK All handâ€" Also Shop, &Â¥ LANE ESS JA ND «cted Drafte ‘nts. Doposâ€" t ourrent EARS irse. Ciass {s o1 #1.00 sery fwoilâ€" %/ ay. \ _ Gcop [NG, incipal OIL, avetlal on veare whe n the en« business ‘ough and numl Amâ€" ars, 1t is oints in ad States VANCE. 600,000 .‘ln:'nlu w by fas |l.'l"{nn Zf

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