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Grey Review, 31 Jan 1895, p. 4

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M word, humorous, jovial realizes the achievemer of his compatriots fuil, fellow as he seems, H verbial ; and if he is op ~ome of you must surely know Terence O‘Caliaghan, and those of you that do will A WLO Orive m rrcummp, CHEATING THE CUSsTOMs orricEr D20 20 20 0060 Atal," was his reply, "it‘s a thrank, and if ye‘d asked for your thrunk 1°d hey known, and ye could hev had it at onstâ€"and what ‘bu s‘ud ye be going to *" "‘lan‘t there a ‘bus waiting for me here ‘ outside ? A ‘bus with a pair of greys, beâ€" longing to Mr. ( Callaghan of the Castle y" " The sorra a ‘bus I‘ve sven for a fort. night or moreâ€"nor a pair of gray harses rayther, if that‘s what ve mane V..l s nly gouuua C coug Anmd, ‘This is my bag," I said to the ] a tone of studied moderation, "an you will bring the luggage along, go to the ‘bus," "UIt‘s not a bag at all," was hi "it‘s a thrank, and if ye‘d asked f thrunk 1°d hey known, and ye c had it at onstâ€" and what ‘bu #‘ going to *" . ie 9 P D 2 1. 3 "6 ‘008er, lLerossed the line myself, found, as I had expected, that the object on the other side was my (Gladstone bag, and returned with it in my band. ‘This is my bag," I said to the porter in & tone of utudiad n24l__. uSuP e t e sonc t onge O ter, "* but it‘s not here it im ** Then," rejoined his an air of final decision, * (} found," Here the stationâ€"master closed eussion by saying with an air of discovery lnf{ conviction :â€" < * Tim, the gintleman ‘nll be wa [ _ Deed, an‘ ye have, and dred times too often, and wi not the truth neither, bus replied the porter, who also his temper without any reaw of He took passage on a channel England, and was noted among passengers forth «aie and he displayed toward the holy man turned out to be a norse. P m w t P mne m "I have told you a hundred I began, with pardonable irrit persistent misrepresentution hobumiadPipa c ds sih c gage out of the van, and the divil & of the bag there was in it, and that‘s he‘s been saying that I stole his bag," uy q Pemrone P o ottnait on uds c "+ persisted the in be jabbers * said Mr. _ *‘Which bag ®" quer:ed the porter, "If it was in the van, it‘s in the van it must be," announced the station master, ""unless, "‘he added,by way of afterthought “iv.': been taken out." An "1 didn‘t say any bag," I interposed ; "I "Did ye, or did ye ; Tt was dark when I reached Ballylogue, and on running my eye over the parapherâ€" nalia lmi-J the Gladstone bag which I had myself seen put into the van at Waterâ€" ford. "I was a ing the matter with the porter, when ::: stationâ€"master came up and asked what the trouble was about, _\ [Nhure, it‘s this gintleman who owns all this luggage," said the porter, "‘that sez ;’." ,’"fl‘ixym!. have atolen his bag on im, * YTich to conceal contravand s of the most remarkable of e hollowed out inside so that valuable watches could be mg the leaves. This was car-‘ arm by a solemn visaged That‘s thrue, sorr,‘ ye. Ph t & ar bnltarsibliverdiaten Ardertaset Shsid ve, and a pair of greys that will land ye at me door almst before ye think ye‘ve started." The distance, he added by the d'h.’" Was "a few miles, just a nice Piva: 10 EmE of gracious intereat O play by, sorr," mopping his heated hill & : inquired one of Blueville, of the orners ()fchl!r.‘ m was mor h is believed to have hands of smugglers, rings, made to tow ‘n of a steamer. It or night, ye‘ll find me ad a pair of greys tha as he plru‘n;'-e.-; »te green lag: of wannot be on that platform, / ionâ€"master, and he walked apparently exbausted the own satisfaction, and shut misrepresentation meself rejoined his 'luperior, with $Os: w 1 nr~p’ercin' that‘s sanguinary TINCED, ) ° yoi & hundred . timesâ€"â€"" pardonable irritation at his ntha :increT);"l;; of m ‘bus in ther â€" what summer say anyone had stolen hand mm » â€" normentin‘ other the porter, addâ€" more be token at is at all," was I put that thruak Comco®" I¢ is well known that certain vagabon desire nothing better, especially when t cold weather comes on, than to he arrest« and locked up, in order that they may | | taken care of for a while, One of this fraternity succeeded in ye ting himself arrested for Fagrancy, and o the way to the lockup he was so muc overjoyed by the prospect of not having t sleep in the Open air that he bohave somewhat boilhn-ly‘ **Keep cuiet !* threatened th« policeman "if you don‘t P‘ll let you go !" assented the ull be wantin‘ his and its five hunâ€" d what‘s more, it‘s bus far frem it," also was fast losing reaon that I cou}d be found, sorr," * when it isn‘t i that platform, nâ€"master, * for ud be, and you ied an object on ich, as well as I light, resembled ntioned the fact pair of greys : line myself, t the object . lbsie s wa hi d ic td e | Sities, and he observed in particular t | consignment of 300 boxes of Oranges *| northern house. _ The importance of # statement lies in the fact, he says, orange specialists in Florida sny frozen Sranges are poisonous, and dei have been known to occur from ea: them. On the oceasion of & former tr there, he says that the Massachusetts Bo of Health forbade the importation of ; en oranges ms poison>us and dangarou the public health, Notice of such an C bargo has not been iven since the pres freeze in Florida, 1{1'- gentleman says t] not only have the orange groves and ; vegetable gardens been semiously injur and in many instances wholly destroye but even in the ©xtreme south of Flori the cocoanut trees and the ineapples ha been seriously injured, nmrin some plac killed by the front, e bag must be closed the in pieoe ot information all consumers of ora S&W in many inssa. . __ A gentleman who has just retur Florida, and who has traversed t State since the damaging frosts t) that the reports of the losses i; underestimated. . He brings one i picoe of information which is of in WeW ols 1 s| _ Uhicago draws its supplice f | ranching country of the west and | west. Canada has an equally pr | country as source of supply, and . cattle than in the United States Nlaughtered upon this side, say at \J or some point at tide water wher dressed beef could be expeditiousl ped to Great Britain, the shippers retain the hides, the horns 11 the which they now part with and wou the profit of them . Certainly t« is one well deserving otf the a::, n cattle .hiprn, who ean find ;» example a lesson well worth heedin Let the effort to lift the embary tinue, but it should be supplemen sustained effort to enlarge the dead trade, bus waiting for consumers of oranges, He f in many instances cases of process of being shipped ’ on an animal during the journey suflicient to take the profit off the The person who really benefits by ments is not the Canadian rarche British farmer, who purchases th. fatten after their arrival across t tie." t her 8r nar mmwect . a"ge"C4uently it higher per pound, A live shipment 1 personal attendance on the journe the beasts have to be fed and water they reach their destination. _A «, able proportion die during the ve ya land in poor condition, and some a sibly in so injured a condition that any case must be strengthened on in port, will LE o We CC ERPCTEITE of shipment. On car nntreon atea the beasts take far greater stowag living than dead. Consequently fr, higher per pound, A live shipment r personal attendance on the journe the hasess Jas n al en ® which has been shown to be the advantageous of the two, If abatt« Chicago can ship dressed hbeef 1 Britain at a profit the same could be by Canadian abattoirs, and had there the activity here which shippers ; States display, . the Canadian . 4; meat trade would now he among leading industries, There is much ; said for such a trade in preference to ping cattle alive, _ As The Calgary H points out; **The shipment of live cattle has ; to be said aguinst it, It is brutally for one thing. â€" It is an €xpensive m po ue ® Danger in Frozen Or the disâ€" pleased Effectual Warning. "ive cattle trade hn;flel':'g the attention of shippers had none to give to Prigufinadb sls Ae zid dfi _ With the exception of the cently established at Coll output of which will for the local channels, there is no., a importance in Canada, main]y live cattle trade han ‘anwou. 1 ° "2SSOR â€" TO CANADIAXs, When their cattle were refused a » | by the British authorities some y; "|and had to be slaughtered at the ; entry, they did not engage in use putations of the embargo, but se | preparations for building up a dres trade, andnow there are fleets of ste: which do nothing else but carry beef from New York and Baltimore British markets, the absttoirs of / contributing the bulk of the supp great has this trade become, and so place has it in Great Britain, that th pers have become dictatorial an« aroused the resentment of their cus to such a pitch that the London (} of Commerce has advised that every be made to increase meat supplies Canada and the other British colonie Whir uns I 0 point at tide water d beef coula be expedi Great Britain, the s\; the hides, the horns an they now part with an, tit of them . Certainiy Lom‘s * [ with no immediate the Australians ar enlarging the dres Great Britain whict lished. _ The course pers, too, affords my The THE EMBARGO ON LIVE CATTLE A BLESSING IN DIsGUISE THE DEAD MRAT Tripr| x being shipped to N observed in particy CCA ADattoirs, and had ther vity here which shippers display, . the Canadian 4 rade would now be amon industries, There is much such a trade in preference to e ous . S e at ) This the Gre PME Los§ y WEKIGHI DME DRksSED BEEL l2 y C0 CCCs to J C2C l Notice of such an emâ€"[ _ * given since the presen( " lawy ‘his gentleman says that | to . t Orange groves and the | Bows been seriously injured, ces wholly denmyed, reme south of Florid«| A | nd the pineapples have | _ it uind 4 A LESSON To Hermoine. s graceful costume is adopted from ireek tor evening wear as a tea gown. CRCRCIAN® afre not relaxing tlci 6 have the embargo withdiawn immediate probability of success tralians and New Zealan lors are a the dressed meat trade with itain which their energy has cstab. The course of United States shin " " 220Te are Heets of steamshi nothing else but carry dresse lew York and Baltimore :/ u rkets, the abattoirs of (%; rag g the bulk of the supply, . s is trade become, and so 1i:/» in Great Britain, that the shif become dictatorial and hay resentment of their customs; tch that the London Chambe 2L ‘el the Lo TORONTO & He says Y, and on so much baving to behaved , mainly beo engaged so ; pers that the i8 no. an al of the aba Collingw watered t e | pre | th take ye @d k "olld . $3 a year, %’d'%;u' 'm"u"‘oe'::{ ’mi § :_.EE s« 10 0 000 uC ~MOEREY, _ Mro, Building Edition monthi Cpigs seant tome copies, 4$ Every pU; $50 a year, owser, Ufl-’fl’?»m t d\ 5rEfy Duthber Sontains beaus houses, 'f"fi n{l Colors, nlnd gu“ of new "_ lul’t _\d?l:ns l’lfll‘%&‘é&? m“‘ NN & Co., A Road Race Without Horses. _ _ (f k 997 sbeoote In the course of 1895 a curions race is to ® "'_‘\\_\_ ke place, the course being the high road Â¥ m Paris to Bordeaux, 1Js will be a race 4 : vehicles without horses, Electricity, or 4 P S ain, or any other mechanical mMotive ver will be allowed, and competitors of vations will be admitted. A committee, | sided over by M, Marcel Deprez, lhe, a ' lâ€"known electrician, has been formed ln’ f> ‘y out the project, and there are s °y entries that 46,500 francs has already | MDALAFIRME L. n _ subscribed, Bieyoles amd . : °* k i ‘me course of 1895 a curious place, the course being the | Paris to Bordeaux, J3 will hicles without horses. â€" Elect , 0t any other mechanical â€" will be allowed, and compe m;us will be admitted. A co; ladp ul ca s m w j _ _ * ABG Competitors of ms will be admitted. A com:nittee, | over by M, Marcel Deprez, the wn electrician, has been formed to t the project, and there â€" are #o tries that 46,500 france has already bscribed, Bicycles and tricycles " & class apart #pecial prizes ig to 5q9o 6 0AE #pecial pri ‘". Dowser‘s face was streaked with »erspiration and grime. â€" His shirt slceves ‘ad wiped off a goodly portion of the stove lacking. â€" Even the back of his â€" neck cemed to have come in contact with the ‘pe. Aiter Mrs, Bowser had gone, he ied the elbow on the joint which he had entally marked, "Exhibit A." No go. hen he tried it on "Exhibit B." No go. either end of "Exhibit C." we uld fit in or â€"over. He hammered the end of one int in and the other out, but we‘ve all en there. _ Mr. Bowser was calm, A mous light whone in his eyes, and his ears irked backward and ferward, but he in‘t pick upone of the joints and demolish fas fix‘ure or mirror, . â€" Mcanwhile Mro, Bowser was getting the by to sleep, but at the same time listen. ; intently for the climax she knew was tain to come, She heard the squeak as « Bowser pressed on one end ofa i0..} bo is ds JP nnem t ulc 927 U G ! his knee and flattened the pipe «ness of a pancake, and chills wen She knew when he got the r his feet to press it back, and a h1 came into her ©ye8, â€" She tollowe ‘ments as he wiped his face on the id and then picked Up a joint to a the stove, He tugged. He par ‘! go to get a better hold, and in ‘lion she could see his eyes han like peeled @DiOD®, | Her has. 105000 OmIUl o gij}} 153 â€"OMOU® _ fHer heart was 4 still when there Wwas a great crash s. That was Me pl_b 08 9e â€" A0 put up the stovepipe, dear," ** Exactly. 1 know how to do it I‘m ing to do it I was squeezing stovepipe wether before you were born. 1 was mply wondering if the man who invented ‘Vepipe was a fool or & lunatic. Pil be wn in a minute," When she had mame uo ols L2 Wt Afhvitite. â€" ts "c, somewhere. If he #queezed at » » bulge appeared in another, . W ipped with a hammer on one side, © immediately displayed a cants a disposition, â€" There are six ends ® joints of stovepi . . Bowser counlzdp:hem and was ; y satisfied of this, ‘Three of ...‘ Mogin Rubucdlt 648 * MQisfed of this, Three of the ends t to have fitted into the other three. ROeV wara malictil 2 ol M "*Just so, Mra, BO'IGI’, and to do it, All right," 1 â€"I was going to ask you to a stove man." Mop n iiviianatPaala s 1 y were mulishly obstinate. He was o fit the elbow somewhere between © joints, to seeif he could not break ibination and hit a prize chromo, !rs. Bowser entered again. you having trouble ?" she asked, a bit. I was just experimenting a As you are only in the way, you‘d 0 down. If I want your valuable ©0, 1‘ll call you," lowser‘s face was atrealiad will ADJ M CopWiny TV U knees and began wo There was something somewhere. If he #q bulge appeared in an~ The bands and bottom of dress are hand abroidered, and the goods is © Libarty wool crepe.â€"Toronto Ladies‘ Journal. ind I shall be giad to #6e her, If all therâ€"inâ€"laws had been like her, the funny a couldn‘t have worked off a single joke owser reached the room mentione: hree joints of pipe and an clbow ; him, â€" Me threw off his coat and ip twoof the joints, All ends were )i the same size, He changed ends, d them the same. He placed the nts in line, but the same fact was avent. He was pondering over it =. Bowser entered the room and im the hammer and said :â€" may need this, One end must be into the other, of course, Tt you i can‘t" Bowser, what did T anws 22 in * You know that mother will be here toâ€" rrow," said Mra. Bowser at dinner the er evening, 4 R <Yes, 1 rowusinber." revlied Mr. Bowser, All right shall telephone to my comes, send him direct ‘ the library, _ Mrs, ork three or four wether, I‘d bett youâ€"youâ€""â€" | lose my temper, eh ! Not much ! acid as a mill poni and could set joints of stove pipe without a wink isbands were as calm and good s 1 am, this would be a far better Irs. Bowser, 111 trot up and fix 1 be i ns the furnace dosen‘t seem to heat om aufficiently I thought I‘d put up ll::]dgtl:t,. »he dropped t for s the correct thing, my dear," girl got the stove up there this , but she couldn‘t put the pipe , what did I come up here t back, and a InuTl.:‘; . _ She tollowed his ho. F2 11 down again inside of AND MRS. BOWSER c e UoWd began working at two EL. C nettt ty PTVTY MNC A lmly had $50 stolen i she couldn‘t put the Pipe | while standing in the Bank Hamilton . . Bowser, and you want me | _ Mrs. Alex MeCormick 6 e or four lengths of stoveâ€" I‘d better retire to an When the time comes that have the side bedroom up " "C" Of the stove ¢k of his neck contact with the ace on the bed joint to attac} â€" .0( CCReâ€"ETove wis af r .. _;"CC°n®6.â€" Anng of Auntril. the __ °CC CaDwam wifr of Louis X 1j 1., could nol go a moment s **‘\\ without her scentâ€"bottle, and liked to have t race is m[ m r‘\- her linen Rcented. Voltaire spoke of the PS j Y rfumed bat) @9 the inxury of luxuries, high road § f "I"ehe swony hills of the Vap became a ming | be a race 4 of wealth, un remain so to this dly, for tricity, op 4 s the scont distilled from theip flowers has a 1 miotive dolie&cy which stil EVes it the primlcy- Hhors of The Empress Josephine &ave _ another etite f Feat stimulus to thy scent industry, mmittee, } ghe constantly helq before her mouth rez, 1he| * dainty hce-hmwh-xerl lawn pocke\-hu:dkoc- ormed MI R chiefs, on which sho had sprinkled some: _ Are so delicious erfume, s already pOWDERs * The ;f:r{umu manufacturers of Grazse: tricycles Cure Stou last year put 40,009 Pounds of violets and. 1 prizes in 29 ",,u,','..‘.g,‘&“,..d-}:: Neuralgia 150,000 unds of roses into their t 1 , alo. €ue, Dizri. Â¥ po ncent stille: lotted to !m._fillicllsness. Pain in the sm,cmsp.q-. The Orange flowers they used ighed must be | [ Torpia Liver, Baq Breath, to stay cured also 223,000 pounds, . a kilo, or 4 little over with ap. | [ tegulate the bowelg, UEnr NICZ To raxa, two pounds, of gasence of May roses is Epore. PRICE 25 Cenrg 47 Oave sromze, | m“""‘m a fucd p i ‘a 88 m 8 e 5 sc‘ S me time listen. she knew was the squeak as end of & joint heard. eu.h y, and the 1 made the . ay lis went Bad gone, he which he had t A." No go. t B." No go. weuld fit in or e end of one but we‘ve all O° & joint Pipe to a t falling was the " in imâ€" hnnging panted wron.gâ€"ju“ Cure lown ic A um 2412 TCceive usht widely perus AMCtican, and our Nt@ brought iWidely betore the Public with. ;m; cost ‘%"ml invu:'o’nfi This 'DImdm aFed weekly, o exantly Ostrated, largost STculation of entific 'ori in the ':url‘d. ;S:i 8 year, s-n.nl:'{e':ona- aanl d Bmldl_ng Edition "*®Dle . 2ACd _honest opinia,‘ .__FOF a N & o ‘2n 20 bonest inlon, write to expen N. & ©O., who have hag z?&noghy years‘ @xberience in the patent buat ‘mun Hlong striot)y confidentiat, " a andbook of formation concerning Patents And how to ob. itingm ”’“&J?Ssofl”‘;““"‘m T7 nwars And scien sen Patents "takon through uUn & Co, receive ngecul notice in the Hc.il:llflc A-eu_eg.. and thus arg brought Widely baras 3 I4Cr Out cost ¢, ,j00° Wit ned A Sep AChatham school against two of her s ng language, and sosts, The Leamington ( new factory or wor freedom from taxatic TheCha ing grant reporters ho e en has been obliged to leave his parish count of illâ€"health, John Hardman has been committ trigl at Stratford charged with oh. Rev, 4 has been count of 1 SOLDIERS ANp MONEY GonE In December permits for $12 the year before, |. Wiiber Bullard, Wingham, has had his legs crushed having had them caught by a freight car, Robert Moorehead, of Princeville, was dangerously hurt while chopping in the bush on Thursday, Fred Teft, of Berlin, has been sentenced to the penitentia ry â€" five years for forging farmers‘ names, gcant and Corporal Engineers Verv Raa Mr, Jas. 8. Black commercial master in iate Institute, Jeremiah Thurham, Princeton from his bed to vote, caught cold a aged 81. A conductor on the 1 fined the other day for passenger, In St. Catharines the other day, a white owl was chasing sparrows about the streets. Nix sons were pallâ€"bearers at their mother‘s funeral, Mrs, Elton, W oodstock, last week. |, The next Provincial poultry show will be held at Port Hope. Rev. W. 8. Westney is temporary curate at St, George‘s, Guelph, C,. A. Hand, proprietor of the well« known Vendome, of Sarnia, is dead. Forty cords of wood were cut at Banda village "bee " one day last week. The iron works at Cowans, recently deâ€" stroyed by fire, wili not be rebuilt. | _ The name of the pust=orttice at Tilbury Centre has been changed to g'i]bury. ’ Michiguustore, Ferm=~ . ... ... , 61 ® BME 5o je | §b L-..uuCfiODfi ‘fire, {ucar.~ai.mm, of Hamilton, has isposed ol’ nearly all the dogs in his famous kennel. imeron y TPy l W. J. Freeland, a wellâ€"known citizen of Stratford, is dead. The new school house at Princeton was opened last week. Stratford‘s Charity Ball netted $200 for[ the Hospital there. Elmiras new town hall was formally opened last week, Giencoe is to have a new town hall and a Pioneer‘s Clup. A valuable Brantford colt died from eatâ€" ing frozen calbage. Freemasons at Schrieber are trying to organize a lodge, The (Goderich Signal has entered upon ite 47th volume, ltenfrew‘s new creamery is about to begin operations, y steamer from Port Huron to t week, sprang a leak and had to d to save the passengers, ham town council at its last meet» d $10 to each of the newspaper who do the municipal work, am school teacherlaid information 0 of her scholars for using insultâ€" T7 IBPTV Piereninta t P css3 Dehorning cattle is very popular about (élencoe, ge, and one Club. Owen Sound wants an electric railway to Meaford. Cathered from Various Poluts from the Atlantic to the PacifAc, & Belleville has a soup kitchen, Nouris, N. S., has a pig without ears. _ Strathroy will soon have a Y. M, C. A. B. Parker, of W INTERESTING ITEMS ABOUT OUR owN CoOUNTRY. PURELY CANADIAN NEWS. n Inabectidaa l db i2 rd charged with shooting at with intent to kill. Hamilton issued building 100, an increuse on those of that in the big suit Eddy of Hull, against Bessey, for $787,006, est her claim to the ormick, ults wi on the H. G, and B. was been committed for stolen from her was fined $1 and Am, Princeton, taken , caught cold and died, has been appointed the Chatham Collegâ€" eymouth, N.8 Garrow of Hamilton overâ€"charging a uid WE C by distilling +) flowers of Prov» wifr of Lonis X1 without hep #cen her linen scente g‘erlumed bath a he sunny hijl« of wealth, un ; ;ho scent distille eli which .. Tho“‘l";’mprcn , wl 5320200800000 7 ed her private poiso nous perf first saw whay a In connection wi ' French perfume trad ** The great perfums were, it appears, q of using perfumery , through the crusad great dealers in it a, subtle poisons in thei dC; Blell::i, like mane Royal Introduceq fat on Their se from which (} compounds Lej manufacture, . frequently var MySterions i. sl,.‘-on,w'b,om distinguished and date ad. any person po at the bank . was issued, w}, Feturned to th The practice fraudulent pu the printed su, ceive the wat possible trace the split 0; pc rough edges, u; any mode of on expressly for ) the above preca nected with ;; from which i. aged 93 on ac hel Rhinish gray the rate of 3, press, and . them m yea» ;' To begin wit; ‘ | s of variable th e . ‘ In point of f 1| at the left hand g|tain a keener j ‘ | there, and it is a [' the dark shadoy | beneath the figu |feit notes are ip only throughout, electrotypesâ€"t )« the design of Ma, micianâ€"after the ed with water in an air pump, . . a special make, ar bank . Camparip Out note, one obse latter is usually t brows . . On the rc shade of velvety b plate printing is m which is composed olnqr(ogl husks an eri n .A complete stock of Whips a| &ep$ on hand. Fifteen Repairing vromptly attended to. Firstâ€"Class Workmanship guaranteed. Highest Price paid for Raw Furs Durham, Jan. 26th, 1899, CHARLES LEAVENS, Is still in his old stand on Lambton Street, ;e;x°â€"tl;; Post Oflice, where he is ready to fill all orders for :; Lumber, Shingles and BANK Oor H 70 Cog Return Hundred Ming Iss#ed Bve; ‘ â€"~28 0 omm m Having Completed our New Factory we are now prepared to FILL ALL ORDERS PROMPTLY. We keep in Stock a large quantity of Sash, Doors, Mouldings, Flooring and the differâ€" ent Kinds of Dressed Lumber for outside shee‘ing, Our Stock of DRY LUMii," is vesy Larce so that all orders * can 28 filled. Sash and Door Factory I HEAVY AND ;LIGHT /‘ HARNESS, ! SADDLES, .'f BRIDLES, | COLLARS, Etc. New Stock Horse Blanlrat We are also getting up New Rigs of all kinds ALT, WORK GUARANTEED. U¢g a genuine erves that th fa h C olten sold 4 uised Perfumes, C.l:g.rino of her ancestors, gainâ€" public ends through Cardinal Richelien ‘@s® could be created id and O‘angeâ€"grove Anne of Austria, the uld not ano & ses d one CHAS. LEAVENS, Jr April 2ith, 1804 etelull ...3 80 to this day, for 1 theip flowers has a. Ves it the timacy, I0€ | gave puflbor he â€" scent indutry. before hep mouth wn pockeiâ€"handker. had sprinkled some And get your Buggies and Waggons Repaired at Lowest Rates. D2 by Lrom the * llious d Every 3 ENGLAND NOTEs _ _ _"S Ste printed at our on a Napier steam c issues 9,000,000 of onting roughly about i cach. Rach note is others by the number 1e d«nominnlion. and this information can ‘ to whom the note s issued, when it was nd who presented it, ting bank notes for as been prevented by ng alone made to ree + Only the faintest mnli a I CETCTE or * little over of \‘.v roses is 1 ‘exhausted receiv the printing ink i ) manutactured at : be retained on ‘h note has thin, be produced by that is not made in addition to are secrets con» on of the pulp madke Lo Ee the Cruszders Palestine, growth n 7 .h a very deep Phe ink used in the Frankfort black, seed oil and the other portions of iine with a spuris 4 the print on the th either blue or 16 18 & erv dans PApPer is thicker ) enable it to reâ€" 1 ol the vignette lerably thicker in centre letters and ‘ ends, Counter. of one. thickness u“lng is done from (Britannia being 1 @ . 7 S‘ Worth of Them Year, f England not ‘° same sheet _Royal acade en first dump Come! Come! ink has into it. of the receiver of ainting Done in the Latest Styles is of the t s:lARl\"fl Powders, each package of which contains two preparations, nn: im & round woodenâ€"box, the cover of which forms a measure for one dose, an mmediate relief for Sick Headache and Stomach, also Neuralgia, and all kinds of nervous pains, and another in capsule (f‘l:{"i“ to 4 of one in an ulrdinl:u-.\' dose which acts on the Bowe s, Liver Btomach, forming a never failing perd fect treatment for all Head and 8 complaints. They do not, as most and so many other medicines do, i fi:ufiwlmwmpmuuce gu-r«:‘n‘um \ e. cents & « all medicine dealers, * *k ham, On®, Bold by McFarlane 4 Co. In Sweden the railwa t y stations w ?.-llm served are known by the sin f * suggestive picture of crossed knife ork SZRinst the name of the station . ENAHAN, McKNIGHT & LENAHAN, Co For every wis there are 11 wh Btifles, Sfirli-;: Coughs, etc. Ba Englingn Spavin Liniment remeves all Hard, Soft or Calloused Lumps ard Blemishes from horses, Blood Spr.cvin.' gxih, Splints, Sweenby. . Mins Bsns A â€" Boow English Spa a curb from recommeni Co., Druggists, _ *_ Denmark‘s (Queen 1 Attack of shingles, and i fined to her apartments Co., Reurer in Six Houvrs.â€"Distressing Kidne ’lld Bladder diseases relief in six goun thz *‘Great South American Kidney Cure" This Rnew remedy is a great surprise and delight on on accouut ofits exceedinipmnphu in n‘cil"i.‘ pain in cbfe :hdder. idneys, back, and o rt of the urinary passages in‘ male ::r’losxlnla. It l’ll{?'el retention of; water ..i pain in pass .k“ ulmost immeâ€" &utdy. t you want g:lk relief and eure C is il') your remedy, d by McFarlane & 0.. en dicts Jn Stocl. Second â€" Burglar (doubttully)â€"** Better hotget more‘n four wagove. I‘m afraid :in.- might attract the attention of the perâ€" iee." i Some Caution Necessary. First | Burglarâ€"* Everything | is You ma‘me is to enter the hous: en out the things, and Bill an‘ Jim wil the cutside, with four or five wago load *em in ." ieloninarinints, Poivbivesilicimidea h. » L222 L4 . ilf you want a situation, a mechanic, a business, a machinery, lodging, if you want to find out where any one is, advertise in the ‘Toronto Daily Mail and read the ad. vertisements on the third page lof that paper. The charge is two cents a word each insertion, or ten cents a word for six ’illcflionl. Address the Mail, Toronto, Canada. The third page of !yn‘l is noted for " W " e LAalP AO. 45, q Antiâ€"Toxine Taken to Eganvitle lor an Friday on or before Alarming Spread of the Discase, Biunie, Chie!, Geo, R Information was received at the Provinâ€" * o es cial Health Department, Toronta, on S’u GEEN “":fTw Wednesday of a serious oucbreak of Diph 0) a ‘l::':[‘l:f‘llfi“’ ’31': theria at a point 65 miles from Eganville, _ | (; Hamilton, R. K. Ont. (ne man has already succumbed, > mm and 10 o*hers are down with the discase, + n gn A medical inspector has left for the scene, P[‘BBL{iL SCHOOL carrying with him a quantity of antiâ€"tox. card meets on 1 inc. It the case turns oul as now re» Svery month. ‘ ported, it will furnish a signifiount test of . | Dr. Gon,Chairman. TH the efficacy of the new treatment of diphâ€" ns theria. ;., G. & J. MCKECHNIE'I M ,:.1 DIS1 FSe Blankets, â€" Combs, Brushes, Bits 2 es C CCFY TEU _from horses, Blood Spavins, plints, Bweeney, Ringâ€"Bone, praing, all Swollen Throats, o. Bave $50 by use of one Warranted by MceFarlase & A DIPHTHERIA OUTBREAK lower w 10 marries a widow, 0 espouse maidens. age otf the Toronte Daily or,‘* Want* advertisement‘s. & situation, a mechanic, a chinery, lodging, if you want ‘re any one us, advertise in ily Mail and read the adâ€" Blankets; ilway stations where known by the simple : of crossed knife and is suffering from ar is, consequently, con a quantity of antiâ€"torx» urne out as now reâ€" sh a signifioant test of ew treatment of diphâ€" cce n‘ Jim will be on five wagons | to Farmer, M Lath always in capsule | Colie nary d..uj matic Liver and | whol. ailing per | Syru; 1 Sto taste most pi best> s do, &iu i tle a box, :‘ i the : | Wix tely r > pile: d Tamps, v. stifles bottle ts fixed bring ed 4 Otdq g00 0000000 72000EX Inflam~ matios, and gives tons and ewergy to the whole _ system, "‘Mrs, Winslow‘s Soothing Syrup" for children tecthing it pleasant to the taste and is the prescription of one of the best: female physicians and nurses in the United States, Price twentyâ€"tive cents a bottle. Sold by all d ists throughout the world. Be sure lrn‘?ut for *‘Maus Wixscow‘s Sooruixe SÂ¥xerr" a PQ0 m O ETRC TT TW Johnnyâ€"“llhel she can‘ to my sister fer looks, W sold twontyâ€"two ticke:s fer B‘th)'-“\'m Ev'erybody says Nare Wour Amenin Sonp Wrappers And when you bave 25 Ammonia or 1 Puritan Soap Wrappers send them to ns and a three cent -t.uuK for postage, an. we will mail you FREE, a bandsom picture suitable for framing. A list o pictures around each bar, Ammonia Somp bas no equal. We recommend it Write your name plainly and address : W. A. Enapsnaw & Co., 48 and 50 LombardSt., Toronto, Bold by all geperal merchants asd vrocers. Give it a trial f H U Han Mou aoft FP C TTCT TTE a\C *L Hallâ€"open »very Tuesday evenit from 7 to 9 o‘clock, and every Saturd: from 2 to 4 p. m. Anoual fee $1. D Gun Pres, C. ihnm See. Mrs. MacRe Librarian, «i Board meets on the 1st 8 ovua month. Dr, Gon,Chairman. Thos. Allen y Record it COUI(T DURHAM, No.qj of Meeting, on second a duy in each mopth, Johr Chief Renge, K. Burpert T. See For Over Fitty Y oenre D URHAM L Mcetine. n U ECHAXIQOS‘ INSTITUTE 100 at the Gums and gives tous an« Y ou ought to see 10;% ~First Wedesday in enc nâ€"Fridgy before the Gu ys she‘s a beauty," 1 het she san‘t hold er logtl. _\\'hv, i URHAM 1 in the Ha! Durham lay of every ) uns finst A Charmer ing 8 prayer "Dlonday _ Lelore _ Durkau Monday before Durkam., es*â€"Third Weduesday in oush Monthly Fairs in each mont] Mond Sly rd Tuesday in each onth RI cuuney w rales, and Grant, M.W TENT, K.0.1..M., x the first aud third To before full moo Geo. Russel, See COTLAND, BEX xEyj day beto Wedues Services Â¥ month Thos. Brown, Com .0. L. No » Thursia ‘Sr CHor l‘UlrL‘Tun Nold a candle ‘Y, y sister a charity con M.\LONEY inday Sunda my big s1 Durbam Sci 164 Saturday 11 I. A Andersor * ®ve Of @ver W Princina 1d Pastor M. firs Mack Kenzie 1t 10 Ha ir ht m 10 E+.A PX 250 The B Mortg Th MRS en H Off par wpt s

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