West Grey Digital Newspapers

Grey Review, 7 Feb 1895, p. 2

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O o an Press Association came OoH [ast week with more than the asual enthuâ€" siasrn. In addition t> many able members of the craft there were pros ent Sir MacKenzie Bowell, Mr. Gold win Smith, and Hon. (G. W. Ross, who all spoke with much acceptance. . Aâ€" mong those prominent in the discusâ€" sions and at the banguet we notice the name of Captain J. B. McLean, the snucceseful editor and manager of sey eral trade Journals and well known in this town. n i# > â€"Sir Oliver Mowat has taken the necessary stops to ascertain the opinion of the Jud‘cal committee of the Imperâ€" lal Privy Council on the question of the powers of Provineial Leg®@iatures in prohibiting the sale, manufacture and Importation of intoxicating liquors, Mr. â€" Melaren Q. C. who, Mr. Mowat says, _ Jw theroughly conversant with the _ whole subject. will be ay&)im.cd to _ argue the case in pehalf of iturio beâ€" ~â€" fore the Privy Councit. The Tesmparâ€" M must congratalate themâ€" ~~* saiiwes. on. iving so fast & friend at the > Bead of affairs in the Province. She: 6ren Rcview. base moved to Cobâ€"urg The Canrada Farmers‘ Sun calls the unseatingr of Bro, Tucker of West W el lington, *"*First Patron Blood." _ This Ig not the asual way of giving credit bat we suppose it is literally true. â€"The cold wave now passing over the Province is the coldest for years. Aw Durham, the thermometer fell to gero on Sunday night, to 18 below zero on Monéay night and to 30 below on Tuesday night _ At eight a. m. two p. m and 10 p. m. on Tuesday the readâ€" ings were 15, 10. and 25 below zero, respectively, and on Wednesday at 8 :. u. F , ut Seauast. .. Ne â€"The im:migration of a company of §3 tamilies numbsring about 3000 imts the Nortiern Diszwict of mh&wry notable event. â€" From the Globe we {earn that many of the Erench Caradens who is former years seatled in Micthigan on the shores of Lake Superior, and who were engagâ€" ed‘in mining Rave resolved to cross baek into» Canad@. The mines have shut down. with meprospect of being reopened, The wrrkmen, many of whom have been out of employment ter@year, have nesclved to leave, and PNioite L en geti en en I m., 25 below zero, and as 2 p. m. only 6 below. Thus mild weather may be expected. gndor the advice ot Father Paradis they bave resoived. t« sell out and emigrate to the Nipissing district â€"The periis of modern travclling had an‘apalting iilastration a few days ago The & S. Elbe ct the Germen Liogd Coy. left Bremen for New York am tne evening of the 30th inst. with 400,persons on board, 260 passenger, a erew of 140. â€" About three o‘clock the following morning, while all were usleep save the night watch, a violent crash cccured which staruled all on board. There was an immediate rush of passengers and crew t the deck. The sailors at once perceived that the whip was badly injured that the stern Kignew French Canadiam Golony. | It #intendad» to begin the wank «of preâ€" paring houses at once, are se have the entire colony settled in their new Homes before the snow ®breaks up, so that spring work may Tbe begun as soon as the season wil permit, and thus provision Bbe acede against the following winter. Should this colony succeed. more are said to be ready to follow. where free homestcads ean be obtainâ€" ed,. and:where they wornt be depenâ€" dent on the fluctuations «f the ausing Indastry for a_ subsimence. . Father Paradis has beer interciecwring the Outario Government is ‘nferemse to 2 ~â€"*mnie setienfent, anc the district west. of Lake Nipissing incladieg the mwush‘p of Badgison rlegel, Springer sio. bas been fixed upen as the home of was already settling and that shortly she would go to the bottora. The capâ€" tain, who was on board, shouted, that the women and children must be savâ€" «ill~first, this was his last word. _ A rush was made for the life boats, lut they had been so long unused, and this night the weather bad been so cold and boistcrous that the rain and driviag sea had frozen as it fell and govered the rigging and the boats with their fastenings with a solid sheet of jâ€"e. However by dint ot chopping and qutting, the boats were lowered. The Arst was carried away immediately that she touched the water. Another got off with eighteen persons on board snd after tossing helpless in the storm was picked up by a fishing smack. / The fate of other boats is net yet known ! Meanwhile the scene on deck was| heartrending. Women and children | and men rushing about, maddened | with terror and shrieking for assistance | ar& praving to be taken ino the life | boats. But saddenly, the vessel plung ’ ed forward and the waves closed over i the illâ€"fated ship with its living freight. | The life boat with its twenty surviâ€". vors was taken to Yarmouth and reâ€" [ ceived every attention. A steamer ! bas been sent out to search for the missâ€" ing boats, but so far nothing has been l Beark of cither. The cause of this torrible aveidesy was a collision with | ‘anogrher stecamship, the Crathie from Ruttertiam to Aberdcen. â€" The Crathic Wns orrauibg the track of the Elbe, ang mo doubt hoped to dysz in good time, ud put on extra speed o be able to do w, The Elbe on the other hand was Mg on with its great cayga tG. make good time, for time is money and the risks to the passergers incurrâ€" ed in thig or any other way coupt for pothing, . The vight was dark and wsev starmeâ€" Many lights were about gothing. The night was dark and very stormy. Many lights were about said the officer in charge of the Elbe, ghawing that there were many vessels ghat night in the neighborhocd, sailing ‘bither and thither, but the Ebe pus!â€" J on mpajestically making as many I as possible in the hour, when + the irop stem of the Crathie DURHAM, FEBRUALRY 7, i895. Mr. Mallory, Patron President, it is morted,. has secured a legney and w( @ 4e «â€"â€"â€" 4 6 + i8 a N AT This ! The Judicial Committee of the Privy l":(ll“‘(juuncil has decided that the Roman ! Catholic minority in Manitobs has the 5 right of appeal to the Governorâ€"Generâ€" OYe‘ | at in Council. The question is thas cars. | thrown back to whers it was thrce AI1 to| years ago. _ ‘This juacgment of the 'z\-ro! Privy Council has produced constsrâ€" y on | Dation in Government circles, for the wo . | ones of dealing with the question is rend. | NO* laid directiv upon the Governâ€" ~"U~ | ment and not upon Parhament,l :mld, nadiâ€" last ithuâ€" able crashed into her side cutting ber in two. The Crathie reversed her enâ€" gines and backed out,â€"the watch sayâ€" ing he could see nothing on account of the dense fog. But the Crathic made for the srearest port to mend the damâ€" age done, and the HMbe went down to the bottom of the North Sea. With your permission I would like to reply to Mr. Gorsline‘s letter, which appeared in your issue of the 24th ult., a P 3 m nteretinlen ced s oc and, as this is my first letter on the subject, I trust you will pardon me if I trespass too much on your space. Te w nE eCAE EAUCK 0 ‘The great question before the clecâ€" tors of the Dominion for the last sixtcen years, has been as to whether we srould have a protective tariff, or one for revenue only, the Conservative , party claiming that protection, which simply means the placing of clmrges‘ on certain productions with the object of making the consamer pay more for them is right ; the Reform party claimâ€" ing that tariff for revenue purposes, l which means the collecting of dues to. the extent of what is needed to meet the requirements of the.eocntry with ‘ the object of havingâ€":theâ€"eonsunier buy them as cheaply as (possible;â€" is right. On this question the %?vsemmcm of the late Alex. McKenzo was defeated. The Reform party: bavée, since‘ then, continuously opposed protcetion, and Dr. Landerkin, our representative, bas ably opposed it in the Dominion House and out of it. It is noticcable to all, thata great many people who upheld protection, now oppose it, amongst these Messrs Gorsline and Allan, and the question is «(ten asked, how have so many changed their opinion? The converts bave all been mum, until Mr. Gorsline issued the fixt Let there belight. The letter is a vakable one from the fact that it was written by an intelligent man who has been a stedfast Conservative and always ready to defend his party. Preâ€" viess to the elections in June last, he was one of a deputation of three Conâ€" servatives who waited on Mr. MeNichol with the object of asking Mr. MeNichol ; to accept of a Conservative plank to the _Patron platform, the plank subwitted \nas "That the ballots be compulsory in the election of school trustees" Mr. McNichol informed the deputation that he would submit the proposition to Mr. MceNaughton M. P. P. of Bruce and Mr. Jamieson, Patron organizer, both memâ€" i bers of the P. P. A. The plank was necepted, though against the Patron ic«mstiuxtinu. What say Messrs Allan and Gorsline now ? as many will believe, that with the dissatisfaction generally abroad in the country, the sccumualating deficits in the revenue and a generalelection pending surely Sir MacKenzie Bowell will realize the truth of the proverb that *‘uncasy Hes the head that wears Edator Review. THE MAUITOBA SCHOOL QUESTION i Crown he is only recently emancipated, In order that we may attach the propâ€" er weight, to Mr. Gorsline‘s reason for Mr. Allan‘s changes of opinions and his own, let us look to the changes as exâ€" emplified in the difference between the Conservative and Patron platforms, in Dominion politics. ist Messrs Allan and Gorsline supportâ€" ed protection. They considered that the parties opposed to them were no friends of their country. Their aim then was to build up the industries or the country and make a home market for its producers, there ery was " Canada for the Canadians." Now, they are opposed to protection and are memblers of secret society whose constitution denied the right of. manuâ€" facturers and professional men to enter. As a prelude to the letter, he comâ€" mences by assuming that the person who had signed himself, in a previous letter as * A farmer who opposes Allan " was not a farmer and on that assumpâ€" tion insinuates that the wuthor is guilty of falsehood, and after wards he calis him & ** Pseduo farmer "and a "coward " How unreasonable! But it is not to be wondered at. considering the fact that of falsehood, and afte him & * Pseduo farmer How unreasonable! B wondered at, consider he is only recently ema 2nd They claimed that the co:â€" servative party‘s acministration â€" of affairs at Ottawa was one of purity, now, they point to it as one of corrupâ€" tion, as so forcibly expressed by Nr. Gorsline when referring to Railway passes. He says "the M..P. on acceptâ€" ing a 1&ulway pass has sold himself and his country and is bound to do the bidâ€" ding of that body when called upon to do so, his vote and influence when deâ€" manded the price he pays for his pass. The Dominion members, six excepted, all travelled on passes. â€" What a picture The Dominion members, six excepted, all travelled on passes. What a picture of the Conservative party by alife long member! â€" But let us Jook at the Patron party, only two of three have yet taken seats in the Legislature, and they travel on passes. Did they sell their votes and influence for passes ? Will Mr. Gorsline please inform us? 3rd They supported the Dominion 1 Franchise Act, with the Reyising Ba:â€" ‘ risters and all the costly paraphernalia attached to it. Now, they want the voter‘s list prepared by the municipal officers, as Ontario does. 4th They supported the gerrymanderâ€" ing of constituences, now they ask that they be divided in conformity with County boundaries, just as Ontario does. Does Mr. Gorsline claim that Ontario did otherwise? if so would lu-’k-irliy name one constituency ? Does he claim that the same may be said. of the Conâ€" servative party} in the Dominion ? Sureâ€" ty not, but if he does I refer him to the neighboring constituency of _ North Wellington, in which one township was takon out of the county of Perth and added to North Wellington. . Two townships were taken from Carleton and added to North Lapgrk, â€" Numerous other c22¢5 mish; be cited but it is unâ€" necessaTy, 5th ’l:h('v syupported tha Conservative party ta the retaliative mensures which were being. yeed agaiust the United Statey,. Now, they ~want â€" reeipgocal trade ap fair terms. On this question Mr. Gorsline appeags to have some menâ€" tal trouble. He cannot understand how the Reformâ€" party ean uphold a tariG for revenue only and . aiso uphold recipe rocity. The Patron leaders understand it perfectly well, so do the Reform party. and so will Mr. Gorsline when his menâ€" tal vision will be more used to the glare Sur caused by the splendor of the Reform platform, The above are some of the s#alient planks, on which Messra Gorslme and Allan have changed their opinions. The Reform party recognizes all polâ€" itical parties in this country as honest, though it differs from them. In differâ€" ing it agrees to differ, Our platform is sufficently broad to accept of people of all honorable occupation, and we claim that they all should have a fair show, but no favor. We are opposed to all class legislation, and all class feeling such as is displayed by Mr. Gorsliue when he sneeringly refers to Dr. Landerâ€" kin as the "man of medicine." But why these ungentlemanly epithets ? Is it because Mr. Gorsline is just emancipaâ€" ted or that be is an apt scholar of his leader T. 0. Currie? Will Mr. Gorsline please explain ? Tave MalTeemen»r Continued from last week. Inspector Campbell read his report on Friday. _ The teachers were all pleased to have a Standard dictionary in school, A map ¢f the County had been placed in nearly iall the schools, About 1800 pupils wrote for promotion, of whom i5%, passed. No delegates are to be sent to the meeting of the Good Roads Association. The Co. Property Comumittee are loyâ€" al and recommended that a 20 ft. flag be secured for the Court House. . Chatsworth is Kl:nvlit'(l the privilege of baviog examinations held there. The Prisoners‘ Aid Association gets a grant of $10.00. The Ont. Rifle Assoâ€" ciatios, which bad asked for a similar sum, was refused. A long discussion took place on the reâ€" A long discussion took place on the reâ€" port of the Co. Property Committee as *~ an merease made on a stone contract. The increase was allowed., Thormbury has to pay for her own bridge lanterns. Four of these had been hung at a bridge undergoing repair. They were stolen, and the Council was asked to pay $1.624 for them. A small amount to waste so much time over,. The Finance Cammittee‘s report went through without objection. The report of the Education Com. took some time to discuss, and the fee for attendance at the Inst, was fixed @ $10 per pupil. There must be 45 ncres of land in conâ€" nection with a poorhouse to entitle it to a grant, and a motion to memorialize the Government to bring this item to 10 ncres carried after a long discussion, some wanting 20 acres, some against the idea â€"altogether. _ Mr. Gor«line strongly urged that. the County should take care of its poor. A discussion on Railway discrimination and the steps necessary to counteract it look up some time and the matier was referred back the Committee, This comâ€" mittee reported on Saturday in favor of memorializing the Dom. Parlirment to pass such laws as will make freight and passenger rates uniform and that a comâ€" mission be appointed to hear and deâ€" terminatehUPcomplaints,look after crossâ€" ings. &c. and that a mem ber of said comâ€" mission hold sittings at various centres to take evidence for the commission. Mr. Shute, wished to do away with the December Session, _ Mr. Elyth thought the motior should have been brought in socuer. Mr. Read thought the June Session was the one to omit. Some philanthropic work was done in connection with the "Childrens‘ Aid Association " and Destitute Prisoners. The Session was closed by singing God Save the Queen. thought the moti brought in socner the June Session Motion lost. The oldest member and oldest man in the Council is Mr. John Chisholm. He is 68 years of age, and 83 yrs. in office. The youngest mempber is S. S. Howe, of Thornbury, age 80, 8 yrs. in office. Ouly 2 bachelors in the Council, Messrs. Erskine and Lemon. We are indebted to the 0. S. papers for most of our information, The Times being especially full. The newly elected Council met Jan. 2!st in accordance with statute,members present, Geo,. Binnie Esq. Reeve, Jas. Staples Esq. Deputyâ€"Reeve, George E. Arr\.ws.niv.}l, Thos. MeFadden and Geo. Lamb Esqrs., Councilliore. Eack member made and subscribed the Declarations of Qualification of office and took their seats. The Reeve in the chair, Minntes of last meeting read and confirmed, comâ€" munications read as follows :â€"From C. W. Ru:iledge, Jas. H. Rutherford and John Rutherford‘s son‘s accounts, From Jas. P. Hare, copy of Holland Council. From K. W. McKay in reference to "Good Roads" Association. From J.P. Telford claims for damages sustained by Caldwell‘s mail coach. Several appliâ€" cations for the office of assessor. x â€" The Reeve and Deputyâ€"Reeve were inâ€" structed to enquire as to the sufficiency of the Treasurer‘s sureties, _ _ Lambâ€"McFaddenâ€"That â€"the Reeve and Deputyâ€"Reeve, be a committee to meet a snuifau‘ committee from Bentinek Tp. in reference to Mr. Caldwell‘s acciâ€" dent on gravel road between Bentinck and Gienelg and report at neXt meeting of Council.â€"Carried. _ __ dags % Staplesâ€"McFaddenâ€"That thisicouncil take no action in what is known as "Linch Deviation" referred to by Holâ€" land council at their last meeting, as we were always of the opinion that Mr. Linch bac no legal claim, against the Townships and are of the cpinion that Mr. Bell has no better claim.â€"Carried. Cheques were issued as follows Municipal Election Expenyes $58 Printing and Munic Spuf)i-'tuti(‘»ucry 23 Saluries &5 Charity 8 Roads and Bridges 4 Sundries 4 The Clerk was instructed to ask for Tenders for Printing. The Council adjourned to Feb. 11th FPAB® 4 Mr, John Ritizer, merchant, Waterl0o, says: "I bave given Stark‘s Powders (for Hendache, Caotiveness, Biliousuess avd Neuralgia) ap extensive trial, and flad them to give the greatest satisfacâ€" tion in my family. 1 can vepy highly recommend them. â€" They are far phead of anything I have ever nsed, and Ihave tried many remedies." Sold by all drugâ€" gists at 25¢. a box. 5 boxes $1. +»Nice to wike, imwediate qnd permanent. Feb. ue cfi on Joux McKrEcunI® Durham, Feb. 2nd 1805. it 10 a. in COUNTY COUNCIL FLASKHES. AHIEAD OF ANYTHING I HAVE EVER USED. GLENELG CCUNCIL. «4 @4 _ Cust h they ;;;‘-w with the J. S. BACK Clerk ,"Efi ~"»<'3,;& j Bl 179 88 $ 00 3( e itc On Thunday last a nnmber of the Ch deavor Bociotios of 8. Grey met in the ian Church here for the purpOd@ of 01 local Union. The fate of this first tentative meeting owing to storms, roads, etc. was somewbat in doubt.. But «s the hour o‘ its opening approsched,the, shocess of the meeting was an assured fact. n« denvorors nced co long aequaintatce to becone. fnst friends. â€" The motto at the head of this article. hold by ai}, is a »i.ficient guarnutoe of Aoqmmpf purpose, to croate a closo family feoling, and the devotion to their principles, which should and‘ «does chrracterize the membership as woll.as a G sire for a wider union than ench locality affords, brouzht dolegntes togother from Dromoreand Crawford, from Hunover and Priceville, from Ayton and Anmpden to Dornoch and the Rocky 81ugeen. These with the Durham frieads namber» ed about 50 and nftor some time spettin & pleaâ€" sant introductory, informal wanner met in the basoment for business, The Clorgyroen present were 3 Rev, Mosars. [Little, Dornoch; Craigie, Hanover; MoVicar, Dromore, and Junsen, Dur« ham. The delegations were ms followa:â€" on Donxecs, Rev. Mr. Littlo, Dmoxonsâ€"Miss Isanc, Rev. Mr. MoVicar, M» Juo. Snell. 5 Crawronp, Mi. Boyle. HaXPDEN, Mewsis. John Cooper T. Young and Moyer. Rocky Savor®x®, Miss McCormack, Miss Tg: bull, Miss Vensic, Nr» Mal. McKipnon Mr, He é The Aytou delzgution was especiaily welcomed, us they bad beard ot the weeting only incident ally and at a lite bour, but at opce dotermined to put in un apperrance Mr. C. :umage was appointed temporary chair« man, and Miss Friser, becrotary. Aftersinging, readiug of Scripture and prayer by Rev. Mr. Little, the Chairman welcomed the delegutes, gave in dotail the rteps that lhad been taken to bring about the meeting and invited sug, estiona und a free discussion. This took place all of the Clergy wnd most ofthe delegates taking part. After s somewhat lengthy dobate, ergnnization was effected and w constitution mJopted, which mdinit« of imembership by Christizn Endewvor Societies of Young People of auy denomination, A full inseting was ariangod to take pluce in a fow. weeks of which cus motice will be givon, The followiu g oficers were clected :â€" 7 Premident Mr. John Cooper, Hampden, Vice: Pros. Mr.C. Ramagze. Socy Miss M . A.Tunne, Dro« more. ‘reas. Mis« F. Vair, Dorbam, The Presidont, r. Cooper, then took his‘ place aud madea brief and happy speech. Kphfib" right pran in the right vluco, and duriac the dé buto theinformation be bad and the suggesâ€" tions he gave were most usetul. The ladies of the ilome Society had provided refresiments, and after a very pleasint time devoted to social chat and intercourse, the good things were pariaken of und every one was ready to admit the moeting in every aspect was a Cocided success,. Among the :orces which make for riphtwousuess and the good of the community we Lopo South Grey C.£ Union will play @» important pait. AvToX, Miscos. Wenger and Watt, and Messrs Dodd» and Doerbouker. HaNxovrx®, Kev. Mr. Cragie and Mr. Pace, . Priczviti®, Misros McLood and Cameron, and Messrs. Sincpson and McDonnld. Noxt week we shall. publich a dircctory of ali C. K. Societies in the mding as fer as we can vCeXt&N+ Miss Isane will make a gvod Secretary, and Misw Vair a goud Trowsurer,â€"when she gets something to treesuro. An executive committee has the culling of next meeting. Mr. Dodds, of Ayton, bas fine social qualities, Last Thursday a Convoniion was held in Dur bam, for the purpose of forming a Union Society of all the Chiistiun Kuceryor Societies of South Grey. Misscs M. A. Isuac and N. McKenzie, and Messrs. MacVicur, Suoll and Scott were the deâ€" lexates appointed by Awos C. E. 8. and us a re sult of the convention a Union Seciety was organâ€" ized and Miss Istac bas the honor of being chosen is first corresponding Secretary, The first reâ€" gular meeting in coupection wish the Union is to be heid in Durham in March. Als o« special mectâ€" ing will be held in Durham on the l4thinst. to dis= cuss muatters, the President and Secrotaries of each society ure expectud to be presont. Mss M A. Isouc ind Mr. Jus, Laughton represent ng Amos C. E. Owing to the scarcity of fodder, Mr. Jno. Garâ€" sou #r. disposed of some of his stock last Tuoscay week, un l we beliove tho prices roalized wers uuder the circumstances, fair. Mr. Dusnuld Ne Cormick not putting injan sppeacance, Mr. Win: Hustic acted as ructioncer and succeded in me quitting bimself as one, equal to the G6Cts.ou. Mr.Joln AcBeth purposes to mike a ‘bee‘ this week drawing brick troi Hallin fad. He intonds during the scuimer, to ver.cer his Louse, No service was held in Amos on last Sunday week. Owing to the severe storm and the imâ€" passable state of the rouds, nune of the )e« ye. â€" tured forth, The Ceart of Revision was held in " Russell Hall" on Thursday Just, Judge Morrison presided. HaJi" on Th The sitting v been done if on the scone Mr. Stephen Boax bas decided to become a cit izen of eur fair viilage. He dispose l of his proâ€" perty to Mr. Henty Tucker jr. and has moved into one of Mr. Taylor‘s vacaut housos, Miss Bolin Lothian is mauking a brief stay with friends in Holxtein this wook. A week ago lust Wednesday, Mr. Jno. Philp way nnited in Matrimony to Mis Lizzie Rice mud we tukethis occasion of wishing tuo happy couple much joy. On going out to his stable ane day recently, Mr. Waulter Hastie found «ne of his catile dend, tus enuse of death being a piece of turmip which had penetrated into its langs. The Rev. Mr. Himphries, from Enphrasin, preached the Educational Sermon in comnection with the Metbodist ehurch nurth ef here, last "Hall " night. Mr. Williaim Hartsley, from Ox ord, is visiting at lns uncies Messia Jn > upd JOs. Stepheusou. Mess« Ed. We lls and Jas, Tucker bave fAnished their contract of sup)ying the sehool with. w 01 The Endesyor mectings have been chungod from Mondsy evening to Thursday eveniug aiter Prayer Mooting. We wonder it it is a fact, that the. wedding bells wiil soon be ringing for one of our backelors nowr here. If 60 we ®upp we Durham, will i e the loser of one of is fuiF ime80s, Mir. Frank Kennio, from Flesher(on, paid a 1;â€" ing visit to Mr Jas, Duckers lust Saturday. Nrs. Thosâ€" Lauzuton, who his been on the sick list for a few days recently, is improviug. Scariet fever has beon in our midst for some time, but under the skilfu‘ treatmont of i. Bird the disease hins been conflued to the affected quarters and so has not sproud to other familion, _ Miss Vina Harrisou, from Baisam, Vailey h been visiting during the pust Work at Mr.Jor. Moore‘s. We Lelieve distempor is prevalent among some ef our neishbor‘s norses, bot as yot with no serious results. She Was Weak, Nervous and Dispiritâ€" ed and Found no Benefit From Docâ€" tor‘s Treatmentâ€"She Was Induced to Give Pink PillsaTrial and is Again Enjoying Health. From Canadian Erangelist, Hamilton. We are often asked: " Do you think Dr. Will:ams‘ Pink Pills are auy good? Do you think it is right to publish those glowing accounts of cures said to be effected by the Pink Pills?" Of course, we think the Pink Pills are good, and if we did not thirk it right to publish the testimonials we wound not do it, Perâ€" haps it is not to be wondered at that people ask such questions, when they hear stories of clerks being employed to write up fictitious testimonials to the efficacy of some cheap and nasty patent medicine. The Dr. Williains‘ Medicine Co. do not follow that dishonest practice as there are few places in the Dominion whero the marvellous efcxcy of Pink Pills has not been proved. Their method, | as our readers may have observed, is to publish interviows whichreprâ€"sentatives of reputable and well known journals have had with persons who have beyn benefitted by a course of Pink Pills, thas | giving absolute assurance that every case published is genuire. â€" Several auch | cases haye come under the notice of the Canadian Evangclist, the latest being that of Mrs. T. Stephens, of 215 Hunter street wast, Hamilion. Mrs. Hunter.s quite enthusiastic in Ler praise of D . Williams‘ Pink Pills, and is very posâ€" itive that they have done hera great amount of good, Her trouble was indiâ€", gestion and general debility. For about a year she was under a physician‘s care, without deriving y y benefit therefrom. About three yeays ago she was induced by a friend to give Piok P.ls a t;riu.l..‘ When she hegan theip use, abhe says, sheâ€" _ Â¥.p.5."C.E. #For Christ and the Church." ing was briof nud better work might have neif interested parties apposred carlier A WISE WOMAN DROMORE purpose of or;mnizing‘a maysiys ofm HhcadGig Fo ue lyy D’;;;féhim ts eb ie y s +=â€"++33 OUR STOCK OF &+>â€"= DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, BOOTS AND SHOES is complete. NEYW COODS AT RICHT PRICES. & | felt drendfully tired all the time, was weak and nervous, had a pain in her chest and was very downhearted. Her father told her she looked as though ske was going in "a decline." She replied that she felt that wav, whether she looked it or not. It was not Tong after she began to take the Pink Pills before she experienced an improvement in her health and spirits. The tived feeling wore away and her strength returned, the extremo nervousness vanished and her spirits revived. _ It is now about two years since Mrs. Stephens ceased taking the Pink Pills. She has had no return of her former troubles during all that time. Sheis now strong, healthy and cheorfcl and is very emphatic in declarâ€" ing that she owes to the Pink Pills her present satisfactory state of health and has, thercfore, no hesitation in recoinâ€" mqnding them to those afflicted as she Flonr per 1001b ...... Ostment _ ** Shorts t* Bran w Fall Wheat per bushe Spring Wheat * Oats, ts Peas, *# Barley, ha Potato®s, ** Hay per tOn ... Beet, fere quarters, Beef, bind _ * PQFK, | * .ezkkeike}+ Hides,: 48 L.....s.. Sheepâ€"kins, each..... Butter per Ib........... Foxâ€"In Durham, on Sunday, Srd Fe 1895, Thomas Y. Fox, aged 57 years Turkeys per 1b...... Geese B e ranes Dusks. : ** Chicken«, per pair Apples per bas ... Outs, Battor malle * tubs, W Fall wheat. Spring wheat Barley, Potatoes per bag, Sheepskins, ‘ Hides per Db . Dress: d hogs _ Beef, fores, per 1 * hinds . * W..ol, XQ THC roo, _ I BM In TWE WoRLD FROM THE TEA PLANT TO THE TEA CUP CAWIT KNOWLEDGE Brings comfort and improvement and tends to personal enjoyment when rightly used. Tho many, who livo betâ€" ter than others und enjoy lifo more, with less expenditure, by more promptly adapting the world‘s best products be the nceds of physical being, will attot the value to health of tho pure liquid Isxative uin iples embr:.cod in the remedy, Syrup of L igs. Its cxcellence is duc to its prosonting it the form most aeceptab‘a and pleasâ€" ant to the tast«, the rt reshing and truly beneficial propertice of & perfect laxâ€" alive ; cffoc‘ aally cleansing the jystem, dispelling colds, headsches and fevers a..2 pormanently curing cons‘pation, It has given satiJaction to millions and mot with the approvas of the modical profession, kecsuce it acts on the ILidâ€" neys, Liver and io «‘e withoct weakâ€" ening them and is is perfectly freo from etery objection. bie substat:ce. Syrup of Figs is for sclo by all drug. ?‘sta in 77c. bettles, but it is manaâ€" actured by tho California Fig Syrup Co. ouly, whose naino is printed on every packnge, alzo the nam , Syrup of 1"gs, and being well informed, you wil not Becopt any aubstitute if ferod. THc Fincer TeA hy Tur WamLh If your grocer does not keep it, tell him to writ STEEL, HAYTER & co. ~ 11 and 13 Front Street East, Toronto. ut up in Cure SIOK HEADACHE® and Nooraigia in 20 arrmuUres, also Tm Disriâ€" ness, Biliousness, Fain in the Side, u‘suwn, ‘Torpid Liver, Bad Breath. . to stay C also reguiate the bowels. VERY #/CEF TO TAKE. â€" Prica 25 Cants ar Drue Sromse. argains! Bargains!! Bargains / IN ITS NATIVE PURITY: Dalgiish‘s old Stand, ALL GOOD GROCERS KEEP IT. DURHAM MARK A PERFECT TEA ORONTO AmALKI POWDERS 'x,lr:;;‘g Tb. rm-' ckages, and never DEATHS bushel tell him to write to Py Skw TBEA o uo l>cUnPRbd q PJCR 10 1 MiDEH, "*"he undersigned offers the undermenâ€" â€"!\ tioned Stock for hire, and would recommend his brother Farmers to use the same,as the demand now is for Long Lean Meat and not the heavy fat meat of the Berkshire. _ A cross on Berkshire sows would be very suitable. Circulars issued by the Wim. Davis & Co, Pork Packing Establishment, Toronto, recomâ€" moend the large Yorkshire and the Tamâ€" worth as the best kinds of swine for the Dromore, Jan Hardy Canad‘an Grown Nursery Stock We guarantee satisfaction to represenâ€" tatives and castomers. Our nurscries are the largest in the Domirionâ€"â€"over 700 acres. No substitation in orders. Exclusive territory and liberal terms +A whale or nart time agents. Write us. mINQ FROM CANADIAN Tsmworth Swine I The undersigned offers free the folâ€" lowing receipt for the benefit of all sufâ€" ferers from Rbeumatem as a grateful acknowledgement of his cwn cure :â€" Nitrate of Potash 4 oz : Alcohol 2 oz; Glycerme 14 oz; Oil of Wintergreen 20 .]rnps; Liverwort leaves 1 oz: Manâ€" drake root 4 0z. Infuse the two last separately in water. strain through a cloth, then add the other ingredients; this will fill 2 black botiles, _A tablespoonful 3 times x day before meals. Cost of ingredients 28 conts. R. WATSON. sr. i At Popular Prices. â€" § s E.LS:‘,‘*.E;EB? ~.| N., G. & J. McKechnie. firmit« Insanity, Consumption and an early grave, Tras been prescribed over 35ycars in thousands of snses; is the only Feliable and Honest Mcdicine known. Askdruggistfor Wood‘s Phosphodine; if he offerssome worthless mecicine in place of this, incloso price in letter, and wo will send by return mail. Price, one package, €1; six, $5, One wil please, siz will cure. Pamphiets free to any addresa. The Wood Company, Windsor, Ont., Canads. wWOODsSs PHOSPHODINE The Great English Remedy. Siz Tackages Guaranteed to LE promyy and permanently a cure all forms of Nervous Afâ€" Weakness, Emissions, Spermâ€" 3 atorrhea, Impotencyand all effects of Abuse or Excesses, Mental Worry, excessive use s of Tobaceo, Optum or Stimuâ€" Before and AftET» unts, which soon lead to Inâ€" STONE & WELLINGTON. (Head office) Toronto, Ont. (The only nursery in Canada having sting orchards.) Sold by al Droggists. tR . MAcCcCARTEE U EE, RQHEFREE SHMXLMEEE! Durham,. Aug. O9th, °94. Rhcurmatism Cure. 3m and not the heavy fat meat shire. â€" A cross on Berkshire be very suitable. Circulars he Win. Davis & Co. Pork ablishment, Toronto, recomâ€" rge Yorkshire and the Tamâ€" e best kinds of swine for the Farmers to breed. 1805 m I i'bAS.g?i AohaX in xd a chal | 3+ Swine Recora For the finest line of Cutters of all : oz ce o) _ descriptions, Portland Cutters, P1iano emartacam box Gubtbers, datest Btyles. Prices Varnev. = Gutters & Stoves owb sc io Rogs, frolar 9 oo ie The Cash System "Large Sales & Small Profits." For the finest line of Stoves, Cook Stoves, Paclor Stoves, Box Stoves, Furnaces, Double Heaters, &c., go to McKENZIE‘S Emui‘n of Cod Liver Oil. Also Insurance Agents, Money to Loan and Issuer of Marriag Licenses. DrEar Six :â€"I bave used your Emulâ€"] c M ce IF cives P reat Dloat sion of Cod Liver Oil and feel it my duty | ek® :\?lz Coifeiveame great 1 Cc to let the public know that it has more: 2"® 19 give you a testimonial for your than given me satisfaction. I can reâ€"| Tonic Cough Syrup. I have used a gre«i commend it to all my friends as one of many cough Mixtures but find yout the best remedies I ever used and @al%0 ‘TonieCough Syrup the best for an 0 wish to draw attention to the Price, 25¢. ' * gh Syrup the best for an < perâ€"boitle. _ } am resp‘y yours, | dinary cold I ever used. A. D. Browxixc. | Jas. A. Crarx®. These Preparations areâ€"sold only at ARCH.â€" MecKENZIES Drug Store. DRUGS, PATENT MEDICINES STATIONERY, Ete.. Etc. * Durham, Jan. 14th, ‘95. Mr. Arch. MCKenzie, Durham. Corner, Upper Town, Durham. Calder & Livingstone, CALBER‘S BLOCL DCRHAYM. TONIC COUGKH SYRUP. We beg to inform our Customâ€" ers and the: Public generally that we have adopted the Cash sSystem, which means Cash «or its equivelant, arnd that our Motto will be We take this opportunity of thanking our customers for past patronage, and we are convinced that the new system will meris a continuanrce of the same. This Remedy is highly recommended by the Medical Profession for Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Bronchitis, Hoarsevness and all Throat and Lung troubles and is most valuable in cases of Consumption, General Deâ€" bility, Scrofula, night sweats and all wasting diseases of young and old. Large Bottles 25¢â€"5 for $!. Express paid to any part of Canada. The letter beâ€" low from Mr. A. D. Browning, an employee of the well known firm of N.G. & J. McKechnie, Durhawm, explains itself. For ordinary cases of Coughs and Colds we gaaratee this to give satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25¢. per bottle. The letter of recsommendation from Mr. Jas. A. Clarke, one of Durham‘s business men, a. speaks for itself. F4 from $25 upwards. ADOPTED BY Lowerz Town. McKENZIES N., G. & J. M<KECHNIE. | _ DEAR Sim:â€"It gives me great pleas ’ ure togive you a testimonial for you |Tonic Cough Syrup. I bhave used a gre« \many cough Mixtures but find you ‘Tonic Cough Syrup the best for an or dinary cold I ever used. Sm Durham, Jan. 14t] Mr. Arch. Mckenzie, Durham. ARCH. McKENZIE. eneral Deâ€" ng diseases â€"5 for $1. letter beâ€" yee of the , Darkham, Absut two Lanterns left | hards. You ma them at a disco our very low "ABC noted Don‘t PRICES. We have Axes left i1 Carry a What Ab have petter value partment than we fore. We soid ount pair of our Old St have on hand a C New Stock. Special Bargains Woaren‘s & Childre: Women‘s Button« for $1.00. Old Pric We invit man and ct to call and STOCK of BOG SHOES. \sâ€" Men‘s Siluwre T0 $3.50. The pretti the market. Is coming 2: to inform ou we have on Stock of Ore look t will convinc buver that w Goods at C: ing at the c J A HUN Salt Water Herring Fresh Water Her Finnan Haddic: Oysters 8 Tons of Kegs. Pure Price. Sl-m- Boots & rices HARDW SYRUP IN K 0 J â€" O# TPIL â€"»FOIJXTH â€"HORS I OVR â€"CASH our n Town, LEN‘l We (EeklL OSS {+ FISH r Latest az»re To« Ti 1i 1 6 [ Syrup Gold: STOR

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