West Grey Digital Newspapers

Grey Review, 7 Feb 1895, p. 3

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o £2 SIJFH KENZIE. fone, Chnnie. HOES Call and e lowest IPrPicCes Or SLoves, . go to Et te. O Special Bargains in Boys‘ Woimren‘s & Children‘s Shoes. See our Latest Style in Men‘s Squ=are Toe Gaiters at 8$3.50. ’l!he prettiest Shoe on the market. STOCK_of B s HMOre. ol is Women‘s Buttoned Boots for $1.00. Old Price, $1.50. Is coming‘and we are pleased to inform our customers that we have on hand a large Stock of 3 Tons of Syrup in 50 ib Kegs. Pure Goldon Syrup Salt Water Herrings, Fresh Water Herrings, Finnan Haddies, Oy sters Bocts & pair of our Ol have on hand New Stock. What About: Upper Town, About two dozen »X Lanterns left on our {=}â€" hands. You may have n=â€"» them at a discount off +sas our very low CASH k.l.. PRICES. . heC SsYRUP IN KECS. AV rice, One HARDWARE 4A HUNTER ue look through our Stock . convince the shrewdest er that we are buying our ds at Cash Prices and sellâ€" at the closest margin. â€"CASII STORE â€" We better value 14 $1.40. UX 65t. ME HO K JOINTLH E.EN‘F FISH. G D SH0 Durham r NEW had De M Spring modes. ‘The chief feature of the literary matter is a most comprehensive chapter on cards, their uses and Et!â€" quette, by Mrs. Rodger A. Pryor, this being the first of a series entitled the Social Code. â€" There is also a very interâ€" esting first article on the Experience of Life at a Training School for Nurses, with an introduction by Mrs. Frederic Rhinelander Jones. Woman as a Musâ€" ician is the subject of a * Conversation " between Edith M. Thomasand Dr. S. R. Elliot, to which is appended a delightâ€" ful bit of verse by .\lvs.e Thomas. ;{ll‘,\'. Carrie M. Dearborn, exâ€"Principal of the Boston Cooking School, writes of the Teaching of Cookery as an employâ€" ment for Women, and Josephine :\qfi:lms Rathbone of A Girl‘s Life and work at the University of Michigan. Mrs. Longâ€" street has an instructive paper on the Care of the Hands and Feet, Mrs. Maud C. Murray contributes anotber chapter to her interesting series on the Relations of Mother and Son, and. Mrs. Witherâ€" «spoon continues her entortainirg gossip in Around the Teaâ€"Table. ~ Pleasurable W Mrs. Arch. McKenzie is under the Doctor‘s care at present. Mumps have been epidemic at Fleshâ€" erton, and cheek is plentiful. Several communications of an importâ€" ant nature unavoidably felt out. Hood‘s Pills ‘cure nausea, sickness, indigestion and Liliousness. 25c. W M M LC LOCAL NEWS. W. S H W MeN W The many kind friends of this neighâ€" borhood regret to hear of the severe illness of Mrs McDonald, of the l1th con., Glenelg, and hope she may yet be restored to guod health. =Mr. Burt Burns is the happiest of t! e newly elected candidates in our Town. Our detective has not so much to do since the roads got impassible. Scorer Towx CouNnciL.â€"The first meeting held on the evening of the 21st inst. the new Council made the necessâ€" ary declarations. Messrs Alex. McMilâ€" lon and Angus Black, Auditors; Messrs M craft Correction. â€" Bentinck Township Council meets on Monday, 1ith inst. _Tht' ]ll« The e D. D. G. M. R. W. Hopkins, of â€"â€"with several brethren of the t from Mt. Forest and Harriston ed their Durham brethren on Friâ€" night last. A fine fraternal evening the result. rasures of the dance drew some uth and beauty Markdalewards silay night. Just fancy ! Cutâ€" From the CLERK H H P} Cat arRan reureyrp 18 10 To 6xIxUTes.â€" One short paf of the breath through the Blower, supplied with each bottle of Dr. Agnew‘s Catarrhal Powder, diffuses this Powder over the sariace of the nasal passages, Painless and delightful to use, it relieves in «tantly, and permanently cures Catarrh, Eay Fever, Cold#, Headache, Sore Throat, Ton: ailitie and Deafess, 60 cents, At McFagtax® & Co. & ' Honor Roll of S. S. No. 12. Egremont Jan. 1905. Sr.3rd classâ€"Thos. Lawrence, Eliza McFacdon and Joan Pollock, Jr 3rd classâ€"Robb‘e Reid Rose Lawâ€" rence and Sam Patterson, 3 2nd classâ€"Arthur Lawrence, George Reid, Fred Foote. R Pt. 2nd classâ€"Tharlie Reid, Jese Wilkins and Willie MeFadden. Pt. ist classâ€"Earl Mathews, John Nelson and Palmer Patterson. R. F. CnabpwICKk, Teacher. 2nd clasâ€"Willle Dargavel, Christena Stewart, Archie Cameron. Pt. 2nd classâ€"Jane Smith, May Smith. 1st classâ€"Robert Smith. Miss C. Poru®ErBoven, Teacher. M t Sr 4th classâ€"John Little, Christena Camâ€" ‘on, Mary Cameron. 3rd classâ€"James O. Dargavel, Janet ittle, Lizzie Smith, 2nd clasâ€"Willle Dargavel, Christena ith )ur roads are blocked badly, owing to : severestorm, but we have a gang.of y agrecable people around bere, and y turned out and broke the townline 1 left the side road to mourn her loss spring‘s balimy breezes ‘open it; unâ€" s indeed a J. P. will bring them to 1e and make it a public road, Ne understand Mr. Angus McDonald mproving very slowly after having a y severe attack of congeston of the ir. Thomas Smart, from Sault Ste. vie, Michigan, was paying & short it to friends in Balsaum Valley last ek and also seeing his best girl near .14 Egremont. ’ W 1ews FAIRZWELL CORNERS M W issâ€" TV m BALSAM VALLEY > wondering why the. B. V. i k euny PE se Ne N IC : ad 2 E0A CCTY lent bas ceased writigg. | o+ S <of death others of manae, | HiQey, 2008 day of Februaty 1895, e are again to take our l”*?"(‘t{ at the hour of twelve o‘clock, noon, the contributors to the valuableâ€"| following property, viz.:â€"All and singâ€" \ the Review. . -+ul:ui thug certain parcel unld trace of i ofrn m Mscct: land and premises situate, lying, anc .:.m blocked ‘badly.owingito ! being in the Township of Artemesia, in storm, but we have a gang.of | the County of Grey, and Province of able people around bere, and | Ontario, and being vum}msfll of part of d out and broke the Lmvnline] lot one hundred and fi t\!' in the ;hi}rd i ut Aniqne y _ | range or concession southâ€"west of the s N‘:(' road tomionen M o loss fur?-nw and Sydenbham Road of the s balmy breezes ‘open it; unâ€" | said Township of Artemesia ; containing a J.P. will bring them to | by admeasurement half an acre more or rike it a public road. less, which may be better known and Tsfand Mo. Ancus McDonxid described, as follows : being bounded on $ sr. ADguS MLcCDOonaC | the southâ€"cast by the allowance for road ig very slowly after having a | known as the one hundred and fifty c attack of congeston of the | side road on the Durham and Collingâ€" i) wood gravel 1'():11!.“:\;nl nndlhl(- northâ€" % m $ west by a line parallel to said allowance mnas Smart, from Sauit Ste, [{or road at a l£nifm'm distance of two chigan, was paying & short | chains and fiftv links therefrom, on the ends in Balsaum Valley last | southâ€"west by the northâ€"casterly limit ilso secing his best girl near ! of the block of land s"lf'.‘ conveyed, or <â€" |assigned by James R. Trimble to the emont. \ Toronto, Grey and Bruce Railway Comâ€" esnt | pany for theirtrack and station grounds, HONOR ROLL. and on the northâ€"east by a line paraliel Tess ! to the said last named limit and at a unâ€" oll for U. S. S. No. 8 Bentinck | iform distance of two chains and fifty . | links therefrom, beiog formerly the â€"John Little, Christena Camâ€" | property known as the * Narrow Guage HONOR RCLL EDCE I D H atterson )y ly is large a r. betweer a profitabl gwht 1 f1 bl Win ked nds The Property will be offered for Sale subject to a reservse bid, ind also sul?evt to a Mortgage held by the Canada Perâ€" manen I oun & Savings Company. For further particulars apply to JAS. CARSOK, 'fIIIS Fine Animal is from the stock of R. H. H:n-(linf, Thorndale, Imâ€" porter of British and American Stock and is for service this season. Ten per cent of the purchase money is to be paid to the Vendor at the time of Saie, and balance of the purchase money within ten days, with eight per cent interest . 1895. The following improvements are on the premises: a fine brick hotel, brick stable and a frame stable. This properâ€" ty is woll situated and very desivable for hotel purposes. property known as the * Narrow Guag hnu-l," and the premises attached there V aluable Hotel Property in the Township of Artemesia. ‘{fudor and by virtue of a Power of ) Sale contained in a certain indenâ€" ture of mortgage made by Alex. Hanâ€" nah, which will be produced at thne of sale, there will be offered for s«le by Public Auction on the premises in the village of to. Thoroaghbred Chester White Boar, ‘Prince Leon.‘ to give her Hood‘s Sarsaparilia. She is getting strong, walis sround, is out doors every day; hi<s uo trouble with her throat and no cough, »nd hor herrt seems to be allright $F\In. She has a first class r.x;pouw. We regard her curs x3 nothing short of a miracle." _ W. WyaTr, 8 Xf«rion Siroet. Parkdale, Toronto, Ontario. "Four years ago while in the old countr; (England), my daughter Hannah was sent away from the hospital, in & very low condition with consumption of the lungs and bowels, and weak aetion of the heart. The trip across the water to this country seemed to make her feel batter for a while. Then she began to get worse, and for 14 weeks she was unable to get off the bod. She grew worse for five months and lost the use of her limbs and lower part of body, zad if she sat up in bed had to be propped A UCTIOX EER, YEXDoR,"â€" .\ Durbaum, Ont. Tinrham, Ont. Dated at Durham, 22nd day of Jan‘y Hood‘s==>®Cures Like a Miracie Consumptionâ€"Low Conditior Upp Wonderful Results Froem Taking Hood‘s Sarsaparilia. 2UCTIOH SALE Héod’: Pillig are purely vegetable and rfectly harmless. Sold by all drugcists. 25c. T ERNMs Terms of Sale At BOULDIEN & C or Town, Durbaim, Aug. 1, ‘04. FLSSHERTON STATION, pillows. Physiclans d Sho Was Past All Help ed me to send her to the ‘Home for s.‘ But I said as long as I could hold up she should not go. We then began Fia d /We Ua K ARW M‘ss Hannah Wyatt Toronto, Ont. Upper Town. A!TRUR E. JACKSON l BL.CC. BOULDEN & To‘ 2O 8 " WE HAVE Iinport of Field and Garden Seeds from Britain by Steamer "Berlin." PEOPLE‘S MILL. &# H. PAREKER, Remember GASH STORE Durham, Aug. 8th, ‘94. S E: P N1 D 5S | Having thoroughly overhaulâ€" ed and refitted these Mills, we are now prepared to do all kinds of custom work to the satisfaction of the public. CHOPPING A SPECIALTY. HEWSON BROS. Ladies‘ Cardigans at $1.25 a pair. Misseg‘ 4s $1.10 C Children‘s " $1:00 *‘ We have a few pairs left, and at these prices you can buy nothing cheaper or better for yourself or children. We are still in the lead in Ready to Wear Clothâ€" ing, and have the best Clothing room in Town. No trouble to show our goods. Come and see us, we will be glad to see you. Still a few Ladies Jackets on hand. Don too long or you wont get one. â€" Our Blaul all wool, and pure wool at that.no shoddy J A TS _X T4 C WE ARE SELLING THE BALANCE OF OUR 1f DURHAM and CHESLEY. w Ladies Jackets on hand. Don‘t deluy or you wont get one. â€" Our Blankets are ind pure wool at that. no shoddy or cotâ€" you want a pair of that kina give us a Still some ends of those Double Width Dress Goods it 10 and 12%c. Ladies‘ Vests and Woollen Hose Mantles and Mantle Cloths. Under Shirts and Top Shirts. Men‘s and Ladies‘ Overshoes. Men‘s Long Boots and Rubbers and Sox. Druggist and Seedsman, ~M°Wâ€"~'O¢K’§ G. L. CRANT DUREB AM . I e |_ _ . LOOKS, i Stationery, i Wall Paper, ‘Valentines. rphHEne, «i bo, Tor onicone lot con. 2, (near Vau-neyemm Normanhy, a thoroughbred ‘ Yorkshire bour, from inm' " Terms, 75 (‘fl)‘!:'. H>Lt ho November 28th, 1891, #5¢ complete stock. Single Harness from £10.00 up ! MacFARLANE‘S BEAN & Co.â€" _ HARNESS! We don‘t claim to be the Jar Store in Durkam, bct we do know the cheapest place to buy your â€" tion MEN‘S & BOYVS Rubbers & Socks. At incompsrable prices. What People Want Every article is sold on its own me We don‘t cut prices to make a sale, we give good value in every line A quantity of Dried Apples M to fill an order. â€" o C â€"REMENBER THE PLACK â€". fi 25 in. Grey Fiannel .............»«» 25 in. All Wool Heavy: Twell Grey Filannel . ... ... . . . . 1« 4 «¥%e . s «on 25 in. All Wool Grey lanucl (superâ€" fine)..> .. .. ... . . «> 2 s ubseerieei 28 in. Ail Wool Grey :Su..clisuperâ€" $ING}. ... . . . 2 s » a a n + «‘a is ols ut en Flanneliettes from 5¢ up, â€"sip 10 0z Cottonade (great value}. ... ..7~ Fine All Wool Dress Serges, Double Fold ;s scERCE 3N in. Heavy Grey Wir Factory Cotton at the Men‘s Heavy Kip Lon Men‘s Case wide t As Fatent Medicine SCHOOL Ladies & Childrens Upper Town, Durham DRY GOODS, ~< GROCERIES, <~ BOOTS & SHO WATCHES, Boar for Service. All Kinds. BIG 4, SILVERWARE. 1895â€"Bargains. Come with the crowds, our expenses are small d to sell cheap. THOMAS SMITH armers and other is For H TEAS A SPECIALTY. ~ter PPER Cash or Produce. Is value for their «N0 ga02$ Calf 14 & Snoogâ€" DAVIDSON & Co Towx. Dornax lankets, Bells, Curry: vthing in the way of call and insvect mwf FOR OF irness in vest prices Boots hand s in cork s att CcB . Double all kinds r Sweat $225 10c 16¢ 9 o U} We

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