West Grey Digital Newspapers

Grey Review, 14 Feb 1895, p. 3

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Es of all s, Piano E.rlor Stoves, c.. go to m, Ja Drerh VeOS, stem e of HNIE. EU P. all and lowest a8. A. CLARK® hnie. r Cal. one, OES ,Y. Etc.. Eé¢. ofits." Prices Price : from Marriage r Store t an or vour S About two dozen Lanterns left on our hands. You may have them at a discount off our very low CASH PRICES. HARDWARE noted 65¢. Axes just to hand. Don‘t waste time with a wornâ€" out Axe when you can buy a rew one for this money. We have a few of our better Axes lef in Stock, and intend running them off at reduced prices. We don‘t intend to earry a single Axe over Sumâ€" What About We invite every man, wCâ€" nian and clild in the Country to call and examine our NEW SHOES.,. We consider we have better value in this Deâ€" partment than we ever had beâ€" fore. We sold out nearly every pair of our Old Stock, and now have on hand a Complete and New Stock. Special Bargains in Boys‘ Worven‘s & Children‘s Shoes. Boots & Shoes STOCK See our Latest Style in Men‘s s'?uare Toe Gaiters at $3.50. The prettiest Shoe on the market. s Women‘s Buttoned Boots for $1.00. Old Price, $1.50. One look through our Stock will convince the shrewdest buyer that we are buying our Goods at Cash Prices and sellâ€" ing at the closest margin. Is coming and we are pleased to inform our customers that we have on hand a large Stock of Salt Water Herrings, Fresh Water Herrings, Finnan Haddies, Oy sters 3 Tons of Syrup in 50 Ib. Keas. Pure Golden Syrup MR Mn m Ne Sas Price, $140. J A HUNTER Upper SsYRUP IN KECS. â€"<â€"RMky PA â€"HORSE CLIPPERS OUR 65¢. AXE. JOINTERS CATTLE COMBS 6i CATTLE SAW SETS, _ of BOOTS & {XE HANDLES, CASH STOREâ€" ROSS CUT SAWS LENT Town,. â€"_ Durham. Y COMBS 1RDS '_yfi;r .:;'i'?'fiA Ces | life short. He belonged to the ETCSUY~ ]i terian Church. I Wury Hoop‘s Wixs.â€"President Linâ€" g coln said, " You cannot fool the people | i secoud time." They are too quick to | recognize real merit or lack of it, and | eling only to those things which they | find to be what is clarmed for them. 1t { is especially gratifying that the sale of | Ho )d‘s Sarsaparilia increases most rapidâ€" |ly in those sections where it is best | known. â€" The inference.is plain, . Hood‘s l Sarsaparilia â€" has â€" proven â€" that it {possesses gennine merit. It maintains ' a high standard, which others cannot even approach. ~Itisâ€" the people‘s favorâ€" ite bloodâ€"purifying" and building up medicine, and more popular this year an ever before. All this because | Hood‘s Cures. | _ Warpexs or Grrzy CorxtTy.â€"The Ifullowing is the Honor Roll for the ‘ County of Grey â€"James Beachell, 1852â€" E 3; Richard Carney, 1854â€"5; W. K. Flesâ€" | her. 1856â€"7; George Jackson, 1$58â€"0 and |1$0; W. K. Flesher, 1881â€"2; George | Jackson, 1863;° John_ MeDonald, 1864; ‘W. K. Flesber, 18865 Thes. Gamey, 1866; W. K. Flesher. 1807;8. J. Lane, f 1868â€"9 and 1870; James Edge, 1871; S. J. Lane, 1872; H. Reid, 1873;° James Patterson, 1874; George Jackson, 1875; : Joseph Rorke, 1876: ‘Robt. McGhee, 1877 ; Jas. Murdoch. 1878; C. K. Bamnâ€" shart] 1179 ; â€"Finlay McRae," #Ribe Ww . T. , Christoe, 1881 ; C. R. Sing, 1882 ; D. Mcâ€" | Nichol, 1883 : John Cameron, 1884 : Jno. Chisholm, 1885 ; Victor, Lang, 1886; N. Reid, 1887; John Clark, 1888; R. Mcâ€" Naught, 1889; Chas. Moffatt, 1800 ; Robt. Gilray, 1891 ; James Cochrane, 1802 ; 8. Rodgers, 1893; Chas. Lemon, 18904 ; Geo. | Binnie, 1895. f e Mayor Laidlaw left on Monday last for Toronto, where he will in the town‘s interest try to dispose of the debentures as favorably as possidie. . He has got seyeral good offers, While in the city he will also hear Gen. Booth of the Salâ€" vation Army, who is now being lionized there. Mr. T. Hewson, of the Peoples‘ Mills, met with a rather severe accident last week. His left hand got caught in some gearing and before getting it extricated several of his fingers were lacerated and part of some of them had to beremoved. Drs. Park and Gun dressed the wound, and the hand will still be useful. The Ontario Parliament meets on Thursday the 2lst inst. The event this year has more than the usual interest owing to the presence of three wellâ€"deâ€" fined parties. A Coywrnc MixistER.â€"N. W. Camp bell. Esq., Public School Inspector for South Grey is one of the most thorough and upâ€"to«late officials in the province, and an indefatigable worker, ?‘lnia not only master of his situation, but would make a competent Minister of,Rduacaâ€" tion, which position we would not be surprised to see him occupy yet. He delivered an able address at the Vandeâ€" leur new school opening last week.â€" Standard. Beyond comparison are the good qualities possessed by Hood‘s Sarsaparâ€" dia. Above all it purifies the bloom, thus «trengthening the nerves ; .it. regulates imbued with Liberal principles, and in former days in this county, his voice was always in support of pure and economical government. Oflate hehas been laid aside witha painful and inâ€" curable disease which has now cut his tife short. â€" He belonged to the Presbyâ€" Doh‘t fail to hear Prof. Brown in the Town Hall on Tuesday night. Nothing like it this season. SKATING CaRNIYVALâ€"The rink is in good shape for the Carnival toâ€"night. Prizes good, Fun better, Costumes best. Thousands of cases of rhenmatism have been cured by Hood‘s Sarsaparilla. This is abundant reason for belief that it well cure you. NOTICE.â€"All parties indebted to the undersigned, will please take notice that Arch. McKinmon is not in my employ since the 15th of January last and be has no authority from me to collect or make settlements on my account. C,. McCKrIxxox. Durham Feby. 13th 1805. Pickwick V. Bardell, in the Town Hall Tuesday night. Jackson‘s have some nice property in Durham to sell cheap. P a to answer iC demoralized Time itself ge Egremont ge after piounsly drove into to garb out. hom Mr. Andrew Lindsay, whose death is noticed in anotber column, was a native of Scotland, and there took an active part in the struggle of the masses azaint the classes. He. was strongly cl Miss Millie Herringsr, of Mildmay, is the guest of Miss Mary Lenahan. Axoturr DEAaTH.â€"â€"Mrs Donald Mcâ€" Donald, of the 11th Con. Glenelg, died on the 3rd of Feb. 1895 in the 43rd year of her age. Her ailnent was heart discase, from which she suffered the ». »st of last summer. Mrs. McDonald was the daughâ€" ter of the late Angus> MeMilian," and only_sister of a family of six brothers, all of whom are living and well known: She was a particalar favorite with all her friends and acquaintances. She was a good wife and an affectionate mother. Her death,to her bereaved busband and six helpless children, the youngest of whom is only three months old, will be an irreparable loss. _ They have the sinâ€" cere sympathy of the entire comm\mitg: Notwithstanding the severe cold weathâ€" er. the funeral was a large one. Havâ€" er. the funeral was a large one. HaVâ€" ing been a good counsistent member of the Catholic Church, her remains were taken into the East Glenelg R. C. Church, when Rev. Father Maloney conducted the funeral services in the presence of a large gathering of both &uholic and Protestants, paving alike their last triâ€" bute of respect to their departed neighâ€" bor and friend. Axycar Merrixe CouxTy L. 0. L.â€" The anuual meeting of South Grey County ‘Loyal Orange Lodge was held Tuesday afternoon, The county is comâ€" posed of Artemesia, Darham and Mount Forest districts and there was a full atâ€" tendance of delegates from all the disâ€" tricts. The reports from the various lodges in the county showed an increase of membership_and the order to be in a pros‘rmun condition, «The business was concluded about 8 o‘clock, when lunch was served the delegates in the hall. The next annual meeting will be held in Durham on the first Eueldav in February, 1896. â€" The© fo! ing are the officers elected for the current year: G. L. Allen, Mt. Forest, County Masâ€" tir; Jas. Elliot, Artemesia, Past CM. ; 7hos. McFadden, Durham, Doputy °C. M. ; Jas. Wilson, Dromore, Ree. Sec.; W m. Anderson. Durham, Treas. ; W. C. Allen, Arthur, Fin. Sec. ; J. Ritchie, Glenelg, Chaniplain; Wi. Stevenson, ’ Normanby, Dir. Cer. ; John M. Young, Harriston, Lecturer; Jos. G.. Williamâ€" son, Normanby, Deg’[lc _ Jas. F Varuey, Dep, Lec.â€"Mt. Forest Rep. LOCAL NEWS. comparison are the goeod ssessed by Hood‘s Sarsaparâ€" all it purifies the bloom, thus ing the nerves; it regulates ve organs, invigorates the Aesti Noi x NoTIcE.â€"All accounts on our books must be settlod either by Cash or Note on or before the 21st February otherwise they will be ?ln.ced in the hands of our agent for collection, with costs. J. A. HuxTER, Upper Town. Miss Laura McKenzie is now installed in Miss Annie McKenzie‘s room in the Public School and will be there for some weeks. The latter will trike a «well earned relaxation, and we hope she may resume with vigor renewed. CURLIANA.â€"Eight of the devotees of broom and stane left last Friday mornâ€" ing, in the midst of a storm to try conâ€" clusions with Chesley. They drove to Hanover, intending to take the train, but the train was stuck. Not so our Curlers. Fresh horses were procured and Cbesley was reached after cons:derâ€" able trouble and bitter ‘weather. The match went to Chesley by 10 pts. but our cuglers believe that witg- conditions a little less frigid they could have pat up a winning game. The hearts of the Chesley people were wurm however, and after a very brief stay they started for homeâ€"or Hanoverâ€"and there the fun began. The roads wore desperate, there was no one to **soop them up" hence, after much plunging, sleighlif(â€" ing, etc. the staneâ€"or tfio arctic travelâ€" ersâ€"came to a dead stop 3 miles frae the tee, that is Hanover. Robes and wraps were taken to a farmâ€"house, brooms and stanes were left in the sleigh, and men and horses, duck fashion, marched into Hanoverâ€"and. comfort. _ Next day, the sleigh was dug out, and our worthies got home, none the worse we hope for their rough trip. Ist Rink. Jno. Hunter W m. Calder T. Al 1. Allan J, AGAUS T. Harris,â€"skip 18 â€" Dr. Stewartâ€"skip 23 2nd Rink. F. Peel J. Grant T. G. Holt T. Ross A. Hamilton W. Haliday A. E. Wilkesâ€"sk. 19 D. Murphyâ€"sk. 24 THE railway accident on the G. T. R. near Weston, bas not, very fortunately, been of so serious a character as at first reported, though loss of life has occurred. The local passenger train, no. 6, from London was following the Chicago "flyâ€" w1 2 o n comcd n ol Aca feaianroie se ie on hlk amtue Waceris k'@ Teitles Cupn t t e ooe en ooo M ewliatt on nant e ie tm im c 2ntt Wt onial oneneiein‘, onirnities otie Prof. Francis Joseph Brown will give a recital in the Town Hall next Tuesday evening, of a humorous and dramatic character. Heâ€"occupies the possition ofâ€"Pres. of the School of Oratory and comes most highly recommended. Reâ€" served seats at McFarlane‘s. Ruxvaatsx Cur®»p Ix a Day,.â€"South American Rhenmatism Cure, for Rheun & tisin and Neuralgra, radically cures in 1 to 3 days. | Its actiion ugon the system is remarkâ€" able mysterious. t removes at once the cause and fhe disease immedietely di«appears. The tiret dose greatly benefits, 75 cents, Sold by McFarlane & (g'o. Arch. McKenzie, Durham, DEAR Stx,â€"I have used your Tonic Cough Syrup for my children. One botâ€" tle cured my daughter of a very bad atâ€" tack of cough. I can recommend it to all my friends as the best I ever used. Jonn Wircrtaxs, Glenelg. er," no. 4at a safe time and distance under â€" ordinary â€" civcumstances. _ But Friday last was no ordinary day, and the fiyer on reaching *Wardbiw‘s cut i 24 miles from Weston, got stuck in a snow bank. Knowing that they were being followed by the local, a brakesâ€" man was sent back to signal the ap pmm-hing train, but owing to the blindâ€" ing storm, he was unobserved, and of course No. 6 pitched into the rear end of No. 4, almost at a tmoment‘s warning. Confusion followed, and to the amazeâ€" ment of all, for some time it seemed that every one had escaped, but, while looking at the blazing coaches and carâ€" ing for the injured the sbsence of Mr. Frank Joseph, assistant Law Clerk of the Legislature, was noticed, and it was subsequently found that he had perishâ€" ed in the wreck. The otlwr}!;amiengvrs. among whom were Judges Burton and Osler, W. B. Osler and I. Aylesworth, Barristers, Mr. Atkinson of the Globe, and others, got a severe shaking. Anâ€" other smashâ€"up occurred on the Midâ€" land Division of the G. T. R., near Agâ€" incourt, when the express train for Toronto ran into a snowâ€"plough and enâ€" §inc moving qlowly along, the track. fere, also, a life was _g.c.xficcd, John The Sacrament of the Lord‘s Supper will be administered on Sunday, the 17th, in Burns‘ Church, Rocky Saugeen. Services will commence on Friday at 2 o‘clock. Gaelic services at 10 o‘clock, a. m. on Saturday. By the courtesy of Post Master Mcâ€" Kenzie, quité a number received their mail on Monday night in the arrival of the late train. Rigg. Oogineer, being killed, and severâ€" al others very seriously injured, _ Both of these being rearâ€"end collisions, it would seem that ‘the block system should be adopted. By this system a train going in the same direction as anâ€" other, is not allowed to leave a station until the first is reported. "arrived" at the preceding station. The system is already in use, and proves simple and Hear Prof. Brown in ‘Hamlet‘ on Tuesday night. Miss Lizzie Johnston, of the Chronicle staff. is visiting friends in Galt this week. efficient bar : Durham, 11th Feb., 1805. I, ARCB. MCKENZI®E, make oath and say that there has been sold from my store 1000 ]bs. of. McKenzie‘s Horse and Cattle Food since Nov. 1, 1894. (Signed) Arcr. McKexzre. Sworn before me, at Durham, this lth day of February, 1805. We give below the names of the offiâ€" cers of the C. E. Societies in South Grey, as far as we have been able to ascertam : AYTON. Pres., Mr. Dodds; Vice Pres., Mrs. J. R.. Stone ; Seey. Treas., Miss Allan. Organized about three menths. ROCKY SAUGEEN. Pres. Mr. Hewitson ; Vice Pres. , Miss Ector; Treas. John McKechnie ; Secy. Miss Turnbull. â€" * DROMORE. Pres.. James Laughton; Vice Pres., Agnes Renwick; Rec. Seey,. Robina Henderson ; Cor, Secy. and Treas., Mary A. Isaac. . Organized May 18th, 18903. CRAwWFORD. Pres., Mr. Alex. McDonald ; Secy., Miss Taylor. . Organized about 4 years. HAMHDEN. Pres., Thos. Young; Secy. Treas., Miss Aggio Geddes. Organized. May, 1891. PRICEVILLE. Pres., Mr. N. McCannel; Vice Pros., Mr. Thos. Nichol ; Treas., Miss Cameron ; Rec. Secy., Mr. Simpson ; Cor, Secy., Miss Brown. Organized June, 1894. HANOvER. Pres., Mr. Pace; Vice. Pros., Miss Jessie Lockie ; Cor. Secy. Mrs. J. Brown. & DURHAM. Pres., Mr, Allan ; V. Pres Miss Smith. Treas., Miss. M. Guri. _ Secy., Â¥r. Casâ€" sells. Organized July. 1894. s PROF. BROW N , TUESDAY 19th inst, Durham Town Hall, Durham, CHRISTIAN ENDEAVOR A. H. Jacksox, A Com. J. E. Edgar R Halliday J. Adams Dr. Stewart â€"skip 23 Chesley One of the most unpleasant: and danâ€" gerous maladies that afflicts. Canadians at this season is cold in the head. Unâ€" pleasant, because of the dull, heavy headache, inflamed nostrils and other disagreeable symptoms accompanying it; and dangerous, becruse if neglected, it develops into catarrh, with its disaâ€" greeable hawking and spitting, foul breath, frequent loss of taste and sme‘‘, and in many cases ullimately developing nto consumptior. Nasal Balm is tle only remedy yet dcovered that will iistantly relieve cold in the head and cure in a few applications, while its faithful use will effectually eradicate the worst case of catarrh. Capt. D. H. Lyon, president of the C. P. R. Car Ferry, Prescott, Ont., says :â€""1 used ‘Nasal Balin for a prolonged case of cold in the bead. Two applications effected a cure in less than twentyâ€"four hours. I would not take $100 for my bottle of Nasal Balm if I could not replace it." Sold by all dealers or sent by mail postpaid at 50 cents per bottle, by addressing G, T. Fulford & Co. Brockville, Ont. COLD IN THE HEAD AND HOW TO CURE IT. It is with profound regret that we, the Masterâ€"workman, officers, and breâ€" thren of the Durham Lodge No. 198,‘ of the Ancient Order of United Workmen, find ourselves called upon to express our sympathy with you and your family in your great bereavement. Our broâ€" ther, your late husband, whose earthly life has been so suddenly cut short, we have known to be a workman worthy of his hire, and during the years in which he has been associated with us we have learned to appreciate the many excellent qualities which adorned his character. We know that words are comparatively meaningless to you in this hour of sore trixl, and we would therefore simply express our confidence, that He who is husband to the widow and the father to irch. McKenzie, Durham, DEAR Six, Thave much pleasure in reccommending your Horse and Cattle Feed to all horse and cattle men, I feed it to colts under my charge, they were Hide Bourd and in bad sbape. I am pleased to state that your Food loosenâ€" ed them up and made new colts out of them. I will never be without it as long as I have 25 cents to buy 6 Ibs. f Yours Respectively,} James LuoxD, Knapp House, Durham. Arch. McKenzie is the Proprietor and Manufacturer of these preparations, Calder Block, Durharm. Hrart Diskass Reurevep I8 30 Mixure â€"Dr. Agnew‘s Cure for the Reart givex perâ€" fect relief in all cases Organic or Sympathetic Heart Diseasa in 30 minutes and speedily effects a cure. It is a peerless remedy for Palpitation, Shortness of Breath,, Smotherâ€" ing Spells, Pain in Left Side and all sym p= toms of a Diseased Heart. "One dose convinâ€" ces. â€" Sold by MeFarlane & Co, C At a meeting of the Durham. Brgnch of the Ancient Order of United Workâ€" méft held on Mondry evening last‘in the maitter ‘of the death of the late Mr. Thoinas Fox, of Darham, who WAs & member of the Ordér, the following letter of condolence to Mrs. Fox wns read and approved of and a copy was ordered to be sent to Mrs. Fox. DEAr MaDaM, Stark‘s Powders, each package of which contains two preparation, one in a round wooden box, the cover of which forms a measure for one dose, an imâ€" mediate relief for Costiveness, Sick Headache and Stomach, also Neuralgia and all kinds of nervous pains, and another in capsules, (from 4 to 4 of one is an ordinary dose) which acts on the Bowels, Liver and Stomach, forming a never failing perfect treatment for all Head and Stomach complaints. They do not, as most pills and so many other medicines do, lose (heirEmfl'ectr or proâ€" duce after constipation, they are nice to take. â€" 25¢c. a box at all medicine dealers, February 7th. e Cartasrx rREpreyED y 10 To 6Osuxores.â€" One short palf «f the breath through the Blower, â€" supplied with each§ bottle of Dr. A xnew’;' Catarrhal Powder, diffuses this Powder over the surface of the nasal passages, Painless and delightful to use, it relieves in +tantly, and permanently cures Catarrh, Hay Fever, Colds, Headache, Sore Throat, Ton silitis and Deafoss, 60 cents. At McFarrax® Subscriptions for the Mail stall receavyâ€" ed with Kli\'ll‘)“‘ $1.25 for both for «ne vear. â€"Reduced rates for Globe nre alo continued but in a new form the Globe to the end of the year and Review for one year, $1.20. â€" Subscribe now, as this offer will soon be withdrawn.] ie fatherless will be your stay, now ind forever. R LCST,â€" fietween Varney and Durâ€" ham, on Woedvesday, 9th inst., a note Book coutsining mone{ and ~other papers, The finder will receive the above. reward hHeturninc the same to ROBT. WATSON, Sz., Montreal, P. Q. A Marvelous Modicine Whenever QGiven a Fair Trial Hood‘s Proves Its Merit. The following letter is from Mr. J. Alcide Chaussé, architect and surveyor, No. 153 Shaw Street, Montreal, Canada: j "C. L Hood & Co., Lowel], Mass.: "Genticmen: â€"I have been taking Hood‘s Sersaparilia for about six months and am glad to say that it has done me a great deal of good. Last May my welgtt was 152 pounds, but since 7 began to take Hood‘s Sarsaparilia it has inâ€" erbased. \gsma. I think Hood‘s Sarsaparilia is a marvelious nredicine and am vory much pleased with It." â€"J. AuctDx® CHaAUSSE, \Hood‘s Pilis cure liver fils, constipation, villousness, Jzundice, sick headache, indigestio® H900D ESmea, d omimann eitne? C onl ‘a», hls wb Lt No uoter pa roucionia mt ectar ie w $5 REWARD. b._f Coml Ee = F l an E 1 F { 145. CARSCHN, ABTEOR H. JACKSCN, sarsaparllla j 0 " s on " AUCTIONEER, VEXDOR, ; ' Durham, Ont. Durham, Ont. c U REs f i Dated at Durham, 2ndâ€"day of Jan"f a o d iâ€" o w1 | 1805. . P ol Yours very truly, ArcumArp McKExZE, Recorder, Normanbv. Patent Medicines Valentinesg. HARNESS! HARNESS! . Farmers and others attenâ€" tion. For a Set of Team, Single, Double Driving or Plough Harness in all kinds of mounting and style, or for Sweat Pads, Whigs, Blankets, Bells, Curry Combs, and anything in the way of horse furnishing call and. inspect my complete stock. Single Harness from $10.00 up. KEEP YOUR â€" _ BOOKS, Stationery, Wall Paper, What People Wan{ We don‘t claim to be the largest Store in Durbam, but we do know it is the cheapest place to buy your Every article is sold on its own â€" merit. We don‘t cut prices to make it enle, but we give good value in every line for As our expenses afford to sell cheap _ar TEAS A SPECIALTY. 6t A quantity of Dried A les wi to fill an order. pples mante (.M“Te.h&u:wbydu'hdiu Lck ‘as a sample of the best qualities of Indian W".mmqmm-m”hm selection ofdu'l‘el-ndihh_land.thatil'bythq ggupum.ug-il;uonlyii.“mmn + EL" _‘_”_;':"g.m. 7 to. and 3 lh.m-ilfl m Fincer TeA Lo In THE WoRLD ' rROM THE_TEA FLANT TO THE TEA cuP : ~<ALL GooD GRocEns KEKP IT. ‘ Fror farther partic if ryee grooee doés not keep it, tall him to write to . COL(CZ on p partics hoi EL. MAYTER & 00. s prietor on premises. Ali Kinds. DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, BOOTS & SHOES. Upper Town, Durham Casr ror Hrmes axp Tarmow. THOMAS SMIHH. ON TEIIS SPACE. 5* Monsoon" Tea is 1 â€"REMENBZR THE PLACE.â€" i and 13 Front Stroet East; w 196 NaTIVE PUuRITY iz k . Cash or Produce. A PERFECT TEA Is valus for their maney DAVIDSON & Coâ€" ~OF â€"% $ ~upP Acaawa P TEA _ are Smd all we can Big 25 in. Grey Flannel ...........>606 +« 25 in. All Wool Heavy Twell Grey ME UFIRTNCT 2. 2 2 2 » sn g morala a s o a n ninvinle n 25 ini All Wool Grey klannel (superâ€" PHIRONYL 200. 2e 2e 0 + in en en ie ce w on wlncata in ie m 28 ix;. A‘l Wool Grey Flannel (superâ€" Fl:mn.elh-l.u-s from 5¢ up. 10 oz Cottonade (great value)........ Fine All Wool Dress Serges, Double FOlQ . .. . . > »L. x+ ahina an np en nin ns mm 30 in. Heavy Grey Wincey .........â€" Factory Cotton at the lowest prices, Men‘s fieuvy Kip Long Boots han(l NARREL . +2 + s h uin s + n n alnain ain n on en n Men‘s Casco Calf Lace Boots in cork. 1 tm foo I’ OT 53, Con. 2, E. G. R., G!enelgfl‘!egd-’ w sist,in;fof 100 acres, more or Fess;â€"« | $0 acres cleared. 70 fit to run machiniery on _ Fiame Barn 50x60 with basement stables; good concrete dwelling and other outbuildings; half acre good orchard; two .;aos,l spring wells; well fenced and in good state of cultivation. Situated about one inile from the Town | of Durham and one mile from school | Will be sold with or without 2 For further particulars apply. to?p:g’-‘ MEN‘S & BOYS Rubbers & Socks. m in BCE . + i. 1e n in i n ninina ts n in in in e Men‘s Casco Calf Congress Boots in wide toos. PM oL. uNee w9 Ladies & Childrens ShOBS At incomparable prices. Come with the crowds. BEAN & Co. Under and by virtue of a Power of Sale contained in acertain indenâ€" ture of mortgage made by Alex. Hanâ€" nah, which will be produced at time of sale, there will be offered for sale by I;‘l‘l‘l)ll(““{\l‘(tlull on the: };r-er;ztsrx in the village of & * _‘ FLESHERTON STATION, ox 0e Friday, 220d day of February 1895, M me in C omm se en apib w eivec" ie es in . the Count);l?:l Grey, and Pn;vince og Ontario, an ing comroeod of part 0 lot one hundred and fifty in the third range or concession: southâ€"west. of. the Toronto and Sydenham Road of the siid Township of Artemesia ; containing by admeasurement half an acre more or less, which ma{ be better known and described, as followx : being bounded on the southâ€"east by the allowance for road known as the one hundred and fifty side roaf on the Durham and Collingâ€" wood gravel road, and on the northâ€" west by a line parallel to said allowance for road at a uniform distance of two Eo mm oo ds en 2 g t 1 chains and lggv links therefrom, on the southâ€"west by the northâ€"easterly limit of the block of land sold, conveyed, or nssigned by James R. Trimble to the Toronto, Grey and Brace Railway Comâ€" pany for theirtrack and station grounds, and on the northâ€"east by a line parallel to the said last named limit and at a unâ€" iform distance of two chains and fifty links therefrom, being formerly the roperty known as the * Narrow Guage E{m el," and the premises attached thereâ€" V aluable Hotel Profperty in the The following improvements are on the premises: a fine brick botel, brick stalv{)e and a frame stable. This properâ€" ty is well situated and very desirable for hotel purposes. to Ten per cent of the purchase money i? to be paid to the Vendor at the time 0: Sale, and balance of the purchase money within ten days, with eight peF CCC interest. The Property will be offered for Sale subject to a reserve bid, and also suh&'ect. to a Mortgage held by the Canada Perâ€" manen Loan & Savings Company. For further particulgrs apply to & T O O EKX About 50 ends of Dress Goods, Tweeds, Guighams, Prints, Flannels, Shirtisngs. &c. ranging from 2 to 8 yds. They MUST BE SOLD at any price. f 3 pairs of White Wool Blankets (all we have left.) 20 odd pairs of Corsets, from 23¢. up. 15 Trimmed Bonnets and Hats. " 1 Wool ScaldC:;.pe.)(:hc last of our repeatâ€" orderand & Galsy. x It‘s too early yet to talk to you about Spring Goods. But when the time comes depeui; Fr, it upon it we will be LN IT." We have got our reputation as smcs Always brings to light a lot of 0dds and Ends of Lines which no merchant ever lw. to see entered in his Stock Book. _ He would sooner see them cleared out at cost. We are no exception to the rule, indeed we are Cranks on that subject and would sooner take less than Cost than keep them. e "a KEZLAMSAY 4 NMELORLCCK HENCE AUCTION SALE 1etOr OH â€" < & C~ _ _ â€"~~â€" p.J.DaVI8. Durham P. O., Juiv 3r8, ‘98. _ tf |895â€"Bargains. To keep up, and we are going to do it: Sokeep your eye on us, and w e want fail you. Township of Artemesia. Uprer Towx, Durnax. Farm for Sale. Terms of Sale : mo‘4_"_Af 5 ten days, with eight per cent THE â€" DRESS â€" GOODS â€" HOUSE â€" OF â€" DURHAN! Upper Town. # â€" Below are & few of these odd lines : * CASH STORE 12%¢ .16¢ 10c =~ PEOPLE‘S MILL. Ladies‘ Cardigans at $1.25 a pair. ._ Misses‘ " $1.10 â€" " ' . Children‘s " $1.00 °* . We have a few pairs left, and at these prices you can buy nothing cheaper or better for yourself or â€" children. = WE HAVE â€" z> #__=â€" Import .of Field and Garde ‘_â€" Seeds from Britain by ; Steamer "Berlin." Remember H. PARKER, Durkanm, $ug. 8th, ‘94. @5 1 J11 D © | Still a few Ladies Jackets on hand. Don‘t delcy too long or you wont get one. Our Blankets are all wool, and pure wool at that, no shoddy or eotâ€" ton, If you want a pair of that kina give us a We are still in the lead in Ready to Wear Clothâ€" ing, and have the best Clothing room in Town. No trouble to show our goods. Come and ‘see us, we will be glad to see you. Having thoroughly overhaulâ€" > _ ed and refitted these. Mills,; _ we‘are now prepared to do > all kinds of custom work to _ the satisfaction of the publioy_ CHOPPING A SPECIALTY, . /s HEWSON BH ~‘ _ DURHAM and CHE: LEY. x WE ARE SELLING THE BALANCE OF OUR / Still some ends of those Double Width Dress Good$ At 10 and 12%c. * Ladies‘ Vests and Woollen Hose * iveZ Mantles and Mantle Cloths. s ‘ Under Shirts‘and Top Shirts. & ‘ * Men‘s and Ladies‘ Overshoes. ~_~*Men‘s Long Boots and Rubbers and Sox. xg Druggist and Seedsman, . â€" DURHAK. C. L. CRANT: 2 D § o S

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