West Grey Digital Newspapers

Grey Review, 21 Feb 1895, p. 3

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TS AND L buds" RSCOZ}]erS fOl' he new system Mfi s > orm our [Pubh'c f iding principle OUL wia sell ar 2 Sb Las s, Patent Medicines Fichool Supplies, Tes, CES. tle Food. ness, Sore Throat, »g Troubles. _ It is e no other. Price, SYRUP It has been carefully own in Durhamw, and Sh System anager. harmacy [GZ, DVaAEAM VIS, Mavager. PTED By * we sell at the is t A Y%I KA t e« 4 highly recommendâ€" Ibs. all ready for 11 you see it. ngstone, .IIt n _ _ e er ‘I‘\ Un TL . % TD dorn GOBbted Mmeéeans Pportunit Stoves, nt Sm a.H Profits.n‘ Cutters of all Cutters, P1ano tyles. Prices H4, ves, Paclor Stoves, iters, &c., go to Bargaing iluance Â¥7 h Price ted the Cash ins -CaSh Oor ow n ®r 0 "¢ th ;s C Custom- + Durham Marriage t UC;G Y of of J. A. HUNTER Because the Gcods are right and the prices are better. We are only too glad to show you anything in the Store, no matter whether you buy or not. No trouble To show ‘ Our Goods. 1Fig pper Town, â€"â€" Durham New customers are finding their way here every day. Aud it takes us a long time to measure aud count it all. We have marked down â€" @ll : our Goods to a Spot Cash basis, and find it works like a chaim. Every one who buy#from us now wears a pleasant smile, knowing that. when Pirey buy from us they pay nd more "for any one article than any. body else. Cash and the same price to allis our motto. x 9 % finishing up our Stock Tal ing. We have a Stock ot We find our Basiness Increasing. â€"CASIIE STORE Ivyery pac} to be frest.. to buy. W e $13,000. Let Fresh Water Herring, Salt Water Herring, Trout, Finan Haddi: â€"~ FOR .«â€" Te VC busy this woaek 18 guan.nt'eedi’ v is the time in the icy surroundings, Best dressed, Nr.fl(’hu. D@vidson, whose tasty sailor outfit at onee nnfi.uud som. â€" ; Mckler secured prlfitgw thw was the reward. Jack Lavelle now sports a gold collar button as the reward of his speed in the boy‘s race. In the handicap race young Jones wuufairrm the front, winning a gold ring. < Among those in costumes and who won prizes we note the following:â€"The Queer of Heartsâ€"Miss May McCracken, whose graceful bearing and appearance no doubt «mmote many hearts. Flower Girl, Misa Mabel Swallow who looked rudiant ed as fascinating to the spectators as to the participants, while a number of masqueraders in gay or odd costumes lent interest to the scene. 8. Jones, of Walkerton, started the evenings‘ enterâ€" tainment by winning the scarf pin for fancy skating, while his brother, L. Jones, won the admiration of the crowd, the lfi mile race, and the gold watch, which proved to be just as represented. Miss lj;ulie Crawford won the young ladies‘ race, and a handsome workLaket The awulrr of _ the evening was Rev, Mr, Little, of Dormoch, who, though he did not give his expected speech owing to the lateness of the hour was recalled and gave an excellent recitation. Rev. Mr. flm-ns, the pastor also. made some remarks. _ The music furnished by the local choir was most creditable both in the rendering and the taste displayed in the selection. $12.05 was the sum realized. Cennine rearet was expressed on all sides when it was learned that Dr. Landerkin owing to indisposition, was unable to be present and occupy the chair. The genial doector is a favorite in Bentinek and this township will take a large share in the honor of placing him again in a ehairiin Parliament. Te CaRXIYAL.â€"On Thursday night last the rink wasaiive with probably the largest crowd that ever attended a skatâ€" ing performance in it. ‘The sport seemâ€" EmE TT \diaiect which was well rendered and reâ€" ceived. _ CounciHor Putherbough also addressed the audience, and Mr, C. Ramage, of the REVIEW made a few reâ€" watks. â€" Rev. Mr. Stewart, of Durhan, is always good, but when he gets into a reminiscent mood be is decidedly interâ€" esting. _ Perhaps no living man. . has memories of the early days of Bruce, Grey and Simcoe counties to equal Mp, Stewart‘s. The Rev. old gentleman has still a large share of nature‘s fire when [ the gospel is the theme. 1 _ "6A provided for the bogy, the Chair ! was tuflt-n by «Mr. H. H. Miller, of Han: over, , ‘ whose _ ability, geniality. and: uttwor?t tended in no‘ small dfltflm'*br make the meeting a success. He drew, several comparsions _ betweeg . tize Corinth of Scripture and the Bén * Arcticte, not always to the disadvaffta of the latter. _ Mr, D, MeNicol, M. P. P., made m. few congratulatory | remarks and fimshed by a reading in the Scottish dialect which was well rendered and reâ€" ceived. | Councillor Pnthasdcawer o0 ~d CormxtH BarTists.â€" The Annual £oi. ree at this place on Wednesday, 13th mst . was lu‘ly up to the average of former years. Stalwart young men and fair young ladies, as well as those of _ maturer years crowded the building, and for several hours a sociable, enâ€" joyable time was spent. Thowugh got up by the Buptist friends no denominâ€" ational lines were visible, a Christian unity prevailing from pastor to people most pleasant to see. . After disposing of a portion of the uhlmd:uwvufgm»a things provided for the bod . the Chair was lul’u-u by «Mr. H. ll.x\lifio‘r. of Han: over, .‘ whose | ability, geniality, w& hittwort tended in no‘ small degree t make the meeting a success. â€" He drew usls ecgaa o 52009 220000900, OOR "The Doom of Clandius and Cynthia® was perbaps the most vivid representâ€" ation of the evening. | "The grent trial of Bardell v. Pickwick" suffered nothâ€" ing at his hands, **Shylock " was well interproted, but the trial scene would have been better tnan the borrowing scene to bring out his true character, * Paul before Agrippa" has been given over 700 times. He is dramatic rather than humorous, yet his humor, as well as his pathetic power in "The old man and Jim," was of no mean order, : NCY Ar. Jansen, of Durham, and Rev. Mr. Thompson, of Chatsworth, preached | the preparatory services at the Rocky Saugeen church last week,. Rev. Mr. Little conducted the communâ€" ion himself and both morning and evenâ€" ing services were nuio@».. _1 2 NC even 203 0 C2eeT TOT nou year. . Reduced rates for Globe eontinued but in a new form io# to the end of the year and Re one year, $1.20, Subscribe now offer will soon be withdrawn, Subsceriptions fop the Mail ed with l{m'u-:w $1.25 for t wmuns n ol 1 Fairâ€"day was very slimly w ionweq slimmiga,. Coo in two Tents per k and ‘Was only slightly over that sun ly the bottom has been reached Commend us to the methodi ness habit of Mr. Arch, Burnet, ville, who, for the past 10 years has â€"paid his Review | regul â€"advance) on February Fairâ€"da his company increase, The remains of Mrs. John C of St. Thomas was brought to idence of her brother, M Davi son, last Thursday and on the f« day were taken to their last place in â€" the Eng. Church â€" ground. Rev. Mr. Jansen eral store ( situated in Durham, yeen ivij.___""C, Carafraxa Road beâ€" tween Wilcoxson‘s Hill and My, Scarf‘s Place, a Sealetto Muff. _ Finder will oblige by leaving at Review Office, ‘ Mr. Arch, MceKenzie, of the Durham Pharlmwy. has secured an efficient and experienced assistant in the person of Mr. Geo, H. Davis, late of London, Postmaster McKenzic left for Toronto Tuesday where he represents his brethâ€" ren of the A. 0. U, W. at the mm-tinxl of the Grand Lodge being held this week, Mr. Arch. M Phuruuu-y, has experienced as Mr. Geo. H. D; _ _i _7 _"C 200h morning and even services were numerously attended. .00 itimva... 2900 SAE $y . 4. °CC per Ib, Antimony I'Uv per Db at the Durham Pharmacy, Salt rheum with its intense itching, dryr, bot skin is cured by Hood‘s Sarsaâ€" parilla, because it purifies the blood, _ McKenzie‘s Tonie Cough Syrup for coughs, . colds, pronp and hoarseness (glumul-eed) at the Durham Phnruuu.'y. Rev. XMr, Little, of Dornoch, will ach the preparatory | services in the m-‘iyterinu church toâ€"morrow, | Sep. vices at 3 O‘clock, LoSt.â€" On the Garafraxa Road beâ€" tween Wilea~s... .. YXT8 TT STORE TO RENT ul store Enaw\ ... CUTION.â€"Prof. Brown‘s entertainâ€" m Tuesday night was worthy of a audience. Mis reputation had t extended here, but, we venture should he again be â€"billed in Dupâ€" much farger commane will ol..) oo very fine. Hamlet‘s monâ€" particularly admired, but of Clandius and Cynthia‘ + the most vivid representâ€" evening. | "The grent trial . PiCkWiCk " siffarnd wall . NC Wahie Avccal i5 (new) modern in ) good location in For terms apply ""V and on the following n to their last resting Eng. Church burying y ne e Pmd to q.usge5,° 0O # | introduce the "Look out Commit is decidedly interâ€" | Work," The members of Amos and living man.. bas | fact all Societies should endeavor to y days of Bruce, present at the Convention as we ; nties to equal Mr. sure they will be well repaid for t »ld gentleman has time spent. natura‘s fee whll. ‘ \ne Hail still receryâ€" $1.25 for both for one tes for Globe are also new form | the Globe ear and Review for ms from standard is magmnificent, his nd some of his im 6. Hamlet‘s monâ€" ‘ nled I OMAE * td over thiait sumr, #uro been reached, the methodical busi Lech. Burnet, of Hope past 10 years or more 1e good large genâ€" c improvements ) in lower town ply to, }‘l'gll'.ll'l); airâ€"day, Var. C hn Cochrane, ht to the resâ€" David Jackâ€" t!m following y attended vod agtinials ALDER T oks with paronte mint rioadat * ~~Miss Lizzie Ford who has been ill for some time pa‘t, we hear is improving. Mrs. J. Cooper fell and lpminfler ankle. We hope she will soon be able to be out again. Rev. Mr. Young, of Clifford intended filling our Fulpit on the tenth, but was prevented from doing so on account of stormy weather, is this The onnf pm})le have a society called the H{unpt en Literary and Scientific Society, we may expect to hear of some of them turning out great orators. hichest Miss C.J. Derby, who left a few weeks ago for Ocean sanatorium, Atlanâ€" tic City, N. J., we hear has arrived safeâ€" ly and is liking her work well. We understand that Mr. J. Kerr has purchased an organ. Mr. Kerr is one of our progressive farmers. Mr. A. Derby is going to put a bent to his barn :mdy Mr. Wim. Slml;{: is raisâ€" ing another barn, having found the old oue too small for his crop. but We hear Eenph- talking of hard times, but we think the {;Pnple 0° H impcen do not seem to find them so, for we underâ€" stand some of them are going to extend their buildings next summer, The farmers are now busy gett their summer supply of ice, fild i the sup‘;ly they must intend tfc: rushing business in dairying next 1. OP Mr. and Mrs. T. Henderson from near mds oi oi c c in The general opic of the last f has been colu and stormy, but the weather has burned more hope it will continue so for t winter, We are wondering what has happened our usual correspondent, he seems to have dropped entirely off the list, so Mr, Editor we thought it would not be a bad idea to write up a tew of the things that are happening: around Hampden, and let the Revrrw have the bene fit of it. The goneral opic of the last few week : has been colu and stormy, but now that the weather has turned more mild, we hope it will continue so for the rest of weind as Mary J * On the 14th, a the Presidents of South Grey, â€"was } )liss‘l';li_z;- Kennel, from Proton, has been visiting friends in this vicinity. Genial Mr. Jackson, agent for the Bell organ and piano Co., who is at present stationed at Wailkerton, on passing through the villuge last week made a |eall at Mrs. Thos, laughton‘s. Bein near the 14th of Feb. he brought a VnE | entine with him, but we beliove he never disposed of it, as when last seen, it was sril‘ in his possession, ‘ Last Snnday Atev. Mr. MacVicar exâ€" changed pulpits with Rev. Mr. Hartley, ] the iatter preached in Amos in the | morning | and the former taking the services in the Hall in the pvening. Large attendances at both services and we hnlw something useful was carried away by the listeners, Since last writing Mr. Wim. Rmna‘(e‘s f.uuiir has taken the Scarlet fever, but ‘ Iwnh atest reports they are doing niceâ€" 1 k PR is:er, tied the matrimo wish the couple much j Mr. Thos. Bell dispos Markdale last week, price, Last week, Mr. Jas. T ed to bring a few cords « the school and we may : much needed, as during it was impossible to" k warm with wood tha winter, | l o ECTage prices were realized, Mr. | H. M(-Kny. of Durham was auctioneer, Mr. Jno. Scott had a bee drawing brick last week, from Ballinafad. He purposes befo e avo her year elapses to erect a brick house. Mr, Jno. MecBeth and Philip Lawrence have also been drawing brick from the same place, An opportunity now for some of our local seers to foretell events. On \\'mhw:dny evening the I3th a happy gathering met at the residence of Mr. Thos, Daly, to witness the marriage of Emma, the daughter of the ood people of the house, to Mr. George «'nb son. Rey. Mr. Hartly, officiating minâ€" ister, tied the matrimonial kuot, â€" We WTGW $his suausap 0 ie 1j WO PP SV .V Mr. Jos, Moore disposed of farm stock on the 13th and only average prices were re K. MeKiuÂ¥, of Darhatmraras . m §R OE ACCCTOO, IS! day week., Leaving the Queen ( the Friday he arrived as fa ras 1 ston, where, owing to the seve the storm and the h‘f«)c!;ing of the he was obliged to sperd the Sa Mr, Jno. Renton has been confined to the house the past few days with sciatica. Mr. Alfred Inkster is wielding the hammer alone these days, Mr. A. Taylor returned home from :; husine:m tr'ip from Toronto, last Tuesâ€" to Oring a few cords of dry e school and we may say it ich needed, as during the « was impossible to keep t irm with wood that wa Wigus ‘ hss sees c us Oc omt TBR WIHCH F6 ceipts were presented to him he denied thein saying he never received the money norl.fted it out of the office. He told W, J, that neither he or the In wyers in Dundalk could bluff him, but when he saw that W J. was about to issue a warrant for him he handed over the money. _ I would say to the farmers of this community to beware of such charâ€" acters, I will now close ho »ing that this may find space in your cullumns. t P VeinighePths l $% i one day last \\’fl'f‘ colle bought in 1891, which W, had paid, but he brought f er to [mn'e_thut the tea wa and W.J. paid him with that if he should find the would refund the money, ree 1pb and also the letier asking for the above ment and the registered ticket when sending the money travelled on west as far as havigg a Tvery from. Pium \.en'r) Dundaik to await We iPturned to Dundalk o‘clock in the evening, y ceipts were presented to hi thein saying he never a money norfted it out of t J oseph N«panee, Mr. Peter MceMurdo has rented his farm to Messrs Wamsley and Robertson, of Egremont, They intend moving to the farm in the s{vrin s Mr. Peter Mmlunfo has let the conâ€" tract of a frame barn 36 by 50 to Sam MeMurdo, Mr. James Brown, of Yeovil,. was the guest of W. McMurdo this week, Thos, McAuley is assessor for the township of Profon this year, J(mefl)h Coulter has had a severe attack of seiitlet fever, George Wales has returned from Lonâ€" don, England, after a short vistt to his father and mother. _ Welcome back George, Hugh McKeqzie is doing a rushing business in the Swamn this auis.g.... I HAMPDEN eC it ple much joy. Bell disposed of a horse at st week, realizing a fair prSlc 2 CCR Â¥ the Swamp this winter, G. Buker, a tea man from called upon W, J, McLean last \\‘PQ'L collecting for tea Ilm)l‘. which W. J, thourht ha meeting, comprising each C. E. Society of held in Durhara, the DROMORE. ma q...0 .200 6t the copâ€" ame barn 36 by 50 to Sam _Brown, of Yeovil,â€" was the MceMurdo this week. 29200 , who is at present erton, on passing _ last week made a laughton‘s. Bein . he brought a Vufi red ticket he had got ie moneyâ€" to him. gle t as far as Holstein he from. Pandalk. W .4. k to await him there; "un: SOrRCD T MOP MB WB uoo â€"1.18 Li brought forth his ledgâ€" he tea was not paid for im with the promise l find the receipts he money. â€" He found the be letier }% had sent ove imentioned money slsb ca Cah i na ed as far as Palmerâ€" ft.u the severity of ocking of the roads sperd the Sibbath, y getting in n fudging by end oing a y next sumâ€" ucker was order »ing that this may inns. Ciricar Jiz. Committee ry wood for it was very â€"cold spell, the s('iuml ‘as cut this we are for the few some of his we believe and in r to be t m ‘nrgg-l) t'fi; ity on Wood‘s Piile cure constipation by restorâ€" ing the pesistailic action of thealimentary caust N. B. If you decide to take Hood‘s Sarsapaâ€" rilla do hot be incluced to buy any other. not bear the slightest touch. _ When I had taken one botile of this medicine, the soreness had gone, and before I had finished the second the bunches had entirely disappeared." Buaxcum A7woov, Sangervilie, Maine. ‘Gentlemen:â€"I feel that I cannot say enough in faver of Hood‘s Sarsaparilla. . For five years I have been troubled with scrofula in my neek and throst. Seversl kinds of medicines which I tried did not do ne any good, and when I comâ€" menced to take Hood‘s Sarsaparilla there were large bunches on my neck so sore that I could " C. I. Iood & Co., Lowell, Mass. Hood‘s=* Cures ind AWidnrlirts aisiafiiihats blascos 1 a 345. 8 1 B h ie days, Its actiion upon the system is remark nhfn mysterion®,. . It removes at once the cause and the disease im nedictely di appears The | first duse greatly benefits. 75 cents, Sold by McFarlane & Co, Scrofula in the Nockâ€"Cunches Cono Kow. Hood‘s Cured _ After Others Failed C The Presbyterian‘s held their prayer meeting at J. Mitchell‘s last week. Mr. G, Sageman. of Dundalk, was in gnest of Mr. J. Ellis last week, What we would like to know :â€" Which, G.8. or A. W. is chief at No. 2? Where J R. has disappeared to ? How E. B. got home on Saturday. night? I Miss N. M(-L(-unrh present, We hope cover Nellie, J) Mr. and Mrs, J, Jackson have returned home â€" from Fergus where they have been visiting relatives for the past week, Mr. J. Gorden, who has been very ill for some time is recovering. A number from around here attended the Latter Day Saint‘s meeting, which was held at Patronvyille. Miss N. McLean is on the sick list at Dresent NWcc 2 _ Our enterprising cheese maker has a first class chopper in the factory at Boothville, and is doing first class work, Fetch on your grain now as quick as lightning. Mr. George Preator, of the firm of Porter Bros., was paying a short visit to B. V. last woeek. He is engaged as night watchman and a very responsible position too, Come alt you royal roadmakers, That travel the townline road, Be careful when the summer comes Or you will squash a toad ! 1 "CFHPEe 47 the cold weather and bad roads weddings will not cease, A quiet one took place last week near the Saugeen \\"wn Mr. Hopkins, of Dakota, and _ Miss Jennie, _ eldest daughter of Joseph Porter, were united in the holy honds of matrimony. _ We wish the happy couple every success through life, uintfoabastacl ds Mr. Dave Hinks and Joseph ( are‘ bustlers in a swamn. and Miss Mary Ann McDonald also had a very severe attack of cold and was laid up for some time but under Dr. Hutâ€" ton‘s care we hope soon to hear of her speedy recovery. Mr. Hector i,n mont after visit at home left for Duluth Mrs Angus M fast as can be short walk to th first time, Miss Mary Ar very severe atta up for some ti ton‘s care we ho were paying Balsam Vulfi We . hbad mfic? with Mr, Donale accompmnidd 7B suffered inten hardiest young make a little keep Jack out The storm has ceased and e is well pleased havin escaped severe gos's with ts‘w oxflep! few froten noses and sonia wi Des No service was held i1 ian Church of this vill inst. on account of S dispensed in the sister ¢ the Rocky Saugeen, Mr. Donald Smith list at present. We ] of his recovery. va his l4ll 4s 000 CTOURE Tath inst, to resume his studies at the 0. 8. C. I, One of R. N. Dargavel‘s fine Lounds nearly met his doom from the effects of foxâ€"poison, but owing to the skiful attendance of Prof, J, Bergen and Jo Corlett he will still be able for the chase, Miss L. Dargavel, teacher, was visit ing her parents, of this village, on Saturâ€" day last, a 8 Can be. expected. walk to the barn fast of KG l-en"'-i'g" *â€"â€"«<+# 4 HONOR ROLL. x 4 0 _ FROTON CENTRE CURED TX a Day.â€"South imatism Cure, for Rheuma. g13, radically cures in 1 to 3 33202 PMR TOTZ intense cold; ~ Some of our young men around here had to Jilllo packet for their nose to paver BALSAM VALLEY pon the system il‘;l!lllll‘k- It removes at once the much pleasure in meeting mald Graham, of Bunessan, 1 <By AMr. Gedrge Binnie, lenelg, â€" last week, They t a short visibto fmends in o p 5s ) OE Of Owen Sound, ng his parents of this vicinity and retnrned on the 12th inst, his studies at the O, 8. C. L yee4 4 s + MeDonald is improvin ~ CAOnald is was held in the Presbyterâ€" f this village on the 17th ‘ount of Saerament being Th aratish es mlzae ns w you may soon re ,\'ins{ escaped the ur) h the exception of a ind some with big cars ale vte 5 Duluth last week | sr. is on the sick hope soon to hear congregation at and every body Manus Te Qunur week for the a month‘s ampbell KR â€"ES, ks stewi.| AEEBP YOUR 2 s 4o Postmaster inst. trip to the 8 st, and didn‘t . ;;‘f,.fif.izi;,’i};: Ox Terrs sracoe,. is 180 Ou Always brings to light a le vas spont at PrOf' chamberlaln- se entere_d in his Stock B.(J ki y on | _ no exception to the rule, i1 olks of the EYE SPECIALIST. EU seph Boyle t ALL €000 arocenrs keeP iT. If your grocer does not keep it, tell him to write to ' STEEL, HAYTER & 00. a . M.and 13 Front Street East, Toronto. growers a»‘a sampie of the bast qualitice ar Indiee as a eas. ‘Thercfore they use th..:-uue-nin the -lcuh-ofun‘l‘-udiu“thni-vhqu "hq&-dmndql:lkulyh-‘thw a . packages, thereby securing its purity and excellence. The . FiNtST Tea 1# TuE Wonie FROM THE TEA PLANT To THE ks of the rh Boyle ne set of At less than wholesale prices 22 ° BC EVT TEA ! omm M 1 Pee . 1 Finter Tea : W THE Wone I t up in 16 Ib., s Ib. and 5 lb. packages, and never Boots & Upter * ratutnifientocts ids B acc d ts ds c 4 1 0 w ’tlon. For a Set of Team, Single, Double Driving or Plough Harness in all kinds of mounting and style, or for Sweat Pads, Whips, Blankets, Bells, Curry Combs, nn& anything in the way of horse furnishing call and insvect my complete stock. ‘ Single Harmess from $10.00 up. | Selling Off IN ITS NATIVE PurRITy HARNESS! HARNESS! TEN DAYS Casr ror Hiprs axp Tartow Call and Inspect. _F_armers and others attenâ€" Patent Medicinesg ‘e will offer our Stock of THOMAS SMITH. â€" BOOKS, Stationery, Wall Paper, SCHOOL A PERFECT TEA All Kinds. Town, Durham «.FOR THE XEXT MacFARLANE‘S " Tea is Try it, and you will be perfectly I satisfied, Also a full assortment of Craockâ€" 1y & Glassware. Dinâ€" ner, ‘fT‘ca and Toilet Sets At Popular Prices. ; Sold for 30c Ib. _ Sold fer 40c 1b. Sold for 50c 1b DAVIDSCGN & Co. CA MERON delicious blend put up in } Ths and 1 lbs, Lead Packages Kurma Tea. Shoes P d0 S 4 â€"assn OF FOR. TEAS. TEA CUP 20 0 bai c o2 t P USREment stables; good concrete dwelling and other uuthuildiluin; half acre good orchard; two good spring wells; well fenced and in good state of cultivation, Bituated about one mile from the Tow» of Durham and one mile from school Will be sold with or without erop. For further particulars apply â€"to proâ€" prietor on premises; _ The Property will be offered for Sale subject to a reserve bid, and also lulaovt to a Mortgage held by the Canada Perâ€" manen Loan & Savings Company, Forfurther particulars a pply to 148. CARSCH, ARTHUR H. JACKSCN, AvctioneeEr, Â¥expor, Durham, Ont. Durham, Ont, Ten per cent of the purchase money is to be paid to the Vendor at the time of Sale, and balance of the purchase money within ten days, with eight per cent interest. 0 D. J. DAVIS. Durkam P. 0., July 3rd, . Uf AvertionkEEr, ___ Vexpor, Durham, Ont. Durha E{:owed at Durham, 2nd day The following improvements are on the rr«mim: a fine brick hotel, brick stable and a frame stable. This properâ€" ty is well situated and very desirable for hotel purposes, Terms of Sale : to. ET 0 1e m wl ACCC20CCERD UT The Poronto and Sydenham Road of the seid Township of Artemesia ;containing by admeasurement half an acre more or less, which may be better known and described, as fnlYuwu : being bounded on the southâ€"east by the allowance for road known as the ‘one hundred and fifty side road on the Durham and Collingâ€" wood gravel road, and on the nunfi- west by a line parallel to said allowance for road at a uniform distance of two chains and fifty links therefrom, on the southâ€"west by the northâ€"easterly limit of the block of land sold, conveyed, or assigned by James R. Trimble to the Toronto, (iyn'y and Bruce Railway Comâ€" pany for their track and station grounds, and on the northâ€"east by a line parallel to the said last named limit and at a unâ€" iform distance of two chains and fifty links therefrom, being formerly the roperty known as the * Narrow Guage hou‘l," and the premises attached thereâ€" PC . P E Fricah at the hour of twelve o‘clock, noon, the following property, viz.:â€"All and sing= nlar that certain parcel and trace of land and premises situate, lying, and being in the Township of Artemesia, im the County of Grey, and Province of Ontario, and being composed of part of lot one hundred and H}Lv in the third v;‘unge or (‘(Jl‘lcl;flsi:)n _southâ€"west of the Farm for Sale. BEAN & Co. Ladies & Childrens ShOBS At incomparable prices Come with the crowds. MEN‘S & BOYS‘ Rubbers & Socks. AUCTIOTSILE:" phil s a aa aes 0 BB DARDOPRRMORLLL...., Fine .’\l! Wool Dress Serges, Double 8 j Teer un c 2 C020 25 in. Grey Flannel 25 in. All Wool Heavy Twell Grey PAE : +1 s 332 +d e h e en n n ce p on oo 2."ni|;i All Wool Grey Hannel (superâ€" ne);:.@4. 28 in, All Wool Grey Flannel (superâ€" fu@). :0944 +. fR SR eR HrH Huairerer‘s Flannellettes from 5¢ up, 10 oz Cottonade (great value). ... ... . Whi c im aae OB N Big â€" JEELEAMSAY 1 It‘s too early yet About 50 ends of Dress Grods, Tweeds, Guighams, Prints, Flannels, Shirtings, &c. ranging from 2 to 8 yds.> They MUST BE SOLDâ€"at any price, 3 pairs of White Wool Blankets (all we have left. ) 20 odd pairs of Corsets, from 23¢. up. 15 Trimmed Bonnets and Hats. 1 Wool SealdCailpc,\(the last of our repeat order and A sdew 1895â€"Bargains. HENC E ____oom. Urprer Towsx To keep up, and we ooce Shoes | concrete tl!\;a;lli‘t'l-é â€"and 1im?c: half acre good ood spring wells; well DOWINT Ccms THE â€" DRESS â€" GOODS â€" HoUsE fenham RKoad of the Artemesia ;containing it half an acre more or be better known and w« : being bounded on WIN IMAMI Upper Town. a daisy.) upon it we will be ¢, Duornay. of Jan‘y UV ARKVCMIVES TORONTO Below are a few of these odd lines : to talk to you about Spring light a lot of Odds and Ends Stock Book." Ha wanld aa~ are going to do it, So keéep BC EsK.___â€"~ _ _ â€"| ; Jfi 2 C AXEcmrc! â€" |~â€" $2 85 k $2.2%5 PEOPLE‘S MILL Durham, Aug. 8th, ‘ H. PARKER 12%c .16¢ Import of Field and Garden Seeds from Britain by Steamer "Berlin." 10c 1| Still a few Ladies Jackets on ‘ too long or you wont get one all wool, and pure wool at tha ton, If you want a pair of t call. Remember _ _ __ VZF2 a1d finds of Lines which no merchant ever likes to ook. _ He would sooner see them cleared out at cost. We are indeed we are Crauks on that subject and would sooner take Jess | than Cost than keep them. Having thoroughly overhaulâ€" ed and refitted these Mills, we are now prepared to do all kinds of custom work to the satisfaction of the public. CHOPPING A SPECIALTY. _ Ladies‘ Cardigans at $1.25 a pair. Misses‘ " $1.10 â€" "© Children‘s © $1.00 _ * We have a few pairs left, and at these prices you can buy nothing cheaper or better for yourself or children. WE HAVE s . CASH STORE S 1R D S ; ANMAT." ow We are still in the lead in Ready ing, and have the best Clothing No trouble to show our goods. _ us, we will be glad to see you. WE ARE sELLING THE DURHAM and CHE . LEY HEWSON BROGS, 94, e Druggist and Seedsman, DURHAM g Goods. But Cardigans at $1.25 a pair. 16 $1.10 16 l‘s * $1.00 ** e a few pairs left, and at Still some ends of those Double At 10 and 123e, Ladies‘ Vests and Woollen Hose Mantles and Mantle Cloths, Under Shirts and Top Shirts. Men‘s and Ladies Overshoos, Men‘s Long Boots and Rubbers ; e have got our your eye c JNMELORLCCK, Th togimndermigummgcny s """"""""â€"-fitâ€"â€".l EEercomsms; ckets on hand. Don‘t deluy get one. Our Blankets are ol at that, no shoddy or cotâ€" pair of that kina give us a â€" OF â€" DURKHAM! vioiming room in Town, goods. Come and bee e you. G- Ll GRAN I # on us, and we when the time comes depend ir reputation as 1 BALAXNCOER op oURr leady to Wear Clothâ€" of those Double Width Dress Goods PmA ND ers and Sox wont fail you,

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