West Grey Digital Newspapers

Grey Review, 14 Mar 1895, p. 2

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If w I... 21% lo he an ream" plum: cum paw did: tes, Landerk " Ste, Write. "I ”III“. IEETING A SUCCESS Mr lath aides have a goo DURHAM, MARCH ft, 1991 od hating. " II ll " M The Representatives of the P: rf WNW in the Home of Asst have bum the observed ot a tic-Won Finer, the opening 0! thv 1 “lure. and it 'ttttht be admitted thet Inn-e cmm- mu " ths. I ols.ul Pl ll Tl The R tt M nu. nu Inna A15 nu. 00V ERNIENT. SYLTEIATIC GIVIN Il " tt MW ll it trons ALI-mun..." m. dwbemverwaurem- to [inn Lrut he torBer must we get, N what We "we. Again we are trid, Christianity iy law of Imus. um! symvaic “Him! " cold f--rnml uny. Well. rrivudr.. if Yi live up In ti " luv: of love. thit,t i, a tl pl ll Hr)‘ 'ld th I” I h dint u G and you It. excellence is due to it. presenting h the form must accepuibfa and pleu- an: to the tab, the n 'hmhingand truly beneficial proertiee of . perfect lax. Mive , efrsseauur cleansing the Jystcm, dispelling cums. headache. Ind fever! mid pr".unatrcutlr curing eoms"ipatirm, It has given utiuiacfhn to million. and met with the awn-mu. of the medical profesx'nn, lemma it sets on the Kid- neys, Liver Ind fir ..'c': without weak. ening them and i, is IN'l‘f‘JI'liy free truat Ovary objvciurcbte su'ostrrraut. Syrup of Fis is for Tah, by all drug. gista in To. huh-n. but it is manq- fuutnrvd by tho ('::lifnrl:ia Fist Swim Brings eomfort and improvement but! tends to personal enjoyment when rightly tred. The many, who live bob. ter than nthers and enjoy life more, with lua- expenditure. by more promptly mlupting the War-M's best product: h the needs of physical being, will atteM the value to health of the pure liquid laxative win We: embnzod in tU term-(1y, Syrup of Figs. ll STUDENTS LIFE AT T " KNOWLEDGE H) tl l y ou'n In Estate of J. li. um," Vendor. - --evr_ _ '- "rile. In par (1-11! of the Yin-muse money at thetimeof Nalv, um the Issuance to be hl'l'lll‘ml by Murtgugr. For fuvthvvpavtivulavs. aumlv to of (in-y The following farm :21. in the2url mm. nm the vanahin of (”on Saturl.y, the 6th day of April Ijli Novcaut Val/MM! b'urm Property/o 'l'intsushiir of G/oe/y, ill (Inf/lily] (ff (DWI. 'ulcltl, n-numhy u'kshil'v lung. 75 l Boar fot Service. l" mlun- of Morlgngvr\\:lil-ivi; (v'iii"i,',', llll'l‘d M the li-m- of S 111-, tluwe will Hurt-cl for Sale- hy Public Auction at BRITISH 1237921.. - IN THE - 'DWN cf 2DtirgRT:ta.2a. Da1glish's old Stand, .You vi'l aimx's fhul our STORE a safe RETREAT. We are eyer at pur post. Had] to open up and show 5pm g Goods to all a mcrs, and sell at the lowest Prices, You will find It to your advantage to glve us a. call. Look Out For The Excitements Of The Season. T March Storms! Dominion Elections! Sold for Sold r'!f'/rl 'iijf:lh. (Ol? Durha ll following farm land '. Lot numIn-r he 2nd mm. north of the I). R.. in wnship of Glenvlg, in the County tr ry 65 Clamwrre. Bins} ur- Tar. and Toilet Set”. "l, It 2 Tergnja of Sale hour rents‘ w. u. LEESON, Prop, . 23tts, 1394. (near mm .2.) III {urma Tea. M llll O'clock. P. " "__. ..., um " r Ya rut-y cheese factory) lhm'nugth-(l medium ' from imported stock. M INSIST l far toc. It:. Sold for Bor,. IL. l ytrll will ‘.u-p(-rh-Mly . Yietue of tlw p, stained In a l‘l'l t W Bulls i'cr Cal Ll 1c"f:1hf3, "i'..j,ii_',ii.)i'1't"_'1rr)r_'. Immense in (1:73" a"""'"), rrFT :3 Stock of I Ietyiee a}. lot 7, i AN!) TALLOW HUGH Mum, mum Wply to Opening of Spring Goods, 1ltfji!ytiljyis:7.r7.s ugh, Dumm- "sin all kinds vr " Swml Bells, Cunts I the wuyot him-ct my 5829c: PATENTED SEPT. 3rd, I884. No. 20110. NONE ARE GENUINE UNLESS so STAMPED. rvI-i ah Upon having Featherbone Corsets. Refuse all substitutes. th, the 't.'. . Our ll Bu Hardy Canodian Grown , Wo mun-untm- satisfaction Latin-s and customers. ( are the largvst in the Dom "mo avrvs. No substitutin Exclusive- territory and to whole or part tinto-ro testing tG'tdGri.')' WANTED At less than wholesale Boots BEEF-17 d): Co. STONE & “WELLINGTON (“and "tTice) Torouto, I (The only nursery in Canada; hw mu-.. e____E, . _ At incomparable priced C'rnne with (he r-rowds. I _","-,'",'".-':',',-",'.', T2 "s/ru,-,,-,-,-,-,--,),'"-,)-,;;,, -- :14 t, d t d h l7. h slaié‘ém 'it/'h)gi,1Pfei,1ia, "fo'rih'hrifdtioJtrorerraWa'nttg0hel1tiUe, tl'Slf. W at 491$ f _ cr. JNtarexd%ait'tllltPClllllEllllllyer:lllllN. Tfh' I (In Upper TI Selling Off J,-,a.d,i,rr, d: Cnildrcaw, health you w We will offer our Stocl, So: they an stamped "In: When we finish checking an marking we will give you tt sur mm: in prices. Is now newly all in and com prison the pick of our three Canadian factories together with a kw choice American patterns. We are determined to keep in the front in TEN DAYS ml wait without extracost. MacFarlane a Go. Call and Inspect. Wall Paper tti9i5- Bargains. Irv, hm: :derd u To our 0 iuipinent and will rd/e, to trim your paper mule Watch for them. Us. a. '" we "outt"ttrtt--, -over i. No substitution in orders. " te-rritvry and liberal trrma or part tintensrvnta. Writa, us. Prices, Quality and Variety. 'own, Durluuu {1%wa Socks FOR THE NEXT. . TRIMMER DAVIDSON d; Co. Loeal Salt-amen tohandle out 1'oirs, DURHAM Shoes Shoes 'Y “.1”an {sum-r \y Two” Gtey and Traveling Fl Nursery Mock n to Nprogeu- qstr "utseviets Torouto, Ont. 'nuadu having y, in curl; B H 4.5". thl prices AND THE k of 10c 85 For Coughs and Colds, Group, Iloartseness, Sore ' Asthma, Bronchitis. and all Throat. nnd Lung'rroubles pleasant to lake. Children cry for ii. Take no other. Mc. 5bottles for $1.00. manna can sum mum's IO sum, 1mm ARCH. McKENZIE, EEO. H. DAVIS, Manger. 6 lbs for Me. 83.00 per 100lbs. This is highly recommend- ed by Horse & Cattle Men. We have 8001M. all ready for Sale. BIQIIENZIE’S Our Stock will be in in a few days. It h selected and is the best that has been shown our prices are the lowest. Dont buv until h and all Urugglst’s Sundries, Stationery, School Supplies, Tea Coffee, Sugar, Tobacco, at, the very lowest Cash Price. We are now prepared to sell you Drugs, Patent 1nlall Druggisi's Sundries. scitationerv. School R" DURHAM Pharmacy " Corner, Upper Town, Durham. Cutters & Stoves. For the fincst line of Stoves, Cook Stoves, Parlor Stoves, Box Stoves, Furnaces, Double Heaters, &c., go to Also Insurance A 'ijiiiiiii'iti) (ihih fi'itsttrtii For the finest line of Cutters of all descriptions, Portland Cutters, Plano Box Cutters, Latest Styles. Prices from $25 upwards. 'lhu'lnun. A "g. "th, "O 1 Calder dk Livingstone, [])ii% (li)((1jiiie (ii)'iffiu? We take this opportunity of thanking our customers for past patronage, and we are convinced that the new system will maria a continuance of the same. ers and the Public generally that we have adopted the Cash System, which means Cash or its equivelant, and that our Motto will be We beg to inform our Custom- arge Saies & Small Profits." llfi)l(ingit's Horse and Cattle Feed CEO. H. DAVIS, Manager. Wall Paper. . dk J. McKechnie. gents, Money to Loan and Issuer of Marringe Licenses. ADOPTED BY ‘0\vc-r "rerssut. ., G. & J. MCKECHNIE. it has been shown in Durham, ani'i Don't buy until you see it. Hoarscness, Sore Throat " LungTroubles. his Take no other. Price, It hst.ss been rarefully Medicines LthllliTljl Call and see them. Everything nay ArtMuslhr, Silks Muslim PRETW LIIL‘CS F 12 1-2 Sprinur "er 12 WHEN rttl' H 1 good Ifin/rlr mi/ and (all Plt ll , Muslin P. Also M; the new; 31ml 7 til tl Are to be ever this placed a l: newest an» on the um 110 W ru m 5 A CV who "I T1 Art at l dec Call i stoc k Al Severaln begun plo thte'. til Viuter G at last In our w I ASt iji"if:1?ii. W H STORE, " ()()( Dull) ll M

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