West Grey Digital Newspapers

Grey Review, 14 Mar 1895, p. 3

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rmacy 5638011. and shut a as a can chme. mam Manger. crs of all ""CO,"".-. . t .3 , d {Jam urham LIN U11 ua. 'tn I’ICCS " D at Upper Town. - Durham. Call and see them. Everything new. J.A.HUNTER Muslims. Art Muslims 12 a youd Bieprle rall on us and yet I Ut I CES. CASH STORE, For Curtains, &c. Very pretty patterns from 9c per yard up. WHEN Tttl' WJNT New Stock of Spotted, Muslim, (white & color.) Also Muslin Embrqidery, the newest goods. our Several of our farmers had lu-x'm plo.ving. We are getting tirvd of looking at \Vintvr Goods, and hue at law lmgznu to open up tun new Stock ot Aonthfy TF.NNYS m IrN HIUtrNCr. ws, hich the "ortl of Alfrml Tcnuysnn fur it that in the spring the young nmn‘s tHucics lightly thin to thoughts nfluvn, It is singular that thc grcnt latuvute mnittml to uu-ntiun the fact that it is in the s wing that A vou:,udvrnhle portiun of lilc human run- turu totakirtg Hood's Surmlmrilla. Pr, lmhly withing but the dimtuilty of tiuding u good rhynn- for that iuGluahlc rcnu-(lv deterred hum. t crtnin it is that tho nitl-timc dunno-1' ic rtmttsdits are gem-rally discard». in farm of thc standard blood puviflev, Hand's sarsaparilla, which has attained the greateut. inhumanity "ll m‘cr the country as the aForitart4pting Mani-inc. " puritles the blood arid gives ncrve. mcntal. bodily and digestive strength. Our regular Priceville correspondent sum, in a glowing account of the Suns of scntluml rutpper.atttr the description kindly ment us by another friend WM in I ype and farms made up. He gives urn-at praise to Mr. and Mrs. Cochrane, of the t'outmercU1 Hotel. whose table was so gum! that even a hungrv Scotch- umn's appetite was tttlr uhnrrenul by its 'l!:ll'l,,"i'ill'vri1'; "tie McMi Unis lug-minim in having mug» Gaelic Snug will. the nice little title of "A nelmri Illu-I-xhh ho: hu, ho, m. Gnr tron. mo chem“ (on Ghonluichmm Sin." Prim! in the order mu expreaud on all sides "Pam" rnrmwndent clan-n by mum IIION Rowlic "Banidh Le Chum n» Gall “in" mttr nite Sim.” which my mean for the ontavih and tp." 'Mittrt Eduvatiounl Toronto ott A in th" gnu" m tioual rirvlvs. lntiun is firmtl In addition u there arc. 11) m there are l1) r,ectiottsi Him-atom dist-Ilsa th notice the name M? the List of Div-rum .mciation. and M I spoctm-s' Departtttte for a paper on .. , Schuul pmgranmw l "ll trt. know. 'iTro, Gm is going to be there next, list 32 Hm. Li ht Yellow Sugar for $11” and a, L',fli'lruA",.'h' Granulated Sugar for all!) at Ramsay & Morlovk's Mins Sarah Allan, of (Hum-lg was visit. Ing trio-mlmu Fhmherton Stat inn and her ttinter Mrs. llnnnnh m 'P...-..:.. Lun- A eomeuuutcat and one from ' Allan" has mum next weve. The (‘m-nivul at. the rink tu-ninht will likely he tho last of the loo-Mon. judging by the mild weather. all» Sarah Allan. of (Hench: "tie friendn at, Flo-shaman Static sislor Mrs. Hannah M Eugenia Nee our "ew Ladies' Oxford fore yuu buy "lsewlu.rv. F liuts opened out this week. I Modem-K. Gran-tyi, “en-nine Lam? glam that heat will not In eak for an e at Mehrthur's. Have you re-rmd Ramsay and Nor. hrcku advertisement ? The Trustees of S. H. No. 10, Git-twig. want hinders for n we" and wire fence. Mrs. Walter Horn, ot Grand Valley. and children. are visiting friends "I town. _ Hyod's Pills cure run-H“... 'm. T.., ..._ nulls l'llll cure eottrtlpntion by re} nun-in: peristaltic action lo the ali, luentary mnnl. Codtintt of the beat quality tor MeArthur'i. Mr. Joshua Woodland ha, four tered bulls for sale. New B ng Goods arriving (In Runway t1eght Mrs. N. w, (‘am hell is again Ct ”you! after " Jl.'lll', “has. Another 'shipment of that Be '1 hand at. Runway , Murlock's. Genuine an abuts" that hen um. lrteak for “Ye M. M" A .4 I.....'.- Thr thirty {mirth Annual "we to Ontario Educational Arum “I “w ,"acoud "wrtingof the Du ',duvatiotutl Asmocintion will Ire 'owolene In 1 m " April 16. 17 and 18:11. Thi ll ewm u! the year in Enlm-n .lts. and much id Hchool Ln'gis rsl, hruachml at Hume mom ium an to the guns“)! (lepurtmr‘u In sum inns "Fwe each Hus-an discuss thuir own work. w LOCAL xnws. of Sunlight Soap THE G luv-£- R EV] KW rs for the I] Dirt-chm of m. wherehe Shuuld the be "eviscd." n from Mr. Corinne 'ruauer who “mm-rs Jaldy to lie ovvrtill Tim, at Gnu; IV Oxford Shuts; he. vrr. Fhnw m-w arriving daily at again can val , was visit- :m and her n Falls. for ttt Tea to sale at l'etritr at rm‘vry was Impnsuihlv. The remains m-rivwl )Lnrluv night, and a number of frivmls met tho body at, the station. Though heis gnno the vvcullvction of him will long he green in the mummy of his friendsnnd "cquairttartcvs. One of the largest if not the lnrgost funeral prruwstsitut 0w: sot-n in Maple Grove fullnwvd the remains to their last rest- ing place in Union m-nwtm‘y. Priveville. To his parents, sisters and brothers the community will freely give its sincere cundulrnco though that under the rar- rumstnncos is poor cundnloncr indeed. Mr. John Warling, our popular mail carrier has bad " rough time of it latelv getting thruugh with the mail, and in justice to hint his service has been the heat and earliest we have had. Station. are visiting friends in Maple Grove. Mrs. Elks. “rs. annis. Mrs. Nefrand Miss Anniv Mvhwm, who have been at- u-mling the funeral of their brother the lan- Mr. H. McLean. have returned to tluur rmru-Livu bullies in Cleveland, Ohio. sank iuto a can awn-y was in); arrived Mun-luv of friends met th Though he is g: him will long he of his friends an of the largest. if Miss Emma Richardson. of t'hats. worth. and Vina \leing. at Flesh-rum Station. are visiting triends in Maple Grown Mrs. Elks. ttts. anuis. Mrs. Nefrand Miss Annie 3111mm. who have. been at- The umliml attendant of Mrs. John McLean reports impmvement. She has hum suffering frmu a. severe attack of ”rum hit is, NEW Dttrmroraxtm.-Mi,m Minnie Foo han enguged the t'ootttN over Mr. Me Arthur's More, and will he proparnd to teveive ordo any Walk in the (11058- mnking line. Notice. mvwrrrn Bros. lmg to un ImunH-llmt all tit-mum”; due must re. raid un ot' lwfnrl- lat, day of April, 1&5 t nut so Irnid they will he plan-d in min-:- hand.» fur crrllection. Mr. W. Calder advertises his flue new tttore as ready for an occupant. Miss Ada Horn. of Grand Taller. is the guest of her sister, Mrs. J. Darling. Mr. John Watson. of Fergus, and his sun Charlie, were visiting old time friends thin week. Master Otto Knapp, wl Edam] Rot his leg hrukvn better 124 fast as could I,., A land of Nunnunhy to Durham and spent iusr nt Mr. C'. Runnagt-‘s Renewals have cottie 1 that wv just tuke tt line rvivnds Wlltt have mile the nevd'iu s. Ive ha The Methodists Church choir attended the Tea meeting in Eltenezer Church on Tuesday evening. Miss Belle Mckenzie visited at Forest last week. Miss (Iulvillo. of town, roturm Toronto yesterday. Mrs. Dr. Jamiesun held a were 'At Monte' last Friday. Mr. w. Calder advertises his ftue stun: as reads. for an m-mmm Linen goods. C. L Grunt Three Bulls for :n'a. J. Woodland, Spring goods. J. A. Hunter. Budgets of news from Murdoch and Balsam Val naupelk-d to hold over [his nrmers' t his leg Midge-u. He mental“; funk as could he "xpectes . Institute. M cunt Forest, WM"- rvgrv! was evoked [‘lel' of Maw-l tlr'ovv by Mr. llvrlnr McLean, of Mr. Allan .“L'Lellll of this uluw'ux'rmu'o took plave "rruary 1me IMF) at tlu, ll P'nt's. Dom-used had (-u-ml munth past. He 0 vold in tlwspring which n m‘ulv pheutuatism and distinguished tuedical aid Hm dvcvascd gradually umlilmn frnm wltivlt pe. npossilxlv. The remains n-nmnhy friends drove up ill spent n plcasunt "run- tatungeG last Friday. WAKFm.--Miss Minnie Frrm the "mung "for Mr. Mc, ve' (1mm in My well of In" ke u. lingo lo thunk tCl th People? Mill. Durham The roads ate In i uml more is littl s? any kind. town, returned to white. rqrnping at mm Hopeville, Valiey we are this week. successful Mt Tho George E. Turin-ll, J: Sims To, harm Co., Ltd. ofHavniltou, nine Vcnfs owo'uvitituhd the commendable' i(hn of presenting: it doc-(l of a I uilding lot each Chriatmns to their ohlcstuetive cmploycc. This your it was the good fortune of Mr. Thomas liilligan to suc- eeed to the tirm's geuemsity. he hav. ing boon with them for 21 years. In addition to the lot he received n suh. smutinl cheque from the same smmc. The whole staff of the concern ms, came in for a Rift, the day handsre. calving an extra week's salary and the plcce hnmlaa good sized turkey. Some timp ago the Messes Tuekett turned their factory into ajoint suck company. rdmitting Pany of the mu tt im mm: employees Into partnership, anythis additional evidence of a. de. sire no share with their men the “sporty of the house cannot help but Bear fruit in men-used energy, and moi-will among all who are fortmmte enough to be connected with this enter. prising concern. Hnnnr It and (Hum-I; IV thus (‘hrislvnu 1 I” clave, I). J. Bong: ll class Hargm'd Sr. Pt. Slvwnl't. l Jr. Pt, Smi: h. I class; Dan-gavel To h And In And yet nun-i “or pensive Pale pity, w1't'l Aud oft (hm A Topie Stwinl was given by the mem- lwrs of the Epwurth Loglw. on Friday (re-hing at the Pursmmgv. in aid of tlie \me-n's Missionary society. And not witlvituudips,r the bad state of the roads. etc. a goodly number were present. to discuss the twelve TOPICS Which were selected for t he m-crmiun. Hollie of the topics umv have sevtued diMcult at fiest, especially No. 2, yet Jim keeps a Mendy look ot'mtvvesi an the face of his onumrnl It “as also" with-d fucttlmt woman's sphere is not on the plytioryt (no myn'l’nm.) At the clorwof the dito vursion vtattvshnsentr, were served which wruvsli:rt.e :mmh- justivo to by "II: then the singing of "God he with you till l"' mum again." when one of the most, Ill- atl leh " as tveil us Fleusunl social gulli- "tings it Wits' our I' mumm- lu be at foe mnu- time. was Ll'nughl lo it Mme. . Mr. lilnkmlnn, teach, 9, has In-on laid up fora fc-w (lugs with a MINI. tin-nut. We hm 0 lo mm him around mun. Miss 1luvl,rl Htotlrurt is [mum rrrrttt ft a. nalyuo rut In an 'llrperat'attce in the "town " "My. Mr. Mrlkmgull. of Balsam Valley. mum guest of Mul’ear- sons, and M r. [Ripper was the guest " Mr. Burns. We have in future to do this locality and its cottvspoudent full justice A tine budget from our Con-upondent about two weeks ago has been unfortus ate.. the mailing was overlooked until a week old. it was even then too late for our lust week's imue consequently the new; would be. no news now. We note l.rriefty that Messrs Angus Morri- Non, Angus Black and Arch. McLellnn wereundorlhe weather: that the big auditor drives a pair of (I‘m-ya now ot Whil'h he is proud. The slipper lost, by the Maple Grove young Indy Ps' suppose-d to huve' been found. (In mm) Ws paer war: at gt-mlim- sun-95M J'le.','.'t, P. ti. and J. Kayne ml in an appearance in the "town " inn-Iv. Mr. Mrhumn.” “t A Tchaeeo Company's Generosity all: _ _ To his 1mtituvly tomb; ad m, mullu-I. sin-we u'vr hi is fnmllv callsul,) The “rm-lest itowvvs in hint Miss . Raul arm-stun both-r mw C. Pum F.RPMrt'GH, Teacher. mming mp Mug‘nhm M ----_----- H0ll0R ROLL SCOTCH TOWN, PRICEVILLE. in p) shall (rt-hum- “V Mr K nighl, Neil 1min. lay Smhh, Jane "rt N In not very n Noam: ry shall repair, '0clmie [“30" tueve ’11 (1:113:12 John lnglu l Dominick III nine from ,' wcll, but (as she 1N",ll “mat-l "Yes, its true that I had Landry's paralysis." said Mr. 1tallituovo to the reporter. "owl-u- the must celclwuted phynirinnn ot London Wt't't. mistaken. That t have been run-(l is clearly “ppm-- cut." With this he sirnightvnml up tbr sturdy an] promising a sun at" Britain as ever trod Ann-rirun soil. "It was an the 15th if March last ho tumtmced, " who I “as in Nu-w York t'ity, that I tivs.st felt symptoms of my tumble. I cspcp'iru't'd ddtitutlt.v in go- ing up stairs, my Imp failiug to support nit-irnm.l|1tml;i pi.y~lri.iu whu infurm- h Young Canadian Stricken With Par. alysis Whileln New York-Returned toms Home at London, Ont., as He Believed to Die -Thtt means ofrenew- ed Health Pointed Out by A Clcrgy- man who Visited Him. Stricken with Inndrny's Patolyrii" and yet curml. That meittvslrurlittle to the AVOI'JlgE' hymn“, hut it Int-nus " minulv to n phydriun. Such is the we perk-two of o. E. lm‘dinmrv, ut pvesvut a tosidtnt of M,vlis In. Ji. J., and a run- nxporit-nco it is. Said She Was Paul All Help and wanwlme to and her to the ‘Hamo for 1aeitrables.' But I uld u long u I could hold my hand up the should not go. We then bum "Fem years ngo whlle m tho old country ( England J, my daughter 111nm): wu lent away trom the h'uplnl. In tb very low condition T. in. trnnrttmption ot the lungs and bowel; and weak action ot the heart. The trip new“ the my!” to Hill country learned to make her feel but." for at Mum. Then Ihe began to get worse. and tor 14 weeks she was unable tottt " toe Ire-l. She grew worse for the months and lost the use of her limbs and lower pm of body and ig_ahq__aat nun" tlt" to be propped 'iirditiiiiiijh" Piiriiiiiiuik in: PHYSICIANS ARE ASTONISHED BY A PECULIAR CASE. I have the best ui ‘0 tical Store in Canada. Trihieig 'lr'rl2.P Paper on the Eye can be had by 'i',e.'"qtt; I make old Spectacles like new. "ost can mail your glasses in nw‘fur two cents. I have the must complete stock of Spec- tavlen (for 1limcult eyrs to fit) made. Guarantee with each pair of glasses fit. Write for paper containing 2.400 Catt- adinn mien-noes. Eye HJx-rialist always in Stun- at 87 King St. Lust. Totvuto. Like a Miracle Consumption-low Conditior MII CHAMBERLAIN, wonderful Results From Taking Hood's Sam-parllla. :lre her I Iver he Completely PaféIVZEd. b0d'sssgr'io'thirett 11:" Hannah Wyatt Toronto, Ont. land's sarsapttrtlis 8110 ll gem s nruuu'l. is nut doon every day; In with her throat and no cough. 'tret", -s mm H! mm ,trtlg she u awedto. We "W her euro luv ut tt winch." . Wyn-r. " yt, Parkdulm Toronto, Ontario. are purely “gable Ind Sold byalt druggists ac. a warm. tingling sensat- that had been: entirely wgnn to move my feet, huptsoveumnt continu- h, when I was taken drive and drove the y the lye-ginning of July lk upmtair's alone and 's Paralysis in eight . I gained my old Inning London for .vlltliatul lu-ginn- "Vtiaiuw20tlt, 18tpt. m bthlid. 28 Pur EXPERIENCE. “but has astoun- r. Me, Gundy,a Im- in my lust told mo of the 1alyssi:s that had Wdhaum' Pink l stunt-d to take mu! a wevkaftvtr I;.z duly sworn on fun-going statu- ynlul all duuht following um on Sm ttroy, mush-1d " con my old an“ Dromon. In" mi mun” nun nuns, (no. 3.191) Funnled Much 2min. um Bred by C0hrrll Bros, "retmrdviiter, Out. and own", Ales, Tow. lor, Drnmnra, out. Biro,,BsOry Hunks trttntty,trAl, (Inm Mio, Enlmn.505. by KIA-f Tom. in I‘m"). M, In tmowthure, in hair B rd. 45, hy Hal-toll Wander and. imp.. i,m0 Hitdn a, Ivy “hiya.” Victor, Imp. 1.4517); Rolnull Vick-r115“. (an. (”0.) by noun I nuke. an]; Bic-mm; .3rd, mm In snub. (1‘1)! 31mm. Ind. (N) lg Holyloll R,,',',',',", MW'. En by Btu-on “In, ft " “Ham,“mhanlullle. Out. gud awn-2r. AlekTm hr, Ilrmnnn, 0111.. bin-Buluul " than Aumi Hand! “my Mutual! "ole, imp.. Pd. Middluh. Mir-mun. itttts., Pt, 3%. by Middleton Mount not: Mid Heron Nah M34 by We Squire 610; m. dial-on Mny 1lH6. FROM CANADIAN IMPROVED Yorkshire Swine Record. FROM (‘ANAIHAN Tamworth Swine Recori. ;. lioni-d Sim-k fur hire, and would ri-mmmend his hrmlwr Farmers to um- the tiatt"','rL" the demand now is for Lung Lean Meat and nut the heavy fut mm“ of the Berkshire. A crow on Berkshire sows would ht, wry suituhhu ('irrulnrs issued In ' the Wm. Durin & Co. Povk Pan-kin L.'d7,cL't','i/t",vr2,tC'pC,','2 nwnd the large Yorknhin- and the Tum. worth as the best kinds of swine for the FatTuvts to hrm'd. TI‘HIH Fine Animal is from the stark of R. H. Harding, T'lurritdOr, Im- purtcrnf British and Aan-irun Stock and is for service this season. THURRUBHEBBD STUCK M HIRE. lllilailllllll2ll BERKSHIRE BEAR. for service during tilt'-'Ou t Ihw'stered in the '1 'unathl Swiml Itecorul" us No. 29513. Nov. 21st ”in. and Inn-d by Jn 81,00, The undersigned tdreu."Ithe undermen Koseuth, Out C Fail Wheat per Lushel Spring Wheat " Oats, " Wand 2ft,hme...... Turkeys per mm... Geese " ...... Dunks. " ... Chickenn. per pair Apples not bag ..., ilarky, ' Ihtatueti, ' [My per ton ... ... Beet, fore quarto Beef, html " Pork. " ...... Hides. " ...... Sheepmius. each Butter per m...... Eggs. per dor. ... WOOD’S PIIOSPHODINB The Great Eng-Huh Rel-uh. V the Packaged Guaranteed to . ' promptly and permanently " cure all forms of Newman , ’ v 1 Wendy». Emurb"w,Sgterm- I " diarrhea. [amateur], and all & ks LI eyed: of AM or litmus. -3 m A w [and Wurry, cumin. we quobacm. Opiunur Slimli- Before and Mer. Ian", which noon lead to Irs. Jtrmtto Imullv. Commptlon and an early arm-e. Has been pretax-med our 3551*an in "mummi- of sues; " the only Reliable and llama: Human known. Ankdrugzinfor Wood'l Phosphodlna; it he one" some roubles: medicine In plan of this, lnclow prictr In letter, uni we will send by return mIIL Price, one pack-go. .1: III. 's. OM wt" punk. Ila will can. Pumpkins tree to my addr‘ The Wood Company, Wtadsor, out, Canals. Thoroughbred Chester White Mr, 'Prince Leon.' Because we hare had Good Goods and sold them at the lowest possible living priest and we are going to continue in the same line, confident of the patronage of every good and discriminating buyer. Although we have denied it over and over again many people are still under the impression that we are only here to run off a Stock. Don’t you belies it. We reiterate once more. One Speciality we have to offer this week is in Ladies' Oxfords. w lines and we claim that one line we offer for $1 ()0 can't be touched in see them and the Goods will speak for themselves. We wouldn't be buying and opening up New Goods as we are doing now every day if we weren't going to stay. The values this Spring are better than ever and of course " WI buy and sell for cash we have been able to get not a fem snaps. 2illiiiit!LAMSAY dSlllik MORLOCK, In " MINUTE. ILo Coated Tongue, Dmi- nrh Ihmulkncss. {min in the side,Coostitatimt, T :lml Liver, ' “truth. to Ill] cured also new .ulu Ihe bmvdl. v.1" no. to nu. LOT 32, CON. 8, W. G. R. BENTINCK. ~nus WEEK WE ARE opamuc _...---- New Dress Goods, New Prints, New Flannelettes, New Shirtings, New Boots and Shoes. forfLSICK Hzapaguq gm unplug TERMS a St VQO. At. BOULDEN k CAN, UpporTown. Durham, Aug. 1,94, Sold by all Dvuggirt Has been our Moth We have just finished business during the ehrl This fiueanimal will he kept on the prumim-s of Jim. Clark jr... PRICE 25 an". ar DRUG Cretan. .00. To he paid for at, timr Survicv. Ahorlwvn, Nov. 12, ISM. iii-he. Cash or 81 Insured. ALEX. TAYLOR. “In ERT" rvosseit M, {are quarters, rrr 100 html " " POWDERS ClallMiKexgtBacaiiiisag:exItat. I BANKS DUDE. (No. 170,) 1reh will. lh'Jl. Bvrtl by Cald't" unit, Out. Stud Mrs-Pr. Alex.T-y. Oat., Sirrllolnml " (lam Amber vsterswll Dude, imp.. 12. Hidulluunu ' Pt, 191%, by MidMetotrNott.rru I Huh M34 by “no Squire no; MIR. "ttc "IRAN” WE ARE HERE TO STAY. TERMS r Motto in the past and we are quite willing to itiek to it for awhile Iti finished stock-'Nkimr and it has showed us that we have done . qieuidi the eight months we have been here. l 80 to e M to 0 85 to 0 12 to 0 12 to 80 to 0 07 to " 04 to " 0 M to 0 25 to 9 00 lo 3 00 to 05 " ~10 50 to 32 f [MM-93. lh-rkshirr Fa I'm nun I n. Meyer.“ UPPER TOWN, DURHAM ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO to to to $1 0 60 0 co o 84 0 " o 40 0 30 10 on 006 060 013 018 100 008 005 "Nliar0llEatySir' ? 50 IO 00 0C " 50 M i" WATCHES, Seven (7) tons of fine Ground Oil Cake in bags of 100 lbs. $1.60 bag, 5 bag lots, $1.50 bag. One Car Land Plaster in bags. One Car Bbl. Salt. Land Salt in bags of 200 lbs. Rock Salt, 75c. per 100 lbs. .121ps. for Mc. 30 lbs. for $100. This Splce IS a pure condiment free from ashes and shorts. Lincoln & Improved American, 750. bush. 10 bush. lots, 600. bush. The most production in the market, Import of Seeds per Steamer "Eerlin" by Britian now in Stock THE EWPSE To tell ynu this walk about our Lino Goods. We quote a few prices: What do you think of Table Napkins ct 50': gm than". or a, Linen Damask, 54 inches wide for 250 per yard, or a Pure Linen, 56 int-h bleached Damask at 50c per yard. Ladies' and Gentleuteu's Linen Handkerchiefs at We each Ef you are not a Customer of ours call and see our Goods any way. 1t may save you money. a a H g LOWER TOWN. On Sunday night puts us in mind of our Stock of Goods. as it was a Total Eclipse, so .havI we Totally F1lipred all former efforts in securing bargains patronie our store. We Just Want SILVERWARE. l 'iiiBCllllEiMlEii1llC1lllt:DSiiilib,,r, GROUND OIL CAKE. II. PARKE ft, Druggist and Seedsman, Durham. British Horse and Cattle Spice. Seed Oats. adies' Oxfordgn _ 1fe_toponed out 4 no! [BF WE WHEN " ' xhirn fr F n t'tt ia, ~ll‘u {I PM."W‘I| the ke t for Fierviee ml lot " and " can. 3. N. fl. R., (ilmwlu. (an them " laud Wt. Tenn» 8|."an time of cal-via. -.. . .. _. . A“ P. Sullivan. Park but No. 2. in the Tang (1 hum. t'unmiuinu 1 arm‘s, a... rvwirlvnu' of the "ev. (wk... which there ir I brink on”, 0 pantry. IAN" 1'.'i"2"aktttfiie?. 40trltl. Mir-k (intern . “In A never fuming well.“ thet door. An arrhud. I but h ',l,',fc?.,T "tu . A and“ " path-m $itrtoer. . Apt Iv to MIL J. P. TRIM (“I U Thorougbred Boats. ‘III'IR, Nov. 23th MIN, It,'1.PTkt'hirr.. '.""t.i.mpPtt York for our maliy fricids who. FOR SALE. Tow n u- Town ot Bue. . t mt 'il12'et1tfe V - 'vn" (inn-Mon; I 'we. Gina... 3m

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