West Grey Digital Newspapers

Grey Review, 21 Mar 1895, p. 1

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. H I: . sei7e5i8s5, a Lou 211 242. con. 4, S.W.T. and S. and, Metaoethou-100 acres; bush Inc 218.com 4.S.W.'1'. ands. Road, Mautsethon.-ay acres good bush. not. ak con. 5. Meianisthtm--88 was well (imbued. M18. can. 5. Bentinck, Imam-known nth. In. Damion! farm-well in wedcloutolamluh. lot I. Durham Strut. North Fri-wine. last it "e'l'gr',"=1t North mun. With other Farm in (hub and the North-Wen. T‘s-onto and lu-ee Peoreeties for III. or u- 3 GHGiFUt mm on good [and Aiiii""iisu.taseaetpeee “hold! iii-damm- . . Elm FOR SALE The EDGE PROPERTY. Brick Dwelling. and many eligible building Iota, will be sold in one or more lots Also lot No. ar, con. 2. W. o. It., Township of Bentinek. 100 acres udjom- lug Town plot Durham. following Properties " fries: Asked Lots 241.212. MA coma, amr. and tk Bond. Township Me%aethoo--W4 m timbered. In the Town of Durham. County of Grey, including; vdmlqle Water Power There’s Big Money I purchase itoeteqre taken for part n --- --- money. - _-___- nigh. Loan of hiLstorr. Bronéhitis; Com sumption. Gall Stout». Jaundico. Kidney and U Aiuary Diseases. b't. Vitus' Datum Female lrregnlsritiu Ind Geno"! nobility. Luboralory - Goderich, Ont, J. M. McLEOD, TESTED REMEDIES SPECIFIC and ANTIDOTE ?yrJepus 3‘15 teil Tteeetialyd 250 ACRES belonging to the Emu of the late June: Burnett. 125 me: under cultivation. rest hanlwooJ bulb, being Lots 23. " 25. 2G. 27, Old D, It. in the Township of Armin. County of Grey, two miles from Flo-hunch 8ta. turn, dam miles, from Prieonlle. Foe tom‘s: partieular1nty8tttt_, __ Fi,Ei"',Lfaa [Bait-13"“ :3? a tiiriuiaia -- --He tic-mule. ammo]. A Farm tor Sale. 250 tt)ffihse.e,s,iiet rt,",,.",',',:' h nodal-u. “a mac. "aattqtqd. A=2l',1'll 'e {chum b39210 " the chase. .. - nomromq au of (Buy. All trotnrmutittatiom, nd. drnud to human P. o. wall be promptly Handed to. Maiden“ Lot 19, Con. 8, Township of Bantincku -- __ - - - DAN. McLE OD’S System Renovator! “County of any. stu. “and“: to plump m " mutual. mm W Auction-or. for an County of any. “‘1" “W? “PM“. .eay'ttd. Ingmariiiama -irair. TGCC/arid?, an. no“ door We“ of Post once. v.45” HONOR (hum of the Royal College at Done-l Sal-non- of Ont-Ho. Tooth u- kuud “mom [mm by tho an of ultromoxhlo pe. main-mu Air. ration!" “mum: put to h... -- -. “A __..._A. ----v ..._ . -- A DENTISTRY. T. a. HEE'EL. D.S. Loan and Imturaetee Agent. Com. veyancer. Commissioner ace. Loot mm without any. Collections manly mm, mar-ac. .tteetoit. MOMS! " EOAN ulowou nMotluun-t winch on. door north ot B. Sou"- Store Durhum 1taaitunee--EUg St., Hanover. J by n. PARKER. Drnggist, Durban. JAMES LOCKIE, 881753 of Mlniage Litmus. Amt. , Mum for Counties of Bruce And Grey, ”UBICY PI] IIJC. 00--..50'0" MONEY To LOAN. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. m on! mikiist maitsE ll rm. J. SHEWELL & SON. JCENSED ICEZXSED A0CTithNEEtt. for th Fire Insurance secured. OFFICE, W2 PsrLetoe Lanna Tm - A. H. EITHER Hopevtllo, HRS. BURRET. Durham. 'eo UNDERTAKIN G. HUGH McKAY. J. P. TELFORD :mm mm: a 51mm ah, Furniture. MISCELLANEOUS. Apply to JAMES EDGE. Edge mu, Ont. '. L_._McKENZIE, AUCTION BER. - AND of“: - _WMW In this line " Tue the Load. Well Stocked Ind Complete in EMS-KEEPS; CpFINS, Ear., in the Latest iGiirid LARGE and Oomph“ STOCK. Condom; durum Ind Par. lor tue, Extonoion an Gum Tabla. Bible BtaniU-iti Oak. Bamboo on! Elm. Nico Aggttgt. mo! of Eula. We lilo any n Lug: Stock of Pictures and From Moulding. mums. Prop. aml hUruataeturrr MCLEAN. AUCTIONEER for Co. We. Durban Ont DAN. MeLEAN. 'ee.. Tho city of London dumm- but. boon sold " 101.76, which yinld 329.32 per eent.por Luann. tho hum-mm“! by and" foe debutant o.iaid. of Gov. onani-qo. V an?!" ;tyft,'2tT, "ted tho Cite am to pun. . fArd u “all tuae-twir-ut-rf, abet. w draggin- mt. the mai-r-d. and on. minus. 7; Aqidse' I on“)! t push. of no my. Ja ind-u and. tight calla-day. Thin-not bald. n on an", ad was» . m was m r" - y" . I MAW in M aid,", :0! sq_tyalirtthr-reO. - ”I!" Edward Martin, A Surni~uumn, in ro- ported to but boon " a. fortune ot " million {men by the dough' f “I. no]: in Hun, Prunes. jt William Hyndmn,’of Hui-mm. mum to his work through tho hm:- now. and dropped dead noon unu- ranching tho will when: he was employed. _ GaTiriur9aiFiai" f f in» Ind-alum si): .. In Swain there bIby-h' providing that myone found in A “no of inboliauon. whechor dinotderly or not. my be run In to lobe: up. The Wstorloo qtrmtt Methodist church Stanford, ha extended minvitllion to tho Wu}. H. Cook, of Gannon, to become in. pater. Ike WAN-cc. of Sunk, Damon's chm»- pion wood uwyer, u out. with n endings to aw against my mm in Candi. One hundred on: are kept " pan by Mrs. Morley. of Montreal. Eighteen boys were recently Arrested for atoning than. Mn. Robert-.wilo of A clergymm recently arrived from Liverpool, died nuddenly on. Tue-(1w " Winnipng. The old St. Andrew’s church. Coderich. bu been sold, And will be cairn-rm! into L momma. Juan}: Conan talk: of buildings {enmity and lynching shop. By A nmjnrily of Mr, “Wharton electors In" decided mu co'l my run In Inge in an: no". Rev. A. P. 3htDortaldJormetrty of Forum, In. Accepted as an.“ to become pater ot the Dundas B-pti-r. chm-ch. Lug. quantities of hay have been thits ped to the State. an! England fromCtoo- more. A big robbery of u Grdwaro more "- teetstiy took pine At Tilbury. Bradford will employ . night, “column! to look out. tor Enchanting; W. J. Puteraon ha been denied as president. of the Ottawa Tmdes and Labor Council. - "rT'_"rrT""'r'TTr'"P-'" ,_ Mr. John “My, mold maiden: of Paulinch, lunged him“ in hil bun. The Mitchell Sqmre Sunday school In: I him now library. A lugs baldmrheaded on in wu nhoo nou- Florenco In: week. g "lt!"',' l: Glencoc in to In" A curling club, And be revived in hand. A Email Hell ha been orruck M. Wil. noocrofc. new Patrol“. Angu- in “sipping lug. quutitiu of bun-wood to Narnia-ken. ”when on the St. cd, bruch ot the M. C. R. in very naive. si. John's church, Wyoming. Lu 5 UdiW Marcy Society. A grand fox hunt Cook pbce thin woe]: neu- Wnlkernlle. mud In- "- PM.“ Fr: Album I. the Pad-r. A an mill u to be built " Zurich Chatham vim.- to be ereated I cit Scum fever in prudent-st. Penvi , cheese {awry may be built a mum A block olltorea in to be built "A, Duel" Ire plentiful about Point Ed.., '-- Oil h'prittgifimroreh' bu dirhmded. Mosul: are um rampant" Cnighnni. The veal-m will. Elan, is to be winged. Athens is Hiking of org-akin: a firo PURELY GANADIAN I INTERESTING ITEMS ABOUT OWN COUNTRY. A general financial business transacted Office next door to Standard Bank, Durham. Money to lend. Money invested for Parties. Farms bought and sold. Land Valuators, Insurance Agents, Commissioners. Mid Jackson, Jr,, Clerk Div. Court. 1Itlnr E Jackson. Nolnry Public. NEXT Door TO PARKER’S. Transact a general Banking business. Money loaned to farmers and others on renewable terms. Interest dim-ream special deposits at current rates. Also mm and mm 3 MISS GUN 'B. PARK & CO. Fancy Goods, TOYS and Stationary, WOOLS, iiamuumiaurs and SILKS,’ indall COLORS Wall Papers , CON VEYAN GEES. Assurance Policies issued. Middnugh House Block, Durham. at sreath reduced rates JACKSON S. VOL. arwr,---No. 12. -AT-- eltt Att for showing Tectounn hounds." rod. she muttered. "we haven't seen the no an of one, and u for those "ttttost" a. who annoyed round thymus tuft V think thorn likely to I00 one. one: It! veil.- 1 mltWtuothhg - it 'r?r_thyi'ttttttatttoe, _ArtAtr'tr They know nothing of her previous history. they did not know that she had turned out an ignominious failure at Newmarket. and they did not know that. though she was appearing at the cover side, it was open to question whether she could negotiate the smal- lest possible tence that came in her way. Ciaxby Wood was a little of! the road, and through two or three gates. and over one or two gaps about which Teetotum made a. most uncalled- for fuss, Kitty followed with the stream. and when they arrived at the cover, they discovered that the hounds bad been already thrown in. and were drawing. The fact was that the mas- ter. instead ot lingering at the crour roads‘juat above. which was the ad- vertised meet, had, with a. View to preventing the fox being mobbed. Mot.. G, a march upon his field. and slipped directly down th'e wood, the conse- quence of which was. that only those who were at the meet in good time had accompanied the bounds down to the cover. The late arrival: only nvnkened to the fact after want: some few minutes at the cross-roads. When Kitty and her companion: tr- rived at the wood-side. " was evident that the hounds had found, end were way forcing their fox out on the timber side at the cover, in conne- queneootwhlch therttwaatsmeeeet M.mtredeetntttspartofWttrsixm" tratSttrtn who pelted " to, tench that M6roe2ttertt-tatttttmrtto- have“ can-711mm. _ _ Len done an' her nary. um nonr- toti - Itot help yawning. There was not many men at the cov- er side who knew Kltty Bourton cgen by sight. but she attracted. however, no little attention. A pretty girl with a good tttture in that most becoming of dresses, a riding habit. In always plea- sant to look upon.and there were many and good judges, too, whvcounted the horse as good-looking as her rider. A crack moot on tho edge- of the down country. Ctaxby 1vorrd. was ai- ways inrcniy niinnrivd. It was a sure thut, and if it was only " descent scent- inz day, more was certain to be a rat- tling gallop. Kill. they might not: .1h. y might lose their fox. and, to speak metaphorically. the concluding volume of the story might be wanting. ‘hyt thoy rarely failed to have a rut- ', tutt5t burst or fitter-n ot twenty minutes, during; which. unless mounted on 'something with " turn of speed. you would assuredly soon lose sight of the hounds. It was a very pet ttxture, in special favor with man who didn‘t care so much for the hunting but who thoroughly enjoyed a race; and only that the hounds took a deal ot catch- ing. they would hnve been in tore; danger from some of the Jealous horse- men behind them. riders who seemed as if. at all events for once, they had given black cart- the slip. A run from Ciaxby was usually productive of much chair as well as rivalry. A good start was so hot that there was little chancel»! masking up leeway. and the, Ttii-ttttily-, 90-5“ wast.” Lie, com; me unsure» , to steal am pretty closely after .0 fox: in met, when there wasn't a run from Glaxhy. it mostly arose from the excessive eagerness ot the hard- going contingent to get away, where- by they headed their fox back and ex- tinguished their own prospects of sport. I "What, you hold to your purpose, lass." said her father, "and a right my morning rou've got for your fun." "Yes. father." replied the girl, "I'm lbont upon showing Teetotum me "'r"'dnn't mm: I wm'nry’ init" Gui. myself to-day." CHAPTER III. _ . " A one»: mum," One ttne morning toward the end of November. Kitty Bounon made her appearance in the breakfast room ab. tired in hat and habit. "Good-by: any good-by to Mrs, Bour- ton tor me." and lifting his hat to Kmy. Dick Column mthernd up his reins gave the old pony a friandly kick in the ribs and took his dwar- turo. "Wert. mind you come and see us.” replied Joe Emu-ton. "0nlr let us know you're in the country. and there's a bed and a hearty welcome at Lowood for you. It'll be odd. too, it We can't knock up some sort ot fun for you." Christmas time. My coughs are old- fashioned poopte. who always keep up all the fetetivities of that season. They have always some-thing going on then." "When shall we see you again t" re- marked Joe Bourton. T m, Colaton's hack was 3001 brought round. and without re-entering the house he shook hands with " host and Kitty. and swung himself into the saddle. l "Welt." said Dick Cannon, as they '19“ the box, “I hope. Kitty. you'll have many a good gallop on Tootom-n be- fore the winter ls over. As for you. Mr. Bowman. you germ to have lit upon your legs and got hold of a charming farm In one of the pteaaanuVpttrts ot Hampshire. Rich: good order it looks In. too. as far as I can son. You must have had a good man before you: and now. It you will let me. 1'" order my' puny and Canter bark to my courimr.") "Yea," chuckled hot father, "it's as- tnnlshlng the pace they to when tlwv"ro galloping alone. It’s only when theyYo out-pawl we understand they're not so qulck as we want them to be' i DICK’S GREAT RAG; "I'm sure you‘re right, Mr. Column." exclaimed Kitty; "they never under- stood her at Newmarket. Mallow took no pains at all with her. It's Just what you say: she was 'vaerltteed for other horses he had morettncyfor. Why. she goes like the wind with me across the downs." I "I'll leave that discovery for some- body else." rejoined Joe Bourton. “I've lost quite anough money 'pactng her' as " is. Kitty will ride her an I Set " decent bid tor her, and then her buyer can, of course. try any export- ment he likes." . 1 urn likely to Ice one. “that: g. 1tttU1titli"fJtit?l,', W“. 1ttttAePtitr "trrrte _ no}: game m lucky. Indeed. not to, come. 011mm well for am It“, over those Inn-dial." aaiNiHknita no u tt at”; "You're up mall.” annuals also to ml!- m ttptr-MIB-ttri tor. much mused. "r only know gut about ld ‘nowtog /ttstietetit 'de, wMfifimmmMWJmhtm-flu trotrtle. on; “In“ "yott%t' _ 7?. mm~hmdlz§h "I hum been tn nut luck today." Implied the cm, Imulnc. "Ptrt or all. when I was riding quietly hone. um! had given up all Idea, of seeing the hounds. the fox _ the mm! at most under 'll,',,',':,',":,",' non. 'l",,,",',; ttOtto-ttd I eye. dun fun In the L'fa".'f2'.1C,2t,'N _ TW' Inch._lndeod. not (among all over M'num~ . c,' “You'n up 'stetestetttteet "Min Bourton," and the master. ,“X must congratulate you on the way Four' mate carried you. She has great speed. but how you stole such I puck on no at the commencement I can The master out. back. and the pack soon hit oft bl: tine stun; but the ground In so named with sheep that B bit or very cold hunting replace- the wild gallop they have so far revelled In. . part iiiir"iii'sFtutrr" _ detour: but she did wonder veg” _ what Teetotuttt would make, of th Thla was the the ttrst"reat Jump" I " had hitherto come to. and she thought it more than possible that her snare would come to grief over the hurdles: still. there was upbarently no sign of refusal about Teetotum. who came at them in right resolute fashion: but P" she neared them the mere was. (evidently puzzled: she swerved slightly- }to the ritrttt. halt checked her we: ye? then, Just as Kitty was wonder- I in: whether she who going to refuse or Rumble head foremost over them, she sprang Into the tur and buckled over them like a. deer. It was a. trick that might has spllled a practiced horIe-. man: as tor Kitty. she caught Teetatum fairly by the mane. and, though it was- touch and go she mused to retain her seat. Speaking of " afterward. she acknowledged that she mever 1781‘ so near of: in her lite." thrther went again“ but Teetotum's ignorance of; how to Jump hurdles had 'cost Kitty her lead; though she stlll remained quite in front. and was one of the very few who could boast of being actually with the hounds. Another half mile and the fun ls over; the bound. suddenly throw up. and n wel- come check comes jun In time to have more than one home from being ridden quite to a. sundstlll. Suddenly. Kitty becomessceonsseious that directly in her trons 00ml B line of sheep hurates--if6t m ot a fence. perhaps. bat Just such Jump as even a. trained hunter 3 may)»: would attempt to trattop thriitsrtct It never ocpuzred to her for an image. his beard as he thought how he had] thrown off the mob ot horsemen and,' how he could now safely say: "Rldol over them It you can gentlemen." while. at the same time. he wondered how long his, gallant steed could be expected to last at this pace-a prob- lem that was llkewlse beginning to concern all the leading men. Kitty only. Have no heed to It: utterly tit. toxlcatod mm her triumph, that she must come to the bottom Irf Teeto- tum shortly never occurred to her. She had led the fieN by qulte a dozen lengths for a good ton mtnutes. and only those '00 have beep tn n Bimittt [which can know wha\»an elyslum that Is. L, -'. reach the glrtha of that dark brown} mare. All in a cluster the hounds raced ttlong-you might have covered them with o. tabreetoth--and wide on the right, the master laughed low in DURHAM, co. GREY, WAY, MARCH 21, 1896. The fox, which had probably been headed, had changed his original point. Unable to get back to the cover. he had circled round, and taken a. line In the Very opposite din-Minn arm-we.» .rigv" "Bustle up. gentlemen, or upon’ my soul. the younx lady in front will)» the only one or us that will see the tend of in" and as that famous horseman spoke. he took a Judlclous pull at " horse, ttnd began to numb Mm all ha; knew, for what he saw would be a tax on the powers of every hunter in the‘ tletd. Hardly a cry, hardly a whimper as the pack raced across one bid new latter another. boundegl only by the smallest of knees. and the mere pre" tence of ditches. Kitty‘s blood was up by this and so was her mum's. and they took everything that came in their way without ttirtehintt; fortunate- ly there was nothing so far to try Tee- totum, and beyond that she Jumped unnecessarily high at the slight impe- dimenta they encountered. she acquit- ted herself admirably. Such a spread eagling or a tleld had rarely been wit- gel: riding a. horse Eclipse. "Cut down by a woman. by Jove cried one of the t1ttest horsemen Dan bury ever turned out-one who ‘g well known on every WA“ "I dldn't mean to ride, exclal Kitty ,"but such tempetation never in the way ot woman Ilnce Eve ate [fatal apple," and without more 7 the girl turned her horse at the te ' which Teetotum Jumped aucceutull: and in another moment she wu- teal ing across a forty-ttere ntubble tteu 1 hair a dozen lengths ahead or the fora most horseman ot the hunt. Team tum might be reckoned slow among he: mmpeera at Newmarket. but she was I ttyer among her competitors in ttu hunting tteld. With the strong leat she had obtained. and served by hei light weight. Kitty felt that unless he! man- felt down she would take tr det at catching. ij, Instantly Kitty rained up her hot and with wicked ears and quiver' limbs. Teetotum stood awaiting wt was going to happen. Very little bl ble, hardly a cry the pace war! good for that. and the hnunds siren: ed like swnllows across the road. _ to the high road. She had not 1" her horse a bare quarter of . mu the direction ot Lowood before. thirty yards In advance of her, a] red creature slipped through the a crossed the road, leaped lil'.',,"; could scarcely be called ate nd bank which divided the tqrpttMte ', from the highway. and It a Ions. I ttaTlop stretched across the open am :75. Tu+utttts-h'ttethats- Wham with,“ In m to Nisottotysoetttooqttat-_ 'gdt,e'l'rt"lapdr'fdefitl'N.' WI! thufmuy Column made no minim own " shot through his mind that they ind mommy made n Int-take about this mare It New The trainer had away! considered am she could no; stay, while her running had shown tttatie" was detktent in armed for short dunno. may. Dick and.“ in his “mind tte' over to Mood sud my; inquiries in the count» ot "I don't think double. or permu- treble the money would-buy her now: there are plenty of men shout here who certainly would give a hundred for her to-morrow, on the chance or her turning out a Jumper. You see this run we're talking of took place new the down country, and than II ttardtr, I. mace In it; but it was I wonderfully auto]: thlnl. and m- Bourton mowed ant " all events her max-e could so Nat." " "I know .her." mud Column. "t could hive bought her tor Atty lover- emu. the back end of last year. - "bu. JK '1‘ 'uiaa’eiiuna .0." we Robert Wnters. "I'm told she's I cast-ct! from 'the an: " "Odd." remarked Column, “you don't happen to know, do you. whether that mare bu ever raced t" "Yes." replied Mrs. Waters, "there has been much an: about that brown thoroughbred mire, and great curiov shy to see her perform again. but, though there have been several op- ponunitles. Mm Bounon has never attended a. meet since." "Weil, you‘rather surprise me: I can tnhxly have Been her out, manually, in my own country. .but I never heard of her riding in that fashion. I never even heard her talk of it." lid is7ariiuJ. FGG'IW" ttdiiiiir ‘sure Dick was not near enough to Ice it." Dick Colnton smiled at the (abut. He was good enough mu: over I country to hear such ttspertriotu' on " home manshlp with inditterenee. Suddenly .. thought struck him. and he said: "Do you happen to know what sort ot a horse it wtis she wan riding r. "Dick," she exclaimed. as they truth- ered round the dinner table on the evening ot My arrival, "how was it you never told us that (Ms Miss Bour- ton was what you men can 'tt cus- tamer r She out the whole held down the other day from Cluby Wood; even the beet ot the Danehury horsemen couldn't catch her tor ever BO Ion: t" mun-c, had run tttcean"awasr from those who thought to tree anything of them on wheels. and Mrs. Waters naturally felt the greatest curiosity about what had taken place upon that afternoon: we are always given to put n, ttetitlous value upon any pleasure we may hap- pen to min in this world. A very few inquirien were necessary to ac- quaint her with what did take place; and the fact that Misc Bourton, this new importation from Dick's country.‘ had got away. Heaven knows how. at the tail of the hounds. and literally defied any of them to catch her, ml the prominent feature in the Btory of that day. _ of merhmettt among the party. " gels an Otter. He it was an old-fashioned Christmas. him a lot of mane) all from: and snow. they skated. im.. a chance tn got I provlsed sleigha. took long tramps, and must take it. IT at times even relaxed BO far as to fall l another horsrr, but to snowbty11irur. If. on the othtlyyy% ry, , own. Lo um CW IV. 1eKTOTtm (ions TO Whom. True to his word, Dick canon tuqned up to pan; Christmas with his cou- sins at the Myrtles. I. pretty country house lying between Andover and Winchester, and when Robert Waters always contrived to gather a Vien- Bnnt party at thin season ot the year. He w” a man about four or live years ‘older than Colman. but full of tun and Co, and never more pleased than 'wh-m he had got the Myrtle: full to the at- ties for this annual gathering, The Myrtles was not a. big house. lid l though the way it was made to stretch i upon this occasion was put belief. and. to reflective minds. offered 5 won- derous picture ot what sort of quar- ters the younger bachelors must be al- iotted, still, there was never any want t"a 'ruApst h3m y from Gluby Wood, m “with aunt me an just be- $1 saga check Even when they my a head: I w_u among the use hug‘ dozen. and only Tectotum mm learned how to jump hurdles. “would have kept the lead to the and." re.7r?ttyt: do you mean t You put her ' V 'cAr,ditr " In: unity, . re ”JWEJMW not to mte' u: houn’u cold hunting eventually lung In the Ions or their tot Many All. congratulation- ollered Mlss tt= and the felt Elm dumm- l,"nt the Bttent8ott the garnet”. C . r unveiled to be In. the i, “m Bhe. not 'r.titsrr q, 'dldahe lulu-3h“. a» Atrete, the cw M: was: me, Lucy." tsrled tot on wen. lug," talc! be assisted his daughter Ind. tanner. not 1 new t you‘wrne twin. Colm- (glneu and you‘ll not A: we.» 'iii'.ieit tt u»: L w ' riij,ii?f:kctii, '" $9fi§%m$‘zfifi yaw“ TA 1"! my, "chh'ir", T a. a an. r--; gitiilics'fki, "t)5i1t'sii'ii,7css"iisyt,.i:iii, 'itMil ttef,?, Cad? #5; . . = ' A. A tim‘ZQrLuA iiiilrart ii i8? £16};er I iak w. given in an as“; (banal: One mile gallop." gun. ol ihtttr, {our cal, onto-lid! cup of (so an cos-Imam.) MON-ed blunt. on. our of In milk, Ulf smash. on. Ml t-poorttutot.trda - - MMhhotm. Katha-to JAPANESE OPPOSE PEACE. uni! froth: add the milk. bun-r, and. -- tt2httet dNh.eoir,',tt.rgtt, The Iclllure-I rower Hui-[n In. . . . 'e" Y! . :mto qlt--A'a$gtr.r ......, ........ '- :2: 2n'h"gtuy1thiy,t'.".t _ "eater. been. Muddy Mutton otan', Advice: from Shanghai unJor data of hour. March 12, wsyintt 'hat :1th it In vit. Bond a-ss...), thin-um, . My (only an!“ the Li Hung Chung '11 (with and...” bun-kl. Tak- Us. panama thanpuuu Govmt can M - and 19“ if you“. Inch 01 almost. mom- Inrmdcr high by“... york. cunni- pain m we canni- cinch- ." vary ”Malawi" m on" 'rtotritmrki'i"-eirx, bond». 11r2t,rg2X TRIM“, lid! 3'. - h qt'it-dsearsdem' [chum more-ell imht-cu-mih "In-china.” whit-J. don- nos.'ith Chin to an. a “Mind nun-wank 1','Xd'G1flt'l an duh- fur a Whaling»... gunman. ilitr,iG7u'llhrllUl. i'ii?iSlii, ’ tissue. Nix“ 'if..toettirheA,1er?pA..urrhAPAtrFit. _ t = tubule-p all. can?!“ a M a: , “quip-and”. novwmAh man-thus...» ate.' ,. 'tttut, “alum.- tlird fr.'tltl,t', 'lrard In" »“ titii.tiftigi'i9h' , 2 ‘ _ I _ L" " . _ _ 8.Mr, r tarMait BFtu,ttigt , i _ a «thiniafidwnc - = V ' f'tt2trtttrtfiiff?2 t.i,t,',1"f"Pi,iftii3diyr,,'iPe"r_ ' I: ii, “ME-175‘? is 1,-,'i,c,':.'.if':,] L',e1t.r..?d.-y. Gd5Et, _ _ . _ "iietetc1t?gt' _ Maw-n:- I 'l, h rt','ii'.i,its'ec.fi5,y,:,i'ii RM 1?2F'JrYT!,8r: ".' win: new?» 1 7gis'. mi"Pa"-Atg'h"r.,'. ,awwqwx W“. tl V", ”a." * m A,r "SMMI18EMb" mem "elB!l?, - for . I - ' . - , .. V” . The [allure-I - Playing. In. q1t--A'a$ter" will: Mm- l.- v IIMQE. Advices: from Shmghui undu- due of March 12, "yintt the dmoqh it it til- luslly "ttted tbat Li Hug Chung tn - to the anueu Gout-um! (Cram cl duo» anoint. “rumin- high annu circle: no Vary nuptial "paling iii canal-ion of pact Tho hm up, 1-40”:de to melt Pith. but. a... Chunky-dot- not.“ om. a In. "No." replied chk. " was prepared to wring a good at! from the origins! price you offered her at, but ttve him dred I: beyond me. I'm not saying. for one moment she Isn’t worth it, but we've yet to see that she can do more Joe Bourton had been so perslxtently unlucky in the little raeintr that he had done at Newmarket that it was hardly to be expected he could retrain from bragglng about the only one of his breedlng that had as yet elven uy promise, sllght as the grounds wine that he had to so upon. ' Wes." replied Dick. as they shank hands. "'r quite agree with you. I made a mistake In not taking her. Is there any chance at our eomintr u. a deal now I'" " doubt not." said the farmer. driir, "I reckon she'd be cheap It ttve ttun- dred if she turns out What I expect her to, and it " not likely you will be quite at my way of thinking." WW w - """-erTrr' "'1!"- Ttow the spread-agua thy ttmst" at month .30 from Claxby Wood 1' There’s a good me tn her, I'm think- ing. badly " tthe has performed hither- to. However, we shall see In the ter- on with her education." -iiiFeidsrne to Lowood. Mr. Column," said a cheery volce Behind him. "What do you mm; por ortht mare that That eventually Diek shnuld wish to have another look at Teetotum is nocdlosu to cbservo. as that Kltty should he only too delighted to exhibit lwr favorite. Once attain Dick was struck with tho improvement in the mare. She had grown big and muscu- lar, was in rare condition. and when the stableman threw ott her rugs, her brown coat was almost bright enough to shave at. Dick was more struck with her than ever; he wan rantmr in love in two places. and " this mo- ment it would have been hard to lay whether he was most smltten with the mare or her wrest. A __ ty that grows up under our very nose. With the exception of that one day In September Dick had tteen nothing ot the Bourtons since they had Iewt the Scrubs, and there can be no doubt that a separation of that description very often awakens the appreciation of a girl's good looks. the Svrubs." This was not altogether the case. but Dick had been neona- tomed to ace her constantly from a child. and We are apt to overlook beau- a. chance to got " back over her" he must take It. He any: he'll get me another horse, but I should be very sor- "I'm afraid I shah _ -t_-e .....m to say to It." replied the 'ttrt. "it father gels an Orton He says Teetotum owes him a lot of money, and that it he gets " suppose you wot “a! hoo- " her being sold now l"' "Just so." replied Knty, "and she is improving wonderfully. I assure you she goes over a sheep hurdle very nice.. ly now, if she Is not hurried." "thuf do you sneak you'ée tear!!- lnz her to Jump T' rejoined Dick. "I've no other horse, Mr. Cowon," replied the and. gmlling. "and Team- "er, at nchool for the present." "But how I: it. then, you have never been out since I'" . . ed and gave him her. account on. not even extenuating Teetotimy, mi.. behavior " the hurdles. but, the con. eluded triumphantly. "Nobody could omen me up to that. and I was close up wlth the leaders when the bounds threw up. half a mile further on." _ "No trouble spur that." mm, hits, cousin. "hut 'ontr remmbcr. I mare that can so In our any comm: would ttot no me WW smog! 8,tltr, Wad ditches. I new“. my "I luppooe, Bob, you can W190 something to- pfde or drive over” Lowood? b" 0" Ju' Dsck Colman Ion nts ume’ju any: Robert Water; Into his txttttMettm, III; team: him that " .11. could pick W1 Teemtum at a reasonable 7m he would take that mare back with . with . View td converting her Into I steeple-chaser. . romance; he " ona'diiiiUi'iiii1 vemuon. ' ‘x “ t ' -' new to pound “Jun. - tit lynch {mpg-end by army-g 'that didn't want the tint ot the ' Q gain. Was it not Just a hitters)!» -; came Inch sum that cost one of o A host eminent trtatetsmetrttt. life t He "ca? 1thought the cob ottered him too er a."si "tttse.' priee.and bought one 'xor , "money, which made a. mistake, - ' him and weed his death. How ' 7 "4 no one knew better than.Di,ck I; that Whatever you may want army;- Pc' it_ is always _ mistaketo dtqbrt ra hum look at in the sale rm: ”£13111 9mm iL.aa-ru. in u “In: new. for an old-MM tan- d. which in can vary min in New "meta Vina-F. Ibi- makel I moth. that dud-gym: a (Minute my man. law to the old method. Pour “It. “Map while trot, and mix tho- "9lr-M, B. B. _ Recipes. Csbbsge Suki. -Bave, the tsbUge, chop [rd in and in a deep duh. Put an . luv-pun, over. richer hot Sre, one cup. in] of thick mom- cream. Stir in white hosting the yolk: of “no well-begun eggs Add I M I “spoonful eaett of mum-d “an.“ and bum u. in of an egg, Ink . dub a! chit: pep I an! an. Irriu ”his", "fr. in' his captnl 9f In linking n - pic. pin Ln inch-wide up)“ when cloth «and the edge of the pit. “in will pnwnwhej rice from cook- ing orrr me edge. a few nigh] “Gm" who roirirst an n from uneven. . _ Pies would be Inked in . mode-nub hot oven to A light brown. Hue the amber bacon tho bottom. that the under crud. my be wellithd. u mm biopsy kind will Ilidt in. an: Lin TP'. ”In! vim-o GatRtrkiRFri "akin, may 1rittiouF.Uiimdit6 am. " (“Jig in Mama! to spark-tin. Hive f tin It In honor. when asking pics, to m Ulf And In", or one-third Ind sud (no. thirds buttarr.but [Inf puke should be made ot butter done. Una good. sweet hum; and it pastime me home rendered leaf Ind. Alvuy- an the Itour before using, Add the all. sud thoroughly chop the shunning in the Bow-. Use enough ice-com In.» to bold ail Mr, bundling a mu. .1 poc- u‘ble. Pinch otrpttotrit dough for one can: roll Iingy and roll from you. Use only tlr"tr euungh on the rolling pin and bound [ to keep the dough from ntickiny. Never Emu.- tho pie ml. but. dust, tightly with In muting putty mixyt quickly, Avoid nausea-any kindling-ad Mk. handma- ly turr'oto it (on into the oven " once it vii! be tough and bury. Never at. the bud! to mix putty. it you run it than Ind flaky. Ute. instead, - brand-bidet] knife. nu: cud-ghee. Girl; um wut'toknd A MI, tee. tivo " to Windhoek. when they var than: on vow dusty consciou- m adding ttowe-es Thus no mad. ot "tin ribbon on which awn-own, we, do“ together, some tlo- yum Hinge. A ”and“ xibbau thickly a; Awash pink with an, Md I third h white _ Thea coll-n take rigulu dock collar, and I i bow in the hick . {be . thiam- 'dl"r'lll'l' wm tut ml htmolhhion. Thole It. with In much unti- 'i"setd..a.m adietod nth pf the up, and the mm mm nun halo of ttsed-tthte, uhould pun-"l bin-mu who!!!” tood. The at, but than» and in on uncom- lombly baud dining-room pull. upon the -tito and the app-noon of the food, the dish.- Ind them] Inner in which who food is put. upon ttto umchrgcly Affect the inclinuion of the dinner. ngrmbly or, othrtr_ l Dim cloxhu And upkiiu should be It 1 snowy whim dun-ink "fstsod " the edge: with . hand-nude Inn. And if mauled with . money“: or inn-h than thonld br embroidered with white silk or linen iioes. They would be 001'. hundried. the cloth ironed with u {at folds u pmihio, and the nnpkiu u'mply tUded azure. A Chapter on Pastry. 51% [ v Wu“ L"rv1'e'r:' 'I _ a; , ml was illliiiliiii,isrieT, ' " 'tllllrth a: may Trifles. list. Ind m Adjusted Que-632d My, go that Shun to the toiUt. The e."' in a thing of the "it-ttU" m MK dear. 'fd no not: . In In. tatm. F,'ih'E.tti'it Iyer Mel” Ara given, it in over it in only a: afoot. men between stanchi- @310". Undone. we have} right to " or union Hume] w and“ . able it 5172th ','y.trarm-d 'tit/t mama. Cmiit4mr, In the old stand. All hand. méde shoes. Also V f Horse Shoeing Shop, ALLAN MCFARLANE FOR 1WENTY-FIVE YEARS --AT- BOULDIN a. GO' First-Class Hearse. & DUNN’S vB-Attila, POWDER PRIME Bus opened out a iirsNelatttr Connection! with manning um waning tntuctrnm 1)arlosutarremtseteat Pullman» Wurtousouruuurtouagine.rui-gst- _ Durhtun' \Holuom Mt.rrororst. Pdmonmn Gull-h. Tomato Londo n Of the USDHYFAKING Promptly nttaoNd to, _ nub-m Holman n ' It. Fore-t. Manama n Guelph . Toronto. London fHEcooK§ 351mm hhitt “in! colleges. Tim Tho emulate. mad n nouno‘rnmu cant "qtt orto any ll Hundredxor mung men and woman Inna!“ I basin": count: during tho pineal: Teagtorhq are now worms!“ in luminou- (walling mu Polite. Thu lmunmueoune oft-wily“ tat um max: through and romplm in M. in as much in the junior aetmrtmotttaaim lb.- ue cottr.- of many or tbs ”all“ boda- SEE OUR HARNESS. UPPER Town. f,f'jjrts"i'i(',rifg'tr,; - "_' _j.:r."._,,.i.'. ‘S will to be found in bid Old shad [ opposite the Durham Bakery. shame-{E .1. i :1me on luui: IPI 2ttthr. hump! t __ __ __. v - a Autumn] Banish): Datum-1m hut-acted Drum mum! animation: nude on All will... Do» " rmseiri' and inll'tekt xlln'ul " 'N8Nqgte at“. At.A.eL...p.?.ytgpr_Tst, 'riiaiii%arirre m - 16A; A Ontario. Quebec: Hair; and Mnrruutd. woonwonx in conneoiiu'l. e "V A firtsbelastr lot of i, W. P. Cowan, T President, " Paid up 1.000.” BESERV E FUN D mango JAKE KRESS Head orrsGHoexmto. , CAPITAL. Authorized $2,000,000 Furniture StandardBank armada Grand Trunk Railway. rriynTaEG,i.E. . m: 81 veneer. nt mum. “may: wmam REVIEW OFFICE. GAB BT., BUREAU. OWEN SOUND. ONT., o-ic, / is'itiiJ/,,ii(s-i-iij?tfji- ies'itimsil,-,i(1sr-i-i/, -._.l/ M; Thursday: Wmthitt a GENTS in all for mischug. 1l1.Wprm AGENCY‘ HARNESS MAKERS. spinners 3m. Best Quality Cheaper ' THAN EVER. Ensign“ Enucu'xox. .--TO A'PrEyiD-- HARNESS (IE, GREY m mu? 30 tf a) lulUHSS bank dogma: ototatr on”)! Mtetttao- middl- men; livluausdilhneu. NO your! ( J A.FLEmG --AT 21m-. romplm m cuac%ia or aeptvrtmotttaaim m.- " the Ito-allot! boda- nud C0urHy " thorough-ad any“ of the Anna] A... mg tall partimttam, " u J ARE KBESS. J. KELLY, mg. rind l . in sw/dir?,,,),',',','," State. . P. Reid. Geo Hausa Principal mm p. g 4dtt 6 40 mm 7ao " fa.‘.m+~, ' $3}! U 22 go ill

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