West Grey Digital Newspapers

Grey Review, 21 Mar 1895, p. 2

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.â€"The man Hendershott and his' accomplice, W. D. Welter, who were | arrested last December ou a charge of ] having foully murdered a young man recently from England of the name of | Hendershott also, were up for trial in l St. Thomas last week. Our readers I will remember that Hendershott Sr. effected an insurance upon ‘the life of #‘endcrshuzz Jr. and was supposed to ve committed the murder for the . parpose of obtaining the amount of se._ ‘The trial lasted over eight paftays before Chict Justice Mereditk. \ Mr. Osler conducting the prosecution wud Mr. Norman McDonald the deâ€" Xence. At its conclusion the Judge Apreseuted a clear and elaborate sumâ€" ~ /mary of the evidence, when the Jury in a very short time brought in a verdict of guilty against both Henderâ€" shott and Weiter. The verdict of the court will take effect on the 18th June pext The ‘Globe‘ correspondent %pomzmz Welter has made a fall nfession of the crime. â€"The Northern districts of Ontario are beginning to attract attention. ‘The Temiscamigne district, lying due porth of Toronto and extending to Hudson Bay, is not an unbroken wilderness even now, for some settlers have already gone in and many more are expected tofollow this year. ‘The district is rich in natural wealth, in forests, in minérals. in fisheries. The climate is said to be similar to that ot Dntario, and the ordinary cereals vegâ€" etables and fruits are said by actual settlers to be grown in abundance. _A railway company the Nipissing and James Bay Ruilway Coy. received a charter some years ago tfor the buildâ€" Jeg of a railway through the Temis caminge district. So far nothing has heen done. _ But the eity of Toronto, which naturally would command the trade of the district, is bestirring itself in the matter, so that possibly active meps for t‘e construction of the road may be takea before long. â€"In his address to the is P . ctoe aneiente towel Sir Richard Ca}r)tw}:'?;g‘tc :;It;‘(_lfl‘ ;pnrl;,:t:,l,',j,;"j".nnd.m‘le’” xt Iincer the C A f 6 :?l'}t ts der the protectivye tariff of the | tion. undm}[:i:}’,’ldo"d] $ mst sixteen years the people of Canâ€" thus raised ? V\«'Ku: 2;:: ada bac paid, partly for revenue arâ€" himself into! He says t poses and partly into the pockets Otpthe honest and intelligent n :imnur;wmr‘,‘r‘*, the sum cf=one bi‘Jion appear to have examind! ollars or $60,000,000 per year. In g}bl:}: {}hey are placed. g:’::d:‘""]fl every single igmily in that the r'ari’fi?'fhm’ has for the last sixteen years Reform:rs '“c;?x; tflfr pPeen compelled to pay on many of the | platfomns, C m of life the sum of one | _ Patron are honest met C dollars More than: that, Kechnie; so they are a 4"7 large percentage of that suru courage of their convicti been nsed not for revenue former party ties, ho nor even for the immedhwm mmnflp.tmg themselt® $bo manufactarers themselves, but, it | try n tn than io parly gourse was c the Minerve it The wrath of P remature for â€"Sir. MacKenzie Bowell is in a sore «trait. _ One of his lieutenants, Mr. Clark Wallice, has been attending the kmuuge Convention at St. Catherines, %hr. moment of confidence has disâ€" clo so it is said, to the brethren some state secrets in reference to the O usparalleled in local history. Indeed, it is questionable whether so remarkâ€" awbie a tribute of popular affection and public respect was ever before paid to auy Uanadian politician here or elseâ€" wnere. â€" It seemed as if our entire popâ€" milation, strengthened by thousands from the surrounding country and Opher parts ot the districts, bad turned wut as of one accord to do honor to the man to whom the whole Dominion so «lelights to honor at present and whose «commection with (Quebec reflects so quuch lastre upon it." l â€"The " Montreal Witness " speaking of the magniticent reception given to M~. Lanrier in Gu bâ€"e says: lt stands usparalleled in local history. Indeed, it is questionable whether so remarkâ€" â€"The Orange Sentinel has come out | in tavor or tariff [reform as necessary | for the welfare of the Deminion. lt | estimates that the manutactures which | would be beuetitted by free trade have | au aunual output of $$42,000,000 while I shose dewetied by protection only proâ€" duce «1344 1, OWUannually, and points | ous toat trade with Britain would be | enormousiv increased ifour tariff fences | were thrown down, allowing us to make our purchases there we could make more sales there in return. Light is dawning every where. | â€"The falling off in Canadian trade is ; is not an immoral doctrine to assert assuming alarming proportions, A deâ€" | that every community has the right to zi‘:‘ew‘;' ‘;’V:"mel*’l";fi "“1:“‘:‘;, “"‘,‘("‘l‘"“ | govern, and that cach generation has c vith o e eight | a e cites ; months ending Feb. 28 is bad enough, ] the right to 'm.zLe its laws in sucl: C and March will show a still further| Manner asto it may seem best. He, arop. There never was a time when I‘ Dr. Caven, was not in favour of State experience comb.ned with honesty was | Churthes or Separate Schools, and, mere necded in Dominion affairs thAN | white the Government could. not Unâ€" the present, and though no govermenrt | ter exls tas Torte probably could stop this decline, much | 4¢" ¢xisting conditions force the sepâ€" might %e doue to mitigate its conâ€" ; aration of the seculrr and thc' sacred, sequences by a rational fiscal policy. | it would be a violation ot the principle prrmarteninntcancetiimmenmme | of religrious liberty for any government _ _ â€"The Orange Sentinel has come out | to force the adoption of Separate Schools fil:ta&;:- ‘i’: ffirf :f‘”";‘:‘ l’:‘ n‘;fl%’“"“‘f; ; against the wishes of thespeople. The relfar malnion. & s estimates that the manutactures which | Roman C“"h(’,hcs of Manitoba °° ntend would be beuctitted by free trade have | +h@t the Public Schools of Manitoba, as an aanual output of $342,000,0UO while | now existing, are not pubfl‘cfbm. Protâ€" nuse pewetitted by proteetion only proâ€" | estant. Against this Dr. Caven deâ€" ‘:“'3“’":““ ’U;u“:i::”“."!' ‘:g ulp:l)mbt: | murred, and averred, from his own. trad Britain s , Mn sore enormousiy increased ifour tariff fences | P°s0n@l knowledge, that they â€"were were thrown down, allowing us to| not Protestant but National,. The tundâ€" make our purchases there we could | amental principles â€"ot religion he !md:e mvrgw!est_hv;em return. Light | admitted were taught in them, but faciewitits exeny SHctss wer: purely Catholic and not dencmâ€" inenesien sfi seteagieareentoccmenmengne abea inational, for the religious truths â€"The "Montreal Witness " speaking o s : of the magmnificent reception given to taught were achptcd by both the M~. Lanrier in Gu bâ€"esays: ‘Itstands | Roman Catholic, Protestant and uiparalleled in local history. Indeed, ]C(»puc churches. And there was no t as queagtionable whether so g‘emurk- | reason wh.\' Roman Catholic and Protâ€" "bti.: :‘;b““; “’:’ :‘m’&%fi"’“ i:lmtg | estant should not jiin in articulating ::) ',J‘,,;‘fim politiclan here g:’ cBeâ€" ' together those Christian truths that wnere. â€" It seemed as if our entire popâ€" | were the common property of all Cbrisâ€" ; ilation, strengthened by thousands I tians. His advice was to leave Maniâ€" ‘ rom the surrounding country and | toba alone. However much some may ’ ther parts ot the districts, had turned | dissent from Dr. Caven‘s conclusions, ut as of one accord to do honor to the | al1 must admit the cogeney of hisl man to whom the whole Dominion so | argament and the high Christian tone ) lelights to honor at present and whose | which pervaded his appeal. | some such his possession â€"Grand Master Hughes‘ position on the Manitoba School Question was nut, endorsed by the Grand Lodg= which passed several amendments to his address. The Grand Lodge did not show the same consideration tor the Ministry as did Mr. J. L. Hughes. â€"The latest strike is that of the bootâ€" makers in England. â€" Already 200,000 are out and it is still growing. ‘These men should be able to come to or make & "good understanding." Che 6regs Actiew. â€"A recent divison in the Nova | ple, the difference going into the pocl Seotia Legislature decided against the | ets of the manafactures. :’g!mnchisemem of woman by & vote | ommc nin ie io roachie e 21 to 12. The same motion last year | THE MANITOB j was defeated by 3 so the women‘s case | o A_S_CE.OOL GuEsHON is not progressing. 1 The Rev. Dr. Caven has lifted u1 DPURHAM, MARCH 21, 1895. ns ‘} The. Patrons‘ Representatives have * |lost no. time in bringing forward the . t promised batch of retorms in the manâ€" ‘ | agement of the affairs ot this Province. ~ | The tirst of the series was the abolition h f of Government House, and on Wednes ) day Mr. Haycock moyed that the â€" | maintenance of Government House be ; | discontinued at the end of the present + | occupant‘s term of oflice. The speech , | with which the leader of the Patrons K ] introduced his motion could not be callâ€" | ed a brilliant effurt and could only be | said to reach even a low level, when ; 1 he said, that the Province could expend | to very much better advantage in the | Public charities the money new given | for the maintenance of Gov. House. i All yvery true, but that is no argument against the maintenance of Governâ€" : ment House. | The Hon. Mr. Mowat raised the ] question out of the sphere of parish politics. _ He said there might be disâ€". advantage in the maintenance of Govâ€" : ernu ent House by she Province, but there were certainly advantages. The question however was an open question ":md he did not regard it as one of | {-arty politics. But in order that the louse might be able to vote inteiliâ€" gently on the question he considered it proper that a small committee should be appointed to collect the facts relatâ€" ing to it and present a report to the House before any decision would be l arrived at and Mr. Mowat moved acâ€" cordingly. Hisamendment was carried by a majority of seven. Unfortunately, on this occasion the Patrons were comâ€" mitted to the motion for abotition, and could not therefore support the Attorâ€" ney General however much the course proposed by Mr. Mowat might comâ€" mend itself to them. « e ra'i';é;“;re honest men, says Mr. Mcâ€" Kechnie; so they are and possess the courage of their qonviti‘t«ions. remgug all WC PR s I for“r;lâ€"e“r party ties, however strong. emancipating themselves and.becoming free men, devoting â€" fln:xue{vu to ‘coug'- Another subject, upon which the Opâ€" position expected to seeâ€"the Patron members arrayed against the Governâ€" ment, was that of the purchase of supâ€" plies for Public Institutions . The Opposition contended that the proper mode was by tender, the Covernment averring that the tender‘ system, whenever in the public interest, had always been pursued, but that at times as in the purchase of food supplies, it sometimes was in the public interest to buy in the open market. The Opposiâ€" tion however brought the matter to a head by moving that the supplies for Public Institutions should be supplied by public competition. _ Mr. Marter represented the opposit.on side of the House, but had nothing either new or interesting to say. Mr. Cleland, of North Grey pointed out that the Gov ernment system was followed by the county councils, and as to the charge of favoritism, he stated that when Pomâ€" inion cruisers came to Owen Sound, the creaws pot only knew where to purchase snpplies, but would not even buy their drinks from anyone but Conseryatives. The amendment was deteated by a StR,â€"In closing this controversary, 1 must say that Mr. McKechnie forcibly reminds me of the manner in which the cuttle fish seeks to escape when pursued, surrounding itself with inklike secreâ€" tions from its own body. Hus he not eject,ed an immense quantity of emanaâ€" tions from his brain, clothed them in printers ink, and endenvored to escape in an imagitmrg cloud of misrepresentaâ€" tion, and hig IK coloredâ€" stitements, thus raised ? What afury he bas lashed himself into! â€" He says that Patrons are honest and intelligent men, who do not appear to have examined the position in which they are placed. Patrons will thank Mr, McKechnie for insinuating that they are idiots for not mixl‘ppaniug Reformers ‘because of a similarity of majority of sixteen, Mr. MeNichol vot ing with the majority and Leader Haycock on the opposite side, Editor Review, its future. Not only had not the 12000 Manitobans the right to bind the fut ure of the Province, but Great Britain herselt had not the right to do so, nor had those present the right to bind the people of twenty five years hence. It is not an immoral doctrine to assert that every community has the right to The Rev. Dr. Caven has lifted up, or attempted to do soâ€"the Manitoba School Questfon to a high moral level. At a large mass mee ing held in Torâ€" onto for the purpose of protesting against any interference by the Domâ€" inion Government with the Province of Manitoba in the management of her schools, the Rev. gentleman said, that the question was not a Jegal one, but political. The State was a living organism ard had ro right to bind has been used for the purposes of mainâ€" taining a corrapt government it l;:ower by buy ing up the electors and with their own money. Thirty or forty raillions of doliars 2 year to be divided among a few hundred wealthy corporations is a prize well worth striving for. And this the manufacturers bave done sucâ€" cessfully under the National Policy. There are many instances under the present tariff in which for every dolâ€" lar of revenue that goes into the public treasury twenty are paid by the peoâ€" ple, the difference going into the pockâ€" ets of the manafactures. THE HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY. . Apy animadâ€" CaTarRRa ReuneyED IN 10 to 6orxores.â€" One short puit of the breath hrough the Blo(cr, supplied with each b tile: of Dr. T knR e P c he uy t on ty 1 190 ie CCR L CT ie an Ehi Ag.'n}w‘s Catarchal Powder, diffuses this Powder over the surfce of the nasal passages, Painless and dolightful to u*e, it relieves in «tantly. and permanently cures Catamb, Eay Fever, Colds, Headache, Sore Throat, Tonâ€" ailitis and Deafess, 60 cents. At MCFARLAXE & Co. â€" Mr. W. Ellot, of Chesley, was a guest at J. T. Foster‘s on Sunday last. 8 Mr. James Pryle is at present the guest af our townsman, E. Muldoon. R. M. Dargayel is meditating the sale of his land and Mill property anud has already received several offers. In case of sale he intends to try his fortunes as a farmer in Dakota. Haas § '"15[:6;}:Iei"li_i[ré:-{ .\v:iS forced to close school on the l4th inst. by & ternporary illness. Mr. George Castle, of Manitoba, and Miss Tilly Shepherds, of 2nd con. of Holland, were made one on the 4th inst. at the residence of the bride‘s father. Mr. Stotz, of Allan Park, tied thenuptiâ€" al knot. _A few days after the marriage they jeft for Manitoba, â€" The best wis%- esof their Dornock acquainiances accomâ€" pany them. Mr. Harry Hunt, merchant of ths village, is to havean auction sale of stock and farm property duriug this week. Sseko e sn h _ Miss Dorothy Camp now lights up the home of Dr. Sroith by her winning smile and attractive quatities, | _ What has become of the money: l Their auditors‘ report bas items as folâ€" | lows :â€"Mallory, travelling _ expenses, | $376.08; hotel do. $185.55; time, $404 : | slationery, $13; giving a total of $974â€" | 23. Curry gets $780.70 of which $142.25 [ are for hotel expenses, _ Walsh gets $1,134, which is audited in three items. [ The county of Grey is credited with $053â€" 08, this is all dues, there is no account given at all of the money received for ~charters for new lodges instituted durâ€" ing B3 nor of the initiation fees, and it must be remembered that the county association retains an equal amount, making a total <f $1,206.00 paid by the farmers of Grey to this huge combine for which nothing is received in return. The extravagance of the grand lodge of Patrons of Industry may be illustrated by a comparison of the cost of their audit with that of the county of Grey. To account for the sum of $8,583,73 it cost the Patrons Industry the sum of $106.00 or a little over $12 Eer thousand. The auditors report for the courty of Grey is a much better report, much more in detail and more comprehensive, and accounts for $84,977.28 costs for audiâ€" tors $50.00 or less that $1 per thousand, The auditors of the county of Grey cost $80. The auditors of the Patrons of Inâ€" dustry cost $106, or $26 more than the equnty avditors, and still thk latter accounts for nine times as much money and in better style. The county gets more work done for one dollar than the Grand Lodge does for twelve. A perâ€" usal of those figures will show the many readers of your valaable paper that the Patrons are ruled with extravagance, and, if the utterances of their platâ€" form s;lw.'lkers are to be relied on, that they only account for a small pel'(‘PntA{fje of the money received from the sub. lodges. Thanking you Mr. Editor for the space you have so kindly allowed me. Cheer up! Spring is coming and winter‘s backbone is almost broken. Don‘t lament over the many hanlships and freezings you have experienced in the winter; you will know much better how to en‘jov sprinÂ¥ on that accountâ€" one consolation_at least. r one consolation_ at ieast. Mr. Wiliiam Hay jeft for Manitoba on the 11th dust. where be will spend the summer months in farming purâ€" suits. A FarxER wHO OPPOSES ALLAXN Dromore, March l1th Please to giye me space in i'om- colmns to correct the impression likely to be created by the mistatement of the writer. As the auditors‘ report of the P. I‘s for 1898 is at hand I willl contine my remarks to that year. The report (for 1833) that is circulated amongst the lodges gives the total receipts at $8,583.73. It must be noticed, however, that this is all dues «nd that not a dollar of the money paid for initiation fees nor the mo.ey paid for charters for new lodges is accountâ€" ed for at all. It is well known that there were many thousands initiated into the order and Patron speakers claimed a grogx-ess of 1250 new }mlges in tnat year, ut still no account is given either of the init! tion fees or of the charter money. Article 2, section 15, of the constitution reads: "The revenue of the grand lodge shall consist of the charter fees and of the proportion of the per capita tax “’hicL the constitution requirs to be forâ€" warded by the county secretaries to the Editor Review, SIR,â€" A writer in your issue of Feb. 28th makes the assertion that every year there is a financial report in full detail accounting for all monies paid by the subordinate Patron of Industry lodges and that such a financial report is cireuâ€" lated among the members. This asserâ€" tion is incorrect but is made in ignorance of the facts and not with any intention to falsify. Durham March 12th 1895 Mr. McKechnie has been badly misâ€" taken, for he imagined he could put me on the defensive. â€" There is such a thin as carrying the war into Africa, \\'nfi such weak and careless opponents, the most successful coup is to meet attack by attack and pay no attention to deâ€" fence. The proper weapons, in a newsâ€" paper tilt, are honesty, truthfuiness, facts, logic, and the ability to use them effici(-mf_v. Evidently Mr. McKecknie‘s armoury is not swrej with these necesâ€" sary arms, and he is so great a partisan, as to be oblivious to all else but the desire to get support for the man of his choice, in any way possible ; therefore, this time, staked his all on the usual party tactics, and most ingloriously, disastrously and ignominously failed. War GORSLINE, him and he was made sperker for the rest of the Parliament. {zhe party thus condoned his wrong doing and rewarded a imost corrupt part isan. pope } and when the bills came in, he added twenty per cent to them. He thus, in four years pocketed $20,000 of the counâ€" try‘s money to which he had no right â€" stole it. Anglin resigned to escape being unseated, his constitueney n--oh-ctvs Mr. McKechnie says that no charge of corruption was ever brought againt the McKenzie government. . 1 (-itcft,wo in my last letter, and will give another. Anglin was speaker of (fle House of Commons, received a salary of $5.000 a year, but that was not sufficient to satisfy him. He was allowed to pass printing contracts through his hands, Mr. McKechnie says by the use of these words and similar terms I reflect on the citizens of town, so did thousands of former Couservatives and thousands who previously were Reformers reflect, by the way they marked their ballots last June, on the citizens of the Province of Ontario. â€" Hence the election of so many Patrons to Parliament. _ So did hundreds of those who were formerly Conservatives and hundreds of former Reformers reflect on the citizens of Centre Grey, which is, thanks to the Gerrymandering of the Mowat Governâ€" ment, a complete Tory hive, by the election of Gamey the Patron, when there were both a traight Reform and Conservative candidates. And sinilarâ€" iy did hundreds of those who were forâ€" merly Reformers reflect on the citizen, of South Grey, in thunder tones, by electing Patron MeNichol with the splendid majority of 700. versions I have used were directed point» edly at those who knew that the party, to which they belonged, did that which was wrong and still clung to that organization, no matter how corrupt, or extravagant. DORNOCH RIPPLES We de No No y i o e TEnMSr $1.00. To be paid for at time of & Service. Aberbeen, Nov. 12, IS9HL. for service during season of 1894â€"95, Registered in the "Canada Berkshire Swine Record" as No. 2056. Farrowed Nov. 21st 1803, and bred by Jno. Meyer," Kossuth, Ont. y SHINGLES! The C. P. R. and G. T. R. have reduced the rates on flour and grain from ail points in Ontario to Queber and the Maritime â€" Provinces. The reduction amounts to 24 cents per 16J1bs., and has stiffened the price of flour, oats, millâ€" feed and bar‘e; wonderfu ly in Toronto THROUEEBRED BERKSHIRE B04AR. um e ‘ 4 s cz 2 W 4 â€" 5 C 2 A Sxir Tarovex TeE Markers.â€" Eggs are reported firmer, and se‘l at 124 cts in Toronto. The cable price of cheese has advanced 1 shilling and stands at 5ls. It is cabled from Glasgow thit the cattle market is casier, while in Buffalo on March 18, prices were 20 to 25 cts higher for desirable steers and 10 to 15 cts higher on lower grades. An imnroved demand exists for stockers and feede:s and offerings being light prices advanced. For hogs there is a fa‘r enquiry at $4.65 to $4.80 for cho‘ce, while vl:ess-,‘d hogs in Toronto range slightly below $6. COMPOUND. Arezont discovery by an old physician. . Successfully used monthly by thousands of Ladies. Is the only perfectly safe and reliable medicine disâ€" covered. Eeware of vuprincipled drugzists who offer inferior medicines .n place of this. Ask for Cook‘s Cotton Root Compound, take no mubstiâ€" fute, or Inclose $1 and 6 cents in postago in letter and we willsend, sealed, by return mail. Fullsealed particulars in plain envelope, to ladics only, £ stamps, Address ‘The Cook Compauy, Wood 2!t, lone...... Turkeys per Ib...... Geese ole en Ducks, _ * Chickens, per pair Apples per bas ... Prion 25 Oanta at Porky i P Ni. fider,. **"/.... Sheepâ€"kine, eac Butter per DD.... in 20 armurekg, also Coated Tongue, Disclâ€" ness, Brlicusaess, Pain in the sm-’.:&m-és-h. ‘Torpid Liver, Bad Breath. to stay also regulate the bowels.. vEAY MIOG TO TAKS. Cure. SICK HEADACHE and Moutsigia in ‘:qsuylnllfll. also Coated Tongue, Dizciâ€" Fall Whoat per Spring Wheat Oats, Pens, Barley, Potato®s, Hay per ton ... Flour per 1001b Oatmeal _ ** Shorts ts Bran +6 ic e enc ‘Windsor, Ont., Canade, Sold by all Druggiste. GADDâ€"In Normanby, on Tuesday, 16th inst., Mrs. Thos. Gadd, Sr. relict of the lite Thos. Gald. Aged 79 years. LOT $2, CON. 3, W. G. R. BENTINCEK, BEctâ€"MiGHToxâ€"On Wednesday 18th inst by the Rev. Mr. Jansen, Mr. Rolt Bell, of Glenelg, to Miss Maggie R. Mighton, of Bentinck. This fine animal will be kept on the premises of Jno. Clark jr.. i BoLptâ€"In Williamsford, on the 8th inst. the wife of Wim*J. Boldt, of a daughter. BARBERâ€"In Normanby. on Saturday the 9th of March, to Mr. and Mis. Rich. Barber, a son. BARRYâ€"In Glenelg, on the 27th of Feb. the wife of John Barry, of a son. IRYVINEâ€"In Sullivan, on the Sth of Feb. the wife of John Irvine of a son. SmTHâ€"In Bentinck, on March Ist the wife of Michael Smith, of a daughter. DUNCANâ€"In Glenelg, on the 11th inst. the wife of Wim. Duncan, of a daugh ter. BELtâ€"In Glenelz. on Sunday the 10th of March, the wife of John Bell, of a son. WELSEâ€"Inâ€"Bentinck, onâ€" the Sth of February the wife of James Welsh of a son. eel factured by the California Fig Syrup Co. only, whose name is printed on every package, also the name, Syrup of Figs, and being well informed, you will not #ecopt any substituto if ferod. Its excellence is duo to its presenting it. the form most acceptab‘e and pleasâ€" ant to the tasta, the rc freshing and truly beneficial propertice of & perfect larâ€" ativo ; effectzally cleansing the system, dispelling colds, headscher and fevers aud perimanently curing sons‘pation, It has given sati Zaction to millions and met with the approva« of the medical profession, because it acts en the Kidâ€" neys, Liver and Bo â€"x)s without weakâ€" ening them and is is perfectly froe from every objectionybie substance. Syrup of Figs is for salo by all drugâ€" gists in 7%c. %)"tplcs. but it is manuâ€" Brings comfort and improvement and tends to personal enjoyment when rightly used. The many, who live betâ€" ter than others und enjoy life more, with less expenditure, by more promptly adapting the world‘s best products ts the needs of physical being, will attest the value to health of the pure liquid laxative rrinâ€"iples embriced in the remedy, Syrup of Figs. SHINGLES! Cedar Shingles WENGER & BROS., Ayton, Ont. fore quarters, per 10( hnd * ++ POWDERS $1.30 per square. 60 64 66 DURHAM MARKJ EK a0abd NA ND KNOWLEDGE MARRIAGES ook‘s CottonRoot bushe} DEATHS BIRTHS $1 0 07 0 04 0 05 0 () 40 80 to 80 to 6O to §1 to to to to 0 60 0 08 0 05 1 6C 0 90 0 60 0 6C 75 50 ’l‘HEBE will be for service at lot 7, con. 2, (near Varney cheesefactory) Normanhy, a thoroughbred medium Yorkshire boar, from inported stock. Terms, 70 cents. M W. H. LEESON, Prop. Novembor 23th, 1804, - 10 per cent of the {vurchums money at the time of Saie, and the balance to be secured by Mortgage. For further particulars apply to Tstate of J. H. HEUNTE3, HUSH MacXKAY, The following farm land : Lot number 30, in the 2nd con. north of the D. R.. in the Township of Glenelg, in the County of Grey. Saturd2y, the 6th day of April ©85. UNDER and by Virtue of the Power of Sale contained in a certain Indenture of Mortgage which will be produced at the time of Sale, there will hlc- offered for Sale by Public Auction at the BRIDTISET EIOTEAL, For a Set of Team, Single, Double Driving or Plough Harness in all kinds of mounting and style, or for Sweat Pads, Whips, Blankets, Bells, Curry Combs, and anything in the way of horse farnishing call and insvect my complete stock. Single Harness from $10.00 up. tion Valuable Farm Property in the Township of Glenelg, in the County of Grey. HARNESS! HARNESS! This Supplies a long the consumer one 20 ce cent piece or a 5 cent ous " T & B" brand Tobacco. The Geo. Hapiltor market TOW XT cf D A Combination Plus of HELELASL JosHta Wooptaxp. | Durham, March 12thâ€"1895. } Three Registered one year old Bull calves. One Registered two year old, at Lot 2 and 3 of two, Can, 1, Normanby. Will sell reasonably. To Smokers Boar for Service. Casx ror Hrpzs axp Tapmow. Sold for 30¢. ibâ€" \ Sold for 40c¢. ibâ€" A Sold for 50c. Ibâ€" ATry it, and you will be perfectly 4 satisfied. g;\lsn a full assortment of Crockâ€" 1 jtry & Glassware Din-j 1}ner= Tea and Toilet Sets‘ ,a. At Popular Prices. 2 Ssicisrgedrmgnsoninoaee cnaneannaninanis 4 eepFrp._â€" 10. CA MERON Farmers and others atten €<&. McA RTTE,EZI O 2R Dalglish‘s old Stand, â€" â€" Corner, UpperTown, Durham. You will alwaÂ¥s find our STORE a safe RETREAT. Weare ever at our post, ready to open up and show our Spring Goods to all comers, and sell at the lowest Prices. You will find itto your advantage to give us a call. & &4 r@‘? THOMAS SMITH. The tin tas " T & B " is on every pisce Durham Bulls For Sale Mortgage Sale At 2 o‘clock. P. M. delicious blend put up in 4 lbs and 1 lbs. Lead Packages Terms of Sale: ook Out For The Excitements Of The Season. Kurma Tea. t( B e eE onE 1E O â€"IN THEâ€" Tu @isitis cmen n o NSR TeR Cinnathe ..; ts wxfi .q;zci@ nds e trwel March Storms! Dominion Elections ! Mz AND THE _ SMOKINE TOBAUCCI. TEAG. TIFEATHERJ([ NE Cutters & Stoves. hes of their customers kett & Son Co., Ltd., have placed upon the felt want, giving nt plug, or a 10 iece of the famâ€" Opening of Spring Goods. pure Virginia ASK YOUR CRY GOGDS DEALER FOR THEM. "+ Auctionest of Canada. Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. Corsets are now recognized to be the Standard Corset 99 .. B4g 4 Calder & Livingstone, WANT]’\D Local and Traveling 2& Salesmen to handle our Hardy Canadian Grown Nursery Stock We guarrantee satisfaction to represenâ€" tatives and customers, Our nurscries are the largest in the Domirionâ€"â€"over 700 acres. No substitution in orders. Exclusive territory and, liberal terms to whole or part time agents. Write us. STONE & WELLINGTON, (Head of_flce&Toronw. Ont. (The onli:ursery in Canada baving: testing orchards.) { At less than wholesale prices. Boots & Remember we trim all purâ€" chases FhEE of COST. 15¢ N ts uds& 10c. 20c * * 12 & 15c. We have some nice patterns at 3 iâ€"2%¢ and 4¢. See them. Also Giits at 10¢ and 12 1â€"2%¢ worth 15¢ and 20e, Sust . . . Examine T hese .. 5> pices Upper Town, Durham. 81 Our Lace Curtains all have taped edged. Our New PRFNTS are just in. We have the very best value at 5c, 9¢, 10c and 12jc a yard. See them before buying. See our 5e Challies. Flannelettes from 5¢ up. Men‘s Top Shirts from 22. up. Men‘s Rubberine Collars, stand up, 10 c. Turn down, 15¢ each. Rubberine Cuffs, 20c a pair. We always keep & fult line of all kinds of MacFARLANE Seiling Off SPRING is here, so is House Cleaning time, and you will need New Lace lUurt.imm. Just read the prices that folâ€" ow. Get one of our Carpet Stretchers. We have the best made for 90c. We will offer our Stock of We give for $1.00, BIG REDUJGTION. 3 32 24 yds. long, 28â€"in wide, 40c a pair, TEN BAYS At d Call and Inspect. BEAN & CO. UrppEr Towx, Doraax. t step in and see what Tie 9c As our Spring Stock of Wail Paper is larger than we can mauke room for, even with incre=sed accommodation we have decided on a 43 LACE CURTAINS. ma ANTC UUuin & e very lowest prices, sce our real Dongola Button Boots ut .FOR THE NEXT.. Papers for 2 Give us a Call TINWARE DAVIDSCN & Co.â€" 48 Shoes i & CO. x t $1.00 1€ ije 8c tc ~The Gash System For Cougks and Colds, Croup, Hoarseness, Sore Throat, Asthma, Brouchitis, and all Throat and LungTroubles. â€"It is pleasaut to take. _ Children cery for it. Take no other. Price, 25¢. 5 bottles for $1.00. x REMEMBER CUR STAND, CALDER‘S KEW BLOCL, DDREAK. ARCH MeKENZIE, â€" ©EQ. H. DAVI, Mamager, 6 lbs for 25¢. $3.00 per 100 1bs. This is highly recommendâ€" ed by Horse & Cattle Men. We have 800 lbs, all ready for Sale. MeceHK ENZILIE‘ s Our Stock will be in in a few days. It has been carefally selected and is the best that has been shown in Durham, and our prices are the lowest. Don‘t buy until you see it. We are now prepared to sell you Drugs, Patent Medicines and all Druggist‘s Sundries, Stationery, School Supplies, Tea, Coffee, Sugar, Tobgeco, at the very lowest Cash Price. DUREAM $ Pharmacy "Large Saies & Small Profits." Lower Town. Also Insurance Agents, Money to Loan and Issuer of Marriage Licenses. For the finest line of Cutters of all descriptions, Portland Cutters, Piano Box Cutters, Latest Styles. Prices : from $25 upwards. For the finest line of Stoves, Cook Stoves, Paclor Stoves, Box Stoves, Furnaces, Double Heaters, &c., go to Durham, Aug. O9th,°Oâ€"4. We take this opportunity of thanking our customers for past patronage, and we are convinced that the new system will meris a continuance of the same. We beg to inform our Customâ€" ers and the Public generally that we have adopted the Cash System, which means Cash or its equivelant, anrd that our Motto will be McKenzie‘s Horse and Cattle Food CEO. H. DAVIS, Manager. Wall Paper. ADQOPTED EY f e the s .. G. & J. McKECHNIE. B â€" 4x J A.HUNT Men‘« Suits at reduced p up our Stock. Upper L Litt‘e boys wanted Bucck of. Xhen you range of pa market. The WH STEARNS. Our 28 Ibs. Granulated Sugar | AXD | 4 lbs. Extra Fime TEal is now here @ swill be pleas our prices. gesgesgsss66 BICYCLES a days. They are have become a n Agency for the 1 market. The W 5e FACTORY has : xet. Try a Doiia:‘s w $Xtizz5i5es. titievk (GENTLEMEN Horse Na We are improverm purpose h: pew lines. mand when â€" bn mences. Lets : order for NATLS "W hat abc HARDW! iuverybody sa Goods not c til paid for No chance oi sold with s see above. We buy in t! ket, and gi Daisy the fa Erery Suit AX Suits CASH STORE Town, DRY £00D5 Prints Bicycl 10c Chur SHOT W eI

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