West Grey Digital Newspapers

Grey Review, 4 Apr 1895, p. 1

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bl I“. " Po. T.'fet"uas;l'," Wlhil: O'IhiOW' “I . “I M." the 2,1tte.iVitiiUr. t the who]...”-. om tho on” _ di"o'"u"uiidiG',ti I In“ . b.. din “On In pain-1 hind "a. uh "5-15)..er l I " OUR]... “but” I Ii“. to: RECTony w“ ' LAW. It '90-: h rut t teu.. I on. g “no '0‘ ll . no: 0|... fry' if. I to " hut-b. ‘PIY. N be (a an E23 Oldmi on." ma; bought. 1133.13; and 10010. con. 5, Buntinck, Immense known a the Jas. mum-ml farm-welt im- proved close to Lamhvsh. In”. Durham Street. North Priceville. hta Kinross NIH-wt. North Priceviuo, With other splnhlid Farms in Ontario and the North-West, Toronto Ind much-r properties for sale or Mt. clung". Q lot 218. con. 4, S.\V.T. and 8. Road, #otriethorl-i,-'o" acres good bush. lot ar, con. 5, Mvltuiiethon-et - well timimmi. 10th con. 5, Buntinrk, Imam-mi b--. Lou 241.252. as, Tis.., s.w.'r. and B. Bong, Jrow,nship Melancthon-W4 145.2412 - IN THE- l'ollowlng Properties at Prices Asked There's Big Money ! In the Town of Durham, County of Grey, including valuable Water Power Brick Dwelling. and "may eligible building lots, will ho sold in one or more lots. Also Int No. co, can. _ w. o. n., Township of llu-ntim-k, 100 aeretodtoat. his Town plot Durham. Mortgage taken for honey. " Vt'l')' security FOR SALE TIt EDGE PROPERTY. son by n. PARKER. Umggist Durham. " acres tilinberal. For Impure, Wcak and Impovorin Blood, Dyspepsia. Sieoplossness. PI] tion of tho “can. Liver Complaint. ll “his. haw of Memory, Bronchitis. c numptiou. Gail Stones, Jaundiee, Kid: Bud Urinary Diseases. St. Vitus' Du Female Irngnlnritieu and General Deb-lily. Laboratory TESTED REMEDIES SPECIFIC and ANTIDOTI new: umh hush, being B. in the 'l of Grey. " Ion. three “he: part MO) MOLE OD'S System Renovator! -l-l of Grey. All can drum] to Luann P. o, ”untied to. Residents Tuwnship of Benliuck. DAN. MCLEAN. Monty To LOAN Luca-ad Auction but a modem.» fau'rd for Ilmw on”. " ’ueovuh. Ind In I biennial}? lunc- uen sb _ UNI)“ Om u! [mum] Sun _ what walnut. In DENTISTRE 1u.ideuce--1; ing M., Humor. m PA.'?, con. 4 S.\V.T. and S. I, s"ci'ida'a"U'i, acma bush JAMES LOCEZIE 'SSUER " Marriage Litmus. Aug. , “one" for Counties of Bruce and (Any. Loans In [mm ”CHEW Loan and Voyauc ICE, N fED AUCTIONEER foe "Urn" rum-r, MONEY TO IA J. P; TELFORD Baum summon Ill mum a, '0 At RES [Hanging to tho Eat-lo ml the lulu James Burnett, 125 umh r cultivation, rest hardwood _ being: Lots 23, 24, M, 2G, 27, Old D. the 'l'orviiUtip of Artemesia, County uy. hm miles from Manhattan Sm three Huh-s from Priceullo. For at particulars apply to A. H, BURNET, Hopewllo, IRS. BURNET. Durban. ‘0- Apply to JAMES EDGE. Edge Hill, Ont, BUSINESS DIRECTORY k; , ,a:oair'"'=c"cc=zc== - - ""CAP' at"??? m an MNatt "mung rm J, SHEWELL & SON. ICESSED Orrin; _ David Jackson, J?,, (m I MISCELLAqugsf IL' Aithur ll. Jackson, Noiar H U C H M c K AY. Lm_1d Valuators, QWEBTAI'HNG rlory - (Hodericluom J. M. McLEOD. f kinds couecuu-LOiiiiiou. H. H. MILLER. the have: 00am. Furniturg j; arm for Sale. '., f. HOLT. L. AUCTION EEK. . L. MCKENZIE, st mus on A.ecitttyt lnyuranca Walk and Impovni-lm shi, siuelylmncu. NI ta an. Liver Cumplnint, re Memory, Bronchitis. Con, Stones. Jlundico. Kidnov In this lino to Tu. the Lead, Well Stocked and Complete in GASKETS. COFINS, Eta., ir an c-, n . -- ""'““‘ D: hull the Lam Design. DURHAM. use: tttd 00mm swoon, “WNW 013m... and Par. lot lute, Exhndon N can" Tuna. BM. Btand.-ii; 0.x, Bamboo and Elm. true m tttttttt ofEaaui. w. .1” " n Luge Block of Picking Ind Fume Moulding. Prop. and Mint-dure- b"2'f"H'-u-u-,.e, IY TO LOAN. Fire Insurance secured. with Gum's ttrom, Lmn Town, nun- - -- MEDICAL. omiiii'i'ii - - - -. Insurance Agent, Cou- er. Commissioner &c. nn.l s_atiniiriia-iaiin'iia' "ch :ctu bo Tad. a th- uhnm. or n bu rum-no. AUCTIONEER foe Co. All, eomtsumieatiotut ad. "an" ttht,c,ortr"p, at 910; Junie of tho Raynl C Tf".'" pf (Dunno. To! A U1"r'i0.Nnynt, for th y. Sal" attended to pro-II North Priceville. North Pticeviile. Farms in Ontario wt: Torpnto and P. o. will be prom)“; lance Lot 19, Con. , with T "I R June. Durham on. DAN. MeLEAN, part purchase If on an”. hunt-um. D. KOCORIICI. good land Vituri' Dad; I Ontario. Tooth or a use ot untougnlhll Il-r “mutton vain! to ,ttt. (mm lull Rul- ml Ouch. y '" Collptlolu pinup Mica. Kin III-hon tho lulu. Fulb- nc-t gm . tel-m - my, in that the menu! faculties. In more In to mt out than to won out. The rc- muhbly high proportion of fumm’ wives, dam-tic “nun. hon-chapel! And labor- er: Among tho inane Illa! tut monotony Md had work we the - “Tooth. com- bintion of - which unporindm unn- tal that... Tau-nu As cumming u I time when "sienttfie treatment would be most infective. The lee-on M the re; on in that, u in other (linen-:5. prevention in better than cure. And the noceuerily brief report- tnumited by the eminent specie!- iete It the heed ol the l’rovinciel inetitu- tione contain much veluehle mince end may suggestions which should receive . wider menu" of attention from the public. Heledituy prediepoeition has been tnced in ”my one: of inn-nit, thet repute! live loo tirgtl't the marriage of than LNeted wi Inch In inheritumo hue been 3 ted. But while little or no good could he "etttad by each men-um much an be "sts-tisle, by the g-ml dimmion ot know'edge._ One ietoo, . called in. ' 104$. ittcluded A great many hnrmless patient- who will - be muted in my uylnm. In thin rupec'. Ont-tin compares lever-My with other consumer, France with l to every 400 Ind Germany withl to every “7 of the popnlnion being the only conn- tri" “rowing . more ("arable avenge. " in n mutter for regret. that 40 per cent. or “be Provincial pullout- nre committed on wanna, and ere in eon-equenoo - " in true Uiat during the put. three yen: than in: been A falling " in the ymiy Miniuionl, the total Admitted dur. um the yur ending September 30,1394, being 'itll. 39 Ieu than during the plenum yen. But. the ill-pectin Attribute. thin lo ttu, limn'cd moommodntinu in cerium du. trico, than being MM upplicnlionn out. lumiing n. the time of compiling tho report. According to the Inn. Dominion can-u- the inane and idiotic populnlon of Ontario in ISM w-l G,855, or one to every Mit inhabiunln. Thin number no doubt n! insane pnlienu raiding in Provincial institutions in“ Increued from 3,674 in I393 to 3.809durinq 1894, or an increase of 135 poliunu for ttttt your. The num- ber of lunatics an idiots remniumg in residence " the clone of the year tshows In increue of 166 when compared wnh the previous year, Ind during' the put. tire yearn 916, or at tho nto of 183 rs patient- per unnum have been added to the uylum populltion. - i new." " the Mogttter or lie Inn-e Ind Idle": In the Province of Onlarlo. The report of the Ontario Impactor of Prison: and Public Chnritiel contain: much that in interesting regnrding the clan of pntienu trented in theee iotitutions The lint thing impreued by the carefully arranged etatilticnl table:, is the increase in the number ot the inane and idiotic in i the Province, an “13me not wornnted by the growth of population. Ever since the mentnlly "lioted were ragarded " invnlide rather than culpable victim: of demoni-c pounce-ion method- of trestrmmt he" been rapidly improving. Relive of the old t'uporutition are ltill with in, in the general delicncy ahown towards discussing mental dine-nee and their remedies, and in the peculiar feeling: entertline-l towards than who hne undergone treatment for euch nilmenta. The treatment growing out of the old Inperetltion eurvivod the belies on whieh it was instituted. and the final rcmovul ot the straight-jacket the chain and the lhacklea inn comparatively recent event. Yet in spite of the benefuiast reunite I of immune 1nd natural trentmeut, and nut- withstanding the Manning proportion oi l our", the number of inlane patients in the . Province nnil their proportion to the total 1 population are on the Increm. l FOR TWENTY-FIVE YEARS Office next Durham. A wmeral timureitu business transacted Insurance Agents, Commissioners. Money to lend. Money Invested tor Parties. Farms bought and sold. nrEpppt.shE7ii7'iigi0 DUN NS BAKING EQWDER NEXT Door TO PARKER’S Transact n. general "anking business. Money loaned to farmers and others on reasonable terms. Interest allowed on special deposits at current ran-s. Also PTRM and LI!!! Assurance Policies issued. Middaugh House Block, Durham. MISS GUNS, THE AVIEMII DAILY NUMBIR CON VEYAN CERS. PARK & CO. Fancv Goods, TOYS and Stationary, WOOLS, EMBROIDERIES and SILKS, in all COLORS - and - - r. -__-. . "I..." LARQESF SALE IN CANADA. at sreatly reduced rates Wall Papers INSANITY IN ONTARIO, W, BANKERS JACKSON S. VOL. door to Standard Bank (“lurk Div, I'ourt, Notary Public (iiiht r-NO. IA. Dick led hi: mare ruetuily away, and " he did so, strange to say, he thought more ot the disappointment the result of the race would be to Kitty Bourton Hun he did of " own. She and her father ind been he knew, so very “m0, and he had never even cot hut-m ma. He could not bum "Yes, Bet her to the farmhouse Just below there," replied the gentleman be- fore alluded to. “They'll give you a comfortable box We ere to put her In for a couple of hours. I don't think she in seriously hurt, but she I: frlghten- ed nelrly to death, poor devil." “she's thoroughly cowed. poor beast," exclaimed Colman. "I must get her Into the nearest stable tor a little white tilt she recovers herself." ', But the getting of Teetotum out of . her dimcuIties was no easy matter; , ropes had to be fetched. and even then i the men seemed puzzled how to nae them to any advantage. Ate for Dick Column, he was in despair; the mare had ceased to struggle utterly, and he began to tear that her back was broken, or, at all events, most terribly injured. There were plenty of willing hands to assist and suggestions about what was best to be done were more numerous than practical. At last a gentleman rode up, and in an authori- tlve manner said: "You'n never get her out in that way. Run away, some of you, and got spades and level down this side of the dltch. You'll be able to get the ropes round her then, and. what's more, she’ll be able to help herself a little. It's been a thunder- lng awkward crapper, and, by Jove, Mr. Colaton. It's well for you you knew how to fall, or you mlght have been under her this minute." Three or four men had darted off while he was speaking, and speedily re- turned with spade and plckaxe. A good bit of the bank was dug away. ropes trot round her. and with a long pull, a. strong pull. and a pull tmotte- I A“ -_... - ___, - _ .mu ueeplsh ditch, and she had some- how rolled into It upon her back; there was no room for her to turn and help herself; shr- was as help- less as a sheep that is cast: and almi- larly after struggling violently for a. short time, she abandoned her vain efforts and waited to see what Pro- vidence In the shah of man might do for her. - --"""F \uyuaucu un'n in the next neld, and landed on her back in the ditch. Dick picked himself up as Boon as he could. looked for a moment after his vanishing nntagom late, and then muttered: "Well. I'm out of the race. that's certain. I only wish to heaven my mare was out of that ditch." But the extrication of Teetotum was destined to prove a very tedious business. It was a, broadish and deepish ditch, and she had some- how rolled into " upon her back; there was no room for hor n. on“ - 7,ch« ‘v In. uwll upuuul and was struck by Teetotum's may sweeping notion in the "preliminary; was induced to inn-st a trine upon hvr chance, and ttto consequence was she stood nt quite. a forlorn price in the betting who" thr, horses mustered un- dcr the stm'tcr's hands, such an out- side price. indeed, that Dick could not resist putting a little more on his mount at the last moment. There are races and races: some are of the most every-day description, and it is merely a. case of so many horsns rrtart- ing and one of them winning, but in other quite n. thrilling drama is play-1 ed; it is the last act of a play which the sporting public have been impr- csted in for weeks, perhaps months. The Derby stceplchase unfortunately proved to be nothing ot the kind. and may be brietty dismissed in halt a doz- en lines, hardly worth chronicling, in- deed, except for the curious results ‘which sprang from it. Dick Coaiton ‘rode Teetotum as patiently and care- fully as man could do, but before they had gone a mile, two or three of his opponents commenced racing with him. The mare trot hurried. and upon their reaching a. fence with n widlsh ditch on the far side, took ott too Boon, turncd _ a complete somersuuit. denositml hm: f: 3: there wu not manic pre- Never was a man more sanguine than Dick when he went down to thas by the day before the race. In his opinion Teetotum was as tit as man could make her; he had ridden her constantly during the last three weeks, mot only in her gallop, but across coun- try besides, and had conceived the highest opinion of her capabilities in every way. He looked upon her as a grand fencer. as possessed ot a. great. turn of spend, and as tor staying, ai- though he had not been able to test hvr very thoroughly on that point, he; would my quietly to his chumszi most moderate investments, they be. came more liberal in their otters, and both Bourton, his friends and Column were able to get a very remuneratlve price in return for the small stake with which they thought proper to en- trust Teetotum. Still to the very last she was reputed to be a dangerous outsider, and had she been only the mount of a popular Jockey would have figured at a third of the price at which she started. iting on the result trot rather spirited Some little curiosity was manifested about this nomination ot Dick Cola- ton. It was rumored that he had picked up a mare in the South with a great reputation as a hunter in those parts, but then Dick Colman was only known as an unsuccessful horseman; he rode well, that the men of Midlands all admitted, and they were right good Judges. too; but still there was no denying it. Dick Colaton never won--. it might be the man, it might be the horse, but there was the undoubted fact, Dick Colaton had never Bot tirtrt past the post yet. There was a great tTourism of trumpets about Teetotum when her name was first proclaimed, and considering she had never run in a public steeplochase. nobody could say that the. handicapper had been lenient to her; still. for all that, it had somehow oozed out that the mare had 11 great private reputation. and the bookmakers at first were rather cau- tious in their dealings, but when " speedily transpired that there was very little money behind her. and that those interested were content with the ‘ CHAPTER W. ' ' A swam 1"“er NTMRNT. " When the entries tor the Derby open Steeplechase were published, the bet- DICK’S GaitsiuFiiiri5iii "tut. You'll be able round her then, and. s'li be able to help It's been a thunder- k ott too Boon, turned rsauii. deposited Dick J, and landed on her . Dick picked himself K?, could, looked for a is vanishing antagon- t hy Teetotum's easy in the "preliminary," Invest a tritte upon her _ consequence was tout b forlorn price in the Dunn of the one“ Anny clear " "u- Ilrlunl Ar-y-lll mm." (Jun-r. A despatch from London "yat--h'ield Marshal Sir Pntrick Want, Governor of Challe- holpihl, Ind the olden. Irmy other in the British urvice. in dead, m un- the son of Mojor John Grunt. of Auch. wrblair, Invornau, nnd val born in 1804, He entered the “my in 182). m rose rapidly, “d in 1843.4 ”not! on D. A. G. with the Gmior "lily/Ind wu montionod in the dew-talus. In the Saudi ounpaign, 184543. he wu twice tungsten-1y wounded, wu reputedly mentions! in dos-patches, Ind In. [in]: I medal and Hum clap; Ho Also fought in the Pnnjmb amp-j ' 1848-9, And in the expedition to 1'l'l,'fh' Apia“ the t.'tltg mu “11". m In fhsmmamUr.in. a! u Indra In 1856-7, of tin Bong-l "my in 1857, had of the lulu. any in 1867-01. In nu Gov-not and Commander-W If In“. “07-72, te,1tttt,y"d.eete9fti. L my»! weeks, i coun- Id the ties in nunwny. and you'll see then whether t overrated my mare." It was all very well for Joe Bourton to brazen it out in an: way, but he mum not get Colaton'l letter out ot his mind, and knew In his heart " was very probable Teetotum would turn out perfectly worthleu. I “No," he said. "we Derby, there's no den: you believe that the c good for her. Our d! Hanwar. and you'll a t overrated my mare." Pee'-. _ .. 'VElbt" for her back at once." Joe Rom-ton was quite right In ond surmise and that was that his friends in the neighborhood would make much fun of the defeat of this wonderful mare of his. They did, and not the less because some of them httd believed in Toetotum .nnd lost their money ac- cordingly. Mr. Hnnwny in perticuiar made himself rather unpleasant with the " told you so" ater of argument. I “Flew too high, Mr. Bourton--a little overrated your mare. I always mid you'd hotter pick up one of the local stoeploohases in your own county in- stead of putting her in among a, pack of f1rstetass cross-country horses." To all of which Joe Bourton replied with imperturbable good temper and in a sanguine fashion that he was very far from feeling. " think you're right. It Rourton: "at all even”, I! charme, as far as I can see. for her back at anon,” "I’ll tell you what to pilot] Kitty. “send for has trot thoroughly frll have her to ride agnlr coax her Into Jumpim long." “1's 3 bad huslneu. a. very bad busi- ness. and what to do about It I don't know. They've Just messed that mare about and ruined her. I reckonad she wan honestly worth what I put upon her when she left here, and now I don't suppose any one would give me n 20 pun' note for her." H“. -__ slum...“ "we i' is no doing anything with Mr; show I hrr a fence and she simply stops and r shivers: as for inducing her to near it. r it Is hopeless; not a lad in my stuble. ' my stud groom or myself ran get her [ (Yer to look at one. At the present moment I don't think she could be in- duced to Jump a gutter. There is no mystery about it, her accident at Derby has so utterly unnerved her that I'm afraid she will never be persuaded to Jump again. She has been treated with the greatest patience and tender- noss. but we can do nothing with her. It's a thousand pith-s. for I was never was on the back of a liner natural fencer, but unless we can ttnd some means to restore her Confidence, she will be simply useless for cross-roun- try purposes. I have set her going l ngnin and she gallops freety as ever, I but unless in the course of the next 1 two or three weeks I can induce her to Jump, I don't see what I can do with I her. I know this will be a. dreadful ', disappointment to you and Miss Kitty, i as it is to myself, but it's the plain I fart. and it's no use disguising it any l longer." "I am awfully non-y." he said, "but I regret to any that since the race We can do nothing with Teetotum. I have got her home, and she has had nothing but quiet and gentle exercise; when she is Bent out 'tsettooiint there ... M " . .7 FIELD IA RSHAL GRANT. charge nut if the Bourtoms had been dread- fully disappointed at the Intelligence of Tooiotum': defeat, they were null more dismayed by the next intelligence that came from Talterton. Dick (Tom- ton wrote in utter despair about his this idea muiGiGeiij',T 'iiiiii,i Itself up very considerably in the girl's spe~ culnllons. was great. she had set her heart on her favorite's winning with Dick Calm ton on her back, and with one of those kinks that often occur in a girl's mind she had come to identity her nwn deg, tiny with that of Teetutum. It the mare did not succeed in her Journey through life, no more would she, Kitty. Tc-elotum's triumph would have been her triumph, and though she shrunk from admitting it, in the shadowy background ttuttered the Men that when Dick Colaton won on Teetutum, Teetntum's mistress would win the heart of Teetotum's rider, and of late, rfrom Dick Colman explaining haw the l,tuildertt happened. he simply said: "Don't tell me, it was done a'pur- [108": tturrled, yes, that was their crnrtlness, they rushed her, they man to fiurry her and I don't want to say u word against Mr. Cowon, Kitty, but he was that green he allowed them to do it; never mind, my lass. we'll have her back, and the next time she warts -well, Mr. Column won't be up." ‘ As for Kitty. she took the thing very seriously; her disappoinuneni‘ Dreadful wan the dismay when the telegram reached Lowood, and to his utter consternntion Joe Bourton found that his mare was not even placed. True, that was explained by the two pithy words " the end of the message. "Teetotum fem" but how came it that what he thought the most perfect fencer he had ever Been should have fallen ? Of course he knew, none better, that the most faultless jumper may be up- set at times. Perhaps she had been cannoned against. perhaps she had been ridden at, tor in his pride and jeal- ously Joe Bourton pictured to himself all sorts of people interested in pre- venting Teetotum from winning. It ‘would have been useless to point out to him that the mare was backed tor so little money it could have been worth nobody's while to plot foul play concerning her. Her victory would have been very Profitable for the book- makers. and her reputation as a smart hunter with the Tedworth was nut sullicient to have led any one of her cppnuents to compass her destruction. Even when he got the tirrrt few llnes TORONTO Teetotum. and he was riding her a. steadily u polllble: how she had come to drop her hind legs In that dllch and then roll over he could account tor, but could not have prevented. She had trot tturried and taken oft too Boon, hence the catastrophe. (To " com-mum.) thoroughly triATini7., let to ride tstrata., turi/ni/ir: I into Jumping again before oornood would make much defeat of this wonderful . They did, and not the some of them httd believed I, "we ware unlucky at no denying it, but don't I the company was too Our day will come. Mr. u're right, Ian" replied all events, ith, the only no I on}: Bee. I'll write whgt to do, father," re, co. GREY, THURSDAY, APRIL 4, 1895. her back} she um. of [men] Agent. Ind nuke. I "new buimol 21t',gtriti"i new unlimite- of Auk-din, South A do“ or American Itigim and of holph‘ to lunch (to. no [V Lor'd Milam muy be laid to be on. of l the pioneers of the Ari-mum: Ending movement. He fiot all“ embarked in tho vino budnugtouting for order: among hi. club friends And wquninunou. Than he joined Mari-Ma’s but and mauled m of the Marietta girls. his father-in-tor, how. out. (tiling . only .tternmed.muoh to his "PT. At Eh. my mount he in al _ “The whole Mro'r is likely to Innke bulimi- people and joint-wok rompnniee ve Chery m future About employing men CJl'iL'iltlg to their human. lance, According to the nleciu‘on jun given, it will be open to my one of these young viewer“- who lone- hie plume on the ground of inoompstone ' l neglect,or even ishoneuy, to 'i'2'2'Jrd1'r,' me his employers for llbel. no water how gently they‘mey hove let. him dgwn. To ordinnry busineu man this circulnr an hurdly have nppurad u libeloul. since it In: manifestly necemry that the [ company should notify its ell-nu that Lord William In no longer connected with the concern, And the oircnlnr Accomplilhod this in the Inn. offensive mum:- pouible. The jury, however, gun n verdict. in hit furor, nnd thus the nulorlunnta immune com. puny new aund- mulctnd not only in dam. Iggl, tray gluing"! _ _ _ Duh-gee mural hr an lulu-h lord link! a ulna” law. Lord William Neville, the ehrewd Ion of Lord Almrgnveuny, popularly known In "Old Rhuebub,"hu just given enothar irtdieation of " roman-hide bunineu ugl- city by making ueo of the prepoeteroul Englizh libel luv to obtain from In inlur- l ence compeny, with which he had been connected " agent. I few hundred pounds in the lhepe ot dnmlgae. The offence that could be imputed to the comp-av WM that it hnd lean lit to lever in connection with Lord Williem on the ground of hie excel- eive demende tor commie-ions. and that it ind thereupon iuued I circuhr notifying it: Iubegenu Ind automor- that Lord Williem'e may had been reminded by order of 1"S'i'1',,Wrt That " all, end there " no reMone given end no com- l menu. t lumen sud the rent. in the olnvuon Along _ the line of the Candi“ Noitio." _ Mr. Scurth, in referrin particululy to the condition of the 'lut',l,'l (Amen. laid tht spurt, from the mortgage: they were not. more indcbted than the ulna clan of people in the province of Ont-Ho. " Whit do you hen " to the mymout of interest. t" 1 "I but am. the Ion: companies In" Inn. to curnpUin of on that, Icon." wu Mr. Sclrth’l rudy reply. “How much wheat in there yet in the coun try t" .. I think about two million bushels, . part of which in yet in the una of the lumen 3nd the roll. in the elevator: along the line of the Cunndiun Noitio." ”,7: .V "9WVt_ ~wu-v "MU “I II. Mr. South deal-red Milt the lumen ot Manitoba had not lost heart on “count. of the low price of when, nud he believed the total acreage town this your would be grater Linn Int. when the yield wu shout 17,000,000 bushels. An elfort in ulna being mods to uttlo some of the unoccupied loud in the vicinity of Winnipeg, And Mr. South detailed the loops tlust hove been token in thin direction by uncommitteu compo-ed of members of ‘tho Winnipeg Bond of Trude " well n otherlemhug 1rit,r,erts. he lilo ex billed that 3 good deal of drlimge would iinvo to be done before I ceruiu portion of the land would begun-Me for lucceuful culti- vation. The local Government would, now- evcr.be approached in thin connection And. no doubt, umething would come out of It. u..,,,o... .. .7 people who will rmuris their iaG"ir'u'i', Cunudim Wyn gull geruiuly beenormoul. 5lr..h'msrth ulna Ind an encouraging word to My regarding the letting up of thes ooun. try. Albert... he "id, had received I very hsrgo number of new camera and the Guru- dim Ptsuifi,e. were in constant receipt of hundreds of enquiriel from the mute of New xork to Wuhiugbon, all Along the line of border lulu, And the number of Pyoplt1whepyill make their home- in the "I think than. for s new mummy Manitoba and the North-Wan. Are not to bully or," was the reply. “The deprcuion bu been the mum of inouloning idea of economy and prudence into every clu- in thal community, and In in as Mnnlbobl in concerned I think we are on the we of better limel." ATlIk WMtt Hr.w.l.lclrll. Of "Illlm. on [he To)“; Mr. W. B. South, of Winnipeg, Mill. In: in Montreal the other dny. "What Are the business prospect; In the North-Wen t" he Wu naked. She n, In "set, I power which If not att.o. luwly tirat.cuvss m (int-clu- In in - of who". She htss I - power of " uiug apt-muon- far in Advance. and Il in Ippnreutly unscrupulous in reghlning them nolely by corteideratioo of .tslt.mterest. The quantum u to how long the In will be carrird on Ind what tho mu“ or' " nil. I. lie In“! "d." ___.- _ I The newn that th. comnuder of the a anenole "my-trho he. nlreuly proud I him-ell to bun Beaten: Manic-hen tuba t up hm quarter. " Port Arthur in followed . by the "pres-ion by wnr aorta-pendant. of , their donhtr u to Any negotintion- tor we , between China end anln proving new: l in]. We In: told that the "my in the dominant party in J up“, end thnt the lender-0H! no bent upon continuing th. cempnign, end, further. that in the Home of Reprnentntivu notice he. been given ot I motion declnring thnt the time foe pence negotinlion ha not Arrived. Thole indict. tions thnt the wu' in going tocontinul, that the opening Ieuon in going to bring more utoomunn AND snvuutl, cnnnot he dinrcgnriled by nnyhody who in interested in the hi-tory of the hut-inn no. end its development in Alli. The humnne must naturnlly will belilled with regret thnt the horror: of wnr no to continue, with per- my a repetition of such manner” u that of art Arthur. To the politicnl ntudent- however, the scene of Eulern cout) pre- eeut- poulblliliel that mny well he regurd- ed with diuquietude. annn bu nude trenwndoun strides, nhn nppenn to be well uu the way to olntnining enormuul tron-urn from (‘hinu'n hour-l oi golden millions, mud she evidently poueucn n military end In": ml discipline which very "','glt mntch thnt of kurdpe. The annuene exhi tted " Wesi. , HLAVii not only the fore-ight which we now expect of them,but the kind ol mldier- like resolution Ind fidelity to duty which n have hitherto been nuppoud to be “tribute. ' only oi European Armin. annn ha in her t tho poventialtty of becoming t A minimum: an P0WRtt. PECULIAR LAW POINT, our " In”. ABOUT THE GREAT WEST. Jim " to how long oi, wulz;lll f on sud what tho usual oi it will lenlly one that clunov. long be “I i... AI_,,_. I),:. F I _. _ VIII Prone-k the War will “In THE WAR WILL M ON, no bent upon continuing “I. 1d,!unher. that in the Home nivu notice ha been given ot luring thst the time (at - u not "rived. Thou indict. ( t the commander of the who In. ulrendy proved taaterst Moltu--u. “in Flat t'L-deg did your llod " broke? 'Homsd r--rhm't know. gap: Ind nun-u '0pr on on the hill with it Afar I gotta bed In: night. m' any broke it somehow. Atttttrittatt Inventors. um. Iy_tr-pe, who, in In humor? Pe-ar. in . nun who invoula nome- thlna that overybody all. mnuhcwru, and than - all nu money trying to stop them. _ _--- _ w--. v... nuvn'u. Doetor-tlothimt “dug” "uh like wot. ry. as.“ two hours . day thinking of the up“ bill you owe me. Jimson-Dootor, I un gelling I to; nelortte.d.1 win}. you! mm relule‘on the link. The parloruionl an] groovol Illow this Inter to drain off npixlly before tho rolling in thrown Into the fire or dump“. Thin oontrivuace Ihould remove ull rill of potato luring. or other vegetable mnkr, CP tel-up. from the dinner table, being In nod down an drain pipe. W hen Ila-Jud the clamor Can horned over the rink pipe to intercept. Ioli mater. The article ll undo of tin, And it got. up in Art colon. l Ser won on: sledding! four pap- ud Imam! A handrlitirtiete for the kitchen Hut will be much Apprecinmd by hon-owin- In. just been introduced by an English hardware eonoern.in thuhapc of A machine- mule link olaaner. A. nhown in the sketch “in rally I lmnli permuted ghoul with thee. groove: in this centre for Icoopmg up tiibaito. -..- uwncu lllllI Ire clamped upon the two when. the latter being crimpod into the concave {we of the May. ARTISTIC PIN!!! " A T, AN LITIWIC FENCE STAY. A novel Ind inoxpen-ive form of fence May which not only forma: luppon the Home". l A sm-romxxu BELT. to moon that. objection: the belt shown m the tanned cut. ha been devised. n ur- riu Along ita inner nut-ca sud throughout its 'ttttire length longitudIn-l uripl where- by the belt any he again-v. the WAiILhAnd And roosiye the hand- of all button. and l May nun who no partial to the wear- in of bolt: in lummer tind the ordinary heft In from utilhctory. It worn loan the "annual-u 1redrua,riruruu, ground, when” to ttrmly Bupporr the trouser. compel- the waning of A belt so tight " to l be uncomfortable In "any can. In ordvrl Iron u it mt. in the cup. The "man in slowed to rennin in the Inter until the decked Itrength of the infunion is obtained. " Mr. Gdlup pound in " can Iholhu‘ PP. Md Imam! Ind and so give the quantum full eon- . .ttumuoiuutsadhaadono "P4r" I.“ out Mac? the nod Iii-um Mrs. (“Map Now - - loud use". p" I laat luvuthuloIk-M’Ivi “he """"""""1 PAPe. figura- - to be I'l?, “Wu-guy Inmad ngainn any one Lryihi; to out". The npplmm u lml“ in uiza, Ind ha been npocinlly dos-igned fur truck" to carry About with them. A QUILK CUP or TIA. Hon in u: oxmdingly novel sud unclul homhold Article, hell: from Pain, and what A boon Inch n device nhnuld be to th- as drinker I There in no pot to be hun'Ad up, nor . Ixninur to tmtuh the firser pmiclea of the In Iowa. When ll in drlired bo have a tingle cup of Hut anneal. of news mtheu, the tea in pin-ed in the one In]! of the permuted upuuu, the other purl cloud. And boiling \uur poured upon Um The Doctor Preseribes nun neck of tho meul plane the “factually Inland Apia-L want". The sppluncv u Ind In. been 'r?poeitslly uncle" to carry Ibo“! Wm neck lam. DOOR I so. V --. - (I. Of P-a-u" Brte--taemt " the [um-~A- Ara-ale Penn my. Aa In Idjnnct to the ordinnry door teat. uing- in hob]: and eluwhern the appliance shown in the annexed drawing merit. " A Juvenile View A lave! Boer A FEW or THE LATEST AND HOST USEFUL C0tlrttlFAttth'ts. A N Al'Hl'l‘lC FENCE SOME un INVENTIUHS. UBIPL'I. IN THI RITCHIE ', lam "tuns, too "out SUPPORTING qu'. A troy IL SPOON upenuve 1mm of wire not. only lormn I firm joint for the era-ling wit-u, but " the “me time prodneel u: ur- ti-tic ethet when em- , played in inclining Itrdt, garden. and the ike, bu rocaully been introduesd. The en- Ientid lawn: of the urmgemonure-hown in the Innued cut, The hooked urml no FARR!!! lilkllll-L .lIrI (‘I' of to m; ehdiliiiiiiii" Ming _ over th e The knife alga Inning been my... ed Into the wood a short Iii-lulu, the lotion of cloning the door drive- them well into the Woodwork When tht piece gamma L ”nation. “I“ tNttu t. and y axon}, and my. not be and with. on: bmh‘n‘ the woodwork lily. " Icon from tho iliuatratio. ttot dungeon-inn of u l fe, of meal, a r m c d vi t h knivu or ally: for pruning moo the door junk. One put is intended to project into the room, while, bent Ital» limo-t. or quite touch the jllglb. novel Ind metal from l'nril, and should be to tho pot lo be lmntod "e."" w ...,-e.. um In" mu l the chi-L," aha r',i,',',h "id, "wllenl (all I thin like u clnmmy and laid on my che I jumped up And looked Around. owl I I r. T-ph Samuel Gallup, I luv " plu'u "lt lhown in thy, and it'- no one to duplllc me--' sed. tt m- figger of Aunt Mnry Gregory “undil- l throughout the door I You remember Aunt M. an}. whara- Samuel. She In killed by “(Main wh .. '“ubgnd under A chewy trem, you know. I new I hung" and jut u plain " l lee you, Ind Ibo Ind that ume dolled hlihr dress and he her mailbox in her left land. When 'rar. Ihriokod out. all: smiled And beckoned rm of wire we end disappeared. Semuel. you kno "I“. . firm VII-t that mum. don't vou '" door MI] iii “You ttrtqr pronoun 'em, Sumac] l" mbbod Mm. GUllup, nnddenly bra-mu down Ignin, "but it "In 10m to be any are“ Rouble let it So You'll In Inookm Around And fallen in luv and lulin hie . Cl'.', calf Min, And 'tail likely you'll our whether my Indy ll role or not. I h" hard of dud viva cumin luck " the “up. of but. And he“. uocond wav- all out use inchi- Md tandoori, but you 's-dr""..- of no doin it. I'm- Flllor. all the Full." - lower that “In; wut um d'rs think I'll " Sans-l t" Mr. (Enllup didn't uy whether he would or wouldn't. He w looking vary fix.silr u n rod an of corn h. had found and didn't turn,“ hear hat question. - ..v.. -9__._.. w .IIV' VII-L I rally died of. Devon thunk they will Ital me, Sunni? Amid they do wtlt Prl1P'oret"o 'mn t" u Ian-moo And rounded them. " He in never in I hurry About. him bill, And he Illa ling: In. with “mohair. I run. you to h" 'em ulna ' _ Hour of Pnyor’ fur one of the hymn, uni he ling- that hewti. lully. I In thinkin the other (In that my body might be Itnlen Altar U/S. Pee Ind oomumpchnn. rnumnux, lung (our. live: comphint sud bllel and tei') And the dmrtom will It!!! to know VII-L l -"- J:,) A I» _ Mr. Gyiiur, add grab-My hue na- "rod thi- quulinn, " jun. u than mo- mom. haI VII thinking that he ought to L-.., _- him - . H - l " You. le'poee you mil, and we'll lyou to buy I pump for Lhe well, fix cellu- Ilurl Ind point the from. fence. been akin you to do them thug: for lul. 23 you", but they hem'l dune Whtstt old Mr. Parmum: took rm " wife, he went. end Md hendlu put ow um kmven and forks the Very tum. n. And theyhod only bin married two i when ho peinhd the hogpen end bl home I new diohpen. Snmuol, when In at» will you luv t" , Mr. (lulu? helduut of corn in bi- hand. tad ookod thoughlfully. but it nu im I'M: to My whether he In: L11g'l'lll', over the corn or Mrs. (hllup'l queluon. Sh. tabbed Devan Urge And dm. Umtt Iobn. Inui- uu of I OOIUAII In wipe timer eye, and when due oould control hone" lb. “id '. " It mum. Samuel. that I gm all“! It. Ipmd my vulg- Ind play on I gulnlcu harp, Bud “In wmorror you'll be luouku Around "to: I noon-i mic. At lent MW“ people that In know of hee felt that rim- . my land and an an! upeern. tigger, um every one of 'em dud with!" PP. hours" Yea, I'm lent Ur, Ind there in: be an will“. than! it thm lime. I I‘ll tlunkin “why that I'd like to luvs lung null to an my rug ourpet. done And nuke mother may yum, but " the Lime In: cum to go Ill nu! or me to camping. Snmubl. In: you (on: to let your Iocond wife buy I wire clothe-- lun Ind nu grumbled - ill-Lend of brawn t" V VV- - ,u... You. Mr. Gallup did, but he Ill too with his 6th an of corn to reply wiping may hat lur- Mm. Gallup " her nose on one of the cont-ii but but unmiudtul of the Accident. ohe con od t I urinal”; damn.“ he mm... to hurt the slightest. curiosity la n tain. Mm. Unllup ind brought d with her the taiU of an old black c with the hind human mu 'sttaeheul, before proceeding further rho wiped eye. and blew her none. in while lyin' on hair matron-ea sud I expect they go to "an lune. Sumo], do you know w! ed upstairs t" IUIITIIINU (Still . ultin’ on Mr. Unllu be of corn. , t 1allup ut there "Cm "a hull whoa she mum! " But You In That ”Inching we. In. Gnllup, end here]. were hanging out, and her [we wee ee white " new. As ehe “at into I oUir end pun-ed both hmde to her been, Mr. Gullup me. with I grunt And vent elowly uptake. In the etoreroom he found the blue cheat open, gel-menu uttered over the itoor end the mndle eating on a broken char. He plated up the candle, mule " way down to the kitchen, end Alter blowing out the light nth I burly "p-e-w l" he untied the wick nth hie _ ud net the candle-tick on the ehelf over the einl. He Ind renamed " In! end picked up en ear ot corn before, Mm. Gellup "id:-- " Sentinel. plane help me an on the had end an m . ehooe all" end then go fur Dr. June- uul P three or four of the neybure to cum in , ' wrcum inf an. uulu he“. an“: his third on of corn. 'll ho wu 'IS,'; that In. Gullup u! there on In: right, he an. no “fa. He hm! shell"! about hull the on . no Ihe 19:11tu and _ " But you hadn't mind, however '. At, long.- l've got to die I might u we“! due here ll Anywhere. Fulh dun "non.. " Sum In“. out. Mr. u-uup nut on to no that tho hn icon at. man, a. gun latchodudmhnntuon the that. 'ud when Inn-chin hadnbuuholh-kot of con in the on. And I. "t dorm ad begun unbound-tad). that” to Into chick.- hod In. Game lighted I audio Ind mt. 'riotaiestouseold bloc elm: to: look for ”mulling which night be out into an)» up. In I dim, uncerlun way Mr. Galhsp rulin- d that uh. not upmn. In l mu um din, “can“. wny he mind that Ibo n ingin‘ “The Orphan u _ man." a “I. "It. He had nhallod an an of corn Md v“ holdmg up n thud and wondering why corn did not grow in pod. in-tond of on ooh. 'hlll he heard I shriek 5nd ”mulling cums run-hing dorm. “an. lle')k,lid.f:'(' ', tSli, ,'s" .7 CC. .137} - 445. 3'!- j a Wu WHOLE NO, lingiu to mylel! and over h aha r',i,',',h "id, "wimnl (eh clump, Pnd laid on my 0 mun be“. “I,“ . rt h. in I HRS. GALLUP'S wom K uri. MIJQoJ B. (“IMP-album ennui! button dent aha comm ry hm. Inning, 2d two wonk- an and hung I, Whit under. d uhe'll uh I“. " tho In“. pe. mg: tor the , dun- yit. ' however '. A. might n we“ ulh the while cheer- " well whoa, .nd' Impact hor landin In mt ery min while I In her nu knot on .u MIL"! type” on. _ She pulled into the “Lung room and (no than to the [wily bedroom, and thee.- quum of a hour In". ulna In. Win, had iHtitrod the can, ohm. up a. M ballad an “who. door and '- M bod. h “and her me... with g u, a no. and I can can; on lung“ in it an: not And iqt you h'l. “a hr No. 2 r' attended fi. Hand-made Waggon: ‘Wll In the old stand made shoes, Horse Shoeing Shop, il!'-Pr,li.1-)'-'-? HARNESS 01L. ALLAN MCFARLANE BOULDIN a. Has opened out a first-cltum ALLAN McFARLA N Ill, Proprietor. thhing of all kinds pump“, Of tl W SEE OUR HARNESS UPPER TOWN. irst-Class Hearse. WOODWORK lw.r - alum-N '" nip-mm t urn-lard“ cm b JAKE KRESS A non-l Mann; , “In! ooluctwnp Ehmm and in: Furniture ni Eaidiii' in connection. A first-class lot of for sale cheap SltultriBat of Canada "ma; a per you. nu nun ens. “no: wax-um OWEN SOUND. ONT HAHN] L'd'l'C, Homing. GENTS in All rin i I In £93135? om. IJLIngmv-m DURHAM AGENCY TAM no“ oeriodhur- SAVINGS an": awn/mu , i" M/K/m // (//;/z”/ Com. PtsiuUnt, TIM TIN r, TAMI To ATTY Cl th you at MID- OMCI. (u am REVIEW 1A1 a, My JAKE KM A. FLEMING ' Principal ' an“. A...“ All hand. Also 1 "GuiGi-di;raT hank do In. " ot munu IG sling: K it I all“. I "nu-em but. "'_"qulnu. n... it in” luv-mu "In "It , In an. Til-h Ju the u- A Gun ah ' A..- " "

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