West Grey Digital Newspapers

Grey Review, 25 Apr 1895, p. 2

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ithe la«t five €China and J: highâ€"protecti selves, and s a the West, wloing thems« â€"The Chinoâ€"Japanese treaty bas not yet beer: made public. . It has how ever leaked out, that the island of Formose and Port Arthur on the mainâ€" fand have been ceded to Japan. The war indemnity of $280.000.000 is payâ€" able in seven years with tive per cent interest and Japan is to have the zirvilegeo accorded cther nations unâ€" the so called most favored nation scommercial treaties in the sale of her amannfaetares in China, and also the right to establish factories in China as well. European Powers, especially Kussia, which has territorial interests dn the neigihnporhood of Port Arthar, seeayto be rather nonâ€"plussed by the astutemess of Japan in these treaty negotiations. Bus surely China and Jayan have the natural right ht.o.make <ordcrior remedial legislati toba and thus did justice to t minority, in that Prowinee. tha stubterfages resorted t 6 vernment, ~all things t won‘v. that constituences ma Bovzled and power retained â€"The KWom. Mr. Laurier, referring zo the depression in trade during the «debate on the address in the H u e of <f Commons, said, that the evils ‘r .m which Canada is suffering are not the «eonsequence of a mere passing depre.â€" wion. The cause is, that the country BRras been burdened with an enormous public debt, an alarming )nuhlic exâ€" »â€"nditure and a high tariff. ‘The public %rr our rseaders chi Ross approved. of c wear the time of the conrse, s1d that there years preliminary . tr: to be teachers. _ Insp goad a paper in the Ins e~ ‘Should the Publ e amame be Revised ?" treaties individ Powers €he 6rm Acinc.] Bummer Clethingâ€"C. McArthur. Prints and Dress Goodsâ€"C. L. Grant Exgs Wantedâ€"J. A. Hunter. Seeduâ€"MacFarlane & Co. linplementsâ€"Calder & Livingstone. Card of Thanksâ€"Mary Fox. â€"The *‘Seientific Anmerican â€" in an article on the "Medical and Surgical aspect of the Japanese War" pays a hig~ compliment to the medical pro fessiop of that eauntry and the excelâ€" Fence of their hospitwls and sanitary measures. â€" The immunity from sickâ€" ness is believed to be due to the rice diet. It is believed that no such uchicvements were ever before realizâ€" ed in the history of warfare with so gna‘l an expenditure of human life. The London **Times " states that the e â€"moined mortality from disexse and 1 «s in battle is only 1300 out of 50000 men, and a navyy of 29 ships. week. _ Haid Vercheres an« the three latte the @vernme elected Dr. M are.certaifl y mougi the Li weasers to TC} Fewsolh U RCP CUOCe C t at the day of mony] i< near spert. The | may have turned the mand in faver of D goe same vime ‘iz’is an Four bye elections came off last week. â€" Haldimand, Quebec _ West, Vercheres and Antigonish. Of these the three latter have declared against the @vernment, the former bas again elected Dr. Montagae. These results are cersaifly disapp inting to many, mougit the Liberal Partv has the best reasen to rejoice, and to feel assured t at the day of monopoly and rapine i< near spert. The personal element may have tirned the scale in Haldiâ€" mand in faver of Dr. Montague. â€" At gâ€"e same vime it is an astonishing speC¢â€" tacic, as the Witness remarks, that, while the Roman Catholie constitoaâ€" excies af Mergheres in Quebec and ‘Antigonish in New Branswick . were v tirg against ioc (Gove: nment which nitempts remedial! legislatio 1 in Maniâ€" voba, th e Orange Constitueney of Haldiâ€" neand was £1vinE the remedial order «n immense. nmufjority,â€"O0€ Orange Lodge beivg reported tp have passed a resolution approvin« .af the order to C hiuh Senarate Schools in Mamitf){na. v timg against ine Gove!I attctupf$ remedial legis‘a vsbu, th e Orange Constitue neand was £1VinE the rei «n . immense . 1B8J0! 0.; Lodge beivg reportedtp resolution apprevin« â€"ai establish Separate Schoo U in 6 ‘ellow mtizn â€"Mr. Laurier would have no objec tion to advising his Excellency the Gov.â€"General, but be draws the line there, »nd begs to be excused from "ndvising his excellency‘s advisers," who want to draw him out on the "ndvising his who want to : school question â€"â€"‘The troublesome little war Ims been engaged m for some u-:h?;eh F”‘g‘rl"l‘:&‘?firvdu’xfif::‘&% l-’lrench langeage proceed ebate on the address in the H u e of fones \VM t Commons, said, that the evils ‘r .m THE WOMmEn‘s GLO rhich Canada is suffering are not the Pesiieat onsequence of a mere passing depre.â€" The edition of the Glo ion. The cause is, that the country { Thursday was of a unique as been burdened with an enormous | It cannot be said but the ublic debt, an alarming }'ul)lic exâ€" | newspaper and as an orga nditure and a high tariff. The public | opinion has been in the va ebt was im reased under the promise, | papers, in its variety and hat there wor‘d be more than enough | news trom all parts of the » wipe it out by the sale of lands and | as an advocate of the best ainerals. Whereas as the result show ssociety. But the edition 0 d there bad not been enough realized inst. excelled itself in al fom the sale of lands to pay the salarâ€" qualities of a live news; s of the officers employed in adminâ€" | cclumns teemed with news ; wering theim. The tariif was imposed original articles on the home nder the assarance that there would life, notes of travel by se: l on idns of m vartations id thius the [o+ matters peculiar to th DURHAM, APRIL 2 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS f THEBYZE ELECTIONS w 4+ 4# s surely China and icural right to make mother in their own sts as the Western . doing in theirs for teed vears. Should t . Wl years. onotid ‘e to establish a around themâ€" : free commerce 1 certainly be Ith, 1895 Tkis gave rise there would and thus the ened. In all ple had been was, to make to live in. d till up and 1. This was ormal School mould be swo ing for those or Campbell ctor‘s section realized he salarâ€" i adminâ€" prf_-c!.-!im Britain weeks s ere so _ loudly _ their _ Protestantism will have another opportunity of exâ€" plaining their inconsistencies. In Verâ€" cheres and Antigonish, where the Roâ€" man Catholic element is very â€"strong, every effort was put forth by the Government tacked up by the Bishops and Cures to defeat the Liberal Candidates _ The Churchâ€" inâ€"danger cry â€" was worked up to its full capacity. The trade question, the most important by far now before the people, and the general pclicy of the Government, were thrust into the background by the Conservative Canâ€" didates. But the electors were not to be so hoodwinked. The Liberals beâ€" came so aggressive in respect to the monepolists & combines that the School question almost dropped out of view, and the Tories, says a Halifax papetr, were compelted to discuss the trade issue and defend the scandals of the Government policy. On these imporâ€" tant issues the Liberal candidates were elected. This is a good omen for the future. â€" In Quebec West, the defeat of Mr. Thomas McGreevy the notorious corraptionist who figured so largely in the McGreevyâ€"Connolly Seandals, and who was found guilty of fraud and embezzlement of the public funds, is a great credit to Quebec, and a severe reâ€" buke to the Government, which, notâ€" withstanding his previous history, gave him its most active support. Altogether the Liberal Party and all lovers of good governiment in the Dominion have gocd reason to congratulate themselves on the net result of these four bye elccâ€" The edition of the Globe of last Thursday was & a unique character. It cannot be said but the Globe as a newspaper and as an organ of public opinion has been in the van of newsâ€" papers, in its variety and fulness of news from all parts of the world, ard as an advocate of the best interests of societv. â€" But the edition of the 18th inst. excelled itself in all the good qualities of a live newspaper. Iis c.lumns teemed with news proper with original articles on the home and social life, notes of travel by sea and land, oi matters peculiar to the fair sex themselves, nor was it wanting in crisp and spicey comments on current events. The thorough going politician might demarr to the absence of the orâ€" dinaryquota of political thunder against the enemics of our country, but this breathing space has an obvious ad vantâ€" age for even politleians. The credit of this laudable venture is due to the Women‘s Auxiliary of the West End branch of the Y. M.C.A., â€"of Toronto. The Y.M.C A. got into financial diffiâ€" culties and the ladies stepped forward to aid them. The Globe magnanimousâ€" ly gave them the use of the office for day, and the lady managers with their staff have done their work well.. We hope the result of the venture has been. as successful financially as the philanâ€" thropic object of the undertaking deâ€" served. The fifth session of the seventh Parâ€" liament of Canada was opened in due form by the Governor General on Thursday the 18th inst. The speech from the Throne was read by His Excellency. It was commendably short and to the point. Suitable referâ€" ence was made to the lamented â€"deuth of Sir John Thompson. Lord Aberdcen took occasion to refer to his recent trip across the Dominion, the unmistakea ble signs of progress and hopefulness in the futare, notwithstanding the depression 0 trade which every where met Liseye, and the unbounded loyalty and public spirit of the pegfle of Manitoba and the North West Territories * Thejeenâ€" tral point of the speéch wasthe state ment on the Manitoba School question, that the dissentient minority has tLe right of appeal and that the Governâ€" ment bas ordered remedial legislation. Relerence was made to the admission of Newfoundland into the Dominion f Canada, and a timely warning was given that, in view ot course of the exormous deficits in the revenue, now amornting to over five million. dollars the greatest possible economy must be tions. amazed at the sudden craze for econâ€" omy that hbad taken possession of Sir MacKenzie Bowell and his sub ordinates, engaged in rather noisy conversation, which became rather auâ€" dible to Lord Aberdeen, when he suddenl stopped, and suid, that "if this noise is not stopped I shall not read another wor sary tosay t and the re French lan elose, witho p.'t“fl LD Auidantaene*raw After hearing Mr. MeNichol thefollowâ€" ing resolu ion was mo\ el, seconded, and carried inauimously.â€"That we the members of Dusham District Associaâ€" tion P. of L. desire to place on record our most bearty concurrence in and apâ€" roval of the «course pursucd by Brother ;\rk_\'u-hol ai d the other Patron members of tho Local Legislature, We are aware of the many difficulties which they have nad to contend with and are fully satis fied that as a body thef' have used their best talents for the welfare and interest of our order as well as for the best interâ€" ests of every class in our coinmon comâ€" munity. Mr. Allan the Patron Csz'x‘dixlar.:- . was our most hearty roval of the 01 Stk.\'whol ai d th of the Local Les mnlngnint ol Mr. Allan the Patron Candidate was then called on. He gave & short address along the lines of Patronism. He said there were some reports going abroad he wished to correct. One was hit he was disqualified, another that he bad resigned. Hesaid be wanted it distinctâ€" ly understood that neither was correct. He said the Patron had brought him out and he was going to sm{ in the field until the last vote was polled. A comâ€" mittee was appointed t.o.um[;e arrangeâ€" ments for & pubkic meeting in the near futueg. TS o e d e ce AOECIECS The President R. w atson stated that as he was leaving these parts he wished to withdraw from the Presidency. His resignatjon was accepted and a vote of thauks given him for his services.. Mr. Edwin Hunt. of Traverston was then elected President. The meetxncg‘ tien adjourned to meet at the call of the S«c. Thes. Milligan and President, Edxin L P. OF L. DISTRICT ASSOCIATIOCY®. THE DOMINION PARLIAMENT esn zmA S GLOBE , that "if 1 not read ly necesâ€" is stopped ch in the d to the »rruption. Mr. John Maher and gang are stul to the front in the line of framing. . He has already framed his own barn and is about through seeding. Mr. Maher has several large barn contracts for Messrs. John McVicar, Alex. Martin, Wiil. Conâ€" nors and half a dozen others. Mr. W. H. Arrowsmith was on the road last week delivering fruit treesand a new variety of potatoes, of which he is very proud. We join with many friends in conâ€" grn.tu!:v.t,in?'3 Mr. Neil McArthur and Miss Smith, of Battineau, N. D , over their Several of our aick [;1(‘()[)18 expect to get out soon as the weather gets warmâ€" er. Mr. M. McAuly, L. Brown, D. Cameron, are all improving slowly. al Well Mr. Editor, we are ly weather and all are bus the sood. The McArthur Bros. and their sister, Miss Annvie. from the Centre have again moved to our burg. They have their shingle hung up this summer at the dwelling known as the Beston house. They ave putting in a seventyâ€"five acre crop on the MceArthur Bros. farm. While in Owen Sound on the Quirk trial, Mr. Patrick Noil was taken dangerously ill. HMis many friends are pleased to learn that he is improving. We are indeed sorry to hear of Mr. Hugh Mcinnis‘ sickness, for his ailment is very hard to cure. Business is booming with the Neil Bros. _ With Mr. Jos. Black as engineer and Mr. P. Burns as packer, the engine and machinery works to perfection. U« Tahn Maher and cane nre stil to The spring work has onee more started and the tender voice of the ploudghm:m can be heard in all directions a nid the singing of the birds. happy union. â€" Mr. Mc: is an old Glenelg boy, and gets the ReviEw regularly. Mr. D. Sinelair accommpanied by or his ‘rats‘ paid a business trip to our t last week. time one evening lately at A. Beaton‘s. Mr. Mack Beaton has erected a fine woodshed and l}mnp-house 13 x 20 ft. Mack is again hired with Mr. Ben. Shargc and starts out this week to beâ€" gin their framing. Fuse Qurdetective has captured the mumps. â€"â€"â€"~4 44. We think it will be necessary f Neil and Jim D. to pay a visit to To and Inglewood. Mr. Peter George and family, of Benâ€" tinck, are to leave this week for the vicimty of Sault Ste. Marie, where he intends again to resume farming. We wish him every success. Mr. Colin McDonald‘s little boy aged two years after a severe and lingerin illness passed from tihme to its et,elua% home on the 18th inst. The kindest of sympathy is felt for the bereft parents. sM4 We are snr?risod to hear of our towns men using their boots so much of late, There is no fun in it says Jim. Ee ds en Aevame t en Sugarâ€"making is the order of the day around here. _ _ f Spring has come at last and with it a terrible flood that came very near wasLâ€" ing our little Villa away. _ Eesmes Mr. Geo. Woolsley .efithis place purâ€" chased a horse from Mr. Jos. ‘Blnclk of Swamp College. Mr. S. Batchelor has gone to work at Mr. Hugh Wilson‘s for the summer months. . s n ie omm C ts Po es Since last writing Mr. Editor, death has snatched away one of our namber, Mr. Robert Scott, an aged resident of Proton died very suddenly on the 8th inst.. Heleaves a wife, three sons and two daughters to mourn his loss‘l. 1+ LE neaiings n ie nc ncie i _ Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Bryce took in Mt. Forest last week. _ es agn‘k Mr. A. Watson has been doing a little in the way of trading, by excgangmg his topâ€"buggy for a roadâ€"cart. We guess you integsi to go g‘x;ivipg Anfilxgw.' * We hearDr. Charlie is bringing a belpâ€"mate to Proton Centre. McKenzie‘s Lightning Liniment cures rheumatism, lame back, headache, neuralgia, toothache, earache, sore throat, catarrh, inflammation of the kidueys and.all painfo: affections. This remedy is pomtxvelvfliusmnteed to cure the above. Price : at the Durham «Pharmacy P J. W. and Miss M. S. had PROTON CENTRE. SCOTCH TOWN PRICEVILLE efithis place purâ€" Mr. Jos. ‘Blnclk of having loveâ€" hustling in i has cap â€"the sum glew ek for ronto it the town M Mr. Eli Joyce Relates His E:éperlenee With Theso Troublesâ€"â€"Could not Reâ€" tain Feod and was Thought to be Beyond Hope Of Cureâ€"But Relief Came and He is Now A Well Man. From the Coaticook, Que., Observer, _ The readers of the Observer have beâ€" come familiar with the remarkable cures effected by the use of Dr. Williams‘ Pink Pill« for Pale People through their reâ€" cital in these columps, as taken from other reputable newspapers. It is now our purpose to tell them of & cure, hardly short of miraculous, which â€"was effected on a person with whom many of our readers are acquainted. â€" We refer to Mr. Eli Joyce, formerly of Dixville, but now living at Averil, Vt. Afew days ago we saw Mr. Joyce and asked him mwbout his recovery. â€" He stated that for four or five years he had been afflicted with rheumatism and dyspepsia. HMe was laid up and unable to do anything on an average of four months in a year, and was constantly growing worse although treated by good physicians and trying numerous remedies recommended A year ago Tast August he was taken seriously ill while at his sister‘s, Mrs. Dolloff, of Dixville. He could not reâ€" trin anything on his stomach and the physicians who attended him were powerless in improving his condition. One of them stated that he had cancer of the stomach and could not live long. It was while in this precarious condition that he determined to try Dr. Williams‘ Flour per 1001b ............ $ Oatmeal *‘ Shorts w Bran t Fall Whoat per Lushel .., Spring Wheat * Oats, $ Iine Peas, k6 Barley, ts Potatoes, t Hay. per 600 .ce k. > Beet, fore quarters, per 100 Beef, Lind _ * e POFKy O A5 n eerervereecrcenrrice FHAGORy 09. .2 rvsene rewennee Sheepskins. @acb........> Butter per ID....0.0cccce.00k++ BEggs, per AOZ .cc 0es Rhcumatism and Dyspepsia. Torny.â€"In Durham on the Ist inst.,the wife of R. Torry, Photo Artist, of a daughter. MeKExZIEâ€"In Durhan on the 17th inst., the wife of Arch. McKenzie, jr.. of a daughter. day‘s work, and I Williams‘ Pink Pil rejuvenated condit life, The Observe M}u‘ough severat c say that it was tl the point of deatl Pink Pills ; in fac JSCHS, DEF OR suecsees Wood 2ft, long......... Turkeys per Ib......... Geese $ Rerenmamee Ducks, . * Chickens, per pair , Apples per bag ... To the Officers and Members of the Durham Lodge A. 0. U. W. No. 198. I wish to thank the members of Durâ€" ham Lodge A. 0. U. W. for their letter of sympathy to me after my late husâ€" band‘s death. I beg most sincerely to thank you for the: kindness shown me by the members of the order,. Also for the prompt payment of $2000 being the Beneficiary of my late busband Thomas Young Fox. I tiust that God in his good Proviâ€" dence will watch over and prosper your noble order in return for your kindness. Believe me, yours sincerely, Mary Fox. A COMBINATION OF TROUBLES WHICH MADE LIFE MISERABLE. CARD OF THANKS. that then Wielavncle DURHAM MARKKET t he had ovtained a new lease ‘ continued taking the Pink me time longer and gained health and strength that he : to do the nardest kind of a c, and he frankly gives Dr. Pink Pills all the credit for his d condition, and says be beâ€" their timely use saved his Observer has verified his story veral of his neighbors, wh» was thought that he was at f death when he began the : in fact when we mentioned ce in Toronto. _ ** Derwent north corner of Sherborne et has been purchased by on, and will be her new use is being prepared for BIRTHS is precarious condition d to try Dr. Williams‘ fore long was able to s stomach. His pain le s and in six weeks to his home in Averil, We We m 0 1 (Â¥ 0 05 to 25 to 0 40 to $1 0 60 0 40 0 30 10 00 0 20 0 60 0 6C 80 0 60 GC 40 15 50 The Geo. E. . Hamilton, On market A To $ Smoksrs Closing up business in Durkam, and are now offering our whele Stock of DRY GOODS at \ess than wholeâ€" sale or any other man‘s sale prices. New Dress Serges, Delains, Veivets, Prints Embroideries, _ Ribbons, Flannelettes, Pillow Cott ings, Tickings, Cottons, C Hosiervy. BOOTS AND SHOES We Are This Supplies a long felt want the consumer one 20 cent plug, cent piece.or a 5 cent picce of t WANTED : HARNESS! HARNESS! Tobacco. N: ind emndecemniinn s Cook‘s Cotton Root Compound, take no subst(â€" tute, or inclose $1 and 6 cents in postage in letter and we willsond, sealed, by return mail. Fullsealed «particulars in plain envelope, to ladies only, 2 stamps. Addres The Cook Company, Windsor, Ont., Canadil OV TR CE UUCTERN ME nd Frens 7 Bs offer inferior modicines .n place of this. Ask for Brings comfort and improvement and tends to personal enjoyment when rightly used. â€" The many, who live betâ€" ter than others und enjoy life more, with less expenditurs, by moro promptly adapting the world‘s best products to the needs of physical being, will attess the valuo to health of the pure liquid laxative rcinâ€"iples embriced in the remedy, Syrup of Figs. Its excellence is due to its presenting i. the form most acceptab‘e and pleasâ€" ant to the tast«, the rc freshing and truly beneficial propertie: of & perfect laxâ€" ative ; effectually cleansing the system, dispelling colds, headscher and fevers aud permanently curing sons‘ipation, It has given sotisZaction to millions and met with the approvai of the medical profession, because it acts on the Kidâ€" neys, Liver and FBo we‘s without weakâ€" ening them and isis perfectly froe from every objectionvbie substance. Syrup of Figs is for sale by all drugâ€" ists in 77%c. bottles, but it is manuâ€" gu.ctun-d by the California Fig Syrup Co. only, whose name is printed on every whiwe ns di9ie 7 Syrup‘of Figs is for salo by all drugâ€" ists in 4"c. bottles, but it is manuâ€" glcturvd by the California Fig Syrup Co. only, whose name is printed on every package, also the name, Syrup of Xige, and being well informed, you wil not acoopt any substitute if . ffered. ent piece.or a 5 cent picce of the famâ€" us *T & B"* brancd of pure Virginia To meet the wishes of their customers ie Geo., E. Puckett & Son Co., Ltd., amilton, Ont., have placed upon the Sold by all *J & Casx ror Hr Cure SICK MEADACHE and Neoraigia in 20 aetmuTes, also Coated Tongue, Dizziâ€" in 20 M/NUTES, also Coated Songue, MM" nees, Biliousness, Pain in the Side, Con‘?dpodfln, ‘Torpid Liver, Bad Breath. to stay cured also regulate the bowels. vaRy MIO# To Taxa. Men‘s & Boys‘ Felt Hats Price 25 Cants ar Orue Srorks. The tin tag " T & B " is on every p THOMAS SMITH. REMEMBER THE PLACI 222LR U CE OO C STON y all Druggists *\ COMPOUND. A recent discovery by an old physiclan. | Successfully used monthly by thousands of Ladics. Is the only perfoctly safe and rellable modicine dis Beware of vuprincipled druggists who Iv KNOWLEDGE POWDERS A. Davidson‘s Store s and cthers atten [ CR D t son Om ix) SMOKLING TO3ACOO. ook‘sCottonRoot EeE teEte W ing in the way 0i 1 and insvect my D rges, Grepons, rints, _ Muslins, ons, Flannels, Cottons, Sheetâ€" ns, Gloves and 1‘ Single, Double ness in all kinds > or for Sweat the ALLOW 11 : genuunc prices for 80B Curry way of 99 ivin db aeanl 10 Three T calves. Or Darham held by the the Town H Will sell Municipa SHINGLES! No. 1, $1.80 per square No 2. . 60. f59s + Monday, the 6th day of May (95, Thoroughbred Chester White Soar, ‘Washington,‘ ]OINT NOTICR IS HEREBY GIVEN that at Mcetings of the respective THE FiNCST TcA In THC WORLO n said Tow ©*Monsoon" Teais put up by the Indian Tea E.wwmna sample of the best qualities of Indian cas. Thordoredwymd:egunmtminzha selection of the Tea and its blend, that is why they put it up themeelves and sell it only in the original ;a:hgvl,t.h«ebymuring its purity and excellence. utupin_}‘lb..xlb.andslb. packages, and never new in Ladigs‘ Wear. Buy your BOC Light Brown Sugar, 35 lbs. for $1.00. Standard Granulated, 26 lbs. for $1.00. 12 Bars Electric Soap, 25¢. londay, the Put up in 4 Ib., sold in bulkc. Our Stock of READY MADES is Complete and we sell Marvellously Cheap. Our Stock of SUMMER HATS Cannot be Excelled in Town in STYLES, SHADES and VZRIETY. We cannot be undersold in any Line. Dalglish‘s old Stand, Upper Town. SUMMER Buy you BOUCTS and SHOE: Bargains that will 8urpr|se you. 3 ALL GoOD GROCERS KEEP IT. I Iiyourpoeerdounockupi'.tdlbimto'duw H P fi STEEL, HAYTER & CO. » ] RKER’ 11 and 13 Front Street East, Toronto. pRUTGGIsr A£a1p ow & szm LaAantr _ N. WENGER & BROS., Ayton, Ont. WATCHES, Also a full assortment of Cpockâ€" 3 ry & Glassware Din-% ner, Tea apd Toilet Sets; At Popular Prices. 2 Durham Bulls For Saile. Sold for 200. ibâ€" Sold for 40¢. 1bâ€" Sold for 50¢ J. CAMERSN TBA 0 AT 10 O°CLOCK SILVERW ARE. SHINGLES! Cedar Shingles FROM THE IN ITS NATIVE PURITY Bring alon Prints are our Leading Fancy Ducking,» Kurma Tea. A PERFECT TEA R Josrta WoopLaxD March 12th 1895. ROTICE. gistered O Registered 3 of two, Co asonablyv. f 1 Meeting louncils t1 ill 11 TEA PLANT TO THE TEA CUP 2208 day of April ‘85, This splendid animal rted from the United a winner of four Prizes TT A $ PHI wn ie our Leading Line. Don‘t buy until you f the respective the Township of f Durham, to be cil of Glenelg, at Township on tw ar, 35 lbs. for $1.00. Soda, 4c perlb. Yeast Cake, 4c Box. ited, 26 Ibs. for $1.00. Good Serubbing Brush, 5c. Soap, 25¢. Splendid Black Tea for 25¢ per Ib. vour, Butter, Eggs and Potatoes for which you will get the highest price tl th r old Bull ear old, at Cormanby. 11 71 ID eogem EoC .nedco cE chaAledes< _ â€" ux "Large Sales & Small Profits." H th PLOWsS. 1 Car load of the Adam‘s WAGONS. 2 Car londs of Tudhope & McLaughl BUGGIE‘S- e . AOGLA0L nun‘q‘-\'s. CHULRS YÂ¥ DOCIUEAL® 1 Car load of Dexocrarts and Carrs, ’ ons o These Goods are all bought at the Lowest Cash Prices and must be sold 'dfrigg tllite season. Come One! Come All, and get your Bargcins and Pick of be Stock. Aberdeen Purple Top, Aberdeen Green Top or Yellow Bullock. Devonshire Imâ€" proved Greystone. Rape Seod.â€"Carter‘s Broad Leaved Sowing Rape Seed. Ial}g‘el.â€"-Cn.ru‘r's Mammoth _ Long Red Prize Mangel. Carter‘s Golden Tankard. TURNIPSâ€"SWEDE Sutton‘s Champion Purple Top Swede, t'rows to a large size and & Lustâ€"class ceeper. King of Swede.â€"A grand Turnips, quality good. London Purple Top Swede.â€"A hand some large Turnip, one of the best. Carrot.â€"Carter‘s _ White â€" Vosges, grows to an immense size. _ The largest Carrot grown. Carter‘s Giant Yellow Belgian. 1 Car load Carter‘s Imperial Purple Top Hardy grows to a good size and keeps well, Bangholm _ Purple Top Swede, « favorite Swede. Spring has Arrived ! â€" G N., C. & J. McKechnie. Blue, White and FIRE INSURANCE attended to Promptly. MARRILAGE LICENSES Issued. Â¥ellow and White Fleshed Turnips, CGalder & Livingstone, Durkam. Auc@. O0th.°I% 4. lothing. We beg to inform our Customâ€" ers and the Public generally that we have adopted the Cash System, which means Cash or its equivelant, ard that our Motto will be We take this opportunity of thanking our customers for past patronage, and we are convinced that the new system will meris a continuance of And we are readv TLower Town. Durkhsam. . McARTHUR. IMPLEMENTS. Etc. See what we Have Cot! THE CASH from us until you have a look through our Stock. other leading shades. This is something n SEFD 8| ADCPTED BY N.. G. & I. McXKECHENIE. uy h‘_ag'. re Rock Salt, 75 cts. 100 lbs. Fine Barrel Salt. Onion Setts.â€"Yellow Dutch Setts, Potato Onions, Engiish Potato Onions, Top Quions. z g:ll Clake.sâ€"lFai(;:e Ground.Ll $1.60 a ;v:z 5 Bag lots, $1.50 a Bag. Linseed, Linâ€" seed Meal, British Cattle Spice, 12 lbs for 25 cents. Fertilizers.â€"Su aB»hosphalt. Land Plaster, in Bags ofpe lbs. Land Sait in Bags of 200 lbs. Medium _ Red, Mammoth, Alsike, Lucerne and White Dutch. Timothy Seed. Orchard Grass, Blue Grass, Red Top Grass, P. Rye Grasw, Hungarian Grass, Miliet and Mesdow Fescue and Lawn Grass. Tares or Vetches, Flax Seed And Bird Seed. Mammoth Southern Sweet, Southern White, Bride of the North, Golden Beauty, Yellow Flint. are prepared to give you FIELD CORN. Harrow rows, &c ads of Masseyâ€"Harris BINDERS MOWERS and DRILLS. ock of Spring Tooth HARROWS Harrows,. Churns, Wheelbar wiil save the it in a fev Ch Highest Price p: We ship every d ard can handle quantity ? yard wid worth 15¢ im one pound rC This price is C good for this week For Men, W ome Boys and . Readyâ€"Made Clothing Rardwars, Baoots & Shoes, Men‘s Suitings. Is worth 13c SEEDS Turnip Seed, Carrot Seed, Mangel Seed, ano OxIONS. Dutch Setts. Wante iX wash Fabrics Angola Shi casy SToR® Str Dozen All KINDS and PRIC F crigoht 10,.00 Suy Butter 2 W LraWw BE.g but dsc id NoA in hy UNTER iz L (ULiL peXt

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