West Grey Digital Newspapers

Grey Review, 25 Apr 1895, p. 3

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l1 Profits." KECHNI gstone, ously Chsap. [LES, SHADES Cot ! / EB SZED. Customâ€" echnie. his is something D CORN., q ! i to give you n Cur 4 99 U EL &RA Sn Oor d Bird Seed. sphate. _ Land s. Land Salt in D our illy Field and Box et, Southern th, â€" Golden ind Meadow $1.00 a bas itch Setts, ito Onion®, Stock. rass, _ Blue Rve Gras«, AR price seed, Linâ€" ice, 12 Ib# of S Issued. be sold Pick of eelbar Alsike, Pretty ! vrasgh Fabri in one pound rolis. This price is only good for this week. Vhen in the clity we picked up a lot of special bargains in the latast Novelties. Angola Sh yard wide worth 15c. %ghesig Price paid.| N‘ e ship every day, «..\ | board ard can handle any use quantity ? | aritl | cheap Is worth 13c per lb. For Men, New Goods. Women, s 1. 1 | ;C.s follows: B ] ".mt f’l"('aij] oys and [ ce y 4 Nes | Corlett, J. M Readyâ€"Made Clothing, Hardware, Boots & Shoes, Men‘s Suitings. SEEDS. Wanted as scon aAs possible. We are the old reha’ple in the Wool business. We give Honest Turnip Seed, Carrot: Seed, Mangel Seed, ONnIONS. Dutch Setts. Wanted! StraWw cgAasH STORE, 10,000 Dozen Girls. All KINDS and PRICES. we give T eisht to all. CRolt Buy a mould, you il save the price of in a feo Churnings. Butter W ool ce Prints . HUNTER, DD E.ggs rICS. irting, 1 at+ i at 0t ». Daurham ats pl Tue Trrer CarrUurED.â€"Somebody | has said that there is no fool like an old 1 fool; but of all the foolish fools the young fool mentioned last week as hayâ€" 1 ing stolen Mr. Hargraye‘s dry goods and | jewelery takes the whole loxf and demâ€" | onstrates the fact clearly that there is, || also, no fool like a young fool, W. ‘ Gilder, the young man in question, enâ€" joyed Mr. B. Hargrave‘s hospitality and ‘ took away with him most of Mr. H‘s wardrobe. He struck the railway .st Dundalk and walked to Orangeyille and out in the country to Vanatter P. O. where he hired with a farmer, The foolish fellow then wrote to the home in Toronto which had placed him with Mr. Meek in Osprey, asking them to write to Mr. Meek to forward his trunk to Orangeville. Thus the coustable, > Mr, Malcolim Macdonald, was put on his ‘ trail. â€"Malcolm went down to Vanatter: on Wednesday of last week and arrested . Gilder, bringing him up Tuesday. All the articles stolen were found in Gilder‘s possession. â€" He was brought before Mr. A. S. Vandusen, J, P. He acknowledgâ€" ed his guilt, and wondered how the authorities had got on to bim so quickly The magistrate committed him to the Sound to stand his trial. . Ho appeared before Judge Creasor on '.Ilueacray .and was sentenced to one month in the comâ€" mon jail. â€"Advance. is McFarlane‘s cheap wall papers is the talk of the country. Have you seen them ? A Our low shoes are in great demand. No wonder at the prices we are selling them. â€"Ramsay & Morlock. ‘ Did you see Kent‘s tent in J. A. Hun ter‘s window ? New tng» buggy for sale cheap! Apply to J. A. Hunter, Upper Town, Duham. See Calder & Livings on‘s new ac week. LOCGAL AND GENERAL. H H M 11 M ttgnde ('l%l('(! th M t this Our budget of news for the Review did not reach Durham in time last week. What‘s the matter with the P. O. old man ? and this week‘s budget is small as I had not time to run around to hunt news, the old people keeps me to work Not â€" much Troup. | He s Mc W Full line of Wilkinson‘s and Peter Hamilton ploughs at A. McKinnon‘s, Priceville. (?nltfuml examine them, You can have a largert sock of carts and buggies to pick from at Calder & Livingston‘s warerooms than any other place in Town. Call and see McArthur‘s stock of ready made clothing and summer hats. C. McArTHUR Fara ror Sace or Toâ€" Rext.â€"Lot 12, Con, 7, Glenelg. Apply to C. MeArâ€" thur, Durham. School crayous at the Durham Phar macy, Sporting goods of all kinds at MeFar lane‘s. â€" Special discounts to clubs. LOCAL AND GENERAL. . He still is atte illiaros, of Dundalk HOPEVILLE furmers started to plow U ‘H‘ll’)l‘ rmerly of this place felmiel nc vement in Wim. attended by Dr. nt list is expectâ€" Pororito. h peopte had n their new quite a li y AniGrann onie Yansunie esntc ieds, hi g’fi o ,‘?@.‘N “_ ‘ "%‘.\ The 1 cut To D. Jackson Jr. Exq. Durham, I have to acknowledge receipt of your communication of the 17th inst. with reâ€" gard to the proposed location of « Steam Fire Engine in your Town. This is usually a question for the Inâ€" spector for the Underwriters‘ Associaâ€" tion to decide when a town applies for a raising of its classification on account of its having a Steam Fire tingine. . I have I no doubt however that when that offiâ€" cial inspects Durham and notices the engine is placed on the lower level or on a lower than the upper portion of your town he will take immediate exception to the same of not providing any adeâ€" | quate fire protection for the upper porâ€" Scarlet fever here. The fam been very sick I McLean‘s little Wedding bells are once more ringing at Swamp College among the L. D. S. At the residence of the brid‘s aunt, on Wednesday the 17th of April, Mr. Chas. McLean and Miss Jean Dezell were unâ€" ited in. the holy bonds of matrimonyv. The young couple mtend spending the summer in the Sunny South. 8 The License_ Commissioners for South Grey met in Knapp‘s Hotel on Tuesday last, and issued licenses as follows :â€" DURKAMâ€"D. J. Kenny, Con. Kqapp, Jos. Cairnsâ€"granted. _ Mrs. McNeil lud over for further consideration. GLENELGâ€"â€"Wm. O‘Mara, Geo. Ryan, N. G. Dunsmoorâ€"granted. BENTINCKâ€"John Klempp, Valentine Kerchner, Wim. Winkler, Peter Leip, Adam Rosewortmâ€"granted. Mrs. Norsâ€" worthyâ€"shop granted. John Burworth laid over, Mr. Burworth is making exâ€" tensive alterations and building a large addition to the Royal Hotel in Elmwood on the com pl-‘t ion of which the license will be issued. NoRMAXNBYâ€"â€" John Himmiler, John Nauer, Heury Rettinger, Annie Wagner, George Wagner, _ Carlâ€" Rabhn, Henry Biemann, Henry Rengel, Andrew O‘Farâ€" rell, P. G. Doersam, Wim. Crawfordâ€" granted. DUxDaALKâ€"McLean & Pollard, Arm xs:,irung & Brinkman, Daniel Reidâ€"grant ed. EarEaxontâ€"John â€" Collins, George Klemppâ€"granted. ProToNâ€"J. Scarlett, Martin Bolger, Neil McLeanâ€"granted. Mr. B. A. Mitchell, the wellâ€"known London druggist, says of Stark‘s Pow ders, the great new cure for Sick and Nervous Headache, Constipation, Biliâ€" ousness, Costiveness, Neuralgia, the Stomach and Liver: "My customers reâ€" ort that they are an invaluable remedy For those diseases. B. A. Mitchell, drugâ€" gist,. London." They are nice to take, immediate and g«:nnmmnb. Two pre B:mtions in each box. Sold at 25¢. & x by all druggists, 5 boxes $1, April 4th Dear SR :â€" Our Town Council have purchased a steam fire Engine and advertised for tenders for a fire hall and tanks, The town being divided by a large hill, there is considerable dissatisfaction as to where the council have decided to place the Engine, (about the middle of the hill). The ratepayers and policy holders in the upper part of the town are much dissatisfied, as it is almost impossible to get the Engine up the hill by hand. A number of your policy holders request me to bring the matter before you at once, as it will be a serious matter in the event of fire. Can you do anything to help them in this matter ? I am, yours truly, D. Jacksox, Jr. Montieal April 18th 1895. Mr. Editor. * There being much dissatisfaction at the action of the Town Council in de® ciding to place the Steam Fire Engine on the market square, we were rcâ€" quested by a number of policy holders in the Upper Town, to lay the matter before the Insurance Companies We represent. The following correspondâ€" enee will, no doubt, be self explanatory. 1 am, Yours Traly, . ARTHUR H. JacksON. Durham, April 17th, 1805 To Win. Tatley, Esq. Royal Insurance Co. Montreal. St _ Sae whistle oer the lave o‘t. Wha I wish were ma.ggot'l meat, Row‘d into her windin‘ sheet, I could write, but Me% wad see‘t, Sae whistle o‘er thelave o‘t. â€"Sae whistle o‘er the lave 0‘t. _ How we live, my Meg and me, How we love, and how we gree, I careâ€"naâ€"by how few may see, â€" But Whistle o‘er the lave o‘t. Meg was meek and Meg was mild, Sweet and harmless as a child ; Wiser men than me‘s beguiled, Whistle O‘er the Lave o‘t. First when Maggie was my care, Heay‘n I thought was in her air ; Now we‘re married, speir nae mair, LICENSES FOR 1895 96 A LONDON DRUGGIST SWAMP COLLEGE is yet raging around ly of W. MceMurdo has or some time also W. J. it last; we heard the McLEax, Seo‘y. derwriter‘s Assoc. d a valuable horse n Proton Centre. serves credit for ighbred Holstein purchased from OrrrICAL J1M, 1 an extensivé Borxe visiting #4% th ‘95 # This Me ded. We ]ham. T should use | bill. This excellent preparation we offer to to the Public :uu} guarantee it to be one of the best now on the market. Restores Gray Hair to its natural color, Keeps the Hair from falling out and cures dandruff. â€" $1.00 size reduced to 50c McKenzig‘s=__ . Emulsicn of Cod Liver Oil For Cough and Colds, and all wasting diseases of young and old. â€" Price, 25¢. We have. sold 600 bottles this winter and have over 50 recommendations for its usefulness, â€" Price, only 15c. Cures Rbeumatism, Neuralgia, Lame Back, pain in the Back, Joints, Chest or any part of the system. HAIR RENEWER. This medicine bas been used successâ€" fully by people in Durham for the past 10 yr‘s for Stomach, Bowels, Dyspepsia, Headache, Liver and Kidneys, Blood and Skin Diseases. Large bottles, 50c. McKenzie‘s Tonic Spring time is here, and we have a g‘ropamlion for removing Dirt, Grease, ar, Pitch, Stains from Silk, Wool, or Cotton Goods without injury to the finest fabrics. â€" Price, 15c. McKenzie‘s We have a few parcels left. Be sure and get one before you turn your cattle out to pasture. x 3 » MeKanzis‘s Epmulsion For removing Lice on cattle, Texas Horn Fly and sheep Ticks, Lice on pigs. Price, 25¢. If you have not dealt with us give us a.call and be conâ€" vinced that we are the cheapâ€" est house to buy this class of goods from in Durham. Wall Paper, MACIGC CREAM. Patent Medicines. Oil Cake $1.50 per 190 lbs. DURHAM PHARMACY, Calder‘s Block, Durham. Manley‘s CelST) â€"â€" â€"â€"â€"smwe NErve COH. Arch. McKenzie. WHAT Fishing Tackle LAND PLASTER, FLAX SEED T AND »~â€"~ FINE GROUND OIL CAKE. I have the best equipped Optical Store in Canada. Trial is :\fi I ask. Paper on the Eye can be had by calling free. I make old Spectacles like new. â€" You can mail your glasses to me for two cents. I have‘ the most complete stock of Specâ€" tacles (for difficult eyes to fit) made. Guarantee with each pair of %lnsses fit. Write for paper containing 2,400 Canâ€" adian references. Eye Specialist always in Store at §7 King St. East, Toronto. Field and Garden PROF. CHAMBERLAIN, MacFABRLANE & G0. McKenzie‘s White Oil McKenzie‘s Regulator. All the leading and tried varieties. with 8. Horss & Cattle Food. SEEDSI! inss %’*N’“’.Eflzfl McKENZIE‘S § ... THIS. licine is highly recommenâ€" are the sole agents for Durâ€" is time of year every one a bottle and save a doctor‘s Sporting Goods â€"â€"ANDâ€" Seeds, Drugs, COUGH SYRUP. Geo. H. Davis. Ege Specialist. 20 years BXPERIENGE. Lo hommninbemien ts Hc ue d ts uk Sn oc w ul aria ie n d un e ns t m oo Park Lot, No. 2, in the Town of Durâ€" ham, containing 4 acres, (at present the residence of the Rev. C. Cameron) on which there is a brick cottage, 6 rooms, pantry, two closets, kitchen,good cellar, 40 brls. brick cistern and wood shed. A never failing well beside the kitchen door. An orchard, a bank barn and dri\'i:‘iz shed. A suitable spot for a retired farmer. At the very lowest prices. See our Ladies‘ real Dongola Button Boots at $1.25. Just step in and see what a lot of Our New PRINTS arc just in. We have the very best value at 5¢, 9¢, 10c and 12c a yard. Seethem before buying. See our 5¢ Challies. Flannelettes from 5¢ ug. Men‘s Top Shirts from 25¢c. up. Men‘s Rubberine Collars, stand up, 10 c. _ Turn down, 15¢ each. Rubberine Cuffs, 20ca pair. We always keep a full line of all kinds of 35 «« 42 **~ $1.00 (** 3& +« 48 ++ l.m 6« Our Lace Curtains all have taped edged. Get one of our Carpet Stretchers. We have the best made for 90c. Curtians low. GB1I1g Judging from the attendance ard the evident interest evinced by the Ladies the two first days of our Millinery Opening wa.é a Success. 4 s Comparisons with other Stores, of were the order. , oOrfcourse, We are of course more than plea j the verdict. pleased with You will have another opportunity of view> ing our immense stock, perhaps a bettertime, not so great a crush. § tz TLPOTT AbeG EDT V LILELD.â€" im MILLINERY We give for $1.00. Give us a Call WOODLAND‘S OLD STAND, ~PRING is here. so is House Cleaning We mean the snow bank and the result is a regular avalanche in the fall of prices that buries it out of sight altogether. _ Owing to the long severe winter and the backwardness of the spring, trade is rather slow in wakening up and weintend now to give it an impetus that it cannot resist. < Enables us to do this and we are going to make the most of this advantage. Note these prices and see if they do not show the wisdom of the Cash System both as regards ourselves and you. A line of Single Width Dress Goods at 5¢ yd. 5 pieces of 40â€"inch Dress Goods at 12%¢ yd. 10 pieces of 40â€"inch Cashmere at 25¢ yd. Extra value. 5 pieces of 40â€"inch Bengaline at 25¢ yd. Extra value. Black Dress Goods in Cashmeres, Henriettas, Whipâ€" cords, Serges, Cravenettes, Soleil Cords, Baritz Cloths, Etc. at all prices. Because we have not mentioned other lines dor‘s think we haven‘t any bargains in them. â€" Our Store is fairly bristling with bargamms and we invite you to come and test the truth of this assertion. Our Millinery Opening has taken place, and that Department under the charge of MRS. MAHER, we intend to make Second to None. A good Leather Slipper for 38c. A regular 75¢ Buskin for 50c. A good strong Boot, usually sold for 90c at 75¢. A G.G. Boot, Standard Scerew, Rivetted, usually $1 at $1.00. A Fine Dongola Boot, Buttoned or Laced usually $1.75 Apply to BEAN & CO. BOOTS & SHOES yds. long, Upper Tows, Dormar. time 221 FOR SALE. MR. J. P. TELFORD LACE CURTAINS. ma and you will need New Lace Just read the prices that folâ€" TINWARE DRESS GOODS. 28â€"in wide, 40c RAMSAY & MORLOCK, Buying for Cash and Selling for Cash or Trade On Saturday next, Barrister, Durham, Ont. The Bank‘s Broke! hotiebuere ns pair BOOTS & SHOES. Butter and Egos taken the same as Cash. x OPENING| £2.25 at $1.85. Men‘s Fine Gaiters at $1.25. Men‘s Heavy Ballast Tongue Boot for 95¢. A few 0dd lincs to clear at your own price A good Gingham, 27â€"inch wide, at 5¢ yd. A good Cottonade at 124¢ yd. An extra good Cottonade. Moleskin Back, 25¢ yd. A good Tab‘e Linen at 18e yd. A good Flannelette at 4c yd. A good Ticking at 14e yd. 32â€"inch Flannelette, usually 10c now 8e yd. Best Gibson Shirting, usually 14¢c now 11}c. Best American Table Oilcloch 5/4, 22e yd. 16 oz. Cotton Grain Bag, asually 20c now 15¢, €1.35. An Extra Fine Kidd Bost, Buttoned, F. S. Tup, usually PATENTED SEPT. 3rd, 1884. No. 20110. NONE ARE GENUINE UNLESS SO STAMPED. Upon having Featherbone Corsets. Refuse all substitutes. INSIST UPPER TOWN, DURHAM. STAPLES. See they are stamped thus 0 0o a% xB

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