West Grey Digital Newspapers

Grey Review, 2 May 1895, p. 2

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How is it that our mants so largely in a distant ma petion with American riv sent such a smalh&@amotnt C to the American market j border 2 It is becauso in A ed States and Canadiang »von termms while our men »f the United states by ar nibitory tariff. Remove burrier av:ll five tim;-s th remperzand mowels rom other Canadian . cities w Australia _ And that:! ban removed if our Governm aécept the statutory and offer of free n:dea in ng:i( es _ E_ stv Canada shipped $15, agricultnltm'al.implemei last year and onty €6,57 United States. UREsM MA C000 m’_mnimzd sohgne o 00 CMne y CCC C C 00 e weiino E tariff adopted 1t Washington less than x year ago. That offer should be acâ€" cepted beforé Parliament riges. â€"New s Th 6n RArvicw. Hardwareâ€"J. A. Hanter. Boots & Shoesâ€"â€"Ramsay & Morlock Crockeryâ€"Moffat. Farm Machineryâ€"C. McKinnon. . Notice to Creditors DURHAM, MAY NEW ADVERTISEMENTS that our mantfactarers soid in a distant maâ€"ket, in comâ€" ; American rivals, and still smallamount of their wares rican market just across the is becauso in Australia Unit nd Canadiangoods meet on ; while our men are shut out ed states by an almost . proâ€" rif. Remove this Customs I five times the quantity of A mowers from ‘Toronto and idian . cities: will be sent to And that : barrier may be f our Government will but statutory and unconditional : trade in agricaltaral maâ€" aeained in the compromise â€"J. P. Telford. Pnd, 1895. to the there 16 a stron> digposition on the part of Russia, France and Germany to blame (Great Britain for the . position: in which they find themselves now pla¢ cd. The fact is, that they have themâ€" selves alone to blame. Early in this Eastern strnggle Her Majosty‘s Govâ€" ernment advised a combination of the Western . Powers in order to prevent the encroachments of Japan upon China. ‘They refused, So Great Briâ€" tain took her own line, and has played the game of diplomacy so successfully that she «alone of all the nations of Earope enjoys the confidence and gocd wili of both China and Japan, acd will no doubt receive the lion‘s share of any substantial adyantages which may reâ€" sult from the strug@le. â€"The Hamilton Herald has issued a i a trade edition devoted to the commerâ€" cial interests of the ambitious city. La ‘ Salle was the first white man to visit the shores of Lake Ontario in 1669. / But thefirst settlers were the descenâ€" | THE DRIFT OF THE SCHOOL QUESTION The Manitola School Question has now made its appearance in the Church Courts. At a meeting ot the Synod of Hamilton and London sitiing at Weodâ€" stock last week, a commumication was read from the convener of the Commitâ€" tee on Education in the Diccese of Niagara on the matter of religious inâ€" struction in the Public Schools. The special point, however, in the Anglican communication was the altima purâ€" pose of the Anglican Chureh to estabâ€" lish church parochial schools, and secking the coâ€"operation of the Presbyâ€" terians in this enterprise. Quite natural enough. If the Roman Catholi¢ church should succeed in securing church Parochial Schoels in Manitola ants of the U. E.: Loyalists and the first general store was erected in 1882. tThc growth since bas been rapid so | that now it ranks as the third city in | the Dominion. _ The push of the city of ‘Hamilton is net unknown in Durham. | not many years ago the batule of the | puages was fought in the County of | Grey. It would serve no useful pur t i\nsc to revive the memory of that fead. | But it may be said, that aside from the merits of the question at issue the broad ; guage would never have earried the day were it not for the push and perâ€" | sistency of the Hamilton representaâ€" | tives. THC FinCsT TeA o :" Jn Te WoRLo FROM THE TEA PLANT TO THE TEA CUP Thc FincsT TeA in vuw Wass ALL GOOD GROCERSs KEEPâ€"IT. Ifyourmdo.notknpit.uuhhnh'fi“b ut up in 34 lb., 1 ib. and 5 1b. packages, and STEEL, HAYTER & CO.» 11 and 13 Front Street East, Toronto. IN ITS NATIVE PURITY mt A PERFECT TEA Row is .'w*»'ag\ fars: UATARRIL RELLEYED IN, 10 To B0atNXUTES. â€" One short pail of the breath through the Blower, supplied with earch bottle of Dr. Agnew‘s Catarrhal â€" Powder, ‘diffuses this Powder over the surface of the nasal passages. Painless and delightful to use, it relieves inâ€" stantly, and permanently cures Catarrh, Hay Fever, Colds, Headache, Sore Throat, Tonâ€" silitis and Doafsss, $0 cents. At McFartax® & Co. Ruzcaamsa Curnep N a Day,.â€"South American . Rhenmatism Cure, for Rheumaâ€" timm and Neuralgia, radically cures in 1 to3. days. . Its actiion upon the system is remark abf. mysterious. â€"It removes at once, the cnuse and the discasenimm edictcly disappears. The first duse greatly benefits, 75 cents. Sold 1y UsFarl&ane Co. f » Ducks, * Chickens, per pair . Apples per beg ... W HOW TWO PROMINENT CITIZENS OF THE PRAIRIE CAPITAL REGAINED HEALTH. One Suffered From The Effects Of Malâ€" aria And Indigestion, the Uther From Norvous Prostrationâ€"Their Story as Told a Tribune Reporter. From the Winnipeg Tribore. The modern world is decidedly skepâ€" tical, and in the case of cures by adverâ€" tised medicine, it is sometimes remarked that they occurat long distances. Reâ€" cently. bowever, the Tribune was told eepâ€"kins. each tter per Ib...... zs, per doz ... mod 2{t, long... rkeys per tb... A Tale From Winnipeg. Aener k m« es eReepiom ced PmA en oc io, m n enarnneesiosnnpinnt g;fi-mw Nee ufiv"‘_ “fi‘?\ Ron Aroiheerr 4. 80. to 2 00 to 0 85 to 0 12 to 0 12 to 80 to 0 07 to 0 04 to 0 05 to 25 to 0 40 to 0 08 0 05 0 06 0 13 0 13 80 0 60 BOCSTS AND SHOES Combs, and anything in the way of horse furnishing call and inspect my complete stock. _ Single Harness from $10.00 up. For a Set of Team, Single, Double Driving or Plough Harness in all kinds of mounting and style, or for Sweat Pads, Whips, Blankets, Bells, Curry A Arezent discovery by an old physician. | Successfully used monthlyâ€"by thousands . of Ladies, Is the only perfectly safe and reliable medicine disâ€" covered. Beware of aprincipled druggists who offer fnferlor medicines .n place of this. Ask for Cook‘s Cotton Root Compound, take no substiâ€" tute, or inclose $1 and 6 cents in postage In lotter and we willsend, sealed, by return mail. Fullscaled particulars in plain envelope, to ladies only, 2 stamps. Addres The Cook Company, Windsor, Ont., Canadt, Chas. M‘Kinnon,â€"â€" Farmers and others attenâ€" tion. All kinds of Farm Machinery, Organs & Pianos, Sewing Mac HARNESS! HARNESS! Sold by all Pruggists, Cure SICK HE ALDMLTE NT OO onite in 20 mywyres, also Coated Tongue, Dizziâ€" ness, Biliousness, Pain in the Side, Constipation, T<rpid Liver, Bad Breath. . to stay sured also reswate the bowels. veRy MICS TO TAK®: Cure SICK HEADACHE and Neuralgia One Car Maxwells‘s Li Bindersâ€"cheayer than ¢ EVERYTHING Price 26 Cents ar Oruae Srorks. Casx# ror Hipes axp Tarmow TELL Th TET EL o TB NE HTELH TL HIONH To M EF40 THOMAS SMITH Zon‘s & BRoys‘ Felt Hats oc POWDERS bination Plng of c nanes HOUSE, Uppoer oot‘s (otton Root have place aVIGSOn S kville Buggies and Campbell, s & Buggies. CcomPoUunNnp. { ) TERE PLA imous prices. 18. wl US â€"DBALER INâ€" A] D M AS. McKINNCN. rMSA V vl Ste tl OUCga&HT FOR CASH n Rxart Diskase Reuteven Ix 30 Mrxut» â€"Dr. Agnew‘s Cure for the Reart gives p: <ect relief in all cases Organic or Sympatheti« Heart Disease in 30 minutes and speediiy effects a cure. It is a peerless remedy for Palpitation, Shortness of Breath,, Smother ing. Spells, Pain in Left Side and all syn vâ€" toms of a Diseased Heart. . Oe dose cony in: ces, ._Sold by McFarlane: & Co. y No No AUH N W iHINGLES 10OP0U WATCHES, Fancy Ducking, in Blue, White an new in Ladiés‘® Wear. Buy you BOUTS and SHOE® Bargains that will Surprise you. Light Brown Sugar, 35 lbs. for $1.00. ‘ Soda, 4c perlb. Yeast C. Standard Granulated, 26 lbs. for $1.00. | Good Serubbing Brush, 5 12 Bars Electric Soap, 25c. 1 Splendid Black Tea for 2 Briny along y0ur, Butter, Eggs and Potatoes for which you will get the Our Stock of READY MADES is Complete and we sell Marvellously Cheap. Our Stock of SUMMER HATS Cannot be Excelled in Town in STYLES, SHANES and VARIETY. We cannot be undersold in any Line. Prints «e our Leading Line, Don‘t buy until you have a look through our Stock. Fancy Ducking, in Blue, White and other leading shades. This is something ~o fo »fi .:, ,;_:, w 6 CE ¢7 Q WB ts %’ :E i 94 "i‘ ~ 9 :; 2 J ooÂ¥ es y 8 n t y &o 9 % »ry & Glassware Din‘;j ner, Teaend Toilet Sots At Popular Prices. j J. CAMERON . Urgans & Pianos of to A few Stoves at New Wilhams & Maxwell‘s S Coulthard & Harrows. Wilkinson PI l O SILVERW ARE in uininl alglish‘s old Stand, Upper Towa Cedar Shin WENGER & BROS., Ayton, Ont. uY # hM $1.30 per square 60 66 6€ 4 OWHR, n Hand haad SHINGLES ! a [! TERAS 1J alls For Vehicies hines, Etc f Re o Nt eo e Arnotiocice ie t 6 +h ct inpglosg MD=rvhan» ced Dr 1 Scufflers B &lGke & 0 TDR ACCTIITA U ALl » 1 «© N., G. & J. McKechnie. Aberdeen Purple Top, Aberdecn Green Top or Yellow Bullock. Devonshire Imâ€" proved Greystone. Rape Seed.â€"Carter Sowing Rape Seed. Mangel.â€"Carter‘s Red Prize Mangel. Tankard. 7 Carrot.â€"Carter‘s _ White _ Vosges, gmws to an immense size, _ The largest ‘arrot grown. Carter‘s Giant Yellow Belgian. Carter‘s Imperial Purple Top Hardy grows to a good size and keeps well. Bangholm Purple Top Swede, a favorite Swede. Sutton‘s Champion Purple Top Swede, Erown to a large size and a firstâ€"class ceeper. King of Swede.â€"A grand Turnips, quality good. London Purple Top Swede.â€"A hand some large Turnip, one af the best. TURNIPSâ€"SWEDE Carter‘s Elephaut Purple Top Swed the largest turnip grown, Solid and iond keeper. Carter & Co., of Londo: ngland, are the originators of Carter Elephant Swede and when you was Elpfiaut Swede, ask for Carter‘s. BUGGIES. _ i l o 1 Car load of Demockars and Carrs, These Goods are all bought at the Lo during the season. Come One! Come All the Stock. FIRE INSURANCE attended to Prompt] Thirty fourth Annval Import of Staple, Field an Garden Seeds from Britain. 4 aple, Field an CALDER & LIVINGSTON, Spring has Arrived ! â€" "Large Sales & Small Profits Yellow and White Fleshed Turnips, ET GCH Durl M FIELD SEEDS. wwe taxc tnhis OPPOPLUnNniLy Of thankinrg our customers for past patronage, and we are convinced that the new system &lotHkiirzese. We beg to inform our Customâ€" ers and the Public generailly that we have adopted the Cash System, which means Cash or its equivelant, ard that our Motto will be Ar LO TH ds id CG. McARTHEUR. we Lower Town, Durham. he Adam‘s WAGONS. Tudhope & McLaughlin See whatwe Have Cot! ese. ce tpo e escee, 1HE CASH Mammoth _ Long Carter‘s Golden s Broad Leaved from us We are prepared to give you SEFD S | IMPLEMENTS®â€": Etc. ADOPTED BY Soda, 4c per lb. Yeast Cake, 4c Box d ereiva in m Top Quious. _ Oil Cake.â€"Fine Ground. $1.60a bag, .)Bn,;i!o&s. $1.50 a Bag. © Linseed, Linâ€" seed Meal, British Cattle Spice, 12 lbs for 25 cents. Fertilizers. â€"Su hosphate, _ Land Plaster, in B&gsofn;g)lhs. Land Sait in Bags of 200 Ibs, Rock Salt, 75 cts. 100 lbs. Fine Barrel Sait. Onion Setts.â€"Yellow .Dutch Setts, Eoralt\o Onions, English ,Potato Onionk, Mamumoth Southern Sweet, Southern White, Bride of the North, Golden Beauty. Yellow Flint. Tares or Vetches, Flax Seed And Bird Seed. Medium _ Red, «Mammoth Lucerne and White Dutch. H Timo Seed, Orchard Grass, Blue rass, cfid Top Grass, P. Rye Grass, [ungarian Grass, Millet and Meadow escue and Lawn Grass, CV CLOYER SEEp. stock of Sprir n Harrows. FiELD CORKR. MARRILAGE LICENSE MOW MNAHa orturnity of itcA h6:.E N vour Bargai 5e per lb. BLYES / 4s highest pric U h HAR W Alsike 73 We have ms Special _Barge in this Dept. is to use Ore ‘orcharda should Readyâ€" Mad: CLOTHIN _A Dollar Bi Cheapest thing the market. only way to the INSECTS your without onre go on. Buy one of new They are selling 1 hot cakes. RAEKEES, Et GARDEN Floor Paim In all colors £o SELL SPRAYEER Spades Is WHAT HARDWA! Apple Tre Call up and see What Aboct T} J. A..HUNTER you 1 Shoyv 50¢ â€"FORâ€" â€"ANDâ€" rea2day Unzer stock

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