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Grey Review, 9 May 1895, p. 2

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She 60 Amiew. â€"It is now a Manitoba Hous will say ‘no‘ to t then take the v eeneral eleetior â€"Sir Hector Langevin has turned ‘his back upon his old triend. When a rawid apon the public treasury was beâ€" ing resolved upon, Sir Hector was A%';ute ready to receive the assistance of ‘Mr. Thomas MeGreevy in cooking wpablic contracts and embezzling the rpubsic funds. But when he hbad the «apportanity of doing what honor he «eould to Mr. Thos. McGreevy by introâ€" «dncing iim to the House. and lending thim the benefit of his knighthood as This spousor, Sir Hector fails. ‘There is ic to be honor a.mon;.;) lt.hiew:s but apâ€" Â¥parently not among pi ic thieves alas ;y-or Mr. MeGreevy, who after all, ‘sappr=t to have been the least Rriameworthy of the rotorious band of mg:rmorsofwbich te was a member. "Mr. McGreevy was introduced to the louse.by the.conservative whips. of the road bhave been reduced conâ€" siderably, while the efficieney of the railway itâ€"elf has been kefm up. â€" But wwhen dividends are not orthcoming shareholders are naturally disposed to rebel azainst the existing order of things, and to come to the conelusion, that a change will do good. The new YWresident, that is the choice of the majority, although not tormall{ electâ€" ed as yet, is Sir Chas. Rivers Wilson. G., the new President of the Grand Trank Railway is 61 years old and has cecupied many important positions in the British diplomatic service, notably in Egypt. l}e has always been proâ€" minent as a financier, and as such will find room for the display of his ability in Grand Trunk affaurs. â€"Sir Wm. Van Horne‘s opinion of the Hudson Bay Road, should be worth something. â€" He claims that the proâ€" posed grant of £2,500,000 is sufficient to build the road and afford a profit of some hundreds of shousands in one seaâ€" oo ar cmd anet cometnces "that the railâ€" â€"â€"The Board of Directors of the Grand "Trank Railway Company with the Preâ€" â€"sident, Sir Henry Tyler, who has beld »â€"W\ilioll for many years, hasresignâ€" Fed. The affairs of the Company bave mot been forsome years in the most prosperous condition. ‘The pressure of Rard times, decreased business and Jow rates, and the competition of other Hizes have contributed to this result. The sharcholders at their annual meetâ€" .meeting last week in London, England ucharged the Directors with extravagâ€" â€"ance and with concealing the true state of the accounts, but these charges were denied. It would appear from the ad terly absurd 1 seriously thot ment." week after moment bel no | lake dAress of the President that the expenses RHWERCNEIE TT OAR EGeme in cal the principle of members of Parlia ment receiving railway passes and drawing. mileage at the same time. (wer a score o speakers took part in the debate, the mJ‘ rity favoring a system by which the Railway companâ€" es should earry mon bers free. Near ly all the members repudiated the irmmflied suspicion that Parliament was . anduly influenced by passes, while Mr. Davies and Mr.: Lister thought it would \be better sabat sauombers «should ibe above suspicion. . ‘Mr. ‘Malock, â€" while â€"not charging that Legislation thad> beanâ€"biassed by the practice reâ€" -ud;mmmmmmd (the eye.| When it iis «oomstecdd +tlhgt : 282000 ‘is veted .each .ygar ‘for ; méleage LV CCCE O.0 memnes mngr, 10 SD from the oppositi bad nothing to the negotiations =â€"â€"Mp. Mulock : teresting at Otta W only is he out for salary paid the C â€"XMr. Mulock is making things inâ€" teresting at Otta wa this session, _ Not only is he out for reduction of the salary paid the Gov. General, which is generally spolien of as $50,000 a vear, Fut which Mr. Marlock shows with Rideau 4Ia Iand other perquisites has cost us $114,000 a yext, but he is attacking with all the vigor of a radiâ€" enc Imnarntine rnentndi y ar Bc hi DURHAM, MAY 9th, 1895 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS, s work and y will be op Tl rospects and ver Jju not used "for «+shat , rurpose «me ~to call <~a ~ha‘t, sand we y see Mr. Mulock‘s bill earried. arier characterized the bill asa w almost certain that the ouse, which meets toâ€"day, \to the remedial order, and 1e voice of the country at a d concludes "that the railâ€" perated by any body for a it is built, I do not tor a ve. There is no traffic and of any beyond Dauphin y little this side. I refuse it any arrangement so Utâ€" has been or ever will be ucht of by any governâ€" A. Hunter, 4n 6 4 â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" ruan difficulty has d so the marines who of Corinto have reâ€" . British ships. which D. Jackson 1 for Rotterdam. strophe has just f the jury is that re to Tikw tewart, tl exlley at »d they it, and might K. C. M Home 1 Jus been 1cted have nc In the early part of the week a dis eussion on the Newtoundland terms occupied the attention‘of the House, when the Government certainly did not appear to advantage. But later on, when Mr. Foster attempted to explain the changes that have recently taken place on the ministerial benches the leader of the House fared still worse. Mr. Foster gave a succinet account inâ€" | deed of what had been done, but unâ€" | fortunately his statements did not agre¢ | with the statements given the country | by the organs of the Gov«rnment bearâ€" | ing on the appointment of the Premier. Mr. Foster said that Sir MacKenzie l Bowell had been asked by His Excel | lence to form a Government, which he proceeded to do. â€" But the country was informed at the time of the occarrente that the Governor General had asked Sir Frank Smith to assume the responâ€" | sibility of forming a ministry and that Eoi eCns CC Mped se en C | waiting, and patiently waitinf', at the ! door of the Council chamber. It rumour | is to be creditedâ€"I do not know as to ! that, for I may be wrongly informed, or I may be rightly informedâ€"but, it l rumour is to be credited, weare told that there was a rivalry between these | three gentlemen as to which of :h‘L:m that gentleman advised His Excelâ€" lency to call upon Sir MacKenzie Bowell. â€"As pointed out by Mr. Laurâ€" ier thero was design in this maneuyre, obvious design, to conciliate, if possible, a large and im:portant body of the clectorate the coâ€"religionists of Sir Frank Smith _ And in this game the conservatzive leaders have alwaya playâ€" ed a bold and a suceessful part, â€"the means used being always of very secondary consideration. _ As to the other ehanges in the Cabinet they were of minor img:.rtmce and NMr. Laurier, in one of his happiest veins hit them off well. "It appears, he said, that the Secretary of State now cccupies a situation which it had been supposod was reserved for one of the three gentlemen who have long been â€" 4 ue u11 Eow other gentleman, the member iOC Heldimand, who, with one single jump, clearcd over,the heads of the«Solicitor General, the Controller of Customs, and the Controller of Inland Revenue, and landed site, and on his two feet, right in the Council chamber. This is to say the least of it, an acrobatic feat which shows in that somewhat corpaâ€" lent gentleman great agility and sup pleness of limbe." Dr. Landerkin foilowed in the same strain. â€" Referring to the frequent changes and the number of ministers, he said that the Controller of Customs, who by the way is one of the disapâ€" pointed ones, has constitutional quesâ€" tions on hand, that owing to eertain movements he has been consulting conâ€" stitutional authorities. â€" But, added the Doctor, ""I have no fear of the controlâ€" ler, so long as the salary hold out. The constitution well never break him. It will never cause him to be rash. There may be a tho :sand reasons but he will not forege his position." The great event of the session how ever is the Budget speech. On Friday Mr. Foster made an elaborate stateâ€" ment of the financial condition of the ‘ country, admittinga deficit of tour and a half million dollars for the current year, and a probable deficit of $1,700â€" 00 for the ensuing year. _ These deâ€" ficits he proposes alleviating by increasâ€" ing the duties on sugar and distilled shouldo enter the Cabinet first. . But while they were disputing at the door, there happened what sometimes may happen under such circumstances ; there stealthily came from behind anâ€" vention. Mr. Jas. Renwick is adding repairs to the house lately rented by Dr. Bird. Mr. Jas. Geddes disposed of six head of cattle last week to Cattle King Brown, of Holstein, for the bandsome sum of \!r Ed. Wells was the recipent of a fine present one day last weekâ€"a handâ€" some baby girl. u'n'fmm an Epworth League of Christian Endeavor in comnection with the Methâ€" odist Church. It will no doubt be a good opg:rtunitv of making the fruits of thzir labor during the past few weeks more manifest. There will be another society represented at our coming conâ€" Rav. Mr. McViear congratnlated the concregn~ tion on Sabbuth last for the bandsome way in w‘ich they had contributed to foreign missions, zomething over 819 00 bring collected by the enâ€" velops syatem for the first time, ao increase of nearty $20.00 over former yers, . < The C. E. Society of this church ts mproving in talont andzis working gcod in the locality. Their meetings are fin held on Mobday evenings and are well atten Mr. Joe Beclos, will, if possible build stronger, m.d S‘raighter walls this season than ever, cause? a little ludy just arrived to call him pa, on Thursâ€" duy last. business with Mr. Wm. Coleridge. % The special services in the Hall closed on Sauday, April 28th, and on the folâ€" lowing Tuesday a meeting was called by Mr. Hartly, at which it was decided -â€"61’:1;(':0 or its suburbs rather, now sports & bicycle. e i nate" Amos Cbureh Sabbath School started yesterdny with alerge attendance, Four certificates were zmmnr.ed. given by the Pres, for repenting the ‘utchism the year previous, "’3“"‘"' A’x‘mic Reid EDo Nepi en in canezeudt Ni oo o 2 iess and Masgie Ferguson and to Mus Wiy, Drimmie. After a few weeks enforced rest we again intrude upon your space. _Farmers are all lvlisy at their seeding, which will be pretty well finished this week if the fine weather continues. Carson Bros. bave bought G. Hawk‘s farm and are busy putting in the erop. Tell you what Alex. is a hustler. \Ur. T. Morrow has suffered severely for the pest few. days with themmatism in his feet. Maple Grove is a yery moral place. The young men all belon« to the Sons of Temperance with the exception of one or two. Framer, Sandy Stewart, has just broken in a fine year old trotter for D. Kennedy Mr. Archie McLellan, of Scotch Town spent Sunday with D. Sinclair. # Mr. Arthur McLaughlan, butcher of Ciatsworth, was in Maple Grove on .husim.-s.s one_day recently. Father J. Carson, of Proton Station, was visiting friends in Maple Grove on‘ Sunday last. NC 2: snn aeanlee " Bemar P ul ut Nr. Fredâ€"Cemuedz.bes sold his trotâ€" ting mare to wir. Faweett,f Dundalk, for a good figure. Nn M se Miss Mary Brodie and Miss Nettie Richardson, dressmakers of Priceville, are renewing old acquaintances in Maple Grove. ; Mr. John Campbell is making preparâ€" ationes for building a large driving sgxed The work is in the , bands of contractor John Hogan. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Hapenny were blessed with another lf'oung son one day last week. Jacob still smiles, 1My. Archie McKinnop. inxplement agent of Priceville, supplied most of the farmers nmnfifil bheme with seed drills this spring. He is the right man in the right place. * * Miss Bella McLanghian treated a few .of the young people to @taify pull the of hex pight. y i; dun-m in the shade registered here on Satur lay and 90 degrees on Sunday. M THE HOUSE OF COMMONS MAPLE GROVE. DROMORE. ters. Chas and To Farur»m, and partienlarly to MomtaEn,â€" On this the ocoasion of your birthday, . we, iour Sons and Danghters, together with theso ‘YÂ¥iends, are hove nesembled to present you with these chnirs, as a murk of the deep respect, and fial affection which we benr buvm'r & you, }m;-i:xg mald DT LoD on radtansctin® that you both may be long KP! pleasure a «d comtort which the Sizmed on beual{ of the family ing them all warmly on his OWn AlU his wite‘s behalf, for their kindness and warm affection towards them. . He hoped that suceess would attend their efforts for good through life, and that their families would all prove a blessâ€" ing to them. They would value the the chairs very highly, not alonc for their worth‘s sake, which was very «nid‘. but for the love which promptcd So perfectly were the arrangements earried out and privacy kept, that the articles were placed in position and the company assembled before the worthy couple were invited to their own front parlour to receive the expressions of ¢â€" steem and respect. What wonder if the recipients were surprised, or to use Mr.[H‘s own expressive phrase * ‘dumbâ€" foondered," a condition by no means likely to eccur under ordinary circumâ€" stances. An enjovable time was spent in song and conversation ending with a yerse of " Auld Lang Syne " by the company. ts ‘ruid‘, but for the love which prom puCt. those of the family present. and tEosc elsewhere in Canada and far away Wash. Ter., who had had each and all a share in the present. ADDRESS AND PRESENTATION Rec‘d after going to press,. . !ve Maje room to say that Dr. Smith, of Honan, will preach in Dornoch, on Sunday next, and .will Zecture on Tuesday, the l4th. Magic Lantern views. Coffeetion in aid of Honau Missions. WX Last week our readers v Mr. Booth was in a very l but this week we are very to chronicle his death. Sunday, April 28th, ag Mr. Booth emigrated t« about 30 years ago and bu smith shop where many over the anvil and earned tae sweat of his brow and he gained a very con:lfu Mr. Booth was well and WICOY known throughout the country and he will be greatly missed by all The funeral took place on Tuesday to the Methodist â€" cemetery and was _very largely attended. The Rev. Mr. Hartâ€" ley, of Priceville preached the funeral sermon. He leaves a widow and one daughter to mourn his loss, We exâ€" temi. our heartfelt sympathy to them in this their sad bereavement He was a kind and dear husband and father, beloved by all his customers, a thorough workman and a kind heartâ€" A meeting of the Fire Brigade to promote efficiency, was teld in the Town Hall on Tuesday evening of this week, a committee on Byâ€"laws was apâ€" pointed and will report at an ad journed mecting, in the same place on Tuesday next at 8 o‘clock, p. m. The Brigade will be mcre ccimpletely organized by the more regular enrolment of the members, all of whom are expected to be present for that purpose. The comâ€" mittee .will also report on necessary appliances to be procured immediateâ€" ly. Other than members taking a liveâ€" ly interest in these matters, will by their presence, prove their appreciaâ€" tion, and give encouragement to our Firemen. ; Towx Couxncm.â€"The reguiar meel ing was held on Monday night. All present but Mr. Calder, who was atâ€" tending the obsequiecs of his father. The Byâ€"law granting the road allowâ€" ance to Mr. Thomas Brown was put through the various stages. It is interâ€" esting to note that the road, Lambton St., which takes the place of this allowâ€" ance, has been open 40 years next Auâ€" pust. $25 was granted on the tank eontract, though on this the council divided eyenly and the Mayor went with the yeas. Printing, and other accounts amountâ€" ing to over $100.00 were passed. Assessor Moffat has to wait till Court of Revision for $5.00 of his s lary, and He was a father, bel a thorough ed man. â€"Clara Ford, accnsed of murdering Frank Woestwood, bas been declared not guilty. The character of the deâ€" ceased is.also clear, and his murderer is still at large. â€"Japan statesman have yeilded the Eoim about the possession of F{an of Manchuria, in deference to the Russian protest. Mr. Henry replied felicitoasly, thank he may be thankful it wasn‘t $2 uB MV EWt s PE et e WE ts have cut off one &owrm Orangeville, ‘and granted others with a caution. Laidlaw, Lena Sr.' ¢ I-\} classâ€"Mac Watt, Girtie Sutherland, â€" May MeClocklin, Ruth Johnston, Willie Harris. _ Jr. IV classâ€"Edith ‘Wood, Annie Lawrence, Ella Robertson, Maud Davidâ€" son, Annie McFerlane. Sr. IIIL classâ€"Lorne â€" McAnulty, Georgie McRae, Winnie Raymond, Ethel Limin, Louisa Nester and Fraser Paterson aeq. Jr. III classâ€"Abram Connor, Cora Jr. III classâ€"Abram Connor, CoOra Derby, Ethel, Elvidge, Levia Nester, Annie Hutton. Sr. II classâ€"Minnie Paterson, Mary Renton, Maggie Hutton, Annie Colyille, Cora Moffat. Jr. II classâ€"Lala Warmington,.Mable Cameron, Grace Barclay;Nathan Swalâ€" low, Maggie Hunter. o d Lt h e N mupLt ToA UPaSi C Pz Sr. Pt. II classâ€"Ohristina Nester, Willie Johnstan, Willie Havens, Vina Kress, Willie Saunders. Jr. Pt. II classâ€"James Warmington, Willie , Darby, «George Reid, Duncan McKenzie, Britain Paterson. I classesâ€"Sadie Sharp, Hugh ~Nester, Alice Rnuftge and Emma_ Harvay aeq. John Renton, Adeline Dean,. ‘Arthur Allan, Fanny Graspby, George, Brownâ€" ing. Honor Roll The Dufferin Licqnse Commission o0 1 AvelPlaninace n 2 uon‘ all warmly on his own and BALSAM VALLEY nw_._._ d# 4 _ HONOR ROLL. DORNOCH oing to press. We make Opress. stt RUCCIE ub::lt-v:;"u);n.rn:l to enjoy the t which they afford. of Durham School for + + + â€"The regular meet rders would see that very low condition, re very sorry indeed enth. He died on h, aged 61 years. ited to this country and built the blackâ€" fortable mome. 1 and widely country and he by all The Tuesday to the ind â€" was _very Rev. Mr. Hartâ€" Mrs. T. Kerm. Axprow Aexny Te Mvege Flour per 1001b Oatmeal _ ** Shorts a Bron § Fall Whent per Spring W heat Oats, Barley, Potato®s, Hay per to Beet, fore Beef, hind Pork,". t Hides, * Sheepâ€"kin Butter per Exgs, per Waod 2ft, Wood 21t, long....... Turkeys per W...... Geose PP erveas Dacks., . ** Chickens, per pair Apples per bay ... oc etencp esns â€"NOW ON ATL.. THOS. MOFFAT‘S. ts Brings comfort and improvement and tends to personal enjoyment when rightly used, The many, who live betâ€" tor than others und enjoy life more, with less expenditure, by more promptly adapting the world‘s best products to the needs of physical being, will 'atfed 1 W 10. Mbmndine Te Grockery To meet the wishes of their customeas The Geo. E. Tuckett & Son Co., Ltd., Hamilton, Ont., have placed upon the market This Supplies a long felt want, giving the consumer one 20 cent plug, or & 10 cent piece or a 5 cent piece of the famâ€" ous *T & B" brand of pure Virginia Tobacco CS oi ied ult sns Jndabtte in 04 the value toxixealth of the pure liquid laxative rcin iples embriced in the remedy, Syrup of Figs. Its excellence is duo to its presenting i. the form most acceptab‘e and pleasâ€" ant to the testo, the rcfreshing and truly beneficial propertiee of a perfect laxâ€" ative ; effectually cleansing the system, dispelling colds, headscher and fevers a.d permmnontly curing sonstipation. It has given satiJaction to millions and met with tho «pprova, of the medical profession, because it acts on the Kidâ€" neys, Liver and ic we‘s without weakâ€" ening them and is is perfectly freo from every objectionubre substance. |___ A Combination Plug of To Smokers W e lits» db ied nc ral in ware ever found under ore rcof in Durham. Rare and elegant articles, beautiful in form and color, are found ranged with the useful. TEA SETTS from $2.00 up, DINNER SETTS cherp in proportion. sitered. Crockery and QGlassâ€" The largest, best selected and most varied assortment of widian Uontind Pngiivabearis neuide ie enrecoe Syrl‘x’{)”of Figs is for salo by all drugâ€" gists in 7%c. britles, but it is manuâ€" factured by the California Fig Syrup Co. only, whose name is printed on every package, also the nam«, Syrup of Figs, and being well informed, you will not aecept any substitute if Aorod. No. 1, $1.30 per square. No. 2’ 60 * 66 N. WENGER & BROS., SHINGLES! In frct Economy, Utility nd Beauty have all been conâ€" ook‘s CottonRoot CcoMpoUnNnd. UV 2233 Cure SICK HEADACHE and Neuraigia in 20 mImuUTES, also Coated Tongue, Dizziâ€" ness, Biliousness, frain in the Side, Constipation, Torpid Liver, Bad Breath. . to stay cured also regulate the bowels. v&ERY /CE TO TAKE« Prics 25 CanTs ar DRUG STORKS« & mana . A.rezont discovery by anold ¢f '...m, by thoussads . of Ladies. Is the only perfedity mmmmdb govered. Beware of waprincipled druggists who ‘offer inferior medicines .n place of this. Askfor Cook‘s Cotton HKoot Compound, tabe n#anbstiâ€" tufe, or inclose §1 and 6 cents in postage 1t letter and we willsond, sealod, by return mail. Yalloodled particulars in plain envelope, to ladies only, & stemps. Address ‘The Cook Company» L 204200 Al} Aamadin Sold by all Druggists. uT & BH SNOXLXEG TOBACCO. Classware The tin tag "T & B " is on every piecs. MIFFAT SELLS CHERP. SHINGLES! Cedar Shingles DURHAM MARKTE KNOWIEDGE °. eacl IND.LLLZ POWDERS guarter â€"ANDâ€" bushel er 100 Ayton, Ont. 0 0¢ to 0 07 to 0 05 0 40 to to to to 0 08 0 05 0 06 80 0 60 HARNES S HARNESS! tion. For a Set of Team, Single, Double Driving or Plough Harness in all kinds of mounting and style, or for Sweat Pads, Whigs, Blankets, Bells, Curry Combs, and anything in the way of horse furnishing call and insvect my complete stock. Single Harness from $10.00 up. oale olemicuicalicy oi te e tE (Ca ER ET P 2U Ee e e 1t Chas. M‘Kinnon â€" WAREHOUSE, Upper Town, Durham. â€"DEALER INâ€" Al Ikinds of Farm Machinery, Vehicles, Organs & Pianos, Sewing Machines, Etc. Just Arrived And Soid at Lowest Posstble Prices. Call and inspect and be Convinced. Durham, May 1st, ‘95. We Are Closing up business in Durham, and are now offering our whele Stock of DRY GOODS at less than «awhoieâ€" sale or any other man‘s sale prices. New Press Serges Crepops Delains, Veivets, Prints, Muslins, Embroideries, _ Ribbons, Flannels, Flannclettes, Pillow Cottons, Sheetâ€" ings, Tickings Cottons, Gloves and Hosiery. BOOTS3 AND SHOESâ€" Men‘s & Boys‘ Felt Hats Call and get some of the genuine bargains and compare the prices for yourselves. REMEMBER FTEE PLACE. A. Davidso n‘s Store Upper Town, Durhare. ROT BR C 0 for the Town of Durham will be held in the Town Hall, on Sa.turdxg’ evening. -gbezmhdny of May 1895, at 8 p. m. GEoRrGE RUESELL, Clerk,. The Assessment Rollis Clerk‘s Office. éll C(::np] Te Pn Rrgreet codiar o One Car Brockville Buggies, also Gananoque, and Campbell, Lonâ€" «on Carriages & Buggies. One Car Chatham Famons Wagons, also Snow Ball Wagons. New Stock of the famous Ramsay Cartsâ€"at fabulous prices. Frost & Wood‘s Singe Apron Binâ€" ders, Buckey Mowers and Tiger Farmers and others attenâ€" EVERYTHING BOUGHT FOR CASH One Car Maxwells‘s Light Steel Bindersâ€"cheaper than ever. Casn ror Hmps axp Tarmow. eals to be handed in by 05. ‘The first sitting of the WATCHES, THOMAS SMITH, SILYVERW ARE. Balance on hand per RECEIPTIS AND EXPENDITURES N C emdife2e..". ... o2 From taxes 1893 voll LCs fiunicipal Notice. Court of Revision. PADCS......0. k« «++ County Treasurer Bank Account.... Sundries.......... Poll Dog Sale Market Fees Ments....... Licenses...... .. Debentures sold ABSTRACT SCATEMENT do DAVIDSON & Co. nmely s ce in nel con NeCeeinte t To ies o cce ;fi%"»’é‘““fit‘ hoi k 3?4 6 'LW".'Z '% 'v,;*"% wb ue f',,"l:‘%*‘f"ww; e in Resid‘t Taxes for Taxes TN eof BUREAY RECEIPTS "or the year ending December 31st 1894 _ complaipnts or apâ€" in by t.hén 14th May CHAS,. McKINNON. last pow in the $ 326 66 3000 97 2204 187 70 40 00 316 88 510 00 46 00 174 00 9070 35 66 6 CO 6 GF THE 80 00 03 21 OoF i Dalglish‘s old Stand, Upper Town. Now on Hazd SUMMER Our Stock of READY MADES is Complete and we sell Marvellously Cheap. Our Stock of SUMMER HATS Cannot be Excelled in Town in STYLES, SHADES and VARIETY. We cannot be undersold in any Line. ko oo nc n n P v new in Ladisgs‘ Wear. Light Brown Sugar, Standard Granulated, 12 Bars Electric Soap, 25¢. Buy you BOOQTS and SHOES Bargains that will Surprise youâ€" FOR Service. This splendid animal was imported from the United States and was a winner of four Prizes at the World‘s Fair, Chicago. TERMS .. $1.00. BOULDEN & %0o., Harness Makers, _ &A nril Brd ‘05. Durham. Â¥.pril 3rd, ‘95. Three Registered one year old Bull calves. One Registered two year old, at Lot 2 and 3 of two, Con. 1, Normanby. Will sell reasonably. ‘ W ANTED Local and Traveling . Salesmen tohandle ou,. Hardy Canadian Grown Nursery Stock We guarantee satisfaction to represenâ€" tatives and customers. Our nurseries are the largest in the Dominionâ€"â€"over 700 acres. No substitution in orders. Exclusiye , territory . and liberal terms to whole or part time ggents. â€" Write us. STONE & WELLINGTON,.. (th i (Head o?;ce § Torontg.‘ Ont. e only nursery Cavada baving testing orchards,) : e JosHuUa WoOPLAND, Durham, March 12th 1895. Thoroughbred Chester White Boar, ‘Washington,‘ Maxwell‘s Stcel Rakes, etc. Coulthard & Scott‘s Seed Drifts and Harrows. Wilkinson Ploughs and Seufflers. Organs & Pianos of the best makes. A few Stoves at job prices. New Willians Sewing Ma chines. Full Stock of Repairs always on hand. Durham BRulls For Sale. Debentures d Interest Couy Ch County Treasurer Standard Bank. ... Insurance...... ... Sireetas.suuoul. .. Tax SBale:s‘:.%2., 2s Salaries. . t m‘ Election Expenses Print‘g & Postage Town Hall......:. Expenses re Fire Tngine ...... ...> 80 Rebates........... 15 Sundries.......... 17 Balance on hand. 145 Prints are our Leading Line. Don‘t buy until you have Fancy Ducking,» Blue, White and other leading D Bring along your, Butter, EXxPENDITUE bt unt $8081 100. 652 NSO 83 00 30 00 I7 0+ 34 00 41 00 22 19 85 00 (0) COQ 19 () Ey DEFpAERTCTMELNT: Soda, 4c perlb. Yeast Cake, 4c Box. Good’ Serubbing Brush, 5c. Splendid Black Tea for 25¢ per lb. Eggs and Potatoes for which you will get the highest pric 1 Car load of those famous Percival Car Loads of Masseyâ€"Harris BINDERS, PLOWS. ! MOWERS and DRILLS. 1 Car load of the Adam‘s WAGONS. . j Full stock of Spring Tooth HARROWS. 2 Car lg?;iééfu';-ndhape& McLaughlmiToiwn Ham&zs. Churns, Wheelbarâ€" l es Mn capye copen n ons e in Ns ie c Ob Aarincc rows, . These Goods are all bought at the Lowest Cash Prices and must be sold d:rmsgékbe season. Come One! Come All, and get your Bargains and Pick of the a Spring has Arrived ! â€" BUGGIES. â€"_ . 1 Car load of Democrars and Carrs, "Large Saies & Small Profits." quality good. _ t Pdicil London Purple Top Swede.â€"A hand some large Turzip, one of the best. Yellow and White Fieshed Turnips, Aberdeen Purple Top, Abendeen _ Green Top or Yellow Bullock, Devonshire â€"Imâ€" proved Greystone. TURNIPSâ€"SWEDE. _Carter‘s Elephaut Purple 'gn;_) ;Swe(,le' EPC m Pn peateete 1t t the largest turnip grown, Solid and a [éood keeper. Carter & Co., of London, ngland, are the originators of Carter‘s Elephant Swede and when you want Elpgant Swede, ask for Carter‘s. Carter‘s Imperial Purple Top Hardy grows to a good size and keeps well. _ Bangholm Purple Top Swede, a favorite Swede. Sutton‘s Champion Purple T‘H‘ Swede, prows to a large size and a rstâ€"class Tankgrd. â€" _ _ _ Carrot.â€"Carter‘s _ White Vosges, m to an immense size. _ The lurfzest rrot grown. Cartet‘s. Giant Yellow CALDER & LIVINGSTON, Thirty fourth Annval I q Garden SZeds from Britain. import of Stople. Ficld and _ _ FIELDSEEDS. , CLOVERSEED. # Rape Seed.â€"Carter‘s Broad Leaved Sowing Rape Seed. Rsxxi’gfll.â€"Clrter’s Mammoth _ Lorg c rize Mangel. Carter‘s Golden FIRE INSURANCE attended to Promptly. MARRILAGE LICENSES Issuea. pRUGGISE Durham. Auzx. 9th,. °04. cClothing. ay We beg to inform our Customâ€" ers and the Public generailly that we have adopted the Cash System, which means Cash or its equivelant, ard that our Motto will be We take this opportunity of thanking our customers for past patronage, and we are convinced that the new system will meris a continuanrnce of the same. And we are ready for the season swith Full Stock of all kinds of of Swede.â€"A grand Turnips, ‘ IMPLEMENTS. Ete. i See whatwe Have GCot! C. McARTHUR. se e w Lower Town, Durkham. . & J. McKechnie. THE CASH from us. EL. P AFoFEEEC, until you have â€"a look through our Stock. nther leading shades. This is something SFEFED 8 ADOPTED BY N., G. & J. McKECHNIE. We are prepared to give you Fertilizers.â€"Su hosphate, Land Plaster, in Bags omlt::phnd Salit in Bags of 220‘1bs. s Rock Salt, 75 cts. 100 lbs. Fine Barrel Salt. Onion Setts.â€"Yellow Dutch®Setts, Potato Onions, English Potato Onions, Top Quions. Aver Oil Cake.â€"Fine Ground, $1.60 2 hag, 5 Bag lots, $1.50 a Bag. Linseed, Linâ€" seed Meal, British Cattle Spice, 12 1bs for 25 cents. Mammoth Southern Sweet, South White, Bride of the North, Gol Beauty, Yellow Flint. Timothy Seed. é};‘chau-d Grass, Blus Grass, Red Top Grass, P. Rye Grass, Hungarian Grass, Millet and Meadow Tares or Vetches, Fescre and Lawn Grass. Medium Red, Mammoth, Alsike, Lucerne and White Dutch. T dnineningge ns FIELD CORN. ET. CcE Flax Seed And Bird Seed. ~‘>> GOODS MARKE at selling u20 t sinze@e t Tw ‘for any kind of gooas yol *‘ Dopr‘t be misled by tra Salesmen. â€" Sell your W the market to the ma Everything will be ba to a fair Business 1sS healthy wii us since we started t] CASH No cutting bought YÂ¥ ou pay Taken at the WOOLL FACTORY in e« neighbor. Everything plain figures. J. A. HUNT exactly t! same price Are in great den new stock is going piece is a beauty price only 12%¢ yar j)_aisf the highest pr ‘where you are sure of fl!onest bargains aud w Duckings anrd Are very poJ stock. Laces & E We mean business Wh say our stock is well as: in this line. Boots and Shoe Are going uU day. We ha for sele at the ~â€"IASH S1TORE, FROM U 2R TOWX, DJR Prints Are Lookin Better. SYSTE.ID price soo Wooil PRIC in 200 Embrsider) Faln(] ol as yO Cl »3

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