West Grey Digital Newspapers

Grey Review, 9 May 1895, p. 3

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ELD CORN. ously Cheap n r sn LES, SHADES TGSTON, VYVER SEECD. | w1 01 Cot ! And Bird Seed. St Field and OCK in e. Land d Salt in 6D a bag Omons »therrn Goiden ~«<~â€"â€" GOODS @ is 7 | Lhney carry by fur Everything . |==*"° _ § | Mr. W. B. Vollett T x | a few nights ag will be back «.. %im‘ie | should be generally to a fair Business is k‘ healthy with «:: us since we | [ss started the "*=. CASH at s ©OUu as your neighbor. Everything marked in plain figures. SaIL Are in great new stock is p Dackings a Are very I We mean business when we say our stock is well assorted in this line. t Are going up in price eVely day. We have a large stock for sale at the old prices. FAOTORY in exchange for any kind of goods you want. Don‘t be misled by travelling Salesmen. â€" Sell your Wool on the market to the man who pays the lughest price, and where you are sure of getting honest bargains and woight. Taken at tt J. A. HUNTER UVPPZR TOWXN, DURHAM. iO CuitiAg aces & EmD) exactly the me price ~IASH STORE, Boots and Sho¢s IMES clling MARKED SYSTEM. Prints on price soon. Are Looking Better. â€" Wooil s going ic WOOLLEN bea PRICE. in goods) i: Fancy Stripes rolderies. 1an Poar mce every See Oour ad Our very the 4 #1.0( W Primary CAXDIDATES« and Others ;‘ Miss Jannet Calder visited friends in preparing for the Primary Examinaâ€" | Mt. Forest this week se tions, will be examined on the Commerâ€" | °... ramesmen arorie 2 ; s cial Course at â€" Meaford, Flesherton, I Miss Fannie Stephenson‘s bright preâ€" Hanover and Durham on June ‘-‘.t'ir,h, at | sence L-a.ut present making hearts joyous 9 a. m., provided that any candidates | 3" having her among us for a fow apply for such examination before May | months again. 3 1ath. â€" No fee for this examination. | _ Mr. Archie McKinnon, after a few Ts Puruic Sorfoom LEAYVING Exâ€" | weeks nursing of a cut foot is able to be AMINATiIONS will be held at the same | around again. _ 4 time and places as the Entrance Examâ€" " Mr. James Muir visited his brother inations, application 5\n{l a fee of Fifty John, in Toronto, for a few days, also Cents to »be sent as in (rh(: case of | friends in King Township. Entrance Candidates by May 15th. | _ Miss Maggie Hargrave, of Swinton Propary ExaatnartiONs. These beâ€" | Park, visited at Mrs. Stuart‘s lately on gin July 4th, at 8:40 a, m., in the High | her way to Listowel. School, Menford and in the Public| yp, William Bothwell has bought a .\.-h(_»ul. Durham. _A_\ppht:a.’mn accomâ€" | farm, which was formerly owned by Mr. panied by a fee of 85 must be forwarded | Jopn Wilson, of Dromore. ; to N. W. Campbell, Esq., not later than | is he 6 c atF May 2ith. If a Candidate write on onl According to the fine weather we have one or two sudjects, the fee is 82. Afi had seeding is being rusl}ed in fine style applicants must state their special deâ€" aroun(:l here. ks : : partnients and optional subjects. Apâ€" Revival meetx,nis are being held this plication Forms may be obtained from | week at Tucker‘s Jhurch, near here. the H. S. Principal or from the Inspecâ€" | _ Mr. Wra. Booth died on Sunday even tor. f ing after quite a loog illness. . Much THs Pusu AMINATIONS time and plac inations, appl Cents to be Entrance Can PriomarRy EXA gin July 4th, at School, Meafor« School, Durham panied by a fee C to N. W. Campb Couxtyx Promotion® ExamnNaroxs begin on June 20th. Notice of the humber of papersâ€" required must be sent to the Inspectors AT ONCE. Te Drawing axp Cory Booxks must be placed in the hands of the preâ€" siding Examiner, yl-t)Iwrly certified by the Teacher, on â€"the morning of the first day. f Wilkinson â€" plows, farm | waggons, carriaes, anything im the implement lage, at Arch. McKinnon‘s Priceville, LOCAL AND GENERAL. D application a wbe sent as : Candidates b ry ExAMINAT 4th, at 8:40 a. Meaford and h Ramsay & Morlock‘s ning and Farlane‘s. it C Id hats Meâ€" iway Th At a . Moffat‘s Crockery. Glassware and Grocerâ€" ies are cheap. â€" See A«. y Dress goods and high class millinery are our specialties. . Ramsay & Morlock, New top buggy for sale cheap! Apply to J. A. Hynter, Upper Town, Durham. The largest range of childrens‘ suits in town at Woodland‘s at rock bottom prices for cash. : Mr. Wra. Booth died on Sunday even ing after quite a loog illness. Much sym{antbyis expressed for the sorrowing one left. CaTaRREI RELIEYED IN 10 To 6)uxUTFs.â€" One short puff of the breath through the Blower, supplied with each bottle of Dr. Agnew‘s Catarrhal Powder, diffuses this Powder over the surface of the nasal passages. Painless and delightful to use, it relioves inâ€" stantly, and permanently cures Catarrh, Hay Fever, Colds, Headache, Sore Throat, Tonâ€" silitis and Deafess, 60 cents. At McFartax® M LOCAL AND GENERAL. D sCoOTCH TCOW 1 f $1254 re in demat ind at the sh ille. immerise stock of fine guarantee the resulk. g_ young He should see D xd draught h D. Warsox. mill went wro. An ine i must dress we rigade had their real fire which >._ Cause of fire all 1 th t Rnu'ch:m Mr. A. 1 e fireme $7000 w it Ebenau ised. the Little. reford , Watâ€" orse 5 n an as de The en 1L in ®D Sr, Pt. 1 class Nelson and Earl Jr. Pt. I class Ferguson and A YOL. xXYII.â€"NO. 19 let 11 LV H H iopulmion bas had over 23 murders per 100,000 in the same time. â€" Canada has bad 233 murder trials in 10 years. Michigan has had 484. Canada has hanged 49 people for this crime, Michiâ€" gan none, and the Detroit Tribune thinks this is the reason for the increas ed murder rate of Michigan. McGIRRâ€"In Glenelg on Thursday, May 2nd, 1895, James l\fv(iirr, aged 8 yrs. McCoramtickâ€"On Sunday April 28th, Donald McCormick, of Glenrodin, aged 30 years. f W ATsonâ€"DULANâ€"In Durham, on Monâ€" day, the 6th inst:, ‘by Rev. Father Maloney, Mary Dulan to Peter W atâ€" At Elmwood, on the 16th April, the beloved wife of Mr. D. McGillivray passed away in ter 58th year. The funeral took place on the ©Oth and a large number: followed the remains to the" Rocky Saugren cemetery. The Rev. W. J. Little being present by request delivered a discourse from Rev. 3, and 20th showing that this was a word of warning to each in their several f)luccs and relations. The address was istened to with marked attention when the last tribute of respect was paid to the remains of deceased by loving friends and acquaintances apd laid in last resting place each wending their UR TCT Mosinkeund At Elmwood, on 1 beloved wife of Mr nassed away in Der pug m t uit n o d en e ce Wt on t n has hbad léss than 5 murders for each 100,000 of her }\mpuluniun during the past 10 years. . Michigan with 2(83,000 2 b L w id es nxecutors or vne ssutte of vre sat0 Anâ€" drew Eindsay deceased, a statement of their names and addresses, and full parâ€" ticulars of their claims, together with a statement "of the security (if any) held by them. And notice is hereby given that after the said last mentioned date the said Executors will proceed to distribute the assets of the said Deceased among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which notice has been given as above required and the said Executors will not be.liable for the said assets or any part thereof so distriâ€" buted, to any person of whose claim, notice shall not have been received as aforesaid at the time the said distribuâ€" tion is so made. Dated at Durbam the 25th day of April A. D. 1895. r + J. P. Terrorp, of Durham, f Solicitor for Executors. Imported and Registered Clydesdals Stallions. The two grand specimens of the above breed **Sarmatian" and * Lord Lawrence" will stand for the summer months at their owners stables, Lot 13, Con. 2, Tp. Normanby. TERMS : $6.00 to Insure a Foal. The usaal conditions govern all ‘busiâ€" ness done. Sn _ One of the Horses will be in Durbham every Saturday afternocn for the seaâ€" on lw upplement Canada with 5,000,000, population 1 t Dt y akâ€"â€"SATA g. Dunca M 11 Ie HONOR ROLL HONOR ROLL 10NOR ROLL ONORR ROLL un M. Wu MARRIAGES QBITUARY inio Nelson. CHADWICK, Tea DEATHS \pt 20 ROBT. WATSON M art. J 189 Tena ivel, CH Bgrr wWil aughla Robe H §3 t might ive the was the ate Mr. be At I have the best equipped Optical Store in Canada." Trial is :\l‘l I ask. Paper on the Eye can be had by callingfree. I make old Spectacles like new. K\'uu can mail your glasses to me for two cents. J have the most completestock of Specâ€" tacles (for difficult eyes to fit) made. Guarantee with each pair of glasses fit. Write for paper ‘containing 2,400 Canâ€" adian references. Eye Specialist always in Store at $7 King St. East, Tororito. * Field and Garden LAND PLASTER, FLAX SEED PROF. CHAMBERLAIN, Jo AND «. FINE GROUND OQOIL CAKKE. Fishing Tackle t to The Grey Revisw BURHAM, We have a few parcels left. Be sure and get one before you turn your cattle out to pasture. For removing Lice on cattle, Texas Horn Fly and sheep Ticks, Lice on pigs. "Price, 20¢. If you have not dealt with us give us a call and be conâ€" vinced that we are the cheapâ€" est house to buy this class of goods from in Durham. Wall Paper, Seeds, Drugs, Patent Medicines. § Oil Cake $1.50 per 100 Ibs. PDURHAM PHARMACY, Arch. McKenzic. All the leading and tried varieties. MeKenzie‘s Emulsion SEEDS! 'éâ€"a_l-der’_s Block, Durham. t Snartins Gnnds â€"â€"ANDâ€"â€" M Geo. 8. Davis. UNCI Eye Spesialist. 20 years EXPERIENCE. Lack. Clerk M M Ne es Py ce Reome ty e lR ols olWn en ol Feea e Fera esn Judging from our Sales we have just the goods the people want at right prices. Call and see for yourself and you will be convinced. Because we sell Millinery Cheaper than any other House in Town. â€" * 3 J. WOODLAND. _ V Because we have by far the Largest Stock to select from. â€" <= +9 c o4 MILLINER. ° 211210 â€"â€" OQUR MILLINERY! HOPEVILLE WHOLE NO. 869 MURDOCH RAMSAY & MORLOCK, Don‘t you believe this ? NR o bby, RPashiona ble TUp to date Because we employ a First Class woenthe Upper Town, Durham. REASONS V[illinery is Town are: t e e s r f i arants % SEE THE Beautiful New Prints â€"â€"ANDâ€"â€" Dress ~Goods To be had at all Retail Dry Goods Stores. PureQuills Make a better filling for Corsets than any other known material. "Featherbone"" Corsets are toughkâ€" er and more elastic thau "any other make, as they are entirely filled with quills (Featherbone). © TH BE Trade lnx" $ o

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