West Grey Digital Newspapers

Grey Review, 16 May 1895, p. 3

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2., system ance of M; Mamm r'hitm Dutch Sprint Tooth HARROWS. gs, Coatings Ginghams. 'roceries. xe extent of Thous- KECHNIE. rum Ground. 'u'" kg, .10 as Bax. Linmd. Igrs- mists Cattle Spice. 12 tho Cot , .11 Profit ehtarn. 5th. lat "I. I Custom- generally ' the Cash [ Casn or that our m Cum-m, Wham-r. Mn Guru. e-Yellow Dun-h Sous. ,Engliuh Hm (hi-In. retches, Flax Seed And Bird Seed. .32!" at; Arthur's Staple, Field and D CORN. MW Flint. ices: echnie. GSTON, ER SEED. d! ers or, r'm Sweet. Samurai _thn North. Golden mini-ad Susi; rwhard Gram. Bin. m. P. R a Gr... Mittet Malia-don at TIV Bush. Harris mxom _ mums. y of for are NUI; hated was: be sold and Pick of nds Root th. Aqu " __-"'.-. Durham l (ill/W] OUR STOCK is COMPOSED TO CHOOSE FROM which puts us on a much better footing to trade with the public than if we only ex- changed Blankets and Yarn with them. w Oli' - Hardware, Groceries, 2%? Boots & Shoes, Clothing, Dry Gooes, &c. The Mill is being run by first class work- The Machinery has been thoroughly overhauled and we can guarantee Good Work. . and Trade oat your Wool this year with us. FULLIN G, g ii),iiii,i',tyr",C"i, DYEING, j 1iyv?,','iC,.ii"i',l, l "ly"'"?"','"" WEAVING i "",ici,"t',,i/; - ----0 AN 1) o--- ; ygn- fvllow.it The undersigned have leased these premises and are prepared to buy Save Money Give us a Trial. Custom GEO. MCKEGHNIE, Lijfilli"ffifl MILLS. Wanted 40,000 lbs Of WOOL. W00“ WE GIVE YOU A one on Durham Wootlen Kills. -, AT THE- Woollen on Shortest Notice. Stock Gaming men. Varney ('hmzw Factory opeitetl for [hi-scum!) but wiek, and Is in full blunt. Luis wet-k. The Irushiuqpeoptietor, Mr. J. W. Blyth, is murm- thauotxliuaty busy this yvar having " new barman hum! which was successfully gut. unit.“ feet last Snturdfty. We rI-gret. tr) my how- ever that Mr. Jun. Akin-d HIE‘L with an aecidtmt, having. {edit-n from aloft to n. hoard “our and remind injuries to his buck, shoulders and head which Are quite .50er. We hope Mr. Aldred may 5mm behiutseltotgaiu. Scum”. AttnrrrtaTrosv--0n Ssturday hut, at “crunch. an arbitramon Bum-d consisting of J Inigo “Org-+105. high-clans Gordon and Campbell. Mr. Jim. trorlett, an behalf ot' Berttinck and Mr. A. b'ttrverrs on helm.” of Sullivan. met to tuurs'uler the appeal of Arthur Hughes, hi. H. No. 4, Sullivan. who wants to be down-hail from hisuwn section and form a union Srlmol Section with No. M, “minim-k. The nrhiLramrs wens unanimous in M'knnwlmlging Hugheu’ grievance, hut owing to a technical dithVulty nothing watVdonetillthe mint, was submitted to the Minister of Jlr'l'lf Minn. The Beard will then meet in Chtstswovtls at the call of Judge U'reantrr. orwrvsrtv.-It is with great regret We notice tlu, death of Mrs. Daniel Mc- Dougtul, of Hentinek. the mother of I Urge family and wholly devoted to the interests of her household. The deceaae ud WM the daughter of the Ute Mr. Donald McIntosh, of Beatinck. She had been ailing we understand. for a. week or two, but the end came very suddenly. She leaves her husband. a. family of eight children and . large eirele of relatives to mourn the irrepar- able Ions which her death has brought upon them. Rev. Mr. Little conducted the funeral services, and spoke with bundling power on the "Rest that re- mained) to the was of God." All Bentiuek seemed to represented. and many from other guts ittrttheee. by their presence testifying when: "mot fox-we means? of the dead and. ir tgene.', esteem for the luring. v. r. Bama, of Corinth, .100 addres- sed measurably. _ _ u _ A letter recentlv received from Mv. Wut. Ledirtgttnttt, Portage La Prairie, dun-d Mn: H. says the weather has been tinesuice the snow Ion. tiest, week in Mum-h. See-ding began April lst And WM done long ago, wheat fleldn standing 4 inches high. Rhubarb and onions about u foot high and in use. at the cable. leishes on the nmrket. plum trees out. in bloom in April, ingrown; of 4 or 5 inches on the maple. heat wan (Scents and going up. The new part of the propose-d Hudson Bay Road starts near the Portage. and is much discussed being likely to help the Portage consid- erably. In fact the outlook for the whest growng prairie province is de- ‘citiedly rosy. - Themeetirtg of tho Synod this week has led to an ilm'rvhange of pnlpits be. (warn Kw. Ile. Junsvn and Rev. Mr. ylekerir.ie D. D.. of Oranqeville, for next Sunday. Nixon and Peter Hatnilton's latest im- prim-d Spoilers my in demand.. The "up ily will be found at the shop of A. 'i'll'h"i'illll Pviccville. Mr. S. Orchard bought tht old build- ing at the utarket phwe tor IP) and has it now n-mm'od. He inter) 5 build- ing on his own pruperty this year. Park lot No. 2. in, present occupied by the Rev. Chm. Calm-mu is tor sale. This isa verydesirable location for " rum-rd farmer. Applytto., - Hr. Alex. Hunter. of Lake Mills. \Vis. is at present spending " few weeks with his sister. Mrs. M. Cuohmne and other friends in town. . Mr It. Aljno. Jr. has now n. fine finish Co the from of his house. The work has bran ttearly done by the Messrs Kn-mand Smnrhousv. New to buggy forsale cheap! Apply to J. N. {lumen Upper Town. Dmham. Mr. Malcolm McDonald. of Priecville, was in mwn on Sntnnlay last, as was also Mr. Thus. Nichol. Yost have fiuishrul .hous.e c.le:Hainx, and would like'soutethirtg brighter than your old tea or dinner set? Call at We arc snrry to hear Mr. Jno. Stesv.aet. of Bum-5mm. is ill with inftam. nmtjun. We hope to hear of his speedy recovery. Sii,isiri, \Vilkinsnn plows. farm waggonx carriage, anvrhing m the implement line. at Arch. McKintton's Prictiville. Cheap Hardware at Lnidlnw‘s. For Banana; and Pine Applesqo to Motrat's. Wm. Laidlaw, has removed his bank rum stock from Allan Park to Durham Look out for lmrgains. DI LOCAL Allin GENERAL. M. Imosnn. graluute of College, is spending a week old home in vavuer.and miss in (In nvighlmhumi. Wtnst to lx-gin the practice El"; Pactory optuted for 'k. and Is in full blunt. . 11",» ' . J Ti'ce"f'ii',riliijr,f,t3"j/'l:f, C 'tcr. 3,3”, 1iv,'i:r'iir,t:dt FC Iehd V ul 's, VV., "iv-'?,",-::.:' 'trCei,tyt',c, 'ttiiit w Ff ‘»3$rx*tfi~uwéwi”W" ma _ “awrwvnrus " e Hm- - ‘ gmgym 2'iti, J‘MV', n P. " 1.1mm; The execut- L culled for "(a Pres. Cote has receiv- roshyl crinn 3t unimlm. qttuiat,ions. m that the 'tertal with Pres. Cote Ovdet. of mm after :mng the. hout the t I l Mr. J. Lee has been engaged working I fur Mr. C. McArdle, of fiopeville, for I the past few weeks. 3 There seems to be udmmso among the 5 horses around here. They area” giving 5 up. may ean't work and some are E dying. it. is It bad thing this time of tho 1 year when thev'me so ttceded. (Too lufcfur 1mm.) A sperial meeting of Council was held on May but at, Mr. Fraser‘s. convened by call of the reuve w consider what was but in regard to the removal of Me. Queeu's bridge Con, 5. by the sprin freshen Also the Fraser bridge, whit-E is dnnmm-d. The Council met in full at at MrAtueen's bridge: and found it. entire- ly gone. and Mr. Praser'a is also in an unsafe condition as the centre bumnent. is renmued about four feet down the river but the covering in entire. Be it therefore resolved that the reeve and clerk ask for tenders for huilding said t'elrs,tgl also forthe bridge at. Ard thur.'s at. t 25. Cory.8 givipg a. I 'tttfor:- Mr. and Mrs. J. McMurdo, of Hope- ville. were the guests of their friends on the eighth. but Sabbath. Messrs J. Hopkinsnn and C. McKay, of Venn-y, plum-d through this place last week an a fbshing expedition. The council. an" examining the ground at the McQueen bridge, found that further down the strewn a much better: lace for lmildinfz a bridge can he ot at, res: cost and wi I he as good for Ifl.ht'i,'eel',' he guaranteeing“ furnish the right of way from Mr. Menu-Mun. mation regarding kind, eta roquil'ed. All tenders to he sent to thet Clerk on, or before, the 25th Mar, and will be con- sidered at the ragulur Mission of council on May 27th. 8wtutstor1-Hunter-rThrt Mr. ifrttaer t u notices at the bridgo. known as Ms. warning the public tttht travelling (war stud bridge. and t at. he have it repaired;- loon as eottvettimtt.-.. Carried. Mr. and Mrs. W. J . McLean. of Swamp College, were visiting at their couim's, M r. S. McLean. of this place last week. McDoo.-:-tn 'lleglllle May Dongs . An order of books from London, Eng- land. value 3150. arrived in Durham last Saturday after some provoking delays in the Custom Howie. There is no duty on hunk-a for Public Libraries. There willsoon be 4.000 volumes on the shunts. Annual Fee. Sl.00;0m,os. GO con ts. 2.3. We are not "ware how this com- pares with other vent-rt. The reports of the miniau-r of Educntiun srhtrw that the twading of Fiction throughout, the Provittru. " gradually getting less. and n condition at the gmm. to libraries is thztuot nmrerhunZO per cent. must, be expended in fiction. M r. IV. Bryee's child rqn have the chickenpox. butara getting over them nicely if they don't catch en d. Mr. G. Woollsley took in Mt. Forest lust week. TIM-annual tneetin then closed and the new oxevutive i'llli, its first, meeting and appointed the following Commit- "ist--. Fhttevtaiumene; Grant. Jack- sun, Mum”. Telford. Liln‘ary: Dr. Gan. Rev. Mr. I’onwmy. llautage, Davidson. Ke-lly. Aitan. Property: McArthur l’m'Ler. Dr. Gun. Finance; Kelly. Jack- son. The farmers around here are about through Sel‘tlillg as the weather has Inn-n very favorable for It, but it has taken quite oschauge these last. few days that we think more like winter weather than summer. Mr. James Sinr's little boy is laid up with inthutttuMion of the lungs.' Dr. Mae. is in attendance. Messrs (Jam he“ and Champs. of hunilnlk. (-allcgou Mr. Batchelor last week. A formal rcsnlutlun then hmied the time houored uaxm- "Mecitruticrr' Insti- lun-." and the new Lima "Public Li- brary" will henceforth be used. The Pr CS., Mr. Ron Pomeroy. and Messrs. Grant and Kelly were appointed a committee to wait on the Council to lay the claims of the Public Library hee fore them, and sruuuu grant. Rev. Mr. Pomeroy is the first clergy- man make an active interest in the Itrutittttiort, since Rev. Mr. Burt's time, and looks upon has u. power for good. During the year 3105 vol given out, divided as follows History 2.30. Bingmphy, SN Poetry and the Drama 20, t'science and Art 5'3. “wages and Truvells 415. General irjteeture 796. Fiction 1617, Religious Tho following officers were elected F- I’rcs.. Dr. Gun l ht Vice Ptvs., Rev. Mr. Poritoro.v; 2nd Vice Pres., Mr. Allan: Trans, Mr. Kelly: Spry” Mr. Ramngc: Board of Dirm-lurs ', Messrs. H. Parker, T. Motrat, A. Jackson, A. Davidson. N. w. Caurplrell. (T. L.Grouot, J. P. Telford, c. tMcArthur, S. Todd. The Salary of Librarian was increased to $25.“). The Annual meeting of the Meehanies' last. was held an Monday the 6th inst. and owing to the altsertce of smile re- purts. was adjourned till last Friday and a good nmeting. ivotuptttvd with other yours) was the result. President Gun spoke trrjefty on the work of the venr in its threefold field of Erttertaitttuent, Reading Rum", and Evening Classes. The Reading Root" had to be given up. owing mm: indifferent reading public and " scarcity of funds. The Entertain- ments "Tre fairly successful, and Classes in priner Drawing had been held, by courtesy of the Trustee- Board. in the Public School. Both the Chi-axes and the Reading Room are a source of revenuo. He then referral to the change of name from Mechanics'Inst. to Public Library, occasioned by the Act Imam-d at the late Legislature. It a so allowed a (-hange of Chutstitution, if the Board and the Town Council could agree in the math-r. Nothing was done in this nmtlm' howevev. nor is it likely to he done. as the success of the Institute in the past uisdet. its own nmnaigement has been so successful that change in not dvsivahle. Mr. Geo. F. Ruhhins. representing the Toronto Type Foundry, was on his rounds last week. He left. thin ottlve with an order for new stock to meet the demands of tsur grnwing business. We me now better prepar I than ever to furnish (Hummers with neat, and cheap work in all lines from calling cards to posters. 200 news of wheat sowed h 23rd April and tho first seeding niceivv through writes Mr. J no. Cmneron of Batting-nu. N. Dakota, to the REVIEW. This is do. ing well and if the present pncos hold out should prove phfha.ide/., May the havvvst prove gratifying is the wish of the REVIEW. Fen-m anhian and Implements of All kinds at the shop next Boulger's, Priceville.-Aevh. McKinnon. Call and see McArbhn'r-‘s stock of ready made clothing and summer hats. C. MCARTHUR. Rev. Mr.'Litt-la. of Dornoch, IR attend- ing the Synml meeting In, (yrangeville this week." Rev. Mr. Munro will ex. change pawns with Mr. Little next Sabbath. Brin along your butter and Eggs to Wnt. La/fd',',, and get some of the bargains. The Lot-Lure announced to take place on Wednesday night of thin wee-k at Rocky Smtgcen is postponed to next Wedisesday, 22nd inst. FARM FOR SAM: on To Rnx'r.4u:t PA Con. 7, Glam-lg. Appiy to C. McAr- thur. Mam. Wall Paper at half price " hidhw‘s. LOCAL AND GENERAL EGREMONT COUNCIL. PROTON CENTRE. PUBLIC LIBRARY. W year M05 volumes were jii:i7, 2tis', D. ALLAN. Clerk, LIABLE. A good mun in your district to repre- sent the "Fonthill Nurseries of Can- ada." Over 700 acres. The largest, in the Dominiun. Position )ernmneub. Salary or Commission to 'rgl"r man. With the incwevsing demand for fruit, a position with In; as Salesnmu will pay bettertlnn l-ngagingin farming, Send us your application and we will show you how to earn good money. Prayer; nweting: in somehnuses about every other nightsince the ryangeliata meetings were held here. How good we are now as a people: Cheating your neighbor or taking any unfair advant- age of each other. it aver they were indulzed in, are now pvaetitres of the past. Still [like to keep my eye open occasionally. ' School Teachers” its just, the thing for you during the nunmer. Write for pattieuUrs. Hmn'r “INCA!!! Rauzvnn Is 30 Mum“ -Dr. Acmew's Cure for the Heart given per- fect reliefiu all cases Organic or Sympathetic Heart DIBCMR in 30 minutes uni Ipredily effectna cure. It is a. peerless remedy for Palpitatiuu, Shuntncsa ot Broth,, Smother- ing Spells, Pain in Left Side and all syn o- tmus of a Mammal Heart. One do" com in- cel. Sold by Melt-dune & Co. Councillor MeArdle was letting road jols on 9th com, near tl'2,lti"'g't Mills. A bad wash out by the spring nods. Runaways)! CL'REX) IN a DAY.--suitth American Rheumatism Cures for Rheuma- tiam and Neuralgm, radically cure: in l " d3; IU which upon the system is renmrk a a mysterious. It removes at once the cause sud the disease immedlecdy dimppuru. The tirtst dune manly tr-tits. " cents. Sold brM,Warlharus Co. ' CATARRII BELIEVED IS 10 TL 6 Mr.'orTKM.- Ono ulnar: tnut' of the breath through the Blower, supplied with each bntle of Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal Powder, dill'usen this Powder over the surface of the nasal puunger. Painlesn and delightful to u", it relivven in, unruly, and permanently cums Catarrh, Hay Fever, Colo, Headache, Sure Throat, Tote mm; and Duff“. 50 an ca. At MCFARLAXE & Co. As I mentioned last, week about some of our buys oin North West, one. N. A. 'l'c'r1',f'di'l', $7M good hve to the Chosen Friend's Lodge and his church umuiates on last Tuesdnv evening on Isis leaving tor the North Show. Some good horses come to our hotel stables this spring. For appeals on Assessment, and omis- sion: on Assessment Roll on Monday. 27th inst., at Holstein. All interested shall govern themselves accordingly. B . , : . -. m , D. Allen changed his mind perhaps he will summer. in Hopevilie. The Munici mlity of the Township of Ezremont will hold its John McKochmc cmue home from the North Shore hwt week on the first boat that came down the lake. for the Town of Durham will be held in the Town Hall. on tut,tuxlay (waxing. the 25th day of May 1895. at 8 p. m. GEORGE RUSSELL. Clerk. The Asses-5mm: Ron Is now in the Clerk's Omde. All complaints or up- peals to be handed in by the 14th May 1895. The first sitting of tke And notice is hereby further given that the Council will meet to transact general business It the sauna plays. at (ll o'clock in the afternoon of the sauna "y. _ n M H... A. ' __ 6" J. s. BLACK, Clerk, Glenelg, May toth, 1805. SATURDAY, THE FIRST DAY ll? JUNE. IIN. At 10 o'elock in the fornoon, to hear complaints and Revise the Assessment Roll for the current yen. The tirat Sitting of the Court of Re- vision for the Township of Glenolg. for the {our 1Mk5, will he hold in the Town Hal . in said Township on Flour per 100D ............ 92 00 to Oatmeal " ...._.... ... 2 M to Short: " -......... 0 80 to Bran " . ............ 0 80 to Fall Wheat per bunks! ... 0 80 to Spring Wheat bt ... 0 80 to Oats, " ... 0 32 to Penn. " ... 0 GO to Barley, bt ... 0 35 ta Potatoes, " ... 0 25 to Hay per ton ........... ...... 9 00 to Beet, hm quarters. per 100 8 00 to Beef, [mad tb " 3 GO to Pork, " .................. l 80 to Hides, " ......... ........ 4 00 to Sheepskin. etseb............ 0 M to Butter per lb.................. 0 10 to Eggs. per do, ......-.i.... 0 B to Wood 2tt,lotut............... 80 to I‘n'rkeys per m............... 0 07 to Goose " ............... 0 04 to Ducks. " ............ 0 05 tn Chickens, per pair ...‘m " to Applets peerag' Mr. H. Parker sold his "thoroudtltre4 bull the otherdny to with: lyuyerBrunt at a food figure. He tipped the beam at 2165 Ins At the meeting of the Town Council on Monday night hast, the council ap- pointed Maw» Laidluw Inspector of the Mihlim operations M, the market ground whlie in program. A pavment. of 8188 was also made to Contractor Bull on his contract. The Fire Brigade had a. meeting on Tuesday night for organization fur Mes. drafting of bye-laws. etc.. ‘iti- zemi will nothe alarmed to-ni ht iflhev hear the firelsell ringout "Lame times three"a signal for practice. We hope the Couum wsll shown commendable Willingness and Iyvryptn1ss to meet. the wants of the Brigade as to rubber and dunk trlothinm.etct If.the I'.risrati.tfttrn; 3117i? tTCiiiii'i'gii,' ThoTirird, "tidf'iiCii1," and the during, the town should do their putt. And will too. 3'" -__'_ "_’il”'Connd" - T Mia' 2.toBtfiegifh'%tl'lls)i'll 'ii'e'ESlii? Tamil m, Bad, Mb. 'oBtBr - the CInI SICK MEAD] artd m‘ in no sauna. ate %.TM Dild- MERLE COURT UP WWII. Poi-Emu.- him "In" uni to "a. Pun-u can. at am ”can; WANTED l Municipal Notice Court of Revision. STONE & WELLINGTON. TORONTO, OST, Court of Revision Municipal Notice. POWDERS DURHAM MARKET, HOPEVILLE. LOCAL NEWS. ili'iii'ii,t7i?iitii Wall Paper, 136031186 ~____l3'vmw': Seeds, Drugs, , MILLINER. ()d'dyllmlltit Patent Mfdlcmes. communal). Oil Cake tjBatraSl.---r td,Tdd"'glgitl5r,e'. $1.50 per 1001M. . 'ae,P,s.'er.eLr. DURHAM runway. Because D. ALLAN, Clerk iviR ", 3&2: 005tn 2Sto 040to Ton. 0225 250 0 40 0 80 10 oo 008 ooo 006 060 032 090 IO Int, McKenzie. We haven few parrwls left. Be sun.- and get um: boron: you burn Four cattle out to pasture. I , I News Emulsmn If you have not dealt with us give us a. call and be con- vinced that we are the cheap- est house to buy this class of goods from in Durham. This strf,f',ti.llT,tggie.get,'e" we offer to to the Public an gunmnmic to he one of the best now on the nmrket. Ream Gray Hair to its natural color. Keeps the Hair from falling out and cures dundrufr. $1.00 size reduced to Oe. This Medicine is highly recommoi- ded. We are the sole agents for Dur. ham. This time of vear every one should use a bottle and save a doctor's bill. McKENZIE’S' HAIR RENEWER. McKenzie’sk Emulsion of End Liver Ilil For -removin§ Lice. on cattle. Texas Horn Fly and a eep Ticks, Lice on pigs. Price, Kat. For Cough and Colds, and all wasting diseases of young and old. Price, 25c. Cures Ttheuutatism, Neuralgis Lame Back. pain in the Back, Joints. C'heat or any part of the sys‘cm. This medieirus has been used success~ fully by people in Durham for the past 10 yv's for Stomach, Bowels. Dyqulmia. Headache. Liver and Kidneys, B ood and Skin Diseases. Large bottles, ak. We have sold 600 homes this winter and have over 50 recommendations for its usefulness. Price, only 15c. Spring time is heee. and we haven veiraetitrn torvetnrrvimt Dirt, Grease. Kil Pitch, Stains from Silk. Wool. or Cotton Goods without injury to the tiuest fahries. Price, 15c. McKenzie’s Tonic McKenzie’s MAGIC Manley’s Celeryr ----ligrTt Com. WHAT IS . Fishing Tackle LAND PLASTER, FLAX SEED ‘\ AND - FINE GROUND OIL CAKE. mail y mr glam to me for two cents. I have 'lie,' most. cornplete stock of Spec- tacles (for dimcult eyes in (it) made. Guarantee with Each imir of glasses fits Write foe paper containing 2.400 Cam adian references. Eye 'i'igir.11i/,',y, always in Store at87 King St,. at. Toronto. . I have the lmstequilpped Optical Store In Canada. Trial is n I I ask. Paper on the Eye can be had by 'itll/nit',',',", I may} uld Ska-tacks IikePeny. :"oeeag Field and Garden SEED ! PROF. CHAMBERLAIN, MacFARLANE 81 GO: McKenzie’s Regulator. McKenzie's White Oil All the leading and tried varieties. Caldsr’s Block, Durhgm with B. I. & W. Horse & Cattle Food. Sporting Goods Cream. --AT--- COUGH SYRUP. THIS. m Specialist 20 years Wlllllllllgl. 32 Because we have by far the Largest ciiii, th Stock to select from. _',),-',',,:, tt sgtarat,dilLr,r,-re- 1 Because we se_ll Millinery Cheaper 'uri, . than any other 591186 Mt Town, . _ fl Our Lin: Curtaims all have taped edged. Get one of our Carpet. Streamers. We have the best. made for We. Our New PR¥NTS are just in. We have tho-very test value at. so. 90, 10e and 12ic a yard. See them before buying. See our 5c Chunk-s. Funnelettes from 5c up. Men's Top Shirts from 25c. up. Men's Ruhberiue Collars. stand up, 10 r. Turn down, 15c each. Ruhberine Cuffs, 20cm pair. we always kcep a full line of ull kinds of BOOTS 81 SHOES $1.25. mit Just step in and see what a lot of SPRING is here. so is House Cleaning timemnd you will need New Lace PJ."'""' Just road the prices that ful- ow. At the vegolowest prices. See our {indiesml ngola Button Boots at Park lat No. 2, in the Town of Dur- ham, containing ' acres. (at present, the residence of the Rev. C. Cameron) on which there is " brick minute. 6 rooms-i. Emmy. two closets, kitchen,goo4 cellar. hrls. brick cistern and wood shed. A never failing well beside the kitchen door. An orchard, a bank barn and drivillf shed. A suitable spot for n retire farmer. CllEllkiitaix 4 allaiist---- Largest 3i We give for $100. If LACE CURTA INS. 1:: ith ydsilong. 1?ritt Tye, fgc a pair. In Colored and Fancy Goods tht. prices range from 12ie Double Fold, up to the tinest of the Spring'ss impcrtuiomr. A call will convince you that we are Is our theme this week. We have them in endless variety and at every price. Has been unusally large this Spring, showing us that nothing is so popular as a Good Black Dress. Of course to do the business we have to carry the stock and here you will tint Cashmeres, Cravenettes, Henriettas, Soleil Cloths, C Whipcords, Crepe Cloths, Serges, Baritz Cloths, Fancy Figured Goods. .3; Jar-.5: vrri,W'7g,f an: Tu' writ r'. 5% fig '?li,t'fi; ", 533 E "f A ' L%NN 'h' Apply to The Dress Goods House of Durham. BEAN a CO. UPPER Towx, Dummy. FOR SALE. UR. J. P. TELEORD. THREE REASONS Give us a. Call. Black Dress Goods TINWARE 42 RAMSAY dk MORLOCK, DRESS GOODS ! Because $1.00 Barrister. Durham. Ont. 75c In this Town are: UPPER TOWN, DURAAM. 2:;{W00DL WE DO THE f, ""ciii'i'd,, Millinery a; Trade 4!! employ a First Class AN D ht" -..

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