West Grey Digital Newspapers

Grey Review, 23 May 1895, p. 1

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FOR SALE TM EDGE PROPERTY. DENTISTRY. LICENSED AUCTIONEEB tor Cog of Guy. All tsommuniations do around to Lamas P. o. will be promptly “tended to. Reliance Lot 19, Con. 8. Township of Bantinck.“ - . "_ “ 250 ACRES belonging to the Estate of the Ute James Barnett, PM moo under cultiyntiou. rest hardwood bush. Ming Lou 23, PA, 25, 26. 27, Old o. B. in tho Township of Artemesia, County of Grey. no miles frotn b'leshrrton Sm. Ion. the" miles trout Pricevxlle. Fo, “be: particulars Bitte,.,,, - In the Town of Durham. County ot Grey. including valuable Water Power Brick Dwelling. and many eligible building iota, will be sold in one or more lots. Also lot No. 60. con. 2, w. o. n., Township of Bentinck. 100 acres adioim tng Town plot Durham. HONOR Graduate of the Royal Collage ot Dental Surgeon- of Ouuno, T0031: ex- hozod without mun by the use of mum:- and. ttt or 'lIIlllOd Mr. P-rticulnr autumn: pnid to lulu ot the natal-u moth. 031cc And Rul- - mt door Wen of Pout Omen. yin Loan and Insurance Agent. Con- voyancer. Commissioner ace. Lon. mud unborn Johny. Councilman mum” and... Immune. carded. SIDS-I " LOAN “New": run. of ham. ammmmulm'. Moro Bum gammy ot Grey. 8d.- Illnndcd to prom) “I u xenon-Mo tre, __ “a L“ PN-s DAN. For Impure. Weak and I mpoterirUd Blood, Dyspepsia. Slooplossuess. ot/tttt don of the Heart, Liver Complaint, Xen- ulgia. Less of Memory, Bronchitis, Con- wmption. Gall Stones, Jnuudice. Kidney 5nd Urinary Diseases. St. Vitus' Danes Fannie 1rregaltsriti" and Genus] Downy. laboratory d Goderich, Ont J. M. McLEOD, Bold by n. PARKER, Draught, Durham. TESTED REMEDIES SPECIFIC and ANTIDOTE 1'cailis taken for part purchase money. A _ There's Big Money ! - IN Tue.-- Followlng Properties at Prices Asked In. MI 2B. con. 4, S.\V.T. and 8. IRON], Melancthon-l00 act-mu. bush ot. Lot 218.com 4.S.¥V.T. and B. Road, Mehsnethou--.% am»: good bush. Lot. tal, con. G, Meiancthon--W' acres well timbered. Lot. 16, com 5. Buntinck. lmacres known "the Jns.Bamfonl tarm-well im- proved close to Lamlzwh. Lite. Durham Street, North Prictwille. In: y, Kinross Street. North lh icevilla. With other splendid Farms in Ontario and tho Nath-West, Toronto and Hanover properties for sale or ex. change. 10mm xo Long . _ " very lowest rates on good land securitv. FIRE. Life and Archie-m. Insurance. Chums of alt kinds o,nected--Old notes 'bougm. ' H. M, MILLER. Jhe Wu W. J. P. TELFORD, Baum. swarm 114 mm cum NOTA B" " “LIP. Counluiouerwlt ' u.-" Aucuonur. tor tttq County of Grey. m- nodanu “d nun-cum gunman“. mutant. tor “I” chn be and: " the ter, on“, Dun-m, or " an undone. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. m cm rim-cuss HEARSE Ill mm J, SHEWELL d; SON. System Renovator! UNDERTAKIN C. W. L. MCKENZIE, ots 241.212. 213, con.3, S.W.T. and 3.30843. Township 3teltancthon-174 acres timbered. - MONEY To LOAN, Fire Insurance seem-ad. when. on! tp_tayi, arom- Lawn Town. .ICENSED AUCTIONEER, for th A Farm tor Sale. T. G. HOLT, L. D. S. HUGH McKAY. MISCELLANEOUS. - "'"irti.'iiiiitsryt', How-um I35. BURN ET. Durham. 'cn MCLEOD’S In this line we Tuko the Lead. Wilt Stocked sud Complete in GASKETS. COFINS, Eat., in the Latest Designs. AUCTIU’N 65R. LARGE Ind Oomph“ STOCK. Consisting of Bedroom Ind Par. lor Sou. Extension 3nd Contra Tables. Bible BtaniU--in Onk. Bumboo sud Elm. Nico Anon- monk of Eula. We “no curry . Largo Stock of Pictnru sud Frame Moulding. Apply to JAMES EDGE. Edge Hill, can MEDICAL. DURHAM LEGAL Mac. Durham Ont MCLEAN. Prop. and MIMI-own: iture. DAN. MeLEAN. D. XOCORMKCK. Emu " " 'rttrtBa. ii-etc/gt,,',','] and Budd" diuuu relief in " an "Gm: South Arum-ion liking cet",) "W Th.“ rd! .iWrdtuganiierg" my”: in“). rll't;Sh'l'arl C 9.912% ardi"i"i',"iriGia- {SEES ind dUight on can mount om. -dirs 1tiT,t"tt in gre, pin In 1',tt'tt,'raf) um. 2t " n o a pan n III. “and” s. It "lures nun-5.: at In. and uh hauntingly-t {Hanoi aa. aiFaiituset, nunomm ' m. it g,t runs-1.5! "ee? 'dt; f, “on ID mmsrsr:s.--Ouc' home 0: English tipax in Liuimcut complctcly removed new!) from my horse. ituke pleasuxoin recommending the remedy, asitacts with myuerimu prompmeu b. the removal from ham-nos of hard, "it or album-d lumps, blood spawn, twins, and», Iwccny, slides mu! swam: Chum. ROBB, Farmer, Mark hat)“ gold by MuFm a Cc. MISS GUNS. NEXT Door TO PARKERS Don't mu. bon'tput bundmon me it I go wed without them. Doa't blister me ul over whonl am lame. Lu mo to“. T V Fancv Goods, TOYS and Stationary, WOOLS, EMBROIDERIES and SILKS, in all COLORS and hon]. lest. Don't dny. Don't fill me full oi nodal mbdicinel when I Mn lick. Don't hitch me out in the cold with the wind blowing bud. Daa't stlow my suhle to be too light in the summer time. Don't burn the bars of my mouth and think you no curing the Imp-ma. Don't. have me in Ily time with.“ cover- ing me with h light blanket. Doa't cut off my nil sud then expect. me to stand any without a. fly net. Don't all me 13 you: old when I Mtt 26 And expect me to be " good u ever. Don't. ran me if I luve the colic. Bow would you like that acumen: yourself? Don ' t mouth. Don't lave. shoe on me more than four weak; Don't expectxne to an: when I In“. bad tooth. Don't work me all any without lilting my 20113:. David Jackson, Jr,, s"i,.rlt rm (mm. Anhur fl. Jackson. mm. mm... Land Valuators, Insurance Agents, Commissioners. Money to lend. Money invested tor Parties. Farms bought and sold. Don't Ut some mun {Heck make a none: of me. Office next (l Durham. Don't {organ tc elem the aweat off I night, intend of waning until the next morning. FOR T WENTY-FIVE YEARS Transact A general Banking business. Money loaned to farmers and others on reasonable terms. Interest allowed on special deposits at current rates. Also Don't-be Mruid to water me when I um wum. Do you ever drink when you no wurm? FIRE and LIFE Don’t let nomeonn drive me if they do not know u much About going as I do, espec- inlly n. mun who is drunk. Do you not sometime: have soulful yen-n- ingl which you long to convey in words, but an not! ukod the genLimentnl girl. You. indeed, replied the young man. I Wu once dreadfully union: to and home for money Ind t didn't have the price of s telognm. PARK & CO. A general fimuuid business transacted Don't forgot my uh. Don't trot me down lull. Don't hit me over the head. Don't whip me it I nu druid. Don’t check my hand too high Don't ylnk the bit in my mouth. Duu't bum my hot. when I Am shod, I'HEcoox's BESIERJEND CONVEYANCERS. DUNNS BAKING POWDER Wall Papers Assurance Policies issued .‘lixlulnugh House Block, Durham. at sreatlv reduced rates iiriiskrT-shLE-m CANADA. BANKERS DON'TS " A HORSE “y back when J ACKSONS. lave. shoe on me more than forgeb to feed me three timot- put . mew, nuty bit in my VOL. XVII, -NO. 21. ip the hut " my snide- and Unutterable --AT--- (iii/trt Standard ilan k you r--ouc' bottle mean land mam F6 Oh, you, certainly y' mid Dorothy, giv. coachmnn just “be; he had siting put. ing herself up for lost It once. FF Follow that gentleman closely. Don't " Do you live our heru T" he asked, as lose eight of him." Illa turned toward l'nllcu Mansions. ., Yen. m' 1ord,"asid the sex-vent, end At tint moment there we: a slight block hopped up into the box, giving the order to on the pavement ul the nlwny» busy 'street, the coachman, and just " Devid apoke, Dorothy perceived "All right," murmured that dignitary in that the sweet-faced lady who lived on the reply '. " then added in it lower vmce still, Gor above her, well Also blocked, nudetoml br Wlusr'n the Old cullgri up to now. I wou. for a moment or an {we to face with her. Mr t" Uudoubtcdl Ihe hnd hoard Dun-l3 quay} .' Uncommonly pretty girl," answered tion just I: lu'l'1; led done,tura' uniinubl- ( (’imrlca, in an equally low tone. " Weve edly Dorothy Gd never seen her eyel not keen liter her some time." cold or her lips no "surely shut before. In ' .. Who in lhe t" her diatren md annoymce at being that] "Mra. 'Arris. Lives in Pnlece Maximum," apparently caught, Dorothy blushed e vivid ', with n wink. guilty erimsor_ feet upon which the ', "Hun, I Wishes her joy of 'im," nid the swat-{need Indy put the usual construction l coachmnu, Icrewmg up hie {we into . thou- to which all highly mornl persona mm to sand expreuive wrinkles. jump It once in n moment of doa.b.trtUt in " Me, too," aid the foottmut,utiggerirtg. the vfry wont .eotsstru"ion 'soei1lt, " Hi, he's going into the put," where" " Cage you give mo no new." from home, then t" Dorothy Asked. in . duper-to voice aired in above her usual maul. David looked down st her in surprise- m involuntary notion which w" not lost upon the Indy who wu will auublo to pun "News t" he repented. "Why, of course I an. I have " much new: to tell you that I hndly know where to begin. Let me no --udy June is back, ollcogm." "'"""* "w H . Dorothy turned her bend in time to Ice an: the lady bud paged on and was out of cur-Ihot before David bud begun his news. There, just. like Duid’a stupidity to be too late. Why, the wondered, Irriubly, could he not have happened to any Borne. hing which would hsve let that woman: up- stairn know thut grey budlmowu ouch other 'iir"diriii%F But no, David had. always blundered whenever sad wherever the wu concerned, and she supposed. that he alway- would. Her interest. in the home new- Was gone, Ioet'iu the depths of her mnoynnce, but the mama ttstiotthty till he had ox- hunted that topic. till she had hoard who was married tsnd who was Gad, of n. fire in such I one'a brielerd, and of I burn belonging to another which hsd been struck by lightning. - r .. . . t, L,;.»___-__M‘ bh Evidently." he said. dryly, “and you want to gel. rid oi ma. ch t" " 0h. not at ssllr" biting her lipnnd Wilh- ing that. aha could uink into the ground or dissolve into thin air. mywhero our of the way of his Grd and steely-blue even, which Icemod to look her through And through, and to know in a moment tvll the secret: of her life. -r.- '. No? All! that is better, you 1ion't want to get rid a hurry, perhaps you will let 1 tle wgny wich you. May It' nun..- ., .. ........,.,. Then he itiii her how he had improved the 1hsll.-her perfect old home, which in her mind needed improvement. of no kind --how he had pun Imam, capable garden- " in to bring the place into real good condition-- . " """'rdiitiG", vim; lunled me," ihe ru- turmsd, in . wild endeavor to put " my questions he might think proper to ask of her. "irfiiirrf, EEERE'gM to see me. Doro thy '." he and, in quiob but bitter reproach. __. .. ,‘.. ,nALA“ ly Now, if there wu one person in all the wide world whom Dorothy would rather nor hue Icon just then, that, person wu- David Steven-on. I think alto looked trlt the dilmny which the felt, and ' the {on lll and Perluyps more Linn the diunny which she looked. " oh.' is that you?" the guped. David let his hundn. with their glad wel. come_,.drop irustatttly. . n '" Oh'. he in still about; I shoul&s't turn my old "rum. of your. or, you know. There are plenty of odd jobs for him About. the plsco." . .. .. "' ,_____S_a " What nor: of odd job. t" demmdcd Dorothy. " Oh, weeding Ind toddling about. pick. ing up none: Ltd-and doing odd jobs gGerdlly," answered Duvid, who was beginning to get rather umsomfortable under the fire in her truthful eye; and the terrible directness oi her queuiom. It it had been pomhle, aha would hue retrenad back Into the shop; butit was too late for tut. David Stevenson Gd shady uttered Mt orcltuttutiott oi lllrpiae, and Wu Imnding close in front of her, holding oat both his hands to her. -- .. . _ ,.. .LA “7..-..- -..--...V“ ,7, - ' " in hen, you hue mude lane under. lina, laborer, alsvey to your grand new gudener, is that. it Y" Ihe cried. . "' _ - -___ I" L- k-nnn L... Tiara. ti "Oh, come now I" he began, but Doro. thy ataod still in the road and confronted him angrily. " Is it w or not t" she Mkcd. "Well, aomething like that," he sdmitr ted, unwilhngly. “In it ihlolutely so or not'." Dorothy naked agsin. I -- -» v. n . I .. . " “A: I n...: -'..t. Men-time Dorothy went rerenely on her wry, reached the chop for which she was bound, Ind there mndo her purchases. tll In»)! enough for her to bring them any in . out lime - in hot-rm had. And then, just " the Mapped " tho door Btap of the shop on to the pun- ment. she unddonly found herself face to face with D-wid Swvenson. _ a...“ as..." "Well, I'm Ursid it in," Mid Davidmith a grew. Iir of xix-king s elem breut of the whole minor. " You we, Dorothy, the old fellow never wu much of a Gad at gar- dening -...-." ' A q L '_- -- ' ~1~LA “van-Ki “He Vin good enough for no." sighed Dorothy, in a. hethrt.brokets voice. "Yo; but, indeed, he rally mu pot his work, orl should never hnve thought of dinplncing him. And if it hndn’c been for you-rut" he was good many yam your 1ef,tee-.'.'. " hourly forty yous," put in Dorothy. " Well, of courts. it in hndn't been for thut I should just. hnve replzced him with. out tr_ouhli_ng my fur.thtr.ibet, him. As it In wu I very Iimplo And cheap toilette, but it was fresh And dainty-looking, and Dorothy looked bright and lovable sud a Hula Indy from the crown of her bonnet. to the tips of her shoes, indeed more chm one per-on thought no n she pun-d up the street; sud the old genenl. who VI! oat lor his usual morning trot, stopped in his walk, and wheeling round awed to took After her till she had turned the cornur Ind wu out of light, when he went on with bill Adi-impaled nanny-go, wishing younger. with In CHAPTER V. (Cw-twain ) Bub”. followed her to the door and wuchod her out into the “not, uni truly. u she hnd mill. her young mistress WM looking very bonny that dny. 0n hut tur hunt, loosely arranged yet not, untidy-look- ing, ulna lad n mull arr-w bonnet trimmed with ribbon and n cluster of gloire do Diion roses. Over her pretty blue cotton gown she wore I long duct-cloak of lama thin and light-toned mnwrill. Sim alto wore tan.eolored ghee: sud Suede glove: of About the urns tone, and lhe curried I large, white, cotton pnruul to shield her from the sun. u... .........._, --. “W," Wu. I made A plum for himond Igive him .en shillings n Week for wut I could not better done by a boy for six." " And the comge t" ' Iho. " Oh, well, of course. the cotugo goal with the Iitnntion,” Answered David, who wg'gecting ugh? tttr:, tt L '.- r"... "-r" - ,_,,,V There ‘35- i%aiirifh silence ; than Dorothy suddenly stopped and turned to has him. It David," Iho iualted out, “you may be . good firmer, by!“ no a tet I I n n,_ _ A --..- A-..- “A-" iiiii,T tUrriiGi.Riii, Ji die.. duyl you'll come to be-but, more. ,rhnt In the good of talking ttt you? It long and (limb! '.'rii'iiiroi hue 'r" mid Dorothy, tieree. hi. hurt he wu forty years LADY AYLME R. I. Then, since of me all in I '.mo walk a " DURHAM, co. GRE‘URSDAY, MAY 23, 1895. " Me, too," aid the foottmsu,sttiggeriag. " Hi, he's going into the pork," where" the conchman turned his hone- iu It. Prince's Gate alum-ml they drove in throat of David Summon, who Wu looking no more It; peace with the world or with him- leli than ho had been when he turned into the Hi h “not. out of the quiet road in which Rllll, Mun-ions any he found. . "Still hithlul to Master Dick, or also the newcomer not. utnctivo enough." thought Lon! Alymer with n near, as he guve a "ttrp, keen look " we tall young Innu'u lowering hue. no?! but). I think thlt Dmid Steven-on hnd never been in such It towering Inge in hie life u when he turned in M. the park gets. end want ewmgxng along in the direction of the Archillen. For during those tow moment- when he wttched her After she left him end before she ditsappetsrtd into Pnhce Moi. sionn, he heave-lined the‘ehe‘hediam from him brewer. He realized thet whether she was actually hurried or not, she wu not for him, ami he had suddenly become aware, almoet without knowing why, that there Wet n came for her altered looks, . CiMMMt which would be forever I bsr to the fond hopes which he had cher. ished dtxrin$nenrly all his life, cert-July ever since ororhy u A wee. toddling. uofbcyed child Gd come, fatherleu, and methadone. to be the light end life of the old Hell um the very joy of Mine Dime. dnle’e lonely hearth. He wu so occupied with bis own thoaghu nnd his own disappointment. Lint he never noticed I mun. Victoria And pair which was drawn uijmt within the corner of the quiet street. unit: occupant, In nld,white- haired gentleman, had noticed him, and took keen stock of himu he puud. Duvid Stevenson would invo been eorusiderably surprised if he could have hesrd tho order which the ammo old gentlemm give to his coachmun just after he had nwungyat. "Tallow {but gentleman closely. “Don’t lone tight " himt': _ _ _ "on: Dorothy, in. no: so,"ho . “I only ask you to come back 1mtam love you And I want you. The old ' wunu you, Andi hunger tor, " sides, 1 “not. but wan,“ t' _ looknow‘m-g“ &thi ” - ' "iMéFfh'"i"ii' wnen you turned your back on all your old friend, for the lake M n fellow who [my brought you to thin. ., Yes, m' lord," aid the serum, and hopped up into the box, giving the order to the coachmnn. "All right," murmured that dignitary in reply '. " then added m A lower vmcu still, br Wlusr'n [ho Old uodgn up to now. I wou. She turned nw-y withoutgiving him time to My 2. word, And went. as quickly " win possible toward her home, Mid went, in without turning her held to see what hid becomo of him. Aa for Duvid Stevenson, ho simply wood rooted to tho spot where we had left him, until the (happened frum his sight l then he Look th Rep or two as if to follow her, hub clinngcd his mind sud minced his Maps, mm a fact, like a thunder-cloud. So that fellow had got round her, the: 1sll-hitt bitter thought; an. n he strode Along-and all tho worship sud devotion of his life he! been Lutg Hide u mush: for the lake of a specie“: tongue and th "ug- gexing, “my 3011be P".Pe,r: L ' L 't It seems to mo that. you no mnking mistake, all round, Duvid," she nid coldly: “I am not, very well, and the hesst bu tried tms-but. I Mn not what you lake me tor. I has been. thunk God for it, a bleasedly hnppy wife for many mung". I will wilh you goon morning, Dtsvi: ." " minimum fact, Dick had not the very smalls-c shude of n nwnggcr About him, but David Stevenson wu the kind oi a mun who invarinhly judges every mnn by a t pe, and to him n "my mu: who burnejhia toes out A good deal more than mu necesnry ami uid "uw" u. tween every three words he upoke. Thu. the man who had stolen Dorothy’l love from him did neither of the" things nude no difierence to puma conception of him. He had stolen Dorothy from him, and than was enough to make David endow him in his own mind with tdl the moat hutch! sttribtttets of hm dewauble club: . '. To th about. a answered cunly. 1 Dorothy could be e and she wu no then, " To what?" Dorothy cried, her eyes opening wide and her tone: apron-in such utoniuhmeut that. David fairly 'q"l"a11l'd before her look. F0; an hour or more David strode about the pull: till the norm of fury which pol- Iemd him had nomewhut calmed down, And ll'lyl the lmut victorit with its pair of blstg,,t,'ye,i:t' fiery hone- uad in pair of wooden-face ' itnfortqrtusblts serum: in their white and crimson livoriel dogged his naps And kept him nirly in sight , Ind " In: David noticed sham. - A __ _ N or did he even stop to consider that he was distinetly unjust. in crediting Hum with axe-ling Dorothy'. love from him. For in is impossible to “all from my womu: what tut mm had your)“ to lone. and moat omphtstictsl1y he Gd never possessed even one little corner of Dorothy Strodu'n been: to be pinin. Dorothy had altyytrdsrysated him. “ ., , "Yes," mid Dorothy, coldly--"us of all, baggage you would not. hunt buy me, body and soul, through my puuion Ind pity for than poorptnforrrt ones, who cnnnot help themselves, cannot tight ngnmst. the hard power w your money And your strength git“ y " Dunn um luporciliom old brute," he muttered, as they pulled him for the twan- tieth time; than he stood n the railing: a minuto or no um! thought how 110' it I“ ~wonderod how men Ind womon could but to cruwl up and down in line, {rotting their tim, horses into . favor and no": gagging boyogd I foot? pm; n , " Dorothy," he "id, “come bank ' Hull, and I will show you whether I hard mun or not; only come ball And) forget the past, nobody need know; thing. I will never remind you of it; come buck, my dew, And everything be us you wiish-." you direct. I'll an new gnrdner to Holroyd, and Inna be hand-gardener " the Hall, with lot of men under him to do the work. LhatAgound like being Grd, Dorothy. t' a He a“mixed l'ly from the Row into . lid. Pith, but (ha next moment ho “I that. the smut. victotia hid turttod into “In road ll"). - _ -irdatiGihim, he mm b. "was... no," be though, infamy, " and yet. vim As the Ipoke tthe turned down the! which led m Pnlnco Mun-ions, for thut n. was hopeless now to try to hm tiudiug out where Ihe lived; all deed, now thin Dick was nfcly out a country. she did not. think Lint it ml. much. Dnvid. tor his pnrt,took advu of the quiet side street, mad spoke out mu in his mind. _ - 'i “There in one tlung which will have power to touch my hurt," eagerly. Shall I tell you wh" t" " " No," nid Dorothy. wearily. l bably should not believe you. If; years would not do it, nmluna could." , aerv will on will not touch your heart, CHAPTER VI, of your old self," he But in WA: all of no me. curt, too on occuionn, So Dorothy Int. down on the sofa. 3nd told Burbs“ everything about her meeting with 1Vvid--wut he had mid sad what the bud aid; what he had looked and what ,, q “in“ with“ out. of his pine tad put.- grnnd yr'ri,""al'f.. gudener to be lane’s muster M. the all; an fin-11y; how he ytko.d her to go buck 1 In} howdy But he was grently tickled by Gnu-lets remarks. aad more thou once on the wny home repeated to himself Willi a chuckle, " Dank of Middlesex El [HUGE encourage Charles A little. 'Pan my soul. uncommonly nest-Do" of Middle-ex l" Monmime I mun-t. confes- um. Dorothy tusd gone home Ut who! Both": wag ac cuntomed to cull t6 a bailing passion." Bar- hnrn hopponed to be coming new“ the " tle hull wh n aha lot her-ell in st the front door. " Mia Dorothy-my den. what is it t" the old “no!!! cried. fer hem-L jump. ing fuirly into her mouth " a dreadful ides flaaUd into her mind that her young miatmmr's hour wp, come. “1an tofeol," Dorothy went on, in the some trembling tonal, end without taking the “tulle-t. notice of Borbnrn’l question. " very sorry that I could never full m with Anne's Wilhel concerning him. And them after Auntie got so fond of my Dick, I won't. sorry on Auntier'ts encounz any longer, but I we: sorry for Dual. because Ithought circumstance had been A Mule hard for him, no I hue stood up for him with all of you. But you were tll right, and i take beck now every word that ever I have laid in hie fuor.” Lord Alyrner burst out luughiug. "Ah 3 very eUvesr-very clever. Home. tp "Yea, m' lord," uid Clusrlrm. Lord Aylmur laughed more thnn once on the wny home. He mu so intensely amus- ed at the inventive genius (llapllyud by Charles, whom he had not before ereducd with much lhsrpnele of than kind. He mm a man who never took the trouble tn nuke lubterfnzee to his urvnnu t it he wanted a bit oi iaiorrmstion. he simply told one of them to get ir, without caring whnt menus were taken or giving my renon for wanting it. For inlunce, he would never any. "Go Und tiud out who that gentlcmw in." and add, u ninety -nine out of a hundred would do, “I think that I know him." Nu, he never troubled to do that l it was nimyly liter the manner of the Centurion, "Go and find oat who that in." " Bsrbnrn,"uid Dorothy,iu a. "ulm: blmk- in: with pmion, " I take buck vverything thn I has ever In"! in defence of David stovtsnaurt--every ward." "3668"; I thyou mu him t" cried Bu bars. __ . Barbara drew her into the pretty draw- ing-room. "Sit down, my dear young miatretm." the Mid, tenderly, "sud tall me all sbout it." - Inn nun“); nun "u "no“ u... w b" ._.r_._ sad the put. would tmtorgotven, nnd he hid intsinimusd--uiry, land told her plainly -but no, Dorothy" composura dui not hold oat long enough for to tell um pan of her llory. for when she ruched that point the give way and broke down into violent. sobbing. _ . A , I ‘I I,, ,7}.A.J. J Not in no muuy words, Burbun." Dorothy haunted. sitting up new and drying her ihushesd hoe, "but he asked me to go back and murty him," with uautterable eontempt, "and he would show me. what love "tsaat--hts tut turned my old frtend out of bu plsce directly Auntie died and he said something the!“ my turning my back on All my friends for the “he of a fellow who_ud.peairht ma to..this" ' "I aid m mater, the Dock of Middle. ux, 'l,1l'li'l', know, n he {such-d Le knew the gentleman." Charla! Answered, prgmpfly. ' "flue. Barbe.“ an. down beside her and took Mriato her arms, so that “It: might. lay her head upon the old servant’s ample break. atel cry her hetsrtoehe away. , m..." ...... h, “V 7 _ - _ “Min Dorothy, dear," she amid. presently curionity gaming the beet of her at but, "did David Stevenson due to tell you that you, waaa't untried?" -- . _ _____9, DA_L__. "rt-n... "Ai, in," and then the old lavage pulL ed out hia note-book and jetted the same down wichont comment. "How did yon find out t" " Good dnS' to S'or. my tine cock-pheas- wt." returned the big house porter, Con. ttrmptuoualy ', but Charles Ind .lretsily reached the door and mu gomg luck nerenc in the power of his own irupudenee, to impart the iuiormatiun which he had 2305ch to his myster. a "The gentlomnn’n name in Stevenson, my lord," he “id. "Mr. IUvtd Stevenson, of Holraydv Irywith.." . . . .. “Dnvid iGaiia I" over," remarked Bub-rt. dryly. "But, my den young mistress, you didn't let him go away thtulo ing what he had aaid I)“ true t" I ‘- _ . ' l , __ ' L- "--- _........'..., 1,... ""h" tsl'dvhh; Tiid been married ior months," Dorothy replied, “and when I Ind just laid ‘Good morning‘ in A tone of . - .. I _ _r_L_ I, _1.LA... knnn u-.. J-, ._____ V V, N .. ice. And I walked "might in without even looking " him Ignin." - .. ___ ', . -.-- an m4.“ TiitGiTiU"sTaotne in here ?" Barbara cried, U _ . M _ n "tie, I suppose new)“. depend on it, he will go gnbbling luck to Grtvaleigh and new her Indy-hip and in the rest. of them on to you." "Never mind if he don." Dorothy cried. "But you wanted to keep it dark, my den." Biturt re‘mindyd nor. "Ahlyes-thturkt" The Dock iuucied he knoo him, but I fancy be wu mistook. Good_Oy. go you power." . . _ “riot." Dorothy meered. "How could I help it)" _ . m V . but 'GF. _ Yii pom-town f, -itiriTiiif. “You; but it dean’s mutter now that Dick in gone.” Dorothy replied. "And, my vny, Esther will be here, md Esther will be lble to ward " everybody and keep them from uking me mocloulysbouc anything. I "tt hope that stid Steven- son worft try to orce " Iny in here before was. oomda.1 . . ' " " " "What would be the good t" Balm-a and. "You told him you were mmiad." "Yu,but he didn't look a bit " If he believed ma," potrnhr ramped. ' "Then jun let. him come here Ind u y it on," and Barham, ulinntly. and "any,“ she atood than, I “out and eornfortshle tuttro with her null skimbo, the helm! mm thug . may for my 1s,rd/rytrr mun, E But the victoria wu mere, uevertltelero, {allowing immodintoly behind [he modem nub ', and whcn Dav“! got our um! Went into the Grand Howl, Lard Ayimur culled rm the batman , f " Chalet, I wantyau toukun lllvnlugc. guitar, Imp.” i.' mkar pulled up the horns beide the had pnvemcnt. uni Charles got down to r hi: lord’s orders. .'{“Go into the Grand And tiad out. than tlamnn'l nurnes-don't mention mum." TY", m' lord," aid Chulcl. mow. Chulel hnpponod to be In ingeniou th who wu not troubled with any nicw "V lel than: his honor, and believed than cum: miy wu invarinbly the beet ' . m therefore, recurain the halo which frs mun. white and crimaon livery w" Without It momeun's honituion he tum- od his step- toward-c Apalcy Hows, and made his way out no the lug gates. whore he Uiled I cab and gave the man the address of his hotel, sud forgot about the white-haired old goutlerruut in thearnurt victoria. should he mutt to which me for? oh, heyy. if, I'll go home r' _ V _ You. that'. the one," Chnrlen suttrwered pts, ; tht'l Mr. David Stuntman," Wg’fuid the house pnrtor. M71119“ " Iiolrold'r" In}: to cut. Around him, wen: into tme p1 tad Iddl‘elud himself to the suiciy p0 porter of the allblinhmenb. H uy, porter," "id he, "my mun-mm ah of Middlmx wuwma to know the pe of I gentlemnm jun come in-came m riaaorrt--tall, {lirish chap. looks Ido. - htry geatlerno." 'D're moan that one 'Y' "id the houw tor, “king Chub» to . alum door lud- 'P. the wading-room 1nd pounmg out GGid in." uiiered," except two irony furw; jlittjiijttti. " Which in my pm in this duet 3" ukod the prims dunno of her huabond. who who the tenor. " Your port! Here it in, of courac. The one with the but word in it.' Alt, how that ran: clouds do opprou The blithooome nummnt girl l Tin-y fill her soul with gloom boo-nu Her but won't say in curl. " Have you hand that the big aloevu n‘e going out, George, dear t" " You. my love,l have. bat I don't believe it." " Why not, prny t" " I don't. believe they coo get, through the door." she-lo, Mr. Blundcrra, 1 moot entertain your proposal. The truth o-U om engaged to merry your “that.” He-- "Why, the old "liot !" "What do you thunk of the, tirmaeisl Trauma, mojor t" "It's thud of me. air. 'he fellow who borrowed my In! dollor left Lawn hot night." In order to reduce hiss weight Ho purehosod him a. wheel l Bufore he'd ridden n. I week He fell " B good deal. bk 1mm. About to crooked a pic-co of work IS I ever “w." mused Uncle Allen Sparks, lookmg " the luck the lightning Ind made on the body of the biz tree. Mother-lou no " the foot of the spelling clan myth), as you t" Bor- " Yos'm." Mother--" How did that hump: pen t" Boy--" Got too many " m salmon." " Why, aha actus1ly cut Mr. Startling- Lon, nod 1itoriiington, you know, in one ot the boner sort." " Yen. choice can coma high now, bat we mun hive 'em." . He-"Wasa't Brown's wife mmod Scone before she w“ msrried Y' She--"), and " wn a very Iuiubla nuns." He- " Winn do you man: t" She-" Ott, nothing: Only Ibo threw hone“ n. his Eh What nothing new. " Mr. Dunn (unpuid bill in bu Gnd)-- "Wl.et, hhull I can Ignin, Mr. Owens?" Mr. 0wer"--'Null, u. would hudly be proper for you w osll Agnin until I In" returned tho present all." He'J soon be here-the fellow who Asks xi in“: wnrm enough for you ' And likewise he-orhtch in much wor"- Who joke: about him in bad vem. “Doesn't Mrs. Noowom-n strike you 'd ' T) . datum» - biy.4%i4tyt . o _ . . _ Wir. _.,Shatm’t p933 up be: ,'8llt!',rg pnrenily. whether she wnnll MN I gen- tlettmn or l:dy." Foraletoa-"Every time you manure me for a pair of “one" you manure men little short. 'Nilor-.."Netvu" you shiny. come in that way." "Where Are you going,my pretty maid? ' "i'm going n-moving, kind sir," aha Mid. "I'il mow: Along with you.my pretty maid." "Your motion'. no: "caudal. nit." we laid. Nervous employer-N don't IN you tor whintling." Office hor-Hut'. nll right, sir. Icnn't whistle well enough yet to Gimme can for it." Texan jusrice--" You Mimic you “do the pig out of the n t" Colored prince: -.." Yu, I admits rude do pig, but I wu- hongry, Ra' Idida't have nu ttin' ter eat. " Pork rancher." aid the judge.with but in his cyan. n he chalked nun down for two years. The plumber now amps down to make room for the milliner. Frgsr--"At9t,ttty dear air.l hnve lost my leg." Gentlern.tt-'lry sorry, I haven't seen ibnnywhcre shout." Robbimr-Higbeo in I geuim.” Bradford --"Cao do mymeg. 1 nuppow t" Robbins -"ycs, anyunug but nuke a living." Some women no so ill.rmutnered a togo right into a. Btvrn and try to interrupt: conversation between the clerks." 'Wow u it that you In stills bocbelor'?" inquired cur. "l don’t know."uid T3330. "unless in because I - Inn-tied." A min who hujuet returned from Chine tells a cheerful tttory of his entertsinment there. He was taking tee one dny with n mandarin of some sort or Another. end the question of Chinese execution coming up he expressed sn idle curiosity to see one. Two dnye eilerwn'd n luckey waited on him with the mmdsrin'e eomptimertu, to invite him to witness the beheeding of two criminsle on tho following dey. The fol. lowin dny it, rained, end he wee trouble to “tong the execution. Four dnys litter the nine inch}: suited on him again , with the some comp 'menls. Ind informed him that the execution bed been poetponed to emit his pleunre, end would tote piece on the inn-row st say hour he chose to select As most convenient to him. It Would not take place until hie swivel. There is nothing like Chinese politeneu, Anywey. i Elder ("hidley, ot '3tantordet'iley. New York. hm ncmpwd tho petorato of tho Chm-tin chuck at Newtiarut. "Hang it all Iwhu'l the guodohrtoppi burr, mung my heart but? I'll go bu home: 1 lh'n'lhd it In My 8ytS'c,, T v . A; w - q , .V C l -- inf? qha ’ "Bu-ban Potter, witness." rend David to himself betwuen his teeth, khan cloud-0d bit hand hard u it rested upon his knot. an that the glove which covered it I“ burst in several pieces. “Conlound than old worn-n 3 She mun: hove Ind 1 hand in It of course." Then he put the gun book back upon the table md nrodc dong the empty echo- ing carndor- and wrou- the gran. gloomy qmuirangle, into the busy street. After I moment's hesitation, coated by the noise and throng of the street, he made up his And thus. sure enough. he found the record that wu the death-blow oi his ' little feeble turit--U"r record of We mu- ting-r between Richud Burris, bachelor. and Dorothy Strode, npmuer. baring . data now A little more (hum nine months I Bat David sii,veGo" stood in need for [no Inch iuiormstitm; he but! no! behaved that Dorothy wan "tsrried-shet WM right. jenouSh there. Mill, he had “dined " Inn-uh“ aha Wu not. for him, and "In afternoon. while he w“ idly turning over the, papers in the rnuding-room of tho hotel wd whining himself with Ill hi. hunrcdown it Holroyd.iuuddenly occurred to him thn if Dorothy rally wu mmiod. he would be Able to not. evidence of the In! by walking down the street and mending an hour sad half u crown " Semen-L Home. such mo knew her well, how utterly her courage always downed her ata with“! moment. "Lst him try non, tut'. all. I cm give him A bit ot information he won't. tind very much to " ltkiea-l can all his high mm mammals ttttst I use you Innrriad mm my own cyan," . Chinese Courtesy SPRING SMILES. Nice, Tender Doughnuts. A lady cone-pendent. writes ..--one cup of tweet milk, 2 esp, heaping cupful of anger, l “bl-spoonful batter, I unpoonml "ler.tur. l of mum of tarter,and sumac spice, ie liked oithcr cinnamon or nutmeg. Flour to roll. u" summer . visitor asked for thin rule, u ht r husband thought ours the bent doughnuze he hld ever et.tety. W hen given to her it met with the rayon» : “I gnu anv- nbouv. the lame u mine. on], I do?'t p93. in my batter ' frying them Sir-wk: rry Pte.-. luke . plan crux-cu for I my custard. 5rssh I Met of Itnwberriea. l sweeten to mm, ti'd the pie, com: with n meringue made lum- Ihrea egg whiten. dine turieapomsa pw ered tug“ mad I. mvpaon lemon ', brown 'At umodmw oven. l Serve when cold. l 1 in in make- them - enougi to} ma." I have qBtqtt her doughnut. and while mate In no -ur, they no certainly not a tough. So don't lave out the shortmsing, bat dou't put in too much or they will both in. Pretty Portion tor tt Bedroom. An inexpensive end pretty bed-room portion on: he made of blue denim, which differs in shade from the right Ind wrong um... Two widths .re required and the middle breadth "my be ot one dude, sad the other breadth lining been out in two any be sewed with the other side out on etch side of the middle breadth. The Icem- end edges should be {anther unwind in huvy white embroidery linen or .ilk. Interacting circup of my other simple conventiond delign worked irregulnrly With the while silk over the surf-cc of the portiere udd- to la bounty. Mock Cherry Pi-One cup ersaberriea, cut in um. 1 cup of angst, .‘_.cup of needing; Ailiqs, l tabrerrpooMul Boar, 1 wupoon, “am; . cup boiling Inter. Mix sugu, ttour, berrie- md nuim, add water And vanilla. Fill I lined pic pine. Cover with usiatieyy'ratrigied Newman? 1)T3iGrh'iliiii'éil,a'S"/t odd. Very No Gistiedusourture or ttacritieial knlte, But the calm beauty of an ordered lite. Whose very breathing is unworded WHAT ASKS OUR FATHER '.' What asks our Father ot his rtiidren, save Justice and mercy and, humility I' A reasonable service ot good deeds. Pure living, tenderness to human needs, Beverenoe and trust, and orayerAor Easy When You Know Bow. Some women - Acquire tho kuuck of tying n bow knot. In (not. many women do not, judging from the atrmgc. upudo down, mnpuido-out “hm om: ace: In ribbons And when and bonnet alrmgu. The proce- la .itrtttlittity incl! "iter n in once leaned. Al”,- to put the upper string over the undenmd never the reverse in the whole thing in snub-hell. If this lune upper acting ll \gsin brought through the middle, loop More pulling it tummy into plus it wall makes the unnum- knot which in areas-try in thot heel, for m- an“. go;d the noon}! dar. 5Gronati.-Beat the yolks of four 'rgge; to thin add two ounce. of melted butter, but a mupful of cram, either "not or tour, . gillof vinognr, two even “awful- of lug“, the nme' of dry muaiard. Pat the minus in I grain iron “has! boiler, utir with A silver spoon Ind cook till it is hka u lmoOlh, thick ensued; add pepper Ind all if douiud; _ when cold "ir in the juice of ml! . lemon. IThir villbcnu‘ll bower if the nmount of cum is doubled and the butter left out; .130 if one use. Ion vinogu And more lemon juice. Never make u unwound” in iron or tin. Serve nlndl " cold " light to we The Eater's footsteps In our praise- A life that "ands as all true lives have stood. 7 Fast rooted In the (am: that God ts Mad (hneUt.-Beat the you" of nix egg thoroughly C soul we lulf pint of milk ' Lo the milk add on nupmg toaspoottiui of butter . on. hum. Glf.te.apoorsial of uh ; “it this into the yolks, and hid lac the white! of six out, baton very “if. stir chew In quickly but lightly . pour into a deep, hot buttered dish l bake m n hot oven iiitemt minutes, and lac-Iva u once m the nine due. pol-Ibis. Orange stsortcake-cresm together I half-eupfal of butter And . cugn'ul of tug“. law then: “it t we“ mulch egg, but! u oupfut of milk, sud n pint of flour into which two ublespoonful: of baking powder hive been lift-d. Round buko In two nheou. For tuti1linir, peel an: antigen remove the Mods, Jen Wrinkle with night. and plus between the layers. For a “nos, take the grand rind of two outages, the juice ot one. huf . cupfnl of man, I ton-mini of butter and two capital: of water; thicken with corn lurch. Serve hot.. . 'gFTFiiEPTie'r' the duct. to dry, base" tantalum pin and exactly in dupe, no that they will beperhcnly Iqmc and even when dry. Some people demp and iron the cum, but it invery bad for the hbric end they will never hung properly Uter. ward. Muny mkbpan object to putting Awny theithuMLJI in tHsoiled coaditiou, u they a, an the din left in them all ummcr in MG to In?) out and requxm . mueh.-tmhttitsgoi thedelicste Mme. If one bu newt-in Inmr, u. in A very Iimple matter uh LI-em up It home, but it in by no can Imponuble to mange without. an; " I'urtsin- nhould be M: to not: in ,ratrrruhpy water, so {but they will ”quit..- titthr mobmg " you“ ble to tttut-Jett)'", ik' We -iteeru1 be .40” iith we Mm. ' Mtttutry Bag. TM. in In ”pen-able urticU. Line a undod in "Hideaway; mom. Sometime- cl-nhen huatPe" Iro used lulled, but the laundry lug iotill lug-1y cUUd for. Most I hounwivu Fla-QM“ Lu have on. mart: who room in which " u to be kept. If the i bed la drum-l n‘crrwnm A bug in made of ‘Lhe um- mud-lg. If in blue sud white. I 'blue denim wrt.K,9use Inning. worked in whim canon it serviceable. Should I dunner m be lthi'f,t.it butcher'. linen embroidered in e ulk mll fill the bill. It I red room. M 30mm worked with black silk. or IN“ [hp with red mlk would be, dainblc. This. of them bags “a of strong cotton. my main; ordinlry curtain 1 ties foe the P"PfP. 1 WHOLE NO. 871. Row to Clan Lace Curtains Favorite Dishes in Spring. Household hou‘d fa 592391): nylon- daily Baum-n. m. Fan-t. Puma-ton Gudph. a and: Dart ML} Connections with morning u: "tantrum Darbam "on“. a tAy' Manon .sancbsmmnjmudmu for sale cheap. Jobbing of all kinds attendal tn. .' ALLAN MORAN: Hand-made W In the old stand. All ham made slsoes., Also ALLAN Momma Horse Shoeing Shop PRIME BOULDIN ds 88'; mam: allowed on Avian hunt down." of " tyd uanrdn. Prompt “unison-ad "mt-c: nil-nomad cu: louwn hymn " “than“. Annual Beutkirur balm-u Unwanted” “nod-.3! ttou-ttion. and. on at puma. Dc,“- u necked “a lumen moved at «that [I ontttrio.uuenree, Ila-mud ; yum; um Envlund. DURHAM AGENCY. "mai'iriiakrsrtontrttt W. P. Comm CAPITAL. Authorized $2,000,000 RESERVE FITND THIS: . Per year. IN ADVANCE aus. RAHAGB EdltotlPropHetor. StandardBank of Canada -Ax TMW-- BEVIEW OFFICE, GARAFBAXA Has opened out a tirst-ela THE GREY REVIEW Th;;:ay: Morning. dj?i)-offt',rs1'ff')t,C;'j'tir) Uf /././2///wT l shift/tave p' . tio-r tor Connie} of I): 1Usidetseo--Eing St.. HI; JAMES LOCKIE, 850353 of Marriage irst-Class Hearse. N' rmwm RING Prohttitty attemiN8 to. SEE OUR HARNESS ' UPPER Town: Grand Trunk Railway. TIMEXIELE. OWEN SOUND. ONT JAKE KRESS Furniture GENTS in d Head Office . Toronto. WOODWORK SAVINGS BANTE, in connection. A first-dass lot of HABSESS MAKE! "ii,.,.:!,,,-,!:);,---;?,,', .' J/ President Dr coma £01111 ("Kid 1001'. HARNESS 0H BM up Durham l JAKE KRESS flea. P. Reid. Manned: LEMING LL Y, Aqua Pt l ‘heaper 1 300,000 600,000 10.00 p. In (409.11: mo " tb.30 lass

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