West Grey Digital Newspapers

Grey Review, 23 May 1895, p. 2

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[ amen rid iculnus and that! hey knew of the tlctieits, e tgt.',','),', of railway subsid _ m-n e untry It wasto p ' Aretie cmzdirion ot its water yet they spoke of a sulnsiz M mow, a Nileidy much lg. , -qttxrtrt7rcrrttstr,tsad Ch mam-1 ., men. it the or mm": was t grant was fertile picking: fo M m, Who. ofeoarse, would u it“ to steady I. Wittering gt "The gnvcrnmcnt is in deep was: over the proposed grant to the Hudmn Bay Railroad. This was in. tended to a, yenman service at an oleetiort, but the svnrch tight of: res- gion upon it is making the promoters a pear ridiculous and shuns: criminal. R',','; knew of the tletieits, of the inex- tgt'.',,"').' ot railway subsidies, ofthe rren e tum-v it was to pierce, and -The all-engrossing subject at pre- sent in Toronto and m many places We at Toronto is the Hymns trial. The -cution presented its side of ' as: In: week sad Mt Honda the metigpytt! hr the dofcnce oermpi the munda- onhe cuurt. The medical tau-my wastirat presented, and lure the opinwns of the medical gentlemen examined went to prove that the lad er‘s might have been kilied by the weight getting detached in the eleva tor and tuning upon the land's head. .‘lanuuw ouvu-»- .77 - - A Communication hom the Anglican Church reeomruendMr. united action to seem-e further religious instruction in 'th Pubiic Sc‘hooio with an eye to parochisl schema in the future. Wu iead. and soon disposed or. The tnditimary history nnd'principlu of the Presbywrisn Church as utterly irere to that sort of Ugirbsiom and gushed dcchred. The Annual ma Toronto and K Orangrville but. large nut-"dance l Orisntreviue Were ”tinny, and all v repmntingsevm Mnyor and a dt'P', i ', ,Geil pros"! tentiort up: After the close ot the discussion on the Sabbath Qm-Stion. and the dispostt1 of an appeal case from the Presbytery, of Toronto. the Svnod proceeded cocon- sider the Manitoba School case, when it was agreed. that the Synod do ex- tend its sympathy to the Iggislamgol ‘ . " - 3-....- An" 6am gr. Aresie amdirion ot its water" approach, yet they spoke ofa subsidy! And morn a “Nady nmch layout! the armstTmTiWetr,tsad const-ion. But men. it the c: untrv was barren the grant was fertile picking for oontrac m, win ofeoarse, would lend: hand to steady I. watering government through dittictilt trade and rare questions; Moreover it might bethe Incanqu turning nfew seats in their favor in the localities promised the gram. Such scandalous intentions should he punished in the grime!- fectunl way, turn them out, and so deprive them of the qpponunity _o,f.,tlt- E‘s-math ohucrvnm resolution: passed 10nd L's synlpuuly w “n. "PT"" Manitoba, that it deplore? anv interfer- once with the Provincial Government and expresses its strong- conviction that Manitoba should belch. alone. - -‘ - a-...".- been cnténainingor being entertained. Hun. Tories escorted the the wives of “on. Grin-s and v. v. Politics are no dividing line. All this is very fine, hut cmuplnints are not wanting that .tiiis year's dinners are seriously inter- faring wim Legislation. While the " 'rrrverruuintal table is groaning under urulegvstiNe propositions from New. fouudlanil. a slow from Manitoba, some juicy joints " be sent to Hudmn Bay, and N gr Ming piled bitter herbs cull- 'ed from National !?lt,gge"l',rg and placed there hv “lube " friends,- the high social function anaydust be Ward-me. t -threUthe highest social "motions known to modern civilization is the “We dinner Ottawa, during last 'week was almost given over tothis Wm, Lung lists of invited guests appeared in animation with sombody's dinner. From his Excellency, down iln'ough the Knights and the "lion's." _'ea, the plain N. R's everybodyhas been entertainitgtor being entertained. Hun. Tories escorted the the wives of Hon. Gris and v. v. Politics are no dividing line. All this is Very fines but cmuplnints are not wanting that Cel --The gigantieeritior? iisrthe prohi- tgsion of the Mk! at intoxicating liquors and t pimu. in tiftv-fivtlanguNtes and --A severe earthquake startled the people ot' Florence. italy, on Saturday evening. There were several shocks but lasting only a tew minutes. the titast being the must. severe During its con- tinuauce the ground swayed terrribly. The inhatritants who were indoors rush- ed out to the street-a in terror, and many would not venture indoors that “night Many houses have fallen to the 'grounl and some 3000 are reported to :hnve been more or less injured. No loss ot lite has been reported. The Neighboring city of Naples isksarftat of is similar disaster overtaking itself. Tnis mu be unusual, but it will mean new more to many M. P's whose course on the trade question will not meet the approval of their eoaetituents ---A Conservative caucus was held " the capital recently, and we under- stand considerable difference» otopin- ion was found to exist on various points know is withit the possibilities that we may have another session before an election. sometiniq ueft J..a.nuarr. wThe McCarthy platform is publish- in the North Simeve Free Lance. So far as in gum in is practically similar to tln. Liberal plattorm--Ttuiit reform, i'rov,ncial rights, and the readjust- man. of the boundaries of electoral dis. tricts so as to conform as nearly as poo- sibio w the natural mandarin Chirf Justice Meredith it spoken of now u likely to receive knighthood. "It never ruins hut it pours." Mo would honor the title huwcvor. --Rossia has not been pleased with Itrituin's diplomatic success in the late tuastertt trouble and is now shi hug her displeasure by making militarv ad. vmnccs in the direction oqudia. The lk ur and the Lion will armedny make a Royal tight. --we learn trom the Team Globe that the Judieal Committoe ohm Privy Council has granted special. lyave,to tur Oliver Mowano appeal from the tiudintt of the Supreme Court on the right oltho l’rovincesto legislate on the question of a prohibiwry liquor law. an: Step. gum. DURHAM, MAY 23rd, 1895. was giw-n mull rum-tine“! the Synnd of and Kingston was held in He but, week. There WM ' mdance but the good people. of lie were mum] to the occasion and all were binned in homes iGirveromuorytirtatiemc, The -----i. ----- »putatitm form the town [pd volcanics. Much at- Tivert to the subject of Vance aod appropmte re- -._------- tpportality or do and making Can ', The grentcry of Protectionistorxtom, _ and one that has done them some ser I vice in the past among the unthinking, i is-Canada/te Canadians. In acer- _ tain sense every lover at his country l will say, 'Canada for the Utuuuiians'al, late. But the sense in which this cry 1 has been promulgated by the Conser- I vative Party is, that a high tariff wall , must be erected around our country {and thus the products of other coni- munities shut out for the peculiar bene. tit or a class. This argument was specially addressed to the tarmem and they were assured, that under the operation of the N, P. a large manufae. turing population would spring up all over the country, and a home market with incieased prices be thus obtained for the products of the farm. That all this nonsense has been dissipated by the course of events during the last titteen beam isa matter of history, and that the one record of Protective taritf has been one ot increase ofthe public burdens. accumulation ot deficits, and a a paralyzing ot the industries of the country is equally clear to all per- sonr, while the tarmcrs, who were promised the cream of success, have received neither profit nor advantage. This was very clearly shown by Mr. Charlton during the debate on the budget in the House of Commons last week. He laid it down as "t fixed principle that. a duty could only raise l the price received by tarmeis upon an 3 agricultural product of which the con- sumption within the country was great- er than the production. As re rards Canada, the production of at'k'2t'll'2ic' ' products has always been greater than ( the consumption within the country, ‘and will always continue to be an, in idle nuure ot things, unless a wide _ spread blight should occur. and there- fore, adnty on agricultural products cannot increase the prices oftatan pro duets Facts are ehiels that winna' ding, and going into this subject in de, tail, Mr. Charlton substantiated the statement that the tarid is of no benefit to the farmers by giving a comparison of prices to show ‘that upon all the pru- ducts like'y to be brought into Canada the riees in the United States markets are'higha' than at Toronto. He gave numerous quotations to prove this. FiiGrUpt. and prtt.its to 33h per Cent. A amend eonsidePtiort of all the facts show oh prgtecuon, ftp-Pilot} all roun.d iai 6f iprotitas realjzed 73 in cam, whereas in the periyd..1?81c1f9j the increase of my material A1sed fell to to all manufactures tails, because it neutralizes by one set of duties upon a certain indastry's raw material the promised benefit of the duties which it,' lmprm-s upon that induswy's finished product. That it has failed is shown by the fact that Canada. with all her natural resources has not develo d as she ought whave done. 01'th the census is a good teat, and an examina- tion of it shows that in the decade end- ing 1871 the population of Ontario had increased 46 per cent. while in the decade 288i--0891 the increase was less than ten per cent. Why? For the reason that more prpfrtatrle employ- ment could be obtained_in the peigh boring while than m Canada. so that nut y didalqrge portion of our settled Won mm thither, but a large propoM’Of the irasttittrtrnts brought into the country are large expense Fused oepto the neighboring States r. tpttet.eortelttle.d a. most able as!!!” It' 'e.th"d' gate .tttg'ate, Turning to another of the fallacies of protcetiory-ltat a high tariff is mecca. sary to the development sd manufac. turing industries. Mr. Charlton show- ed, that. before the introduction of the N. P. nranafaeturcts were more fiourish. ing than at any ggriod since. For instance in 1861--1 oi the increase of raw material tused..wts14 per cent. an“; - - ~u . v and dishonest ' What *mark t expenditure 'fthe', 'ltt,i'geltfa, 2 the case of the Had-on Bay Railway th e Tlay “myths Trent Vtuley Canal. tho amt" hndgo. And other enter: prises of a like character. Since the fi reszngri'as written we learn that all negotiations are suspend- ed in the meantime. ty. nor of the opinions of the people of Newfoundland upon the question and little progras can be made until those are 1trg1, of. On the other hand as pain out by the Montreal Witness, Newtbttndland is praetieaMy bankrupt, and may shortly become a Crown Colonv unless received into the Domin- ion. She isirrctrievably in debt and her annual inewsme is said not to be ableto meet her expenditure. Then frum the Canadian point ot view the absorption of Newfoundland would be a rounding " ofthe Dominion and the final settlementof a much vexed quay tion. Still it itsut question upon which we should mach slowly. The rcportof the conference with the delegates from Newtocndland on the admission of the island into the Dnninion has been laid before Parlia- ment. s, far as it goes it would appear the terms of union asked by the de. legates would cost Canada over one million a. year of additional taxation, when on the other side the probable Customs revenue of the Island, judging by the past, would fall far short of that sum. Bat even AG these gener- ous terms. the Whitewav Government of Newfoundland want still better terms. At the same time there is noth ing and of the French Shore difficul- LATER. Admitting that bnt little permanent injury may have been done to the field crops by the frosts ofl'ast week, it is now very mach feared by our farmers here, thatthe frost of Monday night last, when the thermometer fell to 22' -heing ten degrees below freezing point may have completely destroyed the Fall wheat as well as the early sown was and barley. Indeed it is mid t at some have despaired of the Fall wheat altogether and are plough- ing it up. Let us hope that this ex- tremely low temperature has not been general, but is eontined to a. few localities. may take heart. The frosts ot his: week were as destrttetive, if not more so, in other parts ot the Ptovinee M well as in the neighboring Swagger the Un- ion than in this more northern section. Here, small fruits, grapes and early vegetables have been not only nipped, bat destroyed so far as the resent year's crop is concerned. Field) crops have also suffered, but as these were not in advanced it is supposed that mach damage has not been done. Na. ture has also been favorable. The cool weather which now prevails the co pious rains and cloudy skies will also tend to remedy the injury done by the frost. Upon the whole therefore there is a strong element of hope left. that the harvest may vet be more favorable and yield an abundance fur man and beast. If to have fellow sufferers in misfor- tune be any consolation, the farmers and fruit grpwcm oLthe Co. of Grpy, FALLACIES OF PROTECTIONISTS. TRE NEWFOUNDLAND TERMS, THE LATE FROST. Lot, 5. Con. H, Glenelg. Richard Jack. .. G. t6 9, .. Philip Neg at. " 6, .. 9, " James vahnlly. .. 7, .' 9, .. Jame-s McNally. .. In, 7 .. 9, " George Wvigtlt. b4 8, '. ti. " Edwin Hunt. .. 9, hb f), .. Norumn Hull. tb l2. " 9. " Miles Daley. ., u, $k o, bb Mary Mastic. "15, '* 9, ba James Murphy. .. 15, Sh 10. bt Thos. Murray. " 16, .. lo, .. Don.M'Cormack. "17, .. 10, " John Fogarty. "18, " lo, " George Leatch. "19. '. 10, " John Orr. “20, .. 10, .. Hugh McKee. "N, " It, " John Orr. All trespassexs will be persecuted. JOBY KELLY, T. A. HARRIS, President. Secretary. Durham Fishing Club. Durham. May 21st, 1895. {trespassing tor the purpose of Fish ing is hereby prohibited on Lot 5, Con. tl, GUTelsrs wrP.r,h.at't? Jack. The lax-Mayor of Listowel has Dis- carded all Others. He says: “I have for yours heen a sufferer from very mever't' bilinus and neuralgia hendnclxr. and I have tried many kinds of "wdicitse--soute with vary fair. results. But, alumna yearuxo used Smrk's Powders. and have since then diivstrdesltsllother remit-die”. as I hum! they raw: immediate and perfect relief."~S. fi','.iC."d','.,1 hardware merchant. r-x-nmynr Liswwol. Stark‘s Powders for CJostiveness, Sick and Nervous Headache. Hiliouyness, Neurnlgia, the Stomach and Liver. Two preruuvrtioys in each box. Nice to take, immediate and petuutrtent. Sold by all drytrhtistt'--2i5e a box, .5 boxes am: M, 2m Our man] man. McKechnie. got a. driving horse of Post. Masher Hauhnry's. of Duudulk to run the mail through se.e..t!insr _ " .. The'Rev. Mr. Campbell was visiting through this ueighboritoud. He louver-1 a good impression on the people where he stops. m _.._-_ 'IF--" .. ___ ___ Two of our village people attended the Sons of Scotland "inning in Price- ville lately. They got home all safe again after their long drive at. night. James Mtuhiutco has secured James Dowe to help him to turns. They will makes: good learn. M rs. Scarlett is on the sick list. Miss Ida Scarlett is going to Toronto for we summer. 7 - - _ _ -uiGriiGidtiatri. of Mela-nctlmm for- merly of this place, is back working for \Vllllam McDonald of the 11th con. The heavy frosts lately hive done con- siderable uaumge to rum: and fruit trees. _ A _ _ gpe'nce- GidliG.st of UNICES. We expect mach goed from _it. A Christian Endeavor Society is organized in the Presbyterian Church. The others are w. Burnel, I hos. Farris, D. U. McArdlo. Ttsys.. 'SpeuevNitss C. 'iais'r aff take' its {dice us an ordineuy dav. _ _ With millions ol our fella we join heartily in the prayer God Save the Queen. ot 5, Con. N. Glen .. G. .. 9, .. .1 6, kh tr, ll .1 7, .. 9, t. In pt. 7 It 9, II it 8, I. ti. " it 9, th 9, .. At 12. It f). II .4 l4. 1‘ 9, CI I. 15, I. 9, " .. 15, KA lo, .. It 16, mo lo, ‘t " 17, t1 lo, II "18, It lo, " " 19. .. lo, II " my I. lo, I. h on a II. " To-morrow the whole British Emilia will celebrate the76th birthday of .. er Most Gracious Majesty." and it, is safe to any that for an almost continuous PA hours the strains of the National Anthem will echo round the earth. The emgire .. on which the sun never set; " is a. so that which shows a never failing lovnlty to the sovereign who is the em- bodiment of freedom and justice In a freedom-loving people. She. is. it is true, the descendant of a long line cf Munxrchs some of whom wereunything but noted for their love of justice. It is not her birth. however, that calls forth loyal expressions. but, rather the womanly qualities she has shown as maiden. wife. mother and widow. and the representative character of her ex- alted position. Not often do we sea a long life and a long reign combined. Fur nearly 58 rears she has glared the throne, only her grandfather, George Ill, innings. record beyond this. But then, about " dozen of his 60 years were years of naturnl ineapacit.v, while the intellect, as well AN the wotnanliutss of Vittoria has never "utrevedow eclipse. Men horn in her. reign have grown grey. have he- emne old and passed away. Only two mmnbersuf the British House, Glad- stone being "tttr, can mutilate her public ( career. To the generation new in _ mature life. the “24th" is a far back memory. and when the time comes when our queen will join the silent majority. we venture the prediction, that, it will be many years ludote the Notice to Trespassers. Eno'v“ "Wu-o cu-' 7°03" m t'lld,odg'lflrf.%tlh%1'rélu'atsrh5'iGr, TorNd u“: Bad Baum. Conny-wall!» :q-lucthl braid vmmol go nu. Cure an}: "tune“ and laud- In no muons. up Wig-9. D!!!- ago Mr. Jackson erected in building for the use of the Public Librar . and now he but conveyed the Und anti the build- mg thereon to the Municipal Cot-port.- tion of tho Town for the use " the Public Library Assocint ion, in maintain- ing I Public Library and Handing Room and for other pinpoint-:4 connoctrd with its work. This is n tuursiticent gift and Mr. Jackson in making " has the honor of being the first to contribute of his means to the henetitof anyof the public institutions of the Town. The nhlic Library Association, known in the past as the Mechauirk Institute, has heen carrying on its good work provid- ing wholesome rcading forthe people. in the face of considerable ditt1cultv the ignorant opposition of some. tholuke- warnmoas of others and the nigganili- nmof many, but thanks to its good friends it held on it: way so that now in the twentytrco.nd your of itaexisterare it has one ot the best Libraries. "ut.side of those of the larger Towns. to hu- found in the Province. Sonia well-disposed persons appropriau‘a portion of their _ goods bv will to such purpose-s. Better ate to be sm'e than new-r. But Mr. iJnckson has chosen much the better _ - of giving when most not-doll. 1 and when he wrll have the opportunity of seeing the good fruits of his gonor- osittl. And in this he has followed the no a example of the Molsonn and Rcdpatlus. the Machnnlds and Smiths of Montreal who have done so much for the cause- of higher education in thnt city. and of the Carnegie and Penbodys and many others who have tvntrihutvd liberally of their moans forthe physical morn] and intellectual WolllK-ing of their frllowmon. No better us!- Ctttt he made by those to whom much has been given of this world's goods, and by con- trast. in what an unenvmlilo light, will _ the name of Jay Gould. and, we regvet i to my very nmny others. who, our of', their great ahundanve have gin-n noth- F ing to any of the publii- or vhtsritosble l institutions of the rnuntry which guru l then: the opportunity of ath.vssinq thrir i wealth. l Tho, Durham Library Asvwint inn. I though now on a serum- footing still; needs, much more. A Reading Room is ; urgently herded. class {‘00th for i the aurcommodation of Evening classes _ and a Lecture Room and Fmterrai:rtrterrt I Hall are also r%uiretl. But now t but the good wotk has been begun we hope to see the noble example of Mr. Jackwn i followed by many ot-hersof our fellow citizens I in" u an." " my. or"... We have to congratulate the Public Library Asaociatiou of the 'l‘uwnhf Durham upon having so guml a friend as Mr. David Jackson Jr. A ftfw yet."" " THE TWENTY-FOURTH." POWDERS ----.i------ .'ayirirearid Tong“ mm iNtlt'/iifhTm',atAt'itrd A LIBERAL GIVER. 'tpjttt?)kgitii,the, HOPEVILLE. tellowsuhjeca ninfo and a 'or: nun-1y 58 throne, only HI, having; hen, about a ere years of TOM, r'j,ii r'cbi,5", In, lin- Erdttie, of A mlrcu: Lindsay late of the TmcnshL of Gletuig in the Co. of Grry Fanning Del-cued. N otice is hereby given pursuant. to the provision of the Revised Sum“ of ontario1887 chapter 110, Section ao, that all creditors, and others having claims against the exude of Andrew Lindsay late of the Townshig of Gleuelg in the Cum)? of Grey, minim. Deceased. who ied on or about, the 12th day of Feb. A. D. 1895 at the said Township of Glenelg on or before the to deliver or send h oat re id to John P. Telfunl of tl,'H",','l',, if Btu-ham in the County of Grey, tiolictor for William Smith and Brtiltasr Nichol, the Executors of the Estate of the said Am. drew Lindsay deceased. asmtenlent of their names and addresses, and full PM" ticnfars of their claims. together with n. smument of the seeuritry0taor) held by them. And notice is hereby Even that after the mid‘lust t'iU'Ji'i,e,'lu"dv.fi1, the Mid Executors wnll proceed to distribute the assets of the said 'Deccssed among the parties entitled thereto. having regard only to the claims of which notice has been given as above required and the said Executms wlll not be llinble for the said assets or any part. thereof so distri- buted, to any person of whom claim. notice shall not have been ‘received as aforesaid at the time the said dist ribu- tion is so made. Dated “Durham the 25th day of April A, .D. -1895. G.Y. Tuscan. of Durham. b'olicitor for Eamon-5. ForaSct of Team, Single, Double Driving or Plough Harness in all kinds of mounting and style, or for Sweat Pads, Whips, Blankets, Bells, Curry Combs. and anything in the way of horse furnishing call and inspect my complete stock. Single Harness from $12.00 up. . Farmers and others atten- tion. " HARNES S! HARNESS! Ofgood quality in large quantities for Sale at the 24th Day uf May l. n. 1895, This Supplies a long felt want, giving the consumm- one 20 cent. plug. nr a 10 cent piece or a 5 cent piece of the farm ans "T a B" brand of pure Virginia Tobacco. Shingles For Sale A Combination Plug of To moet, the l The Geo. E. r Hamilton, Ont market Notice to Creditors. Wood in, lone...... I‘m-keys per m...... Geese .. ...... Dar-ks. tk ... Chickens. per pair Apples perm: ..., Barley, " ... 0 M u 0 40 Potatoes, bt ... 0 25 to 0 80 Hay per tun ........... ...... 9 oo to 40,00 Brag tore gunners, per 100 8 00 to 8 50 Beef, him] .. b6 3 50 to 4 50 Pore, " F................. 4 80 to 5 IO Hider, F6 ......... ....w... 4 00 to 5 no soeepoinR. tyttels............ 0550 to 0 75 Ih1tterperlb........--.. 0 9 to 0 11 Eggs. For "or, tm............. 0 9 to 0 11 Wood 2ft, lone........:...... 80 to I 00 To Smokers Flour p9: lOUlb ........ Oatmeal bt ........ Shafts 66 ....... Bran 66 _......, Full Whrst por lrlmhel Sprung 11heat .. UHF, " CASH FOR Hmm AND TALLOW h: In The Rocky Snugoen Mill. Exam-pd by the Culifnrnis Fig Syrup Co. only, whose name in printed on every package. nlro tho mun! , Syrup of Figs, am! being wcil infnrmcd, you will not "new. my substitute if nsred. Its excellence is duo to its presenting h tho form must acceptab‘e and plou- mm to tho turn, the n freaking and truly beneficial trrop-rriis of a perfect lax. ativo ; efihetitslly cleansing tho Jyltem, dispelling colds. headache. and foul! mud pcrnmnencly curing conn‘ipation. It has given ”Li-Inctwn to millions Ind mot with the \ppruvn'. of the medical profession, beau.» it acts on tho Kid. neys, Liver and Be .Ic‘a without wonk- ening them and is is pari'ectly (to. front ovary ohjetiynubytyuust:e. " . Brings comfort and impmvomant and tends to permuml enjoyment when rightly and. The many, who live beb- tcr than “than and enjoy life more, with loss expenditure, by more promptly mlnptiug the world'u boat producu (I the needs of physical being, will at?” the value to health of the pure liquid laxative [min iploa ombnad ia the remedy, Syrup of Figs. THOMAS SMITH. 'i%iEiiE%iWgh%iiiliEiiia as T & E " SMOKING TUHAGGU. hatintag "tell" is unmrypim Sy'rup'of Figs is for “In by All drug- 'stts in 75c. 1%“.le but it: in manu- Cedar Shingles DURHAM MARKET the wisnes of their customers E. Puckett & SmCo., Ltd., Ont., have placed upon the KNOWLEDGE .r.-et ; . , Ifr, A. FERGUSON 004 to 005 to 0 07 to 25 to 0 40 to 0 80 to 0 80 to 1 00 to 1 00 to 0 3'2 to 0 55 to 1"sigiivttfrs1iti5'iisS3, to to " 60 g 50 005 006 80 0 60 008 033 103 A good man in your district to retire. sont the "anthill Nurseries of Ctstv. mla." Over 780 urea. The largest, in the Dominion. Positicm Kern-uncut. Salary or C,'ouunissiou Lu rig ttttan. " School "Rubella: its just, the thing far you during the uummer. Write for particulars. STONE a WELLINGTON, TORONTO, ONT. SL,,PCi?g'.',t' nooauypum‘b mmmmu M. B-ant ol WM m V” on W m .n A”. of thu. “if!!! can. can-nu: (to-untucnom mama-numb why In W mnmmwmm lulu-dd partial-II 2- mm to M1- emtn8 Jump. “on. The Door con-III!- With the increvsiugdrmand Serfrnit. a. position with us as Saimuunn willpay hotterthnn engugiugju fanning. Send 'UK your ammonium 3nd we will show you how to-um ttood money. Monday, 27th inst., at Holstein. All interested shall govern thentselves accordingly. D. A LLAN, Clerk. For 'tperils on Assessment and omis- sionl on Assessment Roll on The Municipality of the Township of Est-amour, wi I hold its for the Town of Durham will be held in the Town Hall, on Saturday evening. the 25th day of May 1895. at b' p. In. GEORGE ItUtysELL, (Jerk. The Assessment Roll as now in the Clerk's office. All complaints or tip- pty1.ls to he handed in by the 14th May Gleuclg, May 16th. 1895. And notlrc is hurvhy further given thnt-Lha Cuunril will meet. to transact general business at the same “are at, (11 o'clock in the attornoon of Lie slum "r. - n m m" A. . AL 10 o'clock in the tormoon, tohear cumplssinu and Revis" the. Assessment. Roh for the current. yz-Ar. The tirst Sitting of the Court of Re- vision fur the Township of Glenelir. for the year-18%. will be held in the Town Hall, in said Township on Call and get some 'of the genuine bargainsand compare the prices for yourselves. REMEMBER THE PLACE. A. Davidson's Store Upper Town, Durham. New Dreiss Serges, weapons. Dciains, Ychets, Prints, Muslim, Embroideries, Ribbons, Funnels, h2atwcslettcs, Pillow Comm, Shout- ings, Tickings, Ont/(ms, Gloves and Hosiery. BOOTS AND SHOES Bold by all Drtstrgute. Closing up business in Durham, and are now offtwing our whole Stock of DRY GOODS at less than whole- sale or any other man's sale prices. WANTED 1 We Are--- The first sitting of the Durham, May lst, '05 And Sold at Lowest Possible Prices. Call and inspect and be Gonvimced. GLENELE EUUBT (lf REVISION. Just Arrived WAREHOUSE, Upper Town, Durham. -DEALER IN- All kinds of Farm Machinery, Vehicles, Organs a Pianos, Sewing Machines, Etc. MO FFAT SELLS CHEAP, Reasonable Prices Chas. McKinnon-, FRUITS, (li)llllllirl()l6, iiiti'itrl (ii) GN (llA(Mlhllll, SATURDAY. THE “HST DAY (if JUNE, llMi, EVERYTHING BOUGHT FOR CASH One Car Maxwells's Light Steel "indeni--cheal er than ever. oe Car Brockvillc Buggies, also Gananaiae, and Campbell, Lon- don Carriages dk Buggies. One Car Chatham Famous Wagons, also Snow Ball Wagons. New Stock of the famous Ramsay Catti--at fabulous prices. Frost & Wood's Singe Apron lim- dem, Buekey Mowers and Tiger Rakes. _ h Men's As Boys” Felt Hat: . T. 1foffat'g, Municipal Notice. Court of Revision. Call and be gntiliul Court of Revision Municipal Notice. Ill in Great Variety DAVIDSON & Co J. S. BLACK, Clerk. Seasonable Goods. --FOB- --AT-.. CHAS 'No. 1, 81.30 per square. No. 2, 60 " " l N. WENGER & 3308., hinted and Registered I ijeil'ailsle Steinem wm stand for the summer months at bisowner's stable, Lot. 13, (Jon. 2, Tp. of Nurmxnhy. TERMS t $6.00 to Insure a Foal. The usual conditions govern all busi ness done. ROBT. WATSON. SHINGLE81 That tine specimen of popular breed of horses Fe tservice. This splendid animal was imported from the ['nitml States and was n. winner of tout Prizes at tho World'. Fair. Chicago. April 3rd. '95. J ttSHUA Woox)x..\xo. Durham. Marvh 12th 1895. .. LORD LAWRENCE," Three Registrred one year old Bull calves. One Registered two \‘oar old, an, ' 2 and 3ot two. Con. l, Nornuulby, Will sell reasonably. Thoroughbred Chester White Bear, 'Washirurton,' {New on Hand WA TCHES, a at; A Upulzu I JIUCB. a a - aJ. rf,?,::),,,,?,.,',?,??,?,!,?,,,?,!,,) Srtrerrvrrre-.v.vr--er-eesrrer a and l “N. 1.0m]. Pacing £8011! for 300 lb. EA delieiotm l and l “I aftas-s' Y. _ :‘.:l.: 1Wc:20,1'i"i.',rfi'"i'2"sNir, ry a; G1Ligdiririii4 ner- Tea and Toilet Sets} At Popular Prices. , SILVERWARE. Try it, and you will bepedectly satisfied. Durham Bulls For Sale. Maxwell's Steel Rakes. etc. Coultbard & Scott's Seed Drifts and Barrows. Wilkinson Ploughs and Sct1fmts. Organs & Pianos of the best makes. A few Stoves at job prices. New Williams Sewing Ma- chines. My) ll full nxsnrtlm-nl of Croek ReadyLMade Clojhing gnd_Sm_nm_er Bata,.fyi);ing..t.s., Coatings Gall and See Dalglish's old Stand, Upper Town. TBA OF Booming Summer Trade at McArthur’s ---IN--- The May Frosts destroyed the Fruit prospects all over the Country to the extent of Thous- ands of Dollars. But they did not destroy the SHINGLES 1 Cedar Shingles Full Stock of Repairs alwavs on hand T333418 - $LQO. BOULDEN & 210.. 2flgeli,t Clothing and Summer hats, bimtll am) J?antipgs, presifopdt, Qashmergsl Prints, Kurma Tea. Sold for doe. lb. Sold for Soc. Its "e'iiict "iii'. Gloves, fi/is/gig, Boots 36 Shoes and General Groce'ries. All are elling rapidly at unusual LOW PRICES. --TnE-..- The Business Excitement every Aftemccn and Evening and it will do you good. Farmers, Attention! TEAS. rm lily-mesa Makei-n. J9urh Mn futon, Ont. t Ill, in , lbs. the above I Yellow and White Flashed Tun-Mm, .Abtrdeen Purple Top, Aberdeen Green Top or Yellow Bullock. Devonuhire Im- ,provod (keystone. Rape S-Lu-Carter':, Broad Lezvod SowihtriRapeBeed. Pyg'a1i,-ftit,g't Mammoth Long Red in “bagel. CUrterU Golden Tankard. Carrot-tair'. Whitl- Vougea. ms man immense size. The 1Et 8li.'GrlJll,'v'lf. Carter's Giant Ye on Basin). _ London Purple Top Swede.-t hand some large Turnip. one of the beat. Simon’s champion Purple Pg', Swede. grown to I large size And I rat-class keeper. g mug of t-u.-A grand Turnip. quality good. Carter‘s Imperial Pu leT Hardy grows to g good size fa""a',e'u'l. Ban holm Pu 1e T -s favoria Swede. rp op wade, I TURN IPS-s WEDE, Carter‘s Elephant, Purple Top Swede. the largest turnip grown. Solid nudn good keeper. Carter. & Co., of London. ‘nghwd, are the originators of Carter's Eiearhant Sgde and when you want ElpLant Sw e. aak for Carter's. Thirt fourth Annual Im t f t , . Garden Sgeds from Britain. par tt S aple Weld and ___EI_EI:_D §EEDS. t CLOVER SEED. Those Goods are all bought at the lowest Cash Prices and must he said tgtgte season. Come One! Come All, and get your Bargains and Pick d the . Car MAMMOTH SOUTHERN SWEET CORN gtttrtieItuah. 1 Car load of those famous Percival PUJWS. 1 Car load of the Adam's WAGONS. 2 Car 7.33915 A ludhape & Maauqthrut CALDER & LIVINGSTON, BUGGIm . _ - "e"'"""""."""" 1 Car load of DEMOCRATS and CAR-rs, Spring has Arrived , FIRE INSURANCE attended to Plump”. MARRIAGE LICENSI-B Issued We take this opportunity of thanking our customers tor past patronage, and we are convinced that the new system will merit; a continuance of the same. "Large Sales & Small Profits." N., G. a J. McKechnie. Dlu'hanl. Aug.-. "th, "ou. And we are ready-for tetrtttty2tiyt2hugtoee of ali kinds a! C. McARTHUR. We beg to inform our Custom- ers and the Public generally that we have adopted the Cash System, which means Cash or its equivalent, and that our Motto will be Loxvor 'l‘oxvn. Durham those famous Percival Car Loads of Mhsse.wHarris BINDERS. - ( MOWERS and DRlLIS. w Adam's WAGON? ,Fau mock ofSprimr Tooth HARROWS. [£th a Mm” I Token Harrow-I. Cum-us, Wheelbar- lruMn-cng no“! fha-...., m h irr'xautrmrtiiiU." __. -.. See what we Have Got , A‘L'ti‘a THE CASH ADOPTED BY N., G. & J. McKECHNIE. (1e,,t22',h: 3min; airs -gi,ra,"iiTL l for 25mm 2te,5','Jtatatgt,t,t bind M. in Bag! lbs. Und Salt ' ZB-a-otm In W l Rock Salt. 25eta. 100ltm. Pine Barrel Salt. Onion sm~Yellow (Dutch Seuq. Potato Onions, English Potato Onionl, Top Onions. r 011 Cake-algae "gtt'.%',,1iSt. tg o Iota, . a Bag. inseed. in i'dtitdt. British Cattle Spice. 12 It: Mammoth Southern Sweet, South": White. Bride of the North, Golda; Beauty. Yellow Flint. Medium Red. MW Akita, Lomtroe Ind W'himbuush. tlt, Timotttrseeet, Orchard Grass. Bin. Grass, Red Top Gun. P. Rye Gnu, Hungarian Grass. Millet sud Meadow Fascue and Luna Gun, Tares or Vetches, Flax Seed And Bird Seed. FIELD CORN. y .tillt. 1iiisllilflllE Give us a and Trade your Wool year with J.A.HUN - 0F - Hardware, Groceries, Boots & Sh Clothing , Dry Gooes 9UB. STOCK is COM Save Ifo TO CHOOSE FRO! puts us on a mac] footing to trade v: public than if we t changed Blankets a with them. The Machinery b thoroughly overha: we can guaraate Work. $lul'), FULLING, DYEING WEA Custom The Mill is be by first class men. The under: have leased premises a: prepared to MIL Durha Done on She Notice. 40,000 Wan purham Woolle WE GIVE IT St M YO

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